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Hydraulic Generator with Oscillating Steam Engine:

An Alternative Source of Electricity

Group 3

Mary Joyce Baday

Camille Figueroa

Arman Guarin

Marie Antoinette Pagente

Ernestine Salunat

Raxel San Buenaventura

Jay Jay Umali

12 STEM A15

January 2019
Chapter 1
Electricity has a big role to the man’s daily life, not only as an individual but a
community as a whole. It is used for lighting house, working machines and domestic
appliances like electric stove, air conditioner and more. Electricity is also very useful
in factories that results to have essential items like food, paper, cloth, and many
other things.
Apparently, there are various socio-economic issues in the society that the
Filipinos are facing in recent times. Poverty, poor infrastructure, unemployment,
political condition, population, climate change, and even the natural resources are
some of the problems that make the Philippines more resilient and insightful in
making solutions. Evidently, environmental issues are one of the biggest problems
that the Filipinos experience. The Philippines is suffering from squalor of the natural
environment. The people are looming with garbage problems, air and water
pollution and climate change within the country. The Philippines are inclined to
natural disasters particularly typhoons, floods, landslides, earthquake, and so on, as
it is located at the Pacific Ring of Fire.
The above mentioned problems can lead to a devastation. Lack of supply of
goods, damage or property and most presumably electricity insufficiency inside the
country. Disasters have historically been at the root of the severe power outrage.
Unfortunately, power loss during calamities will make the people experience also
the difficulty in making and finding an alternative source of energy. Deep down into
it’s root another factor is the poverty or problems with the income.
Thus, the researchers deemed that it would be beneficial to recognized and
understand the preceding variables related to the issue in hand in order to infer
solution that might help. The researchers, created a prototype that will let the
people to economize and find a convenient alternative source of energy that make
the people lives easy by abating the problems and probably be solved.
Background of the Study
Natural phenomena are one of the problem, the Philippines is currently
facing. The Filipinos experience different problems but the major problem they are
most likely to have is the power loss. There are many causes of power failures in an
electricity network such as faults at power stations, damage to transmission lines,
substations or other parts of the distribution system, a short circuit, or the
overloading of electricity mains.
Power failures are particularly critical at sites where the environment and
public safety are at risk. Several institutions such as hospitals, sewage treatment
plants, mines, shelters and the like will usually have backup power sources such as
standby generators, which will automatically start up when electrical power is lost.
According to Bryd, H. & Matthew, S. (2015), Living without electricity in today’s
technological world may be difficult to imagine. Yet the reality of living without
computers, mobile phones and entertainment systems, and managing a transport
system system thrown into chaos by an absence of traffic lights, trains and subways,
may become increasingly common.
Philippines are most likely to experience blackouts or power loss usually
due to different phenomena. Based on researches, the Philippines has various
options for power supply (e.g. hydro, coal fired, gas fired, oil fired, etc.), but hydro
was used way too much since it is very successful in any forms. One equipment that
is widely used by everyone is the steam engine generator which is powered by
water and it will produce energy once the water evaporates to produce steam.

The main objective of this study is to demonstrate the hydraulic generator
with oscillating steam engine as an alternative source of electricity in case of
absence of primary electricity in various situations (e.g. power shortage) and
various locations (e.g. remote location with scarce energy resources). The
researchers seek to aim the following in support of the main objective:
 To produce a cost economic and efficient generator
An alternative energy must not incur cost more than what they usually occur using
their primary electricity or in other cases, a backup generator. Hence, steam engine
requires just fire and water to produce energy.
 To produce a high quality, effective and risk-free generator
The researchers seek to manufacture the steam engine using materials with
inexpensive and quality focused brand that has various benefits that would prove
the machine to be effective. A risk-free feature is also present due to easy use and
portability as long as the instructions for use are strictly followed.
 To produce an eco-friendly generator
The researchers seek to make an eco-friendly steam engine generator. The steam
engine generator doesn’t work with any system similar to power plant systems that
emits carbon dioxide which affects the atmosphere.
 To introduce steam engine generator to remote locations with scarce energy
A generator may not be always used as an alternative. In some situations, it
becomes the primary source of electricity of a community. There are places that
electricity lines can't reach places such as mountains, forest, etc.

This section of the study describes the assumptions or the possible outcome
and capability of the steam engine generator.
● It can produce 12 voltage of electricity for at least two hours continuously.
● The DC motor can produce 12 volts.
● It can light up 5 watts of bulb for at least two hours continuously.

Significance of the Study

This section will provide a brief description of the importance of this study to
the following group of people:
To the community. This study can be beneficial to the community because this
would educate the people about renewable sources of electricity, and this study may
gave people knowledge about steam engine generator. It can help the community to
easily access electricity because it just only need water and heat as a source of
energy. It can also lessen the family's expenses for paying expensive electric bills.
Moreover, the steam engine generator can also be used when there is a calamity,
power outage, and an emergency. The study can also encourage the community to
engage more on renewable sources than the limited sources that most of the electric
corporation are using.
To the government. The study may help the government such as Department of
Budget and Management to get some ideas to sustain the demand of electricity, so
that, this study can help the government to take an action on how the officials can
help the community to access energy and provide energy during the calamity, power
loss and emergency.
To the future researchers. This study can help future researchers by gathering
some data about the Steam Engine Generator and able to deepen the study by
continuing it in the future. The future researchers can also get some strategies on
making the Steam Engine Generator based on how the researchers will present the
data and results.

Scope and Delimitation

The steam engine has the capability of producing 12 volts in every
steam process. It can be operated by the use of water instead of gasoline or fuel.
Different kinds of water like tap water, purified water, and even mossy water are
can be used to regulate the steam engine. Furthermore, this steam engine can
transmit electricity to led lights, and it can charge a cellphone and even a portable
fan, considering it should not surpass to the 12 volts. The prototype will not only
can be used in a calamities situation but also can be used in non-electric areas
especially in rural areas.
This steam engine cannot give electricity if there is not enough of water, make
sure that the water you put in steam engine is approximately 1-5 liters. Moreover,
any non-hydro renewable source of energy is not concluded. Only the LED lights,
portable fan and power socket can be powered by the steam engine, any kinds of
appliances are not applicable for the prototype. The steam engine can be operated
by the use of any kinds of water except for gasoline.
Chapter 2
This chapter presents the related studies and literatures that is connected
and relevant to the topic.

Electricity Rates
According to Rivera (2018), power rates in the Philippines are the third
highest in Asia and fourth in the Asia-Pacific region, said a survey done by the
International Energy Consultants, an Australia-based consulting firm specializing in
Asian power markets. Also, the Philippines’ power rates, are also the 16th highest in
the world. However, it showed successive declines in retail-power tariffs in Manila
Electric Co. (Meralco) franchise areas over the last four years have narrowed the
gap between the country’s electricity rates and those of other countries.
Meralco’s average tariff, excluding value-added tax, declined 28 percent since
January 2012 versus an average decline of 19 percent across 44 countries covered
by the survey.
In local currency terms, this translates to a 22- percent decrease in the power
utility’s average tariff versus an average decline of only 1 percent across all markets.
The Philippines has recognized the energy subsidies but reforms in the industry are
necessary and urgent. Population growth in the Philippines is exponential year as of
2013, almost 21 million Filipinos still do not have access to reliable energy services.
Addressing the underserved and lack of supplying the demand will not only
promote economic growth; it will reform in the energy industry will positively
impact health and education as well.

According to Takmilul (2014), power plays a great role wherever people

lives and works in industry, agriculture, and transportation etc. The living standard
and prosperity of a nation vary directly with increase in use of power. As technology
is advancing the consumption of power is steadily rising. Sufficient and reliable
source of electricity is a major prerequisite for a sustained and successful economic
development effort and poverty reduction. Electricity is the major source of power
for most of the country's economic activities. Bangladesh's installed electric
generation capacity was 8525 MW in 2013; only three-fourth of which is considered
to be available. Only 40% of the population has access to electricity with a per capita
availability of 136 kWh per annum. Problems in the Bangladesh's electric power
sector include corruption in administration, high system losses, delays in
completion of new plants, low efficiencies, erratic power supply, electricity theft,
blackouts, Bangladesh's energy infrastructure is quite small, insufficient and poorly

Both authors talked about electricity rates and the important of electricity for
our daily lives. However, Rivera focuses only in the power rates of the Philippines,
where the Philippines is one of the most country who has a high electric rates based
on the International Energy Consultant survey. While Takmilul, emphasized that
power has a big part of human’s source of living. Power plays in almost every aspect
in human life (e.g. transportation, industry, agticulture and etc.). The use of power
varies on the development of a community. If a community is well developed, its
consumption of power is increasing. Ignoring high consumption of power may cause
the community low power supply, blackouts, electricity theft, and etc.

Power System Loss

According to Flores (2018), power industry executives expressed
concern over potential supply problems by 2022 or 2023 amid the slow
construction of new power plants and rapidly increasing demand. Officials of the
energy sector said while there was currently enough power in the Luzon grid, the
low reserve margin, deteriorating power plants and regulatory delays should be
addressed soon. GE Philippines chief executive Jose Victor Emmanuel De Dios said
power supply was “still healthy,” but new capacity would be needed over the next
few years.

According to Xinhua (2017), The Philippines’ archipelagic geography is

a contributor of course for the rather low electrification rate as many households in
faraway islands are off-grid and rely on generator sets administered by National
Power Corporation and small private electricity sellers. More off-grid areas are now
using renewable sources as an alternative source of electricity. The absence of 24/7
electricity in many areas covered by ECs as administered by National Electrification
Administration. When there are frequent brownouts, people use two things: candles
and generation sets. Candles are among the major causes of fires in houses and
communities while generator sets are noisy and are running on more expe1nsive
fuel, diesel and oil. A considerable amount of energy depends on oil and coal from
foreign countries. Therefore, recent skyrocketing oil prices are having adverse
effects on the economic and industrial activities of the Philippines. The electric
power sector accounts for a large proportion of energy demand in the Philippines,
and improvement of energy efficiency in the electricity sector can contribute to the
comprehensive reduction of energy demand.

Both authors talked about the alternative source of electricity in case

of the power system loss which is candle, generator and power plant. However,
Flores emphasized that the cause of the power system loss is the slow development
of creating new power plant and the high demand of electricity while Xinhua
focused on the different kind of alternative source of electricity and also the possible
effect of it to the houses and communities.

Natural Calamities that affects Power Services

Based on the study of Ozcelik (2017), after an earthquake, many dams may
collapse, interrupting the supply of electricity and may cease the water supply for a
long time. This destruction is severe, but the most distressing effect is the
incapacitation of communication lines and services. The disruption in the electric
system caused by earthquake make it impossible to set up contingency plans for a
disaster of such magnitude. This event has ripple effects, such as interrupted
electricity supply, misaligned base stations and the rest of the system, and broken
fiber optics lines.
Natural causes which is natural phenomena cause the major power failures
such as wind, lightning etc. For example, tree branches contact with power lines.
Human error are also the possible cause of power outage like traffic accidents.
Technology failures and Scheduled interruptions are the possible causes of having a
power out rages.

According to Oral et al., (2014), disasters are sudden, uncontrollable, and

mostly unexpected events. The potential effects of earthquake and other natural
disasters on the power system are system faults. The faults are not only limited to
physical damage of power systems, but power quality disturbances may also take
place. It may cause severe power outages. Large blackouts are initiated by a single
event that gradually leads to cascading outages and eventually to the collapse of the
entire system. It is more complex than smaller ones as they often involve cascading
events in which the primary failure triggers a sequence of secondary failures that
lead to a blackout in a large area of the grid. Therefore, a cascading failure is the
main mechanism of large blackouts. In the other hand, natural disasters affect oil
and natural gas production, processing and distribution both directly and indirectly.
It takes several days in order to restart a refinery after a power outage. Limited fuel
supply after a disaster may, in turn, affect restoration process of other critical

The authors talked about the cause and effect of natural calamities in the
power service. However, Ozcelik emphasized on the possible result of the
phenomenon specifically earthquake. It may also cause power failure from wind
lightning etc. while Oral et al focused on the effects of the earthquake in the power
system which is the system faults and it causes power failure.

Subcritical Steam Plant

According to Lee et al., (2018), water-steam system is also referred to
as the waterside of the plant, which operates following the Rankine cycle. The
procedure within this system begins with the feed water being drawn from the
condenser and delivered to the boiler by the feed pumps. To improve the plant
efficiency, a series of low and high pressure feed heaters and an economizer are
utilized to heat the feed water with the steam bled from the turbine and the
remaining heat of the flue gases. The deaerator is also installed in this path to
remove the dissolved gases in the feed water by vigorously boiling and agitating it.
The drum supplies the feed water to the water wall of the furnace to absorb the
radiation heat and separate the resulting saturated steam from the incoming
saturated feed water. The steam is then further heated through multiple stages of
super heaters to reach higher temperature and pressure. Finally, the steam expands
along the turbines and rotates them to a given high speed (3000/3600 rpm), which
then drive a generator to produce electricity. Usually, there are multiple stages of
turbines, and for a higher plant efficiency, after the expansion in the high pressure
turbine, the steam is extracted and reheated in the boiler, and then delivered to the
medium and low pressure turbines. The saturated steam leaving the low pressure
turbine is condensed back into liquid in the condenser.

According to Chen et al., (2015) the excessive emissions of carbon

dioxide (CO2) from fossil-fueled power plants contribute to the greenhouse effect
and global warming. Increasing the efficiency of power generation cycles and
integration with CO2 capture units are nowadays accepted as the most promising
short-term approaches to reducing CO 2 emissions while we transition to renewable
and carbon free energy sources efficiency improvements can be achieved through
the optimization of power plant operating strategies or through modification of
plant design. For instance, new fossil-fueled power plants use a combination of
steam and gas turbines to generate electricity such as subcritical steam plant,
resulting in thermal efficiencies as high as 61%. Due to seasonal and daily
fluctuations in power demand and new deployment programs focused on renewable
energy, dynamic simulations and optimization are required for power plants in
order to respond to the resulting time-varying power demand. The contribution of
electricity generation from renewable energy sources throughout the world will
expand from the current 21% to 29.8% by 2040. The efficiency of conventional
fossil-fueled power plants that are based on the Rankine Cycle mostly depends on
the steam temperature and pressure, with the majority of previous work on
efficiency optimization of these plants focusing on steady-state analysis.

The authors talked about the efficiency of steam power plants. Lee et. al.,
discuss one kind of steam power plant which is Rankine Cycle, this engine filters
water by separating dissolved gases caused by continuously boiling water. However,
Chen et. al., discuss how energy power plants emits carbon dioxide gas and Rankine
Cycle is the most suitable steam engine when it comes in subcritical steam plants.

Economy of Steam Engines

According to Lammer et al., (2017), the water rate of an engine
refers to pounds of steam that utilizes per kilowatt-hour of energy produced. An
engine may receive steam at a low pressure and exhaust against considerable back
pressure. The heat per pound of steam available for use in the engine is small, and
the steam consumption per unit of energy generated correspondingly high. The
water rate is useful in comparing the daily performance of an engine operating
under constant steam and exhaust conditions. The steam consumption of small
engines is determined by condensing the exhaust steam and weighing or measuring
the condensate. The efficiency of the steam engine is increasing the initial pressure,
by superheating, and by reducing the back pressure.
The water rate and heat rate will sufficiently provide pressure to create
power to sustain a provided generator. With the enough pressure given by the heat
and water rate, the generator can actually work and provide specific voltage. A new
electricity supply system for the creation of disaster-resilient communities can be
based on the traditional power distribution system, accommodate input from
renewable energy supply sources, and be capable of mitigating risk from accidents
and natural disasters. Each hydropower plant is precisely designed and constructed
to respond to its surrounding topography, existing hydrological regime, prevailing
environmental and social constraints, and existing infrastructure, among other
boundary conditions.
Miniature steam power plant made with the boiler and the water
pump from an old starch iron. It uses boiler as vaporizer to vaporize the water it
receives from the water pump. Then the steam is injected on the turbine fan making
it twirl. The voltage generated by the fan is enough to lighten a couple of LEDs. A
wooden case with a chimney encloses all the referred devices. Today, most of the
electricity produce throughout the world is from steam power plants. However,
electricity is being produced by some other power generation sources such as
hydropower, gas power, bio-gas power, solar cells, etc.

According to Nicosia (2015), there is another way to use sewage

water as a biomass purposed in, and then use this biomass gas to burn in a boiler as
a fuel. Road side water canal can be used to produce electricity presented in. It has
small head and can produce power at a small scale.
There are already some researches done on Archimedean screw. Earlier this device
was used to pump the water upward from downward for irrigation. However, in
recent researches on this area it is found that Archimedean screw has a new
application working inversely as a power converter with regard to low head
difference. This sewage has untreated raw sewage. Mainly water pollution caused
by sewage, from chemically treated, raw sewage and liquid waste of industry.
There are number of sources to produce electricity like hydraulic power,
wind, coal and nuclear. Electricity from hydraulic is cheaper and eco-friendly. A
bigger dam is mandatory to generate a power in megawatt (MW). To build a big dam
big capital cost and hefty land reformation are required. Therefore, there is another
available option sewage water can be used to generate electricity. It can be used
with some chemical treatment or without any treatment.

Both authors talked about the economy of steam engine. However,

Lammer et. al. focused on an informative way in describing the steam engine.
Specifically, it states the capabilities, efficiency, and effectiveness of the steam
engine. While Nicosia emphasized that there are various sources of electricity such
as hydraulic power, wind, coal, and nuclear. Moreover, it tackles the difference of
each source proven by researches even in history

Renewable Energy Sources: As a Solution to High Power Prices

Renewable energy can help solve multiple problems: increasing and volatile
fossil fuel prices, energy supply shortages and disruptions, a growing dependence
on natural gas, high power prices, a need for more domestic energy supplies, and
harmful air pollution. A national renewable electricity standard can diversify our
energy supply with clean, domestic resources. It will help stabilize electricity prices,
reduce natural gas prices, reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other harmful air
pollutants, and create jobs—especially in rural areas—and new income for farmers
and ranchers.
According to Katigbak (2017), the government and the private sector are
working hard to find a solution to the high cost of energy in the Philippines. After all,
the citizens are all consumes energy and stand to benefit if they can find cheaper
and more efficient methods. Not to mention the good it will do to the environment
and not to waste as much energy as the people do now and instead use renewable
sources. Currently, the country is looking at various renewable energy sources like
solar, wind, and geothermal. While these are available in some parts of the
Philippines, these renewable energy sources are still not the norm overall. If the
country can find a way to implement usage of renewable energy throughout more, if
not all, of the Philippines we can definitely make a big difference.

According to Manabat (2015), the highest and most expensive importer of

fossil fuel in Asia is Philippines and the government are really in need to focus on
ways to change this. Hopefully with these new scientific discoveries and solid
implementation plans and strategies in place, it can change that system. The people
of the Philippines should all work together to conserve, use alternative and
renewable resources, so that it can help to protect what is left on the planet for the
future generation. Just recently, the current president of the country, President
Duterte inaugurated a solar power factory in Santo Tomas, Batangas, establishing
the country as a player in the “global renewable energy revolution” and hopefully
enabling solar panels to become accessible to all Filipinos.

Both authors talked about renewable energy sources as a solution to high

power prices. The authors focused on the possible solution for the high amount of
the electricity that can be beneficial to the citizen, and also emphasized the scientific
discoveries that can change the system. The authors were different into explaining
about the renewable resources and how it will be protected and conserved.
Chapter 3
This chapter contains the project diagram of the prototype, the cost and
analysis that shows what was the researchers bought in making the prototype, time
estimate that the researchers set as a schedule, and operation and testing.

Figure 1. Hydraulic Steam Engine Model

Cost and Analysis

Table 1 indicated for materials that the researchers used in making the prototype,
table 2 presents the specifications of the materials based on their sizes or
measurements, table 3 presents the quantity of the materials, table 4 presents the
costs of each materials.
Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4
Components Specifications Quantity Cost
1. GL Wire No. 22 1 roll ₱ 20.00
2. Cord Steel 15 grams 1 piece ₱70.00
3. Flat Cord 16mm x 2mm 1 meter ₱25.00
4. Nut Screw ¼ mm 2 pieces ₱2.00
5. Level Hose ¼ mm 1 meter ₱7.00
6. Omni Outlet 3 inch x 2 inch 1 piece ₱60.00
7. Denatured 350 mL 1 bottle ₱28.00
8. Sandpaper 120 mm 5 sheets ₱75.00

9. Dc Motor 12 volts 2 piece ₱500.00

10. Clipped 20cm x 15cm 1 piece ₱25.00

11. Plastic Tube 1/4 mm 1 roll ₱35.00
12. Clipped ½mm x ¾”mm 2 piece ₱50.00
Metal Tube
13. Candle 4.5mm 1 piece ₱3.00
14. Matches 75mm x 75mm 1 box ₱3.00
15. Can 1 quart 1 piece ₱5.00
TOTAL ₱908.00
Figure 2. Cost and Analysis

Time Estimate
This section of this chapter presents the timeline that the researchers followed in
making the prototype and shows the date when was the researchers able to
assemble the prototype.
Figure 3. Time Table

Operation and Testing Procedure

The researchers did a lot of research on how the steam engine will
work together with the DC Motor. The researchers come up to the type of steam
engine that is moving or swinging back and forth at a constant speed, which is the
Oscillating Steam Engine. First, the researchers assembled the engine by:
 Knowing the specific design of the engine.
 Starting to gather the materials that needed on making the engine.
 Assembling the engine.

Second, after making the Oscillating Steam Engine the researchers generate the DC
Motor. The researchers connect the engine to DC Motor by connecting the flywheel
of the Oscillating Steam Engine to the shaft part of the DC Motor.
Third, when the shaft and flywheel is already connected the researchers did the
circuit from DC Motor and connecting an extension to supply energy to the power
and bulb socket.

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