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TIME : 3 HRS. M.M.: 70

General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains two parts A and B. Each part is compulsory.
2. Part-A has 2 sections:
a. Section – I is short answer questions, to be answered in one word or one
b. Section – II has two case studies questions. Each case study has case-based
3. Part - B is Descriptive Paper.
4. Part- B has three sections
a. Section-I is short answer questions of 2 marks each .
b. Section-II is long answer questions of 3 marks each .
5. Section-III is very long answer questions of 5 marks each.
6. All programming questions are to be answered using Python or MySQL Language

Q. Part-A Marks
No. allocated
Select the most appropriate option out of the options given or answer
in short for each question.
1 Identify the following logic gate. 1

2 All of the following are examples of real security and privacy threats 1
a) Hackers
b) Virus
c) Spam
d) Worm
3 It is stealing ideas or creations of others. 1
a) Plagiarism
b) Intellectual Property Rights
c) Piracy
d) All of the above

4 Which of the following is not an external threat to a computer network 1

a) Ignorance
b) Trojan horses
c) Adware
d) Crackers
5 When a person is harassed repeatedly by being followed, called or be 1
written to he/she is a target of
a) Bullying
b) Stalking
c) Identity theft
d) Phishing
6 Which of the following refers to programs that surreptitiously monitor 1
activity on a computer system and report that information to others without
the user’s consent?
a) Malware
b) Botnet
c) Trojan horse
d) Spyware
7 It is a program or hardware device that filters the information coming 1
through an internet connection to a network or computer system.
a) Anti virus
b) Cookies
c) Firewall
d) Cyber safety
8 You have been told by several of your friends you have recently send 1
SPAM email to them, what could be the cause of this and what should you
a) A spammer may have infiltrated your email provider’s host and
compromised your account. You should notify your email provider.
b) A spammer or bot may have gained access to your email account
and sent out SPAM to all of your contacts. You should change your
password immediately .
c) A spammer has gained access to your email. Unfortunately, the
only thing you can do to prevent further SPAM is to close your account
and create a new email address.
d) A spammer is spoofing your email address. You should tell your
friends to block the email address.
9 Which of the following differentiates a virus from a worm? 1
a) A worm is requires user interaction to infect a machine
b) A worm can infect multiple machine
c) A Virus is requires user interaction to infect a machine
d) A virus can only infect a single machine
10 Obtain the Boolean expression for the logic circuit shown below: 1
11 Verify the following using truth table : 1
Both the Case study based questions are compulsory. Attempt all sub
parts from each question. Each question carries 1 mark
12 Name of the database :Students
BookI Student Address Books Issued StuID
7821 Pramav Amanora Park Until the Day I 23
id Town 94 Die
4512 Pramav Amanora Park Inception 23
id Town 94
1263 Anshi 62nd Sector A-10 The Alchemist 58
789 Anshi 62nd Sector A-10 Inferno 58
8545 Pramav 24th Street Park Beautiful Bad 23
id Avenue
7844 Pramav 24th Street Park Woman 99 23
id Avenue
5256 AdUjj Windsor Street 777 Dracula 303
(a) Identify the attribute best suitable to be declared as a foreign key. 1
(b) Write the cardinality of the table Students. 1
(c) The data type of bookid is integer , Kamla , Mr. Biden’s colleague , 1
suggests changing it to real number. Mr. Biden disagree with Kamla’s
suggestion. Why?
(d) Delete students table permanently from the database. 1
13 Raghav Mehra of class 11 is writing a program to generate number by 1x5=5
chance . He has written the following code. As a programmer, help him to
successfully execute the given task

import _____________________ #Line1

FROM=____________.randint(1,3) #Line2
TO=_______________.randint(2,4) #Line3
for K in range(FROM,TO+1):
print (AR[K],end=”#“)
(a) Name the module he should import in Line 1. 1
(b) Fill in the blank in Line 2 and Line 3 . 1
(c) Specify the minimum values that can be assigned to each of the 1
variables FROM and TO.

(d) Specify the maximum values that can be assigned to each of the 1
variables FROM and TO.

(e) What possible outputs(s) are expected to be displayed on screen 1

at the time of execution of the program from the following code?

(i) 10#40#70# (ii) 30#40#50#

(iii) 50#60#70# (iv) 40#50#70#
Part – B
14 State De Morgan’s first law of Boolean Algebra and verify it using truth 2
15 What is the environmental impact if electronics are not disposed of 2
16 Find output 2
a. 15//3**2%6+5-2
b. x,y=7,2

17 Rewrite the following code in python after removing all syntax error(s). 2
Underline each correction done in the code.
for K in range(0,#b)
IF k%4=0:
print K+3
18 Create the table Employee with the following data types: 2
Structure of the table : Employee
Field Type Null Key Defaul Extra
ID int(11) NO PRI
NAME varchar(20) NO
AGE int(11) NO
SALARY decimal(18,2) YES NULL
19 Which is the correct form of declaration of dictionary? 2
(i) Day={1:’monday’,2:’tuesday’,3:’wednesday’}
(ii) Day=(1;’monday’,2;’tuesday’,3;’wednesday’)
(iii) Day=[1:’monday’,2:’tuesday’,3:’wednesday’]
(iv) Day={1’monday’,2’tuesday’,3’wednesday’]
20 Which string method is used to implement the following: 2
1. To count the number of characters in the string.
2. To change the first character of the string in capital letter.
21 Differentiate between DDL and DML commands. 2
22 Given a list 3
a) Which list slice will return [12,25.7,[2,1,0,5]
b) Which slice will return [2,1,0,5]
c) Which list slice will return[4.5,25.7,88]
23 Ms. Vidhi is a B.Tech 1st year student of IIT Mumbai and wanted to 3
develop a Binary search program in which she wants that user first enter a
list and the element to be searched and then program display “element
found”. You as a programmer help her in developing a Binary search
24 Consider the following code fragment. What outputs will they produce? 3
if k in dict:

25 Given a tuple namely cars storing car names as elements: 3

(‘Toyota’, ‘Honda’, ‘GM’, ‘Ford’,’BMW’, ‘Volkswagon’, ‘Mercedes’,
‘Ferrari’, ‘Porshe’)
Write a program to print name of the cars in the index range2 to 6, both
The output should also include the index in words as shown below:
Two GM
Three Ford
Four BMW
Five Volkswagon
Six Mercedes

26 Write a program in python to find sum of the following series 5
𝑥 𝑥2 𝑥3
S=1 + + + + ⋯ 𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑛𝑡ℎ 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑠
1 2 3

27 Write a program to find and display the sum of all the values which are 5
ending with 5 from the list . list ‘L’ should be enter by the user .
e.g list is

Output will be 35+5+25=65

28 Write SQL queries which are based on the following table 1x7=7

TOO1 Nirja Singh Dehradun 101 2500 Withdraw 2017-12-21

TOO2 Rohan Gupta Chennai 103 3000 Deposit 2017-06-01
TOO3 Ali Reza Hyderabad 102 2000 Withdraw 2017-05-12
TOO4 Rishabh Jain Chennai 103 1000 Deposit 2017-10-22
TOO5 Simran Kaur Dehradun 101 12000 Deposit 2017-11-06

(i) To display details of all transactions of TYPE Deposit from Table

(ii) To list names of all the account holders with their amount in
descending order.
(iii) To display the last date of transaction (DOT) done by account holder
from table TRANSACT ,whose name start from “R”.
(iv) To all ANO, ANAME and DOT of those persons from table
TRANSACT who have done transactions less than or equal to 3000
(v) To display Minimum and Maximum amount for all types of
(vi) Write the output of the following SQL commands:
a) Select count(distinct address) from transaction;
b) Select sum(amount) from transaction where type =”withdraw”;

29 Consider the following randomly ordered numbers stored in a list : 5

786, 234, 526, 132, 345, 467
Write a program in python to ask a user to enter the above list and using
insertion sort program arrange the data in the ascending order .


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