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Identify the topic sentence in the following paragraph:

(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another remarkable woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author
describes Melanie as having “the face” of a sheltered child who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a
child who had never looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she saw them.” (C) Strangely enough, the
qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—loyalty, naivete, and simplicity—actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.
Select one:
a. A
b. C
c. A and B
d. B and C
e. A and C
f. B

This is the stage where you polish the order of your ideas and filter the information needed to get your point across and correct any
mechanical errors.
Select one:
a. Pre-writing
b. Organizing
c. Writing
d. Editing
e. Revising

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

The final draft does not require editing or revising.


This stage in the writing process narrows your topic into the most important and relevant.
Select one:
a. Editing
b. Revising
c. Organizing
d. Pre-writing
e. Writing

Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one:
a. In clustering, you enclose a subject in a circle or underline it and then link it to other ideas using lines
b. Learning to write is a sequential process.
c. You must start thinking about writing a completely unfamiliar topic and explore it along the way.
d. Editing is the stage where you go over your written work to look for errors in grammar.
This refers to the set of basic questions that can start the exploration of your topic.

Journalists' Questions

Fill in the blank with the appropriate transition word. Choose from the given set of words below.
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations. __________, the governments of richer
nations should take more responsibility for helping the poorer nations in such areas.

Select one:
a. Despite
b. Because of
c. With this in mind
d. However
e. Since

Arrange the following sentences to form a comprehensive paragraph.

1.Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area of operations
2.The greater the support the more effective the guerrillas become
3.This is because in all lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force looks in struggle with the government, ultimate victory
goes to the side which succeeds in rallying people
4.Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their ability to disengage, disappear and exist and shortly
are down and wipe out
5.The decisive factor in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the rural masses
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question:
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose. (B) Today, these lands can be planted
to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish
abound in its waters and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for centuries, been a major
source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
Which is the most fitting 4th sentence for the given paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
(A) Gone with the Wind is not just Scarlett O’Hara’s story; it is also the story of another remarkable woman, Melanie Wilkes. (B) The author
describes Melanie as having “the face” of a sheltered child who had never known anything but simplicity and kindness, truth and love, a
child who had never looked upon harshness or evil, and would not have recognized them if she saw them.” (C) Strangely enough, the
qualities that weakened Melanie in Scarlett’s eyes—loyalty, naivete, and simplicity—actually proved to make Melanie a strong person.
The correct answer is: C
Read the following jumbled paragraph and answer the succeeding question.
(A) Guerrilla movements can exist only when they have some support from the people in their area of operations. (B) This is because in all
lands where a strong, ideologically motivated guerrilla force looks in struggle with the government, ultimate victory goes to the side which
succeeds in rallying people. (C) Conversely, when the people deny or withdraw their support, the guerrilla lose their ability to disengage,
disappear and exist and shortly are down and wipe out. (D) The decisive factor in the twilight war in South Vietnam is the support of the
rural masses. (E) The greater the support the more effective the guerrillas become.
Which is the fitting 3rd sentence in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: B
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations. __________, the governments of richer
nations should take more responsibility for helping the poorer nations in such areas.
The correct answer is: However

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

Output is important, but an effective written work is still valued.
Answer: TRUE

A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.

Select one:
a. Writing
b. Rereading
c. Revising
d. Writing the final draft
e. Editing

---- Refer to the given paragraph below, entitled “Picturing Don Quixote”:
Seventeenth-century images emphasized the title character’s pompous folly as well as the often rough-and-tumble action of many
episodes. The windmill scene, in which Don Quixote mistakes the technology that grinds the grain produced in the semi-arid Manchegan
landscape for giants, became immediately iconic. The first representation of the scene appears in a Frankfurt edition of 1648, in which the
windmill sail stabs Don Quixote.
What type of description is used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Subjective description
---The term that refers to the consequences or events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: Falling action
---What type of figure of speech is used in the following sentence?
The lady in the water screamed like a banshee
The correct answer is: Simile
----Read the following narrative essay:
In blistering Nebraska, it was America’s Independence Day. As usual on every Independence Day since I was five years old, George and
Terry, my two best friends, and I, went on a manly picnic. I diligently carried out my household chores, packed my picnic bag and off I went
to collect my friends by way of bicycle. It is going to be an awesome day, I thought to myself as I sped down my neighborhood street on my
beat-up blue Schwinn.
THE writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: First person
---Read the following excerpt from the short story, Dead Stars by Paz Marquez Benitez:
Alfredo remembered that period with a wonder not unmixed with shame. That was less than four years ago. He could not understand those
months of a great hunger that was not of the body nor yet of the mind, a craving that had seized on him one quiet night when the moon was
abroad and under the dappled shadow of the trees in the plaza, man wooed maid. Was he being cheated by life? Love--he seemed to have
missed it. Or was the love that others told about a mere fabrication of perfervid imagination, an exaggeration of the commonplace, a
glorification of insipid monotonies such as made up his love life? Was love a combination of circumstances, or sheer native capacity of
soul? In those days love was, for him, still the eternal puzzle; for love, as he knew it, was a stranger to love as he divined it might be.
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
--- Read the following example of a definition paragraph:
The term protein quality refers to the ratio of essential amino acids (eaa) in a protein in comparison with the ratio required by the body. A
high quality protein contains eaa in a ratio that matches human requirements. A protein which is lacking or low in one or more eaa is termed
a low quality protein. The eaa which is in the shortest supply is called the ‘limiting’ amino acid. In general, animal proteins tend to be high
quality while vegetable proteins tend to be low quality. The exception is soy protein which is quite high quality.
What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Denotation
----Refer to the given paragraph below on The Great Wall of China:
The Great Wall, or Chang Cheng in Chinese, is massive. It begins in the east at the Yellow Sea, travels near China’s capital, Beijing, and
continues west through numerous provinces. For thousands of miles, it winds like a snake through China’s varied terrain. Smaller walls
extend from the main wall. According to conservative estimates, the Great Wall’s length is approximately 2,400 miles, its thickness ranges
from 15-30 feet wide, and it reaches in height to about 25 feet.
What type of description is used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Objective description
-----Read the following example of a definition paragraph:
Soren Kierkegaard, another famous existentialist, comprehends absurd as a synonym to paradox. He defines it as a matter of faith and the
only phenomena that allows a person to believe in self. According to his philosophy, a human being is a synthesis of opposites: eternal and
temporary, finite and infinite, freedom and obligation. Due to the synthesis of these opposites in an individual’s consciousness, one
constantly resides in fear and despair (Liam 194). And the more self-consciousness one possesses, the deeper these feelings are. The
only way for salvation is faith in God and this is where absurd comes in. Kierkegaard refers to the biblical myth about Abraham and his son
Isaac. According to this legend, God required Abraham to sacrifice his son to Him. In this case, Abraham’s faith led him to commit a crime;
it transformed a murder into an act of charity and simultaneously, where faith had returned Isaac to his father alive. Faith cannot be logically
argued, but it works and this is absurd. Individuals are free and this freedom lets them find their own way to God.
What is the strategy used in the development of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Extensive definition
-----Given the following sentence from the story, Dead Stars:
A round orange moon, "huge as a winnowing basket," rose lazily into a clear sky, whitening the iron roofs and dimming the lanterns at the
What is the figure of speech used for the round orange moon?
The correct answer is: Simile
-----The latin word from which the word "narration" comes
The correct answer is: narrare

Which of the following statements is true?

Select one:
a. Organizing is when you express your thoughts in comprehensible sentences
b. You may choose to find a topic that only a handful people are interested in.
c. Brainstorming shows relationships among a variety of ideas
d. You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.

Pre-writing requires an mind

In writing a text, these two elements must be present: content and .

Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

In brainstorming, you must find the related ideas to the topic you have in mind and link it to subtopics.


True or False: It's best to think of different topics and discover various points of focus so you can keep your options open before writing.
The correct answer is: False
True or False: In brainstorming, you must find the related ideas to the topic you have in mind and link it to subtopics.
The correct answer is: False
Learning to write is a
The correct answer is: sequential
A pre-writing strategy which is the process of pouring out all your thoughts nonstop in an exact order, language and form as you think them.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Complete the following sentence: "Writing without _________
form and content
Correct is like a human body without skeleton; writing without ___________ is like a skeleton with no flesh."
The correct answer is: form and content
In writing a text, these two elements must be present: content and
The correct answer is: form
Which of the following statements is true?
The correct answer is: You must come up with all the possible ideas from the pre-writing stage.
A stage in writing where you look for any mechanical errors.
The correct answer is: Revising
True or False: The final draft does not require editing or revising.
The correct answer is: False
Pre-writing requires an
The correct answer is: open

Which of the following questions is not beneficial in exploring your topic?

Select one:
a. When is the issue most apparent?
b. At what place is the cause or effect of the problem most visible?
c. Why is it an issue or problem at all?
d. How does the issue relate to other public issues?
Read the following narrative essay:
Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. When someone
would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had
several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his
attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive
side of the situation.”
The writer presented what point of view?
The correct answer is: Second person
Read the following narrative essay:
I can remember my first ascension to a mountain top well. It happened about three years ago, when it was autumn, and the weather in the
mountains was gloomy. My friends offered me to travel to the western Carpathian Mountains, and after a short period of hesitation, I
accepted their invitation. There was nothing much to do for me at the time, so I thought a change of surrounding would only be of use to
What narrative device was used in the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Flashback
A strategy in writing a definition paragraph that shows the evolution of the word and how it was formed.
The correct answer is: Etymology
True or False: The main aim of descriptive paragraphs is to describe a particular thing as accurately as possible.
The correct answer is: False
This is one of the terms used in writing narratives that refers to the outcome of the characters’ actions.
The correct answer is: Resolution
The correct answer is: Resolution

An example of a dangerous site that children can easily access:
Answer: Pornography websites

Which of the following statements is not true?

Select one:
a. Pornography websites can be easily accessed by children.

b. Internet has become so widespread that it is hard to track the cause of serious problems encountered by its users.

c. Sensitive information have been falling into the hands of criminals
d. Through right action of individuals, government and businesses, the internet can be made into a safe place

According to the essay sample, which of these is not a problem specified by the author? (Write the letter of the correct answer)

a. children can access potentially dangerous sites

b. news and company websites are hacked
c. online fraud
d. websites with unverified authenticity.
Answer: D

Which of the following is not a proposed solution of the author?

Select one:
a. Parents should monitor the online activities of their children

b. Install anti-virus programs that could prevent potential malware.
c. Building of onsite IT security systems for companies

d. Governments ensure adequate legislation and controls over website access

Is the conclusion positive or negative?

Select one:
a. Yes

b. No

c. Neutral

d. The essay does not imply so.

1. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

[There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of people’s lives, especially in the field of education.]. [Nowadays, an
increasing number of students rely on computers for research and to produce a perfect paper for school purposes. ]. [Others have decided
to leave the original way of learning and to get knowledge through online schools.]. [These changes in the learning process have brought a
special concern regarding the possible decrease of importance of teachers in the classroom.].
2. Choose the correct transition words for the paragraph from the given choices below. You may use the same word multiple times.
The correct answer is:
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events [such as] the Olympics and the Football World Cup in which
athletes show their best performance to make their country proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing
international tension in difficult times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and other governments were
fighting over the land.
The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring nations together, at least temporarily. [from]
the ancient History, [when] Greeks and Romans would interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international
disputes, when athletes from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and even embrace each other after an
event. [moreover], these popular events have called the world’s attention to the terrible consequences of wars; [thus] some leaders have
tried to reach agreements to end their disputes and live peacefully.
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a daily internal civil war. [for example],
Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education, hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense
embarrassment of being Brazilian and a low self-esteem. [however], when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is
considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country. Most people seem to forget all their problems
and even the criminal activity decreases. They paint roads with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags.
[moreover], the competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and celebrate peacefully.
[in conclusion], popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions and liberating patriotic feelings as history
has shown.
3. Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
The correct answer is:
[For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and yellow blossoms announce the arrival of
allergy season.]. [For others a big, furry dog or a soft feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.]. [Still others are in trouble if they
accidentally eat honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.]. [Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows definitely how
allergies develop or why some people have them and others do not.]. [ Doctors have made some progress in diagnosis.]. [Yet allergies
remain a mystery that is only partially understood and only partially treatable.].
4.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) Today’s world has been divided into developing and industrialized countries which the main difference between them is the amount of
money that governments apply in important sectors such as education, health and commerce. (B) Most of the poorer nations are buried in
debts as a result of their unbalanced finances which are reflect in a failed health care, an unstructured education system and a weak
international trade. (C) This vicious cycle will continue indefinitely unless wealthier nations show interest in minimizing the worldwide
economic differences, as well as taking more responsibility for assisting less fortunate countries.
The correct answer is: A
5.Choose the proper pattern of arrangement of the following jumbled paragraph.
(A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose. (B) Today, these lands can be planted
to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish
abound in its waters and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for centuries, been a major
source of livelihood for people living along its shores.
The correct answer is: E, C, A, B, D
6. Which among the set of sentences is most appropriate to be the 4th sentence?
(A) Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood and only partially treatable.
(B) Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts.
(C) Doctors have made some progress in diagnosis.
(D) For others a big, furry dog or a soft feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes.
(E) Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows definitely how allergies develop or why some people have them and
others do not.
(F) For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and yellow blossoms announce the arrival of
allergy season.
The correct answer is: E
7.Which of the following contains the topic sentence?
(A) As an English writer has written, “Providence in her wise disposition has placed these people in a garden of Eden, where the means of
subsistence are found without much labor, and does not require them to toil and slave to satisfy their personal wants.” (B) By the yard stick
of human action in temperature countries, the Filipinos do not work hard. (C) Foreign writers have rashly accused the Filipinos of
“indolence.” (D) The Filipinos take life easy because of the tropical climate and the liberality of nature. (E) Such may seem the case, but
foreign critics are interpreting it as a manifestation of racial laziness.
The correct answer is: B

A. The correct answer is:

Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Shakespeare never grows old. Why is that? It’s because he expresses timeless truths with unparalleled literary excellence. The study of
Shakespeare is essential for a good education.
[The first reason to study Shakespeare is to develop one’s appreciation for great literature]. [Shakespeare’s genius is evident, not only in
his sonnets and other poems, but in some three dozen plays]. [His characters are vivid and his plots compelling]. [Once you’ve met them,
who can ever forget Hamlet or Lady Macbeth - his grief, or her guilt - or Beatrice and Benedick, and their humorous banter?] It’s not an
accident that Shakespeare is the most-quoted author in the English language. [He also confers a rich vocabulary]. [The prestigious Oxford
English Dictionary estimates that Shakespeare “coined” about 1700 words]. [What better way to develop an appreciation for great literature
than by studying the best?]
[Clearly, there is an enduring value in Shakespeare]. [In addition to his literary gifts, Shakespeare reveals deep spiritual insights]. [ The
plays of Shakespeare rest upon and express a Biblical worldview]. Although he tapped many sources for inspiration, his primary source
was Scripture. One researcher has documented over 1,300 Biblical references in Shakespeare, an average of about forty per play.
Shakespeare wrote from a God-centered, redemptive perspective. The great Biblical themes are all there.
Given the magnitude of his contribution, it is no wonder that scholars like E. D. Hirsch have insisted on the importance of reading
Shakespeare to develop a basic, “cultural literacy.” Shakespeare provides a wonderful ‘bridge’ for discussing the great questions of life, and
for rediscovering the richness in Western civilization.
The works of Shakespeare constitute a rich literary, spiritual and cultural treasure, just waiting for discovery. Students of Shakespeare are
rewarded for their efforts. But that’s a bonus. It’s like getting paid to play.
B. The correct answer is:
Arrange the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events such as the Olympics and the Football World Cup in which
athletes show their best performance to make their country proud. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing
international tension in difficult times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world’s economy and other governments were
fighting over the land.
[The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring nations together, at least temporarily]. [From
the ancient History, when Greeks and Romans would interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes,
when athletes from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete peacefully and even embrace each other after an event].
[Moreover, these popular events have called the world’s attention to the terrible consequences of wars; thus some leaders have tried to
reach agreements to end their disputes and live peacefully].
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a daily internal civil war. [For example,
Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education, hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense
embarrassment of being Brazilian and a low self-esteem]. [However, when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is
considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country]. [Most people seem to forget all their problems
and even the criminal activity decreases]. They paint roads with the national colors, wear the Brazilian team shirts and buy national flags.
[Moreover, the competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and celebrate peacefully].
[In conclusion, popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions and liberating patriotic feelings as history
has shown].
C. The correct answer is:
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate transition word. Choose one from the given choices below.
Turkish governments have been trying to join the European union for years. Despite all the difficult tasks that have to be achieved in order
to join the EU, Turkish governments are persistent. Turkish citizens seem to agree with their governments, too. Why do we insist on
becoming a member of the union then? It is probably because of the differences between the happiness levels of Turkish and EU citizens.
A study has been conducted on contentment and optimism of people in Turkey and the EU, which revealed that as a nation we have low
levels of satisfaction and happiness. Nearly two thirds of Turkish people are discontent with their lives, [while] four fifths of the EU citizens
are satisfied with their lives. Approximately the same results can be observed on people’s thoughts about their countries’ present and future
conditions. It is obvious that people in the EU are happier than the people in Turkey, [but] why are we unhappy and pessimistic in contrast
to EU citizens?
There are plenty of reasons for the discontentment of people in Turkey compared to those in EU, [but] there are some reasons of greater
significance, [such as] differences in income, welfare, and stability.
[first of all], it is known that there is a great gap between the incomes of Turkish and EU citizens. This means that a person in EU who does
the same job as a person in Turkey will receive a higher salary in Europe than in Turkey. Similarly, an unemployed person in EU is paid
more or has more pension and social rights than an unemployed person in our country.
[moreover], there is another fact which is a result of earlier ones: there are many people below poverty line and starvation limit in Turkey.
These conditions lead to dissatisfaction in the country, we cannot be happy when we are starving, can we?
[furthermore], Turkish economic and government systems lack stability. Considering successive crises and growths following these, it can
be said that Turkish economy is fluctuating. Just as the economy, government has no sign of continuity. Each new government blames the
previous governments and changes what they have done. These acts are justified as being necessary [but] generally lead to nothing but
corruption. Lack of continuity causes confusion, [as] people need time to get used to new conditions. If you do not give them enough time
and change the conditions again, just like in Turkey, the result will be confusion followed by depression. [however], in Europe there is a
system that goes on without great disruptions, which means that there is a stable life and a predictable, better to say a hopeful, future.
As I mentioned before, our persistence in joining the EU may be because of their happiness against our discontentment. We hope to find
satisfaction, which we could not find alone, in Europe. Considering the fact that neither EU nor any other unions can grant happiness
without any effort, is it not better that we work for our own benefit, not only to join the EU?
D. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Most people want to get married and have children. (B) Perhaps they want to leave a trace or offspring after them, so that they become
somehow “immortal”. (C) And it is commonly said that children are the ultimate bliss in our lives. (D) Although many people agree with this
statement, to my mind, it is not true
The correct answer is: D
E.Identify the topic sentence.
(A) Everyday in one way or another we are trying to find happiness in a complete chaos, that is what all we are struggling for. (B) Actually,
temporary happiness is everywhere if we want to find it and search for it. (C) Sometimes it is just as close as a cute kitten to us, sometimes
giving a hand to someone who is in need of us is enough. (D) Even taking a breath may give somebody the absolute happiness at times.
(E) But what if we leave temporary happiness alone and decide to construct our lives on basic principles of permanent happiness? (F)
Certainly these principles depend on one’s characteristics and point of view. (G) In my opinion, social relations, acceptance and
independence are the most important elements of permanent happiness in life.
The correct answer is: G
F. Identify the topic sentence.
(A) The expansion of the world population is the most important problem that should be solved in order not to confront in the near future big
social problems such as bad economic circumstances and lack of resources, food and housing. (B) Birth control, although may lead to
religious, cultural and moral objections, is the fastest way to reduce the population growth rate. (C) Therefore, governments should begin
programs of birth control even in a compulsory manner due to the fact that group survival is more important than individual freedom.
The correct answer is: A

Read the given paragraph below:

Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given to Japan. Millions of people all over the
world study the Japanese language, watch dorama (dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make
pen pals with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And
perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and
Kyoto has more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there also exist more subtle
differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in Japan.
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most urbanized country in the world (the prices
below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around
850 yen. Having a three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will cost you 5,230
yen. A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen
(and this is probably a weekly price). Just do not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and
with no central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on their own). If you think of buying
an apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want
to live closer to the city center).
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two persons in a mid-range restaurant—
transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride (however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in
Kyoto rather than in Tokyo: 8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market, you are
correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you buy them. For example, white rice costs 850
yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread, tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive
products both in Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much cheaper: for a one
room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or 300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city, dive into its life, and experience all
those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan. Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle
way to put it; in fact, you can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will be squeezed
between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel
inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku, hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing
skyscrapers, over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared for temples, tea houses,
museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already
lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is cheaper, especially in terms of renting an
apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai.
Tokyo, on the contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The atmospheres are different,
but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you should definitely visit them.
- See more at:

Based on the given example of compare and contrast essay, which of the two cities is cheaper in terms of dining?
Answer: KYOTO

----What type of definition is used in the given paragraph?

Newton’s First Law: If the total force acting on an object is zero, its center of mass continues in the same state of motion.
In other words, an object initially at rest is predicted to remain at rest if the total force acting on it is zero, and an object in motion remains in
motion with the same velocity in the same direction. The converse of Newton’s first law is also true: if we observe an object moving with
constant velocity along a straight line, then the total force on it must be zero. You may encounter the term “net force,” which is simply a
synonym for total force
The correct answer is: Denotation
----True or False: The rising action refers to events caused by the climax.
The correct answer is: False
.----Read the following paragraph and identify what type of description is used:
Back in 1999 this fearless athlete posed in this football picture. In the far distance below the cloudless sky stands an off-white stadium.
Embedded in the center is large, cracked, blue, painted, letters that spell out BISON. Beneath the old stadium are rows of worn-out
bleachers which are completely empty. Up in front stands the competitor down on one knee. As you observe more, the sport player is
wearing a blue Bison jersey sporting the number 60. To the left above the freshly trimmed green grass that engulfs this player’s figure lays
a football. In the center of the picture, you see her pale white face and dark brown eyes. Around these features you can not help but notice
the bronzed hair; which appears to be pulled back around this slender face. Her stern look shows how proud she is; nonetheless, all the
confidence she carries on her padded up shoulders. This unique woman is not only elegant and brave; she is my sister, Margaret Eva Hoyt.
The correct answer is: Subjective description
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given to Japan. Millions of people all over the
world study the Japanese language, watch dorama (dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make
pen pals with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And
perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and
Kyoto has more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there also exist more subtle
differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in Japan.
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most urbanized country in the world (the prices
below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around
850 yen. Having a three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will cost you 5,230 yen.
A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and
this is probably a weekly price). Just do not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with
no central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on their own). If you think of buying an
apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to
live closer to the city center).
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two persons in a mid-range restaurant—
transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride (however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in
Kyoto rather than in Tokyo: 8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market, you are
correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you buy them. For example, white rice costs 850
yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread, tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive
products both in Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much cheaper: for a one
room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or 300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city, dive into its life, and experience all
those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan. Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle
way to put it; in fact, you can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will be squeezed
between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel
inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku, hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing
skyscrapers, over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared for temples, tea houses,
museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already
lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is cheaper, especially in terms of renting an
apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai.
Tokyo, on the contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The atmospheres are different,
but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you should definitely visit them.
Based on the given example of compare and contrast essay, which of the two cities is cheaper in terms of dining?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
------True or False: Descriptive paragraphs may or may not appeal to the five senses of the readers.
The correct answer is: False
----Cause and effect requires a
The correct answer is: coherent
-------The correct answer is:
Based on the sample paragraph, complete the outline:
I. [Personal Computer]
A. [Desktop]
- [permanent location required]
- [more power]
- [more storage]
- [more versatile]
B. [Laptop/notebook]
- [portable]
- [battery-operated]
- [slightly larger than a hardcover book]
II. [Workstation]
A. [enhanced capabilities]
B. [suitable for game development]
III. [Server]
A. [needs optimization]
B. [lots of memory]
IV. [Main frame]
A. [network of terminals]
V. [Supercomputer]
B. [for massive jobs of calculation]
-----Read the given paragraph below:
Differences Between Tokyo and Kyoto
In recent decades, the title of one of the most popular cultures worldwide should be definitely given to Japan. Millions of people all over the
world study the Japanese language, watch dorama (dramatic TV series on all kinds of topics) or animation, read and write haiku, and make
pen pals with Japanese people. Countless people buy tickets and fly to the country of the rising sun to see its wonders with their own eyes.
Among the most popular destinations—mostly because these city names are most known to the western public—are Tokyo and Kyoto. And
perhaps for an inexperienced traveler, there is a dilemma: where to go? Mostly, people know that Tokyo is a mega city of the future, and
Kyoto has more to do with ancient culture, traditions, and so on. Basically it is true, but at the same time, there also exist more subtle
differences one should consider when choosing their destination point in Japan.
The first of them is prices. Tokyo is expensive—as you might expect from the capital of the most urbanized country in the world (the prices
below are listed in Japanese yen: 1 USD approximately equals 100 yen). So, to grab some inexpensive snack in Tokyo would cost around
850 yen. Having a three-course meal for two people in a mid-range restaurant, in case you travel with your spouse, will cost you 5,230 yen.
A one-way ticket on Tokyo transport costs you 190 yen, and renting one room apartment outside of the city center costs 77,853 yen (and
this is probably a weekly price). Just do not expect this apartment to be big and cozy; most likely it will be tiny, with basic utilities, and with
no central heating (actually, there is no such thing in Japan at all—everyone warms their house up on their own). If you think of buying an
apartment in Tokyo, forget it—one square meter of a room outside of the city center is around 1 million yen (double the price if you want to
live closer to the city center).
Kyoto is not much cheaper. Although dining in a restaurant is cheaper—only 4,000 yen for two persons in a mid-range restaurant—
transportation costs are surprisingly higher: 235 yen for a ride (however, if you want to purchase a monthly pass, it is cheaper to do in
Kyoto rather than in Tokyo: 8,410 yen compared to 10,000 yen). If you think you can save some money buying food in a market, you are
correct only in particulars: some products in Japan cost a lot of money no matter where you buy them. For example, white rice costs 850
yen for 1 kg in Kyoto (453 yen in Tokyo). White bread, tomatoes, chicken breasts, and especially cheese—these are the most expensive
products both in Kyoto and in Tokyo. Speaking of accommodation, renting or buying an apartment in Kyoto is much cheaper: for a one
room apartment outside of Kyoto’s center, you must pay 48,000 yen to rent, or 300,000 yen per square meter if you want to buy it
Tokyo is great to visit if you enjoy hustle and bustle, if you want to feel the heartbeat of a mega-city, dive into its life, and experience all
those crazy things people in the West usually tell about Japan. Be prepared for the overcrowded subway— and “overcrowded” is a gentle
way to put it; in fact, you can take a 60-minute ride in the subway, and your feet will not even touch the floor, because you will be squeezed
between other people so tight that you can even take a nap in this position. Kyoto, on the other hand, is good to visit for all those who feel
inspired by traditional Japanese culture: haiku, hanami, court customs, the No theater, and so on. In Kyoto, you will not see amazing
skyscrapers, over 280 subway stations, and the craziness of the famous Shibuya crossing; instead, get prepared for temples, tea houses,
museums: all things antique and authentic. But, if you want modernity, go to Tokyo, and you will not feel disappointed—this city already
lives in the future (Go Overseas).
It is difficult to say which city is better for an inexperienced tourist to visit, Tokyo or Kyoto. Kyoto is cheaper, especially in terms of renting an
apartment, and is more suitable for those looking for the old Japanese culture weaved into sophisticated palaces made during Heian-jidai.
Tokyo, on the contrary, is an enormous metropolis, with crazy prices, crazy transportation, crazy everything. The atmospheres are different,
but both of the cities will make you awed, so if you have a chance, you should definitely visit them.
Which of the two cities has the higher cost for transportation?
The correct answer is: Kyoto
=----This refers to the logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another
The correct answer is: consistency
_____ refers to the technique that suggest hints on future events in a story.
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
----True or False: The subject in a descriptive paragraph may be conveyed in detail through an explanation of its significance.
The correct answer is: True

--Which of the following statements is not true according to the essay?

The correct answer is: Volunteering is simply "working for free"
--One advantage of volunteering is meeting new people. Which of the following is not one of the benefits it could yield?
The correct answer is: have companions for future volunteer work
--Which of the following is not said to be a health benefit of volunteering?
The correct answer is: heals the body and mind of any mental and psychological problems
--More and more employers are looking into volunteering experiences than personal skills.
The correct answer is: True
--What is the author's conclusion?
The correct answer is: a summary of all the points that he/she presented in the essay.
--Read the excerpt of a persuasive essay below and answer the following given questions.
So, what makes Southeast Asia a tourism option you should consider?
(1) The first reason is the prices all across the region: they are ridiculously low. (2) One of the first problems a backpacker needs to solve
after arriving to a new country is accommodation. (3) In Southeast Asia—almost everywhere—accommodation is so cheap that for the
money a tourist would spend on a hostel in Europe for one week, in this region, he or she could live one month! (4) See for yourself: if you
go to Cambodia or Laos, a place in a dorm room would cost you somewhere between $2-5 per day. (5) A night in a Vietnamese hostel will
cost you $8-10. Thailand is probably the most expensive in the list, with prices between $6-13. (6) If you are not fond of living with a bunch
of unfamiliar people, get ready to pay only $15-20 for a private room. (7) Of course, these prices depend on cities—larger cities and popular
tourist destinations will naturally be more expensive, but generally, throughout the entire Southeast Asia, you can find extremely cheap
accommodation easily, especially considering there is no need to book a hostel in advance: basically, you show up and rent a room/bed in
the spot (NomadicMatt). (8) So, if you are a tourist with a limited budget, worrying about a place to stay for a couple of weeks, Southeast
Asia is your choice: living here is more than affordable.
(9) By the way, the same refers to food. (10) Almost everywhere around Southeast Asia you will be able to find quality street food for low
prices. (11) The price for a pack of chewing gum in the United States equals a huge portion of filling, exotic food in Vietnam.
(12) As well as the “mainland” Asia, the region possesses ancient history and deep culture closely interconnected with Buddhism. (13) The
ruins of Angkor Wat, Javans, Champa, pagodas of Bagan, millenary temples and shrines—all this and much more awaits a tourist
discovering this part of Asia. (14) Relics of the past are so numerous that even if you spend a year in the region, you will probably not be
able to see all of them. (15) Along with the ancient times, Southeast Asia has gone through intense political and military turmoils during the
recent century. (16) The war in Vietnam, the terror of the Khmer Rouge, the destruction of Laos, Pacific navy battles, Japanese invasions—
this is just a tiny part of what was going on here not so long ago. (17) Knowing about the hardships Southeast Asia had gone through, and
witnessing its rapid development now, watching incredible contrasts intertwine and combine, it is difficult to not fall in love with this place.
(18) Besides, if you are seeking for cultural diversity, Southeast Asia has it all: with such a diversity of languages, customs, ethnicities,
religious beliefs, lifestyles, and fashions concentrated on such a relatively small piece of land, your immersion in the atmosphere of this
place will be instant, deep, and impressive (
(19) Yet another good argument for a budget tourist visiting Southeast Asia is the convenience and affordability of transportation in the
region. (20) Naturally, when you arrive to a new country, you do not want to spend your whole time in one city—you want to see all of what
this country can offer, and this often implies using public transport, such as trains or buses. (21) Well, booking transportation in Southeast
Asia is easier and cheaper than in many other regions of the world; every big city is flooded with travel agencies offering their services for
almost no cost, and even getting to some distant islands is not a problem ( (22) A bus is usually the cheapest way to
travel around the region: a 5-6 hours ride by a bus will cost you only $5-8. (23) Overnight buses are somewhat more costly —$10-15
dollars, depending on distance. (24) As for the transportation within big cities, there is only good news for a poor tourist. (25) For example,
a bust around Bangkok costs only 10 cents, and the subway, $1. (26) The local train system of Singapore starts its pricing from $1 as well.
(27) Taxis and minibuses are usually more expensive, but it is possible to bargain with the drivers, so you can get a price up to two times
lower than the one initially suggested by a cab owner. ( (28) All of which means, in a nutshell, that you will be able to see
everything you want, get everywhere, and spend a reasonable amount of money.
(29) Southeast Asia is a unique region with ancient history, rich culture, incredible food, and unique experiences a traveler can get from
visiting it. (30) With incredibly low accommodation prices, affordable food, and convenient transportation, this part of Asia is a number one
choice for a budget tourist. (31) Therefore, when planning your next trip, you should definitely consider going there.
Give the number of the sentence that conveys what is asked. Only one answer is required per question.
Second reason presented by author on why Southeast Asia is a viable tourism option: Answer
9 =10
An evidence of the second reason presented by the author. Answer
A sentence which gives an evidence of the affordability of transportation in Southeast Asia. Answer
21 =22 =24 =25 =26
The sentence concluding the first reason presented by the author. Answer
The sentence concluding the paragraph on the diverse culture of Southeast Asia. Answer
17 =18

The most common method of discovering a topic.

The correct answer is: Brainstorming
Which step in writing process includes coming up with ideas for you to write?
The correct answer is: Pre-writing
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
The leaves of the trees waved in the wind
.The correct answer is: Personification
The sequential flow of ideas in a sentence.
The correct answer is: Coherence
Each level of an outline must have same grammatical structures.
The correct answer is: Parallel structure
_________ is the part of the story where the characters and setting are introduced. It also tells backstories and other important plot events.
The correct answer is: Exposition
The logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another.
The correct answer is: Consistency
_________ is the formal definition of a term.
The correct answer is: Denotation
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Laughter is music for the soul.
The correct answer is: Metaphor
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
Her eyes were like fireflies
.The correct answer is: Simile
Which of these statements are supporting details?
I. But they face certain problems which cannot be discussed with his relatives – in whatever relation they may stand and here is the need of
a friend, of course a true friend. There is no matter which cannot be discussed with a friend.
II. Friendship is seen even among animals.
III. Men of similar moral idea irrespective of social, cultural, educational and financial idea may grow true friendship.
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
The correct answer is: Both II and III are supporting details
_________ shows the formation of the word and how it has evolved through time.
The correct answer is: Etymology
There are terms that are defined by the author’s perspective and experiences. What are these terms called?
The correct answer is: Connotation
Nordquist suggested the structure of paragraphs in a problem-solution essay to serve as a guide on what to include in that type of essay.
Which of the following is the elaboration of the problems and the search for the solution?
The correct answer is: Problem Paragraph
The most unrestrained method in finding a suitable topic.
The correct answer is: Freewriting
Which of the following is the best test of friendship?
The correct answer is: Adversity
Which step in the writing process includes expressing ideas in sentences and paragraphs?
The correct answer is: Writing
Why are human beings the best creation of God?
The correct answer is: Because human beings have moral feelings.
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!
The correct answer is: Hyperbole
The time and the place where the story takes place.
The correct answer is: Setting
Which of the following sentences is not coherent?
The correct answer is: Summer is the smell of mowed grass, the sound of outdoor concerts, and the way grilled hamburgers taste.
The highest point in a story.
The correct answer is: Climax
Which of the following statements is true about the three main principles in developing classification paragraphs?
I. The specific items identified in paragraphs must belong to one class only to avoid confusion.
II. Classification paragraphs must contain consistency wherein one sentence or paragraph is parallel to another.
III. Classification paragraphs require the writer to include connected classes/groups to the paragraph to complete the image of the main
The correct answer is: All of the statements are correct.
Which step in the writing process includes correcting mechanical errors and filtering the information needed to get your point across?
The correct answer is: Revising
The technique in finding a writing topic by finding the relationships between ideas.
The correct answer is: Clustering
The element of a paragraph that gives life to the characters and gives sense to the setting.
The correct answer is: Plot
A story cannot be without a foundation. The writer gives the readers a view of what has happened to the characters in the past and how
they came to be. Which narrative device is used to show these parts of the story?
The correct answer is: Backstory
The intent of dividing items into groups.
The correct answer is: Exclusiveness
Which of the following sentences is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
The correct answer is: Friendship means closeness, association, relationship, and mutual trust – without any selfish motive.
Which of the following is not true about the topic sentence of a paragraph?
The correct answer is: The topic sentence gives life to the paragraph.
Which step in the writing process includes checking for errors of your work?
The correct answer is: Editing
_________ is the outcome of the events and the character’s actions.
The correct answer is: Resolution
Read the paragraph and answer the following questions.
There are a few places that can boast an act of creation everyday. A newspaper is one of them. Out of the daily newsroom whirl emerges a
remarkable product. In a matter of hours, thousands of words and pictures are put together in a cohesive pattern designed to inform,
enlighten, and entertain the reader. To a casual observer, the men and women working in the newsroom may appear to be running about
aimlessly amid the clatter of typewriters and the continually ringing telephones. Actually, the scurrying around, the occasional shouting, the
general air of excitement are all part of a controlled procedure. Each editor, reporter, and copyboy has a designated job, the end result of
which is the newspaper that rolls off the press on time.
1. The topic sentence in the paragraph is sentence number
ANSWER: three =3
2. The type of paragraph development: Answer
descriptive =description
3. Give one signal word from the paragraph, indicating space, location and place. Answer: amid
Which narrative device is used by the writer to present hints to future events?
The correct answer is: Foreshadowing
Based on the paragraph, why are true friendships rarely seen?
The correct answer is: Because true friendships depend upon selection of a friend.
There are terms that are associated with indirectly related words through analogy. What are these terms called?
The correct answer is: Comparison
Tell which figure of speech is used in the following sentences.
He’s as gentle as a bunny.
The correct answer is: Simile
So, although on the surface volunteering may look like “working for free,” in fact it is a great investment in one’s future career.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Defense mechanisms are numerous, and each person has a set of their own.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Stories about being abducted by aliens are frightening, because knowing the size of the Universe, one can never be sure that aliens do not
exist, or that their intentions are non-hostile.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
During your first two days in a hostel, you can meet more new people than you did throughout your whole last year of office work.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Too much alcohol may cause a lot of heart-related diseases.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact

Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"He admitted to plagiarizing this piece of text."
---The correct answer is: There are several passages that are exactly the same in structure, albeit the use of synonyms
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
What is the author trying to emphasize in the text?
---The correct answer is: Drawing Conclusions
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this statement relate to the other parts of the text?
---The correct answer is: Organization
Statements of ______ may be proven through personal observations, researches, and experimentation.
---The correct answer is: fact
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
To whom did the author intend to write the text for?
---The correct answer is: Audience

This is portrayed by the use paraphrasing another author's statement. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This is achieved through an accumulation of a variety of texts connecting to a single text to form a meaning. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This goes beyond what is included in the text, with references a reader can easily access. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
The commonly used strategy in digital media/text. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This analyzes the media in which the text is used. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context

Critical reading is a way to identify new ways of thinking.

---The correct answer is: True
Often mistaken as a plagiarized passage.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A strategy in critical reading that requires the reader to put himself/herself on the author's shoes.
---The correct answer is: Contextualizing
This involves the analysis of the author's use of signs in obtaining the meaning of the text.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
This element of text is identified for the reader to know how this was developed and asserted throughout the text.
---The correct answer is: purpose
Therefore, I think it is important to learn to distinguish between light constructive feelings of care, and intense romantic addiction, which can
lead to unforeseen consequences.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
The death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective means of punishment.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Feminism should be seen as a movement that has a role and value for the real world that is extremely difficult to underestimate.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
You will identify this through comparing and contrasting the text to other works.
---The correct answer is: What a text does
This uses various techniques such as allusion, quotation and referencing.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
Reading like a writer can help you understand how the process of writing is a series of making choices, and in doing so, can help you
recognize important decisions you might face and techniques you might want to use when working on your own writing.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This helps the reader control the level of detail of the document he/she is examining.
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
Video games are perhaps the most popular and widespread form of entertainment at present.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
One of the most important functions of the judicial system is to punish the criminals and to protect the innocent.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Instead of killing time playing Angry Birds, one might want to use their gadget as a learning tool—modern mobile devices are perfectly
suited for this purpose.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
In ____, the critical reader does not accept anything at face value, thus recognizing the fact that everything must be thoroughly understood.
---The correct answer is: evaluating an argument
The following are the types of reading and discussion in critical reading except:
---The correct answer is: What a text will do
You will identify this through taking notes and paraphrasing the key points.
---The correct answer is: What a text says
Standardized tests are meant to set a high standard and promote objectivity.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
For political correctness to achieve its goals, too many words have to be banned.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Critical reading may only consist of negative observations and analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
One of the main purposes of testing is to set a standard: a performance baseline of progress for all parties involved in the educational
process—students, teachers, and school districts, and to hold them accountable for achieving it.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
People in democratic countries vote for their candidates on presidential elections, freely express themselves, practice any religion they
want, and enjoy many other rights and freedoms, all of which are guarded by numerous laws, bills, non-governmental organizations, and so
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
This is used to establish connections between language, images, characters, topics, themes and the like.
---The correct answer is: Intertext
It is recommended to read looking only for facts and more information.
---The correct answer is: False
This type of reading aims to find a particular piece of information in a text.
---The correct answer is: scanning
Execution is actually a judicial murder.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Critical reading aims to find the faults and flaws in the text.
---The correct answer is: False
It is important to slowly read and savor the text you're reading in order to critically analyze it.
---The correct answer is: True
It's deemed irrelevant to consider other points of view other than what the text presents.
---The correct answer is: False

St. Thomas Aquinas gave five proofs for God’s existence. The first two are cosmological: there can be no uncaused cause, so the universe
could not have created itself, so there must be a first cause/prime mover, (Appiah, 2003, p. 322), which he calls “God.” This, in my view,
does not prove anything. He is saying the universe cannot have come from nothing, but its creator can. If God is an exception to the “no
uncaused cause” rule, why cannot the universe be? (Russell, 1927).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Lord Templeman suggested that the issue of consent was irrelevant to the question of the illegality of an action, since the latter constitutes
a breach of the peace. This traces back to high-minded English snobbery about a king needing able-bodied soldiers. The idea seems to be
that a society is more important than its individuals. But this is, of course, erroneous, for it seems obvious, upon reflection, that there can be
nothing more sacred than individual liberty.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
On the other hand, the exploitation of the system of standardized testing is linked to a number of issues. Thus, many feel that tests do not
provide accurate evaluations of a student’s knowledge and learning capabilities, particularly due to the fact that in order to pass a test, a
simple memorization is preferred to critical thinking and higher learning (Strong 254).
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Of course, any book can be described like this; for example, the plot of “The Lord of the Rings” can be described even in a shorter way:
“Four guys go to a dangerous land to defeat ancient evil by destroying an important artifact, and their friends help them.” However, unlike
Tolkien’s novel, Twilight has nothing to offer to a reader except the events described in the previous paragraph. This is ridiculous,
considering four published books, some sort of online encyclopedia, and movies.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
It is equally possible many gods could exist. Furthermore, St. Thomas uses “God” as a label for the first cause. The first cause is not
necessarily the Christian God (Dawkins, 2007, p. 101)—all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good (all-k.p.g.), or anything God is usually
considered to be.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia affects not only the mind, but also the body in ways no less devastating; specifically, according to a study conducted by the
University of Chicago, sleep deprivation is closely connected to the reduced control of blood-sugar levels.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Insomnia, or sleep deprivation, is a dangerous condition leading to a wide range of health problems.
---The correct answer is: Claim
Studying is a necessity rather than a privilege.
---The correct answer is: Claim
A woman who has undergone the abortion procedure may develop such persistent symptoms as shame, a sense of isolation, a loss of self-
confidence and/or trust in other people, nightmares, insomnia, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts. As an unpleasant bonus, these
symptoms can be accompanied with various eating disorders (American Pregnancy Association).
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What epicness is there in a lovey-dovey story about a relationship between a schoolgirl and a vampire? Obviously none, neither in the
novel, nor in the movies—it is simply a marketing turn aimed at making the source look like something more worthwhile than it is.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - opinion
If you move to China, you will discover another reason why this country is worth moving to: its prices.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
The police should be responsible of the people’s safety and not a source of fear.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Global warming, despite others’ doubts, exists.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
The four circles, or stages of mourning are denial, anger, bargaining, and depression; the exit is acceptance.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Let us choose to believe the opposite, and not doubt the possibility of us being the masters of our lives, so that no ‘cunning demon’ can
distract us with false perceptions and throw us off the right path.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
At least 25 percent of the federal budget should be spent on helping upgrade business to clean technologies, researching renewable
energy sources, and planting more trees in order to control or eliminate pollution.
---The correct answer is: Claim of policy
Volunteering is a great alternative to a number of other activities, since it can help you acquire work experience and get a job.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Time is gold.
---The correct answer is: Claim of value
Anger can be effectively used to establish and defend your personal boundaries, personal space, sense of justice, beliefs, and so on.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fact
Western classical music has not just artistic and cultural value, but also causes a number of unexpected and (fortunately) positive effects
on the human mind.
---The correct answer is: Claim of fac
Through this, the text related to the topic you are reading may be easily found through search engines. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
At its whole, this will heavily affect the way the text is written. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
These are the circumstances surrounding a topic. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is also known as "interactive multimedia."
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This can be divided into static (or something prepared or stored in advance) or dynamic (something that continually changes). What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
In the analysis of this, even the way pictures are selected is scrutinized. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This is described as "a structural analysis of texts in relation to the larger system of signifying practices or uses of signs in culture." What is
being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
A nonlinear way of presenting information. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Hypertext
This refers to the occasion or situation in which the reader can consider while analyzing. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Context
This builds relationships and connections among social meanings. What is being described?
---The correct answer is: Intertext
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
How does this contribute to the variety of texts done discussing the same topic?
---The correct answer is: Research/Sources
The text does not have a meaning by itself.
---The correct answer is: True
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Is the stand of the author clear?
---The correct answer is: Topic and position
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"Drug use is detrimental to society."
---The correct answer is: There has been multiple instances and cases displaying the dire consequences of drugs on people.
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
Where was the text published or found?
---The correct answer is: Audience
Which of the following words does not signal a statement of opinion?
---The correct answer is: according to
This is a strategy that is purposefully writing a passage leaning towards a single perspective.
---The correct answer is: slanting
In the analysis of a written text, in what element does the following question fall?
In what tone did the author write the text?
---The correct answer is: Style
Which among the following choices is the most suitable/strongest inference for the given sentence?
"This group has garnered the most music awards for this year."
---The correct answer is: They have received multiple awards from different award-giving bodies.
What do you call the terms used in a text that need further definition as they are exclusively used in a field of study?
---The correct answer is: jargon
A part of the research report that gives the synthesis of the supporting details.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
The part of a research report that describes the procedure to arrive at the result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This part of a research report describes the instrument used to arrive at a result.
---The correct answer is: Methods
This identifies what type of research it is going to be.
---The correct answer is: Research questions/hypothesis
The step in writing a research report wherein you formulate questions related to the topic.
---The correct answer is: planning the research
Rowling created truly vivid characters; however, not all of them revealed their potential from the very beginning. Surprisingly, the one who
truly took his time before finally showing his personality was Harry. Whereas Ron, Hermione, Draco, Snape, and other characters
possessed vivid and readable personalities from the very beginning, for a long time, Harry remains some kind of an “event-trigger,” whose
main goal is to move the story forward.
---The correct answer is: Counterclaim
Many high school graduates simply do not have an opportunity to continue their education right away (Saiz, Report on Education to Career
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
They conducted a study in which a group of healthy young men slept 8 hours one night, and then abstained from sleep another night.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
Abortion causes severe psychological and emotional damage to a woman who has undergone this surgery.
---The correct answer is: Claim
R. Dworkin does something rather novel and considers that, rather than being immoral, something could be from a different moral code
(1977, p. 995). This, of course, makes perfect sense, and is what I have said already. I would even go so far as to suggest that it is
impossible to act immorally. This is another reason morality and legality must remain separate, because, whereas illegal acts exist, immoral
ones do not.
---The correct answer is: Assertion - fact
What did the main idea of the story make you feel as the reader? Identify what is described.
---The correct answer is: theme
A review of Harry Potter contains the following passage:
It all starts in a rather trivial way though—with a boy being branded as the “unique one,” a survivor of a terrible assault with a destiny to
defeat an evil overlord. However, this is the basic layer of the story, so to say.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the conflict of the story?
You must have an interest in the book you're analyzing.
---The correct answer is: True
After reading the book, that's when to take notes of what you have read.
---The correct answer is: False
This is where you identify the climax of the story.
---The correct answer is: plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The study, "A Content Analysis of The Catalyst’s News Stories From 1986 to 2010", seeks to find out how The Catalyst, the official student
publication of Polytechnic University of the Philippines selected and treated the news articles they have published from 1986 to 2010.
The researchers wanted to classify the news issues which The Catalyst gave emphasis on into categories: Political, Financial/Economic,
Peace and Order, Social, Rebellion, Religious, Sports/Entertainment, Miscellaneous and Politics within University. The researchers also
sorted The Catalyst’s news articles in terms of the following: Scope/Origin, Chronology/Sequence, Structure and Content. Lastly, the
researchers intended to determine the treatment and the tone of the news articles.
The researchers used convenience sampling method. The researchers have content analyzed 84 existing issues from the year 1986 up to
2010. The researchers categorized 586 news articles from the said issues into categories based on the criteria following the three major
variables in content analysis by Elena Pernia (2004).
Based on the observations and results of the content analysis, it was determined that The Catalyst’s style changed from the orthodox style
in 1986 to different forms of layout in the later years. Moreover, The Catalyst transitioned from using blue ink to mainly using black ink and
later on red ink.
Moreover, the scope of The Catalyst’s news was mostly local. The student publication usually covered events within the university. Most of
the student publication’s news stories were straight news. The news articles were mostly treated as neutral, meaning the news were written
merely as statement of events in the simplest and most objective way. The researchers concluded that The Catalyst has performed its duty
as the official student publication of PUP through disseminating information that would be of concern to the students and the university.
---The correct answer is:
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers used the three major variables by Pernia (2004) as basic instrument in analyzing the news stories of The Catalyst. With
each category is a set of keywords to make the coding easier for the coders. The coders would determine the category an article belongs to
through the keywords provided.
---The correct answer is: Methods
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers analyzed all the news stories of each issue of The Catalyst starting from 1986 up to 2010, with the exception of the special
issues released and the issues without dates available in the university archives. There were no recorded issues of The Catalyst in the year
1989 and 1990 due to problems within the publication while there were no issues for the year 1999 at the archives during the time of the
coding. News roundups and news bits in every issue are also not included in this particular study but would focus on the stories in the news
section and sports section.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Due to lack of job opportunities here in the Philippines, there are Filipinos who were willing to work abroad to earn higher salary compared
to the Philippines’. These people are called OFWs or Overseas Filipino Workers. They are ready to sacrifice their lives here in the
Philippines for the sake of earning more money. Because of this, they were referred to as “New Heroes”.
Our government is not that vocal about the progress of the country’s economy through the help of OFWs yet they encourage more Filipinos
to accept different jobs abroad.
The OFWs’ children are the ones highly by their parent’s departure. They have to suffer the loneliness of not having their parent/s with
Although they have guardians to look after them and to care for them, nothing can compare to a parent’s love and affection.
There are laws and agencies that protect and support OFWs but the child would not be ensured of their parent’s safety. They would be
surely anxious of the condition of their parents because of the distance that makes the young ones worry about them.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
In line with this, the scope of the publication’s news articles is within the immediate proximity which is the university and its branches.
Therefore, these findings reflect that The Catalyst does its duty as the student publication to serve the student body, first and foremost.
The ruling quantity of news classified into spot news depicted that the abundance of news within the local proximity were given the utmost
priority by the editorial board. Events which occurred in PUP demanded immediate publication to easily spread the information to the rest of
the university.
---The correct answer is: Conclusion
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
Departure of Filipinos was beneficial to the country and to the families of OFWs, since the dollar reserve that we can get from them saved
us from economic turmoil. But let us think about the children as well, they may experience great loneliness due to their parent’s absence.
Communication is important, considering the distance between the parent and the child. The OFWs should communicate with their children
regularly so as not to create a distance between them. It could also help the child if the parent is easily approachable. Imagine if
communicating devices did not exist. It would be a great suffering for both the parents and the children since snail mail, the alternative
communication, would take a long time of process just to reach the receiver, unlike e-mail, in which the message would be sent in just a
matter of seconds.
If the parents truly care for the child, they would always make a way to extend their love overseas to reach them through communication.
The children also need their guardians to plan “outings” and other activities that they would all enjoy for them not to feel alone.
---The correct answer is: Recommendations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The History of Philippine Journalism
Journalism in the Philippines has gone through a number of both setbacks and boosts. The history of Philippine journalism presented in this
study is cited from “Journalism for Filipinos” by Malinao (2003).
In the year 1637, the first Philippine Newsletter was published - the “Successos Felices” (Fortunate Events) of Tomas Pinpin, the father of
Filipino printing. Aside from Pinpin’s one-shot fling at journalism, the “Hojas Volantes” (Flying sheets) or Spaniards’ notice to the public,
were widely distributed in the country for mass readership.
---The correct answer is: Review of Literature
1. In the resume, where does the information number 6 fall under?
---The correct answer is: List of key skills
2. In the resume, where does the information number 5 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
3. In the resume, where does the information number 3 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Opening Statement
4. In the resume, where does information number 4 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes/career overview
5. In the resume, where does information number 2 fall under?
---The correct answer is: Contact details
1. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"The language Tolkien uses (and he was a British professor of linguistics and philology), the aforementioned epic scales of storyline, the
incredibly diverse cultural background behind the novel—its characters, plot, described events—this and many other factors make reading
the trilogy rather an intellectual than entertaining occupation."
---The correct answer is: Does the way a character speaks help you to understand how that character thinks and feels? If so, how?
2. What question does the following passage in the sample book review answer:
"And the books are indeed full of awe-inspiring moments; here are just a few of them: the first fight with the Nazguls; the battle with the
ancient demon in desolated Moria and Gandalf’s disappearance; the death of Boromir (in my opinion, one of the most tragic moments in
world literature of the 20th century); the resurrection of Gandalf the White; the transformation of King Theoden; the siege of Helm’s Deep;
the uprising of the ents and Saruman’s exile; recruiting of the undead army by Aragorn; the battle for Minas Tirith and the sortie to the Black
Gate of Mordor; the defeat of the Witch-King of Angmar; the annihilation of the Ring; Aragorn’s marriage with Arwen and honors to the
hobbits; finally, Frodo’s departure to the West.
---The correct answer is: What is the high point of the story? Why is this incident more important than the others?
3. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"While working on the book, Tolkien invented at least two fully functional languages: Elven and Dwarven; he interpreted the Scandinavian
myths (“The Saga of the Nibelungs“, in particular) and used them to create his own unique plot, world, and characters. The number of
cultural and literary references used in “The Lord of the Rings” is enormous."
---The correct answer is: Dialogue
4. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"The saga tells a story unfolding around The One Ring, created and lost by Sauron—an ancient demigod of the world of Middle Earth, and
the main antagonist of the saga."
---The correct answer is: Plot
5. What element does the following passage discuss in the passage from the sample book review:
"It is almost impossible to say more about the plot, because at the end of the first book, it branches into multiple storylines."
---The correct answer is: Plot
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The research is a quantitative research dealing with the computed numerical figures from analyzing each news story. Through this, the
researchers analyzed each criterion that will determine the changes made in The Catalyst’s news stories over the years in terms of physical
changes, as well as in content.
---The correct answer is: Limitations
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
The researchers have coded a total of 586 news stories from The Catalyst’s issues from the year 1986 to 2010. The table above shows that
focus-wise, The Catalyst presented a substantial amount of news articles with miscellaneous issues taking up 26.97% of the total number
of articles. As provided in the definition of news by Bangkok Post, there are miscellaneous stories which continually appear in the news
section. In this study, these news articles are common stories within PUP which did not fall to any of the other categories.
---The correct answer is: Results
Identify the part of the research report where the following passage falls:
OFW parents could influence their children in either good or bad way. Children who have parents as overseas workers would be
considered well-off in life because of the money, not to mention, dollars sent to them. But OFWs are willing to endure all the pains and
sufferings of having their families away from them because in the end, they are recognized by the government and by every Filipino.
Because of this, former President Corazon Aquino acknowledged their sacrifices, efforts and contributions by referring to them as the
modern heroes in the speech she gave last 1988 to a group of domestic helpers in Hong Kong.
In honor of the OFWs who kept our country’s economy afloat as well as their families’ lives, the Philippines celebrates December as the
“Month of Overseas Filipino Workers”, to pay tribute to them.
---The correct answer is: Introduction
1. What type of job application letter is given?
---The correct answer is: hardcopy
2. What position is the person applying for?
---The correct answer is: programmer
3. In what paragraph number did the applicant summarize his experiences?
---The correct answer is: 3
4. In what paragraph number did the applicant describe his/her skills?
---The correct answer is: 2
5. What is the name of the applicant?
---The correct answer is: John Donaldson
1. What is the main goal/objective of the project proposal?
---The correct answer is: To identify and describe the monitoring of three common precursors and evaluate how accurate each monitoring
is in predicting earthquakes.
2. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Given that I can obtain all my sources for the literature review from the library, there is no appreciable cost associated with performing this
literature review. The only costs, which will be minor, are for copying articles, printing the review, and spiral binding the review. I estimate
that I can do these tasks for under $10."
---The correct answer is: Budget
3. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"I am a senior in the Geological Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. In my undergraduate courses I have
taken rock mechanics, soil mechanics, geophysics, and stratigraphy, all of which have included the principles of seismology and stress-
strain relationships."
---The correct answer is: Preparation
4. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"Because I already possess several books and articles on earthquake prediction, most of my time will be spent sifting through the
information, finding the key results, and presenting those results to the audience."
---The correct answer is: Resources
5. What part of the project proposal does the following sentence fall under:
"A secondary audience for the review would be non-technical readers who either live in earthquake-prone areas or are affected financially
when earthquakes occur."
---The correct answer is: Significance
A review of the Twilight Saga contains the following passage:
The first and foremost question: why would a 104 year-old person fall in love with a teenager? Theoretically, people get wiser when they get
older, although reality proves it is not necessarily so. I would understand if Edward treated Bella as an adopted daughter, at least. But love?
There is a special word for adult men having romantic and sexual relationships with teen girls. Also, according to folklore, vampires are
sadistic, vile, and sexually-insatiable creatures, so in a proper vampire story, exploitation and being devoured would be Bella’s only options.
But a true, clean, and romantic love? This is stupid. The only reason why it became possible is probably because aging has negatively
affected Edward’s (and his family’s) mental capabilities. Also, why would Bella not feel scared of knowing people who suck blood, or who
can turn into savage beasts? What kind of weird taste or fetish is that? And it is not only Bella and Edward acting weird—Jacob, Victoria,
the vampire clans, and other folks appearing in Twilight seem to have little to no common sense, reason, or logic.
What guide question did it answer?
---The correct answer is: What is the weakness of the plot?
Where did the story take place and how does it relate to the story?
---The correct answer is: setting
In evaluating an article, it is important for it to be generally unknown so you can grab the reader's attention.
---The correct answer is: False
A critique must contain the following parts except for:
---The correct answer is: comparison with other relevant works
This part of the literary analysis gives the subtopics.
---The correct answer is: body
It is important to dwell on the author's life and his works in a literature analysis.
---The correct answer is: False
There are different interpretations of a single literature. There may be similarities in some but there will always be differences.
---The correct answer is: True
This part of a literature review contains the general indications of the work.
---The correct answer is: introduction
What happens in the story that changed the course of the character/s?
---The correct answer is: conflict
In writing a critique, focus on the flaws of the text.
---The correct answer is: False
Use any font you want in creating your resume as long as it is somewhat readable.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Skilled in written and oral communication.
---The correct answer is: Key skills
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Finished a Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy (2011-2015)
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
I have volunteered for various non-government organizations, handling public relations and advertising of events. (She is applying for PR
specialist in a company)
---The correct answer is: Opening statement
The opening paragraph of your application letter must contain:
---The correct answer is: how you learned about the position or the company
Your resume must include your birthday and gender.
---The correct answer is: False
Prior research about the company you're applying for helps in composing your application letter.
---The correct answer is: True
Factual errors in your resume are worse than typographical errors.
---The correct answer is: True
Which is the usual format followed in sending an application letter via email?
---The correct answer is: name, position
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Can handle pressure.
---The correct answer is: Personal attributes
The part of a project proposal that gives the funding details.
---The correct answer is: budget
The cover sheet must be in ______ format.
---The correct answer is: APA
A part of the project detail that emphasizes what the project can contribute to a group of people in the society.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
An element of a good project proposal that details where to get the funds to bring the project to fruition.
---The correct answer is: Resources
A part of the project proposal that identifies similar solutions.
---The correct answer is: motivation
This informs the recipient of what the project aims to achieve.
---The correct answer is: goals and objectives
The references of the research report is recommended to be in MLA format.
---The correct answer is: False
A part of the project detail that uses diagrams to illustrate what tools to use in the implementation of the project.
---The correct answer is: Architecture and environment
This gives what the end product of the project is.
---The correct answer is: Deliverables
This part of the project details identifies the implementation challenges.
---The correct answer is: project details
It is in bad taste to stress your interest in applying for the job in the company.
---The correct answer is: False
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Certificate of N5 level Japanese Language Proficiency.
---The correct answer is: Educational qualifications
Identify which part of the resume the following information belongs to:
Experienced with Moodle.
---The correct answer is: Technical/software skills
You may choose not to include your address in the email copy of your application letter.
---The correct answer is: False
The application letter must be in strict business letter format.
---The correct answer is: True

Match the term to its description.

---The correct answer is:
Identifying the main ideas and supporting details to support the claim. - [Outlining and Summarizing]
Acknowledging the differences between personal existing values and attitude and the author's perspective. [Contextualizing]
Done to get an initial understanding of the text. [Previewing]
Consult related readings in order to learn how to approach the same topic in different ways. [Compare and Contrast]
An idea, an opinion, a judgment or a point of view that the writer wants you to accept. [Claim]
This consists of reasons and evidence that will prove to the readers that the conclusion presented is worth accepting. [Support]
Newer knowledge is obtained through this way of learning as this is the key to understanding the author's point of view. [Asking questions]
Weighing in on the consistency of claims and support. [Evaluation]
The reader must be able to track the pattern in the author's thoughts and presentation of his/her own beliefs. [Reflecting on challenges to
beliefs and values]
_______ the material enables the reader to grasp the organization and the content of the text in the shortest possible time. [Skimming]
Assertions that are based on facts and has to be proven by reliable proofs. [Opinion]
An assertion that relies on personal choice. [Preference]
Claims made to rebut a previous claim. [Counterclaim]
The part of a literary review that emphasizes the main point of the review. [Conclusion]
The part of a research report that states the significance of the research. [Introduction]
This includes the instrument used in the research. [Methods]
A part of the project proposal that states what the project will produce. [Deliverables]
The part of the project proposal that states what makes the project unique. [Implementation Issues and Challenges]
This part of the project proposal explains what the project wants to achieve. [Project Summary]
This part of the project proposal explains the problem and what makes it interesting. [Motivation]
In which element does the following questions fall?
---The correct answer is:
Is the author's claim objective? [Topic and Position]
From what perspective did the author write the text? [Style]
Is the information arranged according to the content, by the author's argument or by the needs of the audience? [Organization]
Which of the references elicits further discussion? [Research/Sources]
Where is the text found? [Audience]
Does the text mean to persuade? [Purpose/Context]
Are the sources credible? [Proof/Evidence]
Which of the evidence carries the more weight? [Proof/Evidence]
How is the information arranged in the text? [Organization]
What can you infer from the writer's choice of words? [Style]
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Despite all the joy that video games can bring to children and teenagers, ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Video games use their characters in the games ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games is not suitable for children and teenagers
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games help players improve social skills and reflexes
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Video games offer simplified and conditional models of environments and people.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty is an unfair and rather ineffective ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can be overturned.
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Death penalty can hardly be called ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: There has been numerous evidence ...
5. What is the stand of the author in the imposing of death penalty?
---The correct answer is: He/she is against it.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love story is dysfunctional.
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Romeo has immediately set his eyes on Juliet...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: It is important to learn to distinguish love from ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Romeo and Juliet's love progressed swiftly and carefully ...
5. Which of the following is correct according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: William Shakespeare did not mean for his characters to be idyllic.
1. Which of the following is the overall claim of the given essay?
---The correct answer is: Many arguments in favor of the usage ...
2. Which of the following information does not support the claim?
---The correct answer is: Tests help see the bias of teachers ...
3. What is the overall conclusion of the essay?
---The correct answer is: Improvements must be made in the distribution ...
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the essay?
---The correct answer is: Most of the time, standardized tests encourage ...
5. What is the stand of the author in this argument?
---The correct answer is: He/she weighs in on both advantages and disadvantages ...

BAED-ENGL2121 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World(Week 1-10)


"A big blue house, with a well-kept rose garden," is an example of a:

Select one:

a. Setting as Place CORRECT

b. Effects of Setting

c. Setting as Cultural Context (Condition)

d. Setting as Time

This Manobo/Ilianon tale tells the adventures of a hero and his people, and their journey to Nalandangan.

Select one:

a. Biag ni Lam-ang

b. The Agyu CORRECT

c. Aliguyon

d. Labaw-Donggon
The "Treaty of Paris" between Spain and the United States ceded the Philippines to US for how much?

Select one:

a. $2,000,000

b. $200,000,000

c. $20,000,000 CORRECT

d. $30,000,000

Dubbed as the Great Propagandist, he was known for being a master in the use of his native language, Tagalog.

Select one:

a. Marcelo H. Del Pilar CORRECT

b. Graciano Lopez-Jaena

c. Mariano Ponce

d. Jose P. Rizal

The writers in Spanish were accustomed to write literary works that have themes of nationalism because they want to honor Jose Rizal.

Select one:



Jose Corazon de Jesus began a famous column in Taliba called _____

Select one:

a. Buhay Filipino

b. Buhay Maynila CORRECT

c. Buhay Pilipinas
d. Buhay Manileno

In Marcelo h. Del Pilar's Dasalan at Tocsohan, which of the following is said to be the Fifth Commandment of the Spanish Friars?

Select one:

a. "Manalangin ka sa Prayle Linggo man at piyesta."

b. "Huwag kang makinakaw."

c. "Huwag kang mamamatay kung wala pang salaping panlibing." CORRECT

d. "Sambahin mo ang Payle lalo na sa lahat."

It is easy to interpret poems.

Select one:



A traditional depiction of the events before and after Jesus Christ was crucified.

Select one:

a. Sarsuela

b. Duplo

c. Moro-moro

d. Senakulo CORRECT

The following are known as Poets of the Heart (Makata ng Puso) except one:

The correct answer is: Aurelio Tolentino

He was a corresponding member of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Literature.

The correct answer is: Cecilio Apostol

He was recognized in the Hispanic world as the "greatest Filipino epic poet writing in Spanish."

The correct answer is: Cecilio Apostol

It is a narrative poem written in four-line stanzas.

Jose Corazon de Jesus was most notable for writing which poem?
The correct answer is: Ballad

In a drama, the plot encompasses all the incidents and provides aesthetic pleasure.

The correct answer is: 'True'

The following are Bathala's daughters to a mortal woman except:

The correct answer is: Mayari

It is the emotional high point of the story. It is also the most exciting part.

The correct answer is: Climax

Which part of the Ilokano epic Biag ni Lam-ang, tells the story of Lam-ang's quest to find the Igorots?

The correct answer is: The Quest for the Father

It is an example of an epic poem which tells the story of Jesus Christ's life, trials, and sufferings, and is sung during Holy Week.

The correct answer is: Pasyon

The Tagalog god of the sea, originally the god of the hunters.

The correct answer is: Amanikable

A short piece of fiction that is a "bite size" version of a novel.

The correct answer is: Short Story

A mystifying, misleading or puzzling question posed as a problem to be solved or guessed.

The correct answer is: Riddle

It is an artistic piece of philosophical, personal, imaginative or inspirational nature that is laid out in lines.
The correct answer is: Poetry

The following are means for an alipin to become a freeman EXCEPT:

The correct answer is: Getting captured in war

Doctrina Cristiana was the first religious book published in the Philippines on July 15, 1593.

The correct answer is: 'True'

It is an allegory with moral or religious bent.

Select one:
a. fable
b. fantasy
c. allusion
d. parable


The name of Lam-ang's love interest.

The correct answer is: Ines Cannoyan

It was the first novel written in Spanish by a Filipino, which revolves around the misery of a woman who died of cholera.

The correct answer is: Ninay

Most English newspapers were ordered to stop its operations during the Japanese regime.

The correct answer is: 'True'

It is simply defined as a product of one's imaginative mind. It can be a drama, short story, novel, myth, folktale, and poetry.

The correct answer is: Fictional Literature

The author who was known as the "comma poet," introducing a unique style of poetry.

The correct answer is: Jose Garcia Villa

The correct answer is: Which part of the Ilokano epic Biag ni Lam-ang, tells the story of Lam-ang's quest to find the Igorots?

The correct answer is: The Quest for the Father

In the story of Malakas and Maganda, the children who ran away from their father and ran outside became the Alipin.

The correct answer is: 'False'

___ is a long narrative poem, telling heroic deeds or events.

The correct answer is: Epic

Not every poem has a speaker.

The correct answer is: 'False'

The Japanese encouraged nationalism, or the love for one's motherland.

The correct answer is: 'True'

These are short poems which express the personal thoughts or emotions of the poet.

The correct answer is: Lyric poems

Jose Garcia Villa's Bayan Ko was set to music by Constancio de Guzman and became a popular song during the Marcos dictatorship.

The correct answer is: 'False'

He wrote "Banaag at Sikat" which was renowned for its depiction of certain issues of socialism and capitalism.

The correct answer is: Lope K. Santos

It is a story about animals that possess human traits.

The correct answer is: 'Fable'

____ is a famous comedy play written by Francisco "Soc" Rodrigo that portrays people's weaknesses.

The correct answer is: Sa Pula, Sa Puti

"The future looks fantastic, what with the flying cars and modern technology." This is an example of a:

The correct answer is: 'Setting as Time'

Claro M. Recto wrote for La Vanguardia under what penname?

The correct answer is: 'Aristeo Hilario'

Jose Garcia Villa won P1,000 from the Philippines Free Press, which he used to migrate to the United States and enroll at University of Mexico.

The correct answer is: 'True'

This was deemed as the first novel ever written in the Philippines.

The correct answer is: Barlaan at Josaphat

A novel that dwells on the arrogance of the friars, revealing the dire consequences tied to the marriage between the Spanish and Filipinos.

The correct answer is: La Hija Del Fraile

In a story, it is the verbal representation of a human being.

The correct answer is: Character

The American regime enforced free public education.

The correct answer is: 'True'


Mataas sa pag-upo,

Mababa 'pag tumayo.

Kaibigan kong ginto,

Karamay at kalaro."

The poem above is an example of:

The correct answer is: Tanaga

A poem in which the first letter of each line, when read vertically, spell out a word, which is usually the subject of the poem.

The correct answer is: Acrostic poem

A series of fairy tale stories told by an old woman who kept a loadful of stories in her ancient baul.
The correct answer is: Mga Kwento ni Lola Basyang

A rhetorical device, a witty, ingenious, or pointed saying that is tersely expressed.

The correct answer is: epigram

The American Period had influenced the Philippine Literature.

The correct answer is: 'True'

The writing system used by the Filipinos before the Spanish colonization.

The correct answer is: Baybayin

The term ___ refers to the social class consisting of freemen.

The correct answer is: timawa

Carlos P. Romulo has four bestselling works that led him to bagging the Pulitzer Prize.

The correct answer is: 'False'

Which of the following is not one of the bestselling works of Carlos P. Romulo?

The correct answer is: The Lost Ones

He is the "greatest Filipino epic poet writing in Spanish," in the Hispanic world.

The correct answer is: Cecilio Apostol

One of the writers in the Spanish era under the name Dimas-Ilaw and Pingkian who wrote "Ang Liwanag at Dilim" that became the code of revolution.

The correct answer is: Emilio Jacinto

The goddess of love, conception and childbirth for the Tagalogs.

The correct answer is: Diyan Masalanta

The following are works by Jesus Balmori EXCEPT:

The correct answer is: Mi Patria

Filipinos already have literature before the Spaniards came to the land.

The correct answer is: 'True'

It is the repetition of the same stressed vowel sound and any succeeding sounds in two or more words.
The correct answer is: Rhyme

He came up with a poetry compilation called Crisalidas in 1914.

Select one:

a. Jose Corazon de Jesus

b. Fernando Ma. Guerrero CORRECT

c. Cecilio Apostol

d. Jose Garcia Villa

The Tagalogs believe in the supreme deity called __.

Select one:

a. Christ

b. Amanikable

c. Bathala CORRECT

d. Apolaki

The American colonization over the Philippines began in 1898 and 1941.

Select one:



"Batikuling" was a penname used by which Filipino poet?

Select one:

a. Jose Corazon de Jesus

b. Jesus Balmori

c. Jose Rizal

d. Claro M. Recto

____ is the play written by Jose Ma. Hernandez about a blacksmith from Pampanga who was the first Filipino who made a cannon.

Select one:

a. Sino ba kayo?

b. The World is an Apple

c. Sa Pula, Sa Puti

d. Panday Pira

Severino Reyes's Ang Kalupi was first performed at the Teatro Zorilla in 1902.

Select one:


It is the repetition of vowel sounds.
Select one:
a. Assonance
b. Onomatopoeia
c. Consonance
d. Rhyme

The following are pen names of Mariano Ponce, except:

Select one:
a. Nanding

b. Taga-Ilog

c. Tikbalang

d. Kalipulako

Some of this hero's notable literary works are "El Verdadero Decalogo" (The True Decalogue or Ten Commandments, and "Sa Bayang Pilipino" (To the Filipino

Select one:

a. Antonio Luna

b. Mariano Ponce

c. Apolinario Mabini

d. Jose Maria Panganiban

The goddess of the moon and one of the three daughters of Bathala by a mortal woman.

Select one:

a. Hanan

b. Anagolay

c. Tala

d. Mayari

There are a few Spanish words integrated to our own language.

Select one:


Biag ni Lam-ang is one of the great epics that are able to survive with the help of oral transmission.

Select one:



The founder of La Vanguardia and La Opinion.

Select one:

a. Claro M. Recto

b. Cecilio Apostol

c. Jesus Balmori

d. Lope K. Santos

e. Fernando Ma. Guerrero

The writing system of Filipinos in the Pre-Spanish period.

Select one:

a. Alphabet

b. Baybayin

c. Alibata

d. none of the choices

Filipinos already have literature before the Spaniards came to the land.

Select one:



It is a narrative poem written in four-line stanzas.

Select one:

a. Free verse

b. Ballad

c. Sonnet

d. Ode

Essays that uses details related to the senses to create mental images for the reader.

Select one:

a. Descriptive essays

b. Persuasive essays

c. No correct answer

d. Expository essays

The goddess of lost things, she is also the wife of Dumakulem.

Select one:

a. Mayari

b. Anagolay

c. Dumakulem

d. Anitun Tabu

The Father of the Tagalog Zarzuela.

Select one:

a. Severino Reyes

b. Lope K. Santos

c. Jose Corazon de Jesus

d. Paz Marquez Benitez

He was one of the first Filipino writers to break free from the strict rules imposed on literature during the Propaganda movement.

Select one:

a. Jose Maria Panganiban

b. Marcelo H. Del Pilar

c. Dr. Pedro Paterno

d. Dr. Jose Rizal

The repetition of consonant sounds in words.

Select one:

a. Alliteration

b. Onomatopoeia

c. Assonance

d. Consonance

There are more novels written during this era than poetry.

Select one:



The name of Lam-ang's love interest.

The correct answer is: Ines Cannoyan
It was the first novel written in Spanish by a Filipino, which revolves around the misery of a woman who died of cholera.
The correct answer is: Ninay
Most English newspapers were ordered to stop its operations during the Japanese regime.
The correct answer is: 'True'
It is simply defined as a product of one's imaginative mind. It can be a drama, short story, novel, myth, folktale, and poetry.
The correct answer is: Fictional Literature
The author who was known as the "comma poet," introducing a unique style of poetry.
The correct answer is: Jose Garcia Villa
The correct answer is: Which part of the Ilokano epic Biag ni Lam-ang, tells the story of Lam-ang's quest to find the Igorots?
The correct answer is: The Quest for the Father
In the story of Malakas and Maganda, the children who ran away from their father and ran outside became the Alipin.
The correct answer is: 'False'
___ is a long narrative poem, telling heroic deeds or events.
The correct answer is: Epic
Not every poem has a speaker.
The correct answer is: 'False'
The Japanese encouraged nationalism, or the love for one's motherland.
The correct answer is: 'True'
These are short poems which express the personal thoughts or emotions of the poet.
The correct answer is: Lyric poems
Jose Garcia Villa's Bayan Ko was set to music by Constancio de Guzman and became a popular song during the Marcos dictatorship.
The correct answer is: 'False'
He wrote "Banaag at Sikat" which was renowned for its depiction of certain issues of socialism and capitalism.
The correct answer is: Lope K. Santos
It is a story about animals that possess human traits.
The correct answer is: 'Fable'
____ is a famous comedy play written by Francisco "Soc" Rodrigo that portrays people's weaknesses.
The correct answer is: Sa Pula, Sa Puti
The following are Bathala's daughters to a mortal woman except:
The correct answer is: Mayari
"The future looks fantastic, what with the flying cars and modern technology." This is an example of a:
The correct answer is: 'Setting as Time'
Claro M. Recto wrote for La Vanguardia under what penname?
The correct answer is: 'Aristeo Hilario'
Jose Garcia Villa won P1,000 from the Philippines Free Press, which he used to migrate to the United States and enroll at University of Mexico.
The correct answer is: 'True'
This was deemed as the first novel ever written in the Philippines.
The correct answer is: Barlaan at Josaphat
A novel that dwells on the arrogance of the friars, revealing the dire consequences tied to the marriage between the Spanish and Filipinos.
The correct answer is: La Hija Del Fraile
In a story, it is the verbal representation of a human being.
The correct answer is: Character
The American regime enforced free public education.
The correct answer is: 'True'
Mataas sa pag-upo,
Mababa 'pag tumayo.
Kaibigan kong ginto,
Karamay at kalaro."
The poem above is an example of:
The correct answer is: Tanaga
A poem in which the first letter of each line, when read vertically, spell out a word, which is usually the subject of the poem.
The correct answer is: Acrostic poem
A series of fairy tale stories told by an old woman who kept a loadful of stories in her ancient baul.
The correct answer is: Mga Kwento ni Lola Basyang
A rhetorical device, a witty, ingenious, or pointed saying that is tersely expressed.
The correct answer is: epigram
The American Period had influenced the Philippine Literature.
The correct answer is: 'True'
The writing system used by the Filipinos before the Spanish colonization.
The correct answer is: Baybayin
The term ___ refers to the social class consisting of freemen.
The correct answer is: timawa
Carlos P. Romulo has four bestselling works that led him to bagging the Pulitzer Prize.
The correct answer is: 'False'
Which of the following is not one of the bestselling works of Carlos P. Romulo?
The correct answer is: The Lost Ones
He is the "greatest Filipino epic poet writing in Spanish," in the Hispanic world.
The correct answer is: Cecilio Apostol
One of the writers in the Spanish era under the name Dimas-Ilaw and Pingkian who wrote "Ang Liwanag at Dilim" that became the code of revolution.
The correct answer is: Emilio Jacinto
The goddess of love, conception and childbirth for the Tagalogs.
The correct answer is: Diyan Masalanta
A short piece of fiction that is a "bite size" version of a novel.
The correct answer is: Short Story
The following are works by Jesus Balmori EXCEPT:
The correct answer is: Mi Patria
Filipinos already have literature before the Spaniards came to the land.
The correct answer is: 'True'
It is the repetition of the same stressed vowel sound and any succeeding sounds in two or more words.
The correct answer is: Rhyme

ENGL-121-20172S / ► Week 9: Short Quiz / ► Short Quiz

Hinilawod is commonly sung for a period of three days, non-stop.
Biag ni Lam-ang was first transcribed around 1640 by Pedro Bucaneg.
The ___ magazine was stationed in Manila and contributed to the development of Hiligaynon literature.
A social and political critique that uses comedia and ineffectual character.
=Sabas Armenta
An author from Bicol whose works are known for perceptivity and fatalism.
=Angelo de Castro
Pampa Bucaneg was also known as a Chris a total of ___ syllables in octaves with rhymes at the end.
The goddess of the Eastern sea in Hinilawod.
Poetry from ___ possess "clarity and grace of expression."
___ is the lingua franca of West Visayas.
It was known as the "Bible of Northern Philippines".
A song of allusion to mythical heroes.
Biag ni Lam-ang was created before the Spaniards came.
A folk theatrical that is a strictly private type of drama performed by friends and neighbors to divert a bereaved family from their sorrow.
People of Western Visayas are more well-versed in writing myths and folktales than poetry and prose.
Which of the following is not a reason why Pampango Literature did not flourish?
The Leopoldo Yabes version of the epic poem Biag ni Lam-ang consists of 206 stanzas.
Leon C. Pichay is acknowledged as the Father of Ilocano Literature.
Isabelo de los Reyes has ventured into journalism before he was 25.
= True
How long is Hinilawod usually sung?
=3 weeks, 2 hours a night
Mythological stories of Hiligaynons were passed through each generation by ____.
=oral transmission

ENGL-121 Week 7: Philippine Regional Literature - Ilokano (... / ► Learning Activity 2

A social and political critique that uses comedia and ineffectual character.
=Sabas Armenta
Aside from being a writer, Pedro Bucaneg was also known as a Christian missionary.
It was known as the "Bible of Northern Philippines".
=. Bannawag
It tells the quest of Lam-ang to find the Igorots who murdered his father.
=The Quest for the Father
Biag ni Lam-ang is an epic poem that consists of 1744 lines.
The common name of Awit and Corridos.
The playwright from Bicol who writes puns and mimes as double-edge statements for Spaniards.
=Mariano Shyna Perfecto
Leon C. Pichay was considered the most creative Ilocano writer in his generation.
The title of Mariano Proceso Pabalan Byron's famous zarzuela that depicts a Filipino family.
=Ing Managne
Which of the following is not a reason why Pampango Literature did not flourish?
=no literary outlet

Cardinal Bellarmine's catechism was the first book that was printed in Iloko.

Select one:



The author of the Pampango murder mystery novel, "Ing Buac ning Ester" (A Strand of Ester's Hair).

Select one:

a. Crisot

b. Jose M. Gallardo

c. Amado Yuzon

d. Aurelio Tolentino

It is the story of Lam-ang and his love interest Ines Cannoyan.

Select one:

a. The Quest for the Father

b. The Birth of Lam-ang

c. The Quest for a Wife

d. The Death and Resurrection of the Hero

The Father of Pampango Literature.

Select one:

a. Mariano Proceso Pabalan Byron

b. Juan Crisostomo Soto

c. Padre Anselmo Jorge de Fajardo

The Mother of Philippine Women's Literature.

Select one:

a. Leon C. Pichay

b. Isabelo de los Reyes

c. Leona Florentino

d. Genoveva Matute

One of the famous publishing houses from Bicol.

Select one:

a. Bicolanan

b. Bicoland

c. Bicolanon

d. Bicolandio

Ilocano literature is second to Tagalog in having the greatest number of printed works.
Select one:



The writer of Anti Cristo.

Select one:

a. Valerio Zinuga

b. Asisclo Jimenez

c. Manuel Fuentebella

d. Justiniano Nuyda

Leona Florentino was congenitally blind.

Select one:



Biag ni Lam-ang was first transcribed around 1640 by Pedro Bucaneg.

The Bukanegan is the Ilocano version of the Balagtasan
Ilocano literature is second to Tagalog in having the greatest number of printed works.
Leon C. Pichay is acknowledged as the Father of Ilocano Literature.
The writer of Anti Cristo.
Answer:Justiniano Nuyda
Poetry from ___ possess "clarity and grace of expression."
Which of the following is not a reason why Pampango Literature did not flourish?
Answer:no literary outlet
It is the story of Lam-ang and his love interest Ines Cannoyan.
Answer:The quest for a wife
Bicol Literature did not flourish because of the attitude of people towards it.
One of the famous publishing houses from Bicol.
Answer: Bicolanon

Leona Florentino was congenitally blind.

This writer detested the Spanish maladministration in the Philippines.
Answer:Isabelo de los Reyes
The title of Mariano Proceso Pabalan Byron's famous zarzuela that depicts a Filipino family.
Answer:Ing Managne
Who is known as the King of Crisotan?
Answer:Amado Yuzon
It was known as the "Bible of Northern Philippines".
The author of the Pampango murder mystery novel, "Ing Buac ning Ester" (A Strand of Ester's Hair).
Answer:Aurelio Tolentino
The playwright from Bicol who writes puns and mimes as double-edge statements for Spaniards.
Answer:Mariano Perfecto
The Mother of Philippine Women's Literature.
Answer:Leona Florentino
A social and political critique that uses comedia and ineffectual character.
Answer:Sabas Armenta
The Leopoldo Yabes version of the epic poem Biag ni Lam-ang consists of 206 stanzas.

A humorous and satiric song in Hiligaynon literature.

Select one:

a. Ballad

b. Haya

c. Siday

d. Bical

e. Awit

Vicente Y. Sotto began his journalistic career at the age of 22.

Select one:


The first short story in Sugbuanon.

Select one:

a. Maming

b. Ang Suga

c. La Justicia

d. Hinilawod

What was Pedro Bukaneg's origin, according to his name?

Select one:

a. Mangyan

b. Ibanag

c. Itneg

d. Ivatan

Bukaneg was a co-author of the Ilocano-English grammar book and dictionary.

Select one:

a. False

b. True

Hiligaynon is the lingua franca of Northern Mindanao.

Select one:


Sugbuanon is a dialect spoken in central Visayas, as well as in the greater part of northern and central Mindanao.

Select one:



Hinilawod tells the story of how the islands of Iloilo, ____ and Aklan were formed.

Select one:

a. Iloilo

b. Guimaras

c. Capiz

d. Antique

Hinilawod is the oldest and longest epic poem in Panay.

Select one:



___ refers to the Ilocano balagtasan.

Select one:

a. Bukanegan

b. None of the choices

c. Balitaw

d. Balagtas sa Balitaw
A humorous and satirical song.

Select one:

a. Ambahan

b. Haya

c. Bical

d. Siday

Pampango poetry commonly has a total of ___ syllables in octaves with rhymes at the end.

Select one:

a. 14

b. 16

c. 12

d. 8

____, also known as the Bible of Northern Philippines, was a popular weekly magazine featuring literary works from Ilocano writers.

Select one:

a. Balitaw

b. Hinilawod

c. Bannawag

d. Bukanegan
An old ritual of formalizing an engagement to marry.

Select one:

a. Bagamundo

b. Balagtasan sa Balitaw

c. Pamalaye
d. Kolilisi

___ tells a story of the bravery of ten datus who went on a journey to escape from a tyrannical ruler.

Select one:

a. Balitaw

b. Maragtas

c. Ambahan

d. Hinilawod

Haya is a dirge that is composed of three parts.

Select one:



Leona Florentino was fluent in Spanish, Tagalog, Ilokano and English.

Select one:

a. False

b. True

Ilocano literature is heavily influenced by religion.

Select one:

a. False

b. True

___ thrive in the region because they depict history, important people and social condition.

Select one:
a. plays

b. novels

c. poems

d. dramas

e. short stories

The Yuhum magazine in Iloilo was established by:

Select one:

a. UP Press

b. Liwayway Publications

c. PDI

d. La Defensa Press

Sugbuanon literature is characterized as:

Select one:

a. Abundant and varied

b. No correct answer

c. Old and extinct

d. Unique and scarce

An incorporation of duplo and balitaw where the courtship plot becomes a mere framework for an argument on a non-romantic subject.

Select one:

a. Bagamundo

b. Balagtasan sa Balitaw
c. Pamalaye

d. Drama-Balitaw

The name of the main character in Bucaneg's famous epic.

Select one:

a. Lam-ang

b. Bukaneg

c. Bannawag

d. Pedro

The father of Ilocano Literature.

Select one:

a. Fray Francisco Lopez

b. Leon C. Pichay

c. Pedro Bucaneg

d. Isabelo de los Reyes

It introduces the story's characters, setting, and conflict.
Select one:
a. Climax
b. Rising Action
c. Exposition
d. Falling Action
e. Resolution
A story about the tradition of Christmas in the Philippines, written to entertain and amuse the people from Madrid.
Select one:
a. La Maestra de mi Pueblo
b. Noche Buena
c. La Hija del Fraile
d. A Mi Madre

He published his poetry book "Rimas Malayas" (Malayan Rhymes) at the age of 17 and even wrote a satirical column for La Vanguardia
called "Vida Manilenas"
Select one:
a. Cecilio Apostol
b. Jesus Balmori
c. Fernando Ma. Guerrero
d. Claro M. Recto
The name of the corrupt governor in A Child of Sorrow.
Select one:
a. Gerado Luna
b. Lucio Soliman
c. Pancho Ismael
d. Rosa

The following are known as Poets of Stage EXCEPT:

Select one:
a. Patricio Mariano
b. Aurelio Tolentino
c. Pedro Deogracias
d. Severino Reyes

It was the very first book on Ilokano grammar written by Francisco Lopez.
Select one:
a. Arte de la Lengua Ilocana
b. Arte de la Iloka
c. Arte y Regalas de la Lengua Ilokana
d. Compendio de la Lengua Iloka

Alunsina and Datu Paubari in Hinilawod had twins.

Select one:

a. True

b. False

A Hiligaynon literary form that is a ballad of unrhymed couplets.

Select one:

a. Haya

b. Awit

c. Bical

d. Ambahan

e. Siday

The story of Maragtas is about a group of datus and their escape from Borneo.
Select one:



Dubbed as the most creative Ilocano writer in his generation whose works often revolve around the theme of love for the country, spirituality and love for their local

Select one:

a. Isabelo de los Reyes

b. Pedro Bucaneg

c. Leon Pichay

d. Leona Florentino
A comic representation of the love chase in aa verse dialogue of courtship that develops into a wit combat performed in song and dance.

Select one:

a. Bagamundo

b. Duplo

c. Balitaw

d. Drama-balitaw

e. Balagtasan sa Balitaw

he ___ magazine in Iloilo helped keep literature alive.

Select one:

a. Yuhum

b. La Defensa

c. Hiligaynon

d. None of the choices

Long before the Spaniards came to the Philippines, Ilokanos have already established their own culture, along with their own mythology and folklore.

Select one:

a. True

b. False

Which of the following is not a contribution to literature of Vicente Y. Sotto?

Select one:

a. published La Justicia in Cebu

b. the first published story in Sugbuanon, Maming

c. wrote folk theatricals in his native language

d. the first poetry in vernacular, Ang Suga

This refers to an old ritual of formalizing an engagement to marry.

answer: pamalaye

A comic representation of the love chase in a verse dialogue of courtship that develops into a wit combat performed in song and dance.

Select one:

a. Pamalaye

b. Balitaw

c. Kolilisi

d. Duplo

One of Haya's parts that is a song regretting the loss of a loved one and extolling him.

Select one:

a. parahaya

b. siday
c. anogon

d. bical

It is a character that remains essentially the same throughout the story.

Select one:
a. developing character
b. static character
c. flat character
d. round character
It is the pattern of sound created by the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line.
Select one:
a. Rhythm
b. Alliteration
c. Assonance
d. Consonance
In a story, this character is complex, multi-faceted and has the qualities of real people.
Select one:
a. Round character
b. Flat character
c. Developing character
d. Static character

Banaag at Sikat was notable for its depiction of issues such as socialism, capitalism, and the works of the united association of laborers.
Select one:

The correct answer is:

Match the writer to his/her famous literary work.

Claro M. Recto - [Bajo los Cocoteros]

Jose Corazon de Jesus - [Bayan Ko]

Dr. Pedro Paterno - [Ninay]

Mariano Ponce - [Mga Alamat ng Bulacan]

Jose Esperanza Cruz - [Tatlong Maria]

Fr. Modesto de Castro - [Urbana and Feliza]

Clodualdo del Mundo - [Bulaga]

Jose Ma. Hernandez - [Panday Pira]

Stevan Javellana - [The Lost Ones]

Narciso G. Reyes - [Lupang Tinubuan]

Paz Marquez Benitez - [Dead Stars]

Liwayway Arceo - [Uhaw ang Tigang ng Lupa]

Graciano Lopez-Jaena - [Fray Botod]

Marcelo H. Del Pilar - [Dasalan at Tocsohan]

Jose Maria Panganiban - [A Nuestro Obispo]

Andres Bonifacio - [Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa]

Apolinario Mabini - [El Verdadero Decalogo]

Emilio Jacinto - [Ang Liwanag at Dilim]

Antonio Luna - [Noche Buena]

Severino Reyes - [Mga Kwento ni Lola Basyang]

Fernando Ma. Guerrero - [Crisalidas]

Jose Rizal - [Noli Me Tangere]

Justiniano Nuyda - [Anti Cristo]

Marcelino Foronda Jr. - [Ta Dida Ammo it Aramidda]

Fray Francisco Lopez - [Cardinal Bellarmine’s catechism]

Pedro Bukaneg - [Biag ni Lam-ang]

Vicente Sotto - [Maming]

Jose Garcia Villa - [Man Songs]

Zoilo Galang - [A Child of Sorrow]

Lope K. Santos - [Banaag at Sikat]

Cecilio Apostol's poem that opened the world of Spanish poetry for him.

The correct answer is: El Terror de Los Mares Indicos

The goddess of the Eastern sea in Hinilawod.

The correct answer is: Alunsina

The ___ magazine in Iloilo helped keep literature alive.

The correct answer is: Yuhum

Hinilawod tells the story of how the islands of Iloilo, ____ and Aklan were formed.

The correct answer is: Antique

The son of Idiyanale: he’s the strong and agile, the guardian of the mountains.

The correct answer is: Dumakulem

The Tagalog god of the sea, he was originally the god of hunters.
The correct answer is: Amanikable

___ refers to the Ilocano balagtasan.

The correct answer is: Bukanegan

The father of Ilocano Literature.

The correct answer is: Pedro Bucaneg

Both Tagalog and English were used as the medium of instruction in all levels of education in public schools.

The correct answer is: False

____, also known as the Bible of Northern Philippines, was a popular weekly magazine featuring literary works from Ilocano writers.

The correct answer is: Bannawag

The name of the main character in Bucaneg's famous epic.

The correct answer is: Lam-ang

Which of the following is Juan Crisostomo "Crisot" Soto's works?

The correct answer is: Ing Managne

The ___ magazine was stationed in Manila and contributed to the development of Hiligaynon literature.

The correct answer is: Hiligaynon

A literary form that is a simple folk song, love song and work song.

The correct answer is: Awit

___ tells a story of the bravery of ten datus who went on a journey to escape from a tyrannical ruler.

The correct answer is: Maragtas

Sugbuanon literature forms delivered orally are the following except:

The correct answer is: plays

What was Pedro Bukaneg's origin, according to his name?

The correct answer is: Itneg

___ is the lingua franca of West Visayas.

The correct answer is: Hiligaynon

The oldest and longest epic poem in Panay.

The correct answer is: Hinilawod

Mythological stories of Hiligaynons were passed through each generation by ____.

The correct answer is: oral transmission

According to the Nicaraguan poet Daisy Zamora, poetry is:

Select one:

a. "a way of feeling life"

b. "criticism of life"

c. "blood, imagination and intellect running together"

d. "the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings"

It is the method by which writers and speakers reveal attitudes or feelings.

Select one:

a. Syntax

b. Style

c. Theme

d. Tone

The full name of the author of "Lupang Tinubuan" that won first prize in the outstanding Filipino short stories in 1943.

Select one:

a. Francisco Soc Rodrigo

b. Gonzalo Flores

c. Narciso Reyes
d. Macario Pineda

The conflict in a short story is a major element of plot because it arouses curiosity, causes doubt, creates tension and produces interest.

Select one:



Zoilo Galang's A Child of Sorrow was famous for being:

Select one:

a. The first Philippine novel written in the English language

b. The first Philippine poem written in the English language

c. The first Philippine short story written in the English language

d. The first Philippine essay written in the English language

A Manobo/Ilianon tale about the hero whose people had been driven out of their land.

Select one:

a. Agyu

b. Aliguyon

c. Biag ni Lam-ang

d. Labaw-Donggon

This author wrote "A Night in the Hills" which tells the story of Gerado Luna, a salesman in a jewelry store in Intramuros, Manila.

Select one:

a. Severino Reyes

b. Paz Marquez-Benitez
c. Lope K. Santos

d. Jose Garcia Villa

e. Jose Corazon de Jesus

f. Zoilo Galang

He was a corresponding member of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Literature.

Select one:

a. Cecilio Apostol

b. Teodoro Agoncillo

c. Jesus Balmori

d. Lope K. Santos

The second prize for the outstanding Filipino short stories in 1943 is _______.

Select one:

a. Lupang Tinubuan by Narciso Reyes

b. Uhaw ang Tigang na Lupa by Liwayway A. Arceo

c. Suyuan sa Tubigan by Macario Pineda

d. Lungsod Ngayon at Dagat-dagatan by N.V.M. Gonzales

The name of the magazine that recognized the brilliant minds behind literary works during this era.

Select one:

a. Pambata

b. Filipinas

c. Liwayway

d. Ilustración Filipina
The Father of Tagalog plays.

Select one:

a. Paz Marquez-Benitez

b. Jose Garcia Villa

c. Severino Reyes

d. Lope K. Santos

The term Alibata was coined by _______.

Select one:

a. Marcelo H. Del Pilar

b. Father Antonio de Borja

c. Paul Rodriguez Verzosa

d. Jose P. Rizal

The author of the speech, Sa Mga Pilipino, a speech aimed to improve the condition of the Filipinos to become free and progressive.

Select one:

a. Graciano Lopez Jaena

b. Andres Bonifacio

c. Mariano Ponce

d. Antonio Luna

He was the Father of the Tagalog Zarzuela and the one who wrote, "Walang Sugat" (No Wounds) about the Katipuneros in the later years of the Spanish

Select one:

a. Jose Garcia Villa

b. Lope K. Santos

c. Zoilo Galang

d. Paz Marquez-Benitez

e. Severino Reyes

f. Jose Corazon de Jesus

he name of the corrupt governor in A Child of Sorrow.

Select one:
a. Gerado Luna
b. Rosa
c. Pancho Ismael
d. Lucio Soliman

A poem consisting of four lines with seven syllables each, with each line ending in rhyme.
Select one:
a. Tanaga
b. Haikai
c. Tanka
d. Haiku

The type of government in the Philippines during the Pre-Spanish period.

Select one:
a. Autocracy
b. Dictatorship
c. Thalassocracy
d. Democracy

Jesus Balmori died on June 12, on Philippine Independence Day.

Select one:

Articles that explain the steps in a process, report the news, or analyze a work of literature are all examples of:
Select one:
a. Expository essays
b. Descriptive essays
c. Persuasive essays
d. No correct answer

Considered as the first modern English language short story writer from the Philippines.
Select one:
a. Jose Garcia Villa
b. Severino Reyes
c. Paz Marquez Benitez
d. Zoilo Galang

The term ____ refers to slaves that do not have the right to own property.
Select one:
a. saguiguilid
b. timawa
c. namamahay
d. alipin

Literature, in a literal sense, means:

Select one:
a. "placing, arrangement"
b. "an acquaintance with letters"
c. "love of wisdom"
d. "a thousand"

tory about the tradition of Christmas in the Philippines, written to entertain and amuse the people from Madrid.
Select one:
a. La Maestra de mi Pueblo
b. La Hija del Fraile
c. Noche Buena
d. A Mi Madre

Use of Tagalog became widespread under the Japanese rule.

Select one:
The Father of Filipino Democracy.
Select one:
a. Andres Bonifacio
b. Marcelo H. Del Pilar
c. Emilio Aguinaldo
d. Jose Rizal

The ____ is an example of an epic poem that tells the story of Jesus Christ's life, trials and sufferings.
Select one:
a. Pasyon
b. Credo
c. Awit
d. Pater Noster

Drama is told mainly through the words and actions of characters and intended to be performed by actors.
Select one:

A ____ is a mystifying, misleading or puzzling question posed as a problem to be solved or guessed.

Select one:
a. parable
b. riddle
c. epic
d. fable

The Bikolanos call their supreme being Asuang.

Select one:
Which of the following is not one of Mariano Ponce's pennames?
Select one:
a. Kalipulako
b. Tikbalang
c. Tagailog
d. Naning

A seven-lined diamond-shaped poem that specifies the part of speech in each line, sometimes with contrasting ideas.
Select one:
a. Acrostic poem
b. Diamond poem
c. Haiku
d. Shape poem

Philippine literature managed to thrive during this era.

Select one:
Aliguyon was the hero son of the goddess Alunsina, and the mortal Datu Paubari.
Select one:
Baybayin, the Filipino writing system in the Pre-Spanish period, is derived from the Tagalog word baybay which means:
Select one:
a. "to spell"
b. "to speak"
c. "to draw"
d. "to read"

Free public education made knowledge and information accessible to a greater number of Filipinos, which gave them the opportunity to join
the educated masses.
Select one:

What are the most common works of literature during the Japanese regime?
Select one:
a. short story
b. poems
c. novels
d. none of the choices
On May 1, 1898, the Americans led by U.S. Navy Admiral George Dewey, along with Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, attacked the Spanish Navy in
Manila Bay.
Select one:

One of the classics of Confucianism that is a collection of 300 poems and songs from the early Chou Dynasty.
Select one:
a. Ch'un Ching
b. Li Ching
c. I Ching
d. Shih Ching
e. Shu Ching

Some prominent rocks are worshipped as Kami.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

The goal of Hindu Life which refers to physical pleasure.

Select one:
a. Dharma
b. Artha
c. Kama
d. Moksha

ChinesA book of Confucianism that talks about "Great Learning."

Select one:
a. Lun Yu
b. Meng Tzu
c. Ta Hsueh
d. Chung Yung

Select one:
a. separation
b. individualization
c. expression
d. optimism

勇気 (Romaji: yuuki) means love.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

These are charms, wards or scriptures that are said to bring the bearer good luck or protection.
Select one:
a. magatama
b. ofuda
c. taima
d. omamori

A way to achieve God through direct action.

Select one:
a. Karma
b. Bakhti
c. Jnana
d. Sudra

The Indian goddess of dance.

Select one:
a. Rakshasa
b. Panchatantra
c. Kisa Gotami
d. Shivast

The name of the tree on which Gautama vowed never to arise until he found the truth.
Select one:
a. Lumbini
b. Piali
c. Pipal
d. Panna

Time refers to ____ while moment means "for the time being."
Select one:
a. clear-cut situation
b. relative situation
c. all of the choices
d. indistinct situation

Shinto believes that the reason for human's attachment to nature is because they become kami after they die.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
A way to achieve God by what you know.
Select one:
a. Jnana
b. Bakhti
c. None of the choices
d. Karma
The Japanese believe in balance in perspective and beauty.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Which of the following is not one of the three levels in which the Japanese are shaped?
Select one:
a. Milleu
b. Race
c. Standard of living
d. Power of the moment
This term refers to Japanese festivals to celebrate and honor shrines.
Select one:
a. tanjou
b. jinjitsu
c. matsuri
d. kouhaku
Which of the following is incorrect?
Select one:
a. One of the four noble truths is that suffering arises from attachment to desires
b. Sorrow is one of the unwholesome mental states impeding progress towards enlightenment.
c. One of the factors of enlightment is equanimity
d. Selflessness is one of the characteristics of existence
A characteristic of existence in Buddhism which refers to selflessness.
Select one:
a. anicca
b. anatta
c. dukkha
d. sila
A way to achieve God by how you act.
Select one:
a. Sudra
b. Jnana
c. Karma
d. Bakhti
The goal of Hindu Life which refers to physical pleasure.
Select one:
a. Kama
b. Dharma
c. Moksha
d. Artha
Omamori comes from the word mamori, which means, ___.
Select one:
a. protection
b. guidance
c. overpower
d. strength
Being a Hindu is said to be a sign of being ____.
Select one:
a. patient
b. gracious
c. glorious
d. gallant
Which of the following is not one of the Confucian Thoughts from the Analects?
Select one:
a. “To be wealthy and honored in an unjust society is a disgrace.”
b. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."
c. “The superior man has a dignified ease without pride. The mean man has pride without a dignified ease.”
d. “What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.”
Those who do not agree that life is impermanent, is said to be in the state of "___" or illusion.
Select one:
a. Sudra
b. Purusha
c. Brahmin
d. Maya

What marked the end of World War I?

Select one:
a. Hitler and his wife committed suicide
b. Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles
c. Friendship was secured between neighboring European countries
d. Germany surrendered
During the World War II, when was London destroyed causing the death of approximately 60,000 civilians?
Select one:
a. 1940
b. 1941
c. 1943
d. 1945
This type of newspaper was developed in 1962 as a supplement to the Sunday newspaper.
Select one:
a. newsletter
b. tabloid
c. berliner
d. compact

Identify what the following statement describes:

The art/literature has a realistic setting.
Select one:
a. Magic Realism and Realism
b. Fantasy
c. Magic Realism
d. Surrealism
e. Realism
f. Magic Realism and Fantasy
The common ground in the themes of postmodernism and modernism.
Select one:
a. criticism of something broken
b. tragedy of something broken
c. celebration
d. result of war and invasions
e. lamentation and apathy
Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Identify what the following statement describes:
A fantasy plot that is accepted by the characters.
Select one:
a. Realism
b. Surrealism
c. Magic Realism and Fantasy
d. Magic Realism and Realism
e. Fantasy
f. Magic Realism
Which of the following terms related to postmodernism means "construction or creation from a diverse range of available things"?
Select one:
a. playfulness
b. parody
c. irony
d. pastiche
e. bricolage
Identify the aspect of modernism described:
The rise of spontaneity and discovery in creation.
Select one:
a. a rejection of the distinction between "high" and "low" or popular culture
b. an emphasis on fragmented forms
c. a blurring of distinctions between genres
d. a rejection of elaborate formal aesthetics in favor of minimalist designs
Postmodernism emphasizes pastiche. Which of the following is the closest meaning of the word "pastiche"?
Select one:
a. an imitation of the style of a writer, artist or genre with deliberate exaggeration for a humorous effect.
b. the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite for a humorous effect.
c. an artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist or period
d. construction or creation from a diverse range of available things.
A movement where Brazilians explored their myths and folklore.
Select one:
a. Vanguardia
b. Surrealism
c. Modernismo
d. Colonial ideology
A popularly acclaimed artist whose artworks result in powerful paradoxes, often provoking unsettling thoughts.
Select one:
a. Rene Magritte
b. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
c. Oswaldo Guayasamin
Identify what the following statement describes:
Explores aspects that are associated with imagination, attempting to express the inner life of humans.
Select one:
a. Fantasy
b. Surrealism
c. Magic Realism and Realism
d. Magic Realism
e. Realism
f. Magic Realism and Fantasy

This artist's artworks feature racism and discrimination. One such example is the image below:

Select one:
a. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
b. Rene Magritte
c. Oswaldo Guayasamin
The English title of Gabriel Garcia Marquez' novel which became the epicenter of novels in this period.
Select one:
a. One Hundred Years of Solitude
b. Chronicle of a Death Foretold
c. The General in His Labyrinth
d. Love in the Time of Cholera
Identify the aspect of modernism described:
Discontinuous narratives and random-seeming collages of different materials.
Select one:
a. an emphasis on impressionism and subjectivity in writing
b. a tendency toward reflexivity or self-consciousness
c. omniscient third-person narrators and fixed narrative points of view
d. an emphasis on fragmented forms
Identify the aspect of modernism described:
Choosing materials used to produce art and in methods of displaying, distributing and consuming art.
Select one:
a. a rejection of elaborate formal aesthetics in favor of minimalist designs
b. omniscient third-person narrators and fixed narrative points of view
c. a rejection fo the distinction between "high" and "low" or popular culture
d. a blurring of distinctions between genres
Choose what type of control exists in the following dystopian novel, based on its synopsis:
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline: "In the year 2044, reality is an ugly place. The only time teenage Wade Watts really feels alive is when
he's jacked into the virtual utopia known as the OASIS. Wade's devoted his life to studying the puzzles hidden within this world's digital
confines, puzzles that are based on their creator's obsession with the pop culture of decades past and that promise massive power and
fortune to whoever can unlock them. When Wade stumbles upon the first clue, he finds himself beset by players willing to kill to take this
ultimate prize. The race is on, and if Wade's going to survive, he'll have to win—and confront the real world he's always been so desperate
to escape."
Select one:
a. Technological Control
b. Corporate Control
c. Philosophical/Religious Control
d. Bureaucratic Control
A popularly acclaimed artist whose artworks result in powerful paradoxes, often provoking unsettling thoughts.
Select one:
a. Rene Magritte
b. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
c. Oswaldo Guayasamin
Small portions of West Africa are composed of people who believe in ______.
Select one:
a. Yourubu religion
b. Islam
c. Animism
d. Christianity
This began in the middle of the 18th century and is associated with modern era.
Select one:
a. Modern America
b. none of the choices
c. European Enlightenment
d. Scientific Revolution
French-speaking African writers, politicians and intellectuals developed the ideological philosophy, Negritude.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
Select one:
a. The climax of dystopian literature is unresolved.
b. Dystopian literature ends on a hopeful note.
c. Dystopia's conflict mostly revolves around the beliefs held by the people in the society
d. Dystopia asks big questions such as "What is love?"
Identify what the following statement describes:
Explores the social and political ills in the 20th Century.
Select one:
a. Fantasy
b. Surrealism
c. Magic Realism and Fantasy
d. Magic Realism and Realism
e. Magic Realism
f. Realism
In Modern America, this country is the first to become an independent nation in West Indies.
Select one:
a. Central America
b. Peru
c. Haiti
d. Mexico
The following are countries that proclaimed independence from Spain except for:
Select one:
a. Central America
b. Texas
c. Peru
d. Mexico
This massacre occurred in Rwanda causing millions to flee.
Select one:
a. none of the choices
b. Ethiopian
c. Hutus
d. Zaire
Postmodernism emphasizes pastiche. Which of the following is the closest meaning of the word "pastiche"?
Select one:
a. an imitation of the style of a writer, artist or genre with deliberate exaggeration for a humorous effect.
b. construction or creation from a diverse range of available things.
c. the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite for a humorous effect.
d. an artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist or period
n a dystopian world, ____ takes control of human minds.
Select one:
a. religion
b. ruling power
c. propaganda
d. beliefs
This refers to a set of philosophical, political, and ethical ideas which provide the basis for the aesthetic aspect of modernism.
Select one:
a. Modernity
b. Late Modernity
c. Modernization
d. Postmodernity
Identify the aspect of modernism described:
The rise of spontaneity and discovery in creation.
Select one:
a. a rejection of the distinction between "high" and "low" or popular culture
b. a blurring of distinctions between genres
c. an emphasis on fragmented forms
d. a rejection of elaborate formal aesthetics in favor of minimalist designs
One of the themes reflected in postmodernism which means the construction or creation from a diverse range of available things.
Select one:
a. irony
b. bricolage
c. parody
d. pastiche
Identify what the following statement describes:
Explores aspects that are associated with imagination, attempting to express the inner life of humans.
Select one:
a. Magic Realism and Realism
b. Surrealism
c. Fantasy
d. Magic Realism
e. Magic Realism and Fantasy
f. Realism
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
Select one:
a. The climax of dystopian literature is unresolved.
b. Dystopian literature ends on a hopeful note.
c. Dystopia's conflict mostly revolves around the beliefs held by the people in the society
d. Dystopia asks big questions such as "What is love?"
Known as one of the authors of the 1935 Philippine Constitution.
Select one:
a. Severino Reyes
b. Paz Marquez Benitez
c. Lope K. Santos
d. Claro M. Recto

BAED-ENGL2121 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World(Week 11-19)
L.A 8 ENGL-121 (21st century lit.)
Knowing and believing can be quite similar.
Select one:
- False
A way to achieve God by what you know.
The total length of the Indus River is _____ kilometers.
The first Indian poet who wrote the epic, Ramayana.
Maharishi Valmiki
Evident in the Indian culture is a class structure determined by birth. It is also known as the
Caste system
Families build ____ where kamis live.
Ans: shrines
Which of the following is not one of the Confucian Thoughts from the Analects?
Ans: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."
This term refers to Japanese festivals to celebrate and honor shrines.
Ans: matsuri
The first Indian poet who wrote the epic, Ramayana.
Ans: Maharishi Valmiki
The term ____ refers to loyalty to one's true nature.
Ans: zhong
The Chinese do not like change.
Ans: True
A way to achieve God by how you act.
Ans: Bakhti
Omamori comes from the word mamori, which means, ___.
Ans: protection
One of the classics of Confucianism that is a collection of 300 poems and songs from the early Chou Dynasty.
Ans: Shih Ching
The name of the tree on which Gautama vowed never to arise until he found the truth.
Ans: Pipal

Sq. 8 ENGL-121 (21st century lit.)

In Indian Literature, the devil does not exist. Instead, God does something bad to a person to teach them a lesson.
Select one:
The Indian goddess of dance
A way to achieve God through direct action.
A demonic being from Hindu mythology.
Being a Hindu is said to be a sign of being ____
The goal of Hindu Life which refers to physical pleasure.
The female Rakshasa in human form takes the name
A way to achieve God by how you act.
_____refers to the red mark on the forehead of the Indians and is said to be a sign of God.
The _____ is a major south-flowing river in South Asia.
-Indus River

L.A 9 ENGL-121 (21st century lit.)

Which of the following is not one of the three levels in which the Japanese are shaped?
Select one:
-Standard of living
During the ____ period, Shintoism became the main religion in Japan.
The term ____refers to spirits that roam the land and are also known as the Shinto gods.
The demonic creatures represented as ogres and trolls roaming the earth.
Question 5
Some prominent rocks are worshipped as Kami.
Select one:
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Sq. 9 ENGL-121 (21st century lit.)

The Japanese do not possess guilt.
Select one:
?? (Romaji: yuuki) means love.
Select one:
Shinto believes that the reason for human's attachment to nature is because they become kami after they die.
Select one:
Shinto believes that humans are fundamentally good and evil deeds are caused by evil spirits.
Select one:
The sun goddess, ____is considered as the most important God.
To the Japanese, a person's poor quality/badness is relative because of the existence of goodness.
Select one:
- False
Omamori comes from the word mamori, which means, _____
Time refers to _____while moment means "for the time being."
-clear-cut situation
Families build _____where kamis live.
These are charms, wards or scriptures that are said to bring the bearer good luck or protection.

L.A 10 ENGL-121 (21st century lit.)

Heaven or ____is a positive and personal force in the universe for Confucius.
Which of the following is incorrect?
Select one:
- Sorrow is one of the unwholesome mental states impeding progress towards enlightenment.
Confucianism, like the Catholics, have specific rituals or practices for their religion.
Select one:
- False
The name of the tree on which Gautama vowed never to arise until he found the truth.
Which of the following is not one of the Confucian Thoughts from the Analects?
Select one:
-"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."
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Sq. 10 ENGL-121 (21st century lit.)

Chinese Literature serves to portray only a fraction of reality.
Select one:
- False
One of the classics of Confucianism that is a collection of 300 poems and songs from the early Chou Dynasty.
Select one:
- Shih Ching
The Chinese do not like change.
Select one:
The main principle of Confucianism is , which means "humaneness" or "benevolence."
_____ is a religion that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs, and spiritual practices largely based on teachings attributed to Buddha.
To Buddhists, ____or suffering is the innate nature of existence.
Which of the following is not a book of Confucianism?
Select one:
- Li Ching
The term ____refers to loyalty to one's true nature.
Complete the quote: Not to discuss with a man worthy of conversation is to waste the man. To discuss with a man not worthy of conversation is
to ____."
-waste words
Chinese expressed things by _____ than analysis.

L.Q 3 ENGL-121 (21st century lit.)

One of the goals of Hindu life that refers to materialistic pleasure/wealth.
Select one:
- Artha
_____is said to be relative in the Japanese customs.
This is the term that refers to the end of reincarnation.
Select one:
- Moksha
Which of the following is not a way of Japanese living?
Select one:
-importance of time
The Japanese term which refers to nature itself.
? (read as chikara) is a kanji (Chinese character) that means wealth.
Select one:
- False
A group in the caste system composed of slaves.
Select one:
_____is a collection of fables given to kings and princes, which purpose is to teach them values, leadership and governance.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Indian's way of living?
Select one:
- Peace
The protagonist in Ramayana whose wife is abducted by the demonking of Lanka, Ravana.
Select one:
- Rama
The Japanese believe in balance in perspective and beauty.
Select one:
- True
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
Select one:
-The Indian's way of living is one of individualism
This refers to a class of supernatural monsters, spirits, and demons in Japanese folklore.
What is the difference between joy and happiness?
Select one:
-joy is natural while happiness is acquired
Those who do not agree that life is impermanent, is said to be in the state of "_____" or illusion.
The ____ Veda is a book of spells.
Select one:
- Atharva
______is the shrine maiden or the caretaker that is usually a daughter of the priest.
??? means to protect. It is said to provide various forms of luck or protection.
Matsuri is a Japanese ____celebrating and honoring shrines.
Omamori are charms, wards or scriptures said to bring the bearer good luck or protection, depending on what is written on them.
Select one:
- False
A characteristic of existence in Buddhism which refers to selflessness.
Select one:
- anatta
Siddhartha Gautama was born and eventually grew up in India.
Select one:
- False
A book of Confucianism that talks about "Great Learning."
Select one:
-Ta Hsueh

Sq. 11 ENGL-121 (21st century lit.)

Adolf Hitler's conquering strategy called ______ or Lightning War.
After the first World War, the clothing of people became simplistic.
Select one:
- False
A law designed to protect woman's rights during that time.
Select one:
-Equal Pay Act of 1970
The age of technology brought about the following except:
Select one:
-storage drives
People of the time read war poems that are based on the horrors of the aftermath of the World War.
Select one:
- True
Who was the youngest Prime Minister of Britain for almost 200 years?
Select one:
-Tony Blair
The first woman Prime Minister and was elected three consecutive times.
Select one:
- Margaret Thatcher
The first woman member in the House of Commons.
-Lady Astor
All women over eighteen were granted the right to vote.
Select one:
This type of newspaper was developed in 1962 as a supplement to the Sunday newspaper.

L.A 11 ENGL-121 (21st century lit.)

The common themes of British literature often stray from modernism and stream of consciousness.
Select one:
What marked the end of World War I?
Select one:
-Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles
King Edward VII took the invasion of Belgium by Germans as a threat.
Select one:
- False
Which of the following is not one of the independent countries which the British Empire has dissolved into?
Select one:
During the World War II, when was London destroyed causing the death of approximately 60,000 civilians?
Select one:

Sq. 12 ENGL-121 (21st century lit.)

Postmodernism emphasizes pastiche. Which of the following is the closest meaning of the word "pastiche"?
Select one:
- an artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist or period
Identify the aspect of modernism described:
Choosing materials used to produce art and in methods of displaying, distributing and consuming art.
Select one:
- a rejection fo the distinction between "high" and "low" or popular culture
The European Enlightenment began on mid-eighteenth century.
Select one:
In Modern America, this country is the first to become an independent nation in West Indies.
Select one:
Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
Select one:
This term generally refers to the broad aesthetic movements of the 20th Century.
The _____ was implemented and Canada was then separated from the British parliament.
-Canada Act of 1982
Identify the aspect of modernism described:
Discontinuous narratives and random-seeming collages of different materials.
Select one:
-an emphasis on fragmented forms
The following are countries that proclaimed independence from Spain except for:
Select one:
- Texas
Aztecs found Tenochtitlan in 1325 to 1350 A.D. Today, Tenochtitlan is known as:
Select one:

L.A 12 ENGL-121 (21st century lit.)

Postmodern art favors discontinuity in narrative structure.
Select one:
This refers to a set of philosophical, political, and ethical ideas which provide the basis for the aesthetic aspect of modernism.
Identify the aspect of modernism described:
The rise of spontaneity and discovery in creation.
Select one:
-a rejection of elaborate formal aesthetics in favor of minimalist designs
The common ground in the themes of postmodernism and modernism.
Select one:
-result of war and invasions
Which of the following terms related to postmodernism means "construction or creation from a diverse range of available things"?
Select one:
-. bricolage

L.A 13 ENGL-121 (21st century lit.)

______is a means of reuniting conscious and unconscious realms of experience so completely that the world of dream and fantasy combines.
Identify what the following statement describes:
Explores aspects that are associated with imagination, attempting to express the inner life of humans.
Select one:
- Surrealism
This artist's artworks feature racism and discrimination. One such example is the image below:
Select one:
-Oswaldo Guayasamin
Identify what the following statement describes:
Treats unreal events as matter-of-fact.
Select one:
-Magic Realism
Identify what the following statement describes:
Portrays non-realistic subjects, often a product of hallucinations.
Select one:

Sq. 13 ENGL-121 (21st century lit.)

Identify what the following statement describes:
Depicts everyday subjects and situations in contemporary settings.
Select one:
Identify what the following statement describes:
Explores the social and political ills in the 20th Century.
Select one:
-Magic Realism
Identify what the following statement describes:
The art/literature has a realistic setting.
Select one:
-Magic Realism and Realism
A movement where Brazilians explored their myths and folklore.
Select one:
- Modernismo
Identify what the following statement describes:
A fantasy plot that is accepted by the characters.
Select one:
- Magic Realism and Fantasy
The English title of Gabriel Garcia Marquez' novel which became the epicenter of novels in this period.
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Identify what the following statement describes:
The purpose of this is an approach to find methods of uniting the conscious and subconscious realms of experience.
Select one:
The Spanish and Portuguese in South America had two goals. What are these?
Select one:
-increase wealth and convert the natives to Christians
A popularly acclaimed artist whose artworks result in powerful paradoxes, often provoking unsettling thoughts.
Select one:
-Rene Magritte
Identify what the following statement describes:
The objective is to bring a fresh image of our everyday world.
Select one:
- Magic Realism

______deptics an ideal society"

answer: utopia

4th quarter exam ENGL-121 (21st century lit.)

c-Eliezer Bernardo
Noted: 49/50 lang po it's up to you!
The one who wrote Totem, a poem that encourages common racial identity for black Africans.
-Leopold Sedar Senghor
The Sun Goddess that is considered the most important God in Shinto.
– Amaterasu
These are charms and wards or scriptures that is said to bring the bearer good luck or protection.
- Ofuda
Gautama Buddha is known to be _________ and will remain in this position until he has found the truth.
- seated under the pipal tree
Which of the following paths is not included in the samadhi or meditation?
- Right Thought
The one who proposed equality in the West Africa. -Blaise Daigne
The story about the grief of a woman who lost her child and eventually where the line, "the living are few, but the dead are many" became
- Kisa gotami( sabi nila yan daw????)
The term that refers to the goal of liberation
This consists of three books on the Rites of Propriety. -
-Li Ching
A way to achieve God which depends on how you act. -
This is the innate nature of existence according to Buddhism.
A Japanese word which means protection.
The Veda for rituals of sacrifice.
-Yajur Veda
The characteristic of existence which refers to selflessness. .
In 1948, immigrants arrived in Britain. Their nationalities varied and they are the following except:
The movement initiated the emerging of daring and confrontational themes.
- vanguardia
Indian Literature is often described as illogical. a. True
The literary and ideological philosophy developed by French-speaking African intellectuals.
The positive and personal force in the universe, according to Confucius is Heaven or
I Ching or the Classic of Changes is a collection of texts on divination based on a set of hexagrams that reflect the relationship between Yin and
Yang in nature and society.
- 64
This depicts the tragedy of something broken. Modernism
he Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs in 1521.
-Herman Cortes
This book advocates the discernment of a basic norm of human action which, if put into effect, will bring life into harmony with the process of
the universe.
-Chung Yung
The main principle of Confucianism is Answer which means humaneness or benevolence.
The Spanish literary movement which is characterized by its use of sensuous imagery to express distinctive spiritual values, as well as metaphors.
This is a collection of fables given to kings and princes that will teach them all there is to know about values, leadership and governance.
Which of these refers to the collection of 300 poems and songs from the early Chou Dynasty?
-Shih Ching
The level of caste system which refers to the soldiers.
What is the existing goal of the Ramayana? Dharma
The Indians believe that knowing and believing are nearly the same. .
Which of the following is not a characteristic of Modernism in American literature?
-a clear distinction between genres
A book of Mencius' conversations with kings of the time.
-Meng Tzu
This term is used to refer to works that depict supernatural forces working because of a logical reason.
-Magic realism
Japanese term referring to nature.
akshasas are most commonly called
Shinto became the main religion in Japan during the meiji period
This term refers more to art/literature that defies logic with the
Confucianism is characterized by a highly Answer
This art favors reflexivity, self-consciousness, fragmentation and discontinuity.
Adolf Hitler, head of the Nazis used the
Which of the following is not one of the unwholesome mental states that impede profress towards enlightenment?
roup are composed of writers, painters and artists that aim to revive the Uli art of the Igbo tribe.
Religion believes that we planned our lives with God. Youruba
Indian belief dictates that salvation is not achieved by action but by knowledge or realization.
The Indian's way of living's characteristics include the following except:
This refers to a set of philosophical, political and ethical ideas which provide the basis for the aesthetic aspect of modernism.
There is no devil in Indian literature.
Edward VII lead the friendship of major European countries and eventually forming the group called, "
-entente cordiale
River is one of the longest rivers in Asia extending to 3,180 kilometers.
The Indians have Answer identities of the god.
You can't look at things in only one way.
You should look from both angles.
~Takahashi sensei
The term that refers to the goal of liberation.
The Chinese accept that change is inevitable.
The_______ group are composed of writers, painters and artist that aim to receive the Uli art of the lgbo tribe
The positive and personal force in the universe, according to Confucius is Heaven or __________
This Japanese term refers to the spirits that roam the land.

This Japanese term refers to the spirits that roam the land.
- yokai
Edward VII lead the friendship of major European countries and eventually forming the group called, "
- entente cordiale
The positive and personal force in the universe, according to Confucius is Heaven or
- t'ien
The story about the grief of a woman who lost her child and eventually where the line, "the living are few, but the dead are many" became
-Kisa Gotami
The Veda for rituals of sacrifice.
-Yajur Veda
The characteristic of existence which refers to selflessness.
Shinto became the main religion in Japan during the ____period.
This term is used to refer to works that depict supernatural forces working because of a logical reason.
- Magic Realism
This term refers more to art/literature that defies logic with the supernatural.
-Magic Realism
These are charms and wards or scriptures that is said to bring the bearer good luck or protection.
This book advocates the discernment of a basic norm of human action which, if put into effect, will bring life into harmony with the process
of the universe.
-Chung Yung
This consists of three books on the Rites of Propriety
- Li Ching
Which of the following is not one of the unwholesome mental states that impede profress towards enlightenment.
Rakshasas are most commonly called
Indian belief dictates that salvation is not achieved by action but by knowledge or realization.
This is the innate nature of existence according to Buddhism.
Which of these refers to the collection of 300 poems and songs from the early Chou Dynasty?
-shih ching
Which of the following is not a characteristic of Modernism in American literature?
- an emphasis on fragmented forms
The main principle of Confucianism is ____which means humaneness or benevolence.
- ren
This refers to a set of philosophical, political and ethical ideas which provide the basis for the aesthetic aspect of modernism.
- Modernity
The___River is one of the longest rivers in Asia extending to 3,180 kilometers.
A Japanese word which means protection.
The people who have been subjected to bad karma cannot find their way to Nirvana.
Indian Literature is often described as illogical.
This art favors reflexivity, self-consciousness, fragmentation and discontinuity.
Gautama Buddha is known to be _________ and will remain in this position until he has found the truth.
-seated under the pipal tree
Which of the following paths is not included in the samadhi or meditation?
-Right Thought
The____religion believes that we planned our lives with God.
- Youruba
The Sun Goddess that is considered the most important God in Shinto.
The Indian's way of living's characteristics include the following except:
the___group are composed of writers, painters and artists that aim to revive the Uli art of the Igbo tribe.
A book of Mencius' conversations with kings of the time.
- Meng Tzu
The one who wrote Totem, a poem that encourages common racial identity for black Africans.
-Leopold Sedar Senghor
This depicts the tragedy of something broken.
Adolf Hitler, head of the Nazis used the ____or lightning war in conquering Poland.
- blitzkrieg
Confucianism is characterized by a highly _____ view of human nature.
- optimistic
The term that refers to the goal of liberation.
The Chinese accept that change is inevitable.
The Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs in 1521.
- Herman Cortes
There is no devil in Indian literature.
The Indians have ____ identities of the god
The literary and ideological philosophy developed by French-speaking African intellectuals.
- negritude
The Indians believe that knowing and believing are nearly the same.
I Ching or the Classic of Changes is a collection of texts on divination based on a set of ____ hexagrams that reflect the relationship
between Yin and Yang in nature and society.
- 64
In 1948, immigrants arrived in Britain. Their nationalities varied and they are the following except:
- australians
The Spanish literary movement which is characterized by its use of sensuous imagery to express distinctive spiritual values, as well as
- avant-garde
What is the existing goal of the Ramayana?
A way to achieve God which depends on how you act.
The level of caste system which refers to the soldiers.
The _____ movement initiated the emerging of daring and confrontational themes.
- Vanguardia
The one who wrote Totem, a poem that encourages common racial identity for black Africans.
-Leopold Sedar Senghor
The Sun Goddess that is considered the most important God in Shinto.
– Amaterasu
These are charms and wards or scriptures that is said to bring the bearer good luck or protection.
- Ofuda
Gautama Buddha is known to be _________ and will remain in this position until he has found the truth.
- seated under the pipal tree
Which of the following paths is not included in the samadhi or meditation?
- Right Thought
The one who proposed equality in the West Africa. -Blaise Daigne
The story about the grief of a woman who lost her child and eventually where the line, "the living are few, but the dead are many" became
- Kisa gotami( sabi nila yan daw )
😂 😂

The term that refers to the goal of liberation

This consists of three books on the Rites of Propriety. -
-Li Ching
A way to achieve God which depends on how you act. -
This is the innate nature of existence according to Buddhism.
A Japanese word which means protection.
The Veda for rituals of sacrifice.
-Yajur Veda
The characteristic of existence which refers to selflessness. .
In 1948, immigrants arrived in Britain. Their nationalities varied and they are the following except:
The movement initiated the emerging of daring and confrontational themes.
- vanguardia
Indian Literature is often described as illogical. a. True
The literary and ideological philosophy developed by French-speaking African intellectuals.
The positive and personal force in the universe, according to Confucius is Heaven or
I Ching or the Classic of Changes is a collection of texts on divination based on a set of hexagrams that reflect the relationship between Yin
and Yang in nature and society.
- 64
This depicts the tragedy of something broken. Modernism
he Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs in 1521.
Herman Cortes
This book advocates the discernment of a basic norm of human action which, if put into effect, will bring life into harmony with the process
of the universe.
Chung Yung
The main principle of Confucianism is Answer which means humaneness or benevolence.
The Spanish literary movement which is characterized by its use of sensuous imagery to express distinctive spiritual values, as well as
This is a collection of fables given to kings and princes that will teach them all there is to know about values, leadership and governance.
Which of these refers to the collection of 300 poems and songs from the early Chou Dynasty? Shih Ching
The level of caste system which refers to the soldiers.
What is the existing goal of the Ramayana? Dharma
The Indians believe that knowing and believing are nearly the same. .
Which of the following is not a characteristic of Modernism in American literature?
a clear distinction between genres
A book of Mencius' conversations with kings of the time.
Meng Tzu
This term is used to refer to works that depict supernatural forces working because of a logical reason.
Magic realism
Japanese term referring to nature. Kigo
akshasas are most commonly called
Shinto became the main religion in Japan during the meiji period
This term refers more to art/literature that defies logic with the supernatural
Confucianism is characterized by a highly Answer optimistic
This art favors reflexivity, self-consciousness, fragmentation and discontinuity.
Adolf Hitler, head of the Nazis used the
Which of the following is not one of the unwholesome mental states that impede profress towards enlightenment?
group are composed of writers, painters and artists that aim to revive the Uli art of the Igbo tribe.
Religion believes that we planned our lives with God. Youruba
Indian belief dictates that salvation is not achieved by action but by knowledge or realization.
The Indian's way of living's characteristics include the following except:
This refers to a set of philosophical, political and ethical ideas which provide the basis for the aesthetic aspect of modernism.
There is no devil in Indian literature.
Edward VII lead the friendship of major European countries and eventually forming the group called, " entente cordiale
River is one of the longest rivers in Asia extending to 3,180 kilometers.
The Indians have Answer identities of the god.
You can't look at things in only one way.
You should look from both angles.
~Takahashi sensei

Complete the Eightfold Path table and give the other term for the three qualities.
Wisdom ( panna ) Right Thought
Right View
Morality ( sila ) Right Speech
Right Action
Right Livelihood
Meditation ( samadhi ) Right Effort
Right Mindfulness
Right Contemplation


Approximately how many ethnic groups are in Nigeria?

Answer : c .200
The _________ is the ruling political party of post-apartheid South Africa.
Answer : African National Congress
The Answer is the ruling political party of post-apartheid South Africa.
Answer : African National Congress
Match the year to the historical event that occurred in Africa:
Nelson Mandela was the elected president of South Africa 1994
HIV epidemic started to spread 1981
Italy invades Ethiopia 1935
Ebola virus emerges in Sudian and Zaire 1976
The Nigerian Youth Movement in Africa was formed 1933
Rwanda refugees migrate back to escape fight in Zaire 1996
The beginning of World War II 1939
Zaire declares independence from Belgium 1961
Independence of Morocco, Sudian and Tunisia 1956
The Nigarian Civil War ended 1970


The West Africa-Nsukka Group aims to revive the _______ art of the Igbo tribe.
Answer : uli
The West Africa-Nsukka Group aims to revive the Answer art of the Igbo tribe.
Answer : uli
The southern part of West Africa are mostly
Answer : a. Christians
French-speaking African writers, politicians and intellectuals developed the ideological philosophy, Negritude.
Answer : a. True
Which of the following is not part of the major civilization and cities in Africa?
Answer : c. Gambia
This emphasizes the criticism of something broken.
Answer : c. Postmodernism
In a dystopian world, _________ takes control of human minds.
Answer : propaganda
In a dystopian world, Answer takes control of human minds.
Answer : propaganda
Choose what type of control exists in the following dystopian novel, based on its synopsis:
The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins “The nation of Panem, formed from a post-apocalyptic North America, is a country
that consists of a wealthy Capitol region surrounded by 12 poorer districts. Early in its history, a rebellion led by a 13th district against
the Capitol resulted in its destruction and the creation of an annual televised event known as the Hunger Games. In punishment, and
as a reminder of the power and grace of the Capitol , each district must yield one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18
through a lottery system to participate in the games. The tributes are chosen during the annual Reaping and are forced to fight to the
death, leaving only one survivor to claim victory.”
Answer : a. Bureaucratic Control
Which of the following is not a theme of British literature?
Answer : c. postmodernism
The first African awardee of the Novel Prize.
Answer : c. Wole Soyinka
One of the themes reflected in postmodernism which means the construction or creation from a diverse range of available things.
Answer : c. bricolage
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
Answer : d. Dystopia’s conflict mostly revolves around the beliefs held by the people in the society
This was a means of combining both words of dream and fantasy.
Answer : b. Surrealism
Dystopian literature is generally objective.
Answer : b. False
This depicts the aftermath of wars.
Answer : d. Both choices are correct
This massacre occurred in Rwanda causing millions to flee.
Answer : hutus
The English term of the movement of literature which promotes surrealism.
Answer : avant-garde
Queen Victoria died after only ten years of being a queen
Answer : a. False
This expresses the inner life and psychology of humans.
Answer : d. Surrealism
Writers are inspired to write about the horrors of World War so they wrote _____ poems.
Answer : war
Writers are inspired to write about the horrors of World War so they wrote Answer poems.
Answer : war
The freedom of Latin America opened for export and import of goods.
Answer : True
There is a line drawn between the rich and the poor in dystopian literature.
Answer : b. True
Choose what type of control exists in the following dystopian novel, based on its synopsis:
Divergent by Veronica Roth: “In Beatrice Prior’s dystopian Chicago world, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the
cultivation of a particular virtue-Candor(the honest).Abnegation (the selfless). Dauntless (the brave). Amity (the peaceful). And
Erudite(the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they devote the rest
of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is-she can’t have both. So she
makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself. “
Answer : b. Bureaucratic Control
The author of Utopia who coined the same word in his novel.
Answer : Thomas More
The one who proposed equality in the West Africa and recruited Africans to be in World War II.
Answer : c. Blaise Dalgne
The _____ holds the ruling power during the American Revolution.
Answer : Elite
The Answer holds the ruling power during the American Revolution.
Answer : Elite
Who declared war against the Germans during World War I?
Answer : King George V
This began in the middle of the 18th century and associated with modern era.
Answer : European Enlightenment
Edward VII earned the title. “Edward the _________ “because he secured good relationship between European countries.
Answer : peacemaker
Edward VII earned the title. “Edward the Answer “because he secured good relationship between European countries.
Answer : peacemaker
Choose what type of control exists in the following dystopian novel, based on its synopsis:
The Circle by Dave Eggers. “When Mae Holland is hired to work for the Circle, the world’s most powerful internet company, she feels
she’s been given the opportunity of a lifetime. The Circle run out of a sprawling California campus, links users’ personal emails,
social media, banking, and purchasing with their universal operating system, resulting in one online identity and a new age of civility
and transparency, As Mae tours the open-plan office spaces, the towering glass dining facilities, the cozy dorms for those who spend
nights at work, she is thrilled with the company’s modernity and activity. There are parties that last through the night, there are
famous musicians playing on the lawn, there are athletic activities and clubs and brunches, and even an aquarium of rare fish
retrieved from the Marianas Trench by the CEO. Mae can’t believe her luck, her great fortune to work for the most influential
company in America—even as life beyond the campus grows distant, even as a strange encounter with a colleague leaves her
shaken, even as her role at the Circle becomes increasingly public. What begins as the captivating story of one woman’s ambition
and idealism soon becomes a heart-racing novel of suspense , raising questions about memory, history, privacy, democracy, and the
limits of human knowledge.”
Answer : a. Technological Control
In West Africa, this is what they call the praise singer or poet.
Answer : griots
This refers to a set of philosophical, political and ethical ideas which provide the basis for the aesthetic aspect of modernism.
Answer : b. Modernity
Choose what type of control exists in the following dystopian novel, based on its synopsis:
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline: “In the year 2044, reality is an ugly place. The only time teenage Wade Watts really feels alive is
when he’s jacked into the virtual utopia known as the OASIS. Wade’s devoted his life to studying the puzzles hidden within this
world’s digital continues, puzzles that are based on their creator’s obsession with the pop culture of decades past and that promise
massive power and fortune to whoever can unlock them. When Wade stumbles upon the first clue, he finds himself beset by players
willing to kill to take this ultimate prize. The race is on, and if Wade’s going to survive. He’ll have to win and confront the real world
he’s always been so desperate to escape.”
Answer : a. Technological Control
This depicts the aftermath of wars.
A: Both choices are correct

The freedom of Latin America opened for export and import of goods.
A: true

The Southern part of West Africa are mostly

A: Christians

This was a means of combining both worlds of dream and fantasy.

A: Surrealism

Who declared war against the Germans during World War I?

A: King George V

There is a line drawn between the rich and the poor in dystopian literature.
A: true

Choose what type of control exists in the following dystopian novel, based on its synopsis:
The Circle by Dave Eggers: "When Mae Holland is hired to work for the Circle, the world’s most powerful internet company, she feels she’s
been given the opportunity of a lifetime. The Circle, run out of a sprawling California campus, links users’ personal emails, social media,
banking, and purchasing with their universal operating system, resulting in one online identity and a new age of civility and transparency. As
Mae tours the open-plan office spaces, the towering glass dining facilities, the cozy dorms for those who spend nights at work, she is
thrilled with the company’s modernity and activity. There are parties that last through the night, there are famous musicians playing on the
lawn, there are athletic activities and clubs and brunches, and even an aquarium of rare fish retrieved from the Marianas Trench by the
CEO. Mae can’t believe her luck, her great fortune to work for the most influential company in America--even as life beyond the campus
grows distant, even as a strange encounter with a colleague leaves her shaken, even as her role at the Circle becomes increasingly public.
What begins as the captivating story of one woman’s ambition and idealism soon becomes a heart-racing novel of suspense, raising
questions about memory, history, privacy, democracy, and the limits of human knowledge."
A: Technological Control

Dystopian literature is generally objective.

A: false

Divergent by Veronica Roth: "In Beatrice Prior's dystopian Chicago world, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the
cultivation of a particular virtue—Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite
(the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their
lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is—she can't have both. So she makes a
choice that surprises everyone, including herself."
A: Bureaucratic Control

This term refers to Japanese festivals to celebrate and honor shrines.

A: matsuri

This is the term that depicts an ideal society.

A: Utopia

The West Africa-Nsukka Group aims to revive the ___ art of the Igbo tribe.
A: uli

This began in the middle of the 18th century and is associated with modern era.
A: European Enlightenment

Which of the following is not a theme of British literature?

A: postmodernism

This expresses the inner life and psychology of humans.

A: surrealism

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

A: Dystopia's conflict mostly revolves around the beliefs held by the people in the society

The English term of the movement of literature which promotes surrealism.

A: avant-grande

The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins: "The nation of Panem, formed from a post-apocalyptic North America, is a country that
consists of a wealthy Capitol region surrounded by 12 poorer districts. Early in its history, a rebellion led by a 13th district against the
Capitol resulted in its destruction and the creation of an annual televised event known as the Hunger Games. In punishment, and as a
reminder of the power and grace of the Capitol, each district must yield one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18 through a
lottery system to participate in the games. The 'tributes' are chosen during the annual Reaping and are forced to fight to the death, leaving
only one survivor to claim victory."
A: Bureaucratic Control

This holds the ruling power during the American Revolution.

A: elite

Queen Victoria died after only ten years of being a queen.

A: false

One of the themes reflected in postmodernism which means the construction or creation from a diverse range of available things.
A: bricolage

BAED-ENGL2121 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World (Week 20)
ENGL-121-20172S EXAM WEEK20 GRADE 11

This Japanese term refers to the spirits that roam the land.
- yokai
Edward VII lead the friendship of major European countries and eventually forming the group called, "
- entente cordiale
The positive and personal force in the universe, according to Confucius is Heaven or
- t'ien
The story about the grief of a woman who lost her child and eventually where the line, "the living are few, but the dead are many" became
-Kisa Gotami
The Veda for rituals of sacrifice.
-Yajur Veda
The characteristic of existence which refers to selflessness.
Shinto became the main religion in Japan during the ____period.
This term is used to refer to works that depict supernatural forces working because of a logical reason.
- Magic Realism
This term refers more to art/literature that defies logic with the supernatural.
-Magic Realism
These are charms and wards or scriptures that is said to bring the bearer good luck or protection.
This book advocates the discernment of a basic norm of human action which, if put into effect, will bring life into harmony with the process
of the universe.
-Chung Yung
This consists of three books on the Rites of Propriety
- Li Ching
Which of the following is not one of the unwholesome mental states that impede profress towards enlightenment.
Rakshasas are most commonly called
Indian belief dictates that salvation is not achieved by action but by knowledge or realization.
This is the innate nature of existence according to Buddhism.
Which of these refers to the collection of 300 poems and songs from the early Chou Dynasty?
-shih ching
Which of the following is not a characteristic of Modernism in American literature?
a clear distinction between genres
The main principle of Confucianism is ____which means humaneness or benevolence.
- ren
This refers to a set of philosophical, political and ethical ideas which provide the basis for the aesthetic aspect of modernism.
- Modernity
The___River is one of the longest rivers in Asia extending to 3,180 kilometers.
A Japanese word which means protection.
The people who have been subjected to bad karma cannot find their way to Nirvana.
Indian Literature is often described as illogical.
This art favors reflexivity, self-consciousness, fragmentation and discontinuity.
Gautama Buddha is known to be _________ and will remain in this position until he has found the truth.
-seated under the pipal tree
Which of the following paths is not included in the samadhi or meditation?
-Right Thought
The____religion believes that we planned our lives with God.
- Youruba
The Sun Goddess that is considered the most important God in Shinto.
The Indian's way of living's characteristics include the following except:
the___group are composed of writers, painters and artists that aim to revive the Uli art of the Igbo tribe.
A book of Mencius' conversations with kings of the time.
- Meng Tzu
The one who wrote Totem, a poem that encourages common racial identity for black Africans.
-Leopold Sedar Senghor
This depicts the tragedy of something broken.
Adolf Hitler, head of the Nazis used the ____or lightning war in conquering Poland.
- blitzkrieg
Confucianism is characterized by a highly _____ view of human nature.
- optimistic
Adolf Hitler, head of the Nazis used the ____ in conquering Poland.
A: lightning war
The term that refers to the goal of liberation.
The Chinese accept that change is inevitable.
The Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs in 1521.
- Herman Cortes
There is no devil in Indian literature.
The Indians have ____ identities of the god
The literary and ideological philosophy developed by French-speaking African intellectuals.
- negritude
The Indians believe that knowing and believing are nearly the same.
I Ching or the Classic of Changes is a collection of texts on divination based on a set of ____ hexagrams that reflect the relationship
between Yin and Yang in nature and society.
- 64
In 1948, immigrants arrived in Britain. Their nationalities varied and they are the following except:
- australians
The Spanish literary movement which is characterized by its use of sensuous imagery to express distinctive spiritual values, as well as
- modernismo
What is the existing goal of the Ramayana?
A way to achieve God which depends on how you act.
The level of caste system which refers to the soldiers.
The _____ movement initiated the emerging of daring and confrontational themes.
- Vanguardia
The one who wrote Totem, a poem that encourages common racial identity for black Africans.
-Leopold Sedar Senghor
The Sun Goddess that is considered the most important God in Shinto.
– Amaterasu
These are charms and wards or scriptures that is said to bring the bearer good luck or protection.
- Ofuda
Gautama Buddha is known to be _________ and will remain in this position until he has found the truth.
- seated under the pipal tree
Which of the following paths is not included in the samadhi or meditation?
- Right Thought
The one who proposed equality in the West Africa. -Blaise Daigne
The story about the grief of a woman who lost her child and eventually where the line, "the living are few, but the dead are many" became
- Kisa gotami( sabi nila yan daw )
😂 😂

The term that refers to the goal of liberation

This consists of three books on the Rites of Propriety. -
-Li Ching
A way to achieve God which depends on how you act. -
This is the innate nature of existence according to Buddhism.
A Japanese word which means protection.
The Veda for rituals of sacrifice.
-Yajur Veda
The characteristic of existence which refers to selflessness. .
In 1948, immigrants arrived in Britain. Their nationalities varied and they are the following except:
The movement initiated the emerging of daring and confrontational themes.
- vanguardia
Indian Literature is often described as illogical. a. True
The literary and ideological philosophy developed by French-speaking African intellectuals.
The positive and personal force in the universe, according to Confucius is Heaven or
The positive and personal force in the universe, according to Confucius is ___.
A: T’ien
I Ching or the Classic of Changes is a collection of texts on divination based on a set of hexagrams that reflect the relationship between Yin
and Yang in nature and society.
- 64
This depicts the tragedy of something broken. Modernism
he Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs in 1521.
Herman Cortes
This book advocates the discernment of a basic norm of human action which, if put into effect, will bring life into harmony with the process
of the universe.
Chung Yung
The main principle of Confucianism is Answer which means humaneness or benevolence.
The Spanish literary movement which is characterized by its use of sensuous imagery to express distinctive spiritual values, as well as
This is a collection of fables given to kings and princes that will teach them all there is to know about values, leadership and governance.
Which of these refers to the collection of 300 poems and songs from the early Chou Dynasty? Shih Ching
The level of caste system which refers to the soldiers.
What is the existing goal of the Ramayana? Dharma
The Indians believe that knowing and believing are nearly the same. .
Which of the following is not a characteristic of Modernism in American literature?
a clear distinction between genres
A book of Mencius' conversations with kings of the time.
Meng Tzu
This term is used to refer to works that depict supernatural forces working because of a logical reason.
Magic realism
Japanese term referring to nature. Kigo
akshasas are most commonly called
Shinto became the main religion in Japan during the meiji period
This term refers more to art/literature that defies logic with the supernatural
Confucianism is characterized by a highly Answer optimistic
This art favors reflexivity, self-consciousness, fragmentation and discontinuity.
Adolf Hitler, head of the Nazis used the
Which of the following is not one of the unwholesome mental states that impede profress towards enlightenment?
group are composed of writers, painters and artists that aim to revive the Uli art of the Igbo tribe.
Religion believes that we planned our lives with God. Youruba
Indian belief dictates that salvation is not achieved by action but by knowledge or realization.
The Indian's way of living's characteristics include the following except:
This refers to a set of philosophical, political and ethical ideas which provide the basis for the aesthetic aspect of modernism.
There is no devil in Indian literature.
Edward VII lead the friendship of major European countries and eventually forming the group called, " entente cordiale
River is one of the longest rivers in Asia extending to 3,180 kilometers.
The Indians have Answer identities of the god.
You can't look at things in only one way.
You should look from both angles.
~Takahashi sensei
BAED-PEDH2112 Physical Education & Health G11B (Week 1-9)

In badminton, the grip should be neither tight nor loose but firm and pliant, loosening as the swing progresses.
Select one:

Badminton can be played in both singles and doubles.

Select one:

The ball used in table tennis is fragile but quite hard to break.
Select one:

Another name for a shuttlecock.

Select one:
a. bird
b. ball
c. cock
d. shutter

The net in badminton must be made of fine cord of light color and thickness with a mesh of not less than 20mm.
Select one:

The ____ shot is used rarely but effectively. It is a and downward swing. (table tennis)
Select one:
a. drive
b. smash
c. serve
d. drop

The overall dimension of a badminton racket cannot exceed 26 3/4 inches in length, 9 inches in width and 11 inches in head length.
Select one:

The official badminton court for a game of singles is:

Select one:
a. 40ft long x 22ft wide
b. 44ft long x 22ft wide
c. 44ft long x 17ft wide
d. 40ft long x 17ft wide

When the bird touches the top of the net and falls in the proper side of the court, it is called ____.
Select one:
a. clear
b. fault
c. let
d. drop

This refers to the single layer of cellular rubber in the paddle of the table tennis racket located underneath the rubber surface.
Select one:
a. padding
b. none of the choices
c. sponge
d. rubber

Which of the following is not a part of a badminton racket?

Select one:
a. stringed area
b. face
c. frame
d. head
e. throat
f. handle

In badminton, any stroke made on the side of the body opposite the racket side.
Select one:
a. Forehand
b. Backhand
c. Match
d. Drive
e. Clear

In badminton, this term refers to loss of service.

Select one:
a. let
b. hand-out
c. love
d. fault

Badminton was said to be similar to what game?

Select one:
a. tennis
b. table tennis
c. none of the choices
d. battledore

The grip wherein the forefinger and thumb reach over the shoulders of the blade, with the other fingers spread over the back. (table tennis)
Select one:
a. western grip
b. handshake grip
c. penhold grip
d. eastern grip

In badminton, ___ is the stroke used to initiate play and used to begin each point in the match.
Select one:
a. smash
b. service
c. play
d. drive

This refers to the line running parallel to the net in the badminton court.
Select one:
a. short base line
b. short service line
c. long service line
d. base line

The variable length of feathers in a shuttlecock.

Select one:
a. 64mm to 70 mm
b. 65mm to 75mm
c. 58mm to 68mm
d. 25mm to 28mm

The shot in which the bird follows the net in a short flight. (badminton)
Select one:
a. Drop
b. Rally
c. Setting the Game
d. Fault
e. Net flight

A defensive stroke where the ball is struck with a downward and forward motion with a short chopping motion. (table tennis)
Select one:
a. smash shot
b. push shot
c. top spin serve
d. chop stroke
e. drop shot

The ____ governs the promotion and development of badminton in the Philippines.
Select one:
a. Philippine Badminton Federation
b. Badminton Association of the Philippines
c. Association of Badminton in the Philippines
d. none of the choices

This refers to the flat shot that is kept as low as possible to have the opponent run from side to side. (badminton)
Select one:
a. Net shot
b. Smash
c. Drive
d. Overhand stroke
e. Drop shot

___ are used as defensive stroke in badminton to allow the player time to return to the ready position and regroup and to move the
opponent as far away from the net as possible.
Select one:
a. clears
b. backhands
c. hand-outs
d. faults
The two types of shuttlecocks are the feathered and the ___.
Select one:
a. synthetic
b. plastic
c. recreational
d. authentic

Which of the following is not considered a fault?

Select one:
a. If in play, shuttle lands nearly on boundary lines and fails to go past the net or touches the ceiling or walls
b. If server misses the shuttlecock
c. If service is not correct
d. If a player misbehaves or repeated misconduct during the game

Table tennis has been included as an event in local athletic sport meets.
Select one:

Which Olympic host country was badminton presented as a demonstration sport?


Singles serve and receive in the service court. (table tennis)

The ball resting on the palm of the free hand and toss it around six or more inches in height, letting it bounce on the table side of the server
before passing by the net and bounce in the receiver's side of the table. (table tennis)
Select one:
a. push shot
b. drop shot
c. top spin serve
d. smash shot
e. chop stroke
How many points must a player get to win a badminton game?
Answer: 21

The net in badminton should be 720mm in depth and at least 6.1m wide.
Select one:

This refers to a good service but unable to hit or touch with the racket. (badminton)
Select one:
a. Clear
b. Fault
c. Drive
d. Ace
e. Bird

The ____ is small, celluloid, spherical, white or orange in color, 40mm in diameter and 2.5g in weight.
Select one:
a. paddle
b. sponge
c. none of the choices
d. ball

In India, Badminton was known as ____.

Answer: Poona

Matches in table tennis can get up to what number?

Answer: 7

Color of boundary lines in badminton courts.

Answer: White or yellow

Reaching 40 points is also called . (tennis)
The tennis court for a singles game must be feet wide

hip leve
At the event of a forehand stroke, the racket head must be at to point opposite the right hip. (tennis)

Major Walter Wingfield introduced the game Answer which the racket game originated from. (tennis)

In a doubles game of tennis, all players may have the chance to serve the ball.
Select one:
a. True
b. False

The backswing in the technique starts from the ready position, with the feet facing the net. The player steps forward using the right
foot and meet the ball early for the backhand execution. (tennis)
Answer : One-handed backhand

Tennis was used to be played by using the palm of the hand.

Select one:

w inner
Winning 3 out of 5 sets is considered a . (tennis)

sidew a
Feet are turned in preparation for a backhand stroke. (tennis)

This refers to chasing how many points to play when the score becomes tied in 13-all or 14-all. (badminton)
A: setting the game

In doubles, the receiving side may change depending on the serving team's score. (table tennis)
A: true

Badminton was said to be similar to what game?

A: battledore

The shot in which the bird follows the net in a short flight. (badminton)
A: net flight

___ are used as defensive stroke in badminton to allow the player time to return to the ready position and regroup and to move the
opponent as far away from the net as possible.
A: clears

Hungary and Czechoslovakia are some of the countries that dominated the table tennis international competitions.
A: true

The official badminton court for a game of singles is:

A: 44ft long x 17ft wide

Table tennis originated on December 1890.

A: false

The ____ governs the promotion and development of badminton in the Philippines.
A: Badminton Association of the Philippines

The grip wherein the forefinger and thumb reach over the shoulders of the blade, with the other fingers spread over the back. (table tennis)
A: penhold grip

The net in badminton must be made of fine cord of light color and thickness with a mesh of not less than 20mm.
A: false

A defensive stroke where the ball is struck with a downward and forward motion with a short chopping motion. (table tennis)
A: chop stroke

Scoring used in table tennis is called

A: love

The first player in badminton to reach ___ points wins a game.

A: 21
The ball is in play from the moment it is projected from the hand in service. (table tennis)

Which of the following statements is not true about table tennis?

A: A good stance in serving the ball is that the shoulder of the non-racket hand is parallel to the net in the backhand position.

Singles serve and receive in the right service court

The Premier International Men's Team Thomas Cup was established in 1948. (badminton)

This refers to the single layer of cellular rubber in the paddle of the table tennis racket located underneath the rubber surface.
A: sponge

How many, at the most, are the sets in one match? (table tennis)
A: 5

The meaning of IBF.

A: international badminton federation

The number of feathers fixed in the base of a shuttlecock.

A: 16

The ball is not in play anymore if it has been struck by either play at least once. (table tennis)
A: false

The variable length of feathers in a shuttlecock.

A: 64mm to 70 mm

The overall dimension of a badminton racket cannot exceed 26 3/4 inches in length, 9 inches in width and 11 inches in head length.
A: false

This refers to the line running parallel to the net in the badminton court.
A: short service line

In badminton, the grip should be neither tight nor loose but firm and pliant, loosening as the swing progresses.
A: false

In badminton, this term refers to loss of service.

A: hand-out

The net in badminton must be made of fine cord of light color and thickness with a mesh of not less than 20mm.
A: false

The ____ is small, celluloid, spherical, white or orange in color, 40mm in diameter and 2.5g in weight.
A: ball

stroke refers to the act of striking the ball with the racket. (tennis)

When the points reach 40-40, it is called a deuce

Occasionally move your body forward with a swing as it will direct the flight of the ball. (tennis)
A: false

Major Walter Wingfield introduced the game playing ball

A score that means zero. (tennis)

A: love

The backhand stroke is used in baseline rallies. (tennis)

Answer : backhand

How many games are there in one set? (tennis)

A: 6

What does Paume mean?

A: palm

The game is won if one of the player gets four points. (tennis)
A: true
Winning 3 out of 5 sets is considered a winner

The most popular grip in tennis.

A: eastern grip

The length of the tennis court is 78 feet

backswing must be executed with an extended arm and firm wrist. (tennis)

eastern grip allows extremely wide reach and maximum power with minimum effort. (tennis)

Two points in tennis is equal to 30 points

technique, eastern forehand grip is used for the left hand (for right-handed players) and continental grip for right hand (if the player is left-
handed). (tennis
A: two-handed backhand

For the forehand stroke, the player may choose to reach for the incoming ball. (tennis)
A: false

The server's score is always first. (tennis)

A: true

Tennis was used to be played by using the palm of the hand.

A: true

The least practiced tennis stroke.

A: backhand stroke

One-handed backhand technique starts from the ready position, with the feet facing the net. The player steps forward using the right foot
and meet the ball early for the backhand execution. (tennis)

The most prestigious tennis tournament is the Wimbledon

______ refers to the move of hitting the ball in a high arc. (tennis

______ is seldom used because of the limited stroke production and awkward grip. (tennis)
A: western grip

The tennis court for a singles game must be

A: 27

in preparation for a backhand stroke. (tennis)

A: sideways

The base of the shuttlecock must be:

A: 25 to 28mm

in a western grip stroke. (tennis)

A: downward motion

Full extension of the arm and racket will minimize the line of the shot in a backhand stroke. (tennis)
A: false

In a doubles game, the tennis court is 36

In a doubles game, the players must maintain their

A: parallel

Where did badminton originate from an old and similar game?

A: india

This refers to the flat shot that is kept as low as possible to have the opponent run from side to side. (badminton)
A: drive

Correct ____ and footwork is needed in playing table tennis.

A: stance

____ is the basic offensive shot in badminton.

A: smash

The net in badminton must be made of fine cord of light color and thickness with a mesh of not less than 20mm.
A: false

Table tennis has been included as an event in local athletic sport meets.
A: true

Table tennis can only be played indoors.

A: false

In badminton, any stroke made on the side of the body opposite the racket side.
A: backhand

These are shots struck on the side away from the racket (left side for the right-handed and right side for the left-handed). (badminton)
A: backhand stroke

The post of the badminton net should be ___ meters in height.

A: 1.55

Table tennis is also known as ___.

A: ping pong

Correct gripping is the most vital factor in badminton and winning matches.
A: true

If the serving team commits a fault,

A: side-out

Double games are played up to

A: 21

Up to how many feathers does a standard shuttlecock have?

A: 16
The ____ grip is done by gripping the short handle of the racket very closely to the blade, wherein the forefinger is positioned behind the
blade for support. (table tennis)
A: handshake

When the bird touches the top of the net and falls in the proper side of the court, it is called ____.
A: let

The ball used in table tennis is fragile but quite hard to break.
A: true

At a game where both players reach 40 points each, one player must win at least one point over the other to win. (tennis)
A: false

In a doubles game of tennis, all players may have the chance to serve the ball.
A: true

Reaching 40 points is also called

A: match point

At the event of a forehand stroke, the racket head must be at

A: hip level back

The ______ requires a strong wrist to be effective. (tennis

A: continental forehand

The hands and racket is highly used in taking the racket back for a backhand stroke. (tennis)
A: true

power is generating from the speed and velocity of the forward and upward movements of arms, legs and body. (tennis
A: forward swing

The tennis tournament in the USA is called the

A: US open

This refers to a good service but unable to hit or touch with the racket. (badminton)
A: ace

A serve made by a quick flip of wrist and bird travels in a direct line to the desired spot. (badminton)
A: drive serve

service is always from the right service court to the opponent's right service court. (table tennis
A: first

The badminton court is longer for a doubles game.

A: false

The badminton racket should be

A: 9

If the player served when the opponent is not ready, it is considered a

A: let

Which of the following describes the net of a table tennis table?

A: light in texture, stretched across the center of the table and attached to the outside by vertical standards

In table tennis, both players change ends once one reaches 15 points.
A: false

Another name for a shuttlecock.

A: bird

The net in badminton should be 720mm in depth and at least 6.1m wide.
A: false

The tennis ball is ______ in color

A: bright yellow

The receiver must return the serve on its

A: first
Players change ends after every even-numbered game. (tennis)
A: false

The ball resting on the palm of the free hand and toss it around six or more inches in height, letting it bounce on the table side of the server
before passing by the net and bounce in the receiver's side of the table. (table tennis)
A: push shot

is delivered by projecting the ball from the free hand and the projection starts from above the playing surface. (table tennis
A: service

When was the first Badminton association formed?

A: 1899

The ____ shot is used rarely but effectively. It is a vicious forward and downward swing. (table tennis)
A: smash

If the player's freehand touches the playing surface while in play, the point is awarded to the ____. (table tennis)
A: opponent

shuttles are used for recreational badminton games

A: synthetic

A student of court tennis who introduced the game "Playing Ball"

A: Major walter wingfield

Players alternate in serving the ball every other game. (tennis)

A: true

Balls with worn-off fuzz become

A: very light
BAED-PEDH2112 Physical Education & Health G11B (Week 10)

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note that
the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals In executing
forehand strokes, the left foot and left shoulder should approximately towards the table. (badminton)
A: False - Backhand

A player scores 21 points. (table tennis)

A: set

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals At
score 20-20 or "deuce," the player changes after every serve. (badminton)
A: True

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals A
game of badminton is won by the player who first scores 21 points.
A: True

A player won 2 out of 3 sets. (table tennis)

A: match

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals
The International Table Tennis Federation was established in 1936.
A: False - 1926

An entire play from service until ball is dead. (tennis)

A: rally

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals
The table tennis ball is made of celluloid and is white in color.
A: True

An illegal action wherein the player hits the ball before it bounces. (table tennis)
A: volley

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals
The linesman announces the score of the players. (badminton)
A: False - umpire

The stroke used in returning a high shot and in which arm and shoulder are fully extended. (badminton)
A: overhand stroke

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals
Reaching over the net to hit a bird is a fault. (badminton)
A: true

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals
The ball should bounce first on the server's court after service. (table tennis)
A: true

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals
All shots are played with the body at right angle to the net. (tennis)
A: true

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals A
single game is played by two players in each court.
A: False - one

The act of striking the ball with a racket. (tennis)

A: stroke

The stroke used in returning the bird from the left side of the body. (badminton)
A: backhand stroke

A hard horizontal stroke that is straight and close to the net. (badminton)
A: drive

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals In
the next game of table tennis, the winning player of the first game may choose to serve first.
A: True
A rally which is not scored and being replayed. (tennis)
A: let

The measurement of the playing table of table tennis.

A: 2.74 m x 1.52 cm

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals
Badminton was first organized in India.
A: true
An attacking shot made with all the power and speed one can put into it. (badminton)
A: smash
The stroke used in returning the bird from right side of the body. (badminton)
A: forehand stroke

A good serve that the opponent is unable to hit or touch with his racket. (badminton)
A: ace

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals
The penhold grip is executed by grasping the racket as if to shake hands with it. (table tennis)
A: False - eastern/ handshake/ shakehand/ shakehands/ true (wrong)

Any infraction of the rules resulting in loss of the serve or the point. (table tennis)
A: fault

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals
An outer bird is light in weight and is a sphere of cork covered with white hide. (badminton)
A: False - shuttlecock

What move is illustrated in the picture?

A: backhand
True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals A
table tennis game is started with a toss of a coin.
A: True

A low shot close to the net made from back court that fails or drops sharply immediately after crossing net. (badminton)
A: drop

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals
The British introduced badminton to our country.
A: False - Badminton Association of the Philippines/ true (wrong)

What move is illustrated in the picture?

A: backhand

A bird which touches top of the net and falls in the proper side of the court. (badminton)
A: let

A ball bouncing near the net.

A: short

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals A
player gains a point if he fails to make a good return.
A: false - loses

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals At
the start of a new game, the player who serves first in the previous game becomes the receiver. (table tennis)
A: true

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals A
match shall consist of the best of five out of five games. (badminton)
A: False - three

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals A
drive serve is made by a quick flip of wrist and bird travels in a direct line to the desired spot. (badminton)
A: true

What grip is illustrated in the picture?

A: western grip
What move is illustrated in the picture?
A: two-handed backhand

To put the bird in play. (badminton)

A: serve

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals A
player is allowed to touch the table while playing. (table tennis)
A: False - not allowed

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals
The server serves the ball with open palm. (table tennis)
A: true

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals
Half volley is a main offensive stroke. (table tennis)
A: false - defensive

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals
Table tennis is also known as pingpong.
A: true

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the underlined word with the correct term. Note
that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is considered wrong. For example: Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals
Change of service takes place after either player reaches 8 points throughout the game. (table tennis)
A: true

Hitting the ball in a high arc.

A: lob

refers to the point won by a server in tennis.

A: Advantage

The height of the net in the playing surface from the floor. (table tennis)
A: 76 cm

BAED-PEDH2112 Physical Education & Health G11B (Week 11-19)

Which of the following is not a symptom of weight loss?
A: lack of sufficient sleep

You must net at or below your BMR in terms of caloric intake.


True or False: A 35000 calorie excess or deficit for a person meeting his assumptions, would lead to the gain or loss, respectively of one
pound of body weight.
A: false

makes up lean muscle mass.

A: Protein

The term referring to the activity level use of little or no exercise.

A: sedentary

One of the simplest aerobic exercises in which your intensity varies to match your fitness level.
A: Walking

True or False: Rare latency periods vary from three days to two weeks after ingestion.
A: false

Bone loss increases as part of the natural ageing process.

A: true

Total energy expenditure is computed by adding 100% of the calories for activity
A: strenuous
diets are also referred to as balanced percentage diets.
A: low-calorie

Aerobic exercises starts with


years occur from age 5 to 18.

A: bone building

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends a minimum daily calorie intake of 1,200 for men.

Unintentional weight loss occuring because of an inadequately nutritious diet relative to a person's energy needs.
A: malnutrition

True or False: Weight gain is associated with excessive consumption of fats, sugars and refined carbohydrates.
A: true

The cause of this disease-related malnutrition is poor appetite.

A: impaired intake

are microscopic sacs where oxygen enters into the blood.


True or False: Adults of all ages are advised to spare at least 75 minutes of rigorous exercise every week.

The disease-related malnutrition which is caused by changes to metabolic demands caused by illness, surgery and organ dysfunction.
A: altered requirements

True or False: Depression is also a contributing factor to increase in weight.

A: True

True or False: Children are advised to take at least one hour of physical activity a day.
A: true
The other term for fat.
A: adipose tissue

True or False: Intentional weight loss is the loss of total body mass as a result of efforts to improve fitness and health or to change
appearance through slimming.
A: True

The heart has the ability to decrease in size, slow and eventually fail.
A: true

BMR increases as you age.

A: false

Aerobic exercises become anaerobic exercises if performed at a level of intensity that is lower.
A: false

state means that the digestive system is inactive which requires twelve hours of fasting.
A: post-absorptive

Lean muscle tissue requires more calories than other tissues.

A: true

The amount of oxygen the muscles extract, or consume from the blood.
A: oxygen consumption

True or False: All medications can potentially cause weight gain or loss.

facilitates fermentation of indigestible carbohydrates to short-chain fatty acids, SCFAs, contributing to weight gain.

A type of aerobic exercise that is a good choice for people who are greater than 50 pounds overweight as it helps the heart without the
mechanical stress on some parts of the body.
A: Cycling
A volume of blood sent with every beat of the heart.
A: stroke volume

BMR decreases with the loss of lean body mass.

A: true

This is calculated from age, gender, weight, height and the activity factor.
A: total energy expenditure

The oxygen is filtered through small branches of tubes called

A: bronchioles

The amount of energy expended while at rest in a neutrally temperate environment, in the post-absorptive state.
A: basal metabolic rate

Hard exercise/sports for 6 to 7 days a week is a

A: very active

BMR increases if there is an increase in muscle mass.

A: true

Skipping meals to lose weight improves your BMR.

A: false

True or False: Social networks contribute to weight gain.

A: True

True or False: Our muscles use fat and carbohydrates to function.

A: true

The average woman weighed ___ pounds in 1994.

A: 147

An average healthy adult inhales and exhales 7 to 8 liters of air per hour
A: true

True or False: Depression is also a contributing factor to increase in weight.

A: true

Which of the following is not a gentle exercise routine?

A: walking

Cycling may be too strenuous to be enjoyable and depends on the person's capability to use the bicycle.
A: false

Conditions such as burns can be associated to this problem such as skin exudates.
A: Excess nutrient losses

It is recommended by dieticians to consume Vitamin D as supplementation to prevent weight gain.

A: false

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends a _____ daily caloric intake of 1,200 for women and 1,800 for men.
A: minimum

Basal Metabolic Rate is the amount of energy expended while at rest in a highly temperate environment.
A: false

Improving reflexes is one of the advantages of playing badminton. Which of the following benefits apply?
A: develop athleticism

cholesterols decrease the size of blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart attacks and stroke.
A: bad

Which of the following is not one of the levels of the body that should be taken care of or given extra precautions?
A: arms and legs

Total Energy Expenditure is calculated by adding 100% calories to the BEE for moderate activity.
A: false
The lean muscle tissue requires less calories than others.
A: False

These are microscopic sace where oxygen enters the blood.

A: alveoli

Playing badminton also builds and exercises the quads, glutes, calves and hamstrings. What advantage is this?
A: increased muscle tone

exercise is an activity that causes you to be quickly out of breath.

A: anaerobic

Lack of sufficient sleep is a cause of weight gain.

A: true

Playing badminton can reduce or eliminate the risk of health problems such as high blood presure and heart disease, among others. What
advantage is this?
A: good for overall health

The air we breathe contains approximately

A: 20

People with osteoporosis must avoid exercise altogether as it may further damage their already fragile bones.
A: false

Eating restrictions often from treatment or lack of food are some of the causes of this problem.
A: Impaired intake

People with knee or hip problems should avoid this as it can put extra stress on the joints.
A: Stair Climbers and Steppers

Which of the following components is not included in the computation for the Total Energy Expenditure.
A: Endurance

Running games is still recommended for bone-loss years.

A: false

The cause of this problem are because of symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea.
A: Excess nutrient losses

Basal Energy Expenditure refers to the amount of calories burned by the human body in one day.
A: false

Playing badminton reduces the risk of death by about 30 percent.

A: false

Weight loss that is said to be unexplained if it is not caused by reduction in calorific intake or exercise is called
A: cachexia

Interactions while playing badminton will result in positive feelings. What advantage is this?
A: social health

Aerobic exercises are also called cardioexercises that require pumping of oxygenated blood by the heart to deliver oxygen to working
A: true

Which of the following is not a gastrointestinal disorder often contributing to unexplained weight loss?
A: pancreatic cancer

The term for the activity level use that requires extremely hard exercise/sports or physical job and twice more training.
A: extremely active

This term refers to the acceleration, one of the known benefits of playing badminton.
A: glutei

As your metabolism slows, it becomes harder to eat normal amounts of calories without gaining weight.
A: true

Playing badminton decreases the level of bad cholesterol.

A: true
Which of the following is the only good cholesterol in our body?
A: high-density lipoprotein

The basal heart rate reduces to a few beats per minute while blood pressure rises in playing badminton.
A: false

Playing badminton decreases the liver's production of sugar. What advantage of playing badminton is this?
A: decrease diabetes

The BMR calculator gives the maximum number of calories you should eat on a daily basis.
A: false

Healthy individuals seeking to maintain their weight should consume an average of 2,000 caleries daily.
A: true

Playing badminton lubricates the joints, eventually preventing arthritis. What advantage of playing badminton is this?
A: mobility

This machine requires above-average coordination to master.

A: Ski machines

The release of energy in the post-absorptive state is sufficient only for the functioning of the vital organs.
A: true

Achieving weight loss through playing badminton alone is possible.

A: false

Medications can cause both weight gain and weight loss.

A: true

For a beginner in swimming, the recommended time of activity is 30 to 60 minutes to achieve desired results.
A: false

Badminton is allowed for both adults and children, of any age.

A: true

It helps improve communication between old and young people.

A: Offers a social outlet

An increase in motor skills and cognitive awareness.

A: Keeps your brain sharp

The player works out a solution for puzzles involving the speed, spin and placement of the ball.
A: Develops mental acuity

Tennis players tend to be more optimistic and to have greater self-esteem.

A: Boosts mood

The player uses strategic planning to return the ball to the opponent.
A: Stimulates various different parts of the brain

Aerobics and cycling burns more calories than tennis.

A: false

is the ability of the brain to change based on an experience or environmental factors.

A: plasticity

is a protein that promotes neuron growth and survival.

A: brain-derived neurotrophic factor

One of the physical reasons for playing tennis associated with overall fitness and resistance to disease of a player's body.
A: immune system

Tennis takes patience and dedication.

A: Improves discipline and social skills

Playing tennis increases oxygen intake and heart rate.

A: Improved aerobic and anaerobic health
A physician dubbed ping pong/table tennis as " world's best brain “sport for being highly aerobic and the use of brain in planning and
executing shots.
A: world's best brain

It has been proven that the risk of death for tennis players are half than usual.
A: true

It helps the player in following the ball's trajectory as it moves.

A: Improves coordination

One of the psychological reasons to play tennis associated with adapting to stress and ongoing to recovery.
A: learn how to recover

Singles tennis can make players lose around 400-600 calories per hour.
A: Burns calories and fat

An example of neurotransmitter that is related to mood, appetite, sleep and memory.

A: serotonin

Identify the advantage of playing Table Tennis being described: Improving leg, arm and core strength in standard mode.
A: It's easy on the joints

One of the psychological reasons to play tennis associated with learning to adjust to the elements and still have the ability to compete.
A: manage adversity

An example of neurotransmitter that is related to stress response.

A: norepinephrine

One of the physical reasons for playing tennis associated with short intense bursts of activity during a point followed by rest which helps
muscles use oxygen efficiently.
A: anaerobic fitness

An hour of playing can help reduce the calories.

A: Burns calories
Tennis requires 300 to 500 bursts of energy per match.
A: Great cross-training for other sports

The part of the brain that a game of ping pong stimulates which is responsible for allowing us to form and retain long term facts and events.
A: hippocampus

Bursts of exertion and recovery.

A: Improves reflexes

One of the psychological reasons to play tennis associated with the ability to create strategies based on knowledge of geometry and
A: learn to solve problems

One of the physical reasons for playing tennis associated with court movement and ball-striking skills requiring control of the body's large
muscle groups.
A: gross motor control

Tennis involves planning, tactical thinking, agility and the coordination of parts of the body.
A: Boosts brain power

One of the physical reasons for playing tennis associated with hundreds of starts, stops, changes of direction and hitting on the run.
A: dynamic balance

are vital chemicals that regulate various brain functions.

A: neurotransmitters

is a troublesome illness caused by bones losing density due to complex interactions between the body hormones, bone forming and bone
dissolving cells.
A: osteoporosis

A psychological reason for playing tennis exhibited by the ability of a doubles team to form a cohesive unit.
A: learn teamwork

A physical reason for playing tennis exhibited by burning fat and improving cardiovascular fitness.
A: aerobic fitness
This is referred to as the second most popular organized sport in the world.
A: table tennis

Playing badminton may cause heart attacks.

A: false

A psychological reason for playing tennis exhibited by anticipation of an opponent's moves and planning counterattacks.
A: plan and implement strategies

People with hypertension are encouraged to play badminton that slows their basal heart rate.
A: true

The neurotransmitter responsible for mood, appetite, sleep and memory.

A: serotonin

Which of the following muscles is not trained by playing badminton?

A: Pectineus

A physical reason for playing tennis exhibited by constantly judging the timing between the oncoming ball and the proper contact point.
A: eye-hand coordination

helps lubricate joints, preventing arthritis and similar conditions from developing
A: mobility

Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) promotes ____ growth and survival.

A: neuron

A physical reason for playing tennis exhibited by hundreds of starts, stops, changes of direction, and hitting on the run.
A: dynamic balance

Table tennis technique executions are often quick-paced problem solving challenges.
A: true

An average person can burn 272 calories in playing table tennis.

A: true

Table tennis is highly anaerobic.

A: false

Coordination helps because it can give you a wider range of motion, help prevent injuries and reduce muscle strain.
A: false

A physical reason for playing tennis exhibited by a series of side-to-side and up and back sprints to chase the ball.
A: speed

Tennis helps maintain aerobic health, allowing muscles to use oxygen in a better way.
A: false

Playing badminton improves longevity by at least 5 years.

A: false

The cerebellum is the part of the brain that lights up when doing any voluntary movement.
A: false

Playing badminton burns fat at approximately 300 calories per hour.

A: false

A study has proven that playing badminton can reduce the production of sugar.
A: true

Ping pong has a relatively low injury risk.

A: true

A psychological reason for playing tennis exhibited by proper control of the pace of the play.
A: develop discipline

Aside from being a great aerobic workout, playing table tennis is also a good exercise
A: cardiovascular
A physical reason for playing tennis exhibited by forcing on the player change of direction for at least 5 times in 10 seconds.
A: agility

Exercise increases which are referred to as the brain's feel-good neurotransmitters.

A: endorphins

Advanced cardiac tests are required before playing a round of badminton for people from the age of 35 and above. Which of the following
parts of the body must the player take extra precaution of?
A: sensory

The ability of the brain to change based on an experience or environmental factors.

A: brain plasticity

BAED-PEDH2112 Physical Education & Health G11B(Week 20)

Intentional weight loss is referred to as
A: slimming

Which of the following is an intentional weight loss technique?

A: Increased physical activity

refers to the wasting of the body due to chronic illness.

A: cachexia

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

A: anaerobic exercise

An advantage in playing individual/dual sports exhibited by side-to-side and up and back sprints used in chasing the ball.
A: speed

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

A: aerobic exercise
When the adipose tissue increases, a person loses weight.
A: false

One of the causes of this problem is poor quality of meals consumed.

A: impaired intake

exercises refer to activities that are performed while standing up, often using the power of your feet and legs.
A: weight-bearing

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

table tennis
A: aerobic exercise

Being fat was once accepted as being financially rich.

A: true

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

A: anaerobic exercise

Which of the following is not a goal of an aerobic exercise program?

A: repetitive use of all muscle groups

The neurotransmitter affecting response to stress.

A: norepinephrine

Iron is what makes up lean muscle mass.

A: false

The only good cholesterol in our body is the

A: high-density lipoprotein

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

A: anaerobic exercise

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

bench press
A: anaerobic exercise

An advantage in playing individual/dual sports exhibited by the use of touch shots like angled volleys, drop shots and lobs.
A: fine motor control

The Basal Metabolic Rate calculates the:

A: number of calories you'd burn while motionless for a day
The focus of swimming is on:
A: smaller upper body musculature

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

A: aerobic exercise

These factors affect the exact number of calories a person needs for a day.
A: age and height

refers to the amoung ot oxygen the muscles extract or consume from the blood.
A: oxygen consumption

gives the player a wider range of motion and can help prevent injuries and reduce muscle strain.
A: flexibility

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

A: anaerobic exercise

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

A: aerobic exercise
Playing badminton regularly decreases levels of HDL cholesterol.
A: false

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

A: aerobic exercise

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

A: anaerobic exercise

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

A: aerobic exercise

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

A: aerobic exercise

The part of the brain that gives birth to new brain cells until adulthood.
A: hippocampus

An advantage in playing individual/dual sports exhibited by the accurate estimate of the oncoming ball and the contact point on the court.
A: eye-hand coordination

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

A: aerobic exercise

exercises refer to activities that require muscles to work harder than normal.
A: muscle-strengthening

Lean muscle tissue requires as much calories as other tissues.

A: false
Cycling is especially recommended for people with:
A: arthritis

Table tennis causes only few injuries on the head.

A: true

These are muscles used for accelerations in playing badminton.

A: glutei

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

A: anaerobic exercise

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

A: anaerobic exercise

An advantage in playing individual/dual sports exhibited by learning to adjust to the elements.

A: the ability to manage adversity

Tennis is known to be a ______ activity well-suited to building strong bones.

A: weight-bearing

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

A: anaerobic exercise

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

A: aerobic exercise

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

A: anaerobic exercise
The release of energy in the post-absorptive state is enough for the functioning of the heart, lungs and brain only.
A: false

One of the causes of this problem is diarrhea and vomiting.

A: excess nutrient losses

Identify if the activity is anaerobic or aerobic exercise.

A: aerobic exercise

BAED-PHSC2112 Physical Science (Week 1-10)

1.What do you call the solid formed when a liquid solution is allowed to stand still for a long amount of time.
ans. Precipitate
2.What is the proper term for catalysts involved in biological processes?
3.What is the term for the energy responsible for the variations in the reaction rates of chemical processes?
answer:activation energy
4.What property of a material describes the compactness of the arrangement of its molecules?
5.Identify the kind of change wherein the product is the same as the reactants.
ANWER:physical change
6.In which type of covalent bonding are the shared electrons shared congruently throughout the molecule? answer:nonpolar
7.What do you call the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds?
8.Fill in the blank: The ______
property of a substance can be observed without changing the substance. answer:physical
9.What type of covalent compound is there a slight difference in the electric charge between the opposite sides of the molecule? answer:polar covalent
10.Identification: This factor in a reaction rate is a consequence of the kinetic energy of the reactant molecules? wrong answer ako dito.
11.What kind of chemical bond involves the sharing of electrons between two atoms? answer:covalent bond
12.What is the component of a chemical reaction that is present at its start? answer:reactant
13.Identification: Two different atoms may or may not have this type of covalent bonding. answer:polar covalent bonding
14._____ covalent bond does not have an equal sharing of electrons. answer.Polar
15.What kind of change results to the production of a material that is entirely different from the reactants? answer:chemical change
16.Identification: This is another term used to refer to covalent compounds. answer:molecular compound
17.Identification: This refers to the speed of a chemical process. answer:reaction rate
18.Which atom is more positive than the other in a molecule of dihydrogen oxide? answer: hydrogen atom
19.Identification: These compounds are highly soluble in water. answer:ionic compounds
20.Identification: These properties can be detected using your senses. answer:Physical properties
21.What type of compound is formed by the sharing of electrons? answer:Covalent compound
22.covalent bonding exists between two identical atoms. answer: nonpolar
23.Identification: This is the force that exists between the molecules of a compound. answer: Intermolecular force
24.What is the term for the property that makes it capable of being hammered into thin sheets?
25.In a water molecule, which atom is more frequented by the shared electrons? answer:oxygen
26.Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions? answer:catalyst
27. In a ______
type of covalent bonding, there is equal sharing of electrons between the atoms. answer: nonpolar
28.What type of covalent bonding is characterized by the incongruent sharing of electrons between the atoms? answer:polar
29.Which reaction rate factor is due to the amount of reacting substances? answer: concentration
30.Identification: This compound is formed by a cation and an anion. answer:ionic compound
Short Quiz 8:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Also known as the revolution of the Earth around the sun
2. Ancient constellations related to Earth’s annual motion
Answer: ZODIAC
3. Center in Ptolemaic system of the universe
Answer: EARTH
4. Center of the universe in the Copernican system
Answer: SUN
5. Earth’s movement that results to the observation of diurnal motion
6. Event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator
7. Line on Earth that is parallel to apparent daily paths
8. Main factor in the precession of equinoxes
9. More common term for the annual motion of the Earth
10. Type of observable motion associated with heavenly bodies
Learning Activity 8 (Physics)
Slow and continuous change in the orientation of an astronomical body’s rotational axis
Axial precession
Periodic observable motion that results from the Earth’s motion on its axis
diurnal motion
Center of the universe in Ptolemy’s model
Motion of the Earth around the sun
Motion of the Earth responsible for diurnal motion
Long Quiz 3:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Identify the center in the universe model Copernicus.
Answer: SUN
2. Identify the date of the year when the Earth is at its closest from the Sun.
3. Identify the main factor in the precession of equinoxes.
4. Identify the shape of the planetary orbit based on Kepler’s third law.
5. Identify the universe’s center in Ptolemy’s model.
Answer: EARTH
6. Name the line on Earth that is parallel to apparent daily paths.
7. Name the star blamed by the Greeks for the intensity of their summer
Answer: SIRIUS
8. This ancient device aligns with the North Star and is used to determine the precise time of its user’s location.
9. This model is the combination of two ancient models of the universe.
10. This model of the universe considered the ideas of the Earth- and Sun-centered universe models.
11. This motion is also called the revolution of the Earth around the sun.
12. This structure was developed by the Mayans as they observed Venus.
13. What do you call Earth’s movement that results to the observation of diurnal motion?
14. What do you call the ancient constellations that are related to Earth’s annual motion?
Answer: ZODIAC
15. What do you call the event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator?
16. What do you call the motion of the Earth that is responsible for diurnal motion?
17. What is the center in Ptolemaic system of the universe?
Answer: EARTH
18. What is the center of the universe based on the model by Ptolemy?
Answer: EARTH
19. What is the center of the universe in the Copernican system?
Answer: SUN
20. What is the constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler?
21. What is the more common term for the annual motion of the Earth with respect to the sun?
22. What is the oldest heavenly body that has been observed and has preceded great events in history?
23. What is the periodic observable motion that is the result of the Earth’s movement on its axis?
24. What is the term that refers to the motion of the Earth around the sun?
25. What is the term that refers to the slow and continuous change in the orientation of an astronomical body’s rotational axis?
26. What is the universe model that is said to be Sun-centered?
27. What is this type of observable motion that is associated with heavenly bodies?
28. What property of a planet has this property directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit?
29. Where is the Sun located with respect to a planet’s elliptical orbit
30. Which model of the universe is said to be Earth-centered?
Learning Activity 9:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Aligns with the North Star to determine precise time for user’s location
2. Combination of two ancient models of the universe
3. Developed by the Mayans for the observation of Venus
4. Earth-centered system of the universe
5. Sun-centered system of the universe
Short Quiz 9:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Center in the model of the universe proposed by Copernicus
Answer: SUN
2. Center of the universe based on the model proposed by Ptolemy
Answer: EARTH
3. Considered the ideas of the Earth- and Sun-centered universe model
4. Constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler
5. Date of the year when the Earth is closest to the Sun
6. Location of the Sun with respect to the elliptical orbit based on Kepler’s laws
7. Oldest heavenly body observed that has preceded great events in history
8. Planet property whose square is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit
9. Shape of the orbit based on Kepler’s third law
10. Star blamed by Greeks for the intensity of summer
Answer: SIRIUS
Learning Activity 10:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Constant in the motion of a falling body in vacuum
2. Description of the change in the rate of movement of a body
3. Indirect force resulting from the application of a force
4. Necessary component of motion according to Aristotle
Answer: FORCE
5. Property of a body that affects its state of motion
Short Quiz 10:PHYSC
Aside from changing the state of motion of a body, this is also an effect of applying an unbalanced force to the body.
Which can be easily affected by an unbalanced force: one cube of ice or one sack of rice?
This law implies the importance of balanced forces and what unbalanced forces are.
Which will accelerate more when the same unbalanced force is applied: pencil or cabinet?
This law of motion relates the rate of change in the movement of a body and the unbalanced force that it experiences.
Which law of motion states that a body will not change its current state of motion unless an unbalanced force acts upon it?
If you push the wall with an amount of force, you supply the action force. What is the source of the reaction force?
What factor of a body that is at rest prevents it from moving?
What is the only factor that is constant for bodies falling in a vacuum?
Which of these has a greater inertia: fly or cat?
Learning Activity 11:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Constant in a body as long as no net force acts upon it
2. Decreases as acceleration increases in Newton’s law of acceleration
Answer: MASS
3. Force involved in Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
4. Statement based on repeated experimental observations
Answer: LAW
5. Statement taken to be true since what it proposes is already evident
Answer: AXIOM
Short Quiz 11:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. According to Galileo, this quantity is not needed to keep a body in motion under ideal conditions.
Answer: FORCE
2. Describe the total amount of energy of a body before it falls from a height and as it hits the ground.
Answer: EQUAL
3. In the law of acceleration, which quantity decreases as the acceleration decreases?
Answer: FORCE
4. This is also known as the “inertia in motion” of a body.
5. This kind of statement is considered true since it has been based on a series of observations.
Answer: LAW
6. What do you call a statement that is taken as true without scientific evidence?
Answer: AXIOM
7. What happens to energy as it is used up by different systems?
8. What happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force as the bodies become more massive?
9. What happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force as the distance between two bodies increase?
10. What term do you use to refer to the amount of material contained by a body?
Answer: MASS
Short Quiz 12:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Consider the formula for momentum. What quantity increases with the velocity of a body?: Momentum; Velocity; Inelastic; Force; Mass; Elastic;
Answer: Momentum
2. If a body has no momentum, what else does it not have?: Elastic; Inelastic; Force; Momentum; Mass; Velocity; Energy
Answer: Velocity
3. In the formula for momentum, this quantity decreases as the body moves slower.: Elastic; Mass; Energy; Momentum; Force; Velocity; Inelastic
Answer: Mass
4. In this type of collision, this factor is not necessarily conserved.: Energy; Elastic; Velocity; Force; Inelastic; Mass; Momentum
Answer: Energy
5. This quantity describes how difficult it is to stop a moving body.: Inelastic; Velocity; Momentum; Force; Energy; Mass; Elastic
Answer: Momentum
6. This quantity enables bodies to move so that they would collide.: Mass; Energy; Elastic; Force; Velocity; Inelastic; Momentum
Answer: Energy
7. What SI quantity is directly related and directly proportional to the mass of a body?: Inelastic; Momentum; Velocity; Elastic; Energy; Force; Mass
Answer: Momentum
8. What type of collision is involved between two bodies that show a spark of light after colliding: Momentum; Force; Inelastic; Mass; Elastic; Energy;
Answer: Inelastic
9. Which type of collision involves the constant sum of total kinetic energy before and after the collision?: Momentum; Velocity; Mass; Elastic; Force;
Energy; Inelastic
Answer: Elastic
10. Which will stop first when these two bodies collide: truck or bicycle?
Learning Activity 12:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Collision that involves the conversion of energy into other forms outside the colliding bodies
2. Factor responsible for the movement of the bodies that are about to collide
Answer: ENERGY
3. Not necessarily conserved between colliding bodies
Answer: ENERGY
4. Quantity conserved in any collision
5. Type of collision wherein the total kinetic energy is constant before and after the collision
Short Quiz 13:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Consider the wave equation. Which quantity increases with the frequency of the wave?: Absorption; Latitudinal; Index of Refraction; Longitudinal;
Wavelength; Refraction; Electron; Photon; Transverse; Energy; Mirror; Speed; Dispersion
Answer: Speed
2. In light, this is what the photons carry enabling them to move.: Wavelength; Energy; Mirror; Photon; Longitudinal; Dispersion; Electron; Speed;
Transverse; Index of Refraction; Absorption; Refraction; Latitudinal
Answer: Energy
3. In the wave equation, this quantity is inversely proportional to the frequency of the wave.: Absorption; Mirror; Electron; Latitudinal; Longitudinal;
Energy; Speed; Photon; Refraction; Index of Refraction; Dispersion; Wavelength; Transverse
Answer: Wavelength
4. Name the component of light that travels in straight lines.: Index of Refraction; Longitudinal; Transverse; Absorption; Latitudinal; Energy; Electron;
Refraction; Mirror; Photon; Dispersion; Wavelength; Speed
Answer: Photon
5. This constant determines how much light will bend as it enters a different medium.: Electron; Refraction; Photon; Latitudinal; Mirror; Speed; Index of
Refraction; Transverse; Absorption; Longitudinal; Dispersion; Wavelength; Energy
Answer: Index of Refraction
6. This phenomenon of light is the evidence of the energy possessed by light.: Absorption; Photon; Energy; Dispersion; Electron; Mirror; Speed;
Longitudinal; Transverse; Wavelength; Latitudinal; Index of Refraction; Refraction
Answer: Absorption
7. This wave is produced by the disturbance of the molecules nearby its source.: Latitudinal; Absorption; Mirror; Photon; Wavelength; Index of
Refraction; Electron; Speed; Dispersion; Longitudinal; Transverse; Refraction; Energy
Answer: Longitudinal
8. What is the optical device that is used to show the bouncing of light?: Latitudinal; Speed; Index of Refraction; Wavelength; Electron; Dispersion;
Transverse; Absorption; Mirror; Photon; Refraction; Energy; Longitudinal
Answer: Mirror
9. What kind of wave is light?: Index of Refraction; Speed; Photon; Mirror; Absorption; Refraction; Energy; Speed; Transverse; Electron; Dispersion;
Longitudinal; Transverse; Wavelength; Latitudinal
Answer: Transverse
10. What kind of wave is represented by a sine wave?: Dispersion; Transverse; Index of Refraction; Refraction; Mirror; Energy; Longitudinal; Electron;
Absorption; Photon; Latitudinal; Speed; Wavelength
Answer: Transverse
Learning Activity 13: PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Optical device that demonstrates bending of light
Answer: LENS
2. Particle of light that carries its energy
Answer: PHOTON
3. Path of light that makes it understood to be a particle
4. Wave that can propagate even without molecules
5. Wave that cannot exist in vacuum
Learning Activity 14:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Bending of light around an edge causing umbra and penumbra in the shadow
2. Deflection of light along its path
3. Phenomenon of light wherein light waves add up
4. Phenomenon of separation of light into different colors
5. Type of mirror that shows an inverted image of you
Short Quiz 14:PHYSC
What exists between two charges in space?
Select one:
- Electrostatic force
This phenomenon of light explains how light shows different colors after passing through a prism.
Select one:
This type of mirror shows a virtual image of the object.
Select one:
What do you call a displaced image of an object as the result of the bending of light rays?
Select one:
According to Faraday, what is produced by a changing magnetic field?
Select one:
- Induced voltage
What principle explains why it is impossible to determine experimentally both the position and the speed of an electron at the same time?
Select one:
-Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
How do electron orbits look like as a consequence of the uncertainty principle?
Select one:
- Electron clouds
What type of mirror shows your image in an inverted manner?
Select one:
What can electric current produce along a wire?
Select one:
- Magnetic field
What phenomenon of light is utilized to identify the wavelength of a given light ray?
Select one:
- Dispersion
Learning Activity 15:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Hertz applied high voltage AC electricity across the central spark gap of the transmitter creating sparks.: True; False
Answer: False
2. What digital storage oscilloscope circuit compensates for high sampling rates of high frequency signals?: charged-couple device; analog to digital
Answer: charged-couple device
3. What test equipment combines the operation of many test instruments into a single compact unit.: Impedance meter; Communication service
Answer: Communication service monitor
4. When using forward error control as a method of error correction, where does error correction take place?: in the oscillator; receiving end
Answer: receiving end
5. What part of the pulse code modulation (PCM) process converts a continuous time signal into a discrete time signal?
Answer: Sampling
Short Quiz 15:PHYSC
Hertz found that when sparks flew across the main gap, sparks also usually glow across the secondary gap that is between points A and B in the image.
Select one:
- True
According to Hertz, he pictured waves of electric charge moving back and forth, creating a standing wave within the wire.
Select one:
- True
When reading the forward power on a wattmeter, what does two right-facing arrow heads mean?
Select one:
- Power exceeds 120 percent of the range
What are the two main types of photodetectors? (separate your answers with the word "and")
-Positive intrinsic photodiode AND negative intrinsic photodiode
In November 1886, Heinrich Hertz became the first person to transmit and receive controlled radio waves.
Select one:
If the interference can be eliminated by disconnecting the receiving antenna, the source of the disturbance is most likely
Select one:
- External to the radio
What initial nuclear radiation components generate electromagnetic pulses? (separate your answers with the word "and")
-Gamma rays AND neutrons
Who discovered radio waves?
-Heinrich Hertz
What pattern simulator section of the bit error rate test set accepts a 48-bit parallel word and generates a serial pattern?
Select one:
-48-bit transmitter only
Hertz started generating radio waves using a piece of electrical equipment called an induction coil.
Select one:
Short Quiz 16:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. As measured in any inertial frame of reference, light is always propagated in empty space with a definite velocity that is independent of the state of
motion of the emitting body.: False; True
Answer: True
2. Maxwell’s equations are not consistent with Galilean relativity unless one postulates the existence of a physical aether.: True; False
Answer: True
3. The laws of physics are the same in all inertia frames of reference.: True; False
Answer: True
4. The postulates of special relativity can be expressed very succinctly using the mathematical language of pseudo-Riemmannian manifolds: True; False
Answer: True
5. What is the correct expression for the amplitude of a vibrating mass? Amplitude is the: Maximum velocity of the mass during vibration; Maximum
displacement of the mass from the rest position
Answer: Maximum displacement of the mass from the rest position
6. Which of the following is not a term associated with periodic waves?: Frequency; How much space is occupied
Answer: How much space is occupied
7. Which of the following sound wave can be heard by the human ear?: Ultrasonic sound waves; Sound waves with frequencies between 20 hz and
20,000 hz
Answer: Sound waves with frequencies between 20 hz and 20,000 hz
8. It combines special relativity with the equivalence principle.
Answer: General relativity
9. It is the succession of methods by which astronomers determine the distances to celestial objects.
Answer: Cosmic distance ladder
10. Known as the “dwarf planet”
Answer: Pluto
Select one:
- Can sometimes be sensed
Special relativity is a theory.
Select one:
- True
States that the net force acting on a body is equal to that body’s (inertia ) mass multiplied by its acceleration.
Select one:
-Newton's Second Law of Motion
According to this law there is a universality of free fall. The trajectory of a test body in free fall depends only on its position and initial speed.
-Newton's Law of Gravity
Which of the following must be satisfied for a vibration to be simple harmonic motion? The restoring force of the vibrating object is
Select one:
-Opposite to and proportional to a displacement
It is the passage of electromagnetic radiation through a medium.

Select one:

Answer: Transmission

This Kepler's law states that the line joining the planet to the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times as it moves along its orbit.

Select one:
Answer: Second law
Which of Newton's laws states that an object either remains at rest or continuous to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by a force?

Select one:
Answer: First law
Galileo looked at the Sun and found out that it had spots.
Answer: True
Mercury and Venus are never more than 200 and 450, respectively, from the Sun.
Answer: False
The Aristotelian view of the world made the certain basic assumption that the Earth is a sphere, fixed, and unmoving at the center of the universe.
Answer: False
BAED-PHSC2112 Physical Science Week (11-20)

1.What do you call the solid formed when a liquid solution is allowed to stand still for a long amount of time.
ans. Precipitate
2.What is the proper term for catalysts involved in biological processes?
3.What is the term for the energy responsible for the variations in the reaction rates of chemical processes?
answer:activation energy
4.What property of a material describes the compactness of the arrangement of its molecules?
5.Identify the kind of change wherein the product is the same as the reactants.
ANWER:physical change
6.In which type of covalent bonding are the shared electrons shared congruently throughout the molecule? answer:nonpolar
7.What do you call the ability of a substance to chemically combine with other compounds?
8.Fill in the blank: The ______
property of a substance can be observed without changing the substance. answer:physical
9.What type of covalent compound is there a slight difference in the electric charge between the opposite sides of the molecule? answer:polar covalent
10.Identification: This factor in a reaction rate is a consequence of the kinetic energy of the reactant molecules? wrong answer ako dito.
11.What kind of chemical bond involves the sharing of electrons between two atoms? answer:covalent bond
12.What is the component of a chemical reaction that is present at its start? answer:reactant
13.Identification: Two different atoms may or may not have this type of covalent bonding. answer:polar covalent bonding
14._____ covalent bond does not have an equal sharing of electrons. answer.Polar
15.What kind of change results to the production of a material that is entirely different from the reactants? answer:chemical change
16.Identification: This is another term used to refer to covalent compounds. answer:molecular compound
17.Identification: This refers to the speed of a chemical process. answer:reaction rate
18.Which atom is more positive than the other in a molecule of dihydrogen oxide? answer: hydrogen atom
19.Identification: These compounds are highly soluble in water. answer:ionic compounds
20.Identification: These properties can be detected using your senses. answer:Physical properties
21.What type of compound is formed by the sharing of electrons? answer:Covalent compound
22.covalent bonding exists between two identical atoms. answer: nonpolar
23.Identification: This is the force that exists between the molecules of a compound. answer: Intermolecular force
24.What is the term for the property that makes it capable of being hammered into thin sheets?
25.In a water molecule, which atom is more frequented by the shared electrons? answer:oxygen
26.Identify the substance that hastens chemical reactions? answer:catalyst
27. In a ______
type of covalent bonding, there is equal sharing of electrons between the atoms. answer: nonpolar
28.What type of covalent bonding is characterized by the incongruent sharing of electrons between the atoms? answer:polar
29.Which reaction rate factor is due to the amount of reacting substances? answer: concentration
30.Identification: This compound is formed by a cation and an anion. answer:ionic compound
Short Quiz 8:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Also known as the revolution of the Earth around the sun
2. Ancient constellations related to Earth’s annual motion
Answer: ZODIAC
3. Center in Ptolemaic system of the universe
Answer: EARTH
4. Center of the universe in the Copernican system
Answer: SUN
5. Earth’s movement that results to the observation of diurnal motion
6. Event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator
7. Line on Earth that is parallel to apparent daily paths
8. Main factor in the precession of equinoxes
9. More common term for the annual motion of the Earth
10. Type of observable motion associated with heavenly bodies
Learning Activity 8 (Physics)
Slow and continuous change in the orientation of an astronomical body’s rotational axis
Axial precession
Periodic observable motion that results from the Earth’s motion on its axis
diurnal motion
Center of the universe in Ptolemy’s model
Motion of the Earth around the sun
Motion of the Earth responsible for diurnal motion
Long Quiz 3:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Identify the center in the universe model Copernicus.
Answer: SUN
2. Identify the date of the year when the Earth is at its closest from the Sun.
3. Identify the main factor in the precession of equinoxes.
4. Identify the shape of the planetary orbit based on Kepler’s third law.
5. Identify the universe’s center in Ptolemy’s model.
Answer: EARTH
6. Name the line on Earth that is parallel to apparent daily paths.
7. Name the star blamed by the Greeks for the intensity of their summer
Answer: SIRIUS
8. This ancient device aligns with the North Star and is used to determine the precise time of its user’s location.
9. This model is the combination of two ancient models of the universe.
10. This model of the universe considered the ideas of the Earth- and Sun-centered universe models.
11. This motion is also called the revolution of the Earth around the sun.
12. This structure was developed by the Mayans as they observed Venus.
13. What do you call Earth’s movement that results to the observation of diurnal motion?
14. What do you call the ancient constellations that are related to Earth’s annual motion?
Answer: ZODIAC
15. What do you call the event when the sun crosses the Celestial Equator?
16. What do you call the motion of the Earth that is responsible for diurnal motion?
17. What is the center in Ptolemaic system of the universe?
Answer: EARTH
18. What is the center of the universe based on the model by Ptolemy?
Answer: EARTH
19. What is the center of the universe in the Copernican system?
Answer: SUN
20. What is the constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler?
21. What is the more common term for the annual motion of the Earth with respect to the sun?
22. What is the oldest heavenly body that has been observed and has preceded great events in history?
23. What is the periodic observable motion that is the result of the Earth’s movement on its axis?
24. What is the term that refers to the motion of the Earth around the sun?
25. What is the term that refers to the slow and continuous change in the orientation of an astronomical body’s rotational axis?
26. What is the universe model that is said to be Sun-centered?
27. What is this type of observable motion that is associated with heavenly bodies?
28. What property of a planet has this property directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit?
29. Where is the Sun located with respect to a planet’s elliptical orbit
30. Which model of the universe is said to be Earth-centered?
Learning Activity 9:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Aligns with the North Star to determine precise time for user’s location
2. Combination of two ancient models of the universe
3. Developed by the Mayans for the observation of Venus
4. Earth-centered system of the universe
5. Sun-centered system of the universe
Short Quiz 9:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Center in the model of the universe proposed by Copernicus
Answer: SUN
2. Center of the universe based on the model proposed by Ptolemy
Answer: EARTH
3. Considered the ideas of the Earth- and Sun-centered universe model
4. Constant quantity in the universe model by Kepler
5. Date of the year when the Earth is closest to the Sun
6. Location of the Sun with respect to the elliptical orbit based on Kepler’s laws
7. Oldest heavenly body observed that has preceded great events in history
8. Planet property whose square is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit
9. Shape of the orbit based on Kepler’s third law
10. Star blamed by Greeks for the intensity of summer
Answer: SIRIUS
Learning Activity 10:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Constant in the motion of a falling body in vacuum
2. Description of the change in the rate of movement of a body
3. Indirect force resulting from the application of a force
4. Necessary component of motion according to Aristotle
Answer: FORCE
5. Property of a body that affects its state of motion
Short Quiz 10:PHYSC
Aside from changing the state of motion of a body, this is also an effect of applying an unbalanced force to the body.
Which can be easily affected by an unbalanced force: one cube of ice or one sack of rice?
This law implies the importance of balanced forces and what unbalanced forces are.
Which will accelerate more when the same unbalanced force is applied: pencil or cabinet?
This law of motion relates the rate of change in the movement of a body and the unbalanced force that it experiences.
Which law of motion states that a body will not change its current state of motion unless an unbalanced force acts upon it?
If you push the wall with an amount of force, you supply the action force. What is the source of the reaction force?
What factor of a body that is at rest prevents it from moving?
What is the only factor that is constant for bodies falling in a vacuum?
Which of these has a greater inertia: fly or cat?
Learning Activity 11:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Constant in a body as long as no net force acts upon it
2. Decreases as acceleration increases in Newton’s law of acceleration
Answer: MASS
3. Force involved in Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
4. Statement based on repeated experimental observations
Answer: LAW
5. Statement taken to be true since what it proposes is already evident
Answer: AXIOM
Short Quiz 11:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. According to Galileo, this quantity is not needed to keep a body in motion under ideal conditions.
Answer: FORCE
2. Describe the total amount of energy of a body before it falls from a height and as it hits the ground.
Answer: EQUAL
3. In the law of acceleration, which quantity decreases as the acceleration decreases?
Answer: FORCE
4. This is also known as the “inertia in motion” of a body.
5. This kind of statement is considered true since it has been based on a series of observations.
Answer: LAW
6. What do you call a statement that is taken as true without scientific evidence?
Answer: AXIOM
7. What happens to energy as it is used up by different systems?
8. What happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force as the bodies become more massive?
9. What happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force as the distance between two bodies increase?
10. What term do you use to refer to the amount of material contained by a body?
Answer: MASS
Short Quiz 12:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Consider the formula for momentum. What quantity increases with the velocity of a body?: Momentum; Velocity; Inelastic; Force; Mass; Elastic;
Answer: Momentum
2. If a body has no momentum, what else does it not have?: Elastic; Inelastic; Force; Momentum; Mass; Velocity; Energy
Answer: Velocity
3. In the formula for momentum, this quantity decreases as the body moves slower.: Elastic; Mass; Energy; Momentum; Force; Velocity; Inelastic
Answer: Mass
4. In this type of collision, this factor is not necessarily conserved.: Energy; Elastic; Velocity; Force; Inelastic; Mass; Momentum
Answer: Energy
5. This quantity describes how difficult it is to stop a moving body.: Inelastic; Velocity; Momentum; Force; Energy; Mass; Elastic
Answer: Momentum
6. This quantity enables bodies to move so that they would collide.: Mass; Energy; Elastic; Force; Velocity; Inelastic; Momentum
Answer: Energy
7. What SI quantity is directly related and directly proportional to the mass of a body?: Inelastic; Momentum; Velocity; Elastic; Energy; Force; Mass
Answer: Momentum
8. What type of collision is involved between two bodies that show a spark of light after colliding: Momentum; Force; Inelastic; Mass; Elastic; Energy;
Answer: Inelastic
9. Which type of collision involves the constant sum of total kinetic energy before and after the collision?: Momentum; Velocity; Mass; Elastic; Force;
Energy; Inelastic
Answer: Elastic
10. Which will stop first when these two bodies collide: truck or bicycle?
Learning Activity 12:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Collision that involves the conversion of energy into other forms outside the colliding bodies
2. Factor responsible for the movement of the bodies that are about to collide
Answer: ENERGY
3. Not necessarily conserved between colliding bodies
Answer: ENERGY
4. Quantity conserved in any collision
5. Type of collision wherein the total kinetic energy is constant before and after the collision
Short Quiz 13:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Consider the wave equation. Which quantity increases with the frequency of the wave?: Absorption; Latitudinal; Index of Refraction; Longitudinal;
Wavelength; Refraction; Electron; Photon; Transverse; Energy; Mirror; Speed; Dispersion
Answer: Speed
2. In light, this is what the photons carry enabling them to move.: Wavelength; Energy; Mirror; Photon; Longitudinal; Dispersion; Electron; Speed;
Transverse; Index of Refraction; Absorption; Refraction; Latitudinal
Answer: Energy
3. In the wave equation, this quantity is inversely proportional to the frequency of the wave.: Absorption; Mirror; Electron; Latitudinal; Longitudinal;
Energy; Speed; Photon; Refraction; Index of Refraction; Dispersion; Wavelength; Transverse
Answer: Wavelength
4. Name the component of light that travels in straight lines.: Index of Refraction; Longitudinal; Transverse; Absorption; Latitudinal; Energy; Electron;
Refraction; Mirror; Photon; Dispersion; Wavelength; Speed
Answer: Photon
5. This constant determines how much light will bend as it enters a different medium.: Electron; Refraction; Photon; Latitudinal; Mirror; Speed; Index of
Refraction; Transverse; Absorption; Longitudinal; Dispersion; Wavelength; Energy
Answer: Index of Refraction
6. This phenomenon of light is the evidence of the energy possessed by light.: Absorption; Photon; Energy; Dispersion; Electron; Mirror; Speed;
Longitudinal; Transverse; Wavelength; Latitudinal; Index of Refraction; Refraction
Answer: Absorption
7. This wave is produced by the disturbance of the molecules nearby its source.: Latitudinal; Absorption; Mirror; Photon; Wavelength; Index of
Refraction; Electron; Speed; Dispersion; Longitudinal; Transverse; Refraction; Energy
Answer: Longitudinal
8. What is the optical device that is used to show the bouncing of light?: Latitudinal; Speed; Index of Refraction; Wavelength; Electron; Dispersion;
Transverse; Absorption; Mirror; Photon; Refraction; Energy; Longitudinal
Answer: Mirror
9. What kind of wave is light?: Index of Refraction; Speed; Photon; Mirror; Absorption; Refraction; Energy; Speed; Transverse; Electron; Dispersion;
Longitudinal; Transverse; Wavelength; Latitudinal
Answer: Transverse
10. What kind of wave is represented by a sine wave?: Dispersion; Transverse; Index of Refraction; Refraction; Mirror; Energy; Longitudinal; Electron;
Absorption; Photon; Latitudinal; Speed; Wavelength
Answer: Transverse
Learning Activity 13: PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Optical device that demonstrates bending of light
Answer: LENS
2. Particle of light that carries its energy
Answer: PHOTON
3. Path of light that makes it understood to be a particle
4. Wave that can propagate even without molecules
5. Wave that cannot exist in vacuum
Learning Activity 14:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Bending of light around an edge causing umbra and penumbra in the shadow
2. Deflection of light along its path
3. Phenomenon of light wherein light waves add up
4. Phenomenon of separation of light into different colors
5. Type of mirror that shows an inverted image of you
Short Quiz 14:PHYSC
What exists between two charges in space?
Select one:
- Electrostatic force
This phenomenon of light explains how light shows different colors after passing through a prism.
Select one:
This type of mirror shows a virtual image of the object.
Select one:
What do you call a displaced image of an object as the result of the bending of light rays?
Select one:
According to Faraday, what is produced by a changing magnetic field?
Select one:
- Induced voltage
What principle explains why it is impossible to determine experimentally both the position and the speed of an electron at the same time?
Select one:
-Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
How do electron orbits look like as a consequence of the uncertainty principle?
Select one:
- Electron clouds
What type of mirror shows your image in an inverted manner?
Select one:
What can electric current produce along a wire?
Select one:
- Magnetic field
What phenomenon of light is utilized to identify the wavelength of a given light ray?
Select one:
- Dispersion
Learning Activity 15:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. Hertz applied high voltage AC electricity across the central spark gap of the transmitter creating sparks.: True; False
Answer: False
2. What digital storage oscilloscope circuit compensates for high sampling rates of high frequency signals?: charged-couple device; analog to digital
Answer: charged-couple device
3. What test equipment combines the operation of many test instruments into a single compact unit.: Impedance meter; Communication service
Answer: Communication service monitor
4. When using forward error control as a method of error correction, where does error correction take place?: in the oscillator; receiving end
Answer: receiving end
5. What part of the pulse code modulation (PCM) process converts a continuous time signal into a discrete time signal?
Answer: Sampling
Short Quiz 15:PHYSC
Hertz found that when sparks flew across the main gap, sparks also usually glow across the secondary gap that is between points A and B in the image.
Select one:
- True
According to Hertz, he pictured waves of electric charge moving back and forth, creating a standing wave within the wire.
Select one:
- True
When reading the forward power on a wattmeter, what does two right-facing arrow heads mean?
Select one:
- Power exceeds 120 percent of the range
What are the two main types of photodetectors? (separate your answers with the word "and")
-Positive intrinsic photodiode AND negative intrinsic photodiode
In November 1886, Heinrich Hertz became the first person to transmit and receive controlled radio waves.
Select one:
If the interference can be eliminated by disconnecting the receiving antenna, the source of the disturbance is most likely
Select one:
- External to the radio
What initial nuclear radiation components generate electromagnetic pulses? (separate your answers with the word "and")
-Gamma rays AND neutrons
Who discovered radio waves?
-Heinrich Hertz
What pattern simulator section of the bit error rate test set accepts a 48-bit parallel word and generates a serial pattern?
Select one:
-48-bit transmitter only
Hertz started generating radio waves using a piece of electrical equipment called an induction coil.
Select one:
Short Quiz 16:PHYSC
c-Joshua Ardeza
1. As measured in any inertial frame of reference, light is always propagated in empty space with a definite velocity that is independent of the state of
motion of the emitting body.: False; True
Answer: True
2. Maxwell’s equations are not consistent with Galilean relativity unless one postulates the existence of a physical aether.: True; False
Answer: True
3. The laws of physics are the same in all inertia frames of reference.: True; False
Answer: True
4. The postulates of special relativity can be expressed very succinctly using the mathematical language of pseudo-Riemmannian manifolds: True; False
Answer: True
5. What is the correct expression for the amplitude of a vibrating mass? Amplitude is the: Maximum velocity of the mass during vibration; Maximum
displacement of the mass from the rest position
Answer: Maximum displacement of the mass from the rest position
6. Which of the following is not a term associated with periodic waves?: Frequency; How much space is occupied
Answer: How much space is occupied
7. Which of the following sound wave can be heard by the human ear?: Ultrasonic sound waves; Sound waves with frequencies between 20 hz and
20,000 hz
Answer: Sound waves with frequencies between 20 hz and 20,000 hz
8. It combines special relativity with the equivalence principle.
Answer: General relativity
9. It is the succession of methods by which astronomers determine the distances to celestial objects.
Answer: Cosmic distance ladder
10. Known as the “dwarf planet”
Answer: Pluto
Select one:
- Can sometimes be sensed
Special relativity is a theory.
Select one:
- True
States that the net force acting on a body is equal to that body’s (inertia ) mass multiplied by its acceleration.
Select one:
-Newton's Second Law of Motion
According to this law there is a universality of free fall. The trajectory of a test body in free fall depends only on its position and initial speed.
-Newton's Law of Gravity
Which of the following must be satisfied for a vibration to be simple harmonic motion? The restoring force of the vibrating object is
Select one:
-Opposite to and proportional to a displacement

BAED-PROG3111 Programming (Java) NCIII Part 1 (Week 1-9)

Started on Thursday, 28 December 2017, 1:20 PM

State Finished
Completed on Thursday, 28 December 2017, 1:39 PM
Time taken 19 mins 41 secs
Grade 8.00 out of 10.00 (80%)
Question 1
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Refer to the revision history below and decide whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

True or False: Major revisions on progress, budget and risk management were conducted in the second version of
the document.
Question 3
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Analyze the diagram below to answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or categorize the causes if they
are considered problems in Materials, Measurement, Method, People, Equipment or Environment.

Most of the programmers are not informed of the progress or status of the project. This is a Answer
When the program was written, some team mates are
talking too loud and distracted the others. This cause is
categorized under _________________.
Some of the programmers were not present duringrequirements gathering, this cause is classified as a
_________________ problem.
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
The quality of a product is the responsibility of ____________________ in the workplace.
Select one:
a. HR staff
b. IT staff
c. Everyone
d. Admin staff
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: If you want to inform every one of events, memos and other announcements, use the bulletin
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Naming conventions are records of system activities arranged in chronological order for
documentary purposes.
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Which one of the following is a characteristic of mentoring?
Select one:
a. The focus is on inspiring respect for professional skills.
b. The focus is on utilizing existing competencies.
c. The focus is on technical or professional development.
d. The focus is on realizing trainee’s potential skills.
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: It is fine to use strong or shocking colors for PowerPoint presentation slides.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
It is a means of facilitating relationships which also serves as a way for parties to consider what decisions or
course of action they must make.
Select one:
a. Technical
b. Interpersonal
c. Boundaries
d. Feedback
e. Active listening
f. Communication
g. Interpretation
h. Channel
i. Negotiation
j. Empathy
Question 10
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Foreign co-workers having conversation issues with everyone in the office are better left off on
their own.
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Which one of the following DO NOT resolve diversity in the workplace?
Select one:
a. Creating a sense of equality by encouraging employees to voice out their opinions.
b. Conducting regular trainings to update company policies.
c. Involving all employees in the formulation and execution of company programs.
d. Rewarding only the skilled employees while scolding the other employees who perform poorly.
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Through feedback, programmers can learn if the system or program has all the functions and
features defined by the clients.
Question 3
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Analyze the diagram below to answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or categorize the causes if they
are considered problems in Materials, Measurement, Method, People, Equipment or Environment.

Due to a tight deadline, the programmers decided to write the code immediately without a plan. This cause is
classified under Answer .
When the program was written, some team mates are
talking too loud and distracted the others. This cause is
categorized under _________________.
Some of the programmers were not present duringrequirements gathering, this cause is classified as a
_________________ problem.
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
True or False: All team members must be doing their parts diligently for the success of the team’s efforts.
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: You can send the message in whatever format you like, since the receiver can just try to interpret
and understand the message in any way.
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
This group of people is knowledgeable in software applications:
Select one:
a. Design engineer, development engineer, engineer, Quality Assurance Specialist, Tester
b. Analyst, engineer, data modeler, business analyst, computer engineer
c. Administrator, analyst, test engineer, tester
d. Designer or Engineer, Programmer or Analyst
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Which among the following statements is TRUE?
Select one:
a. Encoding refers to the method of conveying the message, such as speaking, writing or gesturing.
b. The source is the information or subject matter of communication.
c. Feedback can be a useful reference when planning for communications in the future.
d. Encoding is the process by which the receiver interprets and understands the message.
Question 1
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
This practice is a form of self-evaluation, where you think about what you did and learn what you can from it. It
motivates you to do better next time you are faced with the same situation.
Select one:
a. Quality Control
b. Performance Appraisal
c. Reflective Behavior
d. Safety Programs
Question 2
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: In identifying the problem, it should be specific and not broad or vague.
Question 3
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Presentations must be interesting, lively and engaging.
Question 4
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
It is a meeting where you receive and learn information and training on a specific subject.
Select one:
a. Exhibit
b. Business meeting
c. Seminar
d. Meet and greet
Question 5
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: You can do as you please in the workplace, just remember to show that you working hard only
when the boss is around.
Question 6
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Taking home of a little bit of office supplies will surely be ignored and won’t do much harm to the
Question 7
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Referring to the figure below, determine if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

The file for the second version of risk management is properly named.

Question 8
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
The following are all safety procedures that may be observed by a company, EXCEPT for:
Select one:
a. Conducting earthquake drills
b. Placing fire extinguishers within the workplace
c. Having a first aid kit at hand
d. Using faulty cable wiring all over the place
Question 9
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Effective monitoring can be done through the following, EXCEPT:
Select one:
a. Conducting investigations
b. Carrying out spot checks
c. Collecting office records
d. Completing safety inspections
Question 10
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Which one of the following practices will result to a proper presentation?
Select one:
a. Using slides with strong shocking background colors
b. Using font styles that are readable
c. Using pictures or images that are of no relevance to the presentation
d. Using font styles that are readable and Using pictures or images that are of no relevance to the

True or False: Foreign co-workers having conversation issues with everyone in the office are better left off on
their own.
A: False

True or False: Presentations must be interesting, lively and engaging.

Answer: true

True or False: You can do as you please in the workplace, just remember to show that you working hard only
when the boss is around.
Answer: false

True or False: Understanding everyone’s interest is the second step in the problem solving process. This is when
you choose the optimal solution.
Answer: false

These kind of words or terms are often discouraged to be used during a presentation, especially if the audience is
not that familiar with programming terms.
A: technical words
Referring to the figure below, determine if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

The first version of the risk management file should be named Risk Management V01.
A: true

It is the ability to understand another person’s point of view and opinions.

Select one:
a. Negotiation
b. Communication
c. Technical
d. Interpretation
e. Feedback
f. Active listening
g. Interpersonal
h. Empathy
i. Boundaries
j. Channel

True or False: Team building activities are important to further improve team interaction and cooperation.
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Stick only to technical terms for your presentation. There is no need to give any simple explanation
when you use technical terms.
Answer: false

Which one of the following is a characteristic of mentoring?

Select one:
a. The focus is on technical or professional development.
b. The focus is on utilizing existing competencies.
c. The focus is on inspiring respect for professional skills.
d. The focus is on realizing trainee’s potential skills.

Refer to the revision history below and decide whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
True or False: Major revisions on progress, budget and risk management were conducted in the second version of
the document.
Answer: true
Analyze the diagram below to answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or categorize the causes if they
are considered problems in Materials, Measurement, Method, People, Equipment or Environment.
Most of the programmers are not informed of the progress or status of the project. This is a Answer

It is a means of facilitating relationships which also serves as a way for parties to consider what decisions or
course of action they must make.
Select one:
a. Interpretation
b. Interpersonal
c. Technical
d. Empathy
e. Active listening
f. Channel
g. Negotiation
h. Communication
i. Feedback
j. Boundaries

True or False: After finding out what the problem is, it is not time to identify the fundamental cause of the
Who among the following can give feedback to an employee?
Select one:
a. All of the choices
b. Teammates
c. Colleagues
d. None of the choices
e. Superiors

The following are all part of the communication process, EXCEPT for one:
Select one:
a. Feedback
b. Source
c. Printing
d. Decoding

The quality of a product is the responsibility of ____________________ in the workplace.

Select one:
a. IT staff
b. HR staff
c. Everyone
d. Admin staff
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Analyze the diagram below to answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or categorize the causes if they
are considered problems in Materials, Measurement, Method, People, Equipment or Environment.

One programmer, who is just a recent graduate, was assigned to do a big task. His colleagues are not aware that
he doesn’t have the skills required. This falls under Answer .
When the program was written, some team mates are
talking too loud and distracted the others. This cause is
categorized under _________________.
Some of the programmers were not present duringrequirements gathering, this cause is classified as a
_________________ problem.

Flag question
Question text
Analyze the diagram below to answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or categorize the causes if they
are considered problems in Materials, Measurement, Method, People, Equipment or Environment.

The problem identified in the diagram is a buggy java Answer .

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Which among the following statements is TRUE?
Select one:
a. The source is the information or subject matter of communication.
b. Encoding refers to the method of conveying the message, such as speaking, writing or gesturing.
c. Feedback can be a useful reference when planning for communications in the future.
d. Encoding is the process by which the receiver interprets and understands the message.
Question 5
Flag question
Question text
This Internet online resource allows the user to interact either as a learner or instructor.
Select one:
Answer: udemy
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: In identifying the problem, it should be specific and not broad or vague.
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Expertise in using the Internet and Internet-based services, handling computer hardware, computer operation
and maintenance, and troubleshooting computer systems are some examples of ____________________ skills.
Select one:
a. Technical
b. Soft
c. Business
d. All of the choices
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Naming conventions are records of system activities arranged in chronological order for
documentary purposes.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
The following are all safety procedures that may be observed by a company, EXCEPT for:
Select one:
a. Placing fire extinguishers within the workplace
b. Having a first aid kit at hand
c. Conducting earthquake drills
d. Using faulty cable wiring all over the place
Question 10

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
This refers to how people make sense of, understand or perceive something.
Select one:
a. Boundaries
b. Technical
c. Communication
d. Interpretation
e. Channel
f. Active listening
g. Empathy
h. Interpersonal
i. Negotiation
j. Feedback
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Expertise in using the Internet and Internet-based services, handling computer hardware, computer operation
and maintenance, and troubleshooting computer systems are some examples of ____________________ skills.
Select one:
a. All of the choices
b. Soft
c. Business
d. Technical
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Employees should be encouraged to take on career paths that not only develop their skills, but also
improve their performance in the work that they do.
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
This group of people is knowledgeable in software applications:
Select one:
a. Design engineer, development engineer, engineer, Quality Assurance Specialist, Tester
b. Analyst, engineer, data modeler, business analyst, computer engineer
c. Administrator, analyst, test engineer, tester
d. Designer or Engineer, Programmer or Analyst
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Which one of the following is a characteristic of mentoring?
Select one:
a. The focus is on realizing trainee’s potential skills.
b. The focus is on utilizing existing competencies.
c. The focus is on inspiring respect for professional skills.
d. The focus is on technical or professional development.
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
It is a meeting where you receive and learn information and training on a specific subject.
Select one:
a. Meet and greet
b. Exhibit
c. Seminar
d. Business meeting
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
The following are all safety procedures that may be observed by a company, EXCEPT for:
Select one:
a. Having a first aid kit at hand
b. Using faulty cable wiring all over the place
c. Conducting earthquake drills
d. Placing fire extinguishers within the workplace
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
This refers to face-to-face communication between two or more people.
Select one:
a. Negotiation
b. Interpretation
c. Feedback
d. Active listening
e. Technical
f. Communication
g. Empathy
h. Interpersonal
i. Channel
j. Boundaries
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Evaluating the options require determining the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Started on Friday, 5 January 2018, 6:50 PM

State Finished
Completed on Friday, 5 January 2018, 6:58 PM
Time taken 8 mins 26 secs
Grade 10.00 out of 10.00 (100%)
Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
It is a means of facilitating relationships which also serves as a way for parties to consider what decisions or
course of action they must make.
Select one:
a. Communication
b. Technical
c. Empathy
d. Boundaries
e. Active listening
f. Negotiation
g. Interpersonal
h. Interpretation
i. Channel
j. Feedback
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: After finding out what the problem is, it is not time to identify the fundamental cause of the
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: In naming files, provide simple and short names that could easily be understood by everyone.
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Referring to the figure below, determine if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

The final copy of the project charter is properly named.

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
____________________ is a formal meeting where people are gathered to discuss topics that revolve around
their same interests.
Select one:
a. Concert
b. Seminar
c. Workshop
d. Conference
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Answer covers quality, service and delivery of the goods or services from the vendor to the client.
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
In the workplace, ______________ is all about the level of work performance required in completing a task.
Select one:
a. Standard
b. Feedback
c. Values
d. Goal
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
This practice is a form of self-evaluation, where you think about what you did and learn what you can from it. It
motivates you to do better next time you are faced with the same situation.
Select one:
a. Reflective Behavior
b. Safety Programs
c. Quality Control
d. Performance Appraisal
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Memos, also known as memorandum, are distributed for people working in the same organization
or company.
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Always use readable fonts in presentations.

Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
These kind of words or terms are often discouraged to be used during a presentation, especially if the audience is
not that familiar with programming terms.
Select one:
a. Channel
b. Interpersonal
c. Negotiation
d. Interpretation
e. Technical
f. Feedback
g. Active listening
h. Communication
i. Boundaries
j. Empathy
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Some of the famous computer professional networks are:
Select one:
a. Philippine Computer Society
b. Computer Society of the Philippines
c. Philippine Computer Society and VIP International Unite
d. Computer Society of the Philippines and Philippine Computer Society
e. Computer Society of the Philippines and VIP International Unite
f. VIP International Unite
g. All of the choices
h. None of the choices
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Answer is considered a personal type of written communication and it includes postcards and written
True or False: Communicating with internal and external clients is important for programmers.
Answer: true

This is one way to measure success rate not onlyyour communication, but also to evaluate your work.
Select one:
a. Feedback
b. Communication
c. Technical
d. Interpretation
e. Empathy
f. Channel
g. Active listening
h. Boundaries
i. Negotiation
j. Interpersonal
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Ice breaker activities can be related or not to the presentation.
Answer: true

____________________ is a formal meeting where people are gathered to discuss topics that revolve around
their same interests.
Select one:
a. Seminar
b. Conference
c. Workshop
d. Concert
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: According to Hicks, the first step in an effective problem solving process is clearly defining the
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Stick only to technical terms for your presentation. There is no need to give any simple explanation
when you use technical terms.
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
This is the method by which a message is conveyed, such as speaking, writing or gesturing.
Select one:
a. Negotiation
b. Interpersonal
c. Interpretation
d. Technical
e. Empathy
f. Boundaries
g. Communication
h. Channel
i. Active listening
j. Feedback
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Analyze the diagram below to answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or categorize the causes if they
are considered problems in Materials, Measurement, Method, People, Equipment or Environment.

Few programmers are complaining about slow Internet connection and this affects their work. This cause is
categorized in Answer .
When the program was written, some team mates are
talking too loud and distracted the others. This cause is
categorized under _________________.
Some of the programmers were not present duringrequirements gathering, this cause is classified as a
_________________ problem.
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Expertise in using the Internet and Internet-based services, handling computer hardware, computer operation
and maintenance, and troubleshooting computer systems are some examples of ____________________ skills.
Select one:
a. Technical
b. Business
c. All of the choices
d. Soft
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: You should also look at the problem from a different point of view and listen to others’ suggestion.
This is the third step – listing all possible solutions.
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Referring to the figure below, determine if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

The final copy of the project charter is properly named.

Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Answer oral communication may be done in a workplace and it takes different forms such as telephone
conversations, face-to-face conversations and brainstorming.
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Nowadays, teammates have no need for communications technology since they can just interact
face to face.

Every country, whether industrialized or still developing, must actively cooperate in enforcing environmental
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Decide whether it is a communication instrument or purpose.
A printed progress report to be submitted to the adviser.
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Maintainability
b. Reliability
c. Compatibility
d. Usability
e. Security
f. Portability
g. Performance Efficiency
h. Functional Suitability
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
In the 5S method, this stage refers to arranging items in a way that they are easy to find and pick up.
Select one:
a. Shitsuke
b. Seiton
c. Seiketsu
d. Seiri
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
____________________ is when you conduct regular audits and inspections to evaluate your work performance.
Select one:
a. Seiso
b. Seiketsu
c. Shitsuke
d. Seiri
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Usability
b. Compatibility
c. Maintainability
d. Security
e. Reliability
f. Portability
g. Performance Efficiency
h. Functional Suitability
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
The 5s method is based on the ____________________.
Select one:
a. Takoyaki Production System
b. Tonari Production System
c. Tatsumaki Production System
d. Toyota Production Sytem
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
According to Humphrey, a quality plan starts with product introduction where the product qualities and target
market are identified.
Select one:
a. False
b. True

True or False: One of the ways to motivate teamwork in the workplace is to make sure that maintenance is
conducted and planned for system enhancement.
Answer: false
As long as the demands of the clients are met and the business is flourishing, there’s no more need to bother
about the effects of one’s business to the environment.
Select one:
a. False
A: ergonomic
factors are concerned whether employees are comfortable, stressed or possibly be injured due to the
arrangement of things in the workplace.
True or False: Reviewing the related literature includes review of concepts, theories and previous research
Answer: true
Enforcing environmental policies is one of the major causes of job loss and unemployment.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
True or False: To gather data, you can either conduct an interview, survey, observation, mail questionnaire,
coding and tabulation.
Answer: false
Risks, which could harm the product’s quality, must be determined and managed well along with the actions to
be taken.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Collective bargaining refers to the bargain sale of previously used office equipment.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Identify whether the following task should be listed as a milestone or be included in the Gantt chart.
The user interface design and layout has been completed.
Answer: milestone
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Maintainability
b. Performance Efficiency
c. Reliability
d. Portability
e. Functional Suitability
f. Security
g. Usability
h. Compatibility
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Functional Suitability
b. Compatibility
c. Maintainability
d. Security
e. Reliability
f. Portability
g. Usability
h. Performance Efficiency
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Compatibility
b. Portability
c. Reliability
d. Performance Efficiency
e. Security
f. Functional Suitability
g. Usability
h. Maintainability
Question 5

Flag question
Question text
The Montreal protocol is designed to help protect the ozone layer.
Select one:
a. True
b. False

A: briefing
notes are prepared with issues or topics that decision makers should be informed about.
Qualitative research aims to gain insights on opinions, behaviors and attitude through Answer:
UNSTRUCTURED techniques.
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Maintainability
Conceptual research is usually carried out by and thinkers to come up with new concepts. Answer: philosopher
True or False: Most of the readers will skim the conclusion first to get an idea of what the paper is all about.
Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Quality improvement process is conducted to avoid errors and faults from recurring in the future.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
True or False: There are five main elements of a written report – topic, style, structure, facts and contents.
Answer: false
Presidential Decree No. 856 is an international treaty that imposes limitations on the greenhouse gas emissions
of several countries.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
True or False: Dates in file names should be written in YYYY-MM-DD format. Asnwer: true
Companies can freely make their own set of environmental policies without consulting the workers’ union, or any
local or national laws about it.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Determine whether the stated person / group is an internal or external stakeholder.
Students ‘Grandparents
Answer: external
Started on Saturday, 6 January 2018, 9:51 PM
State Finished
Completed on Saturday, 6 January 2018, 10:13 PM
Time taken 21 mins 12 secs
Grade 18.00 out of 20.00 (90%)
Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Referring to the figure below, determine if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
The minutes dated back December 3, 2016 is properly named.
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Portability
b. Security
c. Usability
d. Compatibility
e. Maintainability
f. Performance Efficiency
g. Functional Suitability
h. Reliability
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
The 5S Method is a Japanese perspective technique developed by EiichiroOda.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
The protection of the natural resources is possible through the collective efforts of each group in the society.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Referring to the figure below, determine if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
The minutes of the meeting for December 1, 2016 is appropriately named.
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: A milestone refers to the scope and out of scope of a project. It is defined so that the project is
implemented on time and on budget.
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Montreal protocol protects the ozone layer by ____________________.
Select one:
a. phasing out harmful substances
b. reducing greenhouse gas emissions
c. banning the use of perfumes
d. using locally produced products
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Email, SMS and Gantt chart are samples of communication frequency that you could utilize.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Read the situation below as your basis for answering the following question:

Ricka is creating a student record system where the profile, educational attainment and contact person of the
students will be saved and restored. She is planning to implement it during the second semester.
Identify whether Ricka’s role is accountable, responsible, consult or inform: Ricka should be notified that the
project proposal has been approved.
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
This body was tasked to implement the provisions of P.D. No. 856.
Select one:
a. Department of Wealth
b. Department of Health
c. Department of Sanitation
d. Department of Cleanliness
Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Organizational aims are different from the mission statement; they refer to the results an
organization is aspiring for.
Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the revision history below and decide whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

There were only two staff accountable and responsible for the overall changes of the document.
Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
During solution implementation, the problem solvers should be Answer: PROACTIVE to assure that the problem
is being addressed properly.
Question 14
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Read the questions carefully and choose your answer from the word pool provided.
Mobile app XYZ, which is an RPG game, has been deployed and launched to the public six (6) months ago. Some
volunteers are testing XYZ in accordance with the ISO/IEC 25010:2011. Read their feedback below and decide
which product quality attribute is being described.
“XYZ is so cool! I tried to install it in my old computer and it still runs smoothly. Given that the computer’s video
card is a bit faulty.“
Select one:
a. Performance Efficiency
b. Reliability
c. Usability
d. Security
e. Maintainability
f. Portability
g. Compatibility
h. Functional Stability
Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
know le
By conducting a research, you can help the society by contributing to the body of Answer .
Question 16
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Environmental issues have no relation to the workplace.
Select one:
b. False
Question 17
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
In a nutshell, a research is conducted by identifying a problem, identifies formulating a Answer ,
gathering and analyzing data, presenting the findings, and drawing a conclusion.
Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Business industries will not be affected by the environmental crisis.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Usually, the summary of the report is the first thing that’s being read.
Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: To present the results and findings of a research, you can use a bar graph, line graph or pie chart.
True or False: Seminar lectures, conference talks, presentations of reports and group meetings are samples of
informal oral communication conducted in a workplace.
Answer: False
These are developed by industries as a guide for establishments and business enterprises to conduct their
operations in a way that prevents or reduces environmental harm.
Answer: Environmental codes of practice
True or False: There are different types of communication and written communication is one which can be used
in a workplace.
Answer: true
True or False: There are different types of communication and written communication is one which can be used
in a workplace.
Answer: false
Quantitative research, compared to qualitative research, uses measurable Answer to uncover patterns.
Protecting the environment and natural resources also means protecting stable employment.
Select one:
a. True
Read the situation below as your basis for answering the following question:

Ricka is creating a student record system where the profile, educational attainment and contact person of the
students will be saved and restored. She is planning to implement it during the second semester.
Identify whether Ricka’s role is accountable, responsible, consult or inform: Ricka should assure that the project
schedule is followed strictly.
Answer: responsible
____________________ is setting the best practices in the workplace as your work standards.
Select one:
a. Seiso
b. Seiri
c. Shitsuke
d. Seiketsu
Humans rely on natural resources for survival.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Question text
Environmental policies won’t really make a difference, businesses will still strive and be successful without giving
a care for the environment.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Functional Appropriateness
h. Functional Suitability
ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s SQuaRE stands for System Quality Assurance and Requirements Evaluation. This standard is
used in evaluating the quality of software.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
True or False: You can emphasize the key points in your report by stating them in the references and conclusion.
Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Read the questions carefully and choose your answer from the word pool provided.
Mobile app XYZ, which is an RPG game, has been deployed and launched to the public six (6) months ago. Some
volunteers are testing XYZ in accordance with the ISO/IEC 25010:2011. Read their feedback below and decide
which product quality attribute is being described.
“One good thing I find with XYZ as when my laptop shuts down accidentally, my game score and status can still be
recovered. No need to repeat a level.”
Select one:
b. Reliability
True or False: In an effective written communication, structure refers to the facts presented in the paper.
Answer: false
The Kyoto protocol requires the participation of both industrialized and developing nations in reducing
environmental harm.
Select one:
b. False
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Kyoto protocol addresses environmental issues through the campaign of ____________________.
Select one:
a. banning the use of pesticides
b. using imported products
c. reducing greenhouse gas emissions
d. phasing out harmful substances
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Reliability
b. Portability
c. Usability
d. Functional Suitability
e. Compatibility
f. Maintainability
g. Security
h. Performance Efficiency
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Performance Efficiency
b. Security
c. Usability
d. Compatibility
e. Portability
f. Reliability
g. Maintainability
h. Functional Suitability
Question 5
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Referring to the figure below, determine if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
The project objectives file follows the standards of naming convention.
Answer: FALSE
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Sometimes, people conduct research to earn Answer :respect from others.
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
One good practice is to use water filtration system instead of buying bottled water every time.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Researches are primarily conducted to solve a problem and to contribute the body of knowledge in
a particular field.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Protocols are set of standards rules which describes how something should be done and different
companies have different protocols as well.
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Increase work productivity by arranging items in such a way that they are easy to find and pick up.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Time behavior
Select one:
a. Portability
b. Reliability
c. Performance Efficiency
d. Maintainability
e. Compatibility
f. Security
g. Usability
h. Functional Suitability
Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text

Answer refers to the supplier’s / vendor’s capacity to conduct long term contractual obligations.
Question 13
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Statutory requirements are identified by the vendors or suppliers and they include value, stability,
diversity and capacity.
Answer: FALSE
Question 14
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Big business companies are the only ones responsible for enforcing environmental policies since they can afford
alternative cleaner technology.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Fundamental research covers generalization and formulation of Answer .
Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
True or False: Research findings are not applicable in developing government policies. Researchers should be
purely academic.
Question 17
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
ISO 9001 international standard for quality’s core processes are divided into two (2) – product delivery process
and support process.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Answer research is concerned in solving a problem that the private organization or the society is facing.
Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Standards are based on untested concepts and theories that the company has yet to encounter.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
If a researcher is conducting a Answer research, he / she has no control over variables.
____________________ is a means by which the employees, speaking through the unions they belong to, can come
to an agreement with their employers about employment, environmental and other work-related concerns.
ANSWER; Collective bargaining

notes are prepared with issues or topics that decision makers should be informed about.

Read the questions carefully and choose your answer from the word pool provided.
Mobile app XYZ, which is an RPG game, has been deployed and launched to the public six (6) months ago. Some
volunteers are testing XYZ in accordance with the ISO/IEC 25010:2011. Read their feedback below and decide
which product quality attribute is being described.
“So far, XYZ has 2 updates and it is working smoothly. Some bugs were fixed and there have been improvements
– like additional characters and skills.”
Select one:
g. Maintainability
Research can be used to accurately represent the Answer: characteristics
of a particular individual or group, an event or a situation.
The cost / benefit analysis document is appropriately named.
Answer: false

Grade 9.00 out of 10.00 (90%)

Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
This type of programming language uses series of 0s and 1s to represent data.
Select one:
a. Machine language
b. High-level language
c. Advanced language
d. Assembly language
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
PASCAL is an example of a low-level language.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
C# has features that are directly based on the Short Code.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 4

Flag question
Question text
Arlan right clicked on his taskbar and unchecked the Lock Taskbar. What will happen if he drags his taskbar to the
right side of his screen?
Select one:
a. Start button will be located at the bottom right.
b. All of the choices
c. All icons will transfer to the right.
d. None of the choices.
e. Taskbar will display vertically at the right.
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Answer charles is the father of computer.
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the image below and write only the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

Something’s wrong with the serial port. Which port should I investigate?
Answer: c
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
This refers to the process of using programming languages to instruct the computer to perform specific tasks.
Select one:
a. Programming
b. Troubleshooting
c. Scanning
d. Debugging
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Using the Answer java language, you can write windowed applications, build databases, as well as control
handheld devices.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Bridget’s mouse is not responding and she has to close her browser. Which of the following is an alternative way
using a keyboard to close an application?
Select one:
a. Alt + F4
b. Ctrl + C
c. Esc + 1
d. Shift + X
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
COBOL is the programming language ideally used for _________________________ purposes.
Select one:
a. Business
b. Artificial intelligence
c. Systematic
d. Internet

Who is the first computer programmer?

Select one:
a. Lady Lovelace Ada Augusta
b. Sir Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt
c. Lady Agatha Russell
d. Sir KonradZuse
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
The earphones is an example of a _______________, while Internet Explorer is an example of _______________.
Select one:
a. platform operating system
b. hardware, computer user
c. input device, output device
d. peripheral device, application program
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Windows is to Personal Computer (PC) while Mac OSX is to Mac laptops and computers.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
FORTRAN was the first ever “modern” computer language.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
An operating system has three major components – hardware, application program or software and the user.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 1
out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Maria has two printers – Printer Z and Printer A. She set Printer Z as the default printer. What will happen the
next time she prints a document?
Select one:

e. All of the choices.

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Select one:
a. Natural language can be used in programming.
b. Today’s programming languages are all limited in scope and application.
c. A programming language may have its own area of specialization.
d. Poorly constructed coding statements are acceptable.
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the image below and write only the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

The monitor suddenly turned black, which port should I check?

Answer: g
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
If you are confused on what to do, press F2 on your keyboard and the Windows Help feature will open.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
An operating system has three major components – hardware, application program or software and the user.
Select one:
a. True
b. False

computer programs
are actually a set of computer instructions that are developed using a programming language.
Ctrl + S is the shortcut key for Save while Ctrl + S + A is the shortcut key for Save As.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Image files can be opened using MS Paint, Notedpad and Windows Photo Viewer.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
The mouse suddenly stopped working. Which port should I check?
Answer: b
Since natural languages are vaguely structured, they cannot be used for programming.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
C++, an extension of the C language, introduced object-oriented programming.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
I think I plugged the speakers wrong. The power is turned on but I can’t hear any sound Which port should I
Answer: f
Which of the following is not a default margin options when setting up the page for printing?
Select one:
a. Narrow
b. Wide
c. Normal
d. Regular
LISP and PROLOG are programming languages that are best used when dealing with Artificial Intelligence.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
COBOL stands for Convenient Business Oriented Language.
Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Observe the names of the following variables and routines and decide whether its format is CORRECT or WRONG.
Student.StudentBirthday for a class property.
Select one:
a. Wrong
b. Correct
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Answer short c was the first language implemented for BINAC.
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the image below and write only the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
We were playing games locally and I got disconnected. I think something’s wrong with this port.
Answer: e
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the image below to answer the following question. What type of image is shown?

Select one:
a. Program chart
b. Data flow
c. Control flow
d. Flow chart
Question 5
out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Answer: high-level language is a type of programming language that is composed of symbols and words that
follow some rules similar to that of a natural language.
Refer to the image below to answer the following question. What happens when Limit is equal to 3?
Select one:
c. Program goes back to login page.
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
The set of rules that must be strictly followed when using a programming language is called AnswerSYNTAX
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the pseudocode below and answer the following question: What if the computed BMI equals to 10, what
will the program do?

Select one:
b. Print Underweight.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
A deleted file or folder found in the Recycle Bin can still be restored.
Select one:
b. True
Question 10
Flag question
Question text
.MPEG, .MP3 and .MOV are filename extensions for videos.
Select one:
b. False
Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
lag question
Question text
Refer to the image below to answer the following question. What symbol is used to begin and end the program?
b. Terminal
Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Refer to the image below and write only the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

My headset is working but the microphone is not. Which port should I check?
Answer: f
Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
You will find running application programs and process in the Task Manager.
Select one:
b. True
Question 14
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Ana is working on a new project and she was asking for the program’s purpose, processes, algorithm, restrictions
and some notes. According to the program development life cycle, in which phase is Ana working on?
Select one:
b. Testing and Debugging
c. Analyze the Problem
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
The following are statements that describe milestones in the programming language.
I. FORTRAN, the first modern computer language, was developed.
II. Java was released by Sun Microsystems
III. C was developed based on some of B’s features.
IV. Ada Lovelace invented the first computer program for analytical engine application.
V. COBOL was created by the US Department of Defense
Which of the following shows the correct order of events?
Select one:
a. IV, I, V, III, II
Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the pseudocode below and answer the following question: If the calculated BMI results to 26, what will
the program do?

Select one:
a. display Normal
b. display Overweight
c. display Obese
d. display Underweight
Question 17
out of 1.00
Question text
Observe the names of the following variables and routines and decide whether its format is CORRECT or WRONG.
PresentAdress for a column name in the table “Student”.
b. Wrong
Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Observe the names of the following variables and routines and decide whether its format is CORRECT or WRONG.
Employees for a table name.
Select one:
a. Wrong
Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Refer to the image below to answer the following question. What process is illustrated in the diagram?

Select one:
b. Social media login limit.
Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Observe the names of the following variables and routines and decide whether its format is CORRECT or WRONG.
passingSCORE for a constant variable.
Select one:
a. Wrong

C# was released by Answer .
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
A Answer progra is the code or language that allows a user to instruct a computer to perform specific tasks.
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Max is already writing the code for his project. In which phase of the PDLC is he working on?
Select one:
a. Testing and Debugging
b. Analyze the Problem
c. Documentation
d. Coding and Execution
Question 4
out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the image below to answer the following question. John tries to log in for the fourth time, what does he
see on his screen?

Select one:
a. Social Media Page
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Who is considered as a user (component of an operating system)?
Select one:
a. Students
b. All of the choices
c. Programmer
d. None of the choices
e. IT Staff
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Programs written in high-level languages are translated into machine-readable form using interpreters or
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Java is an example of
Select one:
a. Average level language
b. Low-level language
c. High-level language
d. Advanced language
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Refer to the image below to answer the following question. What happens every time the given username and
password is incorrect?
Select one:
a. Limit is set to 0.
b. 1 is added to Limit.
c. 3 is set as the Limit.
d. Limit is set to 1.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the pseudocode below and answer the following question: The program calculated for the BMI and it is
equal to 50, what will the program do?

Select one:
a. Display Underweight.
b. Nothing, it is above 30.
c. Loop the program.
d. Print Obese.
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the image below and write only the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

I found out that the keyboard is defective so I switched to the old keyboard which uses PS/2 port, where should I
plug it in?
Answer: a
Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
He is known as the father of the Java programming language.
Select one:
a. Dennis Ritchie
b. BjarneStroustrup
c. J.W. Mauchly
d. James Gosling
Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Even when you close all running application programs, there are still process running in the background.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Jet is writing the pseudocode for his program. Which phase of program development life cycle is he in?
Select one:
a. Documentation
b. Formalize the Solution
c. Design the Program
d. Test the Program
Question 14
out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Observe the names of the following variables and routines and decide whether its format is CORRECT or WRONG.
studentAge for a variable name.
Select one:
b. Correct
Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Refer to the image below to answer the following question. What type of flowchart symbol contains the text
“Limit >=3?”?

Select one:
a. Terminal
b. Decision
c. Flow lines
d. Connector
Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Jamie finished debugging her program. What is the next step she should do?
Select one:
a. Documentation
b. Design the Program
c. Test the Program
d. Formalize the Solution
Question 17
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Observe the names of the following variables and routines and decide whether its format is CORRECT or WRONG.
limitIsReached for a Boolean variable.
Select one:
a. Wrong
b. Correct
Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Over time, man’s efforts to find better ways to communicate with computers resulted to the evolution of
programming languages.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Observe the names of the following variables and routines and decide whether its format is CORRECT or WRONG.
CEILING_GRADE for a constant variable.
Select one:
a. Correct
Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the pseudocode below and answer the following question: What happens after weight is given?

b. ask for height

PROG111 - Programming (Java) NC II Part 1

Presidential Decree No. 856 is an international treaty that imposes limitations on the greenhouse gas emissions of several countries.
answer False
According to Humphrey, a quality plan starts with product introduction where the product qualities and target market are identified.
Question 3
Standards are based on untested concepts and theories that the company has yet to encounter.
Question 4
ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model has eight (8) major characteristics.
Question 5
Companies can freely make their own set of environmental policies without consulting the workers’ union, or any local or national laws about it.
- False
Question 6
Environmental policies won’t really make a difference, businesses will still strive and be successful without giving a care for the environment.
Select one:
a False
Question 7
____________________ is setting the best practices in the workplace as your work standards.
Select one:
Question 8
Seiri is making work easier by reducing unnecessary items to deal with.
- True
Question 9
Read the questions carefully and choose your answer from the word pool provided.
Mobile app XYZ, which is an RPG game, has been deployed and launched to the public six (6) months ago. Some volunteers are testing XYZ in
accordance with the ISO/IEC 25010:2011. Read their feedback below and decide which product quality attribute is being described.
“So far, XYZ has 2 updates and it is working smoothly. Some bugs were fixed and there have been improvements – like additional characters and skills.”
Select one:
a. Compatibility
Question 10
As long as the demands of the clients are met and the business is flourishing, there’s no more need to bother about the effects of one’s business to the
Select one:
- False
Question 11
Every country, whether industrialized or still developing, must actively cooperate in enforcing environmental measures.
Select one:
Question 12
Big business companies are the only ones responsible for enforcing environmental policies since they can afford alternative cleaner technology.
Select one:
Question 13
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the letter that corresponds to your answer.
Question 14
Critical thinking skills is an essential skill which includes listening effectively, adapting communication skills and understanding underlying issues.
Select one:
Question 15
The 5S Method is a Japanese perspective technique developed by Eiichiro Oda.
b. False
Question 16
The Kyoto protocol requires the participation of both industrialized and developing nations in reducing environmental harm.
Question 17
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the letter that corresponds to your answer.
ans. Maintainability
Question 18
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the letter that corresponds to your answer.
Question 19
Pre-review activities in the review process includes review planning, preparation and individual review.
Select one:
a. True
Question 20
____________________ is when you conduct regular audits and inspections to evaluate your work performance.
Question 21
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the letter that corresponds to your answer.
Question 22
Read the questions carefully and choose your answer from the word pool provided.
Mobile app XYZ, which is an RPG game, has been deployed and launched to the public six (6) months ago. Some volunteers are testing XYZ in
accordance with the ISO/IEC 25010:2011. Read their feedback below and decide which product quality attribute is being described.
“I find it really enjoying to play XYZ since I can invite my friends from social media profile. It works well with this social media app!”
Select one:
Question 23
Kyoto protocol addresses environmental issues through the campaign of ____________________.
Select one:
ans. reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Question 24
This body was tasked to implement the provisions of P.D. No. 856.
ans. Department of Health
Question 25
Montreal protocol protects the ozone layer by ____________________.
ans. phasing out harmful substances
Question 26
One good practice is to use water filtration system instead of buying bottled water every time.
ans. True
Question 28
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the letter that corresponds to your answer.
Question 27
Quality improvement process is conducted to avoid errors and faults from recurring in the future.
Select one:
ans. True

BAED-PROG3111 Programming (Java) NCIII Part 1 (Week 10)

Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Read the situation below as your basis for answering the following question:

Ricka is creating a student record system where the profile, educational attainment and contact person of the students will be saved and restored.
She is planning to implement it during the second semester.
Identify whether the statement is a strength, weakness, opportunity or threat. Naughty students who might try to hack the student record system and
change the information saved.
Answer: threat

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Read the situation below as your basis for answering the following question:

Ricka is creating a student record system where the profile, educational attainment and contact person of the students will be saved and restored.
She is planning to implement it during the second semester.
Identify whether Ricka’s role is accountable, responsible, consult or inform: Ricka should finish conducting unit and system testing.
Answer: accountable
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Refer to the image below and write only the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
I cannot type anything but my mouse is working, I am using a brand new USB keyboard, which port should I check?
Answer: D

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
True or False: Monitoring and evaluating means brainstorming.
Answer: False

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Axel is finally documenting his work. What could he be writing?
Select one:
a. requirements of the program
b. system analysis
c. bug reviews and errors
d. instructions for the users
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Machine language and assembly language are collectively referred to as _________________________.
Select one:
a. Average level language
b. Low-level language
c. Advanced language
d. High-level language

Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
True or False: Nothing good ever comes from giving feedback. If anything, anyone who does give will only get scolded by the boss.
Answer: False

Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Analyze the diagram below to answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or categorize the causes if they are considered problems in Materials,
Measurement, Method, People, Equipment or Environment.

When the software used was checked, the project manager discovered that some of the programmers are using an old version of Java. This cause is
categorized under

Answer. Materials
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Read the situation below as your basis for answering the following question:

Ricka is creating a student record system where the profile, educational attainment and contact person of the students will be saved and restored.
She is planning to implement it during the second semester.
Identify whether Ricka’s role is accountable, responsible, consult or inform: Ricka should be told about the students who volunteered to test the
student record system.
Answer: inform

Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Machine language is also known as Binary language.

Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
The following can be used as a channel for conveying messages, EXCEPT:
Select one:
a. email
b. social media
c. hyperlinks
d. speaking

Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Refer to the pseudocode below and answer the following question:
What is the first thing that the program will do?
Select one:
a. ask for BMI
b. print height
c. ask for height
d. print BMI

Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
____________________ in the workplace protection of sensitive business information through precautionary measures like confidentiality clauses or
non-disclosure agreements.
Select one:
a. Curiosity
b. Integrity
c. Secrecy
d. Confidentiality

Question 14
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Security
b. Reliability
c. Compatibility
d. Functional Suitability
e. Maintainability
f. Portability
g. Usability
h. Performance Efficiency

Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
FORTRAN stands for _____. Formula Translator

Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
True or False: Documenting the decision is the last action needed to be taken to solve the problem.
Answer: False

Question 17
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
In ____________________, the trainee’s learning is focused on utilizing existing abilities and competencies, with the coach interacting with the trainee
in a professional way.
Select one:
a. Coaching
b. Meeting
c. Problem Solving
d. Mentoring

Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Determine whether the stated person / group is an internal or external stakeholder.
Answer: internal

Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
True or False: Organizational policies and procedures are used as a guide in decision making and help employees understand the company’s goals and
Answer: True

Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
Java can only be used for business purposes like processing records and employees.
Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 21
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Battery level, Internet connection and date and time are usually located in the Notification Area.
Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 22
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
Actions that you need to take to reach the goals you set are called ____________________.
Select one:
a. Standard
b. Actions
c. Objectives
d. Process

Question 23
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Usability
b. Security
c. Compatibility
d. Reliability
e. Functional Suitability
f. Performance Efficiency
g. Maintainability
h. Portability

Question 24
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
True or False: To establish empathy means to interpret the message received.
Answer: False

Question 25
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Analyze the diagram below to answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or categorize the causes if they are considered problems in Materials,
Measurement, Method, People, Equipment or Environment.

When the program was written, some

team mates are talking too loud and distracted the others. This cause is categorized under:
Answer: Environment

Question 26
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Identify whether the following task should be listed as a milestone or be included in the Gantt chart.
Create the project charter for the student record system.
Answer: Gantt chart

Question 27
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Refer to the image below to answer the following question.
By default, what is the value of limit?
Select one:
a. 0
b. 2
c. 1
d. 3

Question 28
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Observe the names of the following variables and routines and decide whether its format is CORRECT or WRONG.
Get_Average_Grade() for a routine to compute for average.
Select one:
a. Correct
b. Wrong

Question 29
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
In adding a new printer, the _____________ will guide you on the steps to be taken.
Select one:
a. Printer Guide
b. Printer Affix
c. Printer Install
d. Printer Wizard

Question 30
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
True or False: Gantt chart is one of the tools used in identifying workloads. It states who is responsible or accountable for one task or activity.
Answer: False

Question 31
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Refer to the image below and write only the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
My brother gave me an external hard drive as a present. I wanted to save my movies and pictures in it, where should it be connected?
Answer: D

Question 32
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Identify whether the following task should be listed as a milestone or be included in the Gantt chart.
Fix bugs and errors detected in the system.
Answer: Gantt chart

Question 33
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
In the correct order, the essential parts of the communication process are:
Select one:
a. Source, Message, Encoding, Channel, Decoding, Receiver, Feedback
b. Source, Message, Encoding, Channel, Receiver, Decoding, Feedback
c. Source, Message, Encoding, Channel, Decoding, Feedback, Receiver
d. Source, Message, Encoding, Receiver, Decoding, Channel, Feedback

Question 34
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Determine whether the stated person / group is an internal or external stakeholder.
Answer: internal

Question 35
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
True or False: To solve a problem means to know first what the problem is before coming up with the feasible solutions.
Answer: True

Question 36
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
True or False: Listing down the issues related to the problem is second to the last step in an effective problem solving process.
Answer: False

Question 37
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Portability
b. Security
c. Maintainability
d. Functional Suitability
e. Usability
f. Compatibility
g. Performance Efficiency
h. Reliability

Question 38
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Monica accidentally unplugged the mouse PS/2 port. What will happen to the mouse connected thru the universal serial bus port?
Select one:
a. The mouse will stop working.
b. None of the choices.
c. The mouse will freeze.
d. All of the choices
e. The mouse will be disabled.

Question 39
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Read the situation below as your basis for answering the following question:

Ricka is creating a student record system where the profile, educational attainment and contact person of the students will be saved and restored.
She is planning to implement it during the second semester.
Identify whether the statement is a strength, weakness, opportunity or threat. The student record system is dependent on the Internet and will not
function without Internet connection.
Answer: weakness

Question 40
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Decide whether it is a communication instrument or purpose.
A Gantt chart that shows the schedule for the development process of the student record system.
Answer: instrument

Question 41
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
A product or service must go through this phase to ensure that it is fit to use and that its quality matches with the company’s standards.
Select one:
a. Performance Appraisal
b. Quality Control
c. Safety Programs
d. Reflective Behavior

Question 42
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Observe the names of the following variables and routines and decide whether its format is CORRECT or WRONG.
ComputeTotalScore() for a routine to sum up the scores.
Select one:
a. Wrong
b. Correct

Question 43
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Identify whether the following task should be listed as a milestone or be included in the Gantt chart.
The record system has undergone the function testing successfully.
Answer: milestone

Question 44
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
True or False: Stakeholders are people or group who are directly or indirectly affected by a company’s decision, policies and objectives.
Answer: True

Question 45
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
True or False: Distributing the information to the involved staff and/or department is the last step in the planning process.
Answer: True

Question 46
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
Determine whether the stated person / group is an internal or external stakeholder.
Programmers’ Adviser
Answer: internal

Question 47
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
True or False: Feedback is not needed in communication.
Answer: False

Question 48
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
The first computer concept invented is called _________________________.
Select one:
b. Analytical Engine
d. PlanKalKul

Question 49
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Read the questions carefully and choose your answer from the word pool provided.
Mobile app XYZ, which is an RPG game, has been deployed and launched to the public six (6) months ago. Some volunteers are testing XYZ in accordance
with the ISO/IEC 25010:2011. Read their feedback below and decide which product quality attribute is being described.
“The XYZ has in-app purchases or micro transactions and asks for my credit card details. It’s safe so far and didn’t have any issues with information
Select one:
a. Portability
b. Performance Efficiency
c. Compatibility
d. Security
e. Maintainability
f. Reliability
g. Usability
h. Functional Stability

Question 50
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Compatibility
b. Maintainability
c. Usability
d. Functional Suitability
e. Reliability
f. Performance Efficiency
g. Security
h. Portability
BAED-PROG3111 Programming (Java) NCIII Part 1 (Week 11-20)

Question text
Observe the following statements and decide whether the variable result’s value is TRUE or FALSE.
Given that:
int x = -77;
int z = 43;
result = (z < x && 1 != 10) ? true : false;
result = (z != 43) ? true : false;
Select one:
Question text
Read each statement carefully and decide whether it’s TRUE or FALSE.
The last line of code, with a close brace { symbol, is properly indented.
Select one:
Question text
True or False: Brackets [] are also separators used in declaring arrays.
Question text
Refer to the block of codes below. Read each statement carefully and decide whether it’s TRUE or FALSE.
There is an error in line 9.
Question text
True or False: Operators, in Java programming language, use special symbols to call methods and their objects.
Question text
Read each statement carefully and decide whether it’s TRUE or FALSE.
There are no errors in the program.
Select one:
Question text
Refer to the block of codes below. Read each statement carefully and decide whether it’s TRUE or FALSE.
Line 9 uses a traditional comment which uses double forward slash.
Answer: False
Question text
True or False: Many programmers can be literate with Java programming language for it is intended to be that way.
Question text
True or False: You’ll know there’s an error if you see a red circle with an exclamation point in Netbeans IDE.
Question text
Observe the following statements and decide whether the variable result’s value is TRUE or FALSE.
Given that:
int x = -77;
int z = 43;
result = (z < x && 1 != 10) ? true : false;
result = (x = 100) >= z;
Select one:
The file is accurately named –

There are three (3) separators found in line 13.

There is an error in line 9.
result = 90 < x || -1 < z;


The last line of code, with a close brace { symbol, is properly indented.

Assuming there are no errors in the code, line 13 would display When I graduate, I’d be 18.

Figure 2 shows the Netbeans Integrated Development Environment.


The last line of code will output 100.0.

True or False: An exclamation point in Java means NOT. Therefore, != means not equal to.

There are two types of comments used in the program above – end of line and Javadoc comments.

result = (z < x && 1 != 10) ? true : false;


There are keywords found in line 7.

In line 11, the value of personage is 18.


If there are no errors in the program, the first line of output would read Hi, I’m a normal person.
result = (x * z + (z += 7)) >= 100;
True or False: Logical OR operator will result to false if one of the expressions is false.


True or False: Semicolon (;) is a separator used to end a Java statement.

True or False: There are five types of integer data types – byte, short, int, long and float.

True or False: Single equal sign (=) is used for assigning values while double equal sign (==) is used in comparing values.

True or False: Java’s ternary operator is a short hand for the if-then-else statement which uses a question mark and a colon.

True or False: JDK or Java Design Kit is required to compile and run Java apps and applets.

On line 6, average is equal to 0. But on line 9, average will be equal to 100.
True or False: Identifiers in Java are, in simple words, name that you give to Java class, variables and methods.

True or False: When you run javac in a command line interface, it will automatically create another file with a filename extension .class.

Line 9 uses a traditional comment which uses double forward slash.
There are five (5) separators used in line 8.

There are no errors on line 8.


True or False: Syntax is basically the spelling and grammar errors compiled in a Java programming language. It should be avoided in writing apps and

True or False: Operators, in Java programming language, use special symbols to call methods and their objects.


If you run this program, the second line of output will read Your score is:.
True or False: Java is a low level programming language.

There are also punctuators used in line 10, in between System, out and println, the parentheses and semicolon.


If there are no errors and this simple program runs through CLI, the first line will display: Hi, students!
True or False: Brackets [] are also separators used in declaring arrays.


Substrings can contain 1 or 2 arguments.

Determine the output.


The index of the letter “y” in string “Doggy” is 5.


Determine the output.


TRUE OR FALSE: The value “val_3” is a white space “ “.


True or False: Variable 1st_num is a good variable name in Java programming.


TRUE OR FALSE: “val_2” contains “The”

True or False: Instance variables are declared inside a method but outside a class.

True or False: Variable names in Java are not necessarily case sensitive.

Determine the output


True or False: Public, private and protected are some of the return types used in Java programming.

True or False: Divide and conquer strategy, in programming, is also known as the top-down design.
If there are no errors in the program, line 9 would display I weigh 160.

True or False: A boolean variable can only have two values; it is either true or false.

result = !((x * 10) < z);


result = -(-z) == 43;


True or False: If you get an error while running the javac command in the CLI, it could be resolved by editing the Path value in Environment Variables.

True or False: The subtraction assignment operator subtracts the left and right operand and assigns the difference to the operand at the right.

x += x;
result = x == 154;

The second line of output will be: You are in Year 11.

True or False: The conditional AND operator uses two ampersand (&&) symbols.

result = 43 <= z;

True or False: You’ll know that a variable is a class variable when you see that variable inside a class with the word static.

The string method “length( )” returns the number of characters within a string.

A string can contain numbers.


TRUE OR FALSE: This is an example of concatenation.


TRUE OR FALSE: The value of “val_4” is “fox”


TRUE OR FALSE: “val_2” contains “The”.


Determine the output.


Languages which use procedural programming include C, (Answer) FORTRAN, Pascal and BASIC.


True or False: Local variables are declared inside the default method.

Strings can be declared with str.


True or False: Procedural programming involves instructing the system as to how to complete a task.
TRUE OR FALSE: The output of this code is “The quick brown fox”

Among the expressions below which is a statement?


Expressions can be long and complex.


number++; is an expression

For-loops has a set number of iterations before starting.


The equals( ) method can compare more than 2 arrays.


While loops can use Booleans at test expressions.


The test expression of the if statement is _______

-less than or equal to

There are four (4) major features of an object-oriented programming language – encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction.

Using a break; statement causes the loop to jump to the next iteration.

x+1 is example of a statement.

number++; is a block

Arrays are


The operator “new” allocates a memory block the size of what is declared.

A class block can be an expression


Statements can be expressions.


Integer arrays can be populated with characters.


Declaration clauses are declared as “number + 1”.


Loops can be stopped with a break; statement.


The equivalent of Paragraphs in coding is?


If statements cannot be nested in switches


The length( ) method returns the size (number of indices) has.

When polymorphism is used, the Java object can only take one form. Subclasses should have the same function with the parent class.

Arrays can contain (Answer) number of elements.


“||” and “&&” can be used in conditional statements.


A class statement has three (3) major parts – declaration, initialization and instantiation.

Declaring an object in Java uses the new keyword to create a new object.

Please refer to Figure 2 to answer the question below: If the expression “num = 0” is changed to “num = 5” the final output will be


Expressions can be statements.


Blocks can contain more blocks of code.


If-else statements can be nested in?

-All of the choices

Statements are equivalent to paragraphs.


A (answer) array is an array containing true or false values.

Switches are always used with if-else statements

True or False: The modulus operator returns the remainder of a division operation instead of the quotient.

Determine the output.

String val_1 = “564298”;


Determine the output.

String val_1 = “35”;


The return value of the length( ) method is an integer


A superclass is also known as a parent class.


For-loops can be nested in while loops.


In instantiating an object, the keyword instance is used.


Object oriented programming utilizes the top down method


Expressions are like clauses.

The sort( ) method is always ascending.

Arrays are data types.


Variables must be declared as (Answer) for it to be fully hidden.


While statements check the test expression at the end.


The else statement can be used alone.


The fill( ) method (Answer) the array with specific values.


The output of println is


The person’s weight is declared correctly with the correct data type (byte) and value (160).

Determine the output.

String val_1 = “foo”

String val_2 = “bar”

val_2 = val_1;

val_1 = val_3;


Determine the output.

String val_1 = “foo”

String val_2 = “bar”

val_2 = val_1;

val_1 = val_3;



Switches can work properly even without the “break” expression.


Blocks can be one liner or huge classes.


The test expressions in conditional statements can be left empty.


Abstraction works by hiding the implementation details and showing only the functions necessary.

A single array can hold multiple data types


A polymorphic object can pass more than one Is-a test.


Another loop can be used as test expression.

True or False: Public, static and void are sample of Java reserved keywords.

The value of “pStr” in line 24 is


The default syntax of a constructor is <class_name>(parameter, parameter){ }


A nested class is not an inner class.


Nested classes causes them to become abstracted


A nested class is also called

-inner class

If you want some variables and methods hidden from other classes, you could implement encapsulation where these variables and methods are
wrapped in a single unit.

A constructor can only have 1-2 overloads or parameters.


All possible data types of an array can be retuned as a string by the toString( ) method.

Abstracted classes can contain 1 or more abstract methods.


Abstraction shows the every bit of detail and implementation on how an application does something.

Initialization is a process where the constructor is called for.


The default syntax of a constructor is <class_name>( ){ }


Classes cannot be nested.


Abstract classes cannot have nested classes.


The parent class of a nested class is called an outer class


An inner class can be constructed directly without reference to the outer class.

Arrays can be read backwards


A single array can hold

-One data type

Abstracted methods already have implementations inside.


are special methods to initialize objects.


Constructors have 3 basic rules to follow.


Nesting classes increases encapsulation.


Each index can only contain (Answer) element.


The sort( ) method can be set to sort only a part of an array.


Subclasses or child classes could have different behaviors but still share the same functions from their parent class.

Abstract methods must have an explicit return value


An abstract class must not contain abstract methods.


Abstracted classes can be nested.


A subclass constructor cannot invoke a superclass constructor.


A class acquiring fields and methods of another class is called inheritance.


Parallelsorting utilizes

-More cpu processing cores

method can copy one array to another.


Conditional test expressions can contain declarations


A child class inherits all the methods of every other class.


f the value of “pStr” in line 7 is changed to _______ then the value of “pStr” in line 24 will be changed as well.


The type of loop that checks the test expression at the end.

An array of integers should be declared as


A class which contains the abstract keyword in its declaration is known as an

-abstract class

Please refer to figure 1 to answer the question below: In figure 1 if(x==5) is


The first line of the code should have either a yes or no value.

Determine the output.

String val_1 = “25”;

String val_2 = “80”;


What does ‘new’ in int[ ] myArray = new int[n] do?

-Assigns memory for the array

is also known as a parent class.

-Super class

Determine the output.

String val_1 = “foobar”;

String val_2 = “”;


Polymorphic objects can pass (answer) Is-a test.

-More than one

True or False: Traditional comments start with /** (forward slash and two asterisks) and ends with */ (asterisk and forward slash).

True or False: Netbeans is one of the IDEs or Integrated Development Environment to run Java programs.

For-loops can check the test expression at the end.


Polymorphism is the ability of a Java object to take


Constructors can have

-any number

When the program runs, and assuming there are no errors, its first line will be begin printing.

Which of these is a proper decrement?


All are methods of the array class except


The error in Figure 2 is


A constructor (answer) contain an explicit return type


Abstracted methods need (answer) for implementations.


Line 14 will yield an error. It will be corrected if you place */ after the method.

The name of a constructor must be (answer) as your class.


The limit of dimensions an array can have without errors is


This type of declaration is discouraged.

-String myArray[ ];

The following figure shows the Netbeans Integrated Development Environment.


The equivalent of clauses in coding is?

Int num = 1; for(num=num;num<=10;num++) is an acceptable code snippet.
Loop that has a pre-determined number of iterations
An int can be used even if it is declared outside a for-loop.
Overload methods must be the same name as the class
What the break statement in this example does is ________.
-Ends the whole instance of the loop
The random( ) method sorts the array randomly.
The last part in a for loop setup can be an ________.
- both
The “1” in arrayName[1] is called an ________.
The continue; statement ends all the iterations of a loop.
- False
Which is not a proper increment?
- n+-;
Infine for-loops can be declared as for( ){ }.
- False
If-if is more logical than else-if.
- False
The else statement can be removed if not needed.
Expressions, Statements and Blocks are like composing sentences and paragraphs.
You can declare a new method in the subclass which is not declared in the superclass.
The return value of the equals( ) method is ________ .
-None of the choices
The Arrays.sort( ) method sorts an array into _________ order.
This type of declaration is discouraged: “int myArray[ ]”
- True
An if-else-if-else statement is a block.
If the increment num=num+2 is changed to num++, the final value of num will be ________.
The term of each pass through a loop makes is called?
Loops must always have a continue or break statement.
1+2+3/4*5 is an unambiguous expression
Conditional statements can contain more conditional statements.
- True
int num = 1;
if(num==1 && num<=1){
The conditional statement will _______.
- execute the body
byte( ][ ][ ) myArray; is an example of ________.
- An error
An array _______ hold objects.
- can
A reference variable can be reassigned to other objects provided that it is not declared ________.
- final
The test expression of conditional statement cannot contain _______
Each pass through of a loop is called a cycle.
- True
If the increment “num = num + 2” is changed to “num = num + 1” the final output will be _______.
Ifs and else-ifs test expressions return true or false.
- True
_______ classes increase the encapsulation of you methods and data.
- nesting
Constructed methods are initialized with 0 or null depending on the data type.
- true
The else statement catches whatever argument the if and else-if didn’t
- True
An iteration of a loop is equivalent to one pass through.
- true
38. If we change the initial value of num in line 6 to “num = 0”, the println output will be _______
The else-if statement can be used alone.
- false
Abstract methods need sub-classes to contain their implementations.
The method arraycopy( ) does what?
- Copies the contents of an array to a destination array.
An array can be infinitely long.
- False
A loop can contain no expressions or statements inside.
- true
Conditional statements are the same as declaration statements.
- False
You cannot use inherited methods directly in a child class.
- False
The equals( ) method compares 2 arrays.
- True
Method invocations are statements
- True
To implement encapsulation, you have to declare class variables with the private modifier.
- True
Inner class methods can be called by constructing the inner class.
- False
Encapsulated data are hidden from other classes.
- True

Refer to the code snippet below. Identify what part of a method is shown in each number (the underlined one).

GIVEN: public int getArea

Answer: Method Name

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

Answer: val_1 + val_2

Read each statement carefully and decide whether it’s TRUE or FALSE.

The filename of the Java file above is

Answer: False
Refer to the code snippet below. Identify what part of a method is shown in each number (the underlined one).

GIVEN: int getArea

Answer: Return Type

Fill in the blank:

Answer: foo
Procedural programming will be tricky for applications.
Answer: small
Strings can directly concatenated to an int.
Answer: False
TRUE OR FALSE: The value of “val_3” is 3
Answer: FALSE

Fill in the blank:

Answer: barfoo
Refer to the code snippet below. Determine whether the given is a local variable, instance variable, access modifier or a class name.

GIVEN: private class EmployeeRecord

Answer: access modifier
TRUE OR FALSE: The assigned values of “val_1” & “val_2” are integers.
Answer: FALSE

Fill in the blank:

Answer: 200
True or False: A method could be declared without any parameters.
Answer: False

Fill in the blank:

Answer: foo
Refer to the block of codes below. Read each statement carefully and decide whether it’s TRUE or FALSE.
There are no errors in line 11.
Answer: TRUE
Determine the output.

Answer: error
True or False: Non-procedural programming focuses on how a task is done rather than on what task should be done.
Answer: False
Refer to the code snippet below. Determine whether the given is a local variable, instance variable, access modifier or a class name.

GIVEN: private class EmployeeRecord

Answer: class name
Determine the output.
Answer: chocolate bar
True or False: If you are running a program through CLI, the class name and the file name should be different.
Answer: False
Fill in the blank:

Answer: 6
The “indexOf( )” method returns the first instance of the specified character.
Answer: True
Please refer to figure 1 to answer the question below:
If we change the initial value of num in line 6 to “num = 0”, the println output will be

Answer: 0
Strings can readily accept int values.
Answer: True
True or False: Keywords are Java reserved words which are used as identifier for interface, constants and constructs.
Answer: True
Refer to the code snippet below. Determine whether the given is a local variable, instance variable, access modifier or a class name.
GIVEN: int noOfEmployee
Answer: local variable
True or False: After compiling a Java program through the CLI, run it using the java and press Enter.
Answer: True
Refer to the program below. Read each statement carefully and write the output for each line specified.

Line 22 will display on the screen.

Answer: 1

BAED-RSCH2111 Practical Research 1 (Week 1-10)

1 Requires the interviewers have telephone

2 It is the most common measure of central tendency

Arithmetic Mean

3 Identify the mode on the following set of numbers 400 708 504 802 400

4 What kind of sampling if your sample is Professor I from the Universities in the region IV A?
Stratified Sampling

5 It is neither the subject nor the experimenter knows whether the subject is in the treatment of the control condition
Double Blind

6 213 and 314


7 A researcher will represent and manipulate certain observations that they are studying

8. Identify the mode on the following set of numbers 165 765 545 165 415

9.This reliability the consistency of results across items, often measures with Cronbach’s Alpha
Internal Consistency

10 one of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and interpretation is the subtitles of section are based on the questions in
the statement of the problem, stated in declarative form, single space bond

11. In order to have a random selection method of sampling that utilizes some form of random selection
12. It means that a tool measures what it sets out to measure for example, that a pain assessment tool measures pain intensity rather than anxiety
Measurement Validity

13. 211 and 219


14. What kind of sampling if your list was the phone book, it would be easiest to start at perhaps the 8th person, and then select every 150th person
from that point on?
Systematic Planning

15. 2 and 12

16. Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. Type your answer in the space provided 16 78 54 82 40

17. Identify the mode of the following set of numbers 100 700 500 800 100

18. What kind of sampling if your list was the phone book, it would be easiest to start perhaps the 17 th person, and then select every 50th person
from that point on
Systematic Planning

19. What is the median of the following set of numbers 12 13 14 15 16


20. Solve the mean of the following set of give answers. Type your answer in the space provided 12 79 59 87 43

21. You want to know the Number of Students in San Jose NHS
Survey research

22. Saves time involved in processing the data


23. The power of a test is the probability of finding significance if the alternative hypothesis is true

24. In this scale are the ultimate nirvana when it comes to measurement scales because tell us about the order, they tell us the exact value
between units
Ration Scale

25. This reliability the reliability of two tests constructed the same way, from the same content
Parallel-Forms Reliability

26.A score on a well-constructed test is believed to reflect a psychological construct such as achievement in a school subject, cognitive ability,
aptitude, emotional functioning, personality, etc.

27. Recommendations are not based on important results and conclusions


28. This is the population in research to which the researchers can apply their conclusions
Accessible population

29. The specific questions should follow the order they are given under the statement of the problem

30. IN THIS SCALE it is the order of the values is what is important and significant but the differences between each one is not really known
Ordinal scale

31. Solve the mean of the following set of give numbers. 15 75 55 85 45


32. One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and the interpretation is an introductory paragraph is provided at the
start of the chapter

33. It is the mid point of a distribution


34. It refers to an ANOVA using two independent variable

35. You want to know who is better in learning section 1 or section 2
Survey research

36. In this scale it is used numeric scale in which we know noit only the order but also the exact differences between the values
Interval scale

37. The consistency of results across items often measures wit Cronbach’s Alpha

38. What kind of sampling if your sample is every 21st of the participants from the 1800 participants in the training seminar
Systematic sampling

39. Solve the mean 106,708,504,802,400


40. 15 and 35

41. What kind of sampling if your sample is religious affliction from each of the 50 states
Stratified sampling

42. What king of sampling if your strata where individual school in the division of antipolo you would randomly select perhaps 20 schools and test
all of the students within those schools
Cluster sampling

43. This research may include case studies, ethnographic studies, ethological studies whose primary characteristics is being observed or recorded
Observational research

44. This is the group that receives the experimental treatment manipulation or is different form the control group on the variable under study
Experimental or treatment group

45. One of the general guideline in reporting and writing the data analysis and the interpretation is the tables and figures should be in continuous
numbering. It should be presented the first before discussion enclose tables with double line on top should be used, graphs should be colored

46. It is true experiments but use naturally formed or pre existing groups

47. It is a subject that has an equal probability of being selected for either the treatment or control group
Random assignment

48. Correlational research involves comparative in this research the study of two or more groups is done without focusing on the relationship

49. What kind of sampling if your sample is doctorate degree holder form the 20 divisions in the NCR
Stratified sampling

50. You want to explore who is dominant graduate of BSED or BEED

survey research

51. what kind of sampling you were going to use if your sample is every 20 th child in the 1000 children in a single row
systematic sampling

52. you want to know who is better section Narra or section Santol
survey research

53. casual comparative research is the bed rock of most sciences most specifically natural sciences

54. saves the interviewer from carrying around hundreds of questionnaires


55. a descriptive study establishes only associations between variables an experimental study establishes casualty

56. tables and figures should not be im continuous numbering it should be presented first before discussion enclose tables with double line on top
should be used graphs should be colored

57. this reliability the degree toi which different raters/ observers give consistent answers of estimates
inter-rater/ observer reliability

58. it is more structured method than in qualitative research compare to quantitative research
interview method

-Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma in research?
Select one: a. Misconduct in research b. Informed consent c. Falsification of data bank d. Conflicts of interest

-True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at a conclusion in the study.
Answer: False

-What aspect of research experience illustrates the expedition of the researcher?

b. Research Adventure

-What does “observe justice” mean in ethical research?

Select one: a. Individuals should be treated as autonomous agents. b. Persons with diminished autonomy (e.g., prisoners, students, children, etc)
should not be coerced to participate in a research. c. Investigators should mind the reduction of risk that might occur from the research. d.
Investigator should practice fairness in distribution and equitable selection of participants.

-A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying characteristics when asked to present such information when
Select one: a. They feel the information is unnecessary to the individual b. They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality c. It is a case
involving required reporting d. The research paper is not published yet.

-What is scientific method?

Select one: a. Validating the results b. Systematic process c. Good research d. Making research instruments

-Research is described as a cycle because it follows a process.

-Which of the following is not included in the research experience?

Select one: a. Identity of the researcher b. Biography of the researcher c. Social class of the researcher d. Emotions of the researcher

-Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher…

Select one: a. His/her name and identifying characteristics b. Confidential material c. Confidential material and identifying characteristics d. His/her
name e. Identifying characteristics f. His/her name and confidential material

-Research is
Select one: a. Reorganizing, or restating, reviewing common findings b. Analyzing and interpreting new information c. Collecting existing
information d. Modifying established knowledge
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It should not
use comparative terms (such as higher, better, etc.).
Select one: True False

-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. The
problem statement is more specific than a topic and it limits the scope of the research problem.
Select one: True False

-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. The
problem statement is more specific than a topic and it limits the scope of the research problem.
Select one: True False

-Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: The Specific Genetic Code of the Fruit Fly
Answer: PURE

-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It is biased
in terminology or position.
Select one: False

-Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: Compositions of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons
Answer: PURE

-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. Indicate
what is probably necessary to conduct the study and explain how the findings will present this information.
Select one: True False

-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It must only
ask about the relationship between two or more variables.
Select one: True False

-Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: Applying the algorithm for detecting individual trees from Drone

-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It has the
potential to suggest directions for past research.
Select one: True False
-The Internet has become an accepted source of information for educational research. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of the quality of
information found on the Internet?
Select one: a. The number of "hits" for the site b. The honesty of the reported information c. The authenticity of the information d. The lack of bias

-What should a review of the literature enable an investigator to do?

Select one: a. Provide the insights necessary to develop a logical framework into which the topic fits. b. Ascertain what is already known about a
topic. c. None of the choices d. Identify methodological strategies for designing the study. e. All of the choices

-What is the context of “literature” in a research project?

Select one: a. Any highly regarded novel b. Any paper source c. Any written material d. Published accounts of researchers

-Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Food blog
Select one: a. Syndicated b. Dynamic c. Static

-Identify the citation format used in the following references by writing CMS, APA or MLA: Pollan, Michael. 2006. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A
Natural History of Four Meals. New York: Penguin.
Answer: APA

-Most of the searches for related literature are conducted using:

Select one: a. Long sentences b. Key word searches c. Short sentences d. Key letter searches

-Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Braveheart (starred and produced by Mel Gibson)
Select one: a. Dynamic b. Static c. Syndicated

-Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE with regards to the literature review?
Select one: a. It shows why research questions are important. b. It explains the method necessary for the gathering of data. c. It helps researchers
to build up an argument. d. It has everything a researcher needs to read about his/her research

-What is the most popular citation style used in academic research papers?
Select one: a. APA and CMS b. APA c. CMS d. MLA e. CMS and MLA f. All of the choices g. APA and MLA

-Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Spolarium by Juan Luna
Select one: a. Syndicated b. Dynamic c. Static
-In a study of birth planning in China reenhalgh in Ryan and ernard 00 surveyed 1011 evermarried women gathered social and economic histories
from 10 families. he conducted indepth interviews with present and formal officials known as cadres and collected documentary evidence from
local newspapers ournals and other sources. reenhalgh notes that ecause I was largely constrained from asking direct uestions aout resistance
the informal record of field notes interview transcripts and uestionnaire data contains few overt challenges to state policy. reenhalgh concludes
however that their conversations with the researchers oth peasants and cadres made strategic use of silence to protest aspects of the policy they
did not like. adres for eample were loathe to comment on irthplanning campaigns peasant women were reluctant to talk aout steriliation. hese
silences form one part of the unofficial record of irth planning in the villages. More eplicit protests were registered in informal conversations. rom
these interactions emerged a sense of profound distress of villagers forced to choose etween a resistance that was politically risky and a
compliance that violated the norms of hinese culture and of practical reason.
Answer: searching for missing information
-Artwork of the child participants
Select one: a. Pictures . Word Tales and Lists c. Graphics
-Answer 1,2,3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the following statements are said.
“How does your family view your situation?”
Answer: 4
-Identify the technique used to discover the thees in the data below.
Naomi Quinn (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) has analyzed hundreds of hours of interviews to discover concepts underlying American marriage and
to show how these concepts are tied together. he egan y looking at patterns of speech and at the repetition of key words and phrases paying
particular attention to informants use of metaphors and the commonalities in their reasoning about marriage. an one of her informants says that
marriage is a manufactured product. his popular metaphor indicates that an sees marriages as something that has properties like strength and
staying power and as something that reuires work to produce. ome marriages are put together well while others fall apart like so many cars or toys
or washing machines.
Answer: Metaphors and analogies

Anything that might indicate membership in groups or in supopulations of interest to the study such as profession social status socioeconomic
class religion or ethnicity
Select one: a. Human traffic b. verbal behavior and interactions c. Physical behavior and gestures d. Appearance e. Personal space f. People who
stand out

What do you think about the two presidential candidates?

Answer: OPEN

Much can be learned from a text by what is not mentioned.

Select one: a. Transitions . Unarked tets c. Indigenous categor d. ord repetitions e. awing f. Metaphors and analogies g. opare and contrast h.
utting and Sorting i. e words in contet I . j. Searching for missing information k. onnectors l. Social science queries

What is your message to people who are still fighting cancer until now
Answer: 5

-The idea that themes represent the ways in which tets are either similar or different from each other.
Select one: a. Unarked tets . Searching for issing inforation c. onnectors d. Indigenous categor e. awing f. Social science queries g. compare and
contrast h. Metaphors and analogies i. ord repetitions . e words in contet I k. utting and Sorting l. Transitions

-Barkin et al. (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) interviewed clinicians community leaders and parents aout what physicians could and did do to prevent
violence among youth. hese were long comple interviews so arkin et al. roke the coding process into two steps. hey started with three maor
themes that they developed from theory. he principle investigator went through the transcripts and cut out all the uotes that pertained to each of
the maor themes. hen four other coders independently sorted the uotes from each maor theme into piles. hen the pile sort data were analyed with
multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis to identify suthemes shared across coders.
Answer: cutting and sorting

-Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher…

Answer: His/her name and identifying characteristics

-The mathematics involved is very high level and people often struggle with it even after being taught how to do it.
Answer: False

-Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
Answer: Identification of problem

-True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at a conclusion in the study.
Answer: False

-What aspect of research experience illustrates the pressure to the researcher in meeting research deadlines?
Answer: Emotions

Which of the following is a research method that allows a researcher to get information about a large number of subjects relatively inexpensively
and easily?
Answer: Naturalistic observation

-Subjectivity of researcher in methodology is recognized less. –False

-Informed consent requires that individuals…

Answer: Have adequate information about the procedures and benefits associated with the research
-A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying characteristics when asked to present such information when
Answer: They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality

-What is a research instrument?

Answer: a tool for data collection

-A reasoning where one start with certain particular statements and conclude with a universal statement is called
Answer: inductive method

-It addresses the question of how people produce social reality in and through interactive processes.
Answer: Qualitative research is the best design for a social inquiry since it
explores and analyzes people's values and perspective through observation.

-What is an ethical dilemma?

Answer: conflict between the different principles of immoral conduct

-What does “observe justice” mean in ethical research?

Answer: Investigator should practice fairness in distribution and equitable selection of participants

-Which of the following is a characteristic of a well-written research hypothesis?

Answer: pertinent question

-Which of the following is NOT a role of a researcher?

Answer: fabricator of data

-Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience. “In much of society,
research means to investigate something you do not know or understand. ” -Neil Armstrong
Answer: Research is an investigation of the unknown.

-True or False: Qualitative research requires data from a natural setting.

Answer: true
-Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma in research?
Answer: Falsification of data bank

-Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life research and FALSE if it is incorrect. The observation of such forms
can be broken into the dimensions of temporal, spatial, material, social, meaningful, media-technical, emotional and bodily aspects.
Answer: true
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It has the
potential to suggest directions for past research.
Answer: False

-Which of the following is a good research question?

Answer: How do teenagers view the word “forever”?

-Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: Compositions of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons
Answer: PURE

-Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write ELIMITATI if it is a restriction of the research. The study
is focused on the possible implementation of online ea in the university.
Answer: SCOPE

-The beneficiaries mentioned in the significance of the study pertain to

Answer: People and institution who have directly or indirectly experienced the research problem.

-What qualitative research characteristic is being described in the statement: The data and the researchers interpretation of the data - hinge
greatly on the contents fro which the data are obtained
Answer: Importance of context

-It clearly states the constructs to be examined.

Answer: True

-Reliability of survey questions was not established.


-In the title “The chemistry of English Language between Foreign and Local Students of Holy Ghost College in Bangued, Abra”, who could e the
possible beneficiaries of the research
Answer: Students, teachers, school administrators and future researchers

-What should e considered in formulating research questions for the statement of the problem?
Answer: Avoid open-ended questions that need explanatory answers.

-The results of this study should be limited to students enrolled in similar programs.
-It should not pose an ethical or moral problem for implementation.
Answer: True

-Statistics will not be utilized in analyzing the results.


-Research benefits and beneficiaries are mentioned in

Answer: Significance of the study

-How can a researcher become the data gathering instrument in qualitative research?
Answer: The researcher is at the center of the data-gathering phase.

-What is conceptual audacity that can be found in the theme of everyday life research?
Answer: A tool that enables us to see new and perhaps surprising aspects of the everyday lives that we lead.

-It must only ask about the relationship between two or more variables
Answer: True

-Which of the following titles is best for applied research?

Answer: The effectiveness of abstinence programs

-What does participant-researcher relationship mean in qualitative research?

Answer: The participants and the researcher share the “research space”.

-What is the scope of the research?

Answer: Identifies the possibilities to which to which the study becomes manageable in terms of issues, respondents, and time.

-The researcher invented the results of the study.

Answer: Fabrication

-Q: What are your views on homelessness? A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t
know though what we can do about it. I want to do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the problem if you go to town.
They are always there asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well from begging. But if you
have any caring qualities you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people choose to live on the
streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So really I guess the answer to
your questions is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel powerless to do anything
personally. I think that the time has come for the government to do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t know what to do. Source:
Grbich (2013)
The government is the only one who can help the homeless
Answer: False

-The Internet has become an accepted source of information for educational research. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of the quality of
information found on the Internet?
Answer: The authenticity of the information

-What is the context of “literature” in a research project?

Answer: Published accounts of researchers

-The World Famous Hot Dog Site. (1999, July 7). Retrieved January 5, 2008, from
Answer: APA

-Q: What are your views on homelessness? A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t
know though what we can do about it. I want to do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the problem if you go to town.
They are always there asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well from begging. But if you
have any caring qualities you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people choose to live on the
streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So really I guess the answer to
your questions is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel powerless to do anything
personally. I think that the time has come for the government to do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t know what to do. Source:
Grbich (2013)
The homeless are stereotyping their social conditions to beg for money.
Answer: False

-Harmon (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) collected data from 8 nurses who were employed between 1951 and 1965 in a Virginia state hospital. These
nurses were now retired and had between 12 and 46 years of psychiatric nursing experience. The researcher wanted to describe the experiences
of these nurses who practiced in a state mental hospital before and during the introduction of antipsychotic medications. They expressed
resignation and frustration while trying to provide care despite crowded wards and inadequate personnel and supplies. The nurses indicated that
they focused on the patient’s body instead of on the patient’s mind. The camaraderie they experienced with other nurses helped them continue in
their positions, despite what they felt to be a “thankless job.”
Answer: 8 nurses
-A director didn’t cite the name of the playwright he used in the contest.
Answer: Plagiarism

-What information is required for the APA in-text citation?

Personal author: McCullough, David G. Title: John Adams Publication info: New York : Simon & Schuster, c2001. Bibliography note: Includes
bibliographical references (p. 703-726) and index
Answer: McCullough, 2001

-What organization principle is used to explain historical changes or perspectives?

Answer: Chronology

-Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the correct answer: She hastily distorted the
statistical computation of the data to finish her paper on time.
Answer: Falsification

-Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of the best answer:
Dunckley, Aspinal, Addington-Hall, Hughes, & Higginson (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) used the staff in one hospice and one nursing home setting in
London as their research data. The purpose of the study was to identify facilitators and barriers to the use of the Palliative Care Outcome Scale
(POS). Staff took part in semi-structured interviews, completed diaries, and participated in monthly meetings to give their opinions of what they
thought were the facilitators and barriers to the implementation of the POS.
Answer: staff of one hospice and one nursing home

-Do the preliminary data analysis on the interview below by agreeing or disagreeing on the following statements. Write TRUE for agree and
FALSE for disagree.
Interview Segment Q: What are your views on homelessness? A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such
as this. I don’t know though what we can do about it. I want to do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the problem if
you go to town. They are always there asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well from
begging. But if you have any caring qualities you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people
choose to live on the streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say

– it lets them off the hook. So really I guess the answer to your questions is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that
something should be done but I feel powerless to do anything personally. I think that the time has come for the government to do something. It
makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t know what to do. Source: Grbich (2013)
Many people are still unconditionally helping the homeless.
Answer: True
-Identify the citation format used in the following references by writing CMS, APA or MLA: Google. “Google Privacy Policy.” Last modified March
11, 2009.
Answer: MLA

¬-What type of source is the newspaper clipping?

Answer: Syndicated

-What citation style was used in this source? Ellis, Rod. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. New York: Oxford University, 1986. Print.
Answer: MLA

-Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of the best answer:
Adler (2003) examined the relationship of foreign language study and SAT Verbal scores. Additionally, the study explored whether or not the
number of years of foreign language study had an impact on SAT verbal scores. The students involved were female seniors at a private high
school in suburban Maryland. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant effect that the choice of foreign language study has on the
verbal score achieved on the SAT. This hypothesis was rejected because there was a significant difference in SAT Verbal averages among the
students of three different foreign languages. French foreign language students outperformed Spanish and Latin foreign language students
Answer: female senior students

-Which part of the review of the related literature engages in a dialogue with the literature?
Answer: Introduction

-A researcher is interested in the examples or illustrations several authors have used to prove a point. How can he pull them all together and use
them in his own paper in a list?
Answer: Include a citation after each separate example to indicate where you found them.

-Which of the following is the best way to maximize the process of reviewing
of the related literature?
Answer: Reviewing the researcher’s notes made on editorial and overview papers and chapters

-Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the following statements are said.
“What is your message to people who are still fighting cancer until now?”
Answer: 5

-The research report need not to be substantially different from drafts, except where participants have indicated that change is necessary.
Answer: True
-Identify the category of the information in participant observation by choosing the letter of the best answer.
How people use their bodies and voices to communicate different emotions; what individuals’ behaviors indicate about their feelings toward one
another, their social rank, or their profession.
Answer: Physical behavior and gestures

-Identify the category of the information in participant observation by choosing the letter of the best answer.
Gender, age, ethnicity, and profession of speakers; dynamics of interaction
Answer: Verbal behavior and interactions

-Recommendations should aim for the ideals but they must be feasible, practical, and attainable even for impossible.
Answer: False

-Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the following statements are said.
“This research is conducted to investigate the life experiences of people who survived cancer and now living cancer free for more than 5 years.”
Answer: 2

-Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Summary of research findings
Answer: Word Tables and Lists

-Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
The club president tendered his resignation and said, “While I may no longer lead this organization, I will continue to support its endeavors and
Answer: He will still participate in the activities of the organization.
-Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Area plan of a research field
Answer: Graphics

-Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the following statements are said.
“Thank you for finding time to be in this interview. Your story is very inspiring.”
Answer: 6

-Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description:

The idea that themes represent the ways in which texts are either similar or different from each other.
Answer: Compare and contrast
-Identify the following questions as OPEN, LEADING or MAPPING.
Do you think he is gay?

-Not too much detail is needed in the summary of findings – simple answer the research questions, and draw the conclusion.
Answer: true

-Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description:

Interviews searching for what people do in managing impersonal social relationships, methods by which people acquire and maintain achieved
and ascribed status, and information about how people solve problems.
Answer: Social science queries

-Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
The coordinator made an announcement, “Only the first 100 applicants will be interviewed today. The others would have to come back tomorrow.”
Answer: Interview of applicants will be conducted today and tomorrow.

-Identify the category of the information in participant observation by choosing the letter of the best answer.
Where people enter and exit; how long they stay; who they are (ethnicity, age, gender); whether they are alone or accompanied; number of people
Answer: Human traffic

-Identify the following questions as OPEN, LEADING or MAPPING.

Since you wish to pursue your graduate studies, what course will you enroll?

-Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
In reading, we should consider not only what we can directly get from the text but also what we can read between the lines. In order to fully
understand and appreciate a thought, a sentence, a passage, and a text, we need to read more than the literal meaning (Yu & Plata, 2006).
Answer: We should use given information in inferring ideas.

-Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

The list of research participants

Answer: Word Tables and Lists

-Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
Mateo almost wished that he hadn’t listened to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed his umbrella. He would feel silly carrying it to the bus
stop on such a sunny morning.
Answer: Mateo heard a weather forecast; it would rain in the afternoon.

-What is a research design?

Answer: all of the choices

-What is bibliography?
Answer: A complete list of all works related to the study including the ones that are not directly contained in the report.

-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: Children of wealthy parents in the education system
Answer: Grounded Theory

-Which of the following is the correct notion about observation?

Answer: A key data gathering method in social sciences

-Which of the following is not a type of narrative research?

Answer: Case study

-What is the final stage of analyzing data?

Answer: Presenting the data in tabular form

-Which of the following is NOT the function of references?

Answer: To ensure sufficiently long reference list

-A study is based on 30 people (across three focus groups). What type of study is this?
Answer: Qualitative

-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: A personal journey with grounded theory methodology
Answer: Grounded Theory

-Which of the following titles is a narrative research?

Answer: The Life and Works of Rizal

-How does verification of data happen?

Answer: Check and recheck the data to ensure the initial conclusions are
realistic, supportable, and valid.
-When assessing Internet based literature, which of the following is NOT important?
Answer: The layout of the site

-A surveyor placed a cable across a street to count the number of vehicles which pass over it at different times of the day in order to select a site
for a new 7-Eleven store. What type of data collection did he use?
Answer: Observation

-Which of the following should be considered in questioning data validity and reliability?
Answer: All of the choices

-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: Solving word problems of preschoolers through illustrations
Answer: Action Research

-__________ contains a small number of people (usually eight to twelve) and is convened to address topics introduced by a group moderator?
Answer: Focus group discussion

-The researcher collected data using questionnaires, structured observation and interviews. What is the research design applied?
Answer: Ethnographic

-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: A Qualitative Study of Multicultural Identities: Three Cases of London's
Inner-City Children
Answer: Ethnographic Research

-What is the purpose of the qualitative data analysis?

Answer: To accomplish a clear description of the phenomenon under study

-Which statement is true in writing research recommendations?

Answer: Recommendations should be logical and valid.

-What techniques for discovering research texts fall under simple observation?
Answer: Word repetitions, key-indigenous terms, and key-words-in-contexts (KWIC)

-What type of source are documentary films?

Answer: Static

-What influences the choice of the research design?

Answer: All of the choices
-Which of the following belongs to related literature?
Answer: textbook

-Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of related literature and studies?

Answer: Reviewed materials must be many.

-Threats to credibility in qualitative research exist when _____________.

Answer: The data that fail to fit the explanation or interpretation are not addressed.

-What is common in data collection among qualitative researches?

Answer: Language based

-Which of the following is the purpose of recommendations?

Answer: Courses of actions suggested by the researcher based on the findings of the study
-In participant observation, what information can be observed?
Answer: All of the choices

-Which of the following is the correct order in writing the research paper?
Answer: Introduction, method, results, discussion and references

-Which of the following method is used in qualitative research?

Answer: Focus group discussion

-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: Lived experiences of adult caregiving daughter and their elderly
Answer: Phenomenological Research

-Which of the following citation used the APA format?

Answer: Canonigo, C.S. (1999). English Grammar & Composition Part 1. Manila: CKC Publication

-Which of the following do you need to consider in designing a research?

Answer: Focus on your research questions.

-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: A historical and comparative note on the relationship between analytic
induction and grounded theorizing
Answer: Ethnographic Research

-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: The lived experience of being a sole mother in the Philippines
Answer: Phenomenological Research

-Which connector is used to signify conditional relationships?

Answer: Rather than

-A study is based on 1000 people interviewed face-to-face in shopping areas. What qualitative data collection was used?
Answer: Interview

-The entire research project is an exercise in

Answer: All of the choices

-Which citation style is usually used in social science researches?

Answer: APA format

-Which statement is correct in writing research conclusion?

Answer: All of the choices

-What are research data?

Answer: All of the choices

-Why is participant observation common among ethnographic studies?

Answer: Because it helps researchers learn the perspectives held by study populations.

-What kind of questions must be used in conducting interviews?

Answer: Mapping questions

-What is known to be deliberately fabricating details of a research project?

Answer: Lying by fabrication

-What are the ways to verify conclusions for qualitative research?

Answer: Memoing, verification and credibility

-Which qualitative research design seeks action to improve practice and study the effects of the action that was taken?
Answer: Action research

-What qualitative analytic approach is mentioned here? This approach involves the researcher in the production of “objective” accounts of the
content of the verbal, written or visual texts, the development of codes and categories often prior to analysis, and the definition and measurement
of units of analysis.
Answer: Enumerative approach

-What section of the research should clarify concepts defined within the scope of the study?
Answer: Conclusion

-Which of the following is the first stage of in-depth interview?

Answer: Establish an initial rapport

Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
This is a method in writing the bibliography in the copyright date that it will written only author's name.
Select one:
d. APA System

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Classify the following material: Unpublished Theses
Select one:
d. Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Classify the following material: Professional journals
Select one:
a. Both of these
b. Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies
c. Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies
d. None of these

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Which of the following is not the features in characteristics of a research.?
Select one:
c. Using marginalized in the society

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Which of the following is not the function of the related literature?
Select one:
c. It helps you to disregard your research findings into the existing body of knowledge.

Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
This is the another tips for writing an introduction of the research paper that after providing your readers with some background, use essay
introduction to outline what you are going to discuss.
Select one:
c. Lay it on 'em

Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Classify the following material: School document
Select one:
a. Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Abarquez, O.L
Select one:
a. APA System

Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
This is the basic tips in keeping mind in writing the title that the primary function of a title is to provide a precise summary of the paper's content.
Select one:
a. Keep it simple, brief and attractive

Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Dela Gracia, Jonel T.
Select one:
a. MLA System
Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Which of the following is not the a good research title?
Select one:
a. Create a research with lengthy pages

Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
This is the basic tips in keeping mind in writing the title that the good research title should contain key words used in the manuscript and should
define the nature of the study.
Select one:
c. Keep it simple, brief and attractive

Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Raymond, B.N
Select one:
d. APA System

Question 14
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
This is the another tips for writing an introduction of the research paper that a thesis statement or research paper is the main point of your paper; it
is narrow, focused, and specific.
Select one:
c. What's your point?

Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
This is a process wherein you need to have different skills like planning, organizing and the like in order to come up good research.
Select one:
a. Research process

Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: San Joseph, K.L.
Select one:
a. APA System

Question 17
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
This is by means of statistics that involve collection and study of numerical data.
Select one:
d. Quantitative Research

Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
This is the basic tips in keeping mind in writing the title that the other lesser-known or specific abbreviations and jargon that would not be
immediately familiar to the readers should be left out.
Select one:
c. Avoids abbreviations and j argon

Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Which of the following that the literature review can help in many ways in relation to the study?
Select one:
d. Contextualized the recommendations

Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
This is the another tips for writing an introduction of the research paper that if you really want to draw readers in, you have to start your
introduction with something attention grabbing.
Select one:
c. Start with a bang

Question 21
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
This is a method in writing the bibliography in the title of the reading material wherein it will underlined or italicized title with all content words
Select one:
a. MLA System

Question 22
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
This is the another tips for writing an introduction of the research paper that you must provide your readers with a little background or basic
information about the topic you are covering.
Select one:
c. Be general before you're specific
Question 23
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that research entails both reading and writing?
Select one:
d. A Seed to love reading, writing analyzing and sharing valuable information

Question 24
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Classify the following material: Government Libraries
Select one:
d. Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Question 25
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Classify the following material: Private Offices
Select one:
b. Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Question 26
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
This research used a scale, range and verbal interpretation in conducting the research.
Select one:
c. Descriptive Research
Question 27
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Classify the following material: Reports from seminar
Select one:
d. Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Question 28
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Belchez, Romana F.
Select one:
a. MLA System

Question 29
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Classify the following material: Books
Select one:
c. Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Question 30
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
This is a word that is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspects of the natural word, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly
confirmed through observation and experiment.
Select one:
c. Theory
Question 31
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Question text
This is the base word of the variable.
Select one:
a. Vary

Question 32
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that research is required not just for students but for all professionals?
Select one:
a. A tool for building knowledge and efficient learning

Question 33
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
This is a method in writing the bibliography in the title of the reading material wherein it will italicized title with only the beginning word capitalized.
Select one:
a. APA System

Question 34
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Classify the following material: Encyclopedias
Select one:
d. Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Question 35
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Why experimental research is considered to be true experimental?
Select one:
a. Because uses valid results

Question 36
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
This is the tips in writing the significance of the study that by looking into the general contribution of your study.
Select one:
d. Write from general to specific

Question 37
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
This is the another tips for writing an introduction of the research paper that there is no rule for exactly how long an introduction should be you
must consider your length of paper.
Select one:
a. What's your point?

Question 38
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that research has a vital role in business?
Select one:
a. An aid to business success and job search

Question 39
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Classify the following material: National Library
Select one:
b. Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Question 40
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Which of the following you need to keep in mind in choosing your own topic that make sure you select a subject that you can develop with
sufficient details?
Select one:
c. Choose a topic on which you can find material

Question 41
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Classify the following material: Newspaper
Select one:
c. Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Question 42
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Classify the following material: Periodicals
Select one:
a. Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Question 43
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Classify the following material: 80. Museum
Select one:
c. Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Question 44
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
This is a method in writing the bibliography in the copyright date that it will written after the publisher's name.
Select one:
d. MLA System

Question 45
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Classify the following material: Private Libraries
Select one:
b. Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Question 46
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Classify the following material: Magazines
Select one:
d. Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Question 47
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Classify the following material: Almanacs
Select one:
b. Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Question 48
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
This is kind of quantitative research that the best example is true experimental research.
Select one:
b. Experimental Research

Question 49
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that television shows and movies ooze with research - both on the part of the
writers and the actors?
Select one:
b. Means to understand various issues

Question 50
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Dimaano, Richard B.
Select one:
c. MLA System
Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma in research?
Select one:
c. Falsification of data bank

True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at a conclusion in the study.
Answer: False

What aspect of research experience illustrates the expedition of the researcher?

Select one:
b. Research Adventure

What does “observe justice” mean in ethical research?

Select one:
d. Investigator should practice fairness in distribution and equitable selection of participants.

A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying characteristics when asked to present such information when
Select one:
b. They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality

What is scientific method?

Select one:
b. Systematic process

Research is described as a cycle because it follows a process.

Which of the following is not included in the research experience?

Select one:
c. Social class of the researcher

Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher…

Select one:
a. His/her name and identifying characteristics

Research is
Select one:
b. Analyzing and interpreting new information
It should not use comparative terms (such as higher, better, etc.).
Select one:

The problem statement is more specific than a topic and it limits the scope of the research problem.
Select one:

It addresses indirectly some real problem in the world.

Select one:

The Specific Genetic Code of the Fruit Fly

Answer: PURE

It is biased in terminology or position.

Select one:

Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research:
Compositions of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons
Answer: PURE

Indicate what is probably necessary to conduct the study and explain how the findings will present this information.
Select one:

It must only ask about the relationship between two or more variables.
Select one:

Applying the algorithm for detecting individual trees from Drone Images

It has the potential to suggest directions for past research.

Select one:
The Internet has become an accepted source of information for educational research. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of the quality of
information found on the Internet?
Select one:
c. The authenticity of the information

What should a review of the literature enable an investigator to do?

Select one:
a. Provide the insights necessary to develop a logical framework into which the topic fits.

What is the context of “literature” in a research project?

Select one:
d. Published accounts of researchers

Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter:

Food blog
Select one:
a. Syndicated

Identify the citation format used in the following references by writing CMS, APA or MLA:
Pollan, Michael. 2006. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. New York: Penguin.
Answer: APA

Most of the searches for related literature are conducted using:

Select one:
b. Key word searches

Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter:

Braveheart (starred and produced by Mel Gibson)
Select one:
b. Static

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE with regards to the literature review?
Select one:
b. It explains the method necessary for the gathering of data.

What is the most popular citation style used in academic research papers?
Select one:
g. APA and MLA

Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter:

Spolarium by Juan Luna
Select one:
c. Static

Identify the technique used to discover the themes in the data below.
In a study of birth planning in China, Greenhalgh (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) surveyed 1,011 ever-married women, gathered social and economic
histories from 150 families. She conducted in-depth interviews with
present and formal officials (known as cadres), and collected documentary evidence from local newspapers, journals and other sources.
Greenhalgh notes that "Because I was largely constrained from asking direct
questions about resistance, the informal record of field notes, interview transcripts, and questionnaire data contains few overt challenges to state
policy." Greenhalgh concludes, however, that their conversations with
the researchers, both peasants and cadres made strategic use of silence to protest aspects of the policy they did not like. Cadres, for example
were loathe to comment on birth-planning campaigns; peasant women
were reluctant to talk about sterilization. These silences form one part of the unofficial record of birth planning in the villages. More explicit protests
were registered in informal conversations. From these interactions
emerged a sense of profound distress of villagers forced to choose between a resistance that was politically risky and a compliance that violated
the norms of Chinese culture and of practical reason.
Answer: searching for missing information

Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Artwork of the child participants
Select one:
a. Pictures

Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the following statements are said.
“How does your family view your situation?”
Answer: 4

Identify the technique used to discover the themes in the data below.
Naomi Quinn (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) has analyzed hundreds of hours of interviews to discover concepts underlying American marriage and
to show how these concepts are tied together. She began by looking
at patterns of speech and at the repetition of key words and phrases, paying particular attention to informants' use of metaphors and the
commonalities in their reasoning about marriage. Nan, one of her informants,
says that "marriage is a manufactured product." This popular metaphor indicates that Nan sees marriages as something that has properties, like
strength and staying power, and as something that requires work to
produce. Some marriages are "put together well," while others "fall apart" like so many cars or toys or washing machines.
Answer: metaphors and analogies
Identify the category of the information in participant observation by choosing the letter of the best answer.
Anything that might indicate membership in groups or in sub-populations of interest to the study, such as profession, social status, socioeconomic
class, religion, or ethnicity
Select one:
d. Appearance

Identify the following questions as OPEN, LEADING or MAPPING.

What do you think about the two presidential candidates?
Answer: OPEN

Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description:

Much can be learned from a text by what is not mentioned.
Select one:
j. Searching for missing information

Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the following statements are said.
“What is your message to people who are still fighting cancer until now?”
Answer: 5

Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description:

The idea that themes represent the ways in which texts are either similar or different from each other.
Select one:
g. Compare and contrast

Identify the technique used to discover the themes in the data below.
Barkin et al. (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) interviewed clinicians, community leaders, and parents about what physicians could and did do to
prevent violence among youth. These were long, complex interviews, so
Barkin et al. broke the coding process into two steps. They started with three major themes that they developed from theory. The principle
investigator went through the transcripts and cut out all the quotes that
pertained to each of the major themes. Then four other coders independently sorted the quotes from each major theme into piles. Then, the pile
sort data were analyzed with multidimensional scaling and cluster
analysis to identify subthemes shared across coders.
Answer: cutting and sorting

What is a research design?

Select one:
b. all of the choices

What is bibliography?
Select one:
c. A complete list of all works related to the study including the ones that are not directly contained in the report.

Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
Children of wealthy parents in the education system
Select one:
b. Grounded Theory

Which of the following is the correct notion about observation?

Select one:
d. A key data gathering method in social sciences.

Which of the following is not a type of narrative research?

Select one:
c. Case study

What is the final stage of analyzing data?

Select one:
d. Presenting the data in tabular form

Which of the following is NOT the function of references?

Select one:
c. To ensure sufficiently long reference list

A study is based on 30 people (across three focus groups). What type of study is this?
Select one:
d. Qualitative

Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
A personal journey with grounded theory methodology
Select one:
c. Grounded Theory

Which of the following titles is a narrative research?

Select one:
c. The Life and Works of Rizal

How does verification of data happen?

Select one:
b. Check and recheck the data to ensure the initial conclusions are realistic, supportable, and valid.

When assessing Internet based literature, which of the following is NOT important?
Select one:
b. The layout of the site

A surveyor placed a cable across a street to count the number of vehicles which pass over it at different times of the day in order to select a site
for a new 7-Eleven store. What type of data collection did he use?
Select one:
a. Observation

Which of the following should be considered in questioning data validity and reliability?
Select one:
d. All of the choices

Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
Solving word problems of preschoolers through illustrations
Select one:
a. Action Research

__________ contains a small number of people (usually eight to twelve) and is convened to address topics introduced by a group moderator?
Select one:
c. Focus group discussion

The researcher collected data using questionnaires, structured observation and interviews. What is the research design applied?
Select one:
b. Ethnographic
Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
A Qualitative Study of Multicultural Identities: Three Cases of London's Inner-City Children
Select one:
d. Ethnographic Research

What is the purpose of the qualitative data analysis?

Select one:
d. To accomplish a clear description of the phenomenon under study

Which statement is true in writing research recommendations?

Select one:
b. Recommendations should be logical and valid.

What techniques for discovering research texts fall under simple observation?
Select one:
d. Word repetitions, key-indigenous terms, and key-words-in-contexts (KWIC)

What type of source are documentary films?

Select one:
a. Static

What influences the choice of the research design?

Select one:
b. All of the choices

Which of the following belongs to related literature?

Select one:
b. textbook

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of related literature and studies?

Select one:
c. Reviewed materials must be many.

Threats to credibility in qualitative research exist when _____________.

Select one:
a. The data that fail to fit the explanation or interpretation are not addressed.
What is common in data collection among qualitative researches?
Select one:
a. Language based

Which of the following is the purpose of recommendations?

Select one:
b. Courses of actions suggested by the researcher based on the findings of the study

In participant observation, what information can be observed?

Select one:
a. All of the choices

Which of the following is the correct order in writing the research paper?
Select one:
d. Introduction, method, results, discussion and references

Which of the following method is used in qualitative research?

Select one:
d. Focus group discussion

Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
Lived experiences of adult caregiving daughter and their elderly mothers
Select one:
d. Phenomenological Research

Which of the following citation used the APA format?

Select one:
b. Canonigo, C.S. (1999). English Grammar & Composition Part 1. Manila: CKC Publication

Which of the following do you need to consider in designing a research?

Select one:
d. Focus on your research questions.

Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
A historical and comparative note on the relationship between analytic induction and grounded theorizing
Select one:
d. Ethnographic Research

Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
The lived experience of being a sole mother in the Philippines
Select one:
a. Phenomenological Research

Which connector is used to signify conditional relationships?

Select one:
b. Rather than

A study is based on 1000 people interviewed face-to-face in shopping areas. What qualitative data collection was used?
Select one:
a. Interview

The entire research project is an exercise in

Select one:
d. All of the choices

Which citation style is usually used in social science researches?

Select one:
b. APA format

Which statement is correct in writing research conclusion?

Select one:
b. All of the choices

What are research data?

Select one:
c. All of the choices

Why is participant observation common among ethnographic studies?

Select one:
d. Because it helps researchers learn the perspectives held by study populations.

What kind of questions must be used in conducting interviews?

Select one:
c. Mapping questions

What is known to be deliberately fabricating details of a research project?

Select one:
c. Lying by fabrication

What are the ways to verify conclusions for qualitative research?

Select one:
b. Memoing, verification and credibility

Which qualitative research design seeks action to improve practice and study the effects of the action that was taken?
Select one:
d. Action research
What qualitative analytic approach is mentioned here? This approach involves the researcher in the production of “objective” accounts of the
content of the verbal, written or visual texts, the development of codes and
categories often prior to analysis, and the definition and measurement of units of analysis.
Select one:
d. Enumerative approach

What section of the research should clarify concepts defined within the scope of the study?
Select one:
b. Conclusion

Which of the following is the first stage of in-depth interview?

Select one:
c. Establish an initial rapport

Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life research and FALSE if it is incorrect.
The mathematics involved is very high level and people often struggle with it even after being taught how to do it.
Select one:

Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
Select one:
b. Identification of problem

True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at a conclusion in the study.
Answer: False

What aspect of research experience illustrates the pressure to the researcher in meeting research deadlines?
Select one:
a. Emotions

Which of the following is a research method that allows a researcher to get information about a large number of subjects relatively inexpensively
and easily?
Select one:
d. Naturalistic observation

Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life research and FALSE if it is incorrect.
Subjectivity of researcher in methodology is recognized less.
Select one:

Informed consent requires that individuals…

Select one:
b. Have adequate information about the procedures and benefits associated with the research

A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying characteristics when asked to present such information when
Select one:
a. They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality

What is a research instrument?

Select one:
d. a tool for data collection

A reasoning where one start with certain particular statements and conclude with a universal statement is called
Select one:
d. inductive method

1.It addresses the question of how people produce social reality in and through interactive processes.
Select one:
c. Qualitative research is the best design for a social inquiry since it explores and analyzes people's values and perspective through observation.

What is an ethical dilemma?

Select one:
a. conflict between the different principles of immoral conduct

What does “observe justice” mean in ethical research?

Select one:
b. Investigator should practice fairness in distribution and equitable selection of participants.

Which of the following is a characteristic of a well-written research hypothesis?

Select one:
b. pertinent question

Which of the following is NOT a role of a researcher?

Select one:
b. fabricator of data

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.
“In much of society, research means to investigate something you do not know or understand. ” -Neil Armstrong
Select one:
d. Research is an investigation of the unknown.

True or False: Qualitative research requires data from a natural setting.

Answer: True

Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma in research?

Select one:
d. Falsification of data bank

Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life research and FALSE if it is incorrect.
The observation of such forms can be broken into the dimensions of temporal, spatial, material, social, meaningful, media-technical, emotional and
bodily aspects.
Select one:

Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
It has the potential to suggest directions for past research.
Select one:
Which of the following is a good research question?
Select one:
a. How do teenagers view the word “forever”?

Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research:
Compositions of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons
Answer: PURE
Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.
The study is focused on the possible implementation of online exam in the university.
Answer: SCOPE

The beneficiaries mentioned in the significance of the study pertain to

Select one:
a. People and institution who have directly or indirectly experienced the research problem.

What qualitative research characteristic is being described in the statement: The data and the researcher’s interpretation of the data – hinge
greatly on the contexts from which the data are obtained.
Select one:
b. Importance of context

Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
It clearly states the constructs to be examined.
Select one:

Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.
Reliability of survey questions was not established.

In the title “The Chemistry of English Language between Foreign and Local Students of Holy Ghost College in Bangued, Abra”, who could be the
possible beneficiaries of the research?
Select one:
c. Students, teachers, school administrators and future researchers

What should be considered in formulating research questions for the statement of the problem?
Select one:.
c. Avoid open-ended questions that need explanatory answers.

Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.
The results of this study should be limited to students enrolled in similar programs.

Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
It should not pose an ethical or moral problem for implementation.
Select one:

Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.
Statistics will not be utilized in analyzing the results.

Research benefits and beneficiaries are mentioned in

Select one:
c. Significance of the study

How can a researcher become the data gathering instrument in qualitative research?
Select one:
b. The researcher is at the center of the data-gathering phase.

What is conceptual audacity that can be found in the theme of everyday life research?
Select one:
b. A tool that enables us to see new and perhaps surprising aspects of the everyday lives that we lead.

Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
It must only ask about the relationship between two or more variables.
Select one:

Which of the following titles is best for applied research?

Select one:
c. The effectiveness of abstinence programs

What does participant-researcher relationship mean in qualitative research?

Select one:
a. The participants and the researcher share the “research space”.

What is the scope of the research?

Select one:
d. Identifies the possibilities to which to which the study becomes manageable in terms of issues, respondents, and time.

Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the correct answer:
The researcher invented the results of the study.
Select one:
a. Fabrication
b. Plagiarism
c. Falsification
The correct answer is: Fabrication

Do the preliminary data analysis on the interview below by agreeing or disagreeing on the following statements. Write TRUE for agree and FALSE
for disagree.
Interview Segment
Q: What are your views on homelessness?
A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t know though what we can do about it. I want to
do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the
problem if you go to town. They are always there asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite
well from begging. But if you have any caring qualities you can’t ignore
requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people choose to live on the streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that
is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So
really I guess the answer to your questions is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel
powerless to do anything personally. I think that the time has come for the
government to do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t know what to do.
Source: Grbich (2013)
The government is the only one who can help the homeless.
Answer: False
The correct answer is: False

The Internet has become an accepted source of information for educational research. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of the quality of
information found on the Internet?
Select one:
a. The authenticity of the information
b. The lack of bias
c. The number of "hits" for the site
d. The honesty of the reported information
The correct answer is: The authenticity of the information

What is the context of “literature” in a research project?

Select one:
a. Any paper source
b. Any written material
c. Any highly regarded novel
d. Published accounts of researchers
The correct answer is: Published accounts of researchers

Identify the citation format used in the following references by writing CMS, APA or MLA:
The World Famous Hot Dog Site. (1999, July 7). Retrieved January 5, 2008, from
Answer: APA
The correct answer is: APA

Do the preliminary data analysis on the interview below by agreeing or disagreeing on the following statements. Write TRUE for agree and FALSE
for disagree.
Interview Segment
Q: What are your views on homelessness?
A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t know though what we can do about it. I want to
do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the
problem if you go to town. They are always there asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite
well from begging. But if you have any caring qualities you can’t ignore
requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people choose to live on the streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that
is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So
really I guess the answer to your questions is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel
powerless to do anything personally. I think that the time has come for the
government to do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t know what to do.
Source: Grbich (2013)
The homeless are stereotyping their social conditions to beg for money.
Answer: False
The correct answer is: False

Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of the best answer:
Harmon (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) collected data from 8 nurses who were employed between 1951 and 1965 in a Virginia state hospital. These
nurses were now retired and had between 12 and 46 years of psychiatric
nursing experience. The researcher wanted to describe the experiences of these nurses who practiced in a state mental hospital before and
during the introduction of antipsychotic medications. They expressed
resignation and frustration while trying to provide care despite crowded wards and inadequate personnel and supplies. The nurses indicated that
they focused on the patient’s body instead of on the patient’s mind. The
camaraderie they experienced with other nurses helped them continue in their positions, despite what they felt to be a “thankless job.”
Select one:
a. experiences of these nurses
b. crowded wards and inadequate personnel and supplies
c. antipsychotic medications
d. 8 nurses
The correct answer is: 8 nurses
Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the correct answer:
A director didn’t cite the name of the playwright he used in the contest.
Select one:
a. Falsification
b. Plagiarism
c. Fabrication
The correct answer is: Plagiarism

What information is required for the APA in-text citation?

Personal author: McCullough, David G.
Title: John Adams
Publication info: New York : Simon & Schuster, c2001.
Bibliography note: Includes bibliographical references (p. 703-726) and index.
Select one:
a. McCullough, 2001
b. David Mc Cullough, 2001 (p.703-726)
c. David Mc Cullough, 2001
d. McCullough, 2001 (p.703-726)
The correct answer is: McCullough, 2001

What organization principle is used to explain historical changes or perspectives?

Select one:
a. Theme
b. Chronology
c. Development of ideas
d. Section
The correct answer is: Chronology

Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the correct answer:
She hastily distorted the statistical computation of the data to finish her paper on time.
Select one:
a. Plagiarism
b. Falsification
c. Fabrication
The correct answer is: Falsification

Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of the best answer:
Dunckley, Aspinal, Addington-Hall, Hughes, & Higginson (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) used the staff in one hospice and one nursing home setting in
London as their research data. The purpose of the study was to identify
facilitators and barriers to the use of the Palliative Care Outcome Scale (POS). Staff took part in semi-structured interviews, completed diaries,
and participated in monthly meetings to give their opinions of what they
thought were the facilitators and barriers to the implementation of the POS.
Select one:
a. semi-structured interviews, completed diaries
b. staff of one hospice and one nursing home
c. facilitators and barriers of the Palliative Care Outcome Scale (POS)
d. one hospice and one nursing home
The correct answer is: staff of one hospice and one nursing home

Do the preliminary data analysis on the interview below by agreeing or disagreeing on the following statements. Write TRUE for agree and FALSE
for disagree.
Interview Segment
Q: What are your views on homelessness?
A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t know though what we can do about it. I want to
do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the
problem if you go to town. They are always there asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite
well from begging. But if you have any caring qualities you can’t ignore
requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people choose to live on the streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that
is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So
really I guess the answer to your questions is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel
powerless to do anything personally. I think that the time has come for the
government to do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t know what to do.
Source: Grbich (2013)
Many people are still unconditionally helping the homeless.
Answer: True
The correct answer is: True

Identify the citation format used in the following references by writing CMS, APA or MLA:
Google. “Google Privacy Policy.” Last modified March 11, 2009.
Answer: MLA
The correct answer is: MLA

What type of source is the newspaper clipping?

Select one:
a. Static
b. Syndicated
c. Dynamic
d. All of the choices
The correct answer is: Syndicated

What citation style was used in this source?

Ellis, Rod. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. New York: Oxford University, 1986. Print.
Select one:
a. CMS
b. APA
c. MLA
d. None of the choices

The correct answer is: MLA

Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of the best answer:
Adler (2003) examined the relationship of foreign language study and SAT Verbal scores. Additionally, the study explored whether or not the
number of years of foreign language study had an impact on SAT verbal
scores. The students involved were female seniors at a private high school in suburban Maryland. It was hypothesized that there would be no
significant effect that the choice of foreign language study has on the verbal
score achieved on the SAT. This hypothesis was rejected because there was a significant difference in SAT Verbal averages among the students
of three different foreign languages. French foreign language students
outperformed Spanish and Latin foreign language students.
Select one:
a. female senior students
b. Latin foreign language students
c. French foreign language students
d. relationship of foreign language study and SAT Verbal scores
The correct answer is: female senior students

Which part of the review of the related literature engages in a dialogue with the literature?
Select one:
a. Introduction
b. All of the choices
c. Conclusion
d. Body
The correct answer is: Introduction

A researcher is interested in the examples or illustrations several authors have used to prove a point. How can he pull them all together and use
them in his own paper in a list?
Select one:
a. All of the choices
b. Include a citation after each separate example to indicate where you found them.
c. Examples used to prove a point are managed a little differently than opinions, ideas, or facts. These are treated the same way one would treat
common knowledge, and not referenced.
d. Include them in one parenthetical citation or endnote after you have finished listing them.
The correct answer is: Include a citation after each separate example to indicate where you found them.

Which of the following is the best way to maximize the process of reviewing of the related literature?
Select one:
a. Reviewing the researcher’s notes made on editorial and overview papers and chapters
b. Critically evaluating the personal study like how one does to other research work
c. All of the choices
d. Using the internet to find the key researchers
The correct answer is: Reviewing the researcher’s notes made on editorial and overview papers and chapters

The research report need not to be substantially different from drafts, except where participants have indicated that change is necessary.
Select one:
b. True

Identify the category of the information in participant observation by choosing the letter of the best answer.
How people use their bodies and voices to communicate different emotions; what individuals’ behaviors indicate about their feelings toward one
another, their social rank, or their profession.
Select one:
f. Physical behavior and gestures

Identify the category of the information in participant observation by choosing the letter of the best answer.
Gender, age, ethnicity, and profession of speakers; dynamics of interaction
Select one:
d. Verbal behavior and interactions

Recommendations should aim for the ideals but they must be feasible, practical, and attainable even for impossible.
Select one:
a. False

Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the following statements are said.
“This research is conducted to investigate the life experiences of people who survived cancer and now living cancer free for more than 5 years.”
Answer: 2

Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Summary of research findings
Select one:
c. Word Tables and Lists

Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
The club president tendered his resignation and said, “While I may no longer lead this organization, I will continue to support its endeavors and
Select one:
d. He will still participate in the activities of the organization.

Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Area plan of a research field
Select one:
c. Graphics

Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the following statements are said.
“Thank you for finding time to be in this interview. Your story is very inspiring.”
Answer: 6
Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description:
The idea that themes represent the ways in which texts are either similar or different from each other.
Select one:
f. Compare and contrast

Identify the following questions as OPEN, LEADING or MAPPING.

Do you think he is gay?

Not too much detail is needed in the summary of findings – simple answer the research questions, and draw the conclusion.
Select one:
b. True

Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description:

Interviews searching for what people do in managing impersonal social relationships, methods by which people acquire and maintain achieved
and ascribed status, and information about how people solve problems.
Select one:
h. Social science queries

Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
The coordinator made an announcement, “Only the first 100 applicants will be interviewed today. The others would have to come back tomorrow.”
Select one:
c. Interview of applicants will be conducted today and tomorrow.

Identify the category of the information in participant observation by choosing the letter of the best answer.
Where people enter and exit; how long they stay; who they are (ethnicity, age, gender); whether they are alone or accompanied; number of people
Select one:
c. Human traffic

Identify the following questions as OPEN, LEADING or MAPPING.

Since you wish to pursue your graduate studies, what course will you enroll?

Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
In reading, we should consider not only what we can directly get from the text but also what we can read between the lines. In order to fully
understand and appreciate a thought, a sentence, a passage, and a text, we
need to read more than the literal meaning (Yu & Plata, 2006).
Select one:
a. We should use given information in inferring ideas.

Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
The list of research participants
Select one:
a. Word Tables and Lists

Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
Mateo almost wished that he hadn’t listened to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed his umbrella. He would feel silly carrying it to the bus
stop on such a sunny morning.
Select one:
c. Mateo heard a weather forecast; it would rain in the afternoon.

Modern qualitative research can generally involve a detailed study of

c. values and judgement

Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
c. Identification of problem

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.
“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. ” -Zora Neale Hurston
h. Research is a formalized curiosity with a purpose.

A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying characteristics when asked to present such information when
b. They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality

Among the steps in the research process, which part typically takes the most time of the researcher?
Select one:
a. Collecting data

What aspect of research experience illustrates the expedition of the researcher?

Select one:
b. Research Adventure

Which of the following is a type of quantitative research design?

b. Television ratings

Question text
Confidentiality is used to protect a participant’s privacy by
Select one:
c. Sharing only the information permitted by the participant

Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher…

Select one:
b. His/her name and identifying characteristics

True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at a conclusion in the study.

What is scientific method?

Select one:
c. Systematic process

Research hypotheses can be defined as

a. A tentative conclusion or answer to a specific question raised at the beginning of the investigation.

What is the common research experience of a novice researcher?

Select one:
c. Reading various materials in answering assignments.

What scope of research promotes awareness to its audience?

a. Education

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.
“All I’m armed with is research.” -Mike Wallace
h. Research can equip anyone.

What is a research instrument?

d. a tool for data collection

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.
“Research is the highest form of adoration” ― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
d. Research is valuing others’ work.

Which of the following is not part of the library research?

b. Decide the research design appropriate for the topic.

Which of the following is not an example of qualitative researchers?

Select one:
a. descriptive research

Researchers can encourage people to volunteer to participate in their project by

Select one:
a. Offering small incentives

Debriefing shoulD
c. Explain all relevant aspects of research procedures

Research involves exploring what _________________ other researchers have come to.
b. conclusion

1.Which part of the research paper do you find the following?

It must give precise answers that will determine the difference or relationship, or implication of the variables under study.
ANSWER:Statement of the Problem

2.Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.

It should not pose an ethical or moral problem for implementation.


3.Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research:
The Specific Genetic Code of the Fruit Fly

4.Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.

The problem statement is more specific than a topic and it limits the scope of the research problem
5.Which part of the research paper do you find the following?
It embodies substantive words or keywords or phrases that describe one’s research study
ANSWER:Research Title

6.Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.

It clearly states the constructs to be examined.


7.Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.

It is biased in terminology or position.


8.Which part of the research paper do you find the following?

This section indicates the specific benefits which will be gained from the results of the study.
ANSWER:Significance of the Study

9.Which part of the research paper do you find the following?

It must also reflect the variables under study.
ANSWER:Research Title

10:Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.

It has multiple possible answers.


-Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma in research?
Select one: a. Misconduct in research b. Informed consent c. Falsification of data bank d. Conflicts of interest
-True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at a conclusion in the study.
Answer: False
-What aspect of research experience illustrates the expedition of the researcher?
Select one: a. Involvement b. Research Adventure c. Emotions d. Knowledge
-What does “observe justice” mean in ethical research?
Select one: a. Individuals should be treated as autonomous agents. b. Persons with diminished autonomy (e.g., prisoners, students, children, etc)
should not be coerced to participate in a research. c. Investigators should mind the reduction of risk that might occur from the research. d.
Investigator should practice fairness in distribution and equitable selection of participants.
-A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying characteristics when asked to present such information when
Select one: a. They feel the information is unnecessary to the individual b. They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality c. It is a case
involving required reporting d. The research paper is not published yet.
-What is scientific method?
Select one: a. Validating the results b. Systematic process c. Good research d. Making research instruments
-Research is described as a cycle because it follows a process.
-Which of the following is not included in the research experience?
Select one: a. Identity of the researcher b. Biography of the researcher c. Social class of the researcher d. Emotions of the researcher
-Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher…
Select one: a. His/her name and identifying characteristics b. Confidential material c. Confidential material and identifying characteristics d. His/her
name e. Identifying characteristics f. His/her name and confidential material
-Research is
Select one: a. Reorganizing, or restating, reviewing common findings b. Analyzing and interpreting new information c. Collecting existing
information d. Modifying established knowledge
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It should not
use comparative terms (such as higher, better, etc.).
Select one: True False
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. The
problem statement is more specific than a topic and it limits the scope of the research problem.
Select one: True False
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. The
problem statement is more specific than a topic and it limits the scope of the research problem.
Select one: True False
-Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: The Specific Genetic Code of the Fruit Fly
Answer: PURE
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It is biased
in terminology or position.
Select one: True False
-Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: Compositions of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons
Answer: PURE
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. Indicate
what is probably necessary to conduct the study and explain how the findings will present this information.
Select one: True False
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It must only
ask about the relationship between two or more variables.
Select one: True False
-Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: Applying the algorithm for detecting individual trees from Drone
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It has the
potential to suggest directions for past research.
Select one: True False

-The Internet has become an accepted source of information for educational research. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of the quality of
information found on the Internet?
Select one: a. The number of "hits" for the site b. The honesty of the reported information c. The authenticity of the information d. The lack of bias
-What should a review of the literature enable an investigator to do?
Select one: a. Provide the insights necessary to develop a logical framework into which the topic fits. b. Ascertain what is already known about a
topic. c. None of the choices d. Identify methodological strategies for designing the study. e. All of the choices
-What is the context of “literature” in a research project?
Select one: a. Any highly regarded novel b. Any paper source c. Any written material d. Published accounts of researchers
-Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Food blog
Select one: a. Syndicated b. Dynamic c. Static
-Identify the citation format used in the following references by writing CMS, APA or MLA: Pollan, Michael. 2006. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A
Natural History of Four Meals. New York: Penguin.
Answer: APA
-Most of the searches for related literature are conducted using:
Select one: a. Long sentences b. Key word searches c. Short sentences d. Key letter searches
-Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Braveheart (starred and produced by Mel Gibson)
Select one: a. Dynamic b. Static c. Syndicated
-Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE with regards to the literature review?
Select one: a. It shows why research questions are important. b. It explains the method necessary for the gathering of data. c. It helps researchers
to build up an argument. d. It has everything a researcher needs to read about his/her research
-What is the most popular citation style used in academic research papers?
Select one: a. APA and CMS b. APA c. CMS d. MLA e. CMS and MLA f. All of the choices g. APA and MLA
-Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Spolarium by Juan Luna
Select one: a. Syndicated b. Dynamic c. Static
-In a study of birth planning in China reenhalgh in Ryan and ernard 00 surveyed 1011 evermarried women gathered social and economic histories
from 10 families. he conducted indepth interviews with present and formal officials known as cadres and collected documentary evidence from
local newspapers ournals and other sources. reenhalgh notes that ecause I was largely constrained from asking direct uestions aout resistance
the informal record of field notes interview transcripts and uestionnaire data contains few overt challenges to state policy. reenhalgh concludes
however that their conversations with the researchers oth peasants and cadres made strategic use of silence to protest aspects of the policy they
did not like. adres for eample were loathe to comment on irthplanning campaigns peasant women were reluctant to talk aout steriliation. hese
silences form one part of the unofficial record of irth planning in the villages. More eplicit protests were registered in informal conversations. rom
these interactions emerged a sense of profound distress of villagers forced to choose etween a resistance that was politically risky and a
compliance that violated the norms of hinese culture and of practical reason.
Answer: searching for missing information
-Artwork of the child participants
Select one: a. Pictures . Word Tales and Lists c. Graphics
-Answer 1,2,3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the following statements are said.
“How does your family view your situation?”
Answer: 4
-Identify the technique used to discover the thees in the data below.
Naomi Quinn (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) has analyzed hundreds of hours of interviews to discover concepts underlying American marriage and
to show how these concepts are tied together. he egan y looking at patterns of speech and at the repetition of key words and phrases paying
particular attention to informants use of metaphors and the commonalities in their reasoning about marriage. an one of her informants says that
marriage is a manufactured product. his popular metaphor indicates that an sees marriages as something that has properties like strength and
staying power and as something that reuires work to produce. ome marriages are put together well while others fall apart like so many cars or toys
or washing machines.
Answer: Metaphors and analogies
Anything that might indicate membership in groups or in supopulations of interest to the study such as profession social status socioeconomic
class religion or ethnicity
Select one: a. Human traffic b. verbal behavior and interactions c. Physical behavior and gestures d. Appearance e. Personal space f. People who
stand out
What do you think about the two presidential candidates?
Answer: OPEN

-Much can be learned from a text by what is not mentioned.

Select one: a. Transitions . Unarked tets c. Indigenous categor d. ord repetitions e. awing f. Metaphors and analogies g. opare and contrast h.
utting and Sorting i. e words in contet I . j. Searching for missing information k. onnectors l. Social science queries
What is your message to people who are still fighting cancer until now
Answer: 5
-The idea that themes represent the ways in which tets are either similar or different from each other.
Select one: a. Unarked tets . Searching for issing inforation c. onnectors d. Indigenous categor e. awing f. Social science queries g. compare and
contrast h. Metaphors and analogies i. ord repetitions . e words in contet I k. utting and Sorting l. Transitions
-Barkin et al. (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) interviewed clinicians community leaders and parents aout what physicians could and did do to prevent
violence among youth. hese were long comple interviews so arkin et al. roke the coding process into two steps. hey started with three maor
themes that they developed from theory. he principle investigator went through the transcripts and cut out all the uotes that pertained to each of
the maor themes. hen four other coders independently sorted the uotes from each maor theme into piles. hen the pile sort data were analyed with
multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis to identify suthemes shared across coders.
Answer: cutting and sorting
-Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher…
Answer: His/her name and identifying characteristics
-The mathematics involved is very high level and people often struggle with it even after being taught how to do it.
Answer: False
-Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
Answer: Identification of problem
-True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at a conclusion in the study.
Answer: False
-What aspect of research experience illustrates the pressure to the researcher in meeting research deadlines?
Answer: Emotions
Which of the following is a research method that allows a researcher to get information about a large number of subjects relatively inexpensively
and easily?
Answer: Naturalistic observation

-Subjectivity of researcher in methodology is recognized less. –False

-Informed consent requires that individuals…
Answer: Have adequate information about the procedures and benefits associated with the research
-A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying characteristics when asked to present such information when
Answer: They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality
-What is a research instrument?
Answer: a tool for data collection
-A reasoning where one start with certain particular statements and conclude with a universal statement is called
Answer: inductive method
-It addresses the question of how people produce social reality in and through interactive processes.
Answer: Qualitative research is the best design for a social inquiry since it explores and analyzes people's values and perspective through
-What is an ethical dilemma?
Answer: conflict between the different principles of immoral conduct
-What does “observe justice” mean in ethical research?
Answer: Investigator should practice fairness in distribution and equitable selection of participants
-Which of the following is a characteristic of a well-written research hypothesis?
Answer: pertinent question
-Which of the following is NOT a role of a researcher?
Answer: fabricator of data
-Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience. “In much of society,
research means to investigate something you do not know or understand. ” -Neil Armstrong
Answer: Research is an investigation of the unknown.
-True or False: Qualitative research requires data from a natural setting.
Answer: true
-Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma in research?
Answer: Falsification of data bank
-Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life research and FALSE if it is incorrect. The observation of such forms
can be broken into the dimensions of temporal, spatial, material, social, meaningful, media-technical, emotional and bodily aspects.
Answer: true
-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It has the
potential to suggest directions for past research.
Answer: False
-Which of the following is a good research question?
Answer: How do teenagers view the word “forever”?
-Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: Compositions of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons
Answer: PURE
-Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write ELIMITATI if it is a restriction of the research. The study
is focused on the possible implementation of online ea in the university.
Answer: SCOPE
-The beneficiaries mentioned in the significance of the study pertain to
Answer: People and institution who have directly or indirectly experienced the research problem.
-What qualitative research characteristic is being described in the statement: The data and the researchers interpretation of the data - hinge
greatly on the contents fro which the data are obtained
Answer: Importance of context
-It clearly states the constructs to be examined.
Answer: True
-Reliability of survey questions was not established.
-In the title “The chemistry of English Language between Foreign and Local Students of Holy Ghost College in Bangued, Abra”, who could e the
possible beneficiaries of the research
Answer: Students, teachers, school administrators and future researchers
-What should e considered in formulating research questions for the statement of the problem?
Answer: Avoid open-ended questions that need explanatory answers.

-The results of this study should be limited to students enrolled in similar programs.
-It should not pose an ethical or moral problem for implementation.
Answer: True
-Statistics will not be utilized in analyzing the results.
-Research benefits and beneficiaries are mentioned in
Answer: Significance of the study
-How can a researcher become the data gathering instrument in qualitative research?
Answer: The researcher is at the center of the data-gathering phase.
-What is conceptual audacity that can be found in the theme of everyday life research?
Answer: A tool that enables us to see new and perhaps surprising aspects of the everyday lives that we lead.
-It must only ask about the relationship between two or more variables
Answer: True
-Which of the following titles is best for applied research?
Answer: The effectiveness of abstinence programs
-What does participant-researcher relationship mean in qualitative research?
Answer: The participants and the researcher share the “research space”.
-What is the scope of the research?
Answer: Identifies the possibilities to which to which the study becomes manageable in terms of issues, respondents, and time.
-The researcher invented the results of the study.
Answer: Fabrication

-Q: What are your views on homelessness? A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t
know though what we can do about it. I want to do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the problem if you go to town.
They are always there asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well from begging. But if you
have any caring qualities you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people choose to live on the
streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So really I guess the answer to
your questions is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel powerless to do anything
personally. I think that the time has come for the government to do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t know what to do. Source:
Grbich (2013)
The government is the only one who can help the homeless
Answer: False
-The Internet has become an accepted source of information for educational research. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of the quality of
information found on the Internet?
Answer: The authenticity of the information
-What is the context of “literature” in a research project?
Answer: Published accounts of researchers
-The World Famous Hot Dog Site. (1999, July 7). Retrieved January 5, 2008, from
Answer: APA
-Q: What are your views on homelessness? A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t
know though what we can do about it. I want to do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the problem if you go to town.
They are always there asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well from begging. But if you
have any caring qualities you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people choose to live on the
streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So really I guess the answer to
your questions is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel powerless to do anything
personally. I think that the time has come for the government to do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t know what to do. Source:
Grbich (2013)
The homeless are stereotyping their social conditions to beg for money.
Answer: False
-Harmon (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) collected data from 8 nurses who were employed between 1951 and 1965 in a Virginia state hospital. These
nurses were now retired and had between 12 and 46 years of psychiatric nursing experience. The researcher wanted to describe the experiences
of these nurses who practiced in a state mental hospital before and during the introduction of antipsychotic medications. They expressed
resignation and frustration while trying to provide care despite crowded wards and inadequate personnel and supplies. The nurses indicated that
they focused on the patient’s body instead of on the patient’s mind. The camaraderie they experienced with other nurses helped them continue in
their positions, despite what they felt to be a “thankless job.”
Answer: 8 nurses
-A director didn’t cite the name of the playwright he used in the contest.
Answer: Plagiarism
-What information is required for the APA in-text citation?
Personal author: McCullough, David G. Title: John Adams Publication info: New York : Simon & Schuster, c2001. Bibliography note: Includes
bibliographical references (p. 703-726) and index
Answer: McCullough, 2001
-What organization principle is used to explain historical changes or perspectives?
Answer: Chronology
-Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the correct answer: She hastily distorted the
statistical computation of the data to finish her paper on time.
Answer: Falsification
-Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of the best answer:
Dunckley, Aspinal, Addington-Hall, Hughes, & Higginson (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) used the staff in one hospice and one nursing home setting in
London as their research data. The purpose of the study was to identify facilitators and barriers to the use of the Palliative Care Outcome Scale
(POS). Staff took part in semi-structured interviews, completed diaries, and participated in monthly meetings to give their opinions of what they
thought were the facilitators and barriers to the implementation of the POS.
Answer: staff of one hospice and one nursing home

-Do the preliminary data analysis on the interview below by agreeing or disagreeing on the following statements. Write TRUE for agree and
FALSE for disagree.
Interview Segment Q: What are your views on homelessness? A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such
as this. I don’t know though what we can do about it. I want to do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the problem if
you go to town. They are always there asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well from
begging. But if you have any caring qualities you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people
choose to live on the streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So really I
guess the answer to your questions is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel
powerless to do anything personally. I think that the time has come for the government to do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t
know what to do. Source: Grbich (2013)
Many people are still unconditionally helping the homeless.
Answer: True
-Identify the citation format used in the following references by writing CMS, APA or MLA: Google. “Google Privacy Policy.” Last modified March
11, 2009.
Answer: MLA
¬-What type of source is the newspaper clipping?
Answer: Syndicated
-What citation style was used in this source? Ellis, Rod. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. New York: Oxford University, 1986. Print.
Answer: MLA
-Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of the best answer:
Adler (2003) examined the relationship of foreign language study and SAT Verbal scores. Additionally, the study explored whether or not the
number of years of foreign language study had an impact on SAT verbal scores. The students involved were female seniors at a private high
school in suburban Maryland. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant effect that the choice of foreign language study has on the
verbal score achieved on the SAT. This hypothesis was rejected because there was a significant difference in SAT Verbal averages among the
students of three different foreign languages. French foreign language students outperformed Spanish and Latin foreign language students
Answer: female senior students
-Which part of the review of the related literature engages in a dialogue with the literature?
Answer: Introduction
-A researcher is interested in the examples or illustrations several authors have used to prove a point. How can he pull them all together and use
them in his own paper in a list?
Answer: Include a citation after each separate example to indicate where you found them.
-Which of the following is the best way to maximize the process of reviewing of the related literature?
Answer: Reviewing the researcher’s notes made on editorial and overview papers and chapters
-Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the following statements are said.
“What is your message to people who are still fighting cancer until now?”
Answer: 5
-The research report need not to be substantially different from drafts, except where participants have indicated that change is necessary.
Answer: True
-Identify the category of the information in participant observation by choosing the letter of the best answer.
How people use their bodies and voices to communicate different emotions; what individuals’ behaviors indicate about their feelings toward one
another, their social rank, or their profession.
Answer: Physical behavior and gestures
-Identify the category of the information in participant observation by choosing the letter of the best answer.
Gender, age, ethnicity, and profession of speakers; dynamics of interaction
Answer: Verbal behavior and interactions
-Recommendations should aim for the ideals but they must be feasible, practical, and attainable even for impossible.
Answer: False

-Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the following statements are said.
“This research is conducted to investigate the life experiences of people who survived cancer and now living cancer free for more than 5 years.”
Answer: 2
-Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Summary of research findings
Answer: Word Tables and Lists
-Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
The club president tendered his resignation and said, “While I may no longer lead this organization, I will continue to support its endeavors and
Answer: He will still participate in the activities of the organization.
-Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Area plan of a research field
Answer: Graphics
-Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the following statements are said.
“Thank you for finding time to be in this interview. Your story is very inspiring.”
Answer: 6
-Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description:
The idea that themes represent the ways in which texts are either similar or different from each other.
Answer: Compare and contrast
-Identify the following questions as OPEN, LEADING or MAPPING.
Do you think he is gay?

-Not too much detail is needed in the summary of findings – simple answer the research questions, and draw the conclusion.
Answer: true
-Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description:
Interviews searching for what people do in managing impersonal social relationships, methods by which people acquire and maintain achieved
and ascribed status, and information about how people solve problems.
Answer: Social science queries
-Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
The coordinator made an announcement, “Only the first 100 applicants will be interviewed today. The others would have to come back tomorrow.”
Answer: Interview of applicants will be conducted today and tomorrow.
-Identify the category of the information in participant observation by choosing the letter of the best answer.
Where people enter and exit; how long they stay; who they are (ethnicity, age, gender); whether they are alone or accompanied; number of people
Answer: Human traffic
-Identify the following questions as OPEN, LEADING or MAPPING.
Since you wish to pursue your graduate studies, what course will you enroll?
-Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
In reading, we should consider not only what we can directly get from the text but also what we can read between the lines. In order to fully
understand and appreciate a thought, a sentence, a passage, and a text, we need to read more than the literal meaning (Yu & Plata, 2006).
Answer: We should use given information in inferring ideas.
-Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
The list of research participants
Answer: Word Tables and Lists
-Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
Mateo almost wished that he hadn’t listened to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed his umbrella. He would feel silly carrying it to the bus
stop on such a sunny morning.
Answer: Mateo heard a weather forecast; it would rain in the afternoon.
-What is a research design?
Answer: all of the choices
-What is bibliography?
Answer: A complete list of all works related to the study including the ones that are not directly contained in the report.
-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: Children of wealthy parents in the education system
Answer: Grounded Theory
-Which of the following is the correct notion about observation?
Answer: A key data gathering method in social sciences
-Which of the following is not a type of narrative research?
Answer: Case study
-What is the final stage of analyzing data?
Answer: Presenting the data in tabular form
-Which of the following is NOT the function of references?
Answer: To ensure sufficiently long reference list
-A study is based on 30 people (across three focus groups). What type of study is this?
Answer: Qualitative
-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: A personal journey with grounded theory methodology
Answer: Grounded Theory
-Which of the following titles is a narrative research?
Answer: The Life and Works of Rizal
-How does verification of data happen?
Answer: Check and recheck the data to ensure the initial conclusions are realistic, supportable, and valid.
-When assessing Internet based literature, which of the following is NOT important?
Answer: The layout of the site
-A surveyor placed a cable across a street to count the number of vehicles which pass over it at different times of the day in order to select a site
for a new 7-Eleven store. What type of data collection did he use?
Answer: Observation
-Which of the following should be considered in questioning data validity and reliability?
Answer: All of the choices
-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: Solving word problems of preschoolers through illustrations
Answer: Action Research
-__________ contains a small number of people (usually eight to twelve) and is convened to address topics introduced by a group moderator?
Answer: Focus group discussion
-The researcher collected data using questionnaires, structured observation and interviews. What is the research design applied?
Answer: Ethnographic
-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: A Qualitative Study of Multicultural Identities: Three Cases of London's
Inner-City Children
Answer: Ethnographic Research
-What is the purpose of the qualitative data analysis?
Answer: To accomplish a clear description of the phenomenon under study
-Which statement is true in writing research recommendations?
Answer: Recommendations should be logical and valid.

-What techniques for discovering research texts fall under simple observation?
Answer: Word repetitions, key-indigenous terms, and key-words-in-contexts (KWIC)
-What type of source are documentary films?
Answer: Static
-What influences the choice of the research design?
Answer: All of the choices
-Which of the following belongs to related literature?
Answer: textbook
-Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of related literature and studies?
Answer: Reviewed materials must be many.
-Threats to credibility in qualitative research exist when _____________.
Answer: The data that fail to fit the explanation or interpretation are not addressed.
-What is common in data collection among qualitative researches?
Answer: Language based
-Which of the following is the purpose of recommendations?
Answer: Courses of actions suggested by the researcher based on the findings of the study
-In participant observation, what information can be observed?
Answer: All of the choices
-Which of the following is the correct order in writing the research paper?
Answer: Introduction, method, results, discussion and references
-Which of the following method is used in qualitative research?
Answer: Focus group discussion
-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: Lived experiences of adult caregiving daughter and their elderly
Answer: Phenomenological Research

-Which of the following citation used the APA format?

Answer: Canonigo, C.S. (1999). English Grammar & Composition Part 1. Manila: CKC Publication
-Which of the following do you need to consider in designing a research?
Answer: Focus on your research questions.
-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: A historical and comparative note on the relationship between analytic
induction and grounded theorizing
Answer: Ethnographic Research
-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: The lived experience of being a sole mother in the Philippines
Answer: Phenomenological Research
-Which connector is used to signify conditional relationships?
Answer: Rather than
-A study is based on 1000 people interviewed face-to-face in shopping areas. What qualitative data collection was used?
Answer: Interview
-The entire research project is an exercise in
Answer: All of the choices
-Which citation style is usually used in social science researches?
Answer: APA format
-Which statement is correct in writing research conclusion?
Answer: All of the choices
-What are research data?
Answer: All of the choices
-Why is participant observation common among ethnographic studies?
Answer: Because it helps researchers learn the perspectives held by study populations.

-What kind of questions must be used in conducting interviews?

Answer: Mapping questions
-What is known to be deliberately fabricating details of a research project?
Answer: Lying by fabrication
-What are the ways to verify conclusions for qualitative research?
Answer: Memoing, verification and credibility
-Which qualitative research design seeks action to improve practice and study the effects of the action that was taken?
Answer: Action research
-What qualitative analytic approach is mentioned here? This approach involves the researcher in the production of “objective” accounts of the
content of the verbal, written or visual texts, the development of codes and categories often prior to analysis, and the definition and measurement
of units of analysis.
Answer: Enumerative approach
-What section of the research should clarify concepts defined within the scope of the study?
Answer: Conclusion
-Which of the following is the first stage of in-depth interview?
Answer: Establish an initial rapport

Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma in research?

Select one:
c. Falsification of data bank

True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at a conclusion in the study.
Answer: False

What aspect of research experience illustrates the expedition of the researcher?

Select one:
b. Research Adventure

What does “observe justice” mean in ethical research?

Select one:
d. Investigator should practice fairness in distribution and equitable selection of participants.

A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying characteristics when asked to present such information when
Select one:
b. They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality

What is scientific method?

Select one:
b. Systematic process

Research is described as a cycle because it follows a process.

Which of the following is not included in the research experience?

Select one:
c. Social class of the researcher

Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher…

Select one:
a. His/her name and identifying characteristics

Research is
Select one:
b. Analyzing and interpreting new information

Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
It should not use comparative terms (such as higher, better, etc.).
Select one:

Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
The problem statement is more specific than a topic and it limits the scope of the research problem.
Select one:

Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
It addresses indirectly some real problem in the world.
Select one:

Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research:
The Specific Genetic Code of the Fruit Fly
Answer: PURE

Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
It is biased in terminology or position.
Select one:

Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research:
Compositions of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons
Answer: PURE

Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
Indicate what is probably necessary to conduct the study and explain how the findings will present this information.
Select one:

Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
It must only ask about the relationship between two or more variables.
Select one:

Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research:
Applying the algorithm for detecting individual trees from Drone Images

Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
It has the potential to suggest directions for past research.
Select one:

Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher…

Select one:
d. His/her name and identifying characteristics

Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life research and FALSE if it is incorrect.
The mathematics involved is very high level and people often struggle with it even after being taught how to do it.
Select one:

Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
Select one:
b. Identification of problem

True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at a conclusion in the study.
Answer: False

What aspect of research experience illustrates the pressure to the researcher in meeting research deadlines?
Select one:
a. Emotions

Which of the following is a research method that allows a researcher to get information about a large number of subjects relatively inexpensively
and easily?
Select one:
d. Naturalistic observation

Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life research and FALSE if it is incorrect.
Subjectivity of researcher in methodology is recognized less.
Select one:

Informed consent requires that individuals…

Select one:
b. Have adequate information about the procedures and benefits associated with the research

A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying characteristics when asked to present such information when
Select one:
a. They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality
What is a research instrument?
Select one:
d. a tool for data collection

A reasoning where one start with certain particular statements and conclude with a universal statement is called
Select one:
d. inductive method

1.It addresses the question of how people produce social reality in and through interactive processes.
c. Qualitative research is the best design for a social inquiry since it explores and analyzes people's values and perspective through observation.

What is an ethical dilemma?

Select one:
a. conflict between the different principles of immoral conduct

What does “observe justice” mean in ethical research?

Select one:
b. Investigator should practice fairness in distribution and equitable selection of participants.

Which of the following is a characteristic of a well-written research hypothesis?

Select one:
b. pertinent question
Which of the following is NOT a role of a researcher?
Select one:
b. fabricator of data

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.
“In much of society, research means to investigate something you do not know or understand. ” -Neil Armstrong
Select one:
d. Research is an investigation of the unknown.

True or False: Qualitative research requires data from a natural setting.

Answer: True

Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma in research?

Select one:
d. Falsification of data bank

Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life research and FALSE if it is incorrect.
The observation of such forms can be broken into the dimensions of temporal, spatial, material, social, meaningful, media-technical, emotional and
bodily aspects.
Select one:

Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
It has the potential to suggest directions for past research.
Select one:

\Which of the following is a good research question?

Select one:
a. How do teenagers view the word “forever”?

Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research:
Compositions of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons
Answer: PURE

Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.
The study is focused on the possible implementation of online exam in the university.
Answer: SCOPE

The beneficiaries mentioned in the significance of the study pertain to

Select one:
a. People and institution who have directly or indirectly experienced the research problem.

What qualitative research characteristic is being described in the statement: The data and the researcher’s interpretation of the data – hinge
greatly on the contexts from which the data are obtained.
Select one:
b. Importance of context

Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
It clearly states the constructs to be examined.
Select one:

Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.
Reliability of survey questions was not established.
In the title “The Chemistry of English Language between Foreign and Local Students of Holy Ghost College in Bangued, Abra”, who could be the
possible beneficiaries of the research?
Select one:
c. Students, teachers, school administrators and future researchers

What should be considered in formulating research questions for the statement of the problem?
Select one:
c. Avoid open-ended questions that need explanatory answers.

Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.
The results of this study should be limited to students enrolled in similar programs.

Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
It should not pose an ethical or moral problem for implementation.
Select one:

Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.
Statistics will not be utilized in analyzing the results.
Research benefits and beneficiaries are mentioned in
Select one:
c. Significance of the study

How can a researcher become the data gathering instrument in qualitative research?
Select one:
b. The researcher is at the center of the data-gathering phase.

What is conceptual audacity that can be found in the theme of everyday life research?
Select one:
b. A tool that enables us to see new and perhaps surprising aspects of the everyday lives that we lead.

Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description.
It must only ask about the relationship between two or more variables.
Select one:

Which of the following titles is best for applied research?

Select one:
c. The effectiveness of abstinence programs

What does participant-researcher relationship mean in qualitative research?

Select one:
a. The participants and the researcher share the “research space”.

What is the scope of the research?

Select one:
d. Identifies the possibilities to which to which the study becomes manageable in terms of issues, respondents, and time.

It can be defined like mathematical and statistical models which are describing a diverse array of variables relationship.


Choose the most appropriate explanation to the meaning of the following quotation on qualitative research.
“The worse thing that contemporary qualitative research can imply is that, in this post-modern age, anything goes. The trick is to produce
intelligent, disciplined work on the very edge of the abyss.” ― David Silverman

a. The messy analysis and inductive approach is the qualitative characteristic describe in this quotation. It involves multilayered process
which may include anything but the inductive approach will shape the result into an intelligent and disciplined work that will really make a

Which of the following statements is wrong?

c. Research must give pride to its investigator.

Qualitative research addresses scientific issues.


What should happen if a participant withdraws from your research?

d. Discard the data collected from the withdrawn participant and respect his/her personal decision.
Which sample belongs to quantitative research?

Representative sample

Ethical standards promote the values that are essential to collaborative work, such as trust, accountability, mutual respect and fairness.

The writing of research reports is best regarded as

a. an academic chore

Qualitative research requires the analytical and organizational abilities that are necessary for all researchers.


It addresses the question of how people produce social reality in and through interactive processes.


Confidentiality and anonymity are important to insure limited risk of exposure of information including…

Illegal behaviors

Qualitative research can prove the absolute truth.


It is generally used to figure out the changes in a system when a variable in the system changes, measuring how the end result changes by
altering a variable.

Which of the following is similar in qualitative and quantitative research?

a. Both can be utilized by researchers depending on the use.

Research done in natural settings is

b. more likely to involve applied research than basic research

Which part of the research paper do you find the following? A brief statement of the general purpose of the study.

Statement of the Problem

Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research:
How Do Slime Molds Reproduce


Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research:
College Tuition Becoming Prohibitive to Young Adults from Being Successful


It embodies substantive words or keywords or phrases that describe one’s research study.
Research Title

Which of the following guide questions does NOT define your research purpose?

Do you intend to publish your research?

Developing algorithm for performing classification based on pixels


How can online and mobile communications become advantageous in qualitative research?

b. Participants can enrich their text responses by attaching files, images, links to websites, and voice response.

Willing (2009) argues that many qualitative researchers tend not to work with “variables” that are defined by the researcher prior to the
research project because

d. All of the above

Which of the following is NOT found in the significance of the study?

c. Possible recommendations to the research findings.

Which of the following statements is true?

c. Everyday life is a research methodology.

The researchers also determined the children’s reactions on violent cartoon shows watched on television.


Qualitative design is a flexible design because

B. All parts will continually be shaped during the research project.

Daily life research is advisable for students because

B. It involves their experience.

Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research:
How to cure Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


Dependent variable is identified as the _____________ of the research topic.


Which of the following is a good title for a qualitative research?

d. The Chemistry of English Language between Foreign and Local Students of Holy Ghost College in Bangued, Abra

Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.

Some technical terms on information technology were not explained in this study.

Theory of Relativity


Which part of the research paper do you find the following?

The period of the study which includes the time, either months or years, during which the data were gathered.

a. Scope and Delimitations

Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.

This study concentrates on the factors that need to be considered for the implementation of the policy


Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.

The inputs are only coming from senior high school students of the subject school.


What study is focused on qualitative research?

d. Social Science
Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.

The study is focused on the possible implementation of online exam in the university.


Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.

No experimental treatments were given, and no control other than gender was attempted.


What is “timeliness” applied in the scope and delimitation?

c. The suitability of the study to the beneficiaries

Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.

Statistics will not be utilized in analyzing the results.


Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if it is a restriction of the research.

This is qualitative research that investigates the daily life of housewives on weekdays.

What is the composition of a research title?

b. The title must reflect the variables under study.

Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research:
Ways to Improve School Readiness for Children


“The more important reason is that the research itself provides an important long-run perspective on the issues that we face on a day-to-day
basis. ” -Ben Bernanke

b. Research provides an important perspective on our daily issues.

Avoid rhetorical questions (answerable by yes/no) for they only elicit either of the two responses and may result to vagueness

b. Statement of the Problem

What does research implication mean?

Research proposition

Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research:
Multitasking: Helpful or Hurtful

Education, nursing, sociology, anthropology, information studies, humanities, and health sciences are the only topics to be used for qualitative


Fraud in research comprises

d. all of the choices

Looks at relationships between variables and can establish cause and effect in highly controlled circumstance.


Which statement is correct?

a. Research is exciting and challenging if people understand it and its demands.

b. Research is communicating existing knowledge.

c. Research is exclusively done by students.

d. Research is difficult, tedious, and cumbersome.

Which of the following is not part of a systematic investigation?

a. Identifying an area of research and formulating research questions

b. Coming up with detailed explanations of the overall process of research and the results

c. Developing a clear research strategy, research design, and choice of methods

d. Getting funding for the research

How does a researcher gain research knowledge?

a. by publishing the complete and well-written research paper

b. by conducting the data collection properly, ethically and factually.

c. by realizing the usefulness of those research outputs by employing the systematic process of research

d. by studying and synthesizing a complete review of related literature

Who is responsible for ethical behavior?

Select one:

a. the researchers

b. the participants
c. both participant and researchers

d. the authorities in the research locale

Researcher’s involvement to the research means

Select one:

a. It is the researcher’s quest of something new.

b. The research that the researcher takes in becomes a personal importance.

c. It examines the personal side of research and how the researcher manages the research difficulties.

d. Research enthusiasts start as critical readers of research projects.

What step can one take before starting a research?

Select one:
a. Be familiar with the needed software for the data analysis.
b. Get an approval from the research adviser.
c. Find a research partner or group.
d. Find an interesting social issue to address.
What scope of research is providing effective ways in practical solution?

Select one:

a. Education

b. Profession

c. Business

d. Administration

Critical researchers are primarily concerned with

Select one:

a. ethical violations in methodology

b. misuse of statistics

c. what researchers take for granted

d. how research is funded

What is the role of research in the daily life of people?

Select one:

a. It requires students to pass their subjects.

b. It aims human satisfaction and understanding.

c. It generates income to publishers.

d. It promotes the authors of the theses, books and journals.

Research is

Select one:

a. Analyzing and interpreting new information

b. Reorganizing, or restating, reviewing common findings

c. Collecting existing information

d. Modifying established knowledge

What is the purpose of informed consent?

Select one:

a. To make sure that participants know exactly what to expect from the research and to communicate their right to withdraw at any stage.
b. To be able for the participant to make an informed choice about his/her participation and not undertake any action which he/she may
otherwise have declined to do.

c. To ensure that participants would not lie to about the time commitment involved in their participation.

d. To distribute incentives to the participant as a payment for his/her cooperation.

Qualitative design is messy because it involves multi-layered processes.


Choose the most appropriate explanation to the meaning of the following quotation on qualitative research.
“The major strength of qualitative approach is the depth to which explorations are conducted, and descriptions are written, usually resulting in
sufficient details for the reader to grasp the idiosyncrasies of the situation.” – Myers

e. The importance of context and meaning are the reasons to get the depth of explorations in qualitative research. The setting of the
problem and multiple ways to get data from the locale will surely help the researcher to explain the unexplainable.

Qualitative research requires the analytical and organizational abilities that are necessary for all researchers.


“Find out what’s really out there. I never said to be like me, I say be like you and make a difference.” – Marilyn Manson
f. Research is finding out there what other’s has not seen so you make a difference.

The qualitative design cannot be modified or changed.

False - can

How does a researcher avoid fraud?

a. Stress that ethical research practice involves honesty during training of scientists.

It is the arrangement of the individual’s arrangements of a particular person.


Qualitative research derives meaning from data of multiple sources.


Qualitative research proves the absence of the absolute truth because

c. The in-depth comprehensive approach to data gathering limits the scope of the research.

What is NOT an advantage of qualitative research?

d. It measures the validity and reliability of a research instrument.

____________________, availability of subjects, resources and ethical considerations.

a. Measurability

Which of the following topics should ethical consideration be applied?

a. Capital punishment

Which of the following subject areas can be covered by qualitative research?

a. Anthropology

It must give precise answers that will determine the difference or relationship, or implication of the variables under study.

a. All of the above

Which of the following skill does not belong to a qualitative researcher?

e. Technically capable in operating statistical devices.

This study concentrates on the factors that need to be considered for the implementation of the policy.


Which of the following is characteristic of qualitative research?

a. Flexible design

Why are research questions used in qualitative research?

b. All of the above

The rationale, timeliness, and or relevance of the study.

c. Significance of the Study

What is the basic research?

a. Acquire new knowledge.

In what type of research does a researcher study an individual subject in depth?

a. Case study

Research is

b. Searching for the truth in a scientific way

Normally, in which part of the research report are the hypotheses justified to the reader?

c. in the introduction

Qualitative research is relative to the everyday life of the researcher including his/her meditation on daily activities and experiences.


What is a research rationale needed in scope and delimitation?

a. It gives reasons for the beneficiaries of the study.

What does “context” mean in qualitative research?

a. The situation where the data is obtained

Qualitative method is focused on the authentic experiences of the participants and their critical voices because

b. It investigates the real-life human practices and statements.

Which of the following is NOT found in scope and delimitation of research?

a. The benefits and beneficiaries of the study

How does ethical consideration consider in the scope and delimitation?

a. Acknowledge the researcher’s co-authors.

Which of the following is a myth about qualitative research?

a. All of the above

Limitations of research refer to the

a. Restrictions identified by the researcher.

How does everyday life research encourage diversity?

b. It is widely used among marginalized groups to privilege their personal perspectives.

The best quality data that a researcher can get is the double blind test.


What scope of research increases the productivity of an institution?

b. Administration
Change the topic “Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW’s)” into an effective research title.
Select one:

a. The Dilemma of OFW’s

b. The Plight of OFW’s and their families in the Philippines

c. None of the choices

d. The Effects of Overseas Work

An understanding of qualitative research is important because

Select one:

a. The daily life activities can be studied.

b. The knowledge on numbers can be practiced in statistics.

c. Survey is easily done in a public or crowded place.

d. Topics may come from laboratory experiences in school.

When you write a research paper, your goal is to

Select one:

a. Inform your reader.

b. Persuade your reader.

c. Motivate your reader to learn more about the subject

d. Save your reader time.

What is the criticism on qualitative research?

Select one:

a. Issues and subjects covered can be evaluated in depth and in detail.

b. Interviews are not limited to particular questions and can be redirected

c. Findings can be time consuming and difficult to present in visual ways.

d. The quality of research is heavily dependent on the skills of the researcher.

What statement is incorrect?

Select one:

a. The title reflects the findings of the study.

b. The title embodies substantive words that describe the study.

c. The study must reflect the purpose of the study.

d. The title must reflect the variables under study.

Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma?

Select one:

a. Informed consent

b. Conflict of interest

c. Falsification of documents

d. Misconduct in research

What research experience is present in this statement? A researcher usually chooses a research theme that is close to his/her heart, belief or well-being.
Select one:

a. Researcher’s involvement

b. All of the choices

c. Emotional aspect of research

d. Researcher’s adventure

No generalization should be applied in this method.

Select one:

a. Quantitative

b. Qualitative

c. All of the choices

d. None of the choices

Which of the following statements applies to research knowledge?
Select one:

a. Determined students travel to search for topics.

b. Critical readers become curious analysts.

c. A social media user surveys online.

d. A child is learning how to speak.

Research is

Select one:

a. triggers one to find the true meaning of knowledge

b. the activity anyone who has good reputation and integrity

c. any organized inquiry carried out to provide information for solving problems

d. investigating, analyzing and synthesizing new information from various sources

What ethical dilemma is needed in this situation: A celebrity’s recent scandal involving the “hacking” of her personal photographs on iCloud where her
personal information was accessed for a research on the lifestyle of local celebrities.
Select one:

a. Informed consent
b. Conflicts of interests

c. Misconduct in research

d. Authorship

What is in significance of the study?

Select one:

a. research coverage

b. research beneficiaries

c. research questions

d. research purpose

Which of the following is not a result of research?

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Deep well water

c. Caesarian birth

d. Solar powered objects

What is the last step of the research process?

Select one:

a. Build the reference page.

b. All of the choices

c. Determine the implications and conclusions.

d. Make recommendations for further research.

What is the use of research hypotheses?

Select one:

a. It prevents blind research.

b. All of the choices

c. It saves time, money and energy.

d. It separates relevant from irrelevant observation.

What is the classification of this research question? What kind of emotions and attitudes motivate individuals to take part in mass events?
Select one:

a. Major problem

b. Sub-problem

c. Rhetorical question

d. Sub-question
Which of the following is a good research question?
Select one:

a. What are the basic values or goals of the organization?

b. How many teenagers are using the social media?

c. Is the source current or out of date to answer the problem?

d. Does the information on the issue appear to have evidences?

What is the synonym of dependent variable?

Select one:

a. Stimuli

b. Result

c. Basis

d. Origin

What ethical dilemma is needed in this situation: A celebrity’s recent scandal involving the “hacking” of her personal photographs on iCloud where her
personal information was accessed for a research on the lifestyle of local celebrities.
Select one:

a. Informed consent

b. Misconduct in research

c. Authorship

d. Conflicts of interests

What research experience is present in this statement? A researcher usually chooses a research theme that is close to his/her heart, belief or well-being.
Select one:

a. All of the choices

b. Emotional aspect of research

c. Researcher’s involvement

d. Researcher’s adventure

It lets the meaning emerge from the participants.

Select one:

a. Statement of the Problem

b. Scope and Delimitation

c. Quantitative Research

d. Significance of the Study

e. Qualitative Research

They must be clear and free from double meanings.

Select one:

a. Scope and Delimitation

b. Quantitative Research

c. Statement of the Problem

d. Significance of the Study

e. Qualitative Research
In formulating research questions, the _____________ governs the entire study.
Select one:

a. Statement of the problem

b. Major problem

c. Title

d. Sub-problem

What is the criticism on qualitative research?

Select one:

a. The quality of research is heavily dependent on the skills of the researcher.

b. Issues and subjects covered can be evaluated in depth and in detail.

c. Interviews are not limited to particular questions and can be redirected

d. Findings can be time consuming and difficult to present in visual ways.

What is the simplest meaning of inductive approach in qualitative research?

Select one:

a. Practical solutions

b. Addressing the need

c. Proving the observations

d. Learning from experience

What skill set is required from a qualitative researcher?

Select one:

a. Investigative, subjective and interpretative abilities

b. Writing, listening, and reading skills

c. Observational, objective and mathematical skills

d. Organization, attention to details and analytical abilities

What characteristic of qualitative research is mentioned here? It is designed to match the dynamics of the evolving research process (Klenke, 2008).
Select one:

a. Flexible design

b. Importance of meaning

c. Participant-researcher relationship

d. Importance of context

What is a conceptual audacity?

Select one:

a. A concrete object in the everyday life of humans.

b. A tool to see new and surprising aspects of the human everyday lives

c. The critical voices of the participants

d. The filtered reality of human’s local, historical, contextual, and multiple lenses
Which of the following is a qualitative method?

Select one:

a. Observation

b. Survey

c. Statistics

d. Experiment

What is the third step in the research process?

Select one:

a. Formulate research questions

b. Design the study

c. Do the library search

d. Form a hypothesis

Which of the following is the NOT a strength of qualitative research?

Select one:

a. It answers problems encountered in human’s daily life.

b. None of the choices

c. It becomes a source of empowerment from the filtered reality of their local, historical, contextual, and multiple lenses.

d. The means of the researcher to be closer to the world of his/her participants.

What is the importance of research in everyday life?
Select one:

a. It has brought the human race farther.

b. It makes the school days more interesting.

c. It makes the human routine complicated.

d. It develops math operational skills.

It is also known as the research plan.

Select one:

a. Research design

b. Research purpose

c. Research hypothesis

What is the classification of this research question? What kind of emotions and attitudes motivate individuals to take part in mass events?
Select one:

a. Major problem

b. Sub-problem
c. Sub-question

d. Rhetorical question

Having no research questions or poorly formulated research questions will lead to poor research because
Select one:

a. The research will be unfocused and unsure of the data to collect.

b. The researcher will not know the data analysis method to use.

c. The researcher will not be able to complete the requirements.

d. The researcher will only consider epistemological


Choose the correct research question.

Select one:

a. Where did the first election happen in the Philippines?

b. When did the election start according to Philippine history?

c. How did election start according to Philippine history?

d. How many voted in the first election in the Philippines?

It is an exploratory research.
Select one:

a. Qualitative

b. All of the choices

c. None of the choices

d. Quantitative

Which of the following is NOT an ESSENTIAL element of ethical research?

Select one:

a. Valuable scientific question

b. Balance of risks and benefits

c. Subject selection based on locality

d. Independent review

What characteristic of qualitative research is mentioned here? It is designed to match the dynamics of the evolving research process (Klenke, 2008).
Select one:

a. Importance of context

b. Flexible design

c. Participant-researcher relationship

d. Importance of meaning

What is wrong with double meaning question in research?

Select one:

a. It is a rhetorical question.

b. It may result to inaccuracies in the attitudes being measured for the question.

c. None of the choices

d. It is grammatically incorrect.
Reliability in research means

Select one:

a. Factual results

b. Discordance of findings

c. Commonality of data

d. Repeatability of findings

What is the classification of research areas?

Select one:

a. Education, business and science

b. Economics, governance and society

c. Engineering, profession and science

d. Education, profession and administration

Having no research questions or poorly formulated research questions will lead to poor research because
Select one:

a. The researcher will only consider epistemological queries.

b. The researcher will not be able to complete the requirements.

c. The researcher will not know the data analysis method to use.

d. The research will be unfocused and unsure of the data to collect.

Hypothesis refers to the

Select one:

a. A form of research bias

b. Conclusion drawn from the experiment

c. A tentative statement about the relationship

d. Outcome of an experiment

It generates data about human groups in social settings.

Select one:

a. Qualitative Research

b. Quantitative Research

c. Scope and Delimitation

d. Statement of the Problem

e. Significance of the Study

What is the best description of “research space” that the researcher and participants share?
Select one:

a. Research partnership

b. Participant-researcher relationship

c. Research location

d. None of the choices

It lets the meaning emerge from the participants.

Select one:

a. Statement of the Problem

b. Quantitative Research

c. Qualitative Research

d. Significance of the Study

e. Scope and Delimitation

What is the intervention used in quantitative research?

Select one:

a. Participant involvement

b. Immersion and simulation

c. No participant involvement

d. Case to case basis

It is objective, replicable and reliable.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Qualitative

c. Quantitative

d. All of the choices

What question does qualitative research answer?

Select one:

a. When

b. Which

c. Why

d. How

Which of the following is not a synonym for independent variable?

Select one:

a. Manipulated

b. Stimulus

c. Presumed cause

d. Consequence
They must be clear and free from double meanings.
Select one:

a. Qualitative Research

b. Scope and Delimitation

c. Significance of the Study

d. Statement of the Problem

e. Quantitative Research

Why does online qualitative research hold an advantage over paper-based systems?
Select one:

a. Because of the ability to review trends and analyze data

b. Because of the ability to insure that all required items are collected for a trial

c. Because of the ability to insure data integrity

d. Because of the ability to maintain confidentiality of research records

Which of the following applies the double meaning questions?

Select one:

a. Citing all the resources correctly and with complete information

b. Fairness in distribution and equitable selection of participants

c. Honesty between the researcher and participants

d. Persons with diminished autonomy (e.g., prisoners) should not be coerced to participate in a research.
Which of the following is a required element of an informed consent based on ethical consideration in research?

Select one:

a. Participation may start before consent is signed.

b. Participation may start after consent is signed.

c. Participation is required after consent is signed.

d. Participation is required before consent is signed.

Quantitative research shows clarity based on interpreting _____________ data.

Select one:

a. Interviewed

b. Observed

c. Subjective

d. Numerical

A well-formulated title must state ______________ in a clear, concise, and precise way.
Select one:

a. Research purpose

b. Research Questions

c. Variables

d. Words
Which of the following is a research design?

Select one:

a. Observation

b. Qualitative

c. Pure/ basic research

d. Everyday life

What type of issue is addressed by qualitative research?

Select one:

a. Simple

b. Public

c. Indifferent

d. Contextual

Which of the following statements applies to research knowledge?

Select one:

a. Determined students travel to search for topics.

b. Critical readers become curious analysts.

c. A child is learning how to speak.

d. A social media user surveys online.

It is an exploratory research.
Select one:

a. Qualitative

b. Quantitative
c. All of the choices

d. None of the choices

This part distinguishes the constraints of the study by stating the demarcations of time, measurability, availability of subjects, resources and ethical
Select one:

a. Scope and Delimitation

b. Significance of the Study

c. Quantitative Research

d. Statement of the Problem

e. Qualitative Research

Which of the following is a good research question for an everyday life research?

Select one:

a. How can one distinguish a generic drug from a branded one?

b. What chemical content makes the soda drink produce bubbles?

c. How does the image of the ideal man influences the male population between the ages 20 and 35?

d. What is the biggest size of a super moon that can be seen by the naked eyes?

What part of the research problem is described here? It must be free from biases and impartiality.
Select one:

a. Form a hypothesis
b. Analyze data

c. Design the study

d. Determine a problem

It is also used to uncover trends in thought and opinions, and dive deeper into the problem.

Select one:

a. All of the choices

b. Quantitative

c. None of the choices

d. Qualitative

Paraphrase the statement: Qualitative approaches are typically used to explore new phenomena and to capture individuals’ thoughts, feelings, or
interpretations of meanings and process (Given, 2008).

Select one:

a. All of the choices

b. It is used to study paranormal activities that humans experience.

c. It is used to survey the number of participants affected by the research problem.

d. It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations of humans.

When you write a research paper, your goal is to

Select one:

a. Save your reader time.

b. Inform your reader.

c. Persuade your reader.

d. Motivate your reader to learn more about the subject

What is the separation between independent and dependent variable?

Select one:

a. An independent variable is being tested in an experiment.

b. An independent variable is changed in an experiment.

c. All of the choices

d. A dependent variable is controlled in an experiment.

What is the intervention used in quantitative research?

Select one:

a. Case to case basis

b. Participant involvement

c. No participant involvement

d. Immersion and simulation

Which of the following is a good research question?

Select one:

a. How many teenagers are using the social media?

b. Does the information on the issue appear to have evidences?

c. Is the source current or out of date to answer the problem?

d. What are the basic values or goals of the organization?

It identifies the possibilities to which to which the study becomes manageable in terms of issues, respondents, and time.

Select one:

a. Hypothesis

b. Delimitation

c. Limitation

d. Scope

What section identifies the people or institution who will benefit from the findings of the study?
Select one:

a. Title

b. Significance of the Study

c. Scope and Delimitation

d. Statement of the Problem

It relates to the growth of knowledge, to the verification or validation of existing knowledge or practice to the development of new knowledge.

Select one:

a. Scope and Delimitation

b. Qualitative Research

c. Quantitative Research

d. Significance of the Study

e. Statement of the Problem

Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma?

Select one:

a. Misconduct in research

b. Informed consent

c. Falsification of documents

d. Conflict of interest

What is pure research?

Select one:

a. It develops or refines theories.

b. It taking the results of scientific research and utilizing it directly in real world situations.

c. Psychologists working in human factors often do this research.

d. It is used to find solutions to everyday problems, cure illness, and develop innovative technologies.

What is the last step of the research process?

Select one:

a. Make recommendations for further research.

b. All of the choices

c. Determine the implications and conclusions.

d. Build the reference page.

Why does online qualitative research hold an advantage over paper-based systems?

Select one:

a. Because of the ability to review trends and analyze data

b. Because of the ability to insure data integrity

c. Because of the ability to insure that all required items are collected for a trial

d. Because of the ability to maintain confidentiality of research records

Professionals do not need to use this method even when they have research problems at work.

Select one:

a. Qualitative

b. All of the choices

c. Quantitative

d. None of the choices

What is in significance of the study?

Select one:

a. research purpose

b. research beneficiaries

c. research coverage

d. research questions
Which title uses the qualitative inquiry?

Select one:

a. Starbucks and its Peers: Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Financial Performance

b. Eating habits of Preschoolers in Bulacan

c. Analysis of the Performance of Initial Public Donations

d. Under Pricing of Convertible Bonds in Asia

Which of the following is not a characteristic of research?

Select one:

a. Research is guided by specific problem or question.

b. Research questions are on existing information.

c. Research divides the major problems into sub-problems.

d. Research begins with an unanswered problem or question.

What makes qualitative research a flexible design?

Select one:

a. need a special class of analytical skills

b. a participant observer has little control over the activities of the observed

c. all of the choices

d. analyze their outcomes from the inside out

Which of the following is a characteristic of a researchable question?
Select one:

a. Interesting

b. Trendy

c. Unique

d. Empowerment

What is a variable?

Select one:

a. The unpredictable words in research.

b. Something that can be changed in research.

c. Anything that has a quantity or quality that varies.

d. The composition of research questions and titles.

What is the classification of research areas?

Select one:

a. Economics, governance and society

b. Education, business and science

c. Education, profession and administration

d. Engineering, profession and science

Research is
Select one:

a. investigating, analyzing and synthesizing new information from various sources

b. any organized inquiry carried out to provide information for solving problems

c. the activity anyone who has good reputation and integrity

d. triggers one to find the true meaning of knowledge

The variable which is not influenced by other variables in the study.

Select one:

a. Independent variable

b. Common variable

c. Dependent variable

d. Discrete variable
Its method is limited by variables.

Select one:

a. Qualitative

b. All of the choices

c. None of the choices

d. Quantitative

There should be a general statement of the problem which narrows down to sub-problems or specific questions.

Select one:

a. Significance of the Study

b. Scope and Delimitation

c. Statement of the Problem

d. Qualitative Research

e. Quantitative Research

Which of the following is a proof of the research experience?

Select one:

a. Biography of the researcher

b. Researcher’s identity and insights

c. All of the choices

d. Researcher’s emotions

An understanding of qualitative research is important because

Select one:

a. The knowledge on numbers can be practiced in statistics.

b. The daily life activities can be studied.

c. Topics may come from laboratory experiences in school.

d. Survey is easily done in a public or crowded place.

What is the independent variable in the title stated in the previous item?
Select one:

a. Manila

b. intervention

c. Dogs

d. Children with Disabilities

Which of the following is not under qualitative research?

Select one:

a. everyday life research

b. pure research

c. applied research

d. none of the choices

Which of the following is NOT a description of a good research?

Select one:

a. Research scope is ambiguous.

b. Research process is detailed.

c. Research design is thoroughly planned.

d. Purpose is clearly defined.

What characteristic of qualitative research is mentioned here? The data and the researcher’s interpretation of the data – hinge greatly on the contexts
from which the data are obtained (Roller & Lavraks, 2015).

Select one:

a. Importance of context

b. Presence of absolute truth

c. Inductive approach

d. Flexible design

It is used to measure attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and other defined variables – and generalize results from a larger sample population.

Select one:

a. Qualitative

b. All of the choices

c. None of the choices

d. Quantitative

It does not apply statistical test or measurement on data analysis.

Select one:

a. All of the choices

b. None of the choices

c. Quantitative

d. Qualitative

Generalize the beneficiaries of a study.

Select one:

a. Teenagers are always involved in social issues.

b. Students will learn much information in any research.

c. The government must be concerned in any human problem.

d. The readers are involved in all the studies that they read.
What process in research is described in this sentence? It can be a qualitative or a quantitative research.

Select one:

a. Form a hypothesis

b. Determine a problem

c. Collect data

d. Design the study

Which one is the independent variable in this title: The Plight of Filipino Migrant Workers in the Middle East?
Select one:

a. Filipino Migrant Workers

b. Plight

c. Middle East

d. Both Filipino Migrant Workers and Middle East

It is considered valid and reliable.

Select one:

a. Quantitative

b. Qualitative

c. None of the choices

d. All of the choices

What research purpose could be used in this title, Dogs: Intervention for Children with Disabilities in Manila?
Select one:

a. Applied

b. none of the choices

c. both choices are correct

d. Pure/basic

Identify the wrong statement about research.

Select one:

a. The purpose of research leads to the construction of research questions.

b. Research aims to answer or solve specific issue or problem.

c. Research discovers the potential power of a researcher.

d. Research has the ultimate goal of developing an organized body of scientific knowledge.

What subject involves the everyday life?

Select one:

a. Social science

b. Mathematics

c. Humanities

d. Business
Where can one find the literature of a qualitative research?

Select one:

a. Ending part

b. Beginning part

c. Reference part

d. Middle part

Which of the following is not a basic ethical principle of research?

Select one:

a. Minimize possible harms

b. Respect for persons

c. Respect for nature and animals

d. Observe justice

What is the research experience?

Select one:

a. researcher’s personal aspects

b. one’s research knowledge

c. researcher’s achievements
d. researcher’s expertise

Research is
Select one:

a. investigating, analyzing and synthesizing new information from various sources

b. the activity anyone who has good reputation and integrity

c. triggers one to find the true meaning of knowledge

d. any organized inquiry carried out to provide information for solving problems

Which of the following is incorrect about everyday life research?

Select one:

a. It is a scientific research methodology.

b. It focuses on details and seemingly insignificant occurrences.

c. It is a participatory action research methodology.

d. It is written in second hand person voice.

Which of the following is not a thesis statement?

Select one:
a. Man’s greatest treasures are the lessons he learned.

b. The wanton cutting down of trees.

c. Coffee is now considered a health drink.

d. The Israeli-Hebollah conflict in Lebanon has placed the UN in the difficult position.

Which word was developed from the everyday life of man?

Select one:

a. Social

b. Science

c. Qualitative

d. Quantitative

Which of the following is a product of qualitative research?

Select one:

a. Medicines

b. Policies

c. Automobiles

d. All of the choices

Which of the following applies the double meaning questions?
Select one:

a. All of the choices

b. Is this tool interesting and useful?

c. How often and how much time do you spend on each visit to a hospital?

d. How satisfied are you with your pay and job conditions?

Which is a good argument in the research hypothesis?

Select one:

a. A dog can be trained to alert a human if the telephone is ringing.

b. Childhood obesity is alarming nowadays.

c. The amount of sun exposure is good to a plant.

d. More students get sick during the final week of testing than at other times.

It uses measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research.

Select one:

a. Quantitative

b. All of the choices

c. Qualitative

d. None of the choices

In ethical dilemma of research, authorship requires

Select one:

a. Accurate data recording

b. All of the choices

c. Significant intellectual contribution

d. Correct citation of authors

____________ tend to be generally expressed; a ____________ is a specific prediction about what the readers will find.

Select one:

a. variable; findings

b. scope and delimitation; significance of the study

c. all of the choices

d. research question; hypothesis

What is the basic skill required of any researcher?

Select one:

a. Ability understand major philosophical issues

b. Ability to source data

c. Ability to calculate statistics

d. Ability to generate ideas for research projects

It is quantitative research designed to portray a complete and accurate description of historical events.
Select one:

a. Case study research

b. Historical research

c. Descriptive research

d. Correlational research

It describes a problem or condition from the point of view of those experiencing it.

Select one:

a. All of the choices

b. Quantitative

c. Qualitative

d. None of the choices

Which of the following is not a characteristic of qualitative research?

Select one:

a. Inductive approach

b. Flexible design

c. Important context

d. Presence of absolute truth

Its hypotheses are Specific, testable, stated prior to particular study.

Select one:

a. All of the choices

b. Quantitative

c. Qualitative

d. None of the choices

What is the sample size in qualitative research?

Select one:

a. big

b. holistic

c. representative

d. small

Which of the following is correct about research questions?

Select one:
a. None of the choices

b. All of the choices

c. They must guide the design of the study.

d. They must inform the content of the research discussion.

e. They must articulate the gap found in the literature.

Which of the following is excluded in the scope and delimitation?

Select one:

a. Research findings

b. The general purpose

c. Locale of the study

d. The population or universe

Which of the following is not found in the scope and delimitation?

Select one:

a. Rationale

b. Solutions

c. Timelessness

d. Problems
It mentions the restrictions identified by the researcher that may affect the outcome of the study which he/she has little or no control, but are anticipated.

Select one:

a. Scope and Delimitation

b. Qualitative Research

c. Quantitative Research

d. Statement of the Problem

e. Significance of the Study

What is the first thing to do in formulating research title?

Select one:

a. Identify the problem and the participants involve.

b. All of the choices

c. Choose the right words (i.e. nouns, prepositions, verbs).

d. Construct the variables under study.

It is a formal, objective, systematic process in which numerical data are used to obtain information about the world.
Select one:

a. Quantitative Research

b. Qualitative Research

c. Scope and Delimitation

d. Statement of the Problem

e. Significance of the Study

In ethical dilemma, conflict of interest happens when

Select one:

a. The researcher’s background is not related to his/her research topic.

b. The researcher bribes the authority to be in the research location.

c. The researcher participates as a research subject for his/her own study.

d. The researcher gives money for participants to join.

Online and mobile qualitative research enhance data integrity by

Select one:

a. All of the choices

b. Limiting free-text responses and maximizing the use of standard vocabularies

c. Validating data values whenever possible

d. Eliminating redundancy

e. None of the choices

Applied research is done ______________________.

Select one:

a. in natural setting

b. in computer simulation

c. anywhere
d. in a laboratory

It does need any research instrument to collect its data.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Qualitative

c. All of the choices

d. Quantitative

Which of the following is the good way to find a good topic?

Select one:

a. Personal experience

b. All of the choices

c. Looking for the next step in the research process

d. Getting an idea from your adviser

The researcher should never report flaws in procedural design and estimate their effect on the findings.

Select one:

a. True

b. None of the choices

c. False

d. Depending on the topic

In selecting factors for a study, which of these does a researcher needs to consider?
Select one:

a. They have been investigated before.

b. They are not of interesting so only few will choose them.

c. They are available for investigation.

d. They do not lead to another question.

The method is affected by the researcher.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Quantitative

c. Qualitative

d. All of the choices

It has primarily deductive process used to test pre-specified concepts, constructs, and hypotheses that make up a theory.

Select one:

a. Quantitative

b. Qualitative

c. None of the choices

d. All of the choices

What is the best description of research rationale?

Select one:

a. Location of the research

b. Similar to research hypothesis

c. Reasons for conducting the research

d. The scope and delimitation of research

Validity in research refers to

Select one:

a. The power of the instrument to be used

b. How well a test measures what it is supposed to measure

c. the legality of the test to be used

d. How the researcher uses the instrument to the participants

What implications do human values have on qualitative research?

Select one:

a. They set the price the research is worth to be sold for.

b. They influence the ethical decisions of the researcher.

c. They contribute to the value of the data set by other researchers.

d. They influence the number of researchers to be involved in the study.

What is an example of qualitative research?

Select one:

a. Historical research

b. Descriptive research

c. Correlational research

d. Case study

A case study methodology is useful in

Select one:

a. Studies with big population

b. Study of a bounded entity

c. Statistical analysis

d. Study spreads in large geographic areas

What is the use of research variables?

Select one:

a. They are quiet detailed with an overview of in depth.

b. They have a period when they starts and stops.

c. They are the measurable factors of the research.

d. They may have a pattern such as daily, weekly, ad-hoc and monthly.

Which of the following best describes a hypothesis?

Select one:

a. The data that need to be supported

b. A clear relationship between factors

c. Basis for research questions

d. Statement that the researcher set out to prove

Choose a good research problem for a qualitative research?

Select one:

a. A student examined the function of boxing as a way to help adolescents with a criminal record to deal with aggression

b. A shopper wants to compare the number of shoppers during ordinary and Christmas season.

c. A lawmaker is thinking of an innovation for a cleaner election.

d. A teacher was considering a computer instructional tool for active learning pedagogy.
In qualitative research, researchers evaluate any number of variables to make sense of the data. These variables include
Select one:

a. Language of the participants

b. All of the choices

c. Educational background of participants

d. Quantity of participants

Which of the following is a comparison between pure and applied research?

Select one:

a. Both of them are good research design.

b. None of them is applicable for everyday life research.

c. Both of them need statistical measurement.

d. Both of them are feasible research purpose.

Which research refers to scientific study and research that seeks to solve practical problems?
Select one:

a. Pure research

b. Both Basic and Applied research

c. All of the choices

d. Both Basic and Pure research

e. Both Pure and Applied research

f. None of the choices

g. Basic research

h. Applied research

Which of the following is the strength of qualitative research?

Select one:

a. It is focused on the scientific explanations of facts.

b. It measures reliability and validity of instruments using figures.

c. This may in turn generate new forms of human action.

d. The theme of everyday life is very subjective.

What is the prevention to the situation mentioned in the previous item (no. 107)?

Select one:

a. Millenials must protect their social media accounts by using complicated passwords and customizing their account settings.

b. People must secure their photographs and personal information from public viewing.

c. All of the choices

d. Millenials should not save many pictures and personal information in their gadgets (i.e. smart phones, laptop, etc.)
What is the contrast of everyday life research from others?
Select one:

a. It documents the particulars of life.

b. All of the choices

c. It captures life as it is lived.

d. It allows the researcher to describe behavior as it occurs in natural contexts.

It is the best research method to use in any field of study.

Select one:

a. None of the choices

b. Quantitative

c. All of the choices

d. Qualitative

Its hypotheses are tentative and evolving, based on particular study.

Select one:

a. All of the choices

b. Qualitative

c. Quantitative

d. None of the choices

What would happen if the constructed research question has no precise answer?
Select one:

a. The results will not be accurate and valid.

b. The results will not address the specific need of the problem.

c. All of the choices

d. The whole research process is useless.

It provides observed effects (interpreted by researchers) of a program on a problem or condition.

Select one:

a. All of the choices

b. Quantitative

c. None of the choices

d. Qualitative

It determines the cause-and-effect interactions between variables.

A: Quantitative Research

Which of the following is a product of basic research?

A: advancement of knowledge

The quantitative method is used when __________ , ___________, and ________ are sought in the study.
A: Richness, complexity and data
It aims to understand how the participants derive meaning from their surroundings, and how their meaning influences their behavior.
A: Qualitative Research

Conclude the delimitation of a research with the title Impact of Electronic, Video and Mobile Games on Social Development of Teenagers
A: This study is limited to the social development of teenagers including the improvement on their attitude and values.

What is research ethics?

A: All of the choices

Restate the statement: Although it might be said that an absolute truth is intangible in all forms of research, the interactive, personal and
interpretive approach in qualitative inquiry extinguishes the notion that the outcomes represent an absolute truth.
A: The outcomes of qualitative inquiry are interactive, personal and interpretative truth.

Which is the most priority in the research process?

A: Recognize the problem

BAED-RSCH2111 Practical Research 1 (Week 11-19)

The coordinator made an announcement, “Only the first 100 applicants will be interviewed today. The others would have to
come back tomorrow.”
Interview of applicants will be conducted today and tomorrow.
In reading, we should consider not only what we can directly get from the text but also what we can read between the lines. In order to fully
understand and appreciate a thought, a sentence, a passage, and a text, we need to read more than the literal
meaning (Yu & Plata, 2006).
We should use given information in inferring ideas
Recommendations should aim to solve or help solve problems discovered in the investigation.
The best research design is the qualitative research design.
Mateo almost wished that he hadn’t listened to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed his umbrella. He would feel silly
carrying it to the bus stop on such a sunny morning.
Mateo heard a weather forecast; it would rain in the afternoon.
Godina (2004) explored the contradictory literacy practices of 10 high school students of Mexican background from the rural
Midwest. Literacy is investigated through English and Spanish in a sociocultural context. Findings reveal how Mexicanbackground students
demonstrate different literacy practices in their homes and communities than those acknowledged at school.
Results indicate that the lost opportunities for effective literacy learning at school ignored the realistic responsibilities and potential of the
Mexicanbackground students.
Ethnographic Research
Harmon (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) collected data from 8 nurses who were employed between 1951 and 1965 in a Virginia state
hospital. These nurses were now retired and had between 12 and 46 years of psychiatric nursing experience. The researcher
wanted to describe the experiences of these nurses who practiced in a state mental hospital before and during the introduction of
antipsychotic medications. They expressed resignation and frustration while trying to provide care despite crowded wards and
inadequate personnel and supplies. The nurses indicated that they focused on the patient’s body instead of on the patient’s mind.
The camaraderie they experienced with other nurses helped them continue in their positions, despite what they felt to be a
“thankless job.”
8 nurses
Daly (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) studied the lived experiences of mothers of suicidal adolescents. She contended that, unfortunately,
the mother’s experience is often the hidden dimension in the family. Unstructured interviews were conducted with 6 mothers living
with suicidal adolescents. Six themes were identified: failure as a good mother, the ultimate rejection, feeling alone in the struggle,
helplessness and powerlessness in the struggle, cautious parenting, and keeping an emotional distance.
Phenomenological Research
Interview Segment
Q: What are your views on homelessness?
A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t know though what we can do
about it. I want to do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the problem if you go to town. They are
always there asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well from begging. But
if you have any caring qualities you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people
choose to live on the streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the
hook. So really I guess the answer to your questions is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something
should be done but I feel powerless to do anything personally. I think that the time has come for the government to do something.
It makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t know what to do.
Source: Grbich (2013)
Being homeless is a choice and individual decision.
Interview Segment
Q: What are your views on homelessness?
A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t know though what we can do
about it. I want to do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the problem if you go to town. They are
always there asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well from begging. But
if you have any caring qualities you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people
choose to live on the streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the
hook. So really I guess the answer to your questions is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something
should be done but I feel powerless to do anything personally. I think that the time has come for the government to do something.
It makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t know what to do.
Source: Grbich (2013)
Homelessness is a perennial global problem
Harmon (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) collected data from 8 nurses who were employed between 1951 and 1965 in a Virginia state
hospital. These nurses were now retired and had between 12 and 46 years of psychiatric nursing experience. The researcher
wanted to describe the experiences of these nurses who practiced in a state mental hospital before and during the introduction
of antipsychotic medications. They expressed resignation and frustration while trying to provide care despite crowded wards and
inadequate personnel and supplies. The nurses indicated that they focused on the patient’s body instead of on the patient’s
mind. The camaraderie they experienced with other nurses helped them continue in their positions, despite what they felt to be a
“thankless job.”
Narrative Research
Williams and Irurita (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) studied the personal control and emotional comfort of hospitalized patients.
Interviews were conducted with 40 patients, and 75 hours of field observations were conducted. The basic psychological
process identified by the researchers was labeled “optimizing personal control to facilitate emotional comfort.” Personal control
referred to the ability of patients to influence their environment; emotional comfort was defined as a state of relaxation that
affected the physical status of the patient. Personal control was found to be a central feature of emotional comfort.
Grounded Theory Research
Godina (2004) explored the contradictory literacy practices of 10 high school students of Mexican background from the rural
Midwest. Literacy is investigated through English and Spanish in a sociocultural context. Findings reveal how Mexicanbackground
students demonstrate different literacy practices in their homes and communities than those acknowledged at
school. Results indicate that the lost opportunities for effective literacy learning at school ignored the realistic responsibilities and
potential of the Mexicanbackground students
high school students of Mexican background from the rural Midwest
Interview Segment
Q: What are your views on homelessness?
A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t know though what we can do
about it. I want to do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the problem if you go to town. They are
always there asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well from begging.
But if you have any caring qualities you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of
people choose to live on the streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them
off the hook. So really I guess the answer to your questions is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that
something should be done but I feel powerless to do anything personally. I think that the time has come for the government to
do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t know what to do.
Source: Grbich (2013)
The homeless are also the same beggars asking for money on the street.
Williams and Irurita (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) studied the personal control and emotional comfort of hospitalized patients.
Interviews were conducted with 40 patients, and 75 hours of field observations were conducted. The basic psychological
process identified by the researchers was labeled “optimizing personal control to facilitate emotional comfort.” Personal control
referred to the ability of patients to influence their environment; emotional comfort was defined as a state of relaxation that
affected the physical status of the patient. Personal control was found to be a central feature of emotional comfort.
hospitalized patients
Results rely heavily on words, and often quotations from those studied are included in the document.
Recommendations should aim for the ideals but they must be feasible, practical, and attainable even for impossible.
Bill and Jessica were almost done taking turns choosing the players for their teams. It was Jessica’s turn to choose, and only
Kurt was left. Jessica said, “Kurt.”
Jessica was pleased to have Kurt on her team.
You just opened a bag of potato chips and poured some juice in a glass when the phone rang. You went out of the kitchen to
answer it. When you returned after a couple of minutes, you found the split juice and pieces of chips on the floor. Your little
sister was tearyeyed and said, “I’m sorry. It was an accident.”
Your sister decided to get her own snacks
Not too much detail is needed in the summary of findings – simple answer the research questions, and draw the conclusion.
The list of research participants
Word Tables and Lists
Characteristics of the people being studied
Word Tables and Lists
It is highly recommended through texts and marking them up with different colored highlighter pens.
Organizational chart of the institution being studied
Spradley (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) recorded conversations among tramps at informal gatherings, meals, card games, and
bull sessions. As the men talked to each other about their experiences, there were many references to making a flop.
Spradley combed through his recorded material and notes looking for verbatim statements made by informants about his
topic. On analyzing the statements, he found that most of the statements could fit into subcategories such as kinds of flops,
ways to make flops, ways to make your own flop, kinds of people who bother you when you flop, ways to make a bed, and
kinds of beds. Spradley then returned to his informants and sought additional information from them on each of the
indigenous categories
He stole the recipe from the chef.
Milken, Michael, et al. "On Global Warming and Financial Imbalances." New Perspectives Quarterly, vol. 23, no. 4, 2006, p. 63.
Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Research survey
An Inconvenient Truth. Directed by Davis Guggenheim, performances by Al Gore and Billy West, Paramount, 2006.
She hastily distorted the statistical computation of the data to finish her paper on time.
The researcher invented the results of the study.
Theatrical play
Food blog
The research assistant wrote an anonymous name in the list.
The World Famous Hot Dog Site. (1999, July 7). Retrieved January 5, 2008, from
“What is your message to people who are still fighting cancer until now?”
“Good morning. I’m a health officer in our barangay and I also belong to the medical research team of our community.”
Do you find her comments on your website offensive?
How people use their bodies and voices to communicate different emotions; what individuals’ behaviors indicate about their
feelings toward one another, their social rank, or their profession.
Physical behavior and gestures
Gender, age, ethnicity, and profession of speakers; dynamics of interaction
Verbal behavior and interactions
A researcher is interested in the examples or illustrations several authors have used to prove a point. How can he pull them all
together and use them in his own paper in a list?
Include a citation after each separate example to indicate where you found them.
A blogger made a photo collage for his latest blog. He picked photos from his Facebook friends without asking for their consent.
What research misconduct did he commit?
Which of the following statements describes the process of reviewing the literature in a qualitative study?
It is limited to a brief preliminary search so as to avoid bias from the researcher.
In MLA citation style, when documenting one author in reference in a text, which is correct?
This point has been argued before (Frye 197).
Which of the following statements is correct?
The reference list is doublespaced with hanging indents.
Which of the following is not an example of dynamic source?
Arrange the correct order of the guidelines for a coherent review of related literature:
1. Avoid misinterpretation or distortion of the writer’s original meaning by direct quotation.
2. Analyze their respective content, facts, findings, methods, concepts and implications. Cite properly all relevant literature into a
meaningful whole.
3. Synthesize into holistic body of content or in one relevant discussion.
4. Classify and identify the appropriate categories, relationship, similarities, of both local and international studies.
4, 2,1,3
Which of the following is an example of static type of source?
Html coded web sites
Which of the following is the most essential in conducting the review of related literature?
Examine all potential literature.
When doing your background reading for your literature review it is important to
All of the choices
Ellis, Rod. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. New York: Oxford University, 1986. Print.
What type of source is the newspaper clipping?
What does CMS citation style mean?
Chicago Manual Style
Most of the searches for related literature are conducted using:
Key word searches
What comes first before planning the structure of literature review?
Outlining the aim of the research
Which of the following is the best advice in using internet search engines in qualitative research?
Web addresses ending in or .edu are generally bona fide academic sources
What is the APA citation style of the information of the source presented?
Personal author: McCullough, David G.
Title: John Adams
Publication info: New York : Simon & Schuster, c2001.
Bibliography note: Includes bibliographical references (p. 703726) and index
Cullough, D. (2001). John Adams, 703726. New York : Simon & Schuster
Which of the following is the best way to maximize the process of reviewing of the related literature?
Reviewing the researcher’s notes made on editorial and overview papers and chapters
Which of the following is not an error that will result to plagiarism?
Paraphrasing other people’s information and citing the source of that information
In 1904, Matisse came under the influence of Signac's use of separated colors in his paintings. This was called "divisionism." As
Spurling says, "Divisionism provided logical grounds for separating the ultimate goal of painting order, harmony, emotional
stability achieved through rhythmic compositions of form and color from its traditional dependence on the subject. This was an
important idea for Matisse.
No year of publication beside the cited names
Which of the following is the best way to avoid plagiarism?
Make sure that the source of every idea is very clearly identified and cited.
What information is required for the APA intext citation?
Personal author: McCullough, David G.
Title: John Adams
Publication info: New York : Simon & Schuster, c2001.
Bibliography note: Includes bibliographical references (p. 703726) and index.
McCullough, 2001
Which of the following is true in MLA citation of block quotes?
All of the choices
The literature review must be:
Required reading for the program of the study
What does the researcher engage in reading the literature?
An evaluation of the literature
What is the purpose of the search for literature in research?
The researcher develops an awareness of all the related literature.
Which characteristic is the first consideration in surveying related literature and studies?
The surveyed materials must be as recent as possible.
In APA citation style, which of the following is TRUE about quotations?
They should be used only when absolutely necessary.
Why does a researcher need to cite his/her sources?
To show readers the materials where the researcher base his/her analysis, narrative or conclusion.
Which of the following is the best way to protect yourself against plagiarism?
All of the choices
Describe your relationship with your colleagues.
Where people enter and exit; how long they stay; who they are (ethnicity, age, gender); whether they are alone or
accompanied; number of people
Human traffic
Would you like to continue that kind of relationship?
“Thank you for finding time to be in this interview. Your story is very inspiring.”
“One area of this research is to record particular challenges that cancer patients face after chemotherapy. Could you tell me
your experience?”
What do you think about the two presidential candidates?
What individuals’ preferences concerning personal space suggest about their relationships
Personal space
“How old were you when you discovered your disease?”
Do you feel great when people admire your work?
“How does your family view your situation?”
Pollan, Michael. 2006. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. New York: Penguin.
Research journal
Weinstein, Joshua I. "The Market in Plato’sRepublic." Classical Philology 104 (2009): 439–58.
Braveheart (starred and produced by Mel Gibson)
The bibliography is incomplete.
The researcher manipulated the results of the study.
Google. “Google Privacy Policy.” Last modified March 11, 2009.
Official website
A director didn’t cite the name of the playwright he used in the contest.
Spolarium by Juan Luna
Reference list allows readers to locate and use the sources and copy the ones cited.
References can be the same as bibliography.
The club president tendered his resignation and said, “While I may no longer lead this organization, I will continue to support its endeavors
and activities.”
He will still participate in the activities of the organization.
James Springer and his identical twin James Lewis were separated at birth. They were raised in different homes. They did not
meet again until they were 39. When they met, they found out the following: Springer’s first wife was named Linda and his second
wife, Betty. Lewis has also had a wife named Betty and one named Linda. Each had a son named James Allen. Each had owned a
dog named Toy. Their favorite subject in high school had been math. They had both studied law enforcement after high school.
They had the same hobbies and the same favorite vacation place. They even liked the same brand of cookies. (adapted from
What conclusion can you draw about twins based on this article?
Identical twins have a lot in common
Conclusions should refer only to the population, area, or subject of the study.
“English has been dubbed as the “language of the world”. Over a billion people in the world have considered English as their second
language. With over 2,500 OFW’s leaving the country everyday to different parts of the globe, Filipinos are expected to arm
themselves with English to communicate with the world.”(Excerpt from “Nursing the Carabao English”,in Yu& Plata, 2006)
Communicating in English is an important tool for Filipinos who want to work abroad.
The research report need not to be substantially different from drafts, except where participants have indicated that change is
The readers must be informed why this research counts and why is it important.
James Springer and his identical twin James Lewis were separated at birth. They were raised in different homes. They did not
meet again until they were 39. When they met, they found out the following: Springer’s first wife was named Linda and his second
wife, Betty. Lewis has also had a wife named Betty and one named Linda. Each had a son named James Allen. Each had owned a
dog named Toy. Their favorite subject in high school had been math. They had both studied law enforcement after high school.
They had the same hobbies and the same favorite vacation place. They even liked the same brand of cookies. (adapted from
What conclusion can you draw about the two men in the article?
Even though these men were raised differently, they like many of the same things.
Maria is watching too much television. A toddler shouldn’t be spending hours staring blankly at a screen. Worse yet, some of her wild
behavior have been inspired by those awful cartoons she watches.
Some cartoons are not good for Maria.
In a study of birth planning in China, Greenhalgh (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) surveyed 1,011 evermarried women, gathered
social and economic histories from 150 families. She conducted indepth interviews with present and formal officials (known as
cadres), and collected documentary evidence from local newspapers, journals and other sources. Greenhalgh notes that "Because I was
largely constrained from asking direct questions about resistance, the informal record of field notes, interview transcripts, and questionnaire
data contains few overt challenges to state policy." Greenhalgh concludes, however, that their conversations with the researchers, both
peasants and cadres made strategic use of silence to protest aspects of the policy they did not like. Cadres, for example were loathe to
comment on birthplanning campaigns; peasant women were reluctant to talk about sterilization. These silences form one part of the
unofficial record of birth planning in the villages. More explicit protests were registered in informal conversations. From these interactions
emerged a sense of profound distress of villagers forced to choose between a resistance that was politically risky and a compliance that
violated the norms of Chinese culture and of practical reason.
searching for missing information
Geographic map of the study area
Summary of research findings
Word Tables and Lists
Another linguistic approach is to look for naturally occurring shifts in thematic content.
Interviews searching for what people do in managing impersonal social relationships, methods by which people acquire and
maintain achieved and ascribed status, and information about how people solve problems
Social science queries
The changing image of public transportation
Pictures The approach is based on a powerful trick most of us learned in kindergarten and requires paper and scissors.
Cutting and Sorting
The object is to look for metaphors in rhetoric and deduce the schemas, or underlying principles, that might produce patterns in those
Metaphors and analogies
Look carefully at words and phrases that indicate relationships among things.
Artwork of the child participants
Bisogni, et. al. (2005) studied the conceptual understanding of how management of food and eating is linked to life course events and
experiences. Individual qualitative interviews were conducting to adults in upstate New York, particularly 14 men and 11 women with
moderate to low incomes. A conceptual model of food choice capacity emerged. Food choice capacity represented participants'
confidence in meeting their standards for food and eating given their food management skills and circumstances. Most participants had
faced challenging and changing circumstances (income, employment, social support, roles, health conditions). Participants linked
strong food management skills with high levels of food choice capacity, except in the case of extreme financial circumstances or the
absence of strong standards.
Narrative Research
Bullington (2005) investigated how older people (60+) experience the ageing body and how these experiences affect aged peoples’
sense of identity. Explorative, open ended, interviews were conducted with 13 respondents between the ages of 63 and 82, recruited
from a retired peoples’ organization, Church organizations, and from the working population. The results showed that generally the
experience of the ageing body has to do with a changed life world, reactions to this change in terms of body and self, and finding ways
to feel at home in this changed situation.
13 respondents between the ages of 63 and 82
Dunckley, Aspinal, AddingtonHall, Hughes, & Higginson (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) used the staff in one hospice and one nursing home
setting in London as their research data. The purpose of the study was to identify facilitators and barriers to the use of the Palliative
Care Outcome Scale (POS). Staff took part in semistructured interviews, completed diaries, and participated in monthly meetings to
give their opinions of what they thought were the facilitators and barriers to the implementation of the POS.
Action Research
Dunckley, Aspinal, AddingtonHall, Hughes, & Higginson (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) used the staff in one hospice and one nursing home
setting in London as their research data. The purpose of the study was to identify facilitators and barriers to the use of the Palliative
Care Outcome Scale (POS). Staff took part in semistructured interviews, completed diaries, and participated in monthly meetings to
give their opinions of what they thought were the facilitators and barriers to the implementation of the POS.
staff of one hospice and one nursing home
Interview Segment
Q: What are your views on homelessness?
A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t know though what we can do about
it. I want to do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the problem if you go to town. They are always there
asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well from begging. But if you have any
caring qualities you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people choose to live on the
streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So really I guess the
answer to your questions is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel
powerless to do anything personally. I think that the time has come for the government to do something. It makes me feel
uncomfortable; I don’t know what to do.
Source: Grbich (2013)
Common people are powerless to help the homeless.
Bullington (2005) investigated how older people (60+) experience the ageing body and how these experiences affect aged peoples’
sense of identity. Explorative, open ended, interviews were conducted with 13 respondents between the ages of 63 and 82, recruited
from a retired peoples’ organization, Church organizations, and from the working population. The results showed that generally the
experience of the ageing body has to do with a changed life world, reactions to this change in terms of body and self, and finding ways
to feel at home in this changed situation.
Phenomenological Research
Interview Segment
Q: What are your views on homelessness?
A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t know though what we can do about
it. I want to do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the problem if you go to town. They are always there
asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well from begging. But if you have any
caring qualities you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people choose to live on the
streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So really I guess the
answer to your questions is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel
powerless to do anything personally. I think that the time has come for the government to do something. It makes me feel
uncomfortable; I don’t know what to do.
Source: Grbich (2013)
Homelessness is hopeless to be solved.
Bisogni, et. al. (2005) studied the conceptual understanding of how management of food and eating is linked to life course events and
experiences. Individual qualitative interviews were conducting to adults in upstate New York, particularly 14 men and 11 women with
moderate to low incomes. A conceptual model of food choice capacity emerged. Food choice capacity represented participants'
confidence in meeting their standards for food and eating given their food management skills and circumstances. Most participants had
faced challenging and changing circumstances (income, employment, social support, roles, health conditions). Participants linked
strong food management skills with high levels of food choice capacity, except in the case of extreme financial circumstances or the
absence of strong standards.
14 men and 11 women with moderate to low incomes
Interview Segment
Q: What are your views on homelessness?
A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t know though what we can do about
it. I want to do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the problem if you go to town. They are always there
asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well from begging. But if you have any
caring qualities you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people choose to live on the
streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So really I guess the
answer to your questions is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel
powerless to do anything personally. I think that the time has come for the government to do something. It makes me feel
uncomfortable; I don’t know what to do.
Source: Grbich (2013)
The homeless are stereotyping their social conditions to beg for money.
Interview Segment
Q: What are your views on homelessness?
A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t know though what we can do about
it. I want to do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the problem if you go to town. They are always there
asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well from begging. But if you have any
caring qualities you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people choose to live on the
streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So really I guess the
answer to your questions is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel
powerless to do anything personally. I think that the time has come for the government to do something. It makes me feel
uncomfortable; I don’t know what to do.
Source: Grbich (2013)
Not all homeless are impoverished.
The researcher copied the results of the study from another thesis.
She changed the gender of the participant to complete the all male survey.
Ebert, Roger. Review of An Inconvenient Truth, directed by Davis Guggenheim., 1 June 2006, Accessed 15 June 2016.
Baxter, C. (1997). Race equality in health care and education.Philadelphia: Ballière Tindall.
Leroux, Marcel. Global Warming: Myth Or Reality?: The Erring Ways of Climatology. Springer, 2005.
Live concert
Discovery Channel
Alibali, M. W. (1999). How children change their minds: Strategy change can be gradual or abrupt. Developmental Psychology,
The researcher declared she interviewed the resource person even if she didn’t.
RSCH 4th quarter exam
Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the
correct answer:
The researcher declared she interviewed the resource person even if she didn’t.
- Fabrication
Ebert, Roger. Review of An Inconvenient Truth, directed by Davis Guggenheim., 1 June
2006, truth-2006. Accessed 15 June 2016.
Which of the following statements describes the process of reviewing the literature in a qualitative
A: It is a continuing process because the research problem becomes more focused throughout the
Baxter, C. (1997). Race equality in health care and education.Philadelphia: Ballière Tindall.
Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter:
Live concert
Leroux, Marcel. Global Warming: Myth Or Reality?: The Erring Ways of Climatology. Springer, 2005.
Discovery Channel
She changed the gender of the participant to complete the all male survey.
The researcher copied the results of the study from another thesis.
Alibali, M. W. (1999). How children change their minds: Strategy change can be gradual or abrupt.
Developmental Psychology, 35,127-145.
RSCH-111 WEEK 11: L.A 7
He stole the recipe from the chef.
Milken, Michael, et al. &quot;On Global Warming and Financial Imbalances.&quot; New Perspectives Quarterly, vol.
23, no. 4, 2006, p. 63.
She hastily distorted the statistical computation of the data to finish her paper on time.
An Inconvenient Truth. Directed by Davis Guggenheim, performances by Al Gore and Billy West,
Paramount, 2006.
Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Research survey
- Dynamic
research long quiz 4
c-Misha Sanches
Which of the following is the first to help improve the use of the research literature?
Keep a researcher notebook
What is the APA citation style of the information of the source presented?
Personal author: McCullough, David G.
Title: John Adams
Publication info: New York : Simon &amp; Schuster, c2001.
Bibliography note: Includes bibliographical references (p. 703-726) and index.
Cullough, David. John Adams, p. 703-726. New York : Simon &amp; Schuster (2001). Print.
Why does a researcher need to cite his/her sources?
Examine all potential literature.
What is the purpose of the search for literature in research?
The researcher develops an awareness of all the related literature.
Which of the following is the best way to avoid plagiarism?
Make sure that the source of every idea is very clearly identified and cited.
What does the researcher need to generate useful and thorough key word searches?
A search and reading strategy
What comes first before planning the structure of literature review?
Outlining the aim of the research
What is the context of “literature” in a research project?
Published accounts of researchers
What citation style was used in this source?
Economy Hurt by Decline in English (2006, June 18). The Manila Times, p. A1, A2.
What does the researcher engage in reading the literature?
An evaluation of the literature
A blogger made a photo collage for his latest blog. He picked photos from his Facebook friends without
asking for their consent. What research misconduct did he commit?
The Internet has become an accepted source of information for educational research. Which of the
following is NOT an indicator of the quality of information found on the Internet?
The authenticity of the information
Which of the following is not an error that will result to plagiarism?
Paraphrasing other people’s information and citing the source of that information.
Which of the following is the best advice in using internet search engines in qualitative research?
Web addresses ending in or .edu are generally bona fide academic sources.
The literature review must be:
Required reading for the program of the study
What is the most popular citation style used in academic research papers?
Which one is an example of a correct in-text quotation?
Eguchi and Eguchi (2006) and Icassatti (2006) mentioned that students showed enthusiasm while using
these strategies.
Last week your professor talked about her theory of the best method for electoral reform in a lecture.
Since she knows all about it, do you need to reference this?
You need to cite it in the body of your paper and in the reference list.
Which of the following is true in MLA citation of block quotes?
All of the choices
Which characteristic is the first consideration in surveying related literature and studies?
The surveyed materials must be as recent as possible.
In MLA citation style, when documenting one author in reference in a text, which is correct?
This point has been argued before (Frye 197).
What is the difference of related literature from related studies?
Related literature are materials usually printed and found in books.
Which part of the review of the related literature engages in a dialogue with the literature?
What type of source is the newspaper clipping?
Which of the following is an example of static type of source?
Html coded web sites
What information is required for the APA in-text citation?
Personal author: McCullough, David G.
Title: John Adams
Publication info: New York : Simon &amp; Schuster, c2001.
Bibliography note: Includes bibliographical references (p. 703-726) and index.
McCullough, 2001
What organizational principle is used to explain ideas according to their respective premise?
What citation style was used in this source?
Ellis, Rod. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. New York: Oxford University, 1986. Print.
What research misconduct is committed when the researcher use the sentences from published medical
literature with minor modification in word structure without attribution?
Which of the following can be found in the final part of the research paper?
Select one:
- Conclusion and recommendations of the study
Data gathering techniques are part of
Select one:
- The methodological framework
What is literature in research?
Select one:
- All of the choices
What category of information in participant observation is concerned about clothing, age, gender,
physical appearance of respondents?
Select one:
Which statement is true in writing research recommendations?
Select one:
-Recommendations should be logical and valid.
Which of the following is correct?
Select one:
-Only research conducted by academic staff with human participants requires ethical approval.
Which connector is used to signify conditional relationships?
Select one:
- Rather than
Why do researchers need to be knowledgeable about research misconduct?
- All of the choices
Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
A Qualitative Study of Multicultural Identities: Three Cases of London&#39;s Inner-City Children
Select one:
- Ethnographic Research
The researcher collected data using questionnaires, structured observation and interviews. What is the
research design applied?
Select one:
- Ethnographic
What is a research design?
Select one:
-all of the choices
The entire research project is an exercise in
Select one:
-. All of the choices
What data collection procedure is used when analyzing and communicating the social life through
Select one:
-Visual data
What is the basis of research conclusion?
Select one:
- Data results
What influences the choice of the research design?
Select one:
- All of the choices
In participant observation, what information can be observed?
Select one:
- All of the choices
Which of the following should include the informed consent during an experimentation?
Select one:
-. All of the choices
Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
A personal journey with grounded theory methodology
Select one:
- Grounded Theory
Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
Living with the patients with Schizophrenia and their families
Select one:
- Phenomenological Research
Which of the following citation used the APA format?
Select one:
- Canonigo, C.S. (1999). English grammar &amp; composition part 1. Manila: CKC Publication
What research method allows researchers to obtain a detailed description of social settings or event in
order to situate people’s behavior within their own socio-cultural context?
Select one:
-. Observation
Why is participant observation common among ethnographic studies?
Select one:
-. Because it helps researchers learn the perspectives held by study populations.
Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
Children of wealthy parents in the education system
Select one:
- Grounded Theory
Which organizational principle is used to connect the research topic to different backgrounds (i.e.
political, methodological, geographical, literary)?
Select one:
- Sector
What research design is used when a theory is developed from data generated by a series of
observations or interviews principally involving an inductive approach?
Select one:
- Grounded theory
What are research data?
Select one:
- All of the choices
Which of the following is the basic rule in data collection?
Select one:
- Begin with secondary data, then proceed if necessary to collect primary data.
Which of the following is the first stage of in-depth interview?
Select one:
- Establish an initial rapport
Which of the following should be considered in questioning data validity and reliability?
Select one:
- All of the choices
Which of the following is qualitative data analysis?
Select one:
-. All of the choices
A researcher would like to display the geographic map of his research population. What mode for
displaying qualitative data should he use?
Select one:
What section of the research should clarify concepts defined within the scope of the study?
Select one:
- Conclusion
The research project is
Select one:
- A scientific endeavor
Thea is interested to study the young people with dementia – chronic disorder caused by brain disease
or injury. What research design is appropriate for her research inquiry?
Select one:
-Phenomenological research
What is common in data collection among qualitative researches?
Select one:
-Language based
Which of the following is the purpose of recommendations?
Select one:
-Courses of actions suggested by the researcher based on the findings of the study
Which of the following titles is a narrative research?
Select one:
- The Life and Works of Rizal
Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
Solving word problems of preschoolers through illustrations
Select one:
- Action Research
It is also known as the research plan.
-Research Design
How does key word in context (KWIC) work for novice researchers?
- Researchers identify key words and then systematically search the corpus of text to find all
instances of the word or phrase.
Which of the following is the content of conclusion?
- A judgment or final decision
What is the grounded theory research design?
Select one:
- The researcher generates a general explanation (a theory) of a process, and action, or an interaction
shaped by the views of a large number of participants.
Which statement is correct in writing research conclusion?
Select one:
- All of the choices
What techniques for discovering research texts fall under simple observation?
Select one:
-Word repetitions, key-indigenous terms, and key-words- in-contexts (KWIC)
Threats to credibility in qualitative research exist when _____________.
Select one:
- The data that fail to fit the explanation or interpretation are not addressed.
What are the ways to verify conclusions for qualitative research?
Select one:
-Memoing, verification and credibility
Which of the following is not normally associated with qualitative data?
Select one:
-Pie charts
A study is based on 30 people (across three focus groups). What type of study is this?
Select one:
What is the final stage of analyzing data?
Select one:
-Presenting the data in tabular form
A study is based on 1000 people interviewed face-to- face in shopping areas. What qualitative data
collection was used?
Select one:
- Interview
What kind of questions must be used in conducting interviews?
Select one:
-Mapping questions
Which of the following research questions should NOT be answered using action research methods?
Select one:
- Is parent attitude toward school uniforms related to their socioeconomic status?
Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
The lived experience of being a sole mother in the Philippines
Select one:
- Phenomenological Research
Which of the following is NOT the function of references?
Select one:
-To ensure sufficiently long reference list
How does verification of data happen?
-Check and recheck the data to ensure the initial conclusions are realistic, supportable, and valid.
Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
A study of the Italians and the health benefits of the Mediterranean lifestyle
Select one:
-Action Research
Which citation style is usually used in social science researches?
Select one:
-APA format
What is the optimal number of participants for a focus group discussion?
Select one:
- 8-12 members
Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
A historical and comparative note on the relationship between analytic induction and grounded
Select one:
- Ethnographic Research
Which of the following is an example of falsification in research?
Select one:
-Manipulated data from the findings
Which qualitative research design seeks action to improve practice and study the effects of the action
that was taken?
Select one:
-Action research
Which of the following belongs to related literature?
Select one:
When assessing Internet based literature, which of the following is NOT important?
Select one:
- The layout of the site
Which of following should NOT be considered in conducting in-depth interview?
Select one:
- Pretend to be interested in hearing about the life of the interviewee.
__________________ is the thing (person, place, event, etc.) that is selected for inclusion in the study.
Select one:
-Sampling unit
A teacher conducts an action research study of the problem-solving methods used by students in her
ninth-grade Algebra I classes. Which of the following can she assume on the basis of her study?
Select one:
-Results apply only to Algebra I students in ninth grade.
Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
Student awareness in global warming
Select one:
- Action Research
What type of source are documentary films?
Select one:
- Static
What qualitative analytic approach is mentioned here? This approach involves the researcher in the
production of “objective” accounts of the content of the verbal, written or visual texts, the development
of codes and categories often prior to analysis, and the definition and measurement of units of analysis.
Select one:
- Enumerative approach
What is the purpose of the qualitative data analysis?
Select one:
- To accomplish a clear description of the phenomenon under study
What is bibliography?
Select one:
- A complete list of all works related to the study including the ones that are not directly contained in
the report
What is known to be deliberately fabricating details of a research project?
Select one:
-Lying by fabrication
A surveyor placed a cable across a street to count the number of vehicles which pass over it at different
times of the day in order to select a site for a new 7-Eleven store. What type of data collection did he
Select one:
- Observation
Which of the following is not a type of narrative research?
Select one:
- Case study
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of related literature and studies?
Select one:
-Reviewed materials must be many.
According to historical accounts, face-to- face methods have been used since the early years of
civilization to collect population figures. Why were these records kept?
Select one:
- All of the choices
Which of the following is the correct notion about observation?
Select one:
- A key data gathering method in social sciences.
Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
Lived experiences of adult caregiving daughter and their elderly mothers
Select one:
- Phenomenological Research
A literature review should include material that is _____________________.
Select one:
- Directly related to the research questions
Which of the following method is used in qualitative research?
Select one:
- Focus group discussion
__________ contains a small number of people (usually eight to twelve) and is convened to address
topics introduced by a group moderator?
- Focus group discussion
What is the best research design?
- For beginning researchers, a qualitative research is advisable because the natural setting is accessible.
What kind of research will answer a social inquiry?
The correct answer is: Qualitative research is the best design for a social inquiry since it explores and analyzes people's values and
perspective through observation.
promote the values that are essential to collaborative work, such as trust, accountability, mutual respect and fairness.
The correct answer is: Ethical standards
True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at a conclusion in the study.

The correct answer is: False

Research is described as a cycle because it follows a process.
True or False: Qualitative research requires data from a natural setting.
The correct answer is: True

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.
“Research is the highest form of adoration” ― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
The correct answer is: Research is valuing others’ work.

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.
“I believe in innovation and that the way you get innovation is you fund research and you learn the basic facts. ” -Bill Gates
The correct answer is: Innovation is funding a research and learning its basic facts.
Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.
“Do research. Feed your talent. Research not only wins the war on cliche, it's the key to victory over fear and it's cousin, depression.” ―
Robert McKee
The correct answer is: Research is not only answering questions but also discovering one’s talent and skill
Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.
“The measure of greatness in a scientific idea is the extent to which it stimulates thought and opens up new lines of research.” ― Paul A.M.
The correct answer is: Research starts from the stimulated mind and may end to measure of greatness.
Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.
“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. ” -Zora Neale Hurston
The correct answer is: Research is a formalized curiosity with a purpose.
Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.
“All I’m armed with is research.” -Mike Wallace
The correct answer is: Research can equip anyone.
Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.
“The more important reason is that the research itself provides an important long-run perspective on the issues that we face on a day-to-
day basis. ” -Ben Bernanke

The correct answer is: Research provides an important perspective on our daily issues.
Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.
“In much of society, research means to investigate something you do not know or understand. ” -Neil Armstrong
The correct answer is: Research is an investigation of the unknown.
Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.
“Research is about engaging in a conversation with a brand.” -Matthew Rhodes
The correct answer is: Research is discussing specific issues.
Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.
“Find out what’s really out there. I never said to be like me, I say be like you and make a difference.” – Marilyn Manson
The correct answer is: Research is finding out there what other’s has not seen so you make a difference.

Debriefing should…

The correct answer is: Explain all relevant aspects of research procedures

A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying characteristics when asked to present such information when
The correct answer is: They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality

Researchers can encourage people to volunteer to participate in their project by

The correct answer is: Offering small incentives
Confidentiality is used to protect a participant’s privacy by
The correct answer is: Sharing only the information permitted by the participant
Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher…

The correct answer is: His/her name and identifying characteristics

Research hypotheses can be defined as
The correct answer is: A tentative conclusion or answer to a specific question raised at the beginning of the investigation.
Which of the following is similar in qualitative and quantitative research?
The correct answer is: Both can be utilized by researchers depending on the use.
Which of the following is not considered to be an example of misconduct in research?
The correct answer is: Fabrication of data
Informed consent requires that individuals…

The correct answer is: Have adequate information about the procedures and benefits associated with the research
Confidentiality and anonymity are important to insure limited risk of exposure of information including…
The correct answer is: Illegal behaviors
Normally, in which part of the research report are the hypotheses justified to the reader?

The correct answer is: in the introduction

What is the purpose of informed consent?
The correct answer is: To make sure that participants know exactly what to expect from the research and to communicate their right to
withdraw at any stage.
What scope of research promotes awareness to its audience?
The correct answer is: Education
What scope of research increases the productivity of an institution?
The correct answer is: Administration
Which of the following should not be done by the researchers?
The correct answer is: Prevent mental and physical harm to subjects.

Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma in research?

The correct answer is: Falsification of data bank
Which of the following is not an example of qualitative researchers?
The correct answer is: descriptive research
Critical researchers are primarily concerned with
The correct answer is: ethical violations in methodology
Fraud in research comprises
The correct answer is: all of the choices

What aspect of research experience illustrates the pressure to the researcher in meeting research deadlines?
The correct answer is: Emotions
Among the steps in the research process, which part typically takes the most time of the researcher?
The correct answer is: Collecting data

What is a research instrument?

The correct answer is: a tool for data collection
What is an ethical dilemma?
The correct answer is: conflict between the different principles of immoral conduct

Which of the following statements is wrong?

The correct answer is: Research must give pride to its investigator.
Which of the following is not part of a systematic investigation?
The correct answer is: Getting funding for the research
Researcher’s involvement to the research means
The correct answer is: The research that the researcher takes in becomes a personal importance.

Research in daily life has

The correct answer is: Practical value

Research is
The correct answer is: Analyzing and interpreting new information
Which of the following best describes a hypothesis?
The correct answer is: Proposed before a good research question can be developed.
Modern qualitative research can generally involve a detailed study of

The correct answer is: values and judgement

Almost all research plans include the following components:
The correct answer is: a problem statement, a hypothesis, definitions, a literature review, a sample of subjects, tests or other measuring
instruments, a description of procedures, and data analysis.
Which of the following is NOT a role of a researcher?
The correct answer is: fabricator of data

A reasoning where one start with certain particular statements and conclude with a universal statement is called
The correct answer is: inductive method
Research is
The correct answer is: Searching for the truth in a scientific way
Who is responsible for ethical behavior?
The correct answer is: the researchers
Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
The correct answer is: Identification of problem
Which of the following is not included in the research experience?

The correct answer is: Social class of the researcher

Research done in natural settings is
The correct answer is: more likely to involve applied research than basic research
What is a major ethical drawback of offering financial incentive for participation?
The correct answer is: It can be coercive.
Research involves exploring what _________________ other researchers have come to.
The correct answer is: conclusion
Choose the most appropriate explanation to the meaning of the following quotation on qualitative research.
“The major strength of qualitative approach is the depth to which explorations are conducted, and descriptions are written, usually resulting
in sufficient details for the reader to grasp the idiosyncrasies of the situation.” – Myers
The correct answer is: The importance of context and meaning are the reasons to get the depth of explorations in qualitative research. The
setting of the problem and multiple ways to get data from the locale will surely help the researcher to explain the unexplainable.
Choose the most appropriate explanation to the meaning of the following quotation on qualitative research.
“Formal symbolic representation of qualitative entities is doomed to its rightful place of minor significance in a world where flowers and
beautiful women abound.” Albert Einstein
The correct answer is: Qualitative research is everyday life research. The issues to be addressed are in the beautiful places where
problems are least expected to arise such as home, school, church, tourist spots, etc.
Qualitative design is messy because it involves multi-layered processes.
The correct answer is: True
Choose the most appropriate explanation to the meaning of the following quotation on qualitative research.
“The most important advances, the qualitative leaps, are the least predictable. Not even the best scientists predicted the impact of nuclear
physics, and everyday consumer items such as the iPhone would have seemed magic back in the 1950s.” - Martin Rees
The correct answer is: The flexible design of qualitative research is illustrated in the quotation since it can be modified from modern to
conservative or vice-versa depending on the need of the study. The skill set required of the researcher is the key to interpret unpredictable
Online and mobile technology offer limited enhancements to qualitative research designs.

The correct answer is: False – unique

Qualitative research derives meaning from data of multiple sources.
The correct answer is: True
The qualitative design cannot be modified or changed.

The correct answer is: False – can

Qualitative research can prove the absolute truth.
The correct answer is: False - absence of absolute truth

Education, nursing, sociology, anthropology, information studies, humanities, and health sciences are the only topics to be used for
qualitative research.
The correct answer is: True
Qualitative research uses survey as an instrument for data collection.
The correct answer is: False – observation
Qualitative research is relative to the everyday life of the researcher including his/her meditation on daily activities and experiences.
The correct answer is: True

Qualitative research addresses scientific issues.

The correct answer is: False – personal
Qualitative research requires the analytical and organizational abilities that are necessary for all researchers.
The correct answer is: True
“The worse thing that contemporary qualitative research can imply is that, in this post-modern age, anything goes. The trick is to produce
intelligent, disciplined work on the very edge of the abyss.” ― David Silverman
The correct answer is: The messy analysis and inductive approach is the qualitative characteristic describe in this quotation. It involves
multilayered process which may include anything but the inductive approach will shape the result into an intelligent and disciplined work
that will really make a difference.
“Modernity is a qualitative, not a chronological, category.” - Theodor Adorno
The correct answer is: The unique capabilities of online and mobile qualitative research can be under modern category and they are very
much useful in qualitative research.
Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research:
Multitasking: Helpful or Hurtful
The correct answer is: Applied
Which part of the research paper do you find the following? The weaknesses spring out of the inaccuracies of the perceptions of the
The correct answer is: Scope and Delimitations
Ways to Improve School Readiness for Children
The correct answer is: Applied
Which part of the research paper do you find the following?
Avoid rhetorical questions (answerable by yes/no) for they only elicit either of the two responses and may result to vagueness.
The correct answer is: Statement of the Problem
Which part of the research paper do you find the following? Possible solutions to existing problems or improvement to unsatisfactory
The correct answer is: Significance of the Study
The best quality data that a researcher can get is the double blind test.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Individuals are like scientists who develop theories on how the world and their own activities function.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Subjectivity of researcher in methodology is recognized less.
The correct answer is 'False'.

It is generally used to figure out the changes in a system when a variable in the system changes, measuring how the end result changes by
altering a variable.

The correct answer is 'False'.

The mathematics involved is very high level and people often struggle with it even after being taught how to do it.
The correct answer is 'False'.
It addresses the question of how people produce social reality in and through interactive processes.

The correct answer is 'True'.

It can be defined like mathematical and statistical models which are describing a diverse array of variables relationship.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Looks at relationships between variables and can establish cause and effect in highly controlled circumstance.
The correct answer is 'False'.
It is the arrangement of the individual’s arrangements of a particular person.
The correct answer is 'True'.
The observation of such forms can be broken into the dimensions of temporal, spatial, material, social, meaningful, media-technical,
emotional and bodily aspects.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Applying the algorithm for detecting individual trees from Drone Images

The correct answer is: Applied

Which part of the research paper do you find the following?
It embodies substantive words or keywords or phrases that describe one’s research study.
The correct answer is: Research Title
It must give precise answers that will determine the difference or relationship, or implication of the variables under study.
The correct answer is: Statement of the Problem

Compositions of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons

The correct answer is: Pure
It must also reflect the variables under study.
The correct answer is: Research Title
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Match the general term to its specific topic.
1. Generalization - [OFWs and migration]
2. Theater - [Les Miserables]
3. Texting - [Code switching]
4. Cloning - [Stem cell research]
5. Emotional quotient - [cyberbullying]
6. Anime - [manga]
7. Nuclear power - [Fukushima crisis]
8. Holidays - [Eid-ul-Fitr]
9. Natural material - [wood]
10. Dogs - [cross breeding]

College Tuition Becoming Prohibitive to Young Adults from Being Successful

The correct answer is: Applied
This section indicates the specific benefits which will be gained from the results of the study.
The correct answer is: Significance of the Study
A brief statement of the general purpose of the study.
The correct answer is: Statement of the Problem

The Specific Genetic Code of the Fruit Fly

The correct answer is: Pure
How Do Slime Molds Reproduce
The correct answer is: Pure
It is biased in terminology or position.
The correct answer is 'False'.
The problem statement is more specific than a topic and it limits the scope of the research problem.
The correct answer is 'True'.

It has the potential to suggest directions for past research.

The correct answer is 'False'.
It should not use comparative terms (such as higher, better, etc.).
The correct answer is 'False'.

It addresses indirectly some real problem in the world.

The correct answer is 'True'.
It clearly states the constructs to be examined.
The correct answer is 'True'.

It has multiple possible answers.

The correct answer is 'False'.
It should not pose an ethical or moral problem for implementation.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Indicate what is probably necessary to conduct the study and explain how the findings will present this information.

The correct answer is 'True'.

It must only ask about the relationship between two or more variables.
The correct answer is 'True'.

Developing algorithm for performing classification based on pixels

The correct answer is: Pure
The period of the study which includes the time, either months or years, during which the data were gathered.
The correct answer is: Scope and Delimitations

How to cure Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

The correct answer is: Applied
Theory of Relativity
The correct answer is: Pure
The rationale, timeliness, and or relevance of the study.
The correct answer is: Significance of the Study
No experimental treatments were given, and no control other than gender was attempted.
The correct answer is: DELIMITATION

The researchers also determined the children’s reactions on violent cartoon shows watched on television.
The correct answer is: SCOPE
This is qualitative research that investigates the daily life of housewives on weekdays.
The correct answer is: SCOPE
Statistics will not be utilized in analyzing the results.
The correct answer is: DELIMITATION
The results of this study should be limited to students enrolled in similar programs.

The correct answer is: DELIMITATION

Some technical terms on information technology were not explained in this study.
The correct answer is: DELIMITATION
This study concentrates on the factors that need to be considered for the implementation of the policy.
The correct answer is: SCOPE
Reliability of survey questions was not established.
The correct answer is: DELIMITATION
The inputs are only coming from senior high school students of the subject school.

The correct answer is: SCOPE

The study is focused on the possible implementation of online exam in the university.
The correct answer is: SCOPE
The beneficiaries mentioned in the significance of the study pertain to

The correct answer is: People and institution who have directly or indirectly experienced the research problem.
How does ethical consideration consider in the scope and delimitation?
The correct answer is: Acknowledge the researcher’s co-authors.
Which of the following skill does not belong to a qualitative researcher?

The correct answer is: Technically capable in operating statistical devices.

Limitations of research refer to the
The correct answer is: Restrictions identified by the researcher.
Which of the following subject areas can be covered by qualitative research?
The correct answer is: Anthropology
Why are research questions used in qualitative research?

The correct answer is: All of the above

Willing (2009) argues that many qualitative researchers tend not to work with “variables” that are defined by the researcher prior to the
research project because
The correct answer is: All of the above
In the title “The Chemistry of English Language between Foreign and Local Students of Holy Ghost College in Bangued, Abra”, who could
be the possible beneficiaries of the research?
The correct answer is: Students, teachers, school administrators and future researchers
What is the characteristic of a specific question in the statement of the problem?
The correct answer is: It must contribute to the development of the whole research problem or topic.

What is the composition of a research title?

The correct answer is: The title must reflect the variables under study.
Which of the following is NOT strength of qualitative research?
The correct answer is: Subjectivity leads to procedural difficulty.

Which sentence belongs to the Scope and Delimitation of a research?

The correct answer is: This study determines the status of irregular second year students enrolled in a Catholic school.
Qualitative research is relative to the everyday life of the researcher because
The correct answer is: They are particularly useful for exploring how and why things that have happened.
Qualitative research proves the absence of the absolute truth because
The correct answer is: The researcher strives to collect information from which some level of useful knowledge can be gained.
What is conceptual audacity that can be found in the theme of everyday life research?
The correct answer is: A tool that enables us to see new and perhaps surprising aspects of the everyday lives that we lead.
Which of the following is NOT found in the significance of the study?
The correct answer is: Possible recommendations to the research findings.

Scope and delimitation distinguishes the constraints of the study by delimiting the topic in terms of time, ____________________,
availability of subjects, resources and ethical considerations.

The correct answer is: Measurability

Which of the following titles is best for applied research?
The correct answer is: The effectiveness of abstinence programs
What are the types of issues that qualitative research commonly answers?

The correct answer is: Sensitive or personal issues

What contributes to the messiness of qualitative research messy?
The correct answer is: the inductive approach
Which of the following is a good title for a qualitative research?
The correct answer is: The Chemistry of English Language between Foreign and Local Students of Holy Ghost College in Bangued, Abra
Which of the following is characteristic of qualitative research?
The correct answer is: Flexible design
What is the purpose of daily life research?

The correct answer is: To study the social interaction in a natural environment.
Daily life research is advisable for students because
The correct answer is: It involves their experience.
How can a researcher become the data gathering instrument in qualitative research?
The correct answer is: The researcher is at the center of the data-gathering phase.
What does participant-researcher relationship mean in qualitative research?
The correct answer is: The participants and the researcher share the “research space”.
What is NOT an advantage of qualitative research?
The correct answer is: It measures the validity and reliability of a research instrument.

What is the coverage of ethical considerations in research?

The correct answer is: Human and non-human participants
How can online and mobile communications become advantageous in qualitative research?
The correct answer is: Participants can enrich their text responses by attaching files, images, links to websites, and voice response.
Independent variable is identified as the _____________ of the research topic.
The correct answer is: Solution
It does not apply statistical test or measurement on data analysis.
The correct answer is: Qualitative

What is the last step of the research process?

The correct answer is: Make recommendations for further research.
A well-formulated title must state ______________ in a clear, concise, and precise way.
The correct answer is: Variables

What subject involves the everyday life?

The correct answer is: Social science
It is considered valid and reliable.

The correct answer is: All of the choices

It is a formal, objective, systematic process in which numerical data are used to obtain information about the world.
The correct answer is: Quantitative Research
Its hypotheses are tentative and evolving, based on particular study.
The correct answer is: Qualitative
What is the use of research hypotheses?
The correct answer is: All of the choices
____________ tend to be generally expressed; a ____________ is a specific prediction about what the readers will find.
The correct answer is: research question; hypothesis

The researcher should never report flaws in procedural design and estimate their effect on the findings.
The correct answer is: False
It relates to the growth of knowledge, to the verification or validation of existing knowledge or practice to the development of new
The correct answer is: Significance of the Study
Online and mobile qualitative research enhance data integrity by
The correct answer is: All of the choices
Hypothesis refers to the
The correct answer is: A tentative statement about the relationship
Restate the statement: Although it might be said that an absolute truth is intangible in all forms of research, the interactive, personal and
interpretive approach in qualitative inquiry extinguishes the notion that the outcomes represent an absolute truth.
The correct answer is: Absolute truth in non-existing in qualitative inquiry.
What is pure research?
The correct answer is: It develops or refines theories.

Research is
The correct answer is: investigating, analyzing and synthesizing new information from various sources
Which title uses the qualitative inquiry?
The correct answer is: Eating habits of Preschoolers in Bulacan
In ethical dilemma, conflict of interest happens when
The correct answer is: The researcher participates as a research subject for his/her own study.
Which of the following is the good way to find a good topic?
The correct answer is: Personal experience
Which word was developed from the everyday life of man?

The correct answer is: Social

What is the research experience?
The correct answer is: researcher’s personal aspects
Which of the following is a characteristic of a researchable question?

The correct answer is: Unique

Its hypotheses are Specific, testable, stated prior to particular study.
The correct answer is: Quantitative
Which is a good argument in the research hypothesis?

The correct answer is: A dog can be trained to alert a human if the telephone is ringing.
Generalize the beneficiaries of a study.
The correct answer is: The readers are involved in all the studies that they read.
What is the best definition of justice in research?

The correct answer is: Fairness in distribution and equitable selection of participants
They must be clear and free from double meanings.
The correct answer is: Statement of the Problem
Its method is limited by variables.
The correct answer is: All of the choices
It is also used to uncover trends in thought and opinions, and dive deeper into the problem.
The correct answer is: Qualitative

What characteristic of qualitative research is mentioned here? The data and the researcher’s interpretation of the data – hinge greatly on
the contexts from which the data are obtained (Roller & Lavraks, 2015).

The correct answer is: Importance of context

What section identifies the people or institution who will benefit from the findings of the study?
The correct answer is: Significance of the Study
It identifies the possibilities to which to which the study becomes manageable in terms of issues, respondents, and time.

The correct answer is: Scope

It is an exploratory research.
The correct answer is: Qualitative
Which of the following is a proof of the research experience?
The correct answer is: All of the choices
An understanding of qualitative research is important because
The correct answer is: The daily life activities can be studied.
Which of the following is a product of basic research?

The correct answer is: natural sciences

What is the intervention used in quantitative research?
The correct answer is: No participant involvement
It generates data about human groups in social settings.
The correct answer is: Qualitative Research
It uses measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research.
The correct answer is: Quantitative
Which of the following is not under qualitative research?
The correct answer is: pure research

Which of the following applies the double meaning questions?

The correct answer is: All of the choices
What is the basic skill required of any researcher?
The correct answer is: Ability to source data
What is wrong with double meaning question in research?
The correct answer is: It may result to inaccuracies in the attitudes being measured for the question.
Choose a good research problem for a qualitative research?
The correct answer is: A student examined the function of boxing as a way to help adolescents with a criminal record to deal with
Time expenditure on research is lighter on the planning end and heavier during the analysis phase.
The correct answer is: Qualitative
Which of the following is not found in the scope and delimitation?
The correct answer is: Timelessness
Which of the following is the strength of qualitative research?

The correct answer is: This may in turn generate new forms of human action.
Paraphrase the statement: Qualitative approaches are typically used to explore new phenomena and to capture individuals’ thoughts,
feelings, or interpretations of meanings and process (Given, 2008).
The correct answer is: It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations of humans.
Which of the following is not a thesis statement?
The correct answer is: The wanton cutting down of trees.
Which of the following statements is true based on the question: which of these is a way to build the general knowledge of a research
I. Read a good recent textbook chapter.
II. Look for the recent publication before reading a material.
III. Find and use a reader on the topic in question.

The correct answer is: I and III


He stole the recipe from the chef.

The correct answer is: Plagiarism

Research survey
The correct answer is: Dynamic
Milken, Michael, et al. "On Global Warming and Financial Imbalances." New Perspectives Quarterly, vol. 23, no. 4, 2006, p. 63.

The correct answer is: CMS

An Inconvenient Truth. Directed by Davis Guggenheim, performances by Al Gore and Billy West, Paramount, 2006.
The correct answer is: MLA
She hastily distorted the statistical computation of the data to finish her paper on time.

The correct answer is: Falsification

Alibali, M. W. (1999). How children change their minds: Strategy change can be gradual or abrupt. Developmental Psychology, 35,127-145.
The correct answer is: APA
Ebert, Roger. Review of An Inconvenient Truth, directed by Davis Guggenheim., 1 June 2006, Accessed 15 June 2016. Ebert, Roger. Review of An Inconvenient Truth,
directed by Davis Guggenheim., 1 June 2006, Accessed 15
June 2016
The correct answer is: MLA
The researcher copied the results of the study from another thesis.

The correct answer is: Plagiarism

The researcher declared she interviewed the resource person even if she didn’t.
The correct answer is: Fabrication
Live concert

The correct answer is: Dynamic

She changed the gender of the participant to complete the all male survey.
The correct answer is: Falsification
Baxter, C. (1997). Race equality in health care and education.Philadelphia: Ballière Tindall.
The correct answer is: APA
Discovery Channel
The correct answer is: Syndicated
Leroux, Marcel. Global Warming: Myth Or Reality?: The Erring Ways of Climatology. Springer, 2005.

The correct answer is: CMS

The correct answer is: Static
The researcher invented the results of the study.
The correct answer is: Fabrication
Theatrical play
The correct answer is: Dynamic

Food blog
The correct answer is: Syndicated
The research assistant wrote an anonymous name in the list.
The correct answer is: Fabrication
The World Famous Hot Dog Site. (1999, July 7). Retrieved January 5, 2008, from
The correct answer is: APA
The bibliography is incomplete.
The correct answer is: Fabrication

Spolarium by Juan Luna

The correct answer is: Static
Braveheart (starred and produced by Mel Gibson)
The correct answer is: Static

Weinstein, Joshua I. "The Market in Plato’sRepublic." Classical Philology 104 (2009): 439–58.
The correct answer is: CMS
Pollan, Michael. 2006. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. New York: Penguin.
The correct answer is: APA

Google. “Google Privacy Policy.” Last modified March 11, 2009.
The correct answer is: MLA
The researcher manipulated the results of the study.
The correct answer is: Falsification
Research journal
The correct answer is: Syndicated

Official website
The correct answer is: Static
A director didn’t cite the name of the playwright he used in the contest.
The correct answer is: Plagiarism
The literature review must be:
The correct answer is: Required reading for the program of the study
Which of the following is true in MLA citation of block quotes?
The correct answer is: All of the choices

What should be used in writing a related literature review?

The correct answer is: All of the choices
What organizational principle is used to explain ideas according to their respective premise?
The correct answer is: Theme

What is the most popular citation style used in academic research papers?
The correct answer is: APA and MLA
Which of the following is the best advice in using internet search engines in qualitative research?
The correct answer is: Web addresses ending in or .edu are generally bona fide academic sources.

Which characteristic is the first consideration in surveying related literature and studies?
The correct answer is: The surveyed materials must be as recent as possible.
What citation style was used in this source?
Ellis, Rod. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. New York: Oxford University, 1986. Print.
The correct answer is: MLA

A blogger made a photo collage for his latest blog. He picked photos from his Facebook friends without asking for their consent. What
research misconduct did he commit?

The correct answer is: Plagiarism

Which of the following is not an example of dynamic source?
The correct answer is: paintings
What is the purpose of the search for literature in research?
The correct answer is: The researcher develops an awareness of all the related literature.
Which of the following is the most essential in conducting the review of related literature?
The correct answer is: Examine all potential literature.
Economy Hurt by Decline in English (2006, June 18). The Manila Times, p. A1, A2.
The correct answer is: APA

What comes first before planning the structure of literature review?

The correct answer is: Outlining the aim of the research
What is the difference of related literature from related studies?
The correct answer is: Related literature are materials usually printed and found in books.
When doing your background reading for your literature review it is important to
The correct answer is: All of the choices
What does the researcher engage in reading the literature?
The correct answer is: An evaluation of the literature
The Internet has become an accepted source of information for educational research. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of the
quality of information found on the Internet?
The correct answer is: The authenticity of the information
Which of the following is the best way to maximize the process of reviewing of the related literature?
The correct answer is: Reviewing the researcher’s notes made on editorial and overview papers and chapters

What is the context of “literature” in a research project?

The correct answer is: Published accounts of researchers
Which of the following is not an error that will result to plagiarism?
The correct answer is: Paraphrasing other people’s information and citing the source of that information.
What is missing in the following passage from a student paper?

In 1904, Matisse came under the influence of Signac's use of separated colors in his paintings. This was called "divisionism." As Spurling
says, "Divisionism provided logical grounds for separating the ultimate goal of painting - order, harmony, emotional stability achieved
through rhythmic compositions of form and color from its traditional dependence on the subject. This was an important idea for Matisse.

The correct answer is: No year of publication beside the cited names
What is the APA citation style of the information of the source presented?

Personal author: McCullough, David G.

Title: John Adams
Publication info: New York : Simon & Schuster, c2001.
Bibliography note: Includes bibliographical references (p. 703-726) and index.

The correct answer is: Cullough, D. (2001). John Adams, 703-726. New York : Simon & Schuster
In APA citation style, which of the following is TRUE about quotations?
The correct answer is: They should be used only when absolutely necessary.
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE with regards to the literature review?
The correct answer is: It explains the method necessary for the gathering of data.
What research misconduct is committed when the researcher use the sentences from published medical literature with minor modification
in word structure without attribution?
The correct answer is: Plagiarism
A researcher is interested in the examples or illustrations several authors have used to prove a point. How can he pull them all together and
use them in his own paper in a list?
The correct answer is: Include a citation after each separate example to indicate where you found them.
Most of the searches for related literature are conducted using:

The correct answer is: Key word searches

In MLA, which of the following is the correct way to cite a website in a text?
The correct answer is: Both choices are correct
Which of the following statements describes the process of reviewing the literature in a qualitative study?

The correct answer is: It is limited to a brief preliminary search so as to avoid bias from the researcher.
Harmon (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) collected data from 8 nurses who were employed between 1951 and 1965 in a Virginia state hospital.
These nurses were now retired and had between 12 and 46 years of psychiatric nursing experience. The researcher wanted to describe the
experiences of these nurses who practiced in a state mental hospital before and during the introduction of antipsychotic medications. They
expressed resignation and frustration while trying to provide care despite crowded wards and inadequate personnel and supplies. The
nurses indicated that they focused on the patient’s body instead of on the patient’s mind. The camaraderie they experienced with other
nurses helped them continue in their positions, despite what they felt to be a “thankless job.”
The correct answer is: Narrative Research
Williams and Irurita (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) studied the personal control and emotional comfort of hospitalized patients. Interviews were
conducted with 40 patients, and 75 hours of field observations were conducted. The basic psychological process identified by the
researchers was labeled “optimizing personal control to facilitate emotional comfort.” Personal control referred to the ability of patients to
influence their environment; emotional comfort was defined as a state of relaxation that affected the physical status of the patient. Personal
control was found to be a central feature of emotional comfort.
The correct answer is: Grounded Theory Research
Godina (2004) explored the contradictory literacy practices of 10 high school students of Mexican background from the rural Midwest.
Literacy is investigated through English and Spanish in a sociocultural context. Findings reveal how Mexican-background students
demonstrate different literacy practices in their homes and communities than those acknowledged at school. Results indicate that the lost
opportunities for effective literacy learning at school ignored the realistic responsibilities and potential of the Mexican-background students.
The correct answer is: high school students of Mexican background from the rural Midwest
Interview Segment
Q: What are your views on homelessness?
A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t know though what we can do about it. I
want to do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the problem if you go to town. They are always there asking for
money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well from begging. But if you have any caring qualities
you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people choose to live on the streets – well I don’t
believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So really I guess the answer to your questions
is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel powerless to do anything personally.
I think that the time has come for the government to do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t know what to do.
Source: Grbich (2013)

The homeless are also the same beggars asking for money on the street.

The correct answer is: True

Williams and Irurita (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) studied the personal control and emotional comfort of hospitalized patients. Interviews were
conducted with 40 patients, and 75 hours of field observations were conducted. The basic psychological process identified by the
researchers was labeled “optimizing personal control to facilitate emotional comfort.” Personal control referred to the ability of patients to
influence their environment; emotional comfort was defined as a state of relaxation that affected the physical status of the patient. Personal
control was found to be a central feature of emotional comfort.
The correct answer is: hospitalized patients
Bisogni, et. al. (2005) studied the conceptual understanding of how management of food and eating is linked to life course events and
experiences. Individual qualitative interviews were conducting to adults in upstate New York, particularly 14 men and 11 women with
moderate to low incomes. A conceptual model of food choice capacity emerged. Food choice capacity represented participants' confidence
in meeting their standards for food and eating given their food management skills and circumstances. Most participants had faced
challenging and changing circumstances (income, employment, social support, roles, health conditions). Participants linked strong food
management skills with high levels of food choice capacity, except in the case of extreme financial circumstances or the absence of strong
The correct answer is: Narrative Research
Bullington (2005) investigated how older people (60+) experience the ageing body and how these experiences affect aged peoples’ sense
of identity. Explorative, open ended, interviews were conducted with 13 respondents between the ages of 63 and 82, recruited from a
retired peoples’ organization, Church organizations, and from the working population. The results showed that generally the experience of
the ageing body has to do with a changed life world, reactions to this change in terms of body and self, and finding ways to feel at home in
this changed situation.

The correct answer is: 13 respondents between the ages of 63 and 82

Dunckley, Aspinal, Addington-Hall, Hughes, & Higginson (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) used the staff in one hospice and one nursing home
setting in London as their research data. The purpose of the study was to identify facilitators and barriers to the use of the Palliative Care
Outcome Scale (POS). Staff took part in semi-structured interviews, completed diaries, and participated in monthly meetings to give their
opinions of what they thought were the facilitators and barriers to the implementation of the POS.
The correct answer is: Action Research
Dunckley, Aspinal, Addington-Hall, Hughes, & Higginson (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) used the staff in one hospice and one nursing home
setting in London as their research data. The purpose of the study was to identify facilitators and barriers to the use of the Palliative Care
Outcome Scale (POS). Staff took part in semi-structured interviews, completed diaries, and participated in monthly meetings to give their
opinions of what they thought were the facilitators and barriers to the implementation of the POS.
The correct answer is: staff of one hospice and one nursing home
A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t know though what we can do about it. I
want to do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the problem if you go to town. They are always there asking for
money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well from begging. But if you have any caring qualities
you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people choose to live on the streets – well I don’t
believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So really I guess the answer to your questions
is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel powerless to do anything personally.
I think that the time has come for the government to do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t know what to do.
Source: Grbich (2013)

Common people are powerless to help the homeless.

The correct answer is: False

Bullington (2005) investigated how older people (60+) experience the ageing body and how these experiences affect aged peoples’ sense
of identity. Explorative, open ended, interviews were conducted with 13 respondents between the ages of 63 and 82, recruited from a
retired peoples’ organization, Church organizations, and from the working population. The results showed that generally the experience of
the ageing body has to do with a changed life world, reactions to this change in terms of body and self, and finding ways to feel at home in
this changed situation.
The correct answer is: Phenomenological Research
A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t know though what we can do about it. I
want to do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the problem if you go to town. They are always there asking for
money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well from begging. But if you have any caring qualities
you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people choose to live on the streets – well I don’t
believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So really I guess the answer to your questions
is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel powerless to do anything personally.
I think that the time has come for the government to do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t know what to do.
Source: Grbich (2013)

Homelessness is hopeless to be solved.

The correct answer is: False
Bisogni, et. al. (2005) studied the conceptual understanding of how management of food and eating is linked to life course events and
experiences. Individual qualitative interviews were conducting to adults in upstate New York, particularly 14 men and 11 women with
moderate to low incomes. A conceptual model of food choice capacity emerged. Food choice capacity represented participants' confidence
in meeting their standards for food and eating given their food management skills and circumstances. Most participants had faced
challenging and changing circumstances (income, employment, social support, roles, health conditions). Participants linked strong food
management skills with high levels of food choice capacity, except in the case of extreme financial circumstances or the absence of strong

The correct answer is: 14 men and 11 women with moderate to low incomes
The homeless are stereotyping their social conditions to beg for money.
The correct answer is: False
Not all homeless are impoverished.
The correct answer is: True
Daly (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) studied the lived experiences of mothers of suicidal adolescents. She contended that, unfortunately, the
mother’s experience is often the hidden dimension in the family. Unstructured interviews were conducted with 6 mothers living with suicidal
adolescents. Six themes were identified: failure as a good mother, the ultimate rejection, feeling alone in the struggle, helplessness and
powerlessness in the struggle, cautious parenting, and keeping an emotional distance.
The correct answer is: Phenomenological Research

Being homeless is a choice and individual decision.

The correct answer is: True
Godina (2004) explored the contradictory literacy practices of 10 high school students of Mexican background from the rural Midwest.
Literacy is investigated through English and Spanish in a sociocultural context. Findings reveal how Mexican-background students
demonstrate different literacy practices in their homes and communities than those acknowledged at school. Results indicate that the lost
opportunities for effective literacy learning at school ignored the realistic responsibilities and potential of the Mexican-background students.
The correct answer is: Ethnographic Research
Homelessness is a perennial global problem.
The correct answer is: True
Harmon (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) collected data from 8 nurses who were employed between 1951 and 1965 in a Virginia state hospital.
These nurses were now retired and had between 12 and 46 years of psychiatric nursing experience. The researcher wanted to describe the
experiences of these nurses who practiced in a state mental hospital before and during the introduction of antipsychotic medications. They
expressed resignation and frustration while trying to provide care despite crowded wards and inadequate personnel and supplies. The
nurses indicated that they focused on the patient’s body instead of on the patient’s mind. The camaraderie they experienced with other
nurses helped them continue in their positions, despite what they felt to be a “thankless job.”
The correct answer is: 8 nurses
Adler (2003) examined the relationship of foreign language study and SAT Verbal scores. Additionally, the study explored whether or not
the number of years of foreign language study had an impact on SAT verbal scores. The students involved were female seniors at a private
high school in suburban Maryland. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant effect that the choice of foreign language study
has on the verbal score achieved on the SAT. This hypothesis was rejected because there was a significant difference in SAT Verbal
averages among the students of three different foreign languages. French foreign language students outperformed Spanish and Latin
foreign language students.
The correct answer is: female senior students
Adler (2003) examined the relationship of foreign language study and SAT Verbal scores. Additionally, the study explored whether or not
the number of years of foreign language study had an impact on SAT verbal scores. The students involved were female seniors at a private
high school in suburban Maryland. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant effect that the choice of foreign language study
has on the verbal score achieved on the SAT. This hypothesis was rejected because there was a significant difference in SAT Verbal
averages among the students of three different foreign languages. French foreign language students outperformed Spanish and Latin
foreign language students.
The correct answer is: Action Research
Being homeless is a permanent social status.

The correct answer is: False

Gance-Cleveland (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) examined the features, critical attributes, processes, and benefits of school based support
groups for adolescents with an addicted parent. Participant observations were conducted weekly at two high schools over one semester.
Interviews were conducted with program administrators, school administrators, group co-facilitators, and participants. School-based support
group participation was found to enhance self-knowledge and led to self-care and self-healing.
The correct answer is: program administrators, school administrators, group co-facilitators
The government is the only one who can help the homeless.
The correct answer is: False

Many people are still unconditionally helping the homeless.

The correct answer is: True
Edwards (2007) explored the process of college men’s gender identity development. In order to try to meet these expectations and be seen
as men, participants described putting on a performance that was like wearing a mask or “putting my man face on.” This process included
learning societal expectations of them as men, as well as specific cultural group expectations. The men in this study were all aware that
they did not neatly fit behind the mask, either as a result of personal characteristics or social identities. Their resulting insecurities led them
to wearing the mask both consciously and unconsciously so that they would be seen as men by society.
The correct answer is: Grounded Theory Research
Edwards (2007) explored the process of college men’s gender identity development. In order to try to meet these expectations and be seen
as men, participants described putting on a performance that was like wearing a mask or “putting my man face on.” This process included
learning societal expectations of them as men, as well as specific cultural group expectations. The men in this study were all aware that
they did not neatly fit behind the mask, either as a result of personal characteristics or social identities. Their resulting insecurities led them
to wearing the mask both consciously and unconsciously so that they would be seen as men by society.

The correct answer is: college men

Daly (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) studied the lived experiences of mothers of suicidal adolescents. She contended that, unfortunately, the
mother’s experience is often the hidden dimension in the family. Unstructured interviews were conducted with 6 mothers living with suicidal
adolescents. Six themes were identified: failure as a good mother, the ultimate rejection, feeling alone in the struggle, helplessness and
powerlessness in the struggle, cautious parenting, and keeping an emotional distance.
The correct answer is: 6 mothers living with suicidal adolescents
Gance-Cleveland (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) examined the features, critical attributes, processes, and benefits of school based support
groups for adolescents with an addicted parent. Participant observations were conducted weekly at two high schools over one semester.
Interviews were conducted with program administrators, school administrators, group co-facilitators, and participants. School-based support
group participation was found to enhance self-knowledge and led to self-care and self-healing.
The correct answer is: Ethnographic Research
How people use their bodies and voices to communicate different emotions; what individuals’ behaviors indicate about their feelings toward
one another, their social rank, or their profession.
The correct answer is: Physical behavior and gestures
“Good morning. I’m a health officer in our barangay and I also belong to the medical research team of our community.”
The correct answer is: 1
“Can you describe how you first became aware of your sickness?”
The correct answer is: 3
Anything that might indicate membership in groups or in sub-populations of interest to the study, such as profession, social status,
socioeconomic class, religion, or ethnicity
The correct answer is: Appearance
What do you feel when people admire your work?
The correct answer is: Open
Would you like to continue that kind of relationship?
The correct answer is: Mapping

What individuals’ preferences concerning personal space suggest about their relationships
The correct answer is: Personal space

Do you think he is gay?

The correct answer is: Leading
“How does your family view your situation?”
The correct answer is: 4

What do you think about the two presidential candidates?

The correct answer is: Open
The characteristics of these individuals; what differentiates them from others; whether people consult them or they approach other people;
whether they seem to be strangers or well known by others present.
The correct answer is: People who stand out
“This research is conducted to investigate the life experiences of people who survived cancer and now living cancer free for more than 5
The correct answer is: 2
“Thank you for finding time to be in this interview. Your story is very inspiring.”
The correct answer is: 6
“One area of this research is to record particular challenges that cancer patients face after chemotherapy. Could you tell me your

The correct answer is: 4

Where people enter and exit; how long they stay; who they are (ethnicity, age, gender); whether they are alone or accompanied; number of
The correct answer is: Human traffic
Organizational chart of the institution being studied
The correct answer is: Graphics

Another way to find themes is to look for local terms that may sound unfamiliar or are used in unfamiliar ways.
The correct answer is: Indigenous category
Naomi Quinn (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) has analyzed hundreds of hours of interviews to discover concepts underlying American
marriage and to show how these concepts are tied together. She began by looking at patterns of speech and at the repetition of key words
and phrases, paying particular attention to informants' use of metaphors and the commonalities in their reasoning about marriage. Nan, one
of her informants, says that "marriage is a manufactured product." This popular metaphor indicates that Nan sees marriages as something
that has properties, like strength and staying power, and as something that requires work to produce. Some marriages are "put together
well," while others "fall apart" like so many cars or toys or washing machines.
The correct answer is: metaphors and analogies

Area plan of a research field

The correct answer is: Graphics

The idea that themes represent the ways in which texts are either similar or different from each other.
The correct answer is: Compare and contrast
Look carefully at words and phrases that indicate relationships among things.
The correct answer is: Connectors
The changing image of public transportation
The correct answer is: Pictures
The approach is based on a powerful trick most of us learned in kindergarten and requires paper and scissors.
The correct answer is: Cutting and Sorting
The object is to look for metaphors in rhetoric and deduce the schemas, or underlying principles, that might produce patterns in those
The correct answer is: Metaphors and analogies
Sherzer (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) presents a detailed analysis of a two-hour performance by Chief Olopinikwa of a traditional San Blas
Kuna chant. The chant was recorded in 1970. Like many linguistic anthropologists, Sherzer had taught an assistant, Alberto Campos, to
use a phonetic transcription system. After the chant, Sherzer asked Campos, to transcribe and translate the tape. Campos put Kuna and
Spanish on left- and right-facing pages. By studying Campos’s translation against the original Kuna, Sherzer was able to pick out certain
recurrent features. Campos left out the chanted utterances of the responding chief (usually something like "so it is"), which turned out to be
markers for verse endings in the chant. Campos also left out so-called framing words and phrases (like "Thus" at the beginning of a verse
and "it is said, so I pronounce" at the end of a verse). These contribute to the line and verse structure of the chant. Finally, "instead of
transposing metaphors and other figurative and allusive language into Spanish" Campos "explains them in his translation".
The correct answer is: transitions

Another linguistic approach is to look for naturally occurring shifts in thematic content.
The correct answer is: Transitions
It is based on a simple observation: if you want to understand a concept, then look at how it is used.
The correct answer is: Key words in context (KWIC)
In a study of birth planning in China, Greenhalgh (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) surveyed 1,011 ever-married women, gathered social and
economic histories from 150 families. She conducted in-depth interviews with present and formal officials (known as cadres), and collected
documentary evidence from local newspapers, journals and other sources. Greenhalgh notes that "Because I was largely constrained from
asking direct questions about resistance, the informal record of field notes, interview transcripts, and questionnaire data contains few overt
challenges to state policy." Greenhalgh concludes, however, that their conversations with the researchers, both peasants and cadres made
strategic use of silence to protest aspects of the policy they did not like. Cadres, for example were loathe to comment on birth-planning
campaigns; peasant women were reluctant to talk about sterilization. These silences form one part of the unofficial record of birth planning
in the villages. More explicit protests were registered in informal conversations. From these interactions emerged a sense of profound
distress of villagers forced to choose between a resistance that was politically risky and a compliance that violated the norms of Chinese
culture and of practical reason.
The correct answer is: searching for missing information
Geographic map of the study area

The correct answer is: Graphics

Artwork of the child participants
The correct answer is: Pictures
Results rely heavily on words, and often quotations from those studied are included in the document.
The correct answer is: True
Recommendations should aim for the ideals but they must be feasible, practical, and attainable even for impossible.

The correct answer is: False

Bill and Jessica were almost done taking turns choosing the players for their teams. It was Jessica’s turn to choose, and only Kurt was left.
Jessica said, “Kurt.”
The correct answer is: Jessica was pleased to have Kurt on her team.
You just opened a bag of potato chips and poured some juice in a glass when the phone rang. You went out of the kitchen to answer it.
When you returned after a couple of minutes, you found the split juice and pieces of chips on the floor. Your little sister was teary-eyed and
said, “I’m sorry. It was an accident.”
The correct answer is: Your sister decided to get her own snacks.

Not too much detail is needed in the summary of findings – simple answer the research questions, and draw the conclusion
The correct answer is: True
Conclusions should refer only to the population, area, or subject of the study.
The correct answer is: True
James Springer and his identical twin James Lewis were separated at birth. They were raised in different homes. They did not meet again
until they were 39. When they met, they found out the following: Springer’s first wife was named Linda and his second wife, Betty. Lewis
has also had a wife named Betty and one named Linda. Each had a son named James Allen. Each had owned a dog named Toy. Their
favorite subject in high school had been math. They had both studied law enforcement after high school. They had the same hobbies and
the same favorite vacation place. They even liked the same brand of cookies. (adapted from
What conclusion can you draw about the two men in the article?

The correct answer is: Even though these men were raised differently, they like many of the same things.
References can be the same as bibliography.
The correct answer is: False
Reference list allows readers to locate and use the sources and copy the ones cited.
The correct answer is: False
The readers must be informed why this research counts and why is it important.

The correct answer is: True

The club president tendered his resignation and said, “While I may no longer lead this organization, I will continue to support its endeavors
and activities.”
The correct answer is: He will still participate in the activities of the organization.
The research report need not to be substantially different from drafts, except where participants have indicated that change is necessary.
The correct answer is: True
James Springer and his identical twin James Lewis were separated at birth. They were raised in different homes. They did not meet again
until they were 39. When they met, they found out the following: Springer’s first wife was named Linda and his second wife, Betty. Lewis
has also had a wife named Betty and one named Linda. Each had a son named James Allen. Each had owned a dog named Toy. Their
favorite subject in high school had been math. They had both studied law enforcement after high school. They had the same hobbies and
the same favorite vacation place. They even liked the same brand of cookies. (adapted from
What conclusion can you draw about twins based on this article?

The correct answer is: Identical twins have a lot in common.

“English has been dubbed as the “language of the world”. Over a billion people in the world have considered English as their second
language. With over 2,500 OFW’s leaving the country everyday to different parts of the globe, Filipinos are expected to arm themselves
with English to communicate with the world.”(Excerpt from “Nursing the Carabao English”,in Yu& Plata, 2006)
The correct answer is: Communicating in English is an important tool for Filipinos who want to work abroad.

Maria is watching too much television. A toddler shouldn’t be spending hours staring blankly at a screen. Worse yet, some of her wild
behavior have been inspired by those awful cartoons she watches.
The correct answer is: Some cartoons are not good for Maria.
In reading, we should consider not only what we can directly get from the text but also what we can read between the lines. In order to fully
understand and appreciate a thought, a sentence, a passage, and a text, we need to read more than the literal meaning (Yu & Plata, 2006).
The correct answer is: We should use given information in inferring ideas.
Mateo almost wished that he hadn’t listened to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed his umbrella. He would feel silly carrying it to
the bus stop on such a sunny morning.
The correct answer is: Mateo heard a weather forecast; it would rain in the afternoon.
The best research design is the qualitative research design.

The correct answer is: False

The coordinator made an announcement, “Only the first 100 applicants will be interviewed today. The others would have to come back

The correct answer is: Interview of applicants will be conducted today and tomorrow.
Recommendations should aim to solve or help solve problems discovered in the investigation.
The correct answer is: False
Arrange the following parts of the research paper by numbering them chronologically from 1 to 10.
Significance of the Study
Conclusions and Recommendations
Review of Related Literature
Statement of the Problem
Presentation and Interpretation of Data
Scope and Delimitation
Which of the following is the content of conclusion?

The correct answer is: A judgment or final decision

Which of the following should be considered in questioning data validity and reliability?
The correct answer is: All of the choices
What research method allows researchers to obtain a detailed description of social settings or event in order to situate people’s behavior
within their own socio-cultural context?
The correct answer is: Observation
What is literature in research?
The correct answer is: All of the choices
What are the ways to verify conclusions for qualitative research?
The correct answer is: Memoing, verification and credibility
Which citation style is usually used in social science researches?

The correct answer is: APA format

Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
Living with the patients with Schizophrenia and their families
The correct answer is: Phenomenological Research
What research design is used when a theory is developed from data generated by a series of observations or interviews principally
involving an inductive approach?
The correct answer is: Grounded theory
What is bibliography?
The correct answer is: A complete list of all works related to the study including the ones that are not directly contained in the report.
What techniques for discovering research texts fall under simple observation?
The correct answer is: Word repetitions, key-indigenous terms, and key-words-in-contexts (KWIC)
How does verification of data happen?
The correct answer is: Check and recheck the data to ensure the initial conclusions are realistic, supportable, and valid.

Which of the following research questions should NOT be answered using action research methods?
The correct answer is: Is parent attitude toward school uniforms related to their socioeconomic status?
Which statement is true in writing research recommendations?
The correct answer is: Recommendations should be logical and valid.
What data collection procedure is used when analyzing and communicating the social life through photos?
The correct answer is: Visual data
What is known to be deliberately fabricating details of a research project?
The correct answer is: Lying by fabrication

What is the grounded theory research design?

The correct answer is: The researcher generates a general explanation (a theory) of a process, and action, or an interaction shaped by the
views of a large number of participants.
Which organizational principle is used to connect the research topic to different backgrounds (i.e. political, methodological, geographical,

The correct answer is: Sector

__________________ is the thing (person, place, event, etc.) that is selected for inclusion in the study.
The correct answer is: Sampling unit
A study is based on 30 people (across three focus groups). What type of study is this?
The correct answer is: Qualitative
It is also known as the research plan.
The correct answer is: Research design
Which of the following method is used in qualitative research?
The correct answer is: Focus group discussion
Which of the following is an example of falsification in research?

The correct answer is: Manipulated data from the findings

A surveyor placed a cable across a street to count the number of vehicles which pass over it at different times of the day in order to select a
site for a new 7-Eleven store. What type of data collection did he use?
The correct answer is: Observation
Why do researchers need to be knowledgeable about research misconduct?
The correct answer is: All of the choices

Which of the following titles is a narrative research?

The correct answer is: The Life and Works of Rizal
Which of the following citation used the APA format?
The correct answer is: Canonigo, C.S. (1999). English grammar & composition part 1. Manila: CKC Publication
Why is participant observation common among ethnographic studies?
The correct answer is: Because it helps researchers learn the perspectives held by study populations.
The research project is
The correct answer is: A scientific endeavor

Which statement is correct in writing research conclusion?

The correct answer is: All of the choices
A researcher would like to display the geographic map of his research population. What mode for displaying qualitative data should he use?
The correct answer is: Graphics
What type of source are documentary films?
The correct answer is: Static
What influences the choice of the research design?
The correct answer is: All of the choices
Data gathering techniques are part of

The correct answer is: The methodological framework

What category of information in participant observation is concerned about clothing, age, gender, physical appearance of respondents?
The correct answer is: Appearance
What kind of questions must be used in conducting interviews?
The correct answer is: Mapping questions
Which of the following is the first stage of in-depth interview?
The correct answer is: Establish an initial rapport
What is the best research design?

The correct answer is: For beginning researchers, a qualitative research is advisable because the natural setting is accessible.
A study of the Italians and the health benefits of the Mediterranean lifestyle
The correct answer is: Action Research
What is pawing in context analysis?

The correct answer is: Marking the texts up with different colored highlighter pens.
Which of the following is the purpose of recommendations?
The correct answer is: Courses of actions suggested by the researcher based on the findings of the study
Which of the following is qualitative data analysis?
Select one:

a. All of the choices

b. Involves the uncovering information relating to languages within cultural contexts.
c. Involves seeking meaning and developing interpretive explanation through the process of feedback.
d. Needs to maintain a detailed and critically reflective diary record and be prepared to subject himself/herself to regular periods of debriefing
with a supervisor or colleague.
The correct answer is: All of the choices

What is the basis of research conclusion?

The correct answer is: Data results
Student awareness in global warming
The correct answer is: Action Research
What is a research design?
The correct answer is: all of the choices
__________ contains a small number of people (usually eight to twelve) and is convened to address topics introduced by a group
The correct answer is: Focus group discussion
What section of the research should clarify concepts defined within the scope of the study?
The correct answer is: Conclusion
When assessing Internet based literature, which of the following is NOT important?
The correct answer is: The layout of the site
Which qualitative research design seeks action to improve practice and study the effects of the action that was taken?

The correct answer is: Action research

What is the final stage of analyzing data?
The correct answer is: Presenting the data in tabular form
Which of the following should include the informed consent during an experimentation?
The correct answer is: All of the choices

-Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma in research?

Select one: a. Misconduct in research b. Informed consent c. Falsification of data bank d. Conflicts of interest

-True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at a conclusion in the study.

Answer: False

-What aspect of research experience illustrates the expedition of the researcher?

Select one: a. Involvement b. Research Adventure c. Emotions d. Knowledge

-What does “observe justice” mean in ethical research?

Select one: a. Individuals should be treated as autonomous agents. b. Persons with diminished autonomy (e.g., prisoners, students, children, etc)
should not be coerced to participate in a research. c. Investigators should mind the reduction of risk that might occur from the research. d.
Investigator should practice fairness in distribution and equitable selection of participants.

-A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying characteristics when asked to present such information when

Select one: a. They feel the information is unnecessary to the individual b. They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality c. It is a case
involving required reporting d. The research paper is not published yet.

-What is scientific method?

Select one: a. Validating the results b. Systematic process c. Good research d. Making research instruments

-Research is described as a cycle because it follows a process.

-Which of the following is not included in the research experience?

Select one: a. Identity of the researcher b. Biography of the researcher c. Social class of the researcher d. Emotions of the researcher

-Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher…

Select one: a. His/her name and identifying characteristics b. Confidential material c. Confidential material and identifying characteristics d. His/her
name e. Identifying characteristics f. His/her name and confidential material
-Research is

Select one: a. Reorganizing, or restating, reviewing common findings b. Analyzing and interpreting new information c. Collecting existing
information d. Modifying established knowledge

-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It should not
use comparative terms (such as higher, better, etc.).

Select one: True False

-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. The
problem statement is more specific than a topic and it limits the scope of the research problem.

Select one: True False

-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. The
problem statement is more specific than a topic and it limits the scope of the research problem.

Select one: True False

-Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: The Specific Genetic Code of the Fruit Fly

Answer: PURE

-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It is biased
in terminology or position.

Select one: True False

-Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: Compositions of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons

Answer: PURE

-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. Indicate
what is probably necessary to conduct the study and explain how the findings will present this information.

Select one: True False

-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It must only
ask about the relationship between two or more variables.

Select one: True False

-Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: Applying the algorithm for detecting individual trees from Drone


-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It has the
potential to suggest directions for past research.

Select one: True False

-The Internet has become an accepted source of information for educational research. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of the quality of
information found on the Internet?

Select one: a. The number of "hits" for the site b. The honesty of the reported information c. The authenticity of the information d. The lack of bias

-What should a review of the literature enable an investigator to do?

Select one: a. Provide the insights necessary to develop a logical framework into which the topic fits. b. Ascertain what is already known about a
topic. c. None of the choices d. Identify methodological strategies for designing the study. e. All of the choices

-What is the context of “literature” in a research project?

Select one: a. Any highly regarded novel b. Any paper source c. Any written material d. Published accounts of researchers

-Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Food blog

Select one: a. Syndicated b. Dynamic c. Static

-Identify the citation format used in the following references by writing CMS, APA or MLA: Pollan, Michael. 2006. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A
Natural History of Four Meals. New York: Penguin.

Answer: APA

-Most of the searches for related literature are conducted using:

Select one: a. Long sentences b. Key word searches c. Short sentences d. Key letter searches

-Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Braveheart (starred and produced by Mel Gibson)

Select one: a. Dynamic b. Static c. Syndicated

-Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE with regards to the literature review?
Select one: a. It shows why research questions are important. b. It explains the method necessary for the gathering of data. c. It helps researchers
to build up an argument. d. It has everything a researcher needs to read about his/her research

-What is the most popular citation style used in academic research papers?

Select one: a. APA and CMS b. APA c. CMS d. MLA e. CMS and MLA f. All of the choices g. APA and MLA

-Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Spolarium by Juan Luna

Select one: a. Syndicated b. Dynamic c. Static

-In a study of birth planning in China reenhalgh in Ryan and ernard 00 surveyed 1011 evermarried women gathered social and economic histories
from 10 families. he conducted indepth interviews with present and formal officials known as cadres and collected documentary evidence from
local newspapers ournals and other sources. reenhalgh notes that ecause I was largely constrained from asking direct uestions aout resistance
the informal record of field notes interview transcripts and uestionnaire data contains few overt challenges to state policy. reenhalgh concludes
however that their conversations with the researchers oth peasants and cadres made strategic use of silence to protest aspects of the policy they
did not like. adres for eample were loathe to comment on irthplanning campaigns peasant women were reluctant to talk aout steriliation. hese
silences form one part of the unofficial record of irth planning in the villages. More eplicit protests were registered in informal conversations. rom
these interactions emerged a sense of profound distress of villagers forced to choose etween a resistance that was politically risky and a
compliance that violated the norms of hinese culture and of practical reason.

Answer: searching for missing information

-Artwork of the child participants

Select one: a. Pictures . Word Tales and Lists c. Graphics

-Answer 1,2,3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the following statements are said.

“How does your family view your situation?”

Answer: 4

-Identify the technique used to discover the thees in the data below.

Naomi Quinn (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) has analyzed hundreds of hours of interviews to discover concepts underlying American marriage and
to show how these concepts are tied together. he egan y looking at patterns of speech and at the repetition of key words and phrases paying
particular attention to informants use of metaphors and the commonalities in their reasoning about marriage. an one of her informants says that
marriage is a manufactured product. his popular metaphor indicates that an sees marriages as something that has properties like strength and
staying power and as something that reuires work to produce. ome marriages are put together well while others fall apart like so many cars or toys
or washing machines.

Answer: Metaphors and analogies

Anything that might indicate membership in groups or in supopulations of interest to the study such as profession social status socioeconomic
class religion or ethnicity

Select one: a. Human traffic b. verbal behavior and interactions c. Physical behavior and gestures d. Appearance e. Personal space f. People who
stand out

What do you think about the two presidential candidates?

Answer: OPEN

-Much can be learned from a text by what is not mentioned.

Select one: a. Transitions . Unarked tets c. Indigenous categor d. ord repetitions e. awing f. Metaphors and analogies g. opare and contrast h.
utting and Sorting i. e words in contet I . j. Searching for missing information k. onnectors l. Social science queries

What is your message to people who are still fighting cancer until now

Answer: 5

-The idea that themes represent the ways in which tets are either similar or different from each other.

Select one: a. Unarked tets . Searching for issing inforation c. onnectors d. Indigenous categor e. awing f. Social science queries g. compare and
contrast h. Metaphors and analogies i. ord repetitions . e words in contet I k. utting and Sorting l. Transitions

-Barkin et al. (in Ryan and Bernard, 2003) interviewed clinicians community leaders and parents aout what physicians could and did do to prevent
violence among youth. hese were long comple interviews so arkin et al. roke the coding process into two steps. hey started with three maor
themes that they developed from theory. he principle investigator went through the transcripts and cut out all the uotes that pertained to each of
the maor themes. hen four other coders independently sorted the uotes from each maor theme into piles. hen the pile sort data were analyed with
multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis to identify suthemes shared across coders.

Answer: cutting and sorting

-Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher…

Answer: His/her name and identifying characteristics

-The mathematics involved is very high level and people often struggle with it even after being taught how to do it.

Answer: False

-Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?

Answer: Identification of problem

-True or False: A responsible researcher looks for alternative ways to arrive at a conclusion in the study.

Answer: False

-What aspect of research experience illustrates the pressure to the researcher in meeting research deadlines?

Answer: Emotions

Which of the following is a research method that allows a researcher to get information about a large number of subjects relatively inexpensively
and easily?

Answer: Naturalistic observation

-Subjectivity of researcher in methodology is recognized less. –False

-Informed consent requires that individuals…

Answer: Have adequate information about the procedures and benefits associated with the research

-A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying characteristics when asked to present such information when

Answer: They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality

-What is a research instrument?

Answer: a tool for data collection

-A reasoning where one start with certain particular statements and conclude with a universal statement is called

Answer: inductive method

-It addresses the question of how people produce social reality in and through interactive processes.

Answer: Qualitative research is the best design for a social inquiry since it explores and analyzes people's values and perspective through

-What is an ethical dilemma?

Answer: conflict between the different principles of immoral conduct

-What does “observe justice” mean in ethical research?

Answer: Investigator should practice fairness in distribution and equitable selection of participants

-Which of the following is a characteristic of a well-written research hypothesis?

Answer: pertinent question

-Which of the following is NOT a role of a researcher?

Answer: fabricator of data

-Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience. “In much of society,
research means to investigate something you do not know or understand. ” -Neil Armstrong

Answer: Research is an investigation of the unknown.

-True or False: Qualitative research requires data from a natural setting.

Answer: true

-Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma in research?

Answer: Falsification of data bank

-Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life research and FALSE if it is incorrect. The observation of such forms
can be broken into the dimensions of temporal, spatial, material, social, meaningful, media-technical, emotional and bodily aspects.

Answer: true

-Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it is an incorrect description. It has the
potential to suggest directions for past research.

Answer: False
-Which of the following is a good research question?

Answer: How do teenagers view the word “forever”?

-Identify the research title with the description of APPLIED or PURE research: Compositions of Protons, Neutrons and Electrons

Answer: PURE

-Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write ELIMITATI if it is a restriction of the research. The study
is focused on the possible implementation of online ea in the university.

Answer: SCOPE

-The beneficiaries mentioned in the significance of the study pertain to

Answer: People and institution who have directly or indirectly experienced the research problem.

-What qualitative research characteristic is being described in the statement: The data and the researchers interpretation of the data - hinge
greatly on the contents fro which the data are obtained

Answer: Importance of context

-It clearly states the constructs to be examined.

Answer: True

-Reliability of survey questions was not established.


-In the title “The chemistry of English Language between Foreign and Local Students of Holy Ghost College in Bangued, Abra”, who could e the
possible beneficiaries of the research

Answer: Students, teachers, school administrators and future researchers

-What should e considered in formulating research questions for the statement of the problem?

Answer: Avoid open-ended questions that need explanatory answers.

-The results of this study should be limited to students enrolled in similar programs.

-It should not pose an ethical or moral problem for implementation.

Answer: True

-Statistics will not be utilized in analyzing the results.


-Research benefits and beneficiaries are mentioned in

Answer: Significance of the study

-How can a researcher become the data gathering instrument in qualitative research?

Answer: The researcher is at the center of the data-gathering phase.

-What is conceptual audacity that can be found in the theme of everyday life research?

Answer: A tool that enables us to see new and perhaps surprising aspects of the everyday lives that we lead.

-It must only ask about the relationship between two or more variables

Answer: True

-Which of the following titles is best for applied research?

Answer: The effectiveness of abstinence programs

-What does participant-researcher relationship mean in qualitative research?

Answer: The participants and the researcher share the “research space”.

-What is the scope of the research?

Answer: Identifies the possibilities to which to which the study becomes manageable in terms of issues, respondents, and time.

-The researcher invented the results of the study.

Answer: Fabrication
-Q: What are your views on homelessness? A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t
know though what we can do about it. I want to do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the problem if you go to
town. They are always there asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well from begging.
But if you have any caring qualities you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people choose to
live on the streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So really I guess the
answer to your questions is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel powerless to do
anything personally. I think that the time has come for the government to do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t know what to
do. Source: Grbich (2013)

The government is the only one who can help the homeless

Answer: False

-The Internet has become an accepted source of information for educational research. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of the quality
of information found on the Internet?

Answer: The authenticity of the information

-What is the context of “literature” in a research project?

Answer: Published accounts of researchers

-The World Famous Hot Dog Site. (1999, July 7). Retrieved January 5, 2008, from

Answer: APA

-Q: What are your views on homelessness? A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem such as this. I don’t
know though what we can do about it. I want to do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the problem if you go to
town. They are always there asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite well from begging.
But if you have any caring qualities you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of people choose to
live on the streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook. So really I guess the
answer to your questions is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I feel powerless to do
anything personally. I think that the time has come for the government to do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable; I don’t know what to
do. Source: Grbich (2013)
The homeless are stereotyping their social conditions to beg for money.

Answer: False

-Harmon (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) collected data from 8 nurses who were employed between 1951 and 1965 in a Virginia state hospital. These
nurses were now retired and had between 12 and 46 years of psychiatric nursing experience. The researcher wanted to describe the experiences
of these nurses who practiced in a state mental hospital before and during the introduction of antipsychotic medications. They expressed
resignation and frustration while trying to provide care despite crowded wards and inadequate personnel and supplies. The nurses indicated
that they focused on the patient’s body instead of on the patient’s mind. The camaraderie they experienced with other nurses helped them
continue in their positions, despite what they felt to be a “thankless job.”

Answer: 8 nurses

-A director didn’t cite the name of the playwright he used in the contest.

Answer: Plagiarism

-What information is required for the APA in-text citation?

Personal author: McCullough, David G. Title: John Adams Publication info: New York : Simon & Schuster, c2001. Bibliography note: Includes
bibliographical references (p. 703-726) and index

Answer: McCullough, 2001

-What organization principle is used to explain historical changes or perspectives?

Answer: Chronology

-Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the correct answer: She hastily distorted the
statistical computation of the data to finish her paper on time.

Answer: Falsification

-Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of the best answer:

Dunckley, Aspinal, Addington-Hall, Hughes, & Higginson (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) used the staff in one hospice and one nursing home setting in
London as their research data. The purpose of the study was to identify facilitators and barriers to the use of the Palliative Care Outcome Scale
(POS). Staff took part in semi-structured interviews, completed diaries, and participated in monthly meetings to give their opinions of what they
thought were the facilitators and barriers to the implementation of the POS.

Answer: staff of one hospice and one nursing home

-Do the preliminary data analysis on the interview below by agreeing or disagreeing on the following statements. Write TRUE for agree and
FALSE for disagree.

Interview Segment Q: What are your views on homelessness? A: Well, I think it’s a terrible thing that in a modern society we have a problem
such as this. I don’t know though what we can do about it. I want to do something but I don’t know what. You are constantly reminded of the
problem if you go to town. They are always there asking for money. You don’t know though if they really need it or if they are in fact doing quite
well from begging. But if you have any caring qualities you can’t ignore requests for help, when you have so much for yourself. They say a lot of
people choose to live on the streets – well I don’t believe that. I think that is an easy thing for the authorities to say – it lets them off the hook.
So really I guess the answer to your questions is that I am not sure what to think about homelessness. I feel that something should be done but I
feel powerless to do anything personally. I think that the time has come for the government to do something. It makes me feel uncomfortable; I
don’t know what to do. Source: Grbich (2013)

Many people are still unconditionally helping the homeless.

Answer: True

-Identify the citation format used in the following references by writing CMS, APA or MLA: Google. “Google Privacy Policy.” Last modified March
11, 2009.

Answer: MLA

-What type of source is the newspaper clipping?

Answer: Syndicated

-What citation style was used in this source? Ellis, Rod. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. New York: Oxford University, 1986. Print.
Answer: MLA

-Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of the best answer:

Adler (2003) examined the relationship of foreign language study and SAT Verbal scores. Additionally, the study explored whether or not the
number of years of foreign language study had an impact on SAT verbal scores. The students involved were female seniors at a private high
school in suburban Maryland. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant effect that the choice of foreign language study has on the
verbal score achieved on the SAT. This hypothesis was rejected because there was a significant difference in SAT Verbal averages among the
students of three different foreign languages. French foreign language students outperformed Spanish and Latin foreign language students

Answer: female senior students

-Which part of the review of the related literature engages in a dialogue with the literature?

Answer: Introduction

-A researcher is interested in the examples or illustrations several authors have used to prove a point. How can he pull them all together and use
them in his own paper in a list?

Answer: Include a citation after each separate example to indicate where you found them.

-Which of the following is the best way to maximize the process of reviewing of the related literature?

Answer: Reviewing the researcher’s notes made on editorial and overview papers and chapters

-Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the following statements are said.

“What is your message to people who are still fighting cancer until now?”

Answer: 5

-The research report need not to be substantially different from drafts, except where participants have indicated that change is necessary.

Answer: True

-Identify the category of the information in participant observation by choosing the letter of the best answer.

How people use their bodies and voices to communicate different emotions; what individuals’ behaviors indicate about their feelings toward
one another, their social rank, or their profession.
Answer: Physical behavior and gestures

-Identify the category of the information in participant observation by choosing the letter of the best answer.

Gender, age, ethnicity, and profession of speakers; dynamics of interaction

Answer: Verbal behavior and interactions

-Recommendations should aim for the ideals but they must be feasible, practical, and attainable even for impossible.

Answer: False

-Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the following statements are said.

“This research is conducted to investigate the life experiences of people who survived cancer and now living cancer free for more than 5 years.”

Answer: 2

-Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

Summary of research findings

Answer: Word Tables and Lists

-Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer.

The club president tendered his resignation and said, “While I may no longer lead this organization, I will continue to support its endeavors and

Answer: He will still participate in the activities of the organization.

-Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

Area plan of a research field

Answer: Graphics

-Answer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, to identify the stages of the interview where the following statements are said.

“Thank you for finding time to be in this interview. Your story is very inspiring.”

Answer: 6

-Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description:

The idea that themes represent the ways in which texts are either similar or different from each other.

Answer: Compare and contrast

-Identify the following questions as OPEN, LEADING or MAPPING.

Do you think he is gay?


-Not too much detail is needed in the summary of findings – simple answer the research questions, and draw the conclusion.

Answer: true

-Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description:

Interviews searching for what people do in managing impersonal social relationships, methods by which people acquire and maintain achieved
and ascribed status, and information about how people solve problems.

Answer: Social science queries

-Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer.

The coordinator made an announcement, “Only the first 100 applicants will be interviewed today. The others would have to come back
Answer: Interview of applicants will be conducted today and tomorrow.

-Identify the category of the information in participant observation by choosing the letter of the best answer.

Where people enter and exit; how long they stay; who they are (ethnicity, age, gender); whether they are alone or accompanied; number of

Answer: Human traffic

-Identify the following questions as OPEN, LEADING or MAPPING.

Since you wish to pursue your graduate studies, what course will you enroll?


-Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer.

In reading, we should consider not only what we can directly get from the text but also what we can read between the lines. In order to fully
understand and appreciate a thought, a sentence, a passage, and a text, we need to read more than the literal meaning (Yu & Plata, 2006).

Answer: We should use given information in inferring ideas.

-Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

The list of research participants

Answer: Word Tables and Lists

-Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer.

Mateo almost wished that he hadn’t listened to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed his umbrella. He would feel silly carrying it to the
bus stop on such a sunny morning.

Answer: Mateo heard a weather forecast; it would rain in the afternoon.

-What is a research design?

Answer: all of the choices

-What is bibliography?
Answer: A complete list of all works related to the study including the ones that are not directly contained in the report.

-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: Children of wealthy parents in the education system

Answer: Grounded Theory

-Which of the following is the correct notion about observation?

Answer: A key data gathering method in social sciences

-Which of the following is not a type of narrative research?

Answer: Case study

-What is the final stage of analyzing data?

Answer: Presenting the data in tabular form

-Which of the following is NOT the function of references?

Answer: To ensure sufficiently long reference list

-A study is based on 30 people (across three focus groups). What type of study is this?

Answer: Qualitative

-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: A personal journey with grounded theory methodology

Answer: Grounded Theory

-Which of the following titles is a narrative research?

Answer: The Life and Works of Rizal

-How does verification of data happen?

Answer: Check and recheck the data to ensure the initial conclusions are realistic, supportable, and valid.

-When assessing Internet based literature, which of the following is NOT important?

Answer: The layout of the site

-A surveyor placed a cable across a street to count the number of vehicles which pass over it at different times of the day in order to select a site
for a new 7-Eleven store. What type of data collection did he use?

Answer: Observation

-Which of the following should be considered in questioning data validity and reliability?

Answer: All of the choices

-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: Solving word problems of preschoolers through illustrations

Answer: Action Research

-__________ contains a small number of people (usually eight to twelve) and is convened to address topics introduced by a group moderator?

Answer: Focus group discussion

-The researcher collected data using questionnaires, structured observation and interviews. What is the research design applied?

Answer: Ethnographic

-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: A Qualitative Study of Multicultural Identities: Three Cases of
London's Inner-City Children

Answer: Ethnographic Research

-What is the purpose of the qualitative data analysis?

Answer: To accomplish a clear description of the phenomenon under study

-Which statement is true in writing research recommendations?

Answer: Recommendations should be logical and valid.

-What techniques for discovering research texts fall under simple observation?

Answer: Word repetitions, key-indigenous terms, and key-words-in-contexts (KWIC)

-What type of source are documentary films?

Answer: Static

-What influences the choice of the research design?

Answer: All of the choices

-Which of the following belongs to related literature?

Answer: textbook

-Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of related literature and studies?

Answer: Reviewed materials must be many.

-Threats to credibility in qualitative research exist when _____________.

Answer: The data that fail to fit the explanation or interpretation are not addressed.

-What is common in data collection among qualitative researches?

Answer: Language based

-Which of the following is the purpose of recommendations?

Answer: Courses of actions suggested by the researcher based on the findings of the study

-In participant observation, what information can be observed?

Answer: All of the choices

-Which of the following is the correct order in writing the research paper?

Answer: Introduction, method, results, discussion and references

-Which of the following method is used in qualitative research?

Answer: Focus group discussion

-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: Lived experiences of adult caregiving daughter and their elderly

Answer: Phenomenological Research

-Which of the following citation used the APA format?

Answer: Canonigo, C.S. (1999). English Grammar & Composition Part 1. Manila: CKC Publication

-Which of the following do you need to consider in designing a research?

Answer: Focus on your research questions.

-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: A historical and comparative note on the relationship between
analytic induction and grounded theorizing

Answer: Ethnographic Research

-Choose the best research design approach for the following research title: The lived experience of being a sole mother in the Philippines

Answer: Phenomenological Research

-Which connector is used to signify conditional relationships?

Answer: Rather than

-A study is based on 1000 people interviewed face-to-face in shopping areas. What qualitative data collection was used?

Answer: Interview

-The entire research project is an exercise in

Answer: All of the choices

-Which citation style is usually used in social science researches?

Answer: APA format

-Which statement is correct in writing research conclusion?

Answer: All of the choices

-What are research data?

Answer: All of the choices

-Why is participant observation common among ethnographic studies?

Answer: Because it helps researchers learn the perspectives held by study populations.

-What kind of questions must be used in conducting interviews?

Answer: Mapping questions

-What is known to be deliberately fabricating details of a research project?

Answer: Lying by fabrication

-What are the ways to verify conclusions for qualitative research?

Answer: Memoing, verification and credibility

-Which qualitative research design seeks action to improve practice and study the effects of the action that was taken?

Answer: Action research

-What qualitative analytic approach is mentioned here? This approach involves the researcher in the production of “objective” accounts of the
content of the verbal, written or visual texts, the development of codes and categories often prior to analysis, and the definition and
measurement of units of analysis.

Answer: Enumerative approach

-What section of the research should clarify concepts defined within the scope of the study?
Answer: Conclusion

-Which of the following is the first stage of in-depth interview?

Answer: Establish an initial rapport

Interdisciplinary discussion becomes more comprehensive through this principle.

A: sector

Paraphrasing must be done properly to avoid plagiarism. What is paraphrasing?

A: All of the choices

Drinking to cope is very common among college students and is related to much higher levels of alcohol consumption, episodes of heavy
drinking, and levels of both negative and positive alcohol related consequences” (p. 486). Levenson and Park (2002)
A: Levenson and Park (2002) found that drinking to cope is very common among college students and it is related to much higher levels of
alcohol consumption and related consequences.

BAED-RSCH2111 Practical Research 1 (Week 20)

Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the correct answer:

The researcher declared she interviewed the resource person even if she didn’t.

- Fabrication

Ebert, Roger. Review of An Inconvenient Truth, directed by Davis Guggenheim., 1 June 2006, Accessed 15 June 2016.

Which of the following statements describes the process of reviewing the literature in a qualitative study?
A: It is a continuing process because the research problem becomes more focused throughout the research.

Baxter, C. (1997). Race equality in health care and education.Philadelphia: Ballière Tindall.


Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter:

Live concert


Leroux, Marcel. Global Warming: Myth Or Reality?: The Erring Ways of Climatology. Springer, 2005.


Discovery Channel


She changed the gender of the participant to complete the all male survey.




The researcher copied the results of the study from another thesis.


Alibali, M. W. (1999). How children change their minds: Strategy change can be gradual or abrupt. Developmental Psychology, 35,127-145.

RSCH-111 WEEK 11: L.A 7

He stole the recipe from the chef.


Milken, Michael, et al. "On Global Warming and Financial Imbalances." New Perspectives Quarterly, vol. 23, no. 4, 2006, p. 63.


She hastily distorted the statistical computation of the data to finish her paper on time.


An Inconvenient Truth. Directed by Davis Guggenheim, performances by Al Gore and Billy West, Paramount, 2006.


Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Research survey

- Dynamic

research long quiz 4


c-Misha Sanches

Which of the following is the first to help improve the use of the research literature?

Keep a researcher notebook

What is the APA citation style of the information of the source presented?

Personal author: McCullough, David G.

Title: John Adams

Publication info: New York : Simon & Schuster, c2001.

Bibliography note: Includes bibliographical references (p. 703-726) and index.

Cullough, David. John Adams, p. 703-726. New York : Simon & Schuster (2001). Print.

Why does a researcher need to cite his/her sources?

Examine all potential literature.

What is the purpose of the search for literature in research?

The researcher develops an awareness of all the related literature.

Which of the following is the best way to avoid plagiarism?

Make sure that the source of every idea is very clearly identified and cited.

What does the researcher need to generate useful and thorough key word searches?

A search and reading strategy

What comes first before planning the structure of literature review?

Outlining the aim of the research

What is the context of “literature” in a research project?

Published accounts of researchers

What citation style was used in this source?

Economy Hurt by Decline in English (2006, June 18). The Manila Times, p. A1, A2.


What does the researcher engage in reading the literature?

An evaluation of the literature

A blogger made a photo collage for his latest blog. He picked photos from his Facebook friends without asking for their consent. What research
misconduct did he commit?


The Internet has become an accepted source of information for educational research. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of the quality of
information found on the Internet?

The authenticity of the information

Which of the following is not an error that will result to plagiarism?

Paraphrasing other people’s information and citing the source of that information.

Which of the following is the best advice in using internet search engines in qualitative research?

Web addresses ending in or .edu are generally bona fide academic sources.

The literature review must be:

Required reading for the program of the study

What is the most popular citation style used in academic research papers?


Which one is an example of a correct in-text quotation?

Eguchi and Eguchi (2006) and Icassatti (2006) mentioned that students showed enthusiasm while using these strategies.

Last week your professor talked about her theory of the best method for electoral reform in a lecture. Since she knows all about it, do you need
to reference this?

You need to cite it in the body of your paper and in the reference list.

Which of the following is true in MLA citation of block quotes?

All of the choices

Which characteristic is the first consideration in surveying related literature and studies?
The surveyed materials must be as recent as possible.

In MLA citation style, when documenting one author in reference in a text, which is correct?

This point has been argued before (Frye 197).

What is the difference of related literature from related studies?

Related literature are materials usually printed and found in books.

Which part of the review of the related literature engages in a dialogue with the literature?


What type of source is the newspaper clipping?


Which of the following is an example of static type of source?

Html coded web sites

What information is required for the APA in-text citation?

Personal author: McCullough, David G.

Title: John Adams

Publication info: New York : Simon & Schuster, c2001.

Bibliography note: Includes bibliographical references (p. 703-726) and index.

McCullough, 2001

What organizational principle is used to explain ideas according to their respective premise?


What citation style was used in this source?

Ellis, Rod. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. New York: Oxford University, 1986. Print.

What research misconduct is committed when the researcher use the sentences from published medical literature with minor modification in
word structure without attribution?



Which of the following can be found in the final part of the research paper?

Select one:

- Conclusion and recommendations of the study

Data gathering techniques are part of

Select one:

- The methodological framework

What is literature in research?

Select one:

- All of the choices

What category of information in participant observation is concerned about clothing, age, gender, physical appearance of respondents?

Select one:


Which statement is true in writing research recommendations?

Select one:

-Recommendations should be logical and valid.

Which of the following is correct?

Select one:

-Only research conducted by academic staff with human participants requires ethical approval.

Which connector is used to signify conditional relationships?

Select one:

- Rather than

Why do researchers need to be knowledgeable about research misconduct?

- All of the choices

Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:

A Qualitative Study of Multicultural Identities: Three Cases of London's Inner-City Children

Select one:

- Ethnographic Research

The researcher collected data using questionnaires, structured observation and interviews. What is the research design applied?

Select one:

- Ethnographic

What is a research design?

Select one:

-all of the choices

The entire research project is an exercise in

Select one:

-. All of the choices

What data collection procedure is used when analyzing and communicating the social life through photos?
Select one:

-Visual data

What is the basis of research conclusion?

Select one:

- Data results

What influences the choice of the research design?

Select one:

- All of the choices

In participant observation, what information can be observed?

Select one:

- All of the choices

Which of the following should include the informed consent during an experimentation?

Select one:

-. All of the choices

Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:

A personal journey with grounded theory methodology

Select one:

- Grounded Theory

Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:

Living with the patients with Schizophrenia and their families

Select one:
- Phenomenological Research

Which of the following citation used the APA format?

Select one:

- Canonigo, C.S. (1999). English grammar & composition part 1. Manila: CKC Publication

What research method allows researchers to obtain a detailed description of social settings or event in order to situate people’s behavior within
their own socio-cultural context?

Select one:

-. Observation

Why is participant observation common among ethnographic studies?

Select one:

-. Because it helps researchers learn the perspectives held by study populations.

Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:

Children of wealthy parents in the education system

Select one:

- Grounded Theory

Which organizational principle is used to connect the research topic to different backgrounds (i.e. political, methodological, geographical,

Select one:

- Sector

What research design is used when a theory is developed from data generated by a series of observations or interviews principally involving an
inductive approach?

Select one:
- Grounded theory

What are research data?

Select one:

- All of the choices

Which of the following is the basic rule in data collection?

Select one:

- Begin with secondary data, then proceed if necessary to collect primary data.

Which of the following is the first stage of in-depth interview?

Select one:

- Establish an initial rapport

Which of the following should be considered in questioning data validity and reliability?

Select one:

- All of the choices

Which of the following is qualitative data analysis?

Select one:

-. All of the choices

A researcher would like to display the geographic map of his research population. What mode for displaying qualitative data should he use?

Select one:


What section of the research should clarify concepts defined within the scope of the study?

Select one:
- Conclusion

The research project is

Select one:

- A scientific endeavor

Thea is interested to study the young people with dementia – chronic disorder caused by brain disease or injury. What research design is
appropriate for her research inquiry?

Select one:

-Phenomenological research

What is common in data collection among qualitative researches?

Select one:

-Language based

Which of the following is the purpose of recommendations?

Select one:

-Courses of actions suggested by the researcher based on the findings of the study

Which of the following titles is a narrative research?

Select one:

- The Life and Works of Rizal

Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:

Solving word problems of preschoolers through illustrations

Select one:
- Action Research

It is also known as the research plan.

-Research Design

How does key word in context (KWIC) work for novice researchers?

- Researchers identify key words and then systematically search the corpus of text to find all instances of the word or phrase.

Which of the following is the content of conclusion?

- A judgment or final decision

What is the grounded theory research design?

Select one:

- The researcher generates a general explanation (a theory) of a process, and action, or an interaction shaped by the views of a large number of

Which statement is correct in writing research conclusion?

Select one:

- All of the choices

What techniques for discovering research texts fall under simple observation?

Select one:

-Word repetitions, key-indigenous terms, and key-words-in-contexts (KWIC)

Threats to credibility in qualitative research exist when _____________.

Select one:

- The data that fail to fit the explanation or interpretation are not addressed.

What are the ways to verify conclusions for qualitative research?

Select one:

-Memoing, verification and credibility

Which of the following is not normally associated with qualitative data?

Select one:

-Pie charts

A study is based on 30 people (across three focus groups). What type of study is this?

Select one:


What is the final stage of analyzing data?

Select one:

-Presenting the data in tabular form

A study is based on 1000 people interviewed face-to-face in shopping areas. What qualitative data collection was used?

Select one:

- Interview

What kind of questions must be used in conducting interviews?

Select one:

-Mapping questions

Which of the following research questions should NOT be answered using action research methods?

Select one:

- Is parent attitude toward school uniforms related to their socioeconomic status?

Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:
The lived experience of being a sole mother in the Philippines

Select one:

- Phenomenological Research

Which of the following is NOT the function of references?

Select one:

-To ensure sufficiently long reference list

How does verification of data happen?

-Check and recheck the data to ensure the initial conclusions are realistic, supportable, and valid.

Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:

A study of the Italians and the health benefits of the Mediterranean lifestyle

Select one:

-Action Research

Which citation style is usually used in social science researches?

Select one:

-APA format

What is the optimal number of participants for a focus group discussion?

Select one:

- 8-12 members

Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:

A historical and comparative note on the relationship between analytic induction and grounded theorizing

Select one:
- Ethnographic Research

Which of the following is an example of falsification in research?

Select one:

-Manipulated data from the findings

Which qualitative research design seeks action to improve practice and study the effects of the action that was taken?

Select one:

-Action research

Which of the following belongs to related literature?

Select one:


When assessing Internet based literature, which of the following is NOT important?

Select one:

- The layout of the site

Which of following should NOT be considered in conducting in-depth interview?

Select one:

- Pretend to be interested in hearing about the life of the interviewee.

__________________ is the thing (person, place, event, etc.) that is selected for inclusion in the study.

Select one:

-Sampling unit

A teacher conducts an action research study of the problem-solving methods used by students in her ninth-grade Algebra I classes. Which of the
following can she assume on the basis of her study?
Select one:

-Results apply only to Algebra I students in ninth grade.

Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:

Student awareness in global warming

Select one:

- Action Research

What type of source are documentary films?

Select one:

- Static

What qualitative analytic approach is mentioned here? This approach involves the researcher in the production of “objective” accounts of the
content of the verbal, written or visual texts, the development of codes and categories often prior to analysis, and the definition and
measurement of units of analysis.

Select one:

- Enumerative approach

What is the purpose of the qualitative data analysis?

Select one:

- To accomplish a clear description of the phenomenon under study

What is bibliography?

Select one:

- A complete list of all works related to the study including the ones that are not directly contained in the report

What is known to be deliberately fabricating details of a research project?

Select one:

-Lying by fabrication

A surveyor placed a cable across a street to count the number of vehicles which pass over it at different times of the day in order to select a site
for a new 7-Eleven store. What type of data collection did he use?

Select one:

- Observation

Which of the following is not a type of narrative research?

Select one:

- Case study

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of related literature and studies?

Select one:

-Reviewed materials must be many.

According to historical accounts, face-to-face methods have been used since the early years of civilization to collect population figures. Why
were these records kept?

Select one:

- All of the choices

Which of the following is the correct notion about observation?

Select one:

- A key data gathering method in social sciences.

Choose the best research design approach for the following research title:

Lived experiences of adult caregiving daughter and their elderly mothers

Select one:

- Phenomenological Research

A literature review should include material that is _____________________.

Select one:

- Directly related to the research questions

Which of the following method is used in qualitative research?

Select one:

- Focus group discussion

__________ contains a small number of people (usually eight to twelve) and is convened to address topics introduced by a group moderator?

- Focus group discussion

What is the best research design?

- For beginning researchers, a qualitative research is advisable because the natural setting is accessible.

BAED-STAT2112 Statistics and Probability (Week 1-10)

Learning Act. 1 Stats
Which of the following statement is TRUE.
Select one:
a. All of the statements are TRUE.
b. Countable number of values are called discrete variables
c. Non-countable values are called discrete variables
d. Infinite numbers are considered discrete variables.
Answer: Countable number of values are called discrete variables
Question 2
The speed of cars travelling in the road and the water consumption of household are examples of
Select one:
a. Discrete Continuous Random Variable
b. Continuous Discrete Random Variable
c. Continuous Random Variable
d. Discrete Random Variables
e. None of the choices
Answer: Continuous Random Variable
Question 3
True or False: The number of questions that you answer correctly on this quiz is an example of a discrete random variable.
Question 4
Which of the following is incorrect?
Select one:
a. Probability distribution equals to one.
b. Probability distribution equals to zero.
c. Probability distribution is used to compute discrete random variables
d. None of the choices
e. Probability distribution is used to compute continuous random variables
Answer: Probability distribution equals to zero.
Question 5
What is the probability distribution of occurring the all heads in a toss of three coins?
Select one:
a. 0.1255
b. 0.25
c. 1
d. None of the choices
e. 0
Answer: 0.1255
Short Quiz 1
Which of the following is CORRECT about Sample Space
Select one:
a. Sample space is also known as probability mass function.
b. Sample space is a subset of events.
c. Sample space should be always be a number from zero to one.
d. Sample space are possible outcomes
Answer: Sample space are possible outcomes
The sum of all the probabilities P(X = x) for all possible values of a discrete random variable X must equal to _____
Answer: 1
How many possible outcomes when you simultaneously toss three fair coins.
Answer: 8
Salary, scores and age are examples of answer: continuous.. random variables
Which one of these variables is a not continuous random variable?
Select one:
a. The number of attendees in an Information Technology conference.
b. The tuition fee enrolled in different universities
c. The number of volunteers in a community
d. The number of senators elected in the Philippines
Answer: The number of senators elected in the Philippines
Countless number of values are also known as Answer continuous.. variables.
Which of the following random activity would you define as a discrete random variable?
Select one:
a. Distance travelled of a tourist bus.
b. Depth of building excavation.
c. None of the choices.
d. Height of students enrolled in an online course.
e. Wind speed during typhoon.
Answer: None of the choices.
The sum of all the probabilities P(X = x) for all possible values of a discrete random variable X must equal 1.
Select one:
a. The statement is NOT ALWAYS FALSE
b. The statement is TRUE.
c. The statement is FALSE.
d. The statement is NOT ALWAYS TRUE
Answer: The statement is TRUE.
A continuous random variable assigns a whole number to each possible outcome of an experiment.
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. The statement has insufficient information.
c. True
d. False
Answer: True
This tells what the possible values of X and how probabilities are assigned to these values.
Answer: Probability Distribution

Week3 Stats
Learning Activity 3 AND SHORT QUIZ 3
It is the measure of how many standard deviations below or above the population mean.
Select one:
a. Median
b. Z-score
c. Normal Distribution Measurement
d. Empirical Rule
The correct answer is: Z-score
In an IT Certification Examination, the mean was 75 and the standard deviation was 5. If Pam z-scored is 1.5, what was her score in the
Select one:
a. 117.50
b. 487.50
c. None of the choices
d. 82.50
The correct answer is: 82.50
Who is the famous mathematician where the normal distribution curve was named after?
Select one:
a. Carl Friedrich Gauss
b. William Gosset
c. Ronald Fisher
d. John Tukey
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Carl Friedrich Gauss
Which of the following is not a characteristics of a normal distribution.
Select one:
a. Mount-shaped distribution
b. Bell-shaped
c. None of the choices
d. Perfectly asymmetric
The correct answer is: Perfectly asymmetric
How many regions can be found at the left side of the normal distribution curve?
Select one:
a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 1
The correct answer is: 3
Short Quiz 3
In a normal distribution curve,
Select one:
a. Mean is equal to Median and Mode
b. None of the choices
c. Mean is equal to Mode
d. Mean is equal to Median
The correct answer is: Mean is equal to Median and Mode
It is the measure of how many standard deviations below or above the population mean.
Select one:
a. Empirical Rule
b. Median
c. Z-score
d. Normal Distribution Measurement
The correct answer is: Z-score
Given the set of data:
1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Find the lower quartile
Select one:
a. 8
b. 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,
c. 3
d. 0
The correct answer is: 8
In an IT Certification Examination, the mean was 50 and the standard deviation was 3. If Pam z-scored is 1, what was her score in the
Select one:
a. 53.00
b. None of the choices
c. 80.50
d. 82.50
The correct answer is: 53.00
Assuming z-score is -1, which of the following statement is TRUE.
Select one:
a. All values are greater than the mean.
b. All values are less than the mean.
c. All values are equal to the mean.
d. All values are equal to the z-score
The correct answer is: All values are less than the mean.
Given the set of data:
1,1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Find the upper quartile
Select one:
a. 13,14,15,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22
b. 18
c. 22
d. 0
The correct answer is: 18
Find the median of the following data set.
11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59
Select one:
a. 36.45
b. 24
c. 30
d. 31
The correct answer is: 31
Given the set of data:
1,1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
How many numbers are in the lower quartile?
Select one:
a. 0
b. 10
c. 6
d. 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
The correct answer is: 6
Normal Distribution Curve is also called
Select one:
a. Arc-Shaped Curve
b. Bell Curve
c. Basic Curve
d. All of the choices
The correct answer is: Bell Curve
In a normal distribution curve, data are divided into 3 equal parts.
Select one:
a. The statement is TRUE.
b. None of the choices
c. The statement is FALSE.
d. The statement is SOMETIMES TRUE depending on the data set.
The correct answer is: None of the choices
Week 5 Stats
Learning Activity 4
True or False: Variance Error is the difference between a sample statistic used to estimate a population parameter and the actual but unknown
value of the parameter
The correct answer is: FALSE
True or False: Sampling Error is the degree of error expected for a given sample design
The correct answer is: TRUE
Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No.
The correct answer is: No
Given the following sample data, compute for the true mean. The answer must have two decimal places.
The correct answer is: 4.53
Given the following mean, compute for the Mean of Means. The answer must have two decimal places.
4.5, 9.2, 9.1, 8.4
The correct answer is: 2.60

Week 5 Stats short quiz 4

Short Quiz 4
Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No
Renmel closes his eyes, opens a book and randomly points to a word on the page. She repeats the process for 30 times.
The correct answer is: No
True or False: Mean of means is the sum of all means multiplied by the number of means
The correct answer is: FALSE
It is a part of population intended to represent a population as a whole.
Select one:
a. Mode
b. Deviation Error
c. Parameter
d. Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means
e. Random Sample
f. Mean
g. Sampling Error
h. Population Mean
i. Median
j. Statistics
k. Distribution Error
l. Sample Distribution of sample means
m. Standard Curve
n. Sample
o. Standard Deviation
p. Sample
q. Population
The correct answer is: Sample
Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No
Women who volunteer to take a survey on human rights.
The correct answer is: No
The distribution that describes the spread of the means of multiple samples from the sample population
Select one:
a. Deviation Error
b. Parameter
c. Sample
d. Standard Deviation
e. Distribution Error
f. Population
g. Random Sample
h. Mode
i. Sampling Error
j. Population Mean
k. Mean
l. Statistics
m. Median
n. Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means
o. Sample Distribution of sample means
p. Sample
q. Standard Curve
The correct answer is: Sample Distribution of sample means
Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No.
Each audience in a game show is assigned a number from 111 to 666 and roll three standard dice to choose random contestants.
The correct answer is: Yes
If the standard deviation of a population is 300, and samples of 25 units each are taken, what is the Standard deviation of the distribution of the
sample means?
The correct answer is: 60
Given the following sample data, compute for the true mean. The answer should be rounded off to one decimal place.
3 5 5 5 6 6 8 8 13 15 17 30
The correct answer is: 10.8
True or False: People whose names were drawn out of the survey is an example of a random sample
The correct answer is: TRUE
True or False: As the sample size increases, the standard error increases.
The correct answer is: FALSE
Learning Activity 6 Stats
To calculate the mean from a sample,
Select one:
a. Get the half of the sum of the all the values
b. Add all the values and divided by the total number of samples
c. Divide each value with the sum of all values
d. None of the choices
The correct answer is: Add all the values and divided by the total number of samples
Compute for the point estimate of the population parameter. Round off your answer to the nearest hundredths or has two decimal places. Write
the measurement at the end of the answer.
Average Speed of a car Car 1 Car 2 Car 3 Car 4
80 kph 75 kph 60 kph 66 kph
The correct answer is: 7 0 . 2 5 k p h
This is defined by two values, between which a population parameter is said to lie.
Select one:
a. Interval Estimate
b. Points Estimate
c. Coefficient Estimate
d. Point to point Estimate
The correct answer is: Interval Estimate
Compute for the point estimate of the population parameter. Round off your answer to the nearest hundredths or has two decimal places, if
Scores of students in quizzes
The correct answer is: 77.70
Compute for the point estimate of the population parameter of the grades of students. (Round off your answer to the nearest hundredths.)
The correct answer is: 85.75
Point estimate is
Select one:
a. none of the choices
b. always equal to the mean
c. used to estimate population parameter Correct
d. the number of samples
e. a range of possible values of population mean
The correct answer is: used to estimate population parameter
A single value given as an estimate of a parameter of a population.
Select one:
a. Sample distribution Incorrect
b. Confidence Limit
c. Confidence coefficient
d. Sample Mean
The correct answer is: Sample Mean

Short Quiz 6 Stats

Confidence interval is associated by confidence level
Select one:
The correct answer is: TRUE
The effectiveness of the sample android application can be measured by the proportion of mobile users who install the application. To
determine this proportion for a specific android app, the distributed to 500 users and 450 user install the app. The point estimate is
Select one:
a. .85
b. .80
c. .90
d. .95
The correct answer is: .90
Which measure of tendency is the best estimator?
Select one:
a. Mode
b. Mean
c. Standard Deviation
d. Median
The correct answer is: Mean
Confidence level indicates the level of assurance that confidence interval encloses the:
Select one:
a. unknown population mean
b. biased sample
c. known population mean
d. unbiased sample
The correct answer is: unknown population mean
Which of the following applies to confidence interval
Select one:
a. Confidence interval is used to the true mean of population
b. As the confidence interval for a given statistic increases in length, the confidence level increases
c. Confidence interval is associated by confidence level
d. None of the choices
e. All of the choices
The correct answer is: All of the choices
A 95% confidence interval means 95% of all samples of size n would fall ______ our confidence interval
Select one:
a. Below
b. Outside
c. None of the choices
d. Within
e. Above
The correct answer is: Within
You need to calculate for the confidence interval for the population mean. The population standard deviation is known. There are 50 sample
observations. You will use 95 percent level of confidence. The appropriate value of z is:
Select one:
a. Cannot be determined
b. 1.64
c. 2.58
d. 1.96
e. 1
The correct answer is: 1.96
Point estimate is always equal to the sampling coefficient.
Select one:
a. FALSE. Change the statement to “Point estimate is equal to the number of samples”
b. FALSE. Change the statement to “Point estimate is used to estimate population parameter”
d. FALSE. Change the statement to “Point estimate is a range of possible values of population mean”
The correct answer is: FALSE. Change the statement to “Point estimate is a range of possible values of population mean”
Confidence coefficient is a single value given as an estimate of a parameter of a population.
Select one:
b. FALSE. Change “confidence coefficient” to confidence limit
c. FALSE. Change “confidence coefficient” to sample mean
d. FALSE. Change “confidence coefficient” to Confidence Limit
The correct answer is: FALSE. Change “confidence coefficient” to sample mean
The confidence level is expressed as a fraction
Select one:
The correct answer is: FALSE
Short Quiz 8
The “p hat” is calculated as
Select one:
a. Number of desired elements over the number of desired outcomes
b. Number of desired outcomes over the number of desired elements Correct
c. 1- (Number of desired elements over the number of desired outcomes)
d. (Number of desired outcomes over the number of desired elements) – 1
The correct answer is: Number of desired outcomes over the number of desired elements
Sampling distribution of proportions is ______________ distributed
Select one:
a. Normally Correct
b. Randomly
c. Evenly
d. Unevenly
The correct answer is: Normally
A survey was conducted to 300 Grade 10 students who have Internet access to determine who access social media websites after attending
classes. Based on the survey, 250 students responded Yes. What is the population proportion to students who do not access social media after
attending classes?
Select one:
a. 80%
b. 20%
c. 17% Correct
d. 83%
The correct answer is: 17%
When the confidence level is 95%, the ____________________ are +- 1.96
Select one:
a. Margin of Errors
b. Confidence coefficients Correct
c. Confidence intervals
d. “p hat” values
The correct answer is: Confidence coefficients
Point estimate is
Select one:
a. Always equal to the number or samples
b. A range of possible values for a population parameter.
c. Equal to the population mean
d. A statistical that estimates a population parameter Correct
The correct answer is: A statistical that estimates a population parameter
The ^p is the ____________ estimate of p.
Select one:
a. balanced
b. unbiased Correct
c. biased
d. inverse
Given n=10, x¯ =28, s=2.0, 95% confidence. Assuming that the samples come from a normal distribution, find the margin of error.
Select one:
a. 1.24 Correct
b. 26.76
c. 3.16
d. 0.63
The correct answer is: 1.24
Given n=10, x¯ =28, s=2.0, 99% confidence. Assuming that the samples come from a normal distribution, find the interval estimate of the
population mean.
Select one:
a. (11.34, 14.89)
b. (1.63, 2.25)
c. (21.36, 24.63)
d. (26.36, 29.63) Correct
The correct answer is: (26.36, 29.63)
What is in the center of the confidence interval?
Select one:
a. Margin of Error
b. Point Estimate Correct
c. Population Parameter
d. Number of samples
The correct answer is: Point Estimate
In a survey of 500 individuals, 300 likes to eat dinner in a restaurant. Estimate the sample proportion ^p of those who like to eat dinner in a
restaurant based on the sample.
Select one:
a. 45%
b. 0.40
c. 55%
d. 0.60 Correct
The correct answer is: 0.60

Learning Activity 8 Stats

Margin of error is
Select one:
a. the product of confidence coefficient and standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size Correct
b. the quotient of confidence coefficient and standard deviation multiplied by the square root of the sample size
c. the product of confidence coefficient and square root of the sample size divided by standard deviation
d. the quotient of confidence coefficient and square root of the sample size divided standard deviation
The correct answer is: the product of confidence coefficient and standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size
Given n=100, x¯ =45, s=2.0, 90% confidence. Assuming that the samples come from a normal distribution, find the interval estimate of the
population mean.
Select one:
a. (42.103, 43.970)
b. (43.355, 46.645)
c. (44.461, 45.329) Incorrect
d. (46.921, 47.727)
The correct answer is: (43.355, 46.645)
Given n=100, x¯ =80, s=2.0, 95% confidence. Assuming that the samples come from a normal distribution, find the margin of error.
Select one:
a. 0.348 Incorrect
b. 0.20
c. 0.392
d. 0.196
The correct answer is: 0.392
A survey was conducted from the 250 individuals. Based on the result of the survey, 170 are satisfied with the current Local Government
administration. Estimate the sample proportion ^p of those who are not satisfied based on the sample provided.
Select one:
a. 55%
b. 0.32 Correct
c. 0.
d. 0.68
The correct answer is: 0.32
A survey was conducted to 110 college students to determine who are using the Library Resource Center of the university. Based on the survey,
only 30% responded Yes. Based on the survey, how many students are not using the Library Resource Center?
Select one:
a. 33
b. 30
c. 67 Correct
d. 70
The correct answer is: 67
Learning Activity 9 Stats
A survey of 200 people finds that they work on average of 8 hours a day. If the margin of error at 98% confidence level is 1.2 hours. How do you
compute for the lower confidence interval?
Select one:
a. 8 hours less 1.2 hours
b. Z score plus less the square root of 8 hours less 1.2 hours Correct
c. None of the choices
d. 8 hours less 1.2 hours multiplied by the z score at 98% confidence level
The correct answer is: Z score plus less the square root of 8 hours less 1.2 hours
King Lo Electronics claims that the new brand of computer will last for 25,000 hours. A research company conducted a test on the information.
The company randomly select and test 100 cellular phone. The data from the sample shows that the mean life of the cellular phone is 20,000
hours, with a standard deviation of 1000 hours. Determine the 95% confidence interval of the mean life of the cellular phone.
Select one:
a. (17,482, 18,649)
b. (19,804, 20,196) Correct
c. (23,467, 24,639)
d. (26,928, 27,375)
The correct answer is: (19,804, 20,196)
Given the sample size (n=400) and sample proportion (p=0.56), find the approximate margin of error for the 99% confidence interval:
Select one:
a. 0.043 Incorrect
b. 0.052
c. 0.064
d. 0.074
The correct answer is: 0.064
Given the sample size (n=200) and sample proportion (p=0.70), find the approximate margin of error for the 90% confidence interval:
Select one:
a. 0.053
b. 0.085
c. 0.072 Incorrect
d. 0.039
The correct answer is: 0.053
A private organization telephone poll of 750 adults, aged 18 and older, living in the country found that 60% of citizen feel confident in the
accuracy of their doctor's advice, and don't feel the need to check for a second opinion or do additional research. The margin of error for this
survey was given as ± 20 percentage points. Find a 95% confidence interval estimate of the percent of adults who feel confident in the accuracy
of their doctor’s advice and don’t feel the need to check for a second opinion.
Select one:
a. (0.490, 0.601)
b. (0.452, 0.538)
c. (0.565, 0.640) Correct
d. (0.316, 0.483)
The correct answer is: (0.565, 0.640)
Short Quiz 9
Given the sample size (n=400) and sample proportion (p=0.70), find the approximate margin of error for the 99% confidence interval:
Select one:
a. 0.086
b. 0.059
c. 0.039 Incorrect
d. 0.330
The correct answer is: 0.059
Suppose a new cancer treatment is given to a sample of 500 patients. The treatment was successful for 300 of the patients. Assume that these
patients are representative of the population of individuals who have this cancer.
Determine a 90% confidence interval for the proportion successful treated.
Select one:
a. 0.564 < p < 0.640
b. 0.640 < p < 0.742 Incorrect
c. 0.742 < p < 0.834
d. 0.834 < p < 0.927
The correct answer is: 0.564 < p < 0.640
A private organization telephone poll of 900 adults, aged 18 and older, living in the country found that 75% of citizen feel confident in the
accuracy of their doctor's advice, and don't feel the need to check for a second opinion or do additional research. The margin of error for this
survey was given as ±10 percentage points.
Find a 90% upper confidence interval estimate of the percent of adults who feel confident in the accuracy of their doctor’s advice and don’t feel
the need to check for a second opinion.
Select one:
a. 0.077
b. 0.329 Incorrect
c. 0.834
d. 0.290
The correct answer is: 0.077
Lim Electronics claims that the new brand of cellular phone will last for 80,000 hours. A research company conducted a test on the information.
The company randomly select and test 100 cellular phone. The data from the sample shows that the mean life of the cellular phone is 60,000
hours, with a standard deviation of 1500 hours. Determine the 95% confidence interval of the mean life of the cellular phone.
Select one:
a. (79,301 , 80,890) Incorrect
b. (59,706 , 60,294)
c. (59,301 , 60,890)
d. (79,706 , 80,294)
The correct answer is: (59,706 , 60,294)
A survey of 900 female finds that they sleep on average of 8 hours a day. If the margin of error at 95% confidence level is 1.3 hours. Find the
confidence interval?
Select one:
a. 4.50 hours < p < 5.89 hours
b. 6.70 hours < p < 9.30 hours Correct
c. 8.66 hours < p < 11.26 hours
d. 7.34 hours < p < 8.66 hours
The correct answer is: 6.70 hours < p < 9.30 hours
Given the sample size (n=300) and sample proportion (p=0.56), find the approximate margin of error for the 90% confidence interval:
Select one:
a. 0.055
b. 0.069
c. 0.047 Correct
d. 0.039
The correct answer is: 0.047
Given the problem in item 9, what does the answer tells about?
Select one:
a. Lim Electronics can use the survey conducted for their advertisements.
b. The confidence interval does not support the claim of Lim Electronics.
c. The confidence interval support the claim of Lim Electronics. Incorrect
d. The information is not sufficient to conclude.
The correct answer is: The confidence interval does not support the claim of Lim Electronics.
A survey of 900 people finds that they work on average of 9 hours a day. If the margin of error at 98% confidence level is 1.5 hours. What is the
solution to find the lower confidence interval?
Select one:
a. Z score plus less the square root of 9 hours less 1.5 hours
b. None of the choices
c. 9 hours less 1.5 hours Correct
d. All of the choices
e. 9 hours less 1.5 hours multiplied by the z score at 98% confidence level
A private organization telephone poll of 900 adults, aged 18 and older, living in the country found that 75% of citizen feel confident in the
accuracy of their doctor's advice, and don't feel the need to check for a second opinion or do additional research. The margin of error for this
survey was given as ±10 percentage points.
Find a 90% lower confidence interval estimate of the percent of adults who feel confident in the accuracy of their doctor’s advice and don’t feel
the need to check for a second opinion.
Select one:
a. 0.0726
b. 0.8932
c. 0.4508 Incorrect
d. 0.0934
The correct answer is: 0.0726
Suppose a new cancer treatment is given to a sample of 500 patients. The treatment was successful for 300 of the patients. Assume that these
patients are representative of the population of individuals who have this cancer.
Calculate the sample proportion that was successfully treated.
Select one:
a. 0.85 Incorrect
b. 0.72
c. 0.30
d. 0.60
The correct answer is: 0.60
Learning Activity 12 Stats
In hypothesis testing, the computed statistics is compared to the critical value for decision making.
Select one:
a. The statement is TRUE. Correct
b. The statement is FALSE.
The correct answer is: The statement is TRUE.
This separates the rejection region to the region where we do not reject the null hypothesis.
Select one:
a. Z score
b. Null value Incorrect
c. Critical value
d. chi value
The correct answer is: Critical value
Given a=0.05 and the test statistics, decide whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or accepted:
Select one:
a. Do not Reject
b. Reject Correct
c. Cannot be determined
The correct answer is: Reject
St. Therese senior high school have an average achievement test score of 96. From a random sample of 49 students St. Therese students we find
the average achievement test score to be 98 with a standard deviation of 88. We want to know if these high school students are representative
of the overall population. What can we conclude based?
Select one:
a. Accept null hypothesis
b. Reject null hypothesis
c. Accept alternative hypothesis Incorrect
d. Reject alternative hypothesis
The correct answer is: Accept null hypothesis
Given a=0.05 and the test statistics, decide whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or accepted:
Select one:
a. Cannot be determined
b. Reject
c. Do not Reject Incorrect
The correct answer is: Reject
Suppose that the z is the test statistics for hypothesis testing, calculate the value of the z for each of the following. Express your answer in 2
decimal places. µ = 25, s = 5, n = 80, x¯ = 23.4
The correct answer is: -2.86
Suppose that the z is the test statistics for hypothesis testing, calculate the value of the z for each of the following. Express your answer in 2
decimal places. µ = 77, s = 6, n = 109, x¯ = 78.2
The correct answer is: 2.09

Short Quiz 12
Consider the scenario: In a recent survey, 320 persons out of 35 reported that they prefer to ride in a public utility air-conditioned vehicle rather
than a jeepney. What is the value of the test statistics?
Select one:
a. 3.49 Incorrect
b. – 1.85
c. – 1.85
d. – 1.33
The correct answer is: – 1.85
Supposed that the z is the test statistics for hypothesis testing, calculate the value of the z for each of the following. Express your answer in 2
decimal places.
µ = 8.5, s = 4, n = 99, x¯ = 7.2
The correct answer is: -3.23
Given a=0.05 and the test statistics, decide whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or accepted:
Select one:
a. Cannot be determined
b. Reject Correct
c. Do not Reject
Consider the scenario: In a recent survey, 320 persons out of 35 reported that they prefer to ride in a public utility air-conditioned vehicle rather
than a jeepney.
What can we conclude based the value of the test statistics?
Select one:
a. Reject null hypothesis
b. Accept alternative hypothesis Incorrect
c. Reject alternative hypothesis
d. Accept null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Accept null hypothesis
Values supporting the ___________________ occurs in the rejection region.
Select one:
a. Critical values
b. Alternative hypothesis and critical values Incorrect
c. Null hypothesis
d. Null hypothesis and critical values
e. Alternative hypothesis
The correct answer is: Null hypothesis and critical values
A sample is small when n=30.
Select one:
a. The statement is TRUE. Incorrect
b. The statement is FALSE. Replace the letter n with letter x.
c. The statement is FALSE. Replace the = with =
d. The statement is FALSE. Replace the word small with large.
The correct answer is: The statement is FALSE. Replace the word small with large.
In hypothesis testing, the computed statistics is compared to the critical value for decision making.
Select one:
a. The statement is FALSE.
b. The statement is TRUE. Correct
The correct answer is: The statement is TRUE.
Given a=0.05 and the test statistics, decide whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or accepted:
Select one:
a. Do not Reject
b. Reject Incorrect
c. Cannot be determined
The correct answer is: Do not Reject
Given a=0.05 and the test statistics, decide whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or accepted:
Select one:
a. Cannot be determined
b. Do not Reject Correct
c. Reject
The correct answer is: Do not Reject
Supposed that the z is the test statistics for hypothesis testing, calculate the value of the z for each of the following. Express your answer in 2
decimal places.
µ = 77, s = 6, n = 109, x¯ = 78.2
The correct answer is: 2.09
Supposed that the z is the test statistics for hypothesis testing, calculate the value of the z for each of the following. Express your answer in 2
decimal places.
µ = 8, s = 4, n = 99, x¯ = 7.2
The correct answer is: -1.99
Given a=0.05 and the test statistics, decide whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or accepted:
Select one:
a. Cannot be determined
b. Reject
c. Do not Reject Correct
The correct answer is: Do not Reject
Given a=0.05 and the test statistics, decide whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or accepted:
– 0.6
Select one:
a. Cannot be determined
b. Do not Reject Correct
c. Reject
The correct answer is: Do not Reject
Learning Activity 13 Stats
A Police Sub Station claims that 45% of crimes are related to cell phone snatching. In a random sample of 150 accidents, it is found that 60 of the
accidents are related to cell phone snatching.
What is the standard error of the proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.033
b. 0.028
c. 0.066 Incorrect
d. 0.041
The correct answer is: 0.041
A Police Sub Station claims that 45% of crimes are related to cell phone snatching. In a random sample of 150 accidents, it is found that 60 of the
accidents are related to cell phone snatching.
What is the observed value of the sample proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.932
b. 0.400
c. 0.783
d. 0.600 Incorrect
The correct answer is: 0.400
A businessman is increasing his price for processed food, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts for 75% of his
budget. In a random sample of 10 of the processed food, it is found out that in 6 of the processed food, the cost of the material is higher.
What is the standard error of the proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.442 Incorrect
b. 0.391
c. 0.137
d. 0.296
The correct answer is: 0.137
A businessman is increasing his price for processed food, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts for 75% of his
budget. In a random sample of 10 of the processed food, it is found out that in 6 of the processed food, the cost of the material is higher.
At the 5% level of significance, test the contractor/engineer’s claim. Based on the test, what can you conclude?
Select one:
a. Reject the null hypothesis
b. Accept the null hypothesis Correct
The correct answer is: Accept the null hypothesis
A Police Sub Station claims that 45% of crimes are related to cell phone snatching. In a random sample of 150 accidents, it is found that 60 of the
accidents are related to cell phone snatching.
At the 10% level of significance, test the Police Sub Station claims. Based on the test, what can you conclude?
Select one:
a. Accept the null hypothesis Correct
b. Reject the null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Accept the null hypothesis
A Police Sub Station claims that 45% of crimes are related to cell phone snatching. In a random sample of 150 accidents, it is found that 60 of the
accidents are related to cell phone snatching.
What is the test statistic for this scenario?
Select one:
a. -0.066
b. 2.112
c. -1.231
d. 1.992 Correct
The correct answer is: 1.992
A businessman is increasing his price for processed food, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts for 75% of his
budget. In a random sample of 10 of the processed food, it is found out that in 6 of the processed food, the cost of the material is higher.
What is the test statistic for this scenario?
Select one:
a. 0.899
b. 1.203
c. 0.996
d. 1.095 Correct
The correct answer is: 1.095

Short Quiz 13 Stats

The traffic management office claims that 65% of road accidents are related to motorcycles. In a random sample of 200 accidents, it is found
that 135 of the accidents are related to motorcycles.
At the 10% level of significance, test the traffic management office’s claim. Based on the test, what can you conclude?
Select one:
a. Accept the null hypothesis Correct
b. Reject the null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Accept the null hypothesis
A building contractor/engineer is increasing his price for building projects, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts
for 65% of his budget. In a random sample of 30 of his projects it is found that in 20 of the projects the cost of the material is higher.
What is the test statistic for this scenario?
Select one:
a. 0.983
b. 2.181
c. 3.004
d. 1.191 Correct
The correct answer is: 1.191
A building contractor/engineer is increasing his price for building projects, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts
for 65% of his budget. In a random sample of 30 of his projects it is found that in 20 of the projects the cost of the material is higher.
What is the standard error of the proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.087 Correct
b. 0.0632
c. 0.032
d. 0.051
The correct answer is: 0.087
About 30% of the male population living in an urban area smokes cigarette. A researcher believes that male aged 16-30 are more likely smokes
cigarette than other ages in the urban area population. The researcher surveys 300 male aged 16-30 and finds that 80 of them smokes cigarette:
What is the standard error of the proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.041
b. 0.089
c. 0.026 Correct
d. 0.011
The correct answer is: 0.026
About 30% of the male population living in an urban area smokes cigarette. A researcher believes that male aged 16-30 are more likely smokes
cigarette than other ages in the urban area population. The researcher surveys 300 male aged 16-30 and finds that 80 of them smokes cigarette:
What is the test statistic for this scenario?
Select one:
a. -2.729
b. -0.998
c. -3.661
d. -1.260 Correct
The correct answer is: -1.260
About 30% of the male population living in an urban area smokes cigarette. A researcher believes that male aged 16-30 are more likely smokes
cigarette than other ages in the urban area population. The researcher surveys 300 male aged 16-30 and finds that 80 of them smokes cigarette:
What is the observed value of the sample proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.372
b. 0.419
c. 0.267 Correct
d. 0.189
The correct answer is: 0.267
A building contractor/engineer is increasing his price for building projects, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts
for 65% of his budget. In a random sample of 30 of his projects it is found that in 20 of the projects the cost of the material is higher.
What is the observed value of the sample proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.667 Correct
b. 0.429
c. 0.739
d. 0.921
The correct answer is: 0.667
The traffic management office claims that 65% of road accidents are related to motorcycles. In a random sample of 200 accidents, it is found
that 135 of the accidents are related to motorcycles.
What is the test statistic for this scenario?
Select one:
a. 0.0548
b. 0.0808
c. 0.0993
d. 0.0741 Correct
The correct answer is: 0.0741
A building contractor/engineer is increasing his price for building projects, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts
for 65% of his budget. In a random sample of 30 of his projects it is found that in 20 of the projects the cost of the material is higher.
At the 5% level of significance, test the contractor/engineer’s claim. Based on the test, what can you conclude?
Select one:
a. Accept the null hypothesis Correct
b. Reject the null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Accept the null hypothesis
The traffic management office claims that 65% of road accidents are related to motorcycles. In a random sample of 200 accidents, it is found
that 135 of the accidents are related to motorcycles.
What is the observed value of the sample proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.963
b. 0.675 Correct
c. 0.367
d. 0.822
The correct answer is: 0.675

Short Quiz 13 Stats

The traffic management office claims that 65% of road accidents are related to motorcycles. In a random sample of 200 accidents, it is found
that 135 of the accidents are related to motorcycles.
At the 10% level of significance, test the traffic management office’s claim. Based on the test, what can you conclude?
Select one:
a. Accept the null hypothesis Correct
b. Reject the null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Accept the null hypothesis
A building contractor/engineer is increasing his price for building projects, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts
for 65% of his budget. In a random sample of 30 of his projects it is found that in 20 of the projects the cost of the material is higher.
What is the test statistic for this scenario?
Select one:
a. 0.983
b. 2.181
c. 3.004
d. 1.191 Correct
The correct answer is: 1.191
A building contractor/engineer is increasing his price for building projects, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts
for 65% of his budget. In a random sample of 30 of his projects it is found that in 20 of the projects the cost of the material is higher.
What is the standard error of the proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.087 Correct
b. 0.0632
c. 0.032
d. 0.051
The correct answer is: 0.087
About 30% of the male population living in an urban area smokes cigarette. A researcher believes that male aged 16-30 are more likely smokes
cigarette than other ages in the urban area population. The researcher surveys 300 male aged 16-30 and finds that 80 of them smokes cigarette:
What is the standard error of the proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.041
b. 0.089
c. 0.026 Correct
d. 0.011
The correct answer is: 0.026
About 30% of the male population living in an urban area smokes cigarette. A researcher believes that male aged 16-30 are more likely smokes
cigarette than other ages in the urban area population. The researcher surveys 300 male aged 16-30 and finds that 80 of them smokes cigarette:
What is the test statistic for this scenario?
Select one:
a. -2.729
b. -0.998
c. -3.661
d. -1.260 Correct
The correct answer is: -1.260
About 30% of the male population living in an urban area smokes cigarette. A researcher believes that male aged 16-30 are more likely smokes
cigarette than other ages in the urban area population. The researcher surveys 300 male aged 16-30 and finds that 80 of them smokes cigarette:
What is the observed value of the sample proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.372
b. 0.419
c. 0.267 Correct
d. 0.189
The correct answer is: 0.267
A building contractor/engineer is increasing his price for building projects, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts
for 65% of his budget. In a random sample of 30 of his projects it is found that in 20 of the projects the cost of the material is higher.
What is the observed value of the sample proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.667 Correct
b. 0.429
c. 0.739
d. 0.921
The correct answer is: 0.667
The traffic management office claims that 65% of road accidents are related to motorcycles. In a random sample of 200 accidents, it is found
that 135 of the accidents are related to motorcycles.
What is the test statistic for this scenario?
Select one:
a. 0.0548
b. 0.0808
c. 0.0993
d. 0.0741 Correct
The correct answer is: 0.0741
A building contractor/engineer is increasing his price for building projects, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts
for 65% of his budget. In a random sample of 30 of his projects it is found that in 20 of the projects the cost of the material is higher.
At the 5% level of significance, test the contractor/engineer’s claim. Based on the test, what can you conclude?
Select one:
a. Accept the null hypothesis Correct
b. Reject the null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Accept the null hypothesis
The traffic management office claims that 65% of road accidents are related to motorcycles. In a random sample of 200 accidents, it is found
that 135 of the accidents are related to motorcycles.
What is the observed value of the sample proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.963
b. 0.675 Correct
c. 0.367
d. 0.822
The correct answer is: 0.675
The traffic management office claims that 65% of road accidents are related to motorcycles. In a random sample of 200 accidents, it is found
that 135 of the accidents are related to motorcycles.
What is the standard error of the proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.062
b. 0.077
c. 0.034 correct
d. 0.045
Short Quiz 15
Describe the relationship based when r value = 0.01
Select one:
a. No apparent correlation Correct
b. Weak positive correction
c. Strong positive correction
d. Minimal positive correction
The correct answer is: No apparent correlation
Linear correlation coefficient is always a value between ____ and ____.
Select one:
a. 0, 100 Incorrect
b. 1, 100
c. +1, -1
d. 0, 1
The correct answer is: +1, -1
Year and household monthly water consumption in the Philippines
Select one:
a. Water consumption is the explanatory variable and year is the response variable Incorrect
b. Year is the explanatory variable and water consumption is the response variable
c. Cannot be determined
The correct answer is: Year is the explanatory variable and water consumption is the response variable
Describe the relationship based on the r-value r=0,
Select one:
a. No relationship
b. Deterministic relationship Incorrect
c. Weak relationship
d. Strong relationship
The correct answer is: No relationship
The value of a perfect positive coefficient is ________.
Select one:
a. A positive number greater than 1
b. Equal to zero.
c. None of the choices
d. Equal to 1.
e. A positive number greater than 0. Incorrect
The correct answer is: Equal to 1.
Describe the relationship based when r value = 0.75
Select one:
a. Minimal positive correction Incorrect
b. Weak positive correction
c. No apparent correlation
d. Strong positive correction
The correct answer is: Strong positive correction
The variable that causes an effect
Select one:
a. Response variable
b. Explanatory variable Correct
c. Trend variable
d. Correlation variable
The correct answer is: Explanatory variable
This pattern is produced when the score of one observation is high, the score of the other observation to be high.
Select one:
a. XY Plot
b. Positive Correlation
c. Direct Correlation Incorrect
d. Negative Correlation
The correct answer is: Positive Correlation
Year and household monthly water consumption in the Philippines
Select one:
a. Water consumption is the explanatory variable and year is the response variable Incorrect
b. Cannot be determined
c. Year is the explanatory variable and water consumption is the response variable
The correct answer is: Year is the explanatory variable and water consumption is the response variable
The variable that reflects the effect
Select one:
a. Explanatory variable
b. Response variable Correct
c. Correlation variable
d. Trend variable
The correct answer is: Response variable

Learning Activity 15 Stats

Describe the relationship based when r value = 0.63
Select one:
a. Minimal positive correction
b. Strong positive correction Correct
c. No apparent correlation
d. Weak positive correction
The correct answer is: Strong positive correction
The symbol used to measure the strength and direction of a linear correlation
Select one:
a. r2
b. r
c. XY
d. None of the choices Incorrect
The correct answer is: r
It is also called independent variable
Select one:
a. Explanatory variable
b. Response variable Incorrect
c. Trend variable
d. Correlation variable
The correct answer is: Explanatory variable
Salary and number of years of experience
Select one:
a. Number of years is the explanatory variable and salary is the response variable Correct
b. Salary is the explanatory variable and number of years is the response variable
c. Cannot be determined
The correct answer is: Number of years is the explanatory variable and salary is the response variable
Describe the relationship based when r value = 0.20
Select one:
a. No apparent correlation
b. Minimal positive correction Incorrect
c. Weak positive correction
d. Strong positive correction
The correct answer is: Weak positive correction
Expenditure is an example of a
Select one:
a. Trend variable
b. Explanatory variable
c. Correlation variable
d. Response variable Correct
The correct answer is: Response variable
Short Quiz 5 Stats
True or False: Empirical Rule states that 68% of the data falls within the 1 standard deviation.
The correct answer is: FALSE
True or False: In order to apply the Central Limit Theorem, a sample size must be greater than or equal to 20.
The correct answer is: FALSE
True or False: In Central Limit Theorem, the standard deviation of the distribution of means is estimated by dividing the standard deviation of
the population by the square of the sample size.
The correct answer is: FALSE
True or False: A random sample of size 49 is selected from a known population with a mean of 29 and a standard deviation of 3.3. Samples of the
same size are repeatedly collected, allowing a sampling distribution of sample means to be drawn. The sampling distribution of sample mean will
be approximately a normal curve.
The correct answer is: TRUE

Margin of Error is the value that _______________ from the mean to identify the confidence interval.
A: add/subtract

In a normal curve, a _____ of 1 means 1 deviation data are above the average.
The correct answer is: Z score
Empirical rule states that _______ % of data falls within 2 standard deviation.
The correct answer is: 95
True or False: Standard deviation of a distribution of means is the standard error of the mean.
The correct answer is: TRUE
True or False: If the population is normally distributed, the sampling distribution of sample mean is equal to 1.
A: false
If there are 2 volunteers that are randomly selected from population of 10 for each sample, how many will be the possible samples?
A: 45

The correct answer is: FALSE

The average of the population.
The correct answer is: Mean
PROBLEM SOLVING: Write the answer corresponds to the problem.
If the answer requires decimals, express your answer in 2 decimal places.
If your answer is more than 3 digits, DO NOT INCLUDE THE COMMA.
If there are three students that are randomly selected from population of 20 for each sample, how many possible samples will there be?
The correct answer is: 1140
True or False: In Central Limit Theorem, the mean of the sampling distribution of the mean is equal to the population mean.
The correct answer is: TRUE
It is located at the middle of the normal curve.
The correct answer is: Mean
Bell shaped curve.
The correct answer is: Normal Curve
In a normal curve, the mean always has a z score of ____
The correct answer is: 0
Week 6 Learning Activity 5 Stats Different questions. Comment below yung questions kapag wala pa rin dito.
If the population is normally distributed,
Select one:
a. All of the choices
b. The sampling distribution of sample mean is normal Correct
c. Standard deviation is equal to Mean
d. Standard deviation is distributed along the normal curve
The correct answer is: The sampling distribution of sample mean is normal
Standard deviation of a distribution of means is the standard error of the mean.
Select one:
a. The statement is TRUE Correct
b. None of the choices
c. The statement is FALSE
d. The statement do not have sufficient information to conclude
The correct answer is: The statement is TRUE
A random sample of size is 50 is selected from a known population with a mean of 13 and a standard deviation of 3.3. Samples of the same size
are repeatedly collected, allowing a sampling distribution of sample means to be drawn. What is the approximate standard deviation of the
sample means?
Select one:
a. 12.692
b. 0.066
c. 0.467 Correct
d. 15.15
The correct answer is: 0.467
A random sample of size 50 is selected from a known population with a mean of 25 and a standard deviation of 5.2. Samples of the same size are
repeatedly collected, allowing a sampling distribution of sample means to be drawn. What does the problem tells us?
Select one:
a. All of the above statements does not describe the problem
b. Standard deviation of the sample mean is calculated by 5.2 divided by size of the sample which is 50
c. The sampling distribution of sample mean will be approximately a normal curve
d. Z score can be calculated by dividing 25 by the size of samples which is 50
Answer: c. The sampling distribution of sample mean will be approximately a normal curve
If there are 5 students that are randomly selected from population of 10 for each sample, how many will be the possible samples?
Select one:
a. 250
b. 126
c. 50
d. 252
Answer: 252
In Central Limit Theorem, the standard deviation of the distribution of means is estimated by
Select one:
a. Mean of the population multiplied by the standard deviation of the population
b. Dividing the standard deviation of the population by the square root of the sample size
c. Dividing the mean of the population by the square root of the deviation of the population
d. Mean of the population divided by the mean of the sampling distribution
Answer:Dividing the standard deviation of the population by the square root of the sample size
Which of the following applies to Central Limit Theorem?
Select one:
a. None of the answers is correct.
b. All of the answers are correct.
c. Distribution of sample means may be assumed normal as long as sample size is greater than or equal to 30.
d. When the sample size is large or above 30, the population is not normal Incorrect
e. Population is normally distributed when standard deviation is large
The correct answer is: Distribution of sample means may be assumed normal as long as sample size is greater than or equal to 30.
Short Quiz 7 Stats
Margin of Error is the value that ______ from the mean to identify the confidence interval.
Select one:
a. Subtracted
b. Added
c. None of the choices
d. Added and subtracted
The correct answer is: Added and subtracted
Compute for the confidence intervals of the following data:
Mean = 88
Standard deviation = 6
Sample size = 100
Confidence level = 95%
Select one:
a. 73.89, 79.89
b. 80.08, 84.23
c. 89.05, 92.45
d. 86.82, 89.18
The correct answer is: 80.08, 84.23
The number of degrees of freedom is ________ the sample size.
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Greater than
c. Equal to
d. Less than
The correct answer is: Less than
Compute for the confidence intervals of the following data: Mean = 66 Standard deviation = 5 Sample size = 100 Confidence coefficient = 1.645
Select one:
a. 70.04, 71.34
b. 71.90, 72.22
c. 69.33, 70.02
d. 65.18, 66.82
The correct answer is: 65.18, 66.82
Find the point estimate of the population parameter of the grades of students. The answer must be rounded off to the nearest hundredths.
The correct answer is: 8 6 . 2 5
The range of possible values expected to capture the population mean is called the Margin of Error.
Select one:
The correct answer is: FALSE
Which of the following does not describes a T distribution?
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Bell shaped curve
c. Symmetrical
d. Mean of Means is equal to 0
The correct answer is: Mean of Means is equal to 0
Compute for the margin of error given the following data:
Mean = 80
Standard deviation = 4
Sample size = 100
Confidence level = 95%
Note that the answer must be rounded off to the nearest hundredths.
The correct answer is: 0.78
Which of the following is used to estimate population parameter?
Select one:
a. Point Estimate
b. Central Limit Theorem Estimate Incorrect
c. Mean Estimate
d. Biased Estimate
The correct answer is: Point Estimate
Mean of means is also called
Select one:
a. Unbiased estimate
b. Interval Estimate Incorrect
c. Point Estimate
d. Population Mean
The correct answer is: Point Estimate
Compute for the margin of error given the following data:
Mean = 77
Standard deviation = 3
Sample size = 100
Confidence coefficient = 2.58
Note that the answer must be rounded off to the nearest hundredths.
The correct answer is: 0.77

Learning activity 7 Stats

Compute for the confidence intervals of the following data:
Mean = 66
Standard deviation = 3
Sample size = 100
Confidence level = 95%
Select one:
a. 66.03, 69.03
b. 64.04, 67.96
c. 65.41, 66.59
d. 69.03, 70.99
The correct answer is: 65.41, 66.59
Common choices for the confidence level.
Select one:
a. 68%, 95%, 99.7%
b. 90%, 95%, 99%
c. 95%, 99%, 100%
d. 0%, 50%, 100%
The correct answer is: 90%, 95%, 99%
In T distribution, if we increase the number of observations
Select one:
a. the distribution approaches the shape of a normal distribution
b. the mean approaches zero
c. the curve lies within the horizontal axis
d. the mean increases
e. all of the choices
The correct answer is: the distribution approaches the shape of a normal distribution
A single value given as an estimate of a parameter of a population.
Select one:
a. Confidence Limit
b. Sample Mean Correct
c. Sample distribution
d. Confidence coefficient
The correct answer is: Sample Mean
For example, a 90% confidence interval covers 90% of the normal curve, so the probability of observing a value outside of this area is
Select one:
a. Less than 10%
b. Higher than the 2 nd standard deviation Incorrect
c. Greater than 10%
d. Lower than the 2 nd standard deviation
The correct answer is: Less than 10%
This is the value that is added to and subtracted from the mean to identify the confidence interval.
Select one:
a. Confidence Level
b. Margin of Error
c. Confidence Interval Incorrect
d. Standard Deviation Error
The correct answer is: Margin of Error
Learning Activity 10 Stats
Find the sample size given 95% confidence, Margin of Error = 0.15 and p ^ =0.25.
Select one:
a. 34 Incorrect
b. 33
c. 31
d. 32
The correct answer is: 33
Find the sample size given 90% confidence, Margin of Error = 0.15 and ^p =0.25.
Select one:
a. 20 Incorrect
b. 22
c. 23
d. 21
The correct answer is: 23
Find the sample size given 99% confidence, Margin of Error = 0.10 and ^p =0.35.
Select one:
a. 389
b. 215 Incorrect
c. 139
d. 152
The correct answer is: 152
Find the sample size given 99% confidence, Margin of Error = 0.18 and ^p =0.30.
Select one:
a. 41
b. 42
c. 44 Incorrect
d. 43
The correct answer is: 43
The Engineer of the building wants to use the proportion of the population to determine the sample size needed to interview regarding their
idea about the new color design of the building. He wants to be able to assure with probability 0.90 that his error will be most 0.10. Similar
surveys during past year that 85% approved the new color design. How large a sample does the Engineer need?
Select one:
a. 278 Incorrect
b. 2,145
c. 1,372
d. 196
The correct answer is: 196
Short Quiz 11 Stats
Determine whether each of the following is a null of an alternative hypothesis:
The proportion of computer in the software laboratory is lower than the total number of BS IT students in the university.
alternative hypothesis
The correct answer is: Alternative hypothesis
The alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis should be ________________.
Select one:
a. Mutually exclusive
b. All of the choices
c. None of the choices
d. Mutually inclusive Correct
The correct answer is: Mutually inclusive
Determine whether each of the following is a null of an alternative hypothesis:
The proportion of an employee income is greater than the monthly expenses of the employee.
null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Alternative hypothesis
William collected a random sample of 88 people, asking how many times they open ABC web site per day on average, and calculated x¯ = 50.30.
ABC suggests that µ = 55, and s = 10. William thinks the actual mean is less than the website owner claims. What is the null and alternative
Select one:
a. 55
b. Null hypothesis µ = 55, Alternative hypothesis µ < 55
c. Null hypothesis µ ? 55, Alternative hypothesis µ
d. Null hypothesis µ > 55, Alternative hypothesis µ = 55
e. 55, Alternative hypothesis µ ? 55 Correct
f. Null hypothesis µ
The correct answer is: Null hypothesis µ = 55, Alternative hypothesis µ < 55
A type of test that is denoted by the symbol Ho.
Select one:
a. Rejection hypothesis Incorrect
b. Statistical hypothesis
c. Alternative hypothesis
d. Null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Null hypothesis
The probability of making type I error is
Select one:
a. ß
b. 1- a
c. 1- ß
d. a Correct
e. µ - a
The correct answer is: a
For the 99% confidence level,
Select one:
a. a
b. a
c. a
d. 0.001
e. a
f. 0.010
g. 0.005
h. 0.025 Correct
The correct answer is: 0.010
Determine whether each of the following is a null of an alternative hypothesis:
A police precinct claims that there is ten crimes on the average are reported.
alternative hypothesis
The correct answer is: Null hypothesis
This refers to the area where the value of the test statistic lies for which we will reject the null hypothesis.
Select one:
a. Rejection region and Null region
b. Rejection region and Critical region Correct
c. Null region and Critical region
d. Null region
e. Critical region
f. None of the choices
g. Rejection region
h. All of the choices
The correct answer is: Rejection region and Critical region

Learning Activity 11 Stats

Determine whether each of the following is a null of an alternative hypothesis:
The average income of an employee is 12,000 pesos.
null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Null hypothesis
The level of significance is the
Select one:
a. 1 - p value
b. Same as confidence interval
c. Maximum allowable probability of Type II error
d. Minimum allowable probability of Type II error
e. Probability of committing a Type I error Correct
The correct answer is: Probability of committing a Type I error
What is the null hypothesis to the claim that people like android phone than IOS? State the null hypothesis.
Select one:
a. Less people like IOS than android
b. More people like android than IOS phone Correct
c. Less people like android and IOS phone
d. More people like IOS phone than android phone
The correct answer is: More people like android than IOS phone
If the null hypothesis is true and rejected, the decision is incorrect – Type I Error
Select one:
a. Rejection Error
b. Type I Error Correct
c. Correction Error
d. Type II Error
The correct answer is: Type I Error
Determine whether each of the following is a null of an alternative hypothesis:
The average internet usage of a College student is 6 hours.
null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Null hypothesis
Short quiz 14
In a ____________, high values in one variable correspond to high values in the other variable.
Select one:
a. Perfect Correlation Incorrect
b. Positive Correlation
c. Scattered Correlation
d. Negative Correlation
The correct answer is: Positive Correlation
Graphical representation of the relationship between two variables.
Select one:
a. Line Plots Incorrect
b. XY intersection plot
c. scatter plot
d. Cartesian plane
The correct answer is: scatter plot
When examining scatterplot and draw an ellipse around the data, long and narrow ellipses means
Select one:
a. Negative linear association
b. Weak linear association
c. Positive linear association Incorrect
d. Strong linear association
e. Cannot determine with the given information
The correct answer is: Strong linear association
This measures relationship between bivariate data.
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Correlation Correct
c. All of the choices
d. Linear Regression
e. Scatterplot Analysis
The correct answer is: Correlation
A _____________ is simply a scatterplot in which we connect successive chronological observations with a line segment to give more
information about how the data values are changing over a period of time.
Select one:
a. XY Plot
b. Scatter Plot
c. Correlation Plot
d. Line plot Correct
The correct answer is: Line plot
The data had a _________________ when one variable increases, the other variable also decreases.
Select one:
a. negative linear association Incorrect
b. proportional association
c. elliptical association
d. positive linear association
The correct answer is: positive linear association
The goal of examining bivariate data is to show some relativity or association between two or more variables.
Select one:
a. The statement is TRUE. Incorrect
b. The statement is FALSE.
The correct answer is: The statement is FALSE.

Learning Actvity 14 Stats

Given the data below, what is the direction of the association between the two variables.
Select one:
a. Positive linear association Incorrect
b. Weak linear association
c. Strong linear association
d. None of the choices
e. Negative linear association
The correct answer is: Negative linear association
The data had a _________________ when one variable increases, the other variable also increases.
Select one:
a. positive linear association Correct
b. proportional association
c. elliptical association
d. negative linear association
The correct answer is: positive linear association
The line that is closest to the points is called _____________.
Select one:
a. Trend line Correct
b. Correlation line
c. Cross line
d. Scatter line
The correct answer is: Trend line
The three important characteristics of a bivariate?
Select one:
a. Elliptical, Rounded, Scattered
b. Proportional, Directional, Elliptical
c. Direction, Shape, Strength
d. Line, Points, Shape Incorrect
The correct answer is: Direction, Shape, Strength
The series of disconnected points is referred to as _________________________
Select one:
a. XY Plots
b. Trend line plots
c. Bivariate data
d. scatter plot Correct
The correct answer is: scatter plot
Short Quiz 16 Stats
The equation y=2x2 + 9 will produce a
Select one:
a. Parabola Correct
b. Ellipse
c. Circle
d. Straight line
The correct answer is: Parabola
When slope is positive,
Select one:
a. y increases as x increases Correct
b. y decreases as x increases
c. y increases, x values approaches point of origin
d. y decreases, x values approaches 1
The correct answer is: y increases as x increases
In the slope-intercept equation of a line, the slope of the line is represented as the coefficient of the variable x.
Select one:
b. Cannot be determined
c. TRUE Correct
The correct answer is: TRUE
Given the table below, what is the linear equation?
Select one:
a. y=3x + 11 Incorrect
b. y=6x + 5
c. y=8x + 3
d. y=3x + 8
Your answer is incorrect.
The correct answer is: y=8x + 3
If the line has no slope,
Select one:
a. The line is a horizontal line
b. The line is at the point of origin
c. The line intercepts the x and y axis
d. The line lies at the x axis Incorrect
The correct answer is: The line is a horizontal line
Given the table below, what is the slope?
Select one:
a. 9
b. 11
c. 8
d. 3 Incorrect
Your answer is incorrect.
The correct answer is: 8
Given the equation y = 7x+ 30, what is the slope?
The correct answer is: 7
Given the table and graph, determine the slope intercept equation.
Select one:
a. y=5x + 1
b. y=10x + 2 Incorrect
c. y=5x + 2
d. y=10x + 1
Your answer is incorrect.
The correct answer is: y=5x + 1
Given the equation 9y = 2x + 81, what is the y intercept?
The correct answer is: 9
The equation y=mx + b is also known as
Select one:
a. slope intercept form
b. y intercept Incorrect
c. correlation intercept form
d. xy intercept form
The correct answer is: slope intercept form
Learning Activity 16 Stats
Given the equation y = 3x+ 10, what is the slope?
The correct answer is: 3
Given the table and graph, determine the slope intercept equation.
Select one:
a. y=3x + 1
b. 2y=6x + 3
c. y=-3x + 3 Correct
d. 2y=6x + 1
The correct answer is: y=-3x + 3
Given the table below, what is the slope?
Select one:
a. 2 Correct
b. 1
c. 8
d. 7
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: 2
Given the equation 2y = 3x + 10, what is the y intercept?
The correct answer is: 5
Given the table below, what is the linear equation?
Select one:
a. y=2x + 7 Correct
b. y=5x + 2
c. y=7x + 1
d. y=7x + 5
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: y=2x + 7
Write the slope-intercept equation of the line that has slope 6 and y-intercept 4.

answer: 6x+4
Q: True or False: The Greek letter alpha represents the mean.
A: False
Q: This determines the degree to which values of a random variable dif
A: Variance
Q: Find the median of the following data set. 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59
A: 31
Q: A single value given as an estimate of a parameter of a population.
A: Sample Mean
Q: Empirical Rule states that 68% of the data falls within the 1 standard deviation.
A: False
Q: The sum of all the probabilities P(X = x) for all possible values of a discrete random variable X must equal 1.
A: The statement is TRUE.
True or False: Variance is the degree to which values of a random variable differ from the expected value ANSWER: TRUE
Q: As the sample size increases,
A: sampling distribution becomes closer to a normal distribution.
Q: Given the following sample data, compute for the true mean. The answer must have two decimal places.1 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 8 8 8 8
A: 4.53
Q: How many possible outcomes when you simultaneously toss three fair coins.
A: 8
Q: Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Weight of students in a university
Q: True or False: In Statistics, variance is defined as the number of times an outcome can occur compared to all possible outcomes.
A: False
Q: True or False: Mean is the sum of all possible values of random variables.
A: False
Q: Find the median of the following data set. 44, 46, 29, 39, 59, 59, 39
A: 39
Q: Which of the following does not describes a T distribution?
A: Mean of Means is equal to 0
Q: True or False: Random sample happened when data is collected in no certain order
A: True
Q: True or False: In order to apply the Central Limit Theorem, a sample size must be greater than or equal to 20.
A: False
Q: To calculate the mean from a sample,
A: Add all the values and divided by the total number of samples
Q: Which of the following is used to calculate population parameter?
A: Point Estimate
Q: Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No The manager chooses 30 employees randomly from
a department.
A: Yes
Q: Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Total number of volunteers in a community
Q: Normal Distribution Curve is also called
A: Bell Curve
Q: In Central Limit Theorem, the mean of the sampling distribution of the mean is equal to the
A: Population mean
Q: Which measure of tendency is the best estimator?
A: Mean
Q: The number of times out of 100 that the repeated experiment would be expected to capture the population mean within the given
A: Confidence Level
Q: In a normal curve, a ___ of 1 means 1 deviation data are above the average.
A: Z score
Q: True or False: In Central Limit Theorem, the mean of the sampling distribution of the mean is equal to the population mean.
A: True
Q: Confidence coefficient is a single value given as an estimate of a parameter of a population.
A: FALSE. Change “confidence coefficient” to sample mean
Q: For example, a 90% confidence interval covers 90% of the normal curve, so the probability of observing a value outside of this area is
A: Less than 10%
Q: Use to check the normality of a distribution
A: Normal quantile plot
Q: Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Number of winning tournaments of a varsity team
Q: The weighted average of the possible values of random variables.
A: Mean
Q: Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. Collects the number of students who rides on the
A: Yes
Q: Consider the given the probability distribution
A: 4.100
Q: PROBLEM SOLVING: Write the answer corresponds to the problem.
REMINDERS If the answer requires decimals, express your answer in 2 decimal places. If your answer is more than 3 digits, DO NOT
If there are three students that are randomly selected from population of 20 for each sample, how many possible samples will there be?
A: 1140
Q: Which of the following describes a Normal Distribution Curve.
A: All of the choices
Q: True or False: Random distribution is the process of assigning a number to each member of the population
A: False
Q: How many regions can be found at the left side of the normal distribution curve?
A: 3
Q: Normal Distribution Curve is also called
A: Bell Curve
Q: Given the data set 10,11,11,12,12,12,13,13,13,13,24,24,14,15,15,16, how many numbers are in the lower quartile?
A: 4
Q: In order to apply the Central Limit Theorem, a sample size must be greater than or equal to _______.
A: 30
Q: Who is the famous mathematician where the normal distribution curve was named after?
A: Carl Friedrich Gauss

Population Mean is an example of a parameter.

A: true
Q: True or False: People whose names were drawn out of the survey is an example of a random sample
A: True
Q: Empirical Rule states that _____ % of data falls within the first standard deviation from the mean.
A: 68
Q: The sum of all the probabilities P(X = x) for all possible values of a discrete random variable X must equal to
A: 1
Q: True or False: The number of questions that you answer correctly on this quiz is an example of a discrete random variable.
A: False
Q: Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. A teacher conducts examination to all his students.
A: No
Q: Given the data set 10,11,11,12,12,12,13,13,13,13,24,24,14,15,15,16, find the upper quartile
A: 14
Q: What is the formula to calculate for the z-score?
A: Mean value of the variable subtracted from the observed value divided by the standard deviation
Q: Given the following table, what is the correct computation to find mean?
A: None of the choices
Q: True or False: As the sample size increases, the standard error increases.
A: False

It is the number of times an outcome can occur compared to all possible outcomes.
Select one:
a. Variance
b. Standard Deviation
c. Mean
d. Probability
What is the common symbol for the mean?
Select one:
a. ∑
b. Α
c. Ω
d. µ
True or False: Mean is computed as the weighted average of the possible numbers of random variables. ANSWER: TRUE

Assuming z-score is 1, which of the following statement is TRUE.

Select one:
a. All values are less than the mean.
b. All values are equal to the z-score
c. All values are equal to the mean.
d. All values are greater than the mean.
True or False: To determine the value of the mean, multiply each possible outcome of the random variables X by its associated probability
and the take the sum over all possible values of X.
Answer: true

How do you determine the value of the mean,

Select one:
a. Multiply each possible outcome of the random variables X by its associated probability and the take the square root of the sum of all
possible values of X.
b. None of the choices
c. Sum each possible outcome of the random variables X by its associated probability and the take the product of all possible values of X.
d. Multiply each possible outcome of the random variables X by its associated probability and the take the sum over all possible values of

True or False: The probability variance of a discrete random variable is a graph, a table or a formula that specifies the probability associated with
each possible value that the random variable can assume. Answer: FALSE

true or False: One of the most important characteristics of any probability distribution is the mean.
~ true

The probability distribution of a discrete random variable is a graph, a table or a formula that specifies the probability associated with each
possible value that the random variable can assume.
Select one:
a. The statement is INCORRECT. The word “formula” should not be included in the statement.
b. The statement is INCORRECT. The word “graph” should not be included in the statement.
c. The statement is INCORRECT. The word “graph and formula” should not be included in the statement.
d. The statement is ALWAYS CORRECT.

Which of the following applies to a normal distribution?

Select one:
a. Mean is greater than Median.
b. Data is exactly equal to the mean.
c. Exactly ½ of the data is above the mean and ½ of data is below.
d. Median is greater than Mean.
e. None of the choices
What are the percentages of normal distribution within 1, 2 and 3 standard deviation.
Select one:
a. Approximately 50% and 50% respectively
b. Exactly 25%, 25% and 50% respectively
c. Exactly 100% be applied to each standard deviation
d. Approximately 68%, 95% and 99.7% respectively
In order to apply the Central Limit Theorem, a sample size ________________________.
Select one:
a. Must be greater than zero.
b. Must be greater than sample distribution.
c. Must be equal than the sample mean.
d. Must be greater than 30.
This is a representative subset of a population.
Select one:
a. Standard Deviation
b. Sample
c. Statistics
d. Mean
In the Empirical Rule, _______ % of data will fall in with two standard deviation.
Select one:
a. 99.7
b. 34
c. 50
d. 100
e. 95

This is always in the center of the normal curve

Select one:
a. Mode
b. Median
c. Standard Deviation
d. Mean
True or False: Variance is the degree to which values of a random variable differ from the expected value.
A: false

In a normal curve, the mean is located at the

Select one:
a. highest point of the curve
b. lowest point of the curve
c. midpoint of the curve
d. intersection of the lowest and highest point
The range of probability is
Select one:
a. can be any number (positive or negative)
b. from zero to 1
c. negative 1 to positive 1
d. from zero to any positive number
The standard deviation of the normal distribution is
Select one:
a. should always be a positive number
b. always equal to zero
c. always equal to one
d. greater than or equal to zero
This determines the degree to which values of a random variable differ from the expected value.
Select one:
a. Median
b. Standard Deviation
c. Variance
d. Mode
e. Mean
The mean of the normal distribution is
Select one:
a. should always be a positive number
b. always equal to zero
c. always equal to one
d. greater than or equal to zero
This are numbers that summarizes data for an entire population
Select one:
a. Standard Deviation
b. Mean
c. Sample Distribution of sample means
d. Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means
e. Sample
f. Parameter
g. Random Sample
h. Standard Curve
i. Sampling Error
j. Population
k. Population Mean
l. Distribution Error
m. Median
n. Mode
o. Statistics
p. Sample
q. Deviation Error
True or False: The probability of an outcome that all heads face up when fairly tossing three coin is 3/8.
Answer: false

The range of possible values expected to capture the population mean.

Select one:
a. Standard Deviation Error
b. Confidence Interval
c. Margin of Error
d. Confidence Level

The t-distribution shape changes as the _______________ changes.

Select one:
a. Population Mean
b. None of the choices
c. Sample Mean
d. Sample size
The confidence level is expressed in terms of ____________.
Select one:
a. Percentage
b. Whole Number
c. Fraction
d. Ratio
In Central Limit Theorem, the standard deviation of the population is estimated by dividing the standard deviation of the population by the
square of the sample size.
Select one:
a. The statement is TRUE
b. The statement is FALSE
c. The statement is SOMETIMES FALSE
d. The statement is SOMETIMES TRUE

Q: True or False: The Greek letter alpha represents the mean.

A: False
Q: This determines the degree to which values of a random variable dif
A: Variance
Q: Find the median of the following data set. 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59
A: 31
Q: A single value given as an estimate of a parameter of a population.
A: Sample Mean
Q: Empirical Rule states that 68% of the data falls within the 1 standard deviation.
A: False
Q: The sum of all the probabilities P(X = x) for all possible values of a discrete random variable X must equal 1.
A: The statement is TRUE.
Q: As the sample size increases,
A: sampling distribution becomes closer to a normal distribution.
Q: Given the following sample data, compute for the true mean. The answer must have two decimal places.1 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 8 8 8 8
A: 4.53
Q: How many possible outcomes when you simultaneously toss three fair coins.
A: 8
Q: Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Weight of students in a university
Q: True or False: In Statistics, variance is defined as the number of times an outcome can occur compared to all possible outcomes.
A: False
Q: True or False: Mean is the sum of all possible values of random variables.
A: False
Q: Find the median of the following data set. 44, 46, 29, 39, 59, 59, 39
A: 39
Q: Which of the following does not describes a T distribution?
A: Mean of Means is equal to 0
Q: True or False: Random sample happened when data is collected in no certain order
A: True
Q: True or False: In order to apply the Central Limit Theorem, a sample size must be greater than or equal to 20.
A: False
Q: To calculate the mean from a sample,
A: Add all the values and divided by the total number of samples
Q: Which of the following is used to calculate population parameter?
A: Point Estimate
Q: Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No The manager chooses 30 employees randomly from
a department.
A: Yes
Q: Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Total number of volunteers in a community
Q: Normal Distribution Curve is also called
A: Normal Curve
Q: In Central Limit Theorem, the mean of the sampling distribution of the mean is equal to the
A: Population mean
Q: Which measure of tendency is the best estimator?
A: Mean
Q: The number of times out of 100 that the repeated experiment would be expected to capture the population mean within the given
A: Confidence Level
Q: In a normal curve, a ___ of 1 means 1 deviation data are above the average.
A: Z score
Q: True or False: In Central Limit Theorem, the mean of the sampling distribution of the mean is equal to the population mean.
A: True
Q: Confidence coefficient is a single value given as an estimate of a parameter of a population.
A: FALSE. Change “confidence coefficient” to sample mean
Q: For example, a 90% confidence interval covers 90% of the normal curve, so the probability of observing a value outside of this area is
A: Less than 10%
Q: Use to check the normality of a distribution
A: Normal quantile plot
Q: Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Number of winning tournaments of a varsity team
Q: The weighted average of the possible values of random variables.
A: Mean
Q: Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. Collects the number of students who rides on the
A: Yes
Q: Consider the given the probability distribution
Q: PROBLEM SOLVING: Write the answer corresponds to the problem.
REMINDERS If the answer requires decimals, express your answer in 2 decimal places. If your answer is more than 3 digits, DO NOT
If there are three students that are randomly selected from population of 20 for each sample, how many possible samples will there be?
A: 1140
Q: Which of the following describes a Normal Distribution Curve.
A: All of the choices
Q: True or False: Random distribution is the process of assigning a number to each member of the population
A: False
Q: How many regions can be found at the left side of the normal distribution curve?
A: 3
Q: Normal Distribution Curve is also called
A: Basic Curve
Q: Given the data set 10,11,11,12,12,12,13,13,13,13,24,24,14,15,15,16, how many numbers are in the lower quartile?
A: 4
Q: In order to apply the Central Limit Theorem, a sample size must be greater than or equal to _______.
A: 30
Q: Who is the famous mathematician where the normal distribution curve was named after?
A: Carl Friedrich Gauss
Q: True or False: People whose names were drawn out of the survey is an example of a random sample
A: True
Q: Empirical Rule states that _____ % of data falls within the first standard deviation from the mean.
A: 68
Q: The sum of all the probabilities P(X = x) for all possible values of a discrete random variable X must equal to
A: 1
Q: True or False: The number of questions that you answer correctly on this quiz is an example of a discrete random variable.
A: False
Q: Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. A teacher conducts examination to all his students.
A: No
Q: Given the data set 10,11,11,12,12,12,13,13,13,13,24,24,14,15,15,16, find the upper quartile
A: 14
Q: What is the formula to calculate for the z-score?
A: Mean value of the variable subtracted from the observed value divided by the standard deviation
Q: Given the following table, what is the correct computation to find mean?
A: None of the choices
Q: True or False: As the sample size increases, the standard error increases.
A: False

STAT-112-20172S / ► Week 10: Quarterly Exam / ► Quarterly Exam

Q: True or False: The Greek letter alpha represents the mean.
A: False
Q: This determines the degree to which values of a random variable dif
A: Variance
Q: Find the median of the following data set. 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59
A: 31
Q: A single value given as an estimate of a parameter of a population.
A: Sample Mean
Q: Empirical Rule states that 68% of the data falls within the 1 standard deviation.
A: False
Q: The sum of all the probabilities P(X = x) for all possible values of a discrete random variable X must equal 1.
A: The statement is TRUE.
Q: As the sample size increases,
A: sampling distribution becomes closer to a normal distribution.
Q: Given the following sample data, compute for the true mean. The answer must have two decimal places.1 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 8 8 8 8
A: 4.53
Q: How many possible outcomes when you simultaneously toss three fair coins.
A: 8
Q: Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Weight of students in a university
Q: True or False: In Statistics, variance is defined as the number of times an outcome can occur compared to all possible outcomes.
A: False
Q: True or False: Mean is the sum of all possible values of random variables.
A: False
Q: Find the median of the following data set. 44, 46, 29, 39, 59, 59, 39
A: 39
Q: Which of the following does not describes a T distribution?
A: Mean of Means is equal to 0
Q: True or False: Random sample happened when data is collected in no certain order
A: True
Q: True or False: In order to apply the Central Limit Theorem, a sample size must be greater than or equal to 20.
A: False
Q: To calculate the mean from a sample,
A: Add all the values and divided by the total number of samples
Q: Which of the following is used to calculate population parameter?
A: Point Estimate
Q: Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No The manager chooses 30 employees randomly from
a department.
A: Yes
Q: Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Total number of volunteers in a community
Q: Normal Distribution Curve is also called
A: Normal Curve
Q: In Central Limit Theorem, the mean of the sampling distribution of the mean is equal to the
A: Population mean
Q: Which measure of tendency is the best estimator?
A: Mean
Q: The number of times out of 100 that the repeated experiment would be expected to capture the population mean within the given
A: Confidence Level
Q: In a normal curve, a _ of 1 means 1 deviation data are above the average.
A: Z score
Q: True or False: In Central Limit Theorem, the mean of the sampling distribution of the mean is equal to the population mean.
A: True
Q: Confidence coefficient is a single value given as an estimate of a parameter of a population.
A: FALSE. Change “confidence coefficient” to sample mean
Q: For example, a 90% confidence interval covers 90% of the normal curve, so the probability of observing a value outside of this area is
A: Less than 10%
Q: Use to check the normality of a distribution
A: Normal quantile plot
Q: Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Number of winning tournaments of a varsity team
Q: The weighted average of the possible values of random variables.
A: Mean
Q: Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. Collects the number of students who rides on the
A: Yes
Q: Consider the given the probability distribution
Q: PROBLEM SOLVING: Write the answer corresponds to the problem.
REMINDERS If the answer requires decimals, express your answer in 2 decimal places. If your answer is more than 3 digits, DO NOT
If there are three students that are randomly selected from population of 20 for each sample, how many possible samples will there be?
A: 1140
Q: Which of the following describes a Normal Distribution Curve.
A: All of the choices
Q: True or False: Random distribution is the process of assigning a number to each member of the population
A: False
Q: How many regions can be found at the left side of the normal distribution curve?
A: 3
Q: Normal Distribution Curve is also called
A: Basic Curve
Q: Given the data set 10,11,11,12,12,12,13,13,13,13,24,24,14,15,15,16, how many numbers are in the lower quartile?
A: 4
Q: In order to apply the Central Limit Theorem, a sample size must be greater than or equal to _____.
A: 30
Q: Who is the famous mathematician where the normal distribution curve was named after?
A: Carl Friedrich Gauss
Q: True or False: People whose names were drawn out of the survey is an example of a random sample
A: True
Q: Empirical Rule states that ___ % of data falls within the first standard deviation from the mean.
A: 68
Q: The sum of all the probabilities P(X = x) for all possible values of a discrete random variable X must equal to
A: 1
Q: True or False: The number of questions that you answer correctly on this quiz is an example of a discrete random variable.
A: False
Q: Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. A teacher conducts examination to all his students.
A: No
Q: Given the data set 10,11,11,12,12,12,13,13,13,13,24,24,14,15,15,16, find the upper quartile
A: 14
Q: What is the formula to calculate for the z-score?
A: Mean value of the variable subtracted from the observed value divided by the standard deviation
Q: Given the following table, what is the correct computation to find mean?
A: None of the choices
Q: True or False: As the sample size increases, the standard error increases.
A: False

Which of the following is tells about t distribution,

A: all of the choices

Two dice is rolled and the sum of face up is being recorded and represented as X. What is P(x <= 5)? 10

In a normal distribution curve,: Mean is equal to Median; None of the choices; Mean is equal to Mode; Mean is equal to Median and Mode
Mean is equal to Median and Mode

True or False: Sampling Error is the degree of error expected for a given sample design TRUE

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No A survey company collects information on businessman in
Metro Manila on who will they vote for president on the next election. Yes

1. Given the data set, find the Mean Value or Expected value (round off your answer to the nearest tenths): 4.2

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. The brightness of an LED bulb CONTINUOUS

In a normal distribution curve, data are divided into 3 equal parts.: The statement is FALSE.; None of the choices; The statement is TRUE.; The
statement is SOMETIMES TRUE depending on the data set.

None of the choices

True or False: The probability of an outcome that all heads face up when fairly tossing three coin is 3/8. False
True or False: Variance is the degree to which values of a random variable differ from the expected value. False

Given the following mean, compute for the Mean of Means. The answer must have two decimal places. 4.5, 9.2, 9.1, 8.4 2.60

True or False: To determine the value of the mean, multiply each possible outcome of the random variables X by its associated probability and
the take the sum over all possible values of X. True

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. Collects the number of students who rides on the train.

True or False: The probability variance of a discrete random variable is a graph, a table or a formula that specifies the probability associated with
each possible value that the random variable can assume. False

True or False: Mean is the sum of all possible values of random variables. False

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No Women who volunteer to take a survey on human rights.

The speed of cars travelling in the road and the water consumption of household are examples of: Continuous Discrete Random Variable; None
of the choices; Discrete Random Variables; Discrete Continuous Random Variable; Continuous Random Variable Continuous Random Variable

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Time travelled by an astronaut CONTINUOUS

This determines the degree to which values of a random variable differ from the expected value.: Mean; Median; Standard Deviation; Variance;
Mode Variance

It is a part of population intended to represent a population as a whole.: Sample; Mode; Random Sample; Standard Curve; Standard deviation of
the distribution of the sample means; Statistics; Sampling Error; Standard Deviation; Population; Distribution Error; Population Mean; Mean;
Sample; Median; Sample Distribution of sample means; Deviation Error; Parameter Sample

True or False: Parameters are numbers that summarizes data for an entire population TRUE

1. Given the data set, find the Mean Value or Expected value (round off your answer to the nearest tenths): 4.2

The probability distribution of a discrete random variable is a graph, a table or a formula that specifies the probability associated with each
possible value that the random variable can assume.: The statement is INCORRECT. The word “graph and formula” should not be included in the
statement.; The statement is INCORRECT. The word “graph” should not be included in the statement.; The statement is INCORRECT. The word
“formula” should not be included in the statement.; The statement is ALWAYS CORRECT.The statement is ALWAYS CORRECT.
It is a part of population intended to represent a population as a whole.: Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means; Deviation
Error; Standard Deviation; Sampling Error; Mean; Parameter; Random Sample; Mode; Statistics; Standard Curve; Sample; Sample Distribution of
sample means; Population; Median; Sample; Population Mean; Distribution Error Sample

The standard deviation of the normal distribution is: always equal to zero; greater than or equal to zero; always equal to one; should always be a
positive number always equal to one

It is the measure of how many standard deviations below or above the population mean.: Z-score; Normal Distribution Measurement; Median;
Empirical Rule Z-score

In a normal distribution curve,: Mean is equal to Median and Mode; Mean is equal to Median; Mean is equal to Mode; None of the choices
Mean is equal to Median and Mode

In a normal distribution curve, data are divided into 3 equal parts.: The statement is TRUE.; The statement is FALSE.; None of the choices; The
statement is SOMETIMES TRUE depending on the data set. None of the choices

Given the data set 10,11,11,12,12,12,13,13,13,13,24,24,14,15,15,16, how many numbers are in the lower quartile?: 6; 1; 4; 0 4

Given the following table, what is the correct computation to find mean? : (0.30+0.20+0.10)/3; None of the choices ; (0.30+0.20+0.10)/(0+1+2) ;
(0)(0.30) + (1)(0.20) + (2)(0.10); (0+1+2)(0.30+0.20+0.10) None of the choices

True or False: Random sample happened when data is collected in no certain order TRUE

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No Renmel closes his eyes, opens a book and randomly points to
a word on the page. She repeats the process for 30 times. No

True or False: Random distribution is the process of assigning a number to each member of the population FALSE

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. The speed of internet in all areas in the Visayas Region.

True or False: To determine the value of the mean, multiply each possible outcome of the random variables X by its associated probability and
the take the sum over all possible values of X. True

True or False: Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means is computed as the population standard deviation multiplied by the
square root of the sample size. FALSE

What is the probability distribution of occurring the all heads in a toss of three coins?: 0.25; 0.1255; 0; None of the choices; 1 0.1255
Given the following mean, compute for the Mean of Means. The answer should be rounded off to the nearest hundredths. 3.2 3.6 3.9 9.2

True or False: The probability variance of a discrete random variable is a graph, a table or a formula that specifies the probability associated with
each possible value that the random variable can assume. False

True or False: Sample Distribution of sample means is the the distribution that describes the spread of the means of multiple samples from the
sample population TRUE

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. Collects the election results in all areas in the Philippines
during election No

Which of the following random activity would you define as a discrete random variable?: Depth of building excavation.; Height of students
enrolled in an online course.; None of the choices.; Wind speed during typhoon.; Distance travelled of a tourist bus. None of the choices.

What is the common symbol for the mean?: Α; ∑; µ; Ω µ

What is the probability distribution of occurring the all heads in a toss of three coins?: 0.25; 0; None of the choices; 0.1255; 1 0.1255

Given the following sample data, compute for the true mean. The answer should be rounded off to one decimal place. 3 5 5 5 6 6 8 8 13
15 17 30 10.8

How do you determine the value of the mean,: Sum each possible outcome of the random variables X by its associated probability and the take
the product of all possible values of X.; None of the choices; Multiply each possible outcome of the random variables X by its associated
probability and the take the sum over all possible values of X.; Multiply each possible outcome of the random variables X by its associated
probability and the take the square root of the sum of all possible values of X. Multiply each possible outcome of the random variables
X by its associated probability and the take the sum over all possible values of X.

This are numbers that summarizes data from a sample: Parameter; Sampling Error; Statistics; Sample Distribution of sample means; Standard
Deviation; Population Mean; Mode; Standard Curve; Sample; Population; Median; Distribution Error; Deviation Error; Standard deviation of the
distribution of the sample means; Random Sample; Mean; Sample Statistics

Which of the following is not a characteristics of a normal distribution.: None of the choices; Perfectly asymmetric; Mount-shaped distribution;
Bell-shaped Perfectly asymmetric

It is the measure of how many standard deviations below or above the population mean.: Median; Normal Distribution Measurement; Empirical
Rule; Z-score Z-score
Salary, scores and age are examples of ____________ random variables. Continuous

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No A survey company collects information on
businessman in Metro Manila on who will they vote for president on the next election. Yes

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Total number of volunteers in a community DISCRETE

In a normal curve, the bigger the values of standard deviation results to a: wider curve; straight live curve; skewed to the right; narrower curve;
skewed to the left wider curve

Which of the following is CORRECT about Sample Space: Sample space should be always be a number from zero to one.; Sample space are
possible outcomes; Sample space is a subset of events.; Sample space is also known as probability mass function. Sample space are
possible outcomes

Assuming z-score is -1, which of the following statement is TRUE.: All values are less than the mean.; All values are equal to the z-score; All values
are equal to the mean.; All values are greater than the mean. All values are less than the mean.

It is the measure of how many standard deviations below or above the population mean.: Normal Distribution Measurement; Z-score; Empirical
Rule; Median Z-score

Which of the following statement is TRUE.: Non-countable values are called discrete variables; Infinite numbers are considered discrete
variables.; Countable number of values are called discrete variables; All of the statements are TRUE. Countable number of values are called
discrete variables

True or False: Parameters are numbers that summarizes data for an entire population TRUE

True or False: Sample Distribution of sample means is the the distribution that describes the spread of the means of multiple samples from the
sample population TRUE

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Number of winning tournaments of a varsity team DISCRETE

The probability distribution of a discrete random variable is a graph, a table or a formula that specifies the probability associated with each
possible value that the random variable can assume.: The statement is INCORRECT. The word “graph and formula” should not be included in the
statement.; The statement is INCORRECT. The word “graph” should not be included in the statement.; The statement is INCORRECT. The word
“formula” should not be included in the statement.; The statement is ALWAYS CORRECT.The statement is ALWAYS CORRECT.
The range of probability is: can be any number (positive or negative); negative 1 to positive 1; from zero to any positive number; from zero to 1
from zero to 1

Which of the following is incorrect?: Probability distribution is used to compute discrete random variables; Probability distribution equals to
zero.; Probability distribution is used to compute continuous random variables; Probability distribution equals to one.; None of the choices
Probability distribution equals to zero.

Assuming z-score is -1, which of the following statement is TRUE.: All values are equal to the mean.; All values are equal to the z-score; All values
are less than the mean.; All values are greater than the mean. All values are less than the mean.

Normal Distribution Curve is also called: Basic Curve; Arc-Shaped Curve; Bell Curve; All of the choices Basic Curve

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. A teacher conducts examination to all his students. No

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Internet speed in an office CONTINUOUS

Given the following mean, compute for the Mean of Means. The answer should be rounded off to the nearest hundredths. 3.2 3.6 3.9 9.2

True or False: The larger the sample size the closer the sampling distribution was to a normal distribution TRUE

Given the set of data: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Find the lower quartile : 8; 0; 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,; 3

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Number of students in a University DISCRETE

In a given experiment, the sum of all probabilities is: can be any number (positive or negative); One; Zero; All positive numbers One

This is states that the percentages of data in a normal distribution within 1,2 and 3 standard deviations.: Empirical Rule; None of the choices;
Normal quantile plot; Z score Empirical Rule

Salary, scores and age are examples of ____________ random variables. Continuous

Two dice is rolled and the sum of face up is being recorded and represented as X. What is P(x <= 5)? 10

A fair six sided dice is tossed. The player loses 5 pesos if the result is “1”, and loses P5 pesos if the result is a “6”, the rest of the numbers, player

wins P10. Which of the following table best describes the problem? : ; None of the choices; ;
The sum of all the probabilities P(X = x) for all possible values of a discrete random variable X must equal to ______. 1

Given the set of data: 1,1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Find the upper quartile : 18;
13,14,15,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22; 22; 0 18

The data set that approximates a normal distribution is located at the left side of the curve wherein mean is greater than median.: None of the
choices.; The statement is INCORRECT; The statement is ALWAYS TRUE.; The statement is SOMETIMES TRUE. The statement is INCORRECT

Given the data set 10,11,11,12,12,12,13,13,13,13,24,24,14,15,15,16, how many numbers are in the lower quartile?: 0; 4; 6; 1 4

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No Selects all areas in the Philippines who are affected by
typhoon and with 5th and 6th income class. Yes

Given the data set 10,11,11,12,12,12,13,13,13,13,24,24,14,15,15,16, how many numbers are in the lower quartile?: 1; 4; 6; 0 4

It is computed as the population standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size: Random Sample; Standard Deviation; Median;
Parameter; Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means; Deviation Error; Sample; Mean; Population Mean; Sample Distribution of
sample means; Sampling Error; Sample; Statistics; Mode; Standard Curve; Distribution Error; Population Standard deviation of the
distribution of the sample means

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. The speed of internet in all areas in the Visayas Region.

This are numbers that summarizes data for an entire population: Mean; Random Sample; Mode; Standard deviation of the distribution of the
sample means; Deviation Error; Parameter; Standard Curve; Statistics; Population; Population Mean; Sample; Median; Sampling Error; Sample
Distribution of sample means; Standard Deviation; Distribution Error; Sample Parameter

True or False: The Greek letter alpha represents the mean. False

It is measure of the number of standard deviations a particular data value: Z score; Normal quantile plot; None of the choices; Empirical Rule
Z score

True or False: In Statistics, variance is defined as the number of times an outcome can occur compared to all possible outcomes. False

Normal Distribution Curve is also called: Normal Curve; Arc-Shaped Curve; All of the choices; Basic Curve Normal Curve

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Mobile data consumed by a telephone subscriber
CONTINUOUS Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No Renmel closes his eyes, opens a book and
randomly points to a word on the page. She repeats the process for 30 times. No

The distribution that describes the spread of the means of multiple samples from the sample population: Population Mean; Distribution Error;
Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means; Sample Distribution of sample means; Deviation Error; Statistics; Standard
Deviation; Parameter; Sampling Error; Mode; Sample; Mean; Standard Curve; Population; Sample; Median; Random Sample Sample
Distribution of sample means

Given the following mean, compute for the Mean of Means. The answer must have two decimal places. 4.5, 9.2, 9.1, 8.4 2.60

Who is the famous mathematician where the normal distribution curve was named after?: William Gosset ; Carl Friedrich Gauss ; John Tukey ;
Ronald Fisher Carl Friedrich Gauss

True or False: Sample Distribution of sample means is the the distribution that describes the spread of the means of multiple samples from the
sample population TRUE

Which of the following random activity would you define as a discrete random variable?: Height of students enrolled in an online course.; Wind
speed during typhoon.; None of the choices.; Distance travelled of a tourist bus.; Depth of building excavation. None of the choices.

Which of the following statement is TRUE.: All of the statements are TRUE.; Countable number of values are called discrete variables; Non-
countable values are called discrete variables; Infinite numbers are considered discrete variables. Countable number of values are
called discrete variables

Which of the following is CORRECT about Sample Space: Sample space is a subset of events.; Sample space should be always be a number from
zero to one.; Sample space is also known as probability mass function.; Sample space are possible outcomes Sample space are
possible outcomes

Given the set of data: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Find the lower quartile : 3; 0; 8; 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Internet speed in an office CONTINUOUS

Given the following mean, compute for the Mean of Means. The answer should be rounded off to the nearest hundredths. 3.2 3.6 3.9 9.2

True or False: Sampling Error is the degree of error expected for a given sample design TRUE Two dice is rolled and the sum of face up is
being recorded and represented as X. What is P(x <= 5)? 10
Which of the following is incorrect?: None of the choices; Probability distribution is used to compute discrete random variables; Probability
distribution is used to compute continuous random variables; Probability distribution equals to one.; Probability distribution equals to zero.
Probability distribution equals to zero. This tells what the possible values of X and how probabilities are assigned to these values.
Probability Distribution equals to zero

Normal Distribution Curve is also called: Basic Curve; All of the choices; Arc-Shaped Curve; Bell Curve Basic Curve

Find the median of the following data set. 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59 : 36.45; 30; 31; 24

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Speed of a tropical storm in the Philippines CONTINUOUS

Given the set of data: 1,1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Find the upper quartile : 18; 0; 22;
13,14,15,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22 18

Find the median of the following data set. 44, 46, 29, 39, 59, 59, 39: 44; (44 + 46 + 29 + 39 + 59 + 59 + 39)/2; 39; (44 + 46 + 29 + 39 + 59 + 59 +
39)/7 39

It is also called 68-95-99.7 Rule.: Empirical Rule; None of the choices; Z score Rule; Variance Rule Empirical Rule

Use to check the normality of a distribution: Normal quantile plot; Empirical Rule; Z score; None of the choices Normal quantile plot

True or False: Random distribution is the process of assigning a number to each member of the population FALSE

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. Collects the number of students who rides on the train.

How do you determine the value of the mean,: Multiply each possible outcome of the random variables X by its associated probability and the
take the sum over all possible values of X.; Sum each possible outcome of the random variables X by its associated probability and the take the
product of all possible values of X.; Multiply each possible outcome of the random variables X by its associated probability and the take the
square root of the sum of all possible values of X.; None of the choices Multiply each possible outcome of the random variables X by its
associated probability and the take the sum over all possible values of X.

A curve is said to be symmetric if all data points lies at the right side of the curve.
A: false
As the confidence interval for a given statistic increases in length, the confidence level decreases.
A: false

The mean of the normal distribution is: always equal to one; always equal to zero; should always be a positive number; greater than or equal to
zero always equal to zero

If the standard deviation of a population is 300, and samples of 25 units each are taken, what is the Standard deviation of the distribution of the
sample means? 60

True or False: Random sample happened when data is collected in no certain order TRUE

In a normal curve, the bigger the values of standard deviation results to a: wider curve; narrower curve; skewed to the right; skewed to
the left; straight live curve wider curve

True or False: The larger the sample size the closer the sampling distribution was to a normal distribution TRUE

True or False: The Greek letter alpha represents the mean. False

True or False: As the sample size increases, the standard error increases. FALSE True or False: Mean is the sum of all possible values of random
variables. False

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No Selects all areas in the Philippines who are affected by
typhoon and with 5th and 6th income class. Yes

In an IT Certification Examination, the mean was 75 and the standard deviation was 5. If Pam z-scored is 1.5, what was her score in the
examination?: 82.50; 487.50; None of the choices; 117.50 82.50

It is a part of population intended to represent a population as a whole.: Median; Sample; Mean; Mode; Sample; Standard Deviation; Population
Mean; Standard Curve; Deviation Error; Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means; Parameter; Statistics; Population; Random
Sample; Distribution Error; Sample Distribution of sample means; Sampling Error Sample

Normal Distribution Curve is also called: Bell Curve; Basic Curve; Arc-Shaped Curve; All of the choices Basic Curve

Given the following mean, compute for the Mean of Means. The answer must have two decimal places. 4.5, 9.2, 9.1, 8.4 2.60

True or False: Sampling Error is the degree of error expected for a given sample design TRUE
Assuming z-score is 1, which of the following statement is TRUE.: All values are equal to the mean.; All values are greater than the mean.; All
values are equal to the z-score; All values are less than the mean. All values are greater than the mean.

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Time travelled by an astronaut CONTINUOUS

The process of assigning a number to each member of the population: Random Sample; Population Mean; Median; Sample; Standard Curve;
Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means; Sample; Sample Distribution of sample means; Mean; Distribution Error; Sampling
Error; Population; Parameter; Statistics; Standard Deviation; Deviation Error; Mode Random Sample

Salary, scores and age are examples of ____________ random variables. Continuous

This is states that the percentages of data in a normal distribution within 1,2 and 3 standard deviations.: Normal quantile plot; Empirical Rule; Z
score; None of the choices Empirical Rule

Which of the following statement is CORRECT?: A discrete variable is a random variable where data can take infinitely many variables; A
continuous random variable assigns a whole number to each possible outcome of an experiment; A discrete variable are countable number of
possible values; Continuous random variables are finite numbers A discrete variable are countable number of possible values

Consider the given the probability distribution What is the variance? : 2.466; 1.233; 1.99 ; 1.44 1.99

It is the difference between a sample statistic used to estimate a population parameter and the actual but unknown value of the parameter:
Population Mean; Sample Distribution of sample means; Sample; Distribution Error; Population; Mean; Sampling Error; Standard deviation of the
distribution of the sample means; Sample; Random Sample; Parameter; Standard Curve; Median; Deviation Error; Mode; Standard Deviation;
Statistics Sampling Error

True or False: People whose names were drawn out of the survey is an example of a random sample TRUE

Given the set of data: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Find the lower quartile : 8; 0; 3; 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,

Given the set of data: 1,1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Find the upper quartile : 18;
13,14,15,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22; 22; 0 18

A continuous random variable assigns a whole number to each possible outcome of an experiment.: None of the choices; True; False; The
statement has insufficient information. True
t is the difference between a sample statistic used to estimate a population parameter and the actual but unknown value of the parameter:
Statistics; Sample Distribution of sample means; Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means; Standard Curve; Sample; Standard
Deviation; Sampling Error; Mode; Population; Deviation Error; Random Sample; Median; Parameter; Mean; Population Mean; Distribution Error;
Sample Sampling Error

1. Given the data set, find the Mean Value or Expected value (round off your answer to the nearest tenths): 4.2

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No Renmel closes his eyes, opens a book and randomly points to
a word on the page. She repeats the process for 30 times. No

Normal Distribution Curve is also called: Basic Curve; Arc-Shaped Curve; Normal Curve; All of the choices Normal Curve

True or False: The bigger the sample size, the more closely the samples will be clustered around the true value. TRUE

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Number of winning tournaments of a varsity team DISCRETE

This are numbers that summarizes data from a sample: Distribution Error; Population; Parameter; Sample Distribution of sample means;
Deviation Error; Population Mean; Statistics; Sampling Error; Sample; Mode; Standard Curve; Random Sample; Median; Standard deviation of
the distribution of the sample means; Sample; Standard Deviation; Mean Statistics

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Internet speed in an office CONTINUOUS

The data set that approximates a normal distribution is located at the left side of the curve wherein mean is greater than median.: The
statement is ALWAYS TRUE.; The statement is SOMETIMES TRUE.; None of the choices.; The statement is INCORRECT The statement is

The range of probability is: can be any number (positive or negative); from zero to any positive number; negative 1 to positive 1; from zero to 1
from zero to 1

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. The speed of internet in all areas in the Visayas Region.

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Total number of volunteers in a community DISCRETE

Find the median of the following data set. 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59 : 24; 31; 36.45; 30
In an IT Certification Examination, the mean was 50 and the standard deviation was 3. If Pam z-scored is 1, what was her score in the
examination?: 80.50; None of the choices; 53.00; 82.50 53.00

Find the median of the following data set. 44, 46, 29, 39, 59, 59, 39: 44; 39; (44 + 46 + 29 + 39 + 59 + 59 + 39)/7; (44 + 46 + 29 + 39 + 59 + 59 +
39)/2 39

Given the following sample data, compute for the true mean. The answer must have two decimal places. 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 8 8 8 8 4.53

True or False: Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means is computed as the population standard deviation multiplied by the
square root of the sample size. FALSE

Which one of these variables is a not continuous random variable?: The number of volunteers in a community; The number of attendees in an
Information Technology conference.; The tuition fee enrolled in different universities; The number of senators elected in the Philippines The
number of volunteers in a community

Given the following table, what is the correct computation to find mean? : (0.30+0.20+0.10)/(0+1+2) ; (0+1+2)(0.30+0.20+0.10) ; (0)(0.30) +
(1)(0.20) + (2)(0.10); (0.30+0.20+0.10)/3; None of the choices None of the choices

It is the measure of how many standard deviations below or above the population mean.: Normal Distribution Measurement; Z-score; Median;
Empirical Rule Z-score

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. Select all 100 poor households in a community in areas in
the Philippines affected by the earthquake. Yes

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Weight of students in a university CONTINUOUS

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No A survey company collects information on businessman in
Metro Manila on who will they vote for president on the next election. Yes

True or False: As the sample size increases, the standard error increases. FALSE Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS.
Mobile data consumed by a telephone subscriber CONTINUOUS

True or False: People whose names were drawn out of the survey is an example of a random sample TRUE

In a given experiment, the sum of all probabilities is: One; can be any number (positive or negative); Zero; All positive numbers One
Which of the following statement is CORRECT?: A discrete variable are countable number of possible values; A discrete variable is a random
variable where data can take infinitely many variables; Continuous random variables are finite numbers; A continuous random variable assigns a
whole number to each possible outcome of an experiment A discrete variable are countable number of possible values

The weighted average of the possible values of random variables.: Mode; Median; Mean; Standard Deviation; Variance Mean

The standard deviation of the normal distribution is: always equal to zero; greater than or equal to zero; always equal to one; should always be a
positive number always equal to one

Consider the given the probability distribution What is the variance? : 1.233; 1.99 ; 1.44 ; 2.466 1.99

True or False: One of the most important characteristics of any probability distribution is the mean. True

Given the data set 10,11,11,12,12,12,13,13,13,13,24,24,14,15,15,16, how many numbers are in the lower quartile?: 1; 0; 4; 6 4

The mean of the normal distribution is: always equal to zero; should always be a positive number; always equal to one; greater than or equal to
zero always equal to zero

What is the probability distribution of occurring the all heads in a toss of three coins?: 1; None of the choices; 0.1255; 0.25; 0 0.1255 What is
the probability of getting all head when a three coins are tossed? 1/8

Normal Distribution Curve is also called: Arc-Shaped Curve; Normal Curve; Basic Curve; All of the choices Normal Curve

Normal Distribution Curve is also called: Arc-Shaped Curve; All of the choices; Basic Curve; Bell Curve Basic Curve

True or False: Random distribution is the process of assigning a number to each member of the population FALSE

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No The manager chooses 30 employees randomly from a
department. Yes

Find the median of the following data set. 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59 : 24; 30; 31; 36.45

Countless number of values are also known as _____________ variables. Continuous It is computed as the population standard
deviation divided by the square root of the sample size: Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means; Deviation Error; Sampling
Error; Mean; Standard Deviation; Mode; Statistics; Sample; Median; Random Sample; Population; Standard Curve; Sample Distribution of sample
means; Population Mean; Sample; Parameter; Distribution Error Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means

How many possible outcomes when you simultaneously toss three fair coins. 8

It is the measure of how many standard deviations below or above the population mean.: Empirical Rule; Normal Distribution Measurement; Z-
score; Median Z-score

Given the set of data: 1,1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Find the upper quartile : 0; 18; 22;
13,14,15,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22 18

Two dice is rolled and the sum of face up is being recorded and represented as X. What is P(x <= 5)? 10

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. Collects the election results in all areas in the Philippines
during election No

How many regions can be found at the left side of the normal distribution curve?: 4; 2; 1; 3 3

True or False: The probability of an outcome that all heads face up when fairly tossing three coin is 3/8. False

Given the data set 10,11,11,12,12,12,13,13,13,13,24,24,14,15,15,16, how many numbers are in the lower quartile?: 4; 0; 1; 6 4

This tells what the possible values of X and how probabilities are assigned to these values. Probability Distribution

Which of the following applies to a normal distribution?: Mean is greater than Median.; Median is greater than Mean.; None of the choices; Data
is exactly equal to the mean.; Exactly ½ of the data is above the mean and ½ of data is below.

Exactly ½ of the data is above the mean and ½ of data is below.

The weighted average of the possible values of random variables.: Mode; Median; Variance; Standard Deviation; Mean Mean

Which of the following is not a characteristics of a normal distribution.: Bell-shaped; None of the choices; Perfectly asymmetric; Mount-shaped
distribution Perfectly asymmetric

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Number of proposed thesis in a university DISCRETE

Find the median of the following data set. 44, 46, 29, 39, 59, 59, 39: 44; (44 + 46 + 29 + 39 + 59 + 59 + 39)/7; 39; (44 + 46 + 29 + 39 + 59 + 59 +
39)/2 39
Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No The manager chooses 30 employees randomly from a
department. Yes

True or False: Parameters are numbers that summarizes data for an entire population TRUE

The probability distribution of a discrete random variable is a graph, a table or a formula that specifies the probability associated with each
possible value that the random variable can assume.: The statement is INCORRECT. The word “graph” should not be included in the statement.;
The statement is INCORRECT. The word “formula” should not be included in the statement.; The statement is INCORRECT. The word “graph and
formula” should not be included in the statement.; The statement is ALWAYS CORRECT. The statement is ALWAYS CORRECT.

What is the common symbol for the mean?: ∑; Α; Ω; µ µ

Normal Distribution Curve is also called: Bell Curve; All of the choices; Basic Curve; Arc-Shaped Curve Basic Curve

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. Select all 100 poor households in a community in areas in
the Philippines affected by the earthquake. Yes

What is the probability distribution of occurring the all heads in a toss of three coins?: 0.25; 0; 0.1255; 1; None of the choices 0.1255

It is also called 68-95-99.7 Rule.: Z score Rule; Empirical Rule; Variance Rule; None of the choices Empirical Rule

The standard deviation of the normal distribution is: greater than or equal to zero; always equal to one; always equal to zero; should
always be a positive number always equal to one

It is the difference between a sample statistic used to estimate a population parameter and the actual but unknown value of the parameter:
Mean; Standard Deviation; Random Sample; Sampling Error; Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means; Sample Distribution of
sample means; Median; Parameter; Population Mean; Mode; Sample; Standard Curve; Population; Distribution Error; Deviation Error; Sample;
Statistics Sampling Error

It is the degree of error expected for a given sample design: Population; Random Sample; Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample
means; Median; Sampling Error; Sample Distribution of sample means; Sample; Deviation Error; Population Mean; Standard Deviation;
Distribution Error; Standard Curve; Sample; Parameter; Statistics; Mode; Mean Sampling Error

The distribution that describes the spread of the means of multiple samples from the sample population: Population; Sample; Sample; Sample
Distribution of sample means; Deviation Error; Standard Deviation; Sampling Error; Distribution Error; Median; Mode; Standard deviation of the
distribution of the sample means; Standard Curve; Population Mean; Statistics; Random Sample; Mean; Parameter Sample Distribution of
sample means
The distribution that describes the spread of the means of multiple samples from the sample population. Sample Distribution of sample

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No Shake a bag of colored balls, reach in and select a
marble with eyes closed. Yes

True or False: The larger the sample size the closer the sampling distribution was to a normal distribution TRUE

A fair six sided dice is tossed. The player loses 5 pesos if the result is “1”, and loses P5 pesos if the result is a “6”, the rest of the numbers, player

wins P10. Which of the following table best describes the problem? : None of the choices; ; ;

In an IT Certification Examination, the mean was 50 and the standard deviation was 3. If Pam z-scored is 1, what was her score in the
examination?: 53.00; 80.50; None of the choices; 82.50 53.00

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. Collects the number of students who rides on the train.

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. Each audience in a game show is assigned a number from
111 to 666 and roll three standard dice to choose random contestants. Yes

What is the probability of getting the same numbers on 3 dice when they are thrown simultaneously? 1

Find the median of the following data set. 44, 46, 29, 39, 59, 59, 39: (44 + 46 + 29 + 39 + 59 + 59 + 39)/2; 44; (44 + 46 + 29 + 39 + 59 + 59 + 39)/7;
39 39

True or False: In Statistics, variance is defined as the number of times an outcome can occur compared to all possible outcomes. False

Assuming z-score is 1, which of the following statement is TRUE.: All values are less than the mean.; All values are equal to the z-score; All values
are equal to the mean.; All values are greater than the mean. All values are greater than the mean.

The range of probability is: from zero to any positive number; negative 1 to positive 1; can be any number (positive or negative); from zero to 1
from zero to 1
In a normal distribution curve,: Mean is equal to Median; Mean is equal to Median and Mode; Mean is equal to Mode; None of the choices
Mean is equal to Median and Mode

True or False: Variance is the degree to which values of a random variable differ from the expected value. False

True or False: To determine the value of the mean, multiply each possible outcome of the random variables X by its associated
probability and the take the sum over all possible values of X. True

It is also called 68-95-99.7 Rule.: Variance Rule; None of the choices; Z score Rule; Empirical Rule Empirical Rule

The probability distribution of a discrete random variable is a graph, a table or a formula that specifies the probability associated with each
possible value that the random variable can assume.: The statement is INCORRECT. The word “formula” should not be included in the
statement.; The statement is ALWAYS CORRECT.; The statement is INCORRECT. The word “graph and formula” should not be included in the
statement.; The statement is INCORRECT. The word “graph” should not be included in the statement. The statement is ALWAYS CORRECT.

True or False: Mean of means is the sum of all means multiplied by the number of means FALSE

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Number of proposed thesis in a university DISCRETE

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. Select all 100 poor households in a community in areas in
the Philippines affected by the earthquake. Yes

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No The manager chooses 30 employees randomly from a
department. Yes

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Internet speed in an office CONTINUOUS

If the standard deviation of a population is 300, and samples of 25 units each are taken, what is the Standard deviation of the distribution of the
sample means? 60

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No Select all registered voters in a community whose family
income is below 10,000 pesos. Yes

Which of the following random activity would you define as a discrete random variable?: Wind speed during typhoon.; Depth of building
excavation.; Distance travelled of a tourist bus.; None of the choices.; Height of students enrolled in an online course. None of the choices.
The standard deviation of the normal distribution is: always equal to one; should always be a positive number; greater than or equal to
zero; always equal to zero always equal to one What is the probability of getting the same numbers on 3 dice when they are thrown
simultaneously? 1

Consider the given the probability distribution What is the variance? : 1.99 ; 1.44 ; 1.233; 2.466 1.99

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No Shake a bag of colored balls, reach in and select a marble
with eyes closed. Yes

Consider the given the probability distribution The value of the mean is ________. : 4.100 ; 1.233 ; 2.466; 0.082 4.100

A continuous random variable assigns a whole number to each possible outcome of an experiment.: None of the choices; False; True; The
statement has insufficient information. True

A representative subset of a population: Random Sample; Deviation Error; Standard Curve; Population Mean; Sample Distribution of sample
means; Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means; Distribution Error; Median; Sampling Error; Mean; Population; Sample;
Sample; Standard Deviation; Statistics; Parameter; Mode Sample

Which of the following statement is TRUE.: All of the statements are TRUE.; Non-countable values are called discrete variables; Countable
number of values are called discrete variables; Infinite numbers are considered discrete variables. Countable number of values are called
discrete variables

The process of assigning a number to each member of the population: Population Mean; Parameter; Sampling Error; Standard Deviation;
Sample; Distribution Error; Statistics; Random Sample; Mean; Sample Distribution of sample means; Standard Curve; Sample; Mode; Deviation
Error; Median; Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means; Population Random Sample

Find the median of the following data set. 44, 46, 29, 39, 59, 59, 39: 39; (44 + 46 + 29 + 39 + 59 + 59 + 39)/2; (44 + 46 + 29 + 39 + 59 + 59 + 39)/7;
44 39

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. Collects the number of students who rides on the
train. Yes

True or False: Mean of means is the sum of all means multiplied by the number of means FALSE

The data set that approximates a normal distribution is located at the left side of the curve wherein mean is greater than median.: The
statement is INCORRECT; The statement is SOMETIMES TRUE.; None of the choices.; The statement is ALWAYS TRUE. The statement
It is the measure of how many standard deviations below or above the population mean.: Empirical Rule; Median; Z-score; Normal Distribution
Measurement Z-score

Find the median of the following data set. 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59 : 36.45; 31; 24; 30

Which of the following is CORRECT about Sample Space: Sample space is a subset of events.; Sample space are possible outcomes; Sample space
is also known as probability mass function.; Sample space should be always be a number from zero to one. Sample space are possible

True or False: The probability of an outcome that all heads face up when fairly tossing three coin is 3/8. False

Which of the following random activity would you define as a discrete random variable?: Depth of building excavation.; Wind speed during
typhoon.; None of the choices.; Distance travelled of a tourist bus.; Height of students enrolled in an online course. None of the choices.

How many regions can be found at the left side of the normal distribution curve?: 3; 2; 4; 1 3

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Internet speed in an office CONTINUOUS

Given the data set 10,11,11,12,12,12,13,13,13,13,24,24,14,15,15,16, how many numbers are in the lower quartile?: 0; 1; 6; 4 4

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Mobile data consumed by a telephone subscriber CONTINUOUS

Who is the famous mathematician where the normal distribution curve was named after?: Carl Friedrich Gauss ; John Tukey ; Ronald Fisher ;
William Gosset Carl Friedrich Gauss

The speed of cars travelling in the road and the water consumption of household are examples of: Continuous Discrete Random Variable;
Discrete Continuous Random Variable; Continuous Random Variable; None of the choices; Discrete Random Variables Continuous Random

Given the data set 10,11,11,12,12,12,13,13,13,13,24,24,14,15,15,16, find the upper quartile: 13,13,24,24,14,15,15,16; 24; 16; 14 14

The sum of all the probabilities P(X = x) for all possible values of a discrete random variable X must equal 1.: The statement is NOT ALWAYS
TRUE; The statement is FALSE.; The statement is TRUE.; The statement is NOT ALWAYS FALSE The statement is TRUE.

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Weight of students in a university CONTINUOUS

rue or False: As the sample size increases, the standard error increases. FALSE
In a normal curve, the mean is located at the: midpoint of the curve; intersection of the lowest and highest point; lowest point of the
curve; highest point of the curve highest point of the curve

Which of the following is incorrect?: Probability distribution equals to zero.; Probability distribution is used to compute discrete random
variables; Probability distribution is used to compute continuous random variables; None of the choices; Probability distribution equals to one.
Probability distribution equals to zero.

True or False: Sampling Error is the degree of error expected for a given sample design TRUE Identify whether each example describes a
random sample. Answer with Yes or No. Collects the election results in all areas in the Philippines during electionNo What is the common
symbol for the mean?: ∑; Ω; Α; µ µ

True or False: One of the most important characteristics of any probability distribution is the mean. True

True or False: The formula of mean is relative to compute for the variance. True

True or False: Random sample happened when data is collected in no certain order TRUE

Given the set of data: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Find the lower quartile : 8; 0; 3; 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,

True or False: Variance Error is the difference between a sample statistic used to estimate a population parameter and the actual but unknown
value of the parameter FALSE

True or False: The probability of an outcome that all heads face up when fairly tossing three coin is 3/8. False

Which of the following statement is TRUE.: Non-countable values are called discrete variables; Countable number of values are called discrete
variables; All of the statements are TRUE.; Infinite numbers are considered discrete variables. Countable number of values are called discrete

The speed of cars travelling in the road and the water consumption of household are examples of: None of the choices; Discrete Random
Variables; Continuous Random Variable; Continuous Discrete Random Variable; Discrete Continuous Random Variable Continuous
Random Variable

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No A survey company collects information on
businessman in Metro Manila on who will they vote for president on the next election. Yes
Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. A teacher conducts examination to all his students. No
The sum of all the prob

abilities P(X = x) for all possible values of a discrete random variable X must equal to ______. 1

The data set that approximates a normal distribution is located at the left side of the curve wherein mean is greater than median.: The
statement is SOMETIMES TRUE.; The statement is ALWAYS TRUE.; The statement is INCORRECT; None of the choices. The statement is

True or False: In Statistics, variance is defined as the number of times an outcome can occur compared to all possible outcomes. False

In a normal distribution curve, data are divided into 3 equal parts.: The statement is FALSE.; The statement is SOMETIMES TRUE depending on
the data set.; None of the choices; The statement is TRUE. None of the choices

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No Select all registered voters in a community whose family
income is below 10,000 pesos. Yes

Two dice is rolled and the sum of face up is being recorded and represented as X. What is P(x <= 5)? 10

An example of a parameter.: Population Mean; Sample Distribution of sample means; Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample
means; Random Sample; Population; Mode; Sample; Median; Mean; Deviation Error; Standard Curve; Statistics; Parameter; Distribution Error;
Standard Deviation; Sample; Sampling Error Population Mean

Given the set of data: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Find the lower quartile : 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,; 3; 8; 0

Given the set of data: 1,1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 How many numbers are in the lower quartile? : 10; 0;
3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10; 6 6

How do you determine the value of the mean,: Multiply each possible outcome of the random variables X by its associated probability and the
take the square root of the sum of all possible values of X.; Multiply each possible outcome of the random variables X by its associated
probability and the take the sum over all possible values of X.; None of the choices; Sum each possible outcome of the random variables X by its
associated probability and the take the product of all possible values of X. Multiply each possible outcome of the random variables X by its
associated probability and the take the sum over all possible values of X.
Given the following sample data, compute for the true mean. The answer must have two decimal places. 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 8 8 8 8 4.53 Find
the median of the following data set. 44, 46, 29, 39, 59, 59, 39: 39; 44; (44 + 46 + 29 + 39 + 59 + 59 + 39)/7; (44 + 46 + 29 + 39 + 59 + 59 + 39)/2

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Internet speed in an office CONTINUOUS

This are numbers that summarizes data for an entire population: Parameter; Standard Deviation; Distribution Error; Sample; Population Mean;
Median; Mode; Sample; Sampling Error; Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means; Deviation Error; Random Sample; Standard
Curve; Sample Distribution of sample means; Statistics; Population; Mean Parameter

Which of the following applies to a normal distribution?: None of the choices; Median is greater than Mean.; Mean is greater than Median.; Data
is exactly equal to the mean.; Exactly ½ of the data is above the mean and ½ of data is below. Exactly ½ of the data is above the mean and ½
of data is below.

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Total number of volunteers in a community DISCRETE

True or False: Random sample happened when data is collected in no certain order TRUE

Find the median of the following data set. 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59 : 31; 36.45; 30; 24

The mean of the normal distribution is: greater than or equal to zero; always equal to one; should always be a positive number; always equal to
zero always equal to zero

True or False: The probability variance of a discrete random variable is a graph, a table or a formula that specifies the probability associated with
each possible value that the random variable can assume. False

In a normal distribution curve,: Mean is equal to Mode; Mean is equal to Median; None of the choices; Mean is equal to Median and
Mode Mean is equal to Median and Mode

The sum of all the probabilities P(X = x) for all possible values of a discrete random variable X must equal to ______. 1

It is the difference between a sample statistic used to estimate a population parameter and the actual but unknown value of the parameter:
Parameter; Mean; Sample; Mode; Distribution Error; Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means; Median; Sampling Error;
Deviation Error; Standard Deviation; Standard Curve; Population; Population Mean; Statistics; Sample Distribution of sample means; Sample;
Random Sample Sampling Error
Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. The speed of internet in all areas in the Visayas Region.

It is the number of times an outcome can occur compared to all possible outcomes.: Probability; Standard Deviation; Variance; Mean

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. The brightness of an LED bulb CONTINUOUS

It is also called 68-95-99.7 Rule.: Z score Rule; None of the choices; Empirical Rule; Variance Rule Empirical Rule

This are numbers that summarizes data from a sample: Random Sample; Statistics; Population Mean; Sample; Deviation Error; Population;
Standard Deviation; Parameter; Sample Distribution of sample means; Sample; Standard Curve; Mode; Median; Sampling Error; Standard
deviation of the distribution of the sample means; Distribution Error; Mean Statistics

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Internet speed in an office CONTINUOUS

Use to check the normality of a distribution: None of the choices; Normal quantile plot; Z score; Empirical Rule Normal quantile plot

Which of the following statement is TRUE.: All of the statements are TRUE.; Non-countable values are called discrete variables; Countable
number of values are called discrete variables; Infinite numbers are considered discrete variables. Countable number of values are called
discrete variables

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Total number of volunteers in a community DISCRETE

Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Mobile data consumed by a telephone subscriber CONTINUOUS

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No Women who volunteer to take a survey on human rights.

Which one of these variables is a not continuous random variable?: The number of senators elected in the Philippines; The number of volunteers
in a community; The tuition fee enrolled in different universities; The number of attendees in an Information Technology conference.
The number of senators elected in the Philippines

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No. Collects the number of students who rides on the train.

True or False: Mean is the sum of all possible values of random variables. False
The sum of all the probabilities P(X = x) for all possible values of a discrete random variable X must equal to ______. 1

Two dice is rolled and the sum of face up is being recorded and represented as X. What is P(x <= 5)? 10

Identify whether each example describes a random sample. Answer with Yes or No A survey company collects information on businessman in
Metro Manila on who will they vote for president on the next election. Yes

The sum of all the probabilities P(X = x) for all possible values of a discrete random variable X must equal 1.: The statement is FALSE.; The
statement is NOT ALWAYS TRUE; The statement is TRUE.; The statement is NOT ALWAYS FALSE The statement is TRUE.

An example of a parameter.: Standard Deviation; Sample; Random Sample; Standard deviation of the distribution of the sample means; Mode;
Median; Sampling Error; Standard Curve; Population Mean; Statistics; Parameter; Distribution Error; Deviation Error; Mean; Sample; Sample
Distribution of sample means; Population Population Mean

The speed of cars travelling in the road and the water consumption of household are examples of: Discrete Continuous Random
Variable; Continuous Random Variable; Continuous Discrete Random Variable; Discrete Random Variables; None of the choices Continuous
Random Variable

True or False: Sample Distribution of sample means is the the distribution that describes the spread of the means of multiple samples from the
sample population TRUE

1. Given the data set below, compute for the variance. (Round off your answer to the nearest hundredths):
A: 5.98

The degree of error expected for a given sample design

A: sampling error

This is defined by two values, between which a population parameter is said to lie.
A: interval estimate

Which of the following applies to Central Limit Theorem?

A: Distribution of sample means may be assumed normal as long as sample size is greater than or equal to 30.

These are numbers that summarizes data from a sample.

A: statistics
The average of the population.
A: mean

Confidence interval is associated by confidence level

A: true

In Central Limit Theorem, the mean of the sampling distribution of the mean is equal to the
A: population mean

Which of the following does describes a T distribution?

A: all of the choices

In order to apply the Central Limit Theorem, which of the statement applies?
A: A sample size greater than or equal to 30

Margin of Error is computed as quotient of the standard deviation and the ____________ of the sample size multiplied by the confidence
A: square root

In a normal distribution curve, the total area of the curve is

A: 1
Number of rooms & employees are examples of _________________.
A: Discrete Random Variables

What is the formula to calculate the standard deviation of the sampling distribution?
A: Standard deviation of the population divided by the square root of the sample size

The formula to computer for the confidence interval is?


The mean of sample should fall ________________ the lower and upper values of the confidence interval.
A: within

Which of the following describes a T distribution?

A: all of the choices

As the confidence interval for a given statistics increases in length,

A: confidence level increases

T distribution is use to estimate population mean interval for:

A: Smaller samples

In a normal curve, z-score is ______________.

A: Always equal to zero.

Also known as Bell shaped curve.

A: normal curve

In a normal distribution, the tail of the curve __________ along the horizontal axis.
A: flatten

Formula to compute for the variance


According to the Empirical Rule, ________ % of the sample estimates will fall within one standard error above the population parameter.
The process of assigning a number to each member of the population
A: Random Sampling

BAED-STAT2112 Statistics and Probability (Week 11-20)

Short Quiz 8
The “p hat” is calculated as
Select one:
a. Number of desired elements over the number of desired outcomes
b. Number of desired outcomes over the number of desired elements Correct
c. 1- (Number of desired elements over the number of desired outcomes)
d. (Number of desired outcomes over the number of desired elements) – 1
The correct answer is: Number of desired outcomes over the number of desired elements
Sampling distribution of proportions is ______________ distributed
Select one:
a. Normally Correct
b. Randomly
c. Evenly
d. Unevenly
The correct answer is: Normally
A survey was conducted to 300 Grade 10 students who have Internet access to determine who access social media websites after attending
classes. Based on the survey, 250 students responded Yes. What is the population proportion to students who do not access social media after
attending classes?
Select one:
a. 80%
b. 20%
c. 17% Correct
d. 83%
The correct answer is: 17%
When the confidence level is 95%, the ____________________ are +- 1.96
Select one:
a. Margin of Errors
b. Confidence coefficients Correct
c. Confidence intervals
d. “p hat” values
The correct answer is: Confidence coefficients
Point estimate is
Select one:
a. Always equal to the number or samples
b. A range of possible values for a population parameter.
c. Equal to the population mean
d. A statistical that estimates a population parameter Correct
The correct answer is: A statistical that estimates a population parameter
The ̂p is the ____________ estimate of p.
Select one:
a. balanced
b. unbiased Correct
c. biased
d. inverse
Given n=10, x¯ =28, s=2.0, 95% confidence. Assuming that the samples come from a normal distribution, find the margin of error.
Select one:
a. 1.24 Correct
b. 26.76
c. 3.16
d. 0.63
The correct answer is: 1.24
Given n=10, x¯ =28, s=2.0, 99% confidence. Assuming that the samples come from a normal distribution, find the interval estimate of the
population mean.
Select one:
a. (11.34, 14.89)
b. (1.63, 2.25)
c. (21.36, 24.63)
d. (26.36, 29.63) Correct
The correct answer is: (26.36, 29.63)
What is in the center of the confidence interval?
Select one:
a. Margin of Error
b. Point Estimate Correct
c. Population Parameter
d. Number of samples
The correct answer is: Point Estimate
In a survey of 500 individuals, 300 likes to eat dinner in a restaurant. Estimate the sample proportion ^p of those who like to eat dinner in a
restaurant based on the sample.
Select one:
a. 45%
b. 0.40
c. 55%
d. 0.60 Correct
The correct answer is: 0.60
As the confidence interval for a given statistics increases in length, the confidence level ___________.
A: Increases - correct
Learning Activity 8 Stats
Margin of error is
Select one:
a. the product of confidence coefficient and standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size Correct
b. the quotient of confidence coefficient and standard deviation multiplied by the square root of the sample size
c. the product of confidence coefficient and square root of the sample size divided by standard deviation
d. the quotient of confidence coefficient and square root of the sample size divided standard deviation
The correct answer is: the product of confidence coefficient and standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size
Given n=100, x¯ =45, s=2.0, 90% confidence. Assuming that the samples come from a normal distribution, find the interval estimate of the
population mean.
Select one:
a. (42.103, 43.970)
b. (43.355, 46.645)
c. (44.461, 45.329) Incorrect
d. (46.921, 47.727)
The correct answer is: (43.355, 46.645)
Given n=100, x¯ =80, s=2.0, 95% confidence. Assuming that the samples come from a normal distribution, find the margin of error.
Select one:
a. 0.348 Incorrect
b. 0.20
c. 0.392
d. 0.196
The correct answer is: 0.392
A survey was conducted from the 250 individuals. Based on the result of the survey, 170 are satisfied with the current Local Government
administration. Estimate the sample proportion ^p of those who are not satisfied based on the sample provided.
Select one:
a. 55%
b. 0.32 Correct
c. 0.
d. 0.68
The correct answer is: 0.32
A survey was conducted to 110 college students to determine who are using the Library Resource Center of the university. Based on the survey,
only 30% responded Yes. Based on the survey, how many students are not using the Library Resource Center?
Select one:
a. 33
b. 30
c. 67 Correct
d. 70
The correct answer is: 67

Learning Activity 9 Stats

A survey of 200 people finds that they work on average of 8 hours a day. If the margin of error at 98% confidence level is 1.2 hours. How do you
compute for the lower confidence interval?
Select one:
a. 8 hours less 1.2 hours
b. Z score plus less the square root of 8 hours less 1.2 hours Correct
c. None of the choices
d. 8 hours less 1.2 hours multiplied by the z score at 98% confidence level
The correct answer is: Z score plus less the square root of 8 hours less 1.2 hours
King Lo Electronics claims that the new brand of computer will last for 25,000 hours. A research company conducted a test on the information.
The company randomly select and test 100 cellular phone. The data from the sample shows that the mean life of the cellular phone is 20,000
hours, with a standard deviation of 1000 hours. Determine the 95% confidence interval of the mean life of the cellular phone.
Select one:
a. (17,482, 18,649)
b. (19,804, 20,196) Correct
c. (23,467, 24,639)
d. (26,928, 27,375)
The correct answer is: (19,804, 20,196)
Given the sample size (n=400) and sample proportion (p=0.56), find the approximate margin of error for the 99% confidence interval:
Select one:
a. 0.043 Incorrect
b. 0.052
c. 0.064
d. 0.074
The correct answer is: 0.064
Given the sample size (n=200) and sample proportion (p=0.70), find the approximate margin of error for the 90% confidence interval:
Select one:
a. 0.053
b. 0.085
c. 0.072 Incorrect
d. 0.039
The correct answer is: 0.053
A private organization telephone poll of 750 adults, aged 18 and older, living in the country found that 60% of citizen feel confident in the
accuracy of their doctor's advice, and don't feel the need to check for a second opinion or do additional research. The margin of error for this
survey was given as ± 20 percentage points. Find a 95% confidence interval estimate of the percent of adults who feel confident in the accuracy
of their doctor’s advice and don’t feel the need to check for a second opinion.
Select one:
a. (0.490, 0.601)
b. (0.452, 0.538)
c. (0.565, 0.640) Correct
d. (0.316, 0.483)
The correct answer is: (0.565, 0.640)
Short Quiz 9
Given the sample size (n=400) and sample proportion (p=0.70), find the approximate margin of error for the 99% confidence interval:
Select one:
a. 0.086
b. 0.059
c. 0.039 Incorrect
d. 0.330
The correct answer is: 0.059
Suppose a new cancer treatment is given to a sample of 500 patients. The treatment was successful for 300 of the patients. Assume that these
patients are representative of the population of individuals who have this cancer.
Determine a 90% confidence interval for the proportion successful treated.
Select one:
a. 0.564 < p < 0.640
b. 0.640 < p < 0.742 Incorrect
c. 0.742 < p < 0.834
d. 0.834 < p < 0.927
The correct answer is: 0.564 < p < 0.640
A private organization telephone poll of 900 adults, aged 18 and older, living in the country found that 75% of citizen feel confident in the
accuracy of their doctor's advice, and don't feel the need to check for a second opinion or do additional research. The margin of error for this
survey was given as ±10 percentage points.
Find a 90% upper confidence interval estimate of the percent of adults who feel confident in the accuracy of their doctor’s advice and don’t feel
the need to check for a second opinion.
Select one:
a. 0.077
b. 0.329 Incorrect
c. 0.834
d. 0.290
The correct answer is: 0.077
Lim Electronics claims that the new brand of cellular phone will last for 80,000 hours. A research company conducted a test on the information.
The company randomly select and test 100 cellular phone. The data from the sample shows that the mean life of the cellular phone is 60,000
hours, with a standard deviation of 1500 hours. Determine the 95% confidence interval of the mean life of the cellular phone.
Select one:
a. (79,301 , 80,890) Incorrect
b. (59,706 , 60,294)
c. (59,301 , 60,890)
d. (79,706 , 80,294)
The correct answer is: (59,706 , 60,294)
A survey of 900 female finds that they sleep on average of 8 hours a day. If the margin of error at 95% confidence level is 1.3 hours. Find the
confidence interval?
Select one:
a. 4.50 hours < p < 5.89 hours
b. 6.70 hours < p < 9.30 hours Correct
c. 8.66 hours < p < 11.26 hours
d. 7.34 hours < p < 8.66 hours
The correct answer is: 6.70 hours < p < 9.30 hours
Given the sample size (n=300) and sample proportion (p=0.56), find the approximate margin of error for the 90% confidence interval:
Select one:
a. 0.055
b. 0.069
c. 0.047 Correct
d. 0.039
The correct answer is: 0.047
Given the problem in item 9, what does the answer tells about?
Select one:
a. Lim Electronics can use the survey conducted for their advertisements.
b. The confidence interval does not support the claim of Lim Electronics.
c. The confidence interval support the claim of Lim Electronics. Incorrect
d. The information is not sufficient to conclude.
The correct answer is: The confidence interval does not support the claim of Lim Electronics.
A survey of 900 people finds that they work on average of 9 hours a day. If the margin of error at 98% confidence level is 1.5 hours. What is the
solution to find the lower confidence interval?
Select one:
a. Z score plus less the square root of 9 hours less 1.5 hours
b. None of the choices
c. 9 hours less 1.5 hours Correct
d. All of the choices
e. 9 hours less 1.5 hours multiplied by the z score at 98% confidence level
A private organization telephone poll of 900 adults, aged 18 and older, living in the country found that 75% of citizen feel confident in the
accuracy of their doctor's advice, and don't feel the need to check for a second opinion or do additional research. The margin of error for this
survey was given as ±10 percentage points.
Find a 90% lower confidence interval estimate of the percent of adults who feel confident in the accuracy of their doctor’s advice and don’t feel
the need to check for a second opinion.
Select one:
a. 0.0726
b. 0.8932
c. 0.4508 Incorrect
d. 0.0934
The correct answer is: 0.0726
Suppose a new cancer treatment is given to a sample of 500 patients. The treatment was successful for 300 of the patients. Assume that these
patients are representative of the population of individuals who have this cancer.
Calculate the sample proportion that was successfully treated.
Select one:
a. 0.85 Incorrect
b. 0.72
c. 0.30
d. 0.60
The correct answer is: 0.60

Learning Activity 10 Stats

Find the sample size given 95% confidence, Margin of Error = 0.15 and p ^ =0.25.
Select one:
a. 34 Incorrect
b. 33
c. 31
d. 32
The correct answer is: 33
Find the sample size given 90% confidence, Margin of Error = 0.15 and ^p =0.25.
Select one:
a. 20 Incorrect
b. 22
c. 23
d. 21
The correct answer is: 23
Find the sample size given 99% confidence, Margin of Error = 0.10 and ^p =0.35.
Select one:
a. 389
b. 215 Incorrect
c. 139
d. 152
The correct answer is: 152
Find the sample size given 99% confidence, Margin of Error = 0.18 and ^p =0.30.
Select one:
a. 41
b. 42
c. 44 Incorrect
d. 43
The correct answer is: 43
The Engineer of the building wants to use the proportion of the population to determine the sample size needed to interview regarding their
idea about the new color design of the building. He wants to be able to assure with probability 0.90 that his error will be most 0.10. Similar
surveys during past year that 85% approved the new color design. How large a sample does the Engineer need?
Select one:
a. 278 Incorrect
b. 2,145
c. 1,372
d. 196
The correct answer is: 196

Short Quiz 11 Stats

Determine whether each of the following is a null of an alternative hypothesis:
The proportion of computer in the software laboratory is lower than the total number of BS IT students in the university.
alternative hypothesis
The correct answer is: Alternative hypothesis
The alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis should be ________________.
Select one:
a. Mutually exclusive
b. All of the choices
c. None of the choices
d. Mutually inclusive Correct
The correct answer is: Mutually inclusive
Determine whether each of the following is a null of an alternative hypothesis:
The proportion of an employee income is greater than the monthly expenses of the employee.
null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Alternative hypothesis
William collected a random sample of 88 people, asking how many times they open ABC web site per day on average, and calculated x¯ = 50.30.
ABC suggests that µ = 55, and s = 10. William thinks the actual mean is less than the website owner claims. What is the null and alternative
Select one:
a. 55
b. Null hypothesis µ = 55, Alternative hypothesis µ < 55
c. Null hypothesis µ ? 55, Alternative hypothesis µ
d. Null hypothesis µ > 55, Alternative hypothesis µ = 55
e. 55, Alternative hypothesis µ ? 55 Correct
f. Null hypothesis µ
The correct answer is: Null hypothesis µ ≥ 55, Alternative hypothesis µ < 55
A type of test that is denoted by the symbol Ho.
Select one:
a. Rejection hypothesis Incorrect
b. Statistical hypothesis
c. Alternative hypothesis
d. Null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Null hypothesis
The probability of making type I error is
Select one:
a. ß
b. 1- a
c. 1- ß
d. a Correct
e. µ - a
The correct answer is: a
For the 99% confidence level,
Select one:
a. a
b. a
c. a
d. 0.001
e. a
f. 0.010
g. 0.005
h. 0.025 Correct
The correct answer is: 0.010
Determine whether each of the following is a null of an alternative hypothesis:
A police precinct claims that there is ten crimes on the average are reported.
alternative hypothesis
The correct answer is: Null hypothesis
This refers to the area where the value of the test statistic lies for which we will reject the null hypothesis.
Select one:
a. Rejection region and Null region
b. Rejection region and Critical region Correct
c. Null region and Critical region
d. Null region
e. Critical region
f. None of the choices
g. Rejection region
h. All of the choices
The correct answer is: Rejection region and Critical region

Learning Activity 11 Stats

Determine whether each of the following is a null of an alternative hypothesis:
The average income of an employee is 12,000 pesos.
null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Null hypothesis
The level of significance is the
Select one:
a. 1 - p value
b. Same as confidence interval
c. Maximum allowable probability of Type II error
d. Minimum allowable probability of Type II error
e. Probability of committing a Type I error Correct
The correct answer is: Probability of committing a Type I error
What is the null hypothesis to the claim that people like android phone than IOS? State the null hypothesis.
Select one:
a. Less people like IOS than android
b. More people like android than IOS phone Correct
c. Less people like android and IOS phone
d. More people like IOS phone than android phone
The correct answer is: More people like android than IOS phone
If the null hypothesis is true and rejected, the decision is incorrect – Type I Error
Select one:
a. Rejection Error
b. Type I Error Correct
c. Correction Error
d. Type II Error
The correct answer is: Type I Error
Determine whether each of the following is a null of an alternative hypothesis:
The average internet usage of a College student is 6 hours.
null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Null hypothesis

Learning Activity 12 Stats

In hypothesis testing, the computed statistics is compared to the critical value for decision making.
Select one:
a. The statement is TRUE. Correct
b. The statement is FALSE.
The correct answer is: The statement is TRUE.
This separates the rejection region to the region where we do not reject the null hypothesis.
Select one:
a. Z score
b. Null value Incorrect
c. Critical value
d. chi value
The correct answer is: Critical value
Given a=0.05 and the test statistics, decide whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or accepted:
Select one:
a. Do not Reject
b. Reject Correct
c. Cannot be determined
The correct answer is: Reject
St. Therese senior high school have an average achievement test score of 96. From a random sample of 49 students St. Therese students we find
the average achievement test score to be 98 with a standard deviation of 88. We want to know if these high school students are representative
of the overall population. What can we conclude based?
Select one:
a. Accept null hypothesis
b. Reject null hypothesis
c. Accept alternative hypothesis Incorrect
d. Reject alternative hypothesis
The correct answer is: Accept null hypothesis
Given a=0.05 and the test statistics, decide whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or accepted:
Select one:
a. Cannot be determined
b. Reject
c. Do not Reject Incorrect
The correct answer is: Reject
Suppose that the z is the test statistics for hypothesis testing, calculate the value of the z for each of the following. Express your answer in 2
decimal places. µ = 25, s = 5, n = 80, x¯ = 23.4
-5 - wrong
The correct answer is: -2.86
Suppose that the z is the test statistics for hypothesis testing, calculate the value of the z for each of the following. Express your answer in 2
decimal places. µ = 77, s = 6, n = 109, x¯ = 78.2
The correct answer is: 2.09
Suppose that the z is the test statistics for hypothesis testing, calculate the value of the z for each of the following. Express your answer in
2 decimal places. µ = 8, σ = 4, n = 99, x̄ = 7.2
A: -1.99 - correct

Short Quiz 12
Consider the scenario: In a recent survey, 320 persons out of 35 reported that they prefer to ride in a public utility air-conditioned vehicle rather
than a jeepney. What is the value of the test statistics?
Select one:
a. 3.49 Incorrect
b. – 1.85
c. – 1.85
d. – 1.33
The correct answer is: – 1.85
Supposed that the z is the test statistics for hypothesis testing, calculate the value of the z for each of the following. Express your answer in 2
decimal places.
µ = 8.5, s = 4, n = 99, x¯ = 7.2
34.32 - wrong
The correct answer is: -3.23
Given a=0.05 and the test statistics, decide whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or accepted:
Select one:
a. Cannot be determined
b. Reject Correct
c. Do not Reject
Consider the scenario: In a recent survey, 320 persons out of 35 reported that they prefer to ride in a public utility air-conditioned vehicle rather
than a jeepney.
What can we conclude based the value of the test statistics?
Select one:
a. Reject null hypothesis
b. Accept alternative hypothesis Incorrect
c. Reject alternative hypothesis
d. Accept null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Accept null hypothesis
Values supporting the ___________________ occurs in the rejection region.
Select one:
a. Critical values
b. Alternative hypothesis and critical values Incorrect
c. Null hypothesis
d. Null hypothesis and critical values
e. Alternative hypothesis
The correct answer is: Null hypothesis and critical values
A sample is small when n=30.
Select one:
a. The statement is TRUE. Incorrect
b. The statement is FALSE. Replace the letter n with letter x.
c. The statement is FALSE. Replace the = with =
d. The statement is FALSE. Replace the word small with large.
The correct answer is: The statement is FALSE. Replace the word small with large.
In hypothesis testing, the computed statistics is compared to the critical value for decision making.
Select one:
a. The statement is FALSE.
b. The statement is TRUE. Correct
The correct answer is: The statement is TRUE.
Given a=0.05 and the test statistics, decide whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or accepted:
Select one:
a. Do not Reject
b. Reject Incorrect
c. Cannot be determined
The correct answer is: Do not Reject
Given a=0.05 and the test statistics, decide whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or accepted:
Select one:
a. Cannot be determined
b. Do not Reject Correct
c. Reject
The correct answer is: Do not Reject
Supposed that the z is the test statistics for hypothesis testing, calculate the value of the z for each of the following. Express your answer in 2
decimal places.
µ = 77, s = 6, n = 109, x¯ = 78.2
The correct answer is: 2.09
Supposed that the z is the test statistics for hypothesis testing, calculate the value of the z for each of the following. Express your answer in 2
decimal places.
µ = 8, s = 4, n = 99, x¯ = 7.2
The correct answer is: -1.99
Given a=0.05 and the test statistics, decide whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or accepted:
Select one:
a. Cannot be determined
b. Reject
c. Do not Reject Correct
The correct answer is: Do not Reject
Given a=0.05 and the test statistics, decide whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or accepted:
– 0.6
Select one:
a. Cannot be determined
b. Do not Reject Correct
c. Reject
The correct answer is: Do not Reject

Learning Activity 13 Stats

A Police Sub Station claims that 45% of crimes are related to cell phone snatching. In a random sample of 150 accidents, it is found that 60 of the
accidents are related to cell phone snatching.
What is the standard error of the proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.033
b. 0.028
c. 0.066 Incorrect
d. 0.041
The correct answer is: 0.041
A Police Sub Station claims that 45% of crimes are related to cell phone snatching. In a random sample of 150 accidents, it is found that 60 of the
accidents are related to cell phone snatching.
What is the observed value of the sample proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.932
b. 0.400
c. 0.783
d. 0.600 Incorrect
The correct answer is: 0.400
A businessman is increasing his price for processed food, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts for 75% of his
budget. In a random sample of 10 of the processed food, it is found out that in 6 of the processed food, the cost of the material is higher.
What is the standard error of the proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.442 Incorrect
b. 0.391
c. 0.137
d. 0.296
The correct answer is: 0.137
A businessman is increasing his price for processed food, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts for 75% of his
budget. In a random sample of 10 of the processed food, it is found out that in 6 of the processed food, the cost of the material is higher.
At the 5% level of significance, test the contractor/engineer’s claim. Based on the test, what can you conclude?
Select one:
a. Reject the null hypothesis
b. Accept the null hypothesis Correct
The correct answer is: Accept the null hypothesis
A Police Sub Station claims that 45% of crimes are related to cell phone snatching. In a random sample of 150 accidents, it is found that 60 of the
accidents are related to cell phone snatching.
At the 10% level of significance, test the Police Sub Station claims. Based on the test, what can you conclude?
Select one:
a. Accept the null hypothesis Correct
b. Reject the null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Accept the null hypothesis
A Police Sub Station claims that 45% of crimes are related to cell phone snatching. In a random sample of 150 accidents, it is found that 60 of the
accidents are related to cell phone snatching.
What is the test statistic for this scenario?
Select one:
a. -0.066
b. 2.112
c. -1.231
d. 1.992 Correct
The correct answer is: 1.992
A businessman is increasing his price for processed food, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts for 75% of his
budget. In a random sample of 10 of the processed food, it is found out that in 6 of the processed food, the cost of the material is higher.
What is the test statistic for this scenario?
Select one:
a. 0.899
b. 1.203
c. 0.996
d. 1.095 Correct
The correct answer is: 1.095

A businessman is increasing his price for processed food, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts for 75% of his
budget. In a random sample of 10 of the processed food, it is found out that in 6 of the processed food, the cost of the material is higher.
What is the observed value of the sample proportion?
A: 0.600

Short Quiz 13 Stats

The traffic management office claims that 65% of road accidents are related to motorcycles. In a random sample of 200 accidents, it is found
that 135 of the accidents are related to motorcycles.
At the 10% level of significance, test the traffic management office’s claim. Based on the test, what can you conclude?
Select one:
a. Accept the null hypothesis Correct
b. Reject the null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Accept the null hypothesis
A building contractor/engineer is increasing his price for building projects, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts
for 65% of his budget. In a random sample of 30 of his projects it is found that in 20 of the projects the cost of the material is higher.
What is the test statistic for this scenario?
Select one:
a. 0.983
b. 2.181
c. 3.004
d. 1.191 Correct
The correct answer is: 1.191
A building contractor/engineer is increasing his price for building projects, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts
for 65% of his budget. In a random sample of 30 of his projects it is found that in 20 of the projects the cost of the material is higher.
What is the standard error of the proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.087 Correct
b. 0.0632
c. 0.032
d. 0.051
The correct answer is: 0.087
About 30% of the male population living in an urban area smokes cigarette. A researcher believes that male aged 16-30 are more likely smokes
cigarette than other ages in the urban area population. The researcher surveys 300 male aged 16-30 and finds that 80 of them smokes cigarette:
What is the standard error of the proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.041
b. 0.089
c. 0.026 Correct
d. 0.011
The correct answer is: 0.026
About 30% of the male population living in an urban area smokes cigarette. A researcher believes that male aged 16-30 are more likely smokes
cigarette than other ages in the urban area population. The researcher surveys 300 male aged 16-30 and finds that 80 of them smokes cigarette:
What is the test statistic for this scenario?
Select one:
a. -2.729
b. -0.998
c. -3.661
d. -1.260 Correct
The correct answer is: -1.260
About 30% of the male population living in an urban area smokes cigarette. A researcher believes that male aged 16-30 are more likely smokes
cigarette than other ages in the urban area population. The researcher surveys 300 male aged 16-30 and finds that 80 of them smokes cigarette:
What is the observed value of the sample proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.372
b. 0.419
c. 0.267 Correct
d. 0.189
The correct answer is: 0.267
fcost of the material is higher.
What is the observed value of the sample proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.667 Correct
b. 0.429
c. 0.739
d. 0.921
The correct answer is: 0.667
The traffic management office claims that 65% of road accidents are related to motorcycles. In a random sample of 200 accidents, it is found
that 135 of the accidents are related to motorcycles.
What is the test statistic for this scenario?
Select one:
a. 0.0548
b. 0.0808
c. 0.0993
d. 0.0741 Correct
The correct answer is: 0.0741
A building contractor/engineer is increasing his price for building projects, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts
for 65% of his budget. In a random sample of 30 of his projects it is found that in 20 of the projects the cost of the material is higher.
At the 5% level of significance, test the contractor/engineer’s claim. Based on the test, what can you conclude?
Select one:
a. Accept the null hypothesis Correct
b. Reject the null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Accept the null hypothesis
The traffic management office claims that 65% of road accidents are related to motorcycles. In a random sample of 200 accidents, it is found
that 135 of the accidents are related to motorcycles.
What is the observed value of the sample proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.963
b. 0.675 Correct
c. 0.367
d. 0.822
The correct answer is: 0.675
Short Quiz 13 Stats
The traffic management office claims that 65% of road accidents are related to motorcycles. In a random sample of 200 accidents, it is found
that 135 of the accidents are related to motorcycles.
At the 10% level of significance, test the traffic management office’s claim. Based on the test, what can you conclude?
Select one:
a. Accept the null hypothesis Correct
b. Reject the null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Accept the null hypothesis
A building contractor/engineer is increasing his price for building projects, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts
for 65% of his budget. In a random sample of 30 of his projects it is found that in 20 of the projects the cost of the material is higher.
What is the test statistic for this scenario?
Select one:
a. 0.983
b. 2.181
c. 3.004
d. 1.191 Correct
The correct answer is: 1.191
A building contractor/engineer is increasing his price for building projects, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts
for 65% of his budget. In a random sample of 30 of his projects it is found that in 20 of the projects the cost of the material is higher.
What is the standard error of the proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.087 Correct
b. 0.0632
c. 0.032
d. 0.051
The correct answer is: 0.087
About 30% of the male population living in an urban area smokes cigarette. A researcher believes that male aged 16-30 are more likely smokes
cigarette than other ages in the urban area population. The researcher surveys 300 male aged 16-30 and finds that 80 of them smokes cigarette:
What is the standard error of the proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.041
b. 0.089
c. 0.026 Correct
d. 0.011
The correct answer is: 0.026
About 30% of the male population living in an urban area smokes cigarette. A researcher believes that male aged 16-30 are more likely smokes
cigarette than other ages in the urban area population. The researcher surveys 300 male aged 16-30 and finds that 80 of them smokes cigarette:
What is the test statistic for this scenario?
Select one:
a. -2.729
b. -0.998
c. -3.661
d. -1.260 Correct
The correct answer is: -1.260
About 30% of the male population living in an urban area smokes cigarette. A researcher believes that male aged 16-30 are more likely smokes
cigarette than other ages in the urban area population. The researcher surveys 300 male aged 16-30 and finds that 80 of them smokes cigarette:
What is the observed value of the sample proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.372
b. 0.419
c. 0.267 Correct
d. 0.189
The correct answer is: 0.267
A building contractor/engineer is increasing his price for building projects, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts
for 65% of his budget. In a random sample of 30 of his projects it is found that in 20 of the projects the cost of the material is higher.
What is the observed value of the sample proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.667 Correct
b. 0.429
c. 0.739
d. 0.921
The correct answer is: 0.667
The traffic management office claims that 65% of road accidents are related to motorcycles. In a random sample of 200 accidents, it is found
that 135 of the accidents are related to motorcycles.
What is the test statistic for this scenario?
Select one:
a. 0.0548
b. 0.0808
c. 0.0993
d. 0.0741 Correct
The correct answer is: 0.0741
A building contractor/engineer is increasing his price for building projects, claiming that the cost of labor and material is going up and accounts
for 65% of his budget. In a random sample of 30 of his projects it is found that in 20 of the projects the cost of the material is higher.
At the 5% level of significance, test the contractor/engineer’s claim. Based on the test, what can you conclude?
Select one:
a. Accept the null hypothesis Correct
b. Reject the null hypothesis
The correct answer is: Accept the null hypothesis
The traffic management office claims that 65% of road accidents are related to motorcycles. In a random sample of 200 accidents, it is found
that 135 of the accidents are related to motorcycles.
What is the observed value of the sample proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.963
b. 0.675 Correct
c. 0.367
d. 0.822
The correct answer is: 0.675
The traffic management office claims that 65% of road accidents are related to motorcycles. In a random sample of 200 accidents, it is found
that 135 of the accidents are related to motorcycles.
What is the standard error of the proportion?
Select one:
a. 0.062
b. 0.077
c. 0.034 correct
d. 0.045

Short quiz 14
In a ____________, high values in one variable correspond to high values in the other variable.
Select one:
a. Perfect Correlation Incorrect
b. Positive Correlation
c. Scattered Correlation
d. Negative Correlation
The correct answer is: Positive Correlation
Graphical representation of the relationship between two variables.
Select one:
a. Line Plots Incorrect
b. XY intersection plot
c. scatter plot
d. Cartesian plane
The correct answer is: scatter plot
When examining scatterplot and draw an ellipse around the data, long and narrow ellipses means
Select one:
a. Negative linear association
b. Weak linear association
c. Positive linear association Incorrect
d. Strong linear association
e. Cannot determine with the given information
The correct answer is: Strong linear association
This measures relationship between bivariate data.
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Correlation Correct
c. All of the choices
d. Linear Regression
e. Scatterplot Analysis
The correct answer is: Correlation
A _____________ is simply a scatterplot in which we connect successive chronological observations with a line segment to give more
information about how the data values are changing over a period of time.
Select one:
a. XY Plot
b. Scatter Plot
c. Correlation Plot
d. Line plot Correct
The correct answer is: Line plot
The data had a _________________ when one variable increases, the other variable also decreases.
Select one:
a. negative linear association Incorrect
b. proportional association
c. elliptical association
d. positive linear association
The correct answer is: positive linear association
The goal of examining bivariate data is to show some relativity or association between two or more variables.
Select one:
a. The statement is TRUE. Incorrect
b. The statement is FALSE.
The correct answer is: The statement is FALSE.

Learning Actvity 14 Stats

Given the data below, what is the direction of the association between the two variables.
Select one:
a. Positive linear association Incorrect
b. Weak linear association
c. Strong linear association
d. None of the choices
e. Negative linear association
The correct answer is: Negative linear association
The data had a _________________ when one variable increases, the other variable also increases.
Select one:
a. positive linear association Correct
b. proportional association
c. elliptical association
d. negative linear association
The correct answer is: positive linear association
The line that is closest to the points is called _____________.
Select one:
a. Trend line Correct
b. Correlation line
c. Cross line
d. Scatter line
The correct answer is: Trend line
The three important characteristics of a bivariate?
Select one:
a. Elliptical, Rounded, Scattered
b. Proportional, Directional, Elliptical
c. Direction, Shape, Strength
d. Line, Points, Shape Incorrect
The correct answer is: Direction, Shape, Strength
The series of disconnected points is referred to as _________________________
Select one:
a. XY Plots
b. Trend line plots
c. Bivariate data
d. scatter plot Correct
The correct answer is: scatter plot

Short Quiz 15
Describe the relationship based when r value = 0.01
Select one:
a. No apparent correlation Correct
b. Weak positive correction
c. Strong positive correction
d. Minimal positive correction
The correct answer is: No apparent correlation
Linear correlation coefficient is always a value between ____ and ____.
Select one:
a. 0, 100 Incorrect
b. 1, 100
c. +1, -1
d. 0, 1
The correct answer is: +1, -1
Year and household monthly water consumption in the Philippines
Select one:
a. Water consumption is the explanatory variable and year is the response variable Incorrect
b. Year is the explanatory variable and water consumption is the response variable
c. Cannot be determined
The correct answer is: Year is the explanatory variable and water consumption is the response variable
Describe the relationship based on the r-value r=0,
Select one:
a. No relationship
b. Deterministic relationship Incorrect
c. Weak relationship
d. Strong relationship
The correct answer is: No relationship
The value of a perfect positive coefficient is ________.
Select one:
a. A positive number greater than 1
b. Equal to zero.
c. None of the choices
d. Equal to 1.
e. A positive number greater than 0. Incorrect
The correct answer is: Equal to 1.
Describe the relationship based when r value = 0.75
Select one:
a. Minimal positive correction Incorrect
b. Weak positive correction
c. No apparent correlation
d. Strong positive correction
The correct answer is: Strong positive correction
The variable that causes an effect
Select one:
a. Response variable
b. Explanatory variable Correct
c. Trend variable
d. Correlation variable
The correct answer is: Explanatory variable
This pattern is produced when the score of one observation is high, the score of the other observation to be high.
Select one:
a. XY Plot
b. Positive Correlation
c. Direct Correlation Incorrect
d. Negative Correlation
The correct answer is: Positive Correlation
Year and household monthly water consumption in the Philippines
Select one:
a. Water consumption is the explanatory variable and year is the response variable Incorrect
b. Cannot be determined
c. Year is the explanatory variable and water consumption is the response variable
The correct answer is: Year is the explanatory variable and water consumption is the response variable
The variable that reflects the effect
Select one:
a. Explanatory variable
b. Response variable Correct
c. Correlation variable
d. Trend variable
The correct answer is: Response variable

Learning Activity 15 Stats

Describe the relationship based when r value = 0.63
Select one:
a. Minimal positive correction
b. Strong positive correction Correct
c. No apparent correlation
d. Weak positive correction
The correct answer is: Strong positive correction
The symbol used to measure the strength and direction of a linear correlation
Select one:
a. r2
b. r
c. XY
d. None of the choices Incorrect
The correct answer is: r
It is also called independent variable
Select one:
a. Explanatory variable
b. Response variable Incorrect
c. Trend variable
d. Correlation variable
The correct answer is: Explanatory variable
Salary and number of years of experience
Select one:
a. Number of years is the explanatory variable and salary is the response variable Correct
b. Salary is the explanatory variable and number of years is the response variable
c. Cannot be determined
The correct answer is: Number of years is the explanatory variable and salary is the response variable
Describe the relationship based when r value = 0.20
Select one:
a. No apparent correlation
b. Minimal positive correction Incorrect
c. Weak positive correction
d. Strong positive correction
The correct answer is: Weak positive correction
Expenditure is an example of a
Select one:
a. Trend variable
b. Explanatory variable
c. Correlation variable
d. Response variable Correct
The correct answer is: Response variable

Short Quiz 16 Stats

The equation y=2x2 + 9 will produce a
Select one:
a. Parabola Correct
b. Ellipse
c. Circle
d. Straight line
The correct answer is: Parabola
When slope is positive,
Select one:
a. y increases as x increases Correct
b. y decreases as x increases
c. y increases, x values approaches point of origin
d. y decreases, x values approaches 1
The correct answer is: y increases as x increases
In the slope-intercept equation of a line, the slope of the line is represented as the coefficient of the variable x.
Select one:
b. Cannot be determined
c. TRUE Correct
The correct answer is: TRUE
Given the table below, what is the linear equation?
Select one:
a. y=3x + 11 Incorrect
b. y=6x + 5
c. y=8x + 3
d. y=3x + 8
Your answer is incorrect.
The correct answer is: y=8x + 3
If the line has no slope,
Select one:
a. The line is a horizontal line
b. The line is at the point of origin
c. The line intercepts the x and y axis
d. The line lies at the x axis Incorrect
The correct answer is: The line is a horizontal line
Given the table below, what is the slope?
Select one:
a. 9
b. 11
c. 8
d. 3 Incorrect
Your answer is incorrect.
The correct answer is: 8
Given the equation y = 7x+ 30, what is the slope?
The correct answer is: 7
Given the table and graph, determine the slope intercept equation.
Select one:
a. y=5x + 1
b. y=10x + 2 Incorrect
c. y=5x + 2
d. y=10x + 1
Your answer is incorrect.
The correct answer is: y=5x + 1
Given the equation 9y = 2x + 81, what is the y intercept?
The correct answer is: 9
The equation y=mx + b is also known as
Select one:
a. slope intercept form
b. y intercept Incorrect
c. correlation intercept form
d. xy intercept form
The correct answer is: slope intercept form

Learning Activity 16 Stats

Given the equation y = 3x+ 10, what is the slope?
The correct answer is: 3
Given the table and graph, determine the slope intercept equation.
Select one:
a. y=3x + 1
b. 2y=6x + 3
c. y=-3x + 3 Correct
d. 2y=6x + 1
The correct answer is: y=-3x + 3
Given the table below, what is the slope?
Select one:
a. 2 Correct
b. 1
c. 8
d. 7
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: 2
Given the equation 2y = 3x + 10, what is the y intercept?
The correct answer is: 5
Given the table below, what is the linear equation?
Select one:
a. y=2x + 7 Correct
b. y=5x + 2
c. y=7x + 1
d. y=7x + 5
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: y=2x + 7

Write the slope-intercept equation of the line that has slope 6 and y-intercept 4.
answer: 6x+4


The “p hat” is calculated as

Answer : b. Number of desired elements over the number of desired outcomes

Find the sample size given 95% confidence, Margin of Error = 0.05 and p=0.15
Answer : 196

Given the sample size (n=230) and sample proportion (p=0.35) find the approximate margin of error for the 95% confidence interval
Answer : 0.083

Proportion is a fraction expression where the __________ is in the numerator and the _________ is the denominator

Answer : Favorable response, Total number of responses

Given the formula in determining the minimum sample size needed when estimating the population proportion and if no
approximation is known, what value of p will be used?
Answer : 0.5

What is the formula of z score?


Given the data below, what is the direction of the association between the two variables

Answer : a. Positive linear association

Choose the correct scatter plot using the following data

Answer :

Using the following data, find the margin of error. Your answer must be in 3 decimal places.
m = 700, p = 0.75,95% confidence
Answer : 0 , 0 3 2

The goal of examining bivariate data is to show some relativity or association between two or more variables
Answer : b. The Statement is FALSE.

Point estimate is
Answer : d. A statistical that estimates a population parameter

Graphical representation of the relationship between two variables

Answer : c. scatter plot

Given the equation 9y = 18x + 9, what is the slope?

Answer : 1
Given the data, what is the strength of the association between the two variables

Answer : Weak linear association

The graph below describes a _____________ correlation.

Answer : c. Perfect Positive Correlation

Given the table, determine the slope intercept equation.

Answer : a. y = x – 6

Given the following data. Find the lower bound of confidence interval. Your answer must be in two decimal places.
Sample size = 100, Mean = 75, Standard Deviation = 20.99% confidence
Answer : 6 9 , 8 4

The alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis should be ____________

Answer : c. Mutually exclusive

The graph below describes a ______

Answer : d. Zero Correlation

Compute for the correlation coefficient.

Answer : 0.964

Given the following data, find the upper bound of confidence interval. Your answer must be in two decimal places.
Sample size = 100, Mean = 80, Standard Deviation = 20, Confidence coefficient = 1.645
Answer : 8 3 , 2 9
Using the following data, find the upper bound of confidence interval. Your answer must be in 3 decimal places.
M = 400, p = 0.75 , 90% confidence
Answer : 0 , 7 9 0
The series of disconnected points is referred to as _____________ .
Answer : scatter plot
Linear correlation coefficient is always a value between ____ and _____
Answer : a. +1, -1
Given the following data, find the margin of error. Your answer must be in two decimal places
Sample size = 100, Mean = 80, Standard Deviation = 20, Confidence coefficient = 1.645
Answer : 3 . 9 2
Given the table, determine the slope intercept equation

Answer : c. y = 2x + 1
The three important characteristics of a bivariate?
Answer : a. Direction, Shape, Strength
This refers to the area where the value of the test statistic lies for which we will reject the null hypothesis.
Answer : a. Rejection and Critical region
Identify what is illustrated in the photo.

Answer : Confidence Interval

Given the following data, find the margin of error. Your answer must be in two decimal places
Sample size = 100, Mean = 80, Standard Deviation = 20, Confidence coefficient = 1.645
Answer : 7 6 , 7 1
This measures relationship between bivariate data.
Answer : c. Correlation

Using the following data, find the lower bound of confidence interval. Your answer must be in 3 decimal places.
M = 400, p̄ = 0.75, 90% confidence
Answer : 0 , 7 1 4
Given the equation 3y = 21x + 9, what is the slope?
Answer : 7
The graph below describes a _____.
Answer : d. Positive Correlation
Given the following data, find the margin of error. Your answer must be in two decimal places.
Sample size = 100, Mean = 75, Standard Deviation = 20, 99% confidence
Answer : 5 . 1 6
The value of a perfect positive coefficient is _________.
Answer : d. Equal to 1
When the confidence level is 90%, the Confidence coefficients is +-.
Answer : a. 1.645
Sampling distribution of proportions is randomly distributed.
A: FALSE. Replace the word Sampling distribution with Confidence Coefficient - correct

Given n=60, x̄ =250, s=3, 99% confidence. Assuming that the samples come from a normal distribution, find the interval estimate of
the population mean.
A: (58.59, 61.41) - correct
̂ = 0.30.
Find the sample size given 95% confidence, Margin of Error = 0.12 and p
A: 57 - correct

Margin of Error is in the center of the confidence interval?

A: FALSE. Replace the word “Margin of Error” with “Point Estimate” - correct

Given the sample size (n=230) and sample proportion (p=0.35), find the approximate margin of error for the 95% confidence interval:
A: 0.083 - correct

̂ =0.30.
Find the sample size given 90% confidence, Margin of Error = 0.05 and p
A: 228 - correct

̂ =0.30.
Find the sample size given 90% confidence, Margin of Error = 0.08 and p
A: 89 - correct

̂ =0.30.
Find the sample size given 99% confidence, Margin of Error = 0.20 and p
A: 35 – correct
Given the table, determine the slope of intercept equation.

Answer : a. y = 2x + 5
The formula given below will give an output of
Answer : c. Margin of Error
Identify the following formula :

Answer : d. Sample Size

True of False. The series of disconnected points is referred to as Bivariate.
A: false - correct

̂ =0.30.
Find the sample size given 99% confidence, Margin of Error = 0.25 and p
A: 23 - correct

Given n=20, x̄ =30, s=2, 90% confidence. Assuming that the samples come from a normal distribution, find the margin of error.
A: 0.74 - correct

Supposed that the z is the test statistics for hypothesis testing, calculate the value of the z for each of the following. Express your
answer in 2 decimal places.
µ = 20.8, σ = 4, n = 99, x̄ = 21.2
A: 0.99 - correct

Common choices of confidence level are

A: 90%, 95%, 99% - correct

Identify the following formula: 1- q̂

A: Sample Proportion - correct

Proportion is a fraction expression where the _____________________ is in the numerator and the _____________________ is the

A: Favorable response, Total number of responses - correct

A sample is small when n ≤ 30

A: The statement is FALSE. Replace the word small with large. - correct

Given α=0.05 and the test statistics, decide whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or accepted:
A: Do not Reject - correct

̂ =0.15.
Find the sample size given 95% confidence, Margin of Error = 0.05 and p
A:196 - correct

Given n=50, x̄ =250, s=4, 90% confidence. Assuming that the samples come from a normal distribution, find the interval estimate of
the population mean.
A: (249.07, 250.93) – correct

Given the sample size (n=250) and sample proportion (p=0.40), find the approximate margin of error for the 90% confidence interval:
A: 0.05 - correct

Supposed that the z is the test statistics for hypothesis testing, calculate the value of the z for each of the following. Express your
answer in 2 decimal places.
µ = 31.2, σ = 3, n = 66, x̄ = 32
A: 2.17 - correct

̂ =0.30.
Find the sample size given 95% confidence, Margin of Error = 0.10 and p
A: 81 - correct

̂ =0.35.
Find the sample size given 99% confidence, Margin of Error = 0.10 and p
A: 152 – correct

The management of a local grocery store wants to estimate the average amount their customers spend at the store to within 0.50
pesos, with a 90% confidence. What is the minimum sample size required, if the standard deviation is assumed to be 4.50 pesos.
A: 220 - correct

̂ =0.25.
Find the sample size given 90% confidence, Margin of Error = 0.08 and p
A: 80 - correct

̂ = 0.35.
Find the sample size given 99% confidence, Margin of Error = 0.11 and p
A: 126 - correct

Given the sample size (n=150) and sample proportion (p=0.35), find the approximate margin of error for the 95% confidence interval:
A: 0.07 – correct
A survey was conducted to 200 Grade 6 students who uses the internet in research instead of the school library. Based on the
survey, 160 students responded Yes. What is the population proportion to students who uses the library in their research?
A: 80% - correct

St. Therese senior high school have an average achievement test score of 900. From a random sample of 169 students St. Therese
students we find the average achievement test score to be 850 with a standard deviation of 88. We want to know if these high school
students are representative of the overall population: What can we conclude based on the hypotheses and test statistic?
A: Reject null hypothesis - correct

Given n=20, x̄ =89, s=2, 99% confidence. Assuming that the samples come from a normal distribution, find the margin of error.
A: 1.15 - correct

Given α=0.05 and the test statistics, decide whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or accepted:
0.1 – correct

Given α=0.05 and the test statistics, decide whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or accepted:
– 3.1
A: reject – correct

Given α=0.05 and the test statistics, decide whether the null hypothesis is to be rejected or accepted:
A: do not reject - correct

When the confidence level is 90%, the Confidence coefficients is +-

A: 1.645 - correct
Bivariate is defined as the analysis of a single variable.
A: false - correct
Which of the following is a characteristics of a bivariate?
A: All of the choices - correct

Given the equation 3y = x+15, what is the y intercept?

A: 5 - correct

Given the equation 9y = x+9, what is the y intercept?

A: 1 - correct

Scatter plot is a series of connected points to form a line.

A: false - correct

Year is an example of a
A: Explanatory variable - correct

Given the equation y = 8x+ 14, what is the slope?

A: 8 - correct

A perfect correlation pattern is produced when

A: Points on a scatterplot lie on a straight line - correct

If the line has no slope or equal to zero

The line is a horizontal line - correct

The equation y=2x2 + 9 will produce a

A: parabola - correct

Three characteristics of a bivariate are

A: Shape, direction and strength - correct

Which of the following is INCORRECT about correlation coefficient.

A: correlation coefficient can never be a zero value - correct

The equation y=8x2 + 4 will produce a

A: parabola - correct
House rent and house floor area
A: House floor area is the explanatory variable and house rent is the response variable - correct

Given the equation 5y = 20x+ 30, what is the slope?

A: 4 - correct

In the slope-intercept equation of a line, the slope of the line is represented as the coefficient of the variable y.
A: FALSE – correct

Given the equation 3y = 21x + 9, what is the slope?

A: 7

Given the equation 9y = 18x + 9, what is the slope?

A: 2

Using the following data, find the lower bound of confidence interval. Your answer must be in 3 decimal places.

n=700, p̂ = 0.75, 95% confidence

A: 0.718 - correct

Using the following data, find the upper bound of confidence interval. Your answer must be in 3 decimal places.

n=700, p̂ = 0.75, 95% confidence

A: 0.780 - correct

Using the following data, find the margin of error. Your answer must be in 3 decimal places

n=400, p̂ = 0.75, 90% confidence

A: 0.036 - correct

Given the following data, find the lower bound of confidence interval. Your answer must be in two decimal places.
Sample size = 100, Mean = 80, Standard Deviation = 20, Confidence coefficient = 1.645
A: 76.71 - correct

Given the following data, find the lower bound of confidence interval. Your answer must be in two decimal places.
Sample size = 100, Mean = 75, Standard Deviation = 20, 99% confidence
A: 69.84 – correct

Given the following data, find the upper bound of confidence interval. Your answer must be in two decimal places.
Sample size = 100, Mean = 75, Standard Deviation = 20, 99% confidence
A: 80.16 - correct

Given the following data, find the margin of error. Your answer must be in two decimal places.
Sample size = 100, Mean = 75, Standard Deviation = 20, 99% confidence
A: 5.16 - correct
Given the formula in determining the minimum sample size needed when estimating the population proportion and if no
approximation is known, what value of p̂ will be used?

Answer : 0.5

Given n=10, x̄ =28, s=2.0, 95% confidence. Assuming that the samples come from a normal distribution, find the margin of error

Answer : 1.24
Identifying the following formula :

Answer : c. Sample Size

What is the formula in determining the minimum sample size needed in estimating the population mean?

Answer : d.

Given the formula in determining the minimum sample size needed when estimating the population proportion and if no
approximation is known, what value of p̄ will be used?

Answer : b. 0.5
This formula below will determining the minimum sample size needed when estimating the
Answer : b. population mean
What is the formula of z score?

Answer : a.

Identify the following formula

Answer : b. Confidence Interval

Given the formula in determining the minimum sample size needed when estimating the
population proportion and if no approximation is known, what value of p̄ will be used?
Answer : d. 0.5
Given the table and graph, determine the slope intercept equation

Answer : c. y = 5x + 1
Given the table below, what is the slope?

Answer : d. 8
Given the table below, what is the slope?
Answer : d. 2
Given the table, find the slope intercept equation.

Answer : d. Y = x + 4

Given the following data, compute for the correlation coefficient. Round your answer into 2 decimal places. If the answer is a whole
number do not put a decimal after it.

Answer : 1
Given the following data, compute for the correlation coefficient. Round your answer into 2 decimal places. If the answer is a whole
number do not put a decimal after it.

Answer : -1
Given the table, determine the slope intercept equation.
Answer : b. y = 2x + 5
Given the table below, what is the slope intercept equation?

Answer : c. 𝐘= 𝒙+𝟐
The graph below describes a ______________ correlation.

Answer : c. Perfect Negative Correlation

Given the table, find the slope intercept equation.

Answer : b. Y = 3x + 6
Given the table and graph, determine the slope intercept equation.
Answer : c. y = 3x +3
Given the following data, compute for the correlation coefficient. Round your answer into
2 decimal places. If the answer is a whole number, do not put a decimal after it.

Answer : 0.92
Given the table below, what is linear equation?

Answer : c. y = 8x + 3
Given the table below, what is linear equation?

Answer : d. y = 2x + 7
Given the table, determine the slope intercept equation.

Answer : d. y = x – 6
Compute for the correlation coefficient.

Answer : c. 0.721
Given the table, determine the slope intercept equation.
Answer : b. y = 2x + 1

Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Read the situation below as your basis for answering the following question:
Ricka is creating a student record system where the profile, educational attainment and contact person of the students will be saved and restored.
She is planning to implement it during the second semester.
Identify whether the statement is a strength, weakness, opportunity or threat. Naughty students who might try to hack the student record system and
change the information saved.
Answer: threat

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Read the situation below as your basis for answering the following question:

Ricka is creating a student record system where the profile, educational attainment and contact person of the students will be saved and restored.
She is planning to implement it during the second semester.
Identify whether Ricka’s role is accountable, responsible, consult or inform: Ricka should finish conducting unit and system testing.
Answer: accountable

Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
Refer to the image below and write only the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
I cannot type anything but my mouse is working, I am using a brand new USB keyboard, which port should I check?
Answer: D

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
True or False: Monitoring and evaluating means brainstorming.
Answer: False

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Axel is finally documenting his work. What could he be writing?
Select one:
a. requirements of the program
b. system analysis
c. bug reviews and errors
d. instructions for the users
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Machine language and assembly language are collectively referred to as _________________________.
Select one:
a. Average level language
b. Low-level language
c. Advanced language
d. High-level language

Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
True or False: Nothing good ever comes from giving feedback. If anything, anyone who does give will only get scolded by the boss.
Answer: False

Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Analyze the diagram below to answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or categorize the causes if they are considered problems in Materials,
Measurement, Method, People, Equipment or Environment.

When the software used was checked, the project manager discovered that some of the programmers are using an old version of Java. This cause is
categorized under

Answer. Materials
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Read the situation below as your basis for answering the following question:

Ricka is creating a student record system where the profile, educational attainment and contact person of the students will be saved and restored.
She is planning to implement it during the second semester.
Identify whether Ricka’s role is accountable, responsible, consult or inform: Ricka should be told about the students who volunteered to test the
student record system.
Answer: inform

Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Machine language is also known as Binary language.

Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
The following can be used as a channel for conveying messages, EXCEPT:
Select one:
c. hyperlinks

Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Refer to the pseudocode below and answer the following question:
What is the first thing that the program will do?
Select one:
a. ask for BMI
b. print height
c. ask for height
d. print BMI

Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
____________________ in the workplace protection of sensitive business information through precautionary measures like confidentiality clauses or
non-disclosure agreements.
Select one:
d. Confidentiality

Question 14
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
h. Performance Efficiency

Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
FORTRAN stands for _____. Formula Translator

Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
True or False: Documenting the decision is the last action needed to be taken to solve the problem.
Answer: False

Question 17
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
In ____________________, the trainee’s learning is focused on utilizing existing abilities and competencies, with the coach interacting with the trainee
in a professional way.
Select one:
a. Coaching
b. Meeting
c. Problem Solving
d. Mentoring

Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Determine whether the stated person / group is an internal or external stakeholder.
Answer: internal

Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
True or False: Organizational policies and procedures are used as a guide in decision making and help employees understand the company’s goals and
Answer: True

Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Java can only be used for business purposes like processing records and employees.
Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 21
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
Battery level, Internet connection and date and time are usually located in the Notification Area.
Select one:
a. True

Question 22
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Actions that you need to take to reach the goals you set are called ____________________.
Select one:
c. Objectives
Question 23
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
h. Portability

Question 24
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
True or False: To establish empathy means to interpret the message received.
Answer: False

Question 25
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
Analyze the diagram below to answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or categorize the causes if they are considered problems in Materials,
Measurement, Method, People, Equipment or Environment.

When the program was written, some

team mates are talking too loud and distracted the others. This cause is categorized under:
Answer: Environment

Question 26
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
Identify whether the following task should be listed as a milestone or be included in the Gantt chart.
Create the project charter for the student record system.
Answer: Gantt chart

Question 27
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Refer to the image below to answer the following question.
By default, what is the value of limit?
Select one:
a. 0
b. 2
c. 1
d. 3

Question 28
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Observe the names of the following variables and routines and decide whether its format is CORRECT or WRONG.
Get_Average_Grade() for a routine to compute for average.
Select one:
a. Correct
b. Wrong

Question 29
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
In adding a new printer, the _____________ will guide you on the steps to be taken.
Select one:
a. Printer Guide
b. Printer Affix
c. Printer Install
d. Printer Wizard
Question 30
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
True or False: Gantt chart is one of the tools used in identifying workloads. It states who is responsible or accountable for one task or activity.
Answer: False

Question 31
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Refer to the image below and write only the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
My brother gave me an external hard drive as a present. I wanted to save my movies and pictures in it, where should it be connected?
Answer: D

Question 32
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Identify whether the following task should be listed as a milestone or be included in the Gantt chart.
Fix bugs and errors detected in the system.
Answer: Gantt chart

Question 33
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
In the correct order, the essential parts of the communication process are:
Select one:
a. Source, Message, Encoding, Channel, Decoding, Receiver, Feedback
b. Source, Message, Encoding, Channel, Receiver, Decoding, Feedback
c. Source, Message, Encoding, Channel, Decoding, Feedback, Receiver
d. Source, Message, Encoding, Receiver, Decoding, Channel, Feedback

Question 34
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Determine whether the stated person / group is an internal or external stakeholder.
Answer: internal

Question 35
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
True or False: To solve a problem means to know first what the problem is before coming up with the feasible solutions.
Answer: True

Question 36
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
True or False: Listing down the issues related to the problem is second to the last step in an effective problem solving process.
Answer: False

Question 37
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Portability
b. Security
c. Maintainability
d. Functional Suitability
e. Usability
f. Compatibility
g. Performance Efficiency
h. Reliability

Question 38
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Monica accidentally unplugged the mouse PS/2 port. What will happen to the mouse connected thru the universal serial bus port?
Select one:
a. The mouse will stop working.
b. None of the choices.
c. The mouse will freeze.
d. All of the choices
e. The mouse will be disabled.

Question 39
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Read the situation below as your basis for answering the following question:

Ricka is creating a student record system where the profile, educational attainment and contact person of the students will be saved and restored.
She is planning to implement it during the second semester.
Identify whether the statement is a strength, weakness, opportunity or threat. The student record system is dependent on the Internet and will not
function without Internet connection.
Answer: weakness

Question 40
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Decide whether it is a communication instrument or purpose.
A Gantt chart that shows the schedule for the development process of the student record system.
Answer: instrument

Question 41
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
A product or service must go through this phase to ensure that it is fit to use and that its quality matches with the company’s standards.
Select one:
a. Performance Appraisal
b. Quality Control
c. Safety Programs
d. Reflective Behavior

Question 42
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Observe the names of the following variables and routines and decide whether its format is CORRECT or WRONG.
ComputeTotalScore() for a routine to sum up the scores.
Select one:
a. Wrong
b. Correct

Question 43
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Identify whether the following task should be listed as a milestone or be included in the Gantt chart.
The record system has undergone the function testing successfully.
Answer: milestone

Question 44
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
True or False: Stakeholders are people or group who are directly or indirectly affected by a company’s decision, policies and objectives.
Answer: True

Question 45
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
True or False: Distributing the information to the involved staff and/or department is the last step in the planning process.
Answer: True

Question 46
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text
Determine whether the stated person / group is an internal or external stakeholder.
Programmers’ Adviser
Answer: internal

Question 47
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
True or False: Feedback is not needed in communication.
Answer: False

Question 48
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
The first computer concept invented is called _________________________.
Select one:
b. Analytical Engine
d. PlanKalKul

Question 49
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Read the questions carefully and choose your answer from the word pool provided.
Mobile app XYZ, which is an RPG game, has been deployed and launched to the public six (6) months ago. Some volunteers are testing XYZ in accordance
with the ISO/IEC 25010:2011. Read their feedback below and decide which product quality attribute is being described.
“The XYZ has in-app purchases or micro transactions and asks for my credit card details. It’s safe so far and didn’t have any issues with information
Select one:
a. Portability
b. Performance Efficiency
c. Compatibility
d. Security
e. Maintainability
f. Reliability
g. Usability
h. Functional Stability

Question 50
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
g. Security

Started on Thursday, 28 December 2017, 1:20 PM

State Finished
Completed on Thursday, 28 December 2017, 1:39 PM
Time taken 19 mins 41 secs
Grade 8.00 out of 10.00 (80%)
Question 1
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Refer to the revision history below and decide whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

True or False: Major revisions on progress, budget and risk management were conducted in the second version of
the document.
Answer: true
Question 3
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Analyze the diagram below to answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or categorize the causes if they
are considered problems in Materials, Measurement, Method, People, Equipment or Environment.

Most of the programmers are not informed of the progress or status of the project. This is a Answer
When the program was written, some team mates are
talking too loud and distracted the others. This cause is
categorized under _________________.
Some of the programmers were not present duringrequirements gathering, this cause is classified as a
_________________ problem.
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
The quality of a product is the responsibility of ____________________ in the workplace.
Select one:
a. HR staff
b. IT staff
c. Everyone
d. Admin staff
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: If you want to inform every one of events, memos and other announcements, use the bulletin
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Naming conventions are records of system activities arranged in chronological order for
documentary purposes.
Answer: true
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Which one of the following is a characteristic of mentoring?
Select one:
a. The focus is on inspiring respect for professional skills.
b. The focus is on utilizing existing competencies.
c. The focus is on technical or professional development.
d. The focus is on realizing trainee’s potential skills.
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: It is fine to use strong or shocking colors for PowerPoint presentation slides.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
It is a means of facilitating relationships which also serves as a way for parties to consider what decisions or
course of action they must make.
Select one:
a. Technical
b. Interpersonal
c. Boundaries
d. Feedback
e. Active listening
f. Communication
g. Interpretation
h. Channel
i. Negotiation
j. Empathy
Question 10
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Foreign co-workers having conversation issues with everyone in the office are better left off on
their own.
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Which one of the following DO NOT resolve diversity in the workplace?
Select one:
a. Creating a sense of equality by encouraging employees to voice out their opinions.
b. Conducting regular trainings to update company policies.
c. Involving all employees in the formulation and execution of company programs.
d. Rewarding only the skilled employees while scolding the other employees who perform poorly.
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Through feedback, programmers can learn if the system or program has all the functions and
features defined by the clients.
Question 3
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Analyze the diagram below to answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or categorize the causes if they
are considered problems in Materials, Measurement, Method, People, Equipment or Environment.

Due to a tight deadline, the programmers decided to write the code immediately without a plan. This cause is
classified under Answer method.

When the program was written, some team mates are

talking too loud and distracted the others. This cause is
categorized under _________________.
Some of the programmers were not present duringrequirements gathering, this cause is classified as a
_________________ problem.
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
True or False: All team members must be doing their parts diligently for the success of the team’s efforts.
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: You can send the message in whatever format you like, since the receiver can just try to interpret
and understand the message in any way.
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
This group of people is knowledgeable in software applications:
Select one:
a. Design engineer, development engineer, engineer, Quality Assurance Specialist, Tester
b. Analyst, engineer, data modeler, business analyst, computer engineer
c. Administrator, analyst, test engineer, tester
d. Designer or Engineer, Programmer or Analyst
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Which among the following statements is TRUE?
Select one:
a. Encoding refers to the method of conveying the message, such as speaking, writing or gesturing.
b. The source is the information or subject matter of communication.
c. Feedback can be a useful reference when planning for communications in the future.
d. Encoding is the process by which the receiver interprets and understands the message.
Question 1
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
This practice is a form of self-evaluation, where you think about what you did and learn what you can from it. It
motivates you to do better next time you are faced with the same situation.
Select one:
a. Quality Control
b. Performance Appraisal
c. Reflective Behavior
d. Safety Programs
Question 2
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: In identifying the problem, it should be specific and not broad or vague.
Question 3
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Presentations must be interesting, lively and engaging.
Answer: true
Question 4
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
It is a meeting where you receive and learn information and training on a specific subject.
Select one:
a. Exhibit
b. Business meeting
c. Seminar
d. Meet and greet
Question 5
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: You can do as you please in the workplace, just remember to show that you working hard only
when the boss is around.
Question 6
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Taking home of a little bit of office supplies will surely be ignored and won’t do much harm to the
Question 7
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Referring to the figure below, determine if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

The file for the second version of risk management is properly named.

Question 8
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
The following are all safety procedures that may be observed by a company, EXCEPT for:
Select one:
a. Conducting earthquake drills
b. Placing fire extinguishers within the workplace
c. Having a first aid kit at hand
d. Using faulty cable wiring all over the place
Question 9
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Effective monitoring can be done through the following, EXCEPT:
Select one:
a. Conducting investigations
b. Carrying out spot checks
c. Collecting office records
d. Completing safety inspections
Question 10
Answer saved
Marked out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Which one of the following practices will result to a proper presentation?
Select one:
a. Using slides with strong shocking background colors
b. Using font styles that are readable
c. Using pictures or images that are of no relevance to the presentation
d. Using font styles that are readable and Using pictures or images that are of no relevance to the

True or False: Foreign co-workers having conversation issues with everyone in the office are better left off on
their own.
A: False

True or False: Presentations must be interesting, lively and engaging.

Answer: true

True or False: You can do as you please in the workplace, just remember to show that you working hard only
when the boss is around.
Answer: false

True or False: Understanding everyone’s interest is the second step in the problem solving process. This is when
you choose the optimal solution.
Answer: false

These kind of words or terms are often discouraged to be used during a presentation, especially if the audience is
not that familiar with programming terms.
A: technical words
Referring to the figure below, determine if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

The first version of the risk management file should be named Risk Management V01.
A: true

It is the ability to understand another person’s point of view and opinions.

Select one:
a. Negotiation
b. Communication
c. Technical
d. Interpretation
e. Feedback
f. Active listening
g. Interpersonal
h. Empathy
i. Boundaries
j. Channel

True or False: Team building activities are important to further improve team interaction and cooperation.
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
True or False: Stick only to technical terms for your presentation. There is no need to give any simple explanation
when you use technical terms.
Answer: false

Which one of the following is a characteristic of mentoring?

Select one:
a. The focus is on technical or professional development.
b. The focus is on utilizing existing competencies.
c. The focus is on inspiring respect for professional skills.
d. The focus is on realizing trainee’s potential skills.

Refer to the revision history below and decide whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
True or False: Major revisions on progress, budget and risk management were conducted in the second version of
the document.
Answer: true
Analyze the diagram below to answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or categorize the causes if they
are considered problems in Materials, Measurement, Method, People, Equipment or Environment.
Most of the programmers are not informed of the progress or status of the project. This is a Answer

It is a means of facilitating relationships which also serves as a way for parties to consider what decisions or
course of action they must make.
Select one:
a. Interpretation
b. Interpersonal
c. Technical
d. Empathy
e. Active listening
f. Channel
g. Negotiation
h. Communication
i. Feedback
j. Boundaries

True or False: After finding out what the problem is, it is not time to identify the fundamental cause of the
Who among the following can give feedback to an employee?
Select one:
a. All of the choices
b. Teammates
c. Colleagues
d. None of the choices
e. Superiors

The following are all part of the communication process, EXCEPT for one:
Select one:
a. Feedback
b. Source
c. Printing
d. Decoding

The quality of a product is the responsibility of ____________________ in the workplace.

Select one:
a. IT staff
b. HR staff
c. Everyone
d. Admin staff
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Analyze the diagram below to answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or categorize the causes if they
are considered problems in Materials, Measurement, Method, People, Equipment or Environment.

One programmer, who is just a recent graduate, was assigned to do a big task. His colleagues are not aware that
he doesn’t have the skills required. This falls under Answer .
When the program was written, some team mates are
talking too loud and distracted the others. This cause is
categorized under _________________.
Some of the programmers were not present duringrequirements gathering, this cause is classified as a
_________________ problem.

Flag question
Question text
Analyze the diagram below to answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or categorize the causes if they
are considered problems in Materials, Measurement, Method, People, Equipment or Environment.

The problem identified in the diagram is a buggy java Answer.

Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Which among the following statements is TRUE?
Select one:
a. The source is the information or subject matter of communication.
b. Encoding refers to the method of conveying the message, such as speaking, writing or gesturing.
c. Feedback can be a useful reference when planning for communications in the future.
d. Encoding is the process by which the receiver interprets and understands the message.
Question 5

Flag question
Question text
This Internet online resource allows the user to interact either as a learner or instructor.
Select one:
Answer: udemy
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: In identifying the problem, it should be specific and not broad or vague.
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Expertise in using the Internet and Internet-based services, handling computer hardware, computer operation
and maintenance, and troubleshooting computer systems are some examples of ____________________ skills.
Select one:
a. Technical
b. Soft
c. Business
d. All of the choices
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Naming conventions are records of system activities arranged in chronological order for
documentary purposes.
Answer: true
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
The following are all safety procedures that may be observed by a company, EXCEPT for:
Select one:
a. Placing fire extinguishers within the workplace
b. Having a first aid kit at hand
c. Conducting earthquake drills
d. Using faulty cable wiring all over the place
Question 10

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
This refers to how people make sense of, understand or perceive something.
Select one:
a. Boundaries
b. Technical
c. Communication
d. Interpretation
e. Channel
f. Active listening
g. Empathy
h. Interpersonal
i. Negotiation
j. Feedback
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Expertise in using the Internet and Internet-based services, handling computer hardware, computer operation
and maintenance, and troubleshooting computer systems are some examples of ____________________ skills.
Select one:
a. All of the choices
b. Soft
c. Business
d. Technical
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
True or False: Employees should be encouraged to take on career paths that not only develop their skills, but also
improve their performance in the work that they do.
Answer: true
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
This group of people is knowledgeable in software applications:
Select one:
a. Design engineer, development engineer, engineer, Quality Assurance Specialist, Tester
b. Analyst, engineer, data modeler, business analyst, computer engineer
c. Administrator, analyst, test engineer, tester
d. Designer or Engineer, Programmer or Analyst
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Which one of the following is a characteristic of mentoring?
Select one:
a. The focus is on realizing trainee’s potential skills.
b. The focus is on utilizing existing competencies.
c. The focus is on inspiring respect for professional skills.
d. The focus is on technical or professional development.
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
It is a meeting where you receive and learn information and training on a specific subject.
Select one:
a. Meet and greet
b. Exhibit
c. Seminar
d. Business meeting
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
The following are all safety procedures that may be observed by a company, EXCEPT for:
Select one:
a. Having a first aid kit at hand
b. Using faulty cable wiring all over the place
c. Conducting earthquake drills
d. Placing fire extinguishers within the workplace
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
This refers to face-to-face communication between two or more people.
Select one:
a. Negotiation
b. Interpretation
c. Feedback
d. Active listening
e. Technical
f. Communication
g. Empathy
h. Interpersonal
i. Channel
j. Boundaries
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Evaluating the options require determining the advantages and disadvantages of each option.
Started on Friday, 5 January 2018, 6:50 PM
State Finished
Completed on Friday, 5 January 2018, 6:58 PM
Time taken 8 mins 26 secs
Grade 10.00 out of 10.00 (100%)
Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
It is a means of facilitating relationships which also serves as a way for parties to consider what decisions or
course of action they must make.
Select one:
a. Communication
b. Technical
c. Empathy
d. Boundaries
e. Active listening
f. Negotiation
g. Interpersonal
h. Interpretation
i. Channel
j. Feedback
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: After finding out what the problem is, it is not time to identify the fundamental cause of the
Answer: true
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: In naming files, provide simple and short names that could easily be understood by everyone.
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Referring to the figure below, determine if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

The final copy of the project charter is properly named.

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
____________________ is a formal meeting where people are gathered to discuss topics that revolve around
their same interests.
Select one:
a. Concert
b. Seminar
c. Workshop
d. Conference
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Answer covers quality, service and delivery of the goods or services from the vendor to the client.
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
In the workplace, ______________ is all about the level of work performance required in completing a task.
Select one:
a. Standard
b. Feedback
c. Values
d. Goal
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
This practice is a form of self-evaluation, where you think about what you did and learn what you can from it. It
motivates you to do better next time you are faced with the same situation.
Select one:
a. Reflective Behavior
b. Safety Programs
c. Quality Control
d. Performance Appraisal
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Memos, also known as memorandum, are distributed for people working in the same organization
or company.
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Always use readable fonts in presentations.

Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
These kind of words or terms are often discouraged to be used during a presentation, especially if the audience is
not that familiar with programming terms.
Select one:
a. Channel
b. Interpersonal
c. Negotiation
d. Interpretation
e. Technical
f. Feedback
g. Active listening
h. Communication
i. Boundaries
j. Empathy
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Some of the famous computer professional networks are:
Select one:
a. Philippine Computer Society
b. Computer Society of the Philippines
c. Philippine Computer Society and VIP International Unite
d. Computer Society of the Philippines and Philippine Computer Society
e. Computer Society of the Philippines and VIP International Unite
f. VIP International Unite
g. All of the choices
h. None of the choices
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Answer handw is considered a personal type of written communication and it includes postcards and written

Answer: true

This is one way to measure success rate not onlyyour communication, but also to evaluate your work.
Select one:
a. Feedback
b. Communication
c. Technical
d. Interpretation
e. Empathy
f. Channel
g. Active listening
h. Boundaries
i. Negotiation
j. Interpersonal
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Ice breaker activities can be related or not to the presentation.
Answer: true

____________________ is a formal meeting where people are gathered to discuss topics that revolve around
their same interests.
Select one:
a. Seminar
b. Conference
c. Workshop
d. Concert
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: According to Hicks, the first step in an effective problem solving process is clearly defining the
Answer: true
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Stick only to technical terms for your presentation. There is no need to give any simple explanation
when you use technical terms.
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
This is the method by which a message is conveyed, such as speaking, writing or gesturing.
Select one:
a. Negotiation
b. Interpersonal
c. Interpretation
d. Technical
e. Empathy
f. Boundaries
g. Communication
h. Channel
i. Active listening
j. Feedback
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Analyze the diagram below to answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or categorize the causes if they
are considered problems in Materials, Measurement, Method, People, Equipment or Environment.

Few programmers are complaining about slow Internet connection and this affects their work. This cause is
categorized in Answer .
When the program was written, some team mates are
talking too loud and distracted the others. This cause is
categorized under _________________.
Some of the programmers were not present duringrequirements gathering, this cause is classified as a
_________________ problem.
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Expertise in using the Internet and Internet-based services, handling computer hardware, computer operation
and maintenance, and troubleshooting computer systems are some examples of ____________________ skills.
Select one:
a. Technical
b. Business
c. All of the choices
d. Soft
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: You should also look at the problem from a different point of view and listen to others’ suggestion.
This is the third step – listing all possible solutions.
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Referring to the figure below, determine if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

The final copy of the project charter is properly named.

Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Answer: Informall oral communication may be done in a workplace and it takes different forms such as telephone
conversations, face-to-face conversations and brainstorming.
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Nowadays, teammates have no need for communications technology since they can just interact
face to face.

Every country, whether industrialized or still developing, must actively cooperate in enforcing environmental
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Decide whether it is a communication instrument or purpose.
A printed progress report to be submitted to the adviser.
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Maintainability
b. Reliability
c. Compatibility
d. Usability
e. Security
f. Portability
g. Performance Efficiency
h. Functional Suitability
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
In the 5S method, this stage refers to arranging items in a way that they are easy to find and pick up.
Select one:
a. Shitsuke
b. Seiton
c. Seiketsu
d. Seiri
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
____________________ is when you conduct regular audits and inspections to evaluate your work performance.
Select one:
a. Seiso
b. Seiketsu
c. Shitsuke
d. Seiri
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Usability
b. Compatibility
c. Maintainability
d. Security
e. Reliability
f. Portability
g. Performance Efficiency
h. Functional Suitability
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
The 5s method is based on the ____________________.
Select one:
a. Takoyaki Production System
b. Tonari Production System
c. Tatsumaki Production System
d. Toyota Production Sytem
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
According to Humphrey, a quality plan starts with product introduction where the product qualities and target
market are identified.
Select one:
a. False
b. True

True or False: One of the ways to motivate teamwork in the workplace is to make sure that maintenance is
conducted and planned for system enhancement.
Answer: false
As long as the demands of the clients are met and the business is flourishing, there’s no more need to bother
about the effects of one’s business to the environment.
Select one:
a. False

A: ergonomic
factors are concerned whether employees are comfortable, stressed or possibly be injured due to the
arrangement of things in the workplace.
True or False: Reviewing the related literature includes review of concepts, theories and previous research
Answer: true
Enforcing environmental policies is one of the major causes of job loss and unemployment.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
True or False: To gather data, you can either conduct an interview, survey, observation, mail questionnaire,
coding and tabulation.
Answer: false
Risks, which could harm the product’s quality, must be determined and managed well along with the actions to
be taken.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Collective bargaining refers to the bargain sale of previously used office equipment.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Identify whether the following task should be listed as a milestone or be included in the Gantt chart.
The user interface design and layout has been completed.
Answer: milestone
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Maintainability
b. Performance Efficiency
c. Reliability
d. Portability
e. Functional Suitability
f. Security
g. Usability
h. Compatibility
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Functional Suitability
b. Compatibility
c. Maintainability
d. Security
e. Reliability
f. Portability
g. Usability
h. Performance Efficiency
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Compatibility
b. Portability
c. Reliability
d. Performance Efficiency
e. Security
f. Functional Suitability
g. Usability
h. Maintainability
Question 5

Flag question
Question text
The Montreal protocol is designed to help protect the ozone layer.
Select one:
a. True
b. False

A: briefing
notes are prepared with issues or topics that decision makers should be informed about.
Qualitative research aims to gain insights on opinions, behaviors and attitude through Answer:
UNSTRUCTURED techniques.
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Maintainability
Conceptual research is usually carried out by and thinkers to come up with new concepts. Answer: philosopher
True or False: Most of the readers will skim the conclusion first to get an idea of what the paper is all about.
Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Quality improvement process is conducted to avoid errors and faults from recurring in the future.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
True or False: There are five main elements of a written report – topic, style, structure, facts and contents.
Answer: false
Presidential Decree No. 856 is an international treaty that imposes limitations on the greenhouse gas emissions
of several countries.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
True or False: Dates in file names should be written in YYYY-MM-DD format. Asnwer: true
Companies can freely make their own set of environmental policies without consulting the workers’ union, or any
local or national laws about it.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Determine whether the stated person / group is an internal or external stakeholder.
Students ‘Grandparents
Answer: external
Started on Saturday, 6 January 2018, 9:51 PM
State Finished
Completed on Saturday, 6 January 2018, 10:13 PM
Time taken 21 mins 12 secs
Grade 18.00 out of 20.00 (90%)
Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Referring to the figure below, determine if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
The minutes dated back December 3, 2016 is properly named.
Answer: false
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Portability
b. Security
c. Usability
d. Compatibility
e. Maintainability
f. Performance Efficiency
g. Functional Suitability
h. Reliability
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
The 5S Method is a Japanese perspective technique developed by EiichiroOda.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
The protection of the natural resources is possible through the collective efforts of each group in the society.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Referring to the figure below, determine if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
The minutes of the meeting for December 1, 2016 is appropriately named.
Answer: true
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: A milestone refers to the scope and out of scope of a project. It is defined so that the project is
implemented on time and on budget.
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Montreal protocol protects the ozone layer by ____________________.
Select one:
a. phasing out harmful substances
b. reducing greenhouse gas emissions
c. banning the use of perfumes
d. using locally produced products
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Email, SMS and Gantt chart are samples of communication frequency that you could utilize.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Read the situation below as your basis for answering the following question:

Ricka is creating a student record system where the profile, educational attainment and contact person of the
students will be saved and restored. She is planning to implement it during the second semester.
Identify whether Ricka’s role is accountable, responsible, consult or inform: Ricka should be notified that the
project proposal has been approved.
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
This body was tasked to implement the provisions of P.D. No. 856.
Select one:
a. Department of Wealth
b. Department of Health
c. Department of Sanitation
d. Department of Cleanliness
Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Organizational aims are different from the mission statement; they refer to the results an
organization is aspiring for.
Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the revision history below and decide whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

There were only two staff accountable and responsible for the overall changes of the document.
Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
During solution implementation, the problem solvers should be Answer: PROACTIVE to assure that the problem
is being addressed properly.
Question 14
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Read the questions carefully and choose your answer from the word pool provided.
Mobile app XYZ, which is an RPG game, has been deployed and launched to the public six (6) months ago. Some
volunteers are testing XYZ in accordance with the ISO/IEC 25010:2011. Read their feedback below and decide
which product quality attribute is being described.
“XYZ is so cool! I tried to install it in my old computer and it still runs smoothly. Given that the computer’s video
card is a bit faulty.“
Select one:
a. Performance Efficiency
b. Reliability
c. Usability
d. Security
e. Maintainability
f. Portability
g. Compatibility
h. Functional Stability
Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
know le
By conducting a research, you can help the society by contributing to the body of Answer .
Question 16
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Environmental issues have no relation to the workplace.
Select one:
b. False
Question 17
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
In a nutshell, a research is conducted by identifying a problem, identifies formulating a Answer ,
gathering and analyzing data, presenting the findings, and drawing a conclusion.
Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Business industries will not be affected by the environmental crisis.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Usually, the summary of the report is the first thing that’s being read.
Answer: true
Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: To present the results and findings of a research, you can use a bar graph, line graph or pie chart.
True or False: Seminar lectures, conference talks, presentations of reports and group meetings are samples of
informal oral communication conducted in a workplace.
Answer: False
These are developed by industries as a guide for establishments and business enterprises to conduct their
operations in a way that prevents or reduces environmental harm.
Answer: Environmental codes of practice
True or False: There are different types of communication and written communication is one which can be used
in a workplace.
Answer: true
True or False: There are different types of communication and written communication is one which can be used
in a workplace.
Answer: false
Quantitative research, compared to qualitative research, uses measurable Answer to uncover patterns.
Protecting the environment and natural resources also means protecting stable employment.
Select one:
a. True
Read the situation below as your basis for answering the following question:

Ricka is creating a student record system where the profile, educational attainment and contact person of the
students will be saved and restored. She is planning to implement it during the second semester.
Identify whether Ricka’s role is accountable, responsible, consult or inform: Ricka should assure that the project
schedule is followed strictly.
Answer: responsible
____________________ is setting the best practices in the workplace as your work standards.
Select one:
a. Seiso
b. Seiri
c. Shitsuke
d. Seiketsu
Humans rely on natural resources for survival.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Question text
Environmental policies won’t really make a difference, businesses will still strive and be successful without giving
a care for the environment.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Functional Appropriateness
h. Functional Suitability
ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s SQuaRE stands for System Quality Assurance and Requirements Evaluation. This standard is
used in evaluating the quality of software.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
True or False: You can emphasize the key points in your report by stating them in the references and conclusion.
Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Read the questions carefully and choose your answer from the word pool provided.
Mobile app XYZ, which is an RPG game, has been deployed and launched to the public six (6) months ago. Some
volunteers are testing XYZ in accordance with the ISO/IEC 25010:2011. Read their feedback below and decide
which product quality attribute is being described.
“One good thing I find with XYZ as when my laptop shuts down accidentally, my game score and status can still be
recovered. No need to repeat a level.”
Select one:
b. Reliability
True or False: In an effective written communication, structure refers to the facts presented in the paper.
Answer: false
The Kyoto protocol requires the participation of both industrialized and developing nations in reducing
environmental harm.
Select one:
b. False
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Kyoto protocol addresses environmental issues through the campaign of ____________________.
Select one:
a. banning the use of pesticides
b. using imported products
c. reducing greenhouse gas emissions
d. phasing out harmful substances
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Reliability
b. Portability
c. Usability
d. Functional Suitability
e. Compatibility
f. Maintainability
g. Security
h. Performance Efficiency
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Select one:
a. Performance Efficiency
b. Security
c. Usability
d. Compatibility
e. Portability
f. Reliability
g. Maintainability
h. Functional Suitability
Question 5
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Referring to the figure below, determine if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
The project objectives file follows the standards of naming convention.
Answer: FALSE
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Sometimes, people conduct research to earn Answer :respect from others.
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
One good practice is to use water filtration system instead of buying bottled water every time.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Researches are primarily conducted to solve a problem and to contribute the body of knowledge in
a particular field.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Protocols are set of standards rules which describes how something should be done and different
companies have different protocols as well.
Answer: true
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Increase work productivity by arranging items in such a way that they are easy to find and pick up.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
Time behavior
Select one:
a. Portability
b. Reliability
c. Performance Efficiency
d. Maintainability
e. Compatibility
f. Security
g. Usability
h. Functional Suitability
Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text

Answer refers to the supplier’s / vendor’s capacity to conduct long term contractual obligations.
Question 13
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
True or False: Statutory requirements are identified by the vendors or suppliers and they include value, stability,
diversity and capacity.
Answer: FALSE
Question 14
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Big business companies are the only ones responsible for enforcing environmental policies since they can afford
alternative cleaner technology.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Fundamental research covers generalization and formulation of Answer .
Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
True or False: Research findings are not applicable in developing government policies. Researchers should be
purely academic.
Question 17
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
ISO 9001 international standard for quality’s core processes are divided into two (2) – product delivery process
and support process.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Answer research is concerned in solving a problem that the private organization or the society is facing.
Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Standards are based on untested concepts and theories that the company has yet to encounter.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
If a researcher is conducting a Answer research, he / she has no control over variables.
____________________ is a means by which the employees, speaking through the unions they belong to, can come
to an agreement with their employers about employment, environmental and other work-related concerns.
ANSWER; Collective bargaining

notes are prepared with issues or topics that decision makers should be informed about.

Read the questions carefully and choose your answer from the word pool provided.
Mobile app XYZ, which is an RPG game, has been deployed and launched to the public six (6) months ago. Some
volunteers are testing XYZ in accordance with the ISO/IEC 25010:2011. Read their feedback below and decide
which product quality attribute is being described.
“So far, XYZ has 2 updates and it is working smoothly. Some bugs were fixed and there have been improvements
– like additional characters and skills.”
Select one:
g. Maintainability
Research can be used to accurately represent the Answer: characteristics
of a particular individual or group, an event or a situation.
The cost / benefit analysis document is appropriately named.
Answer: false

Grade 9.00 out of 10.00 (90%)

Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
This type of programming language uses series of 0s and 1s to represent data.
Select one:
a. Machine language
b. High-level language
c. Advanced language
d. Assembly language
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
PASCAL is an example of a low-level language.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
C# has features that are directly based on the Short Code.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 4

Flag question
Question text
Arlan right clicked on his taskbar and unchecked the Lock Taskbar. What will happen if he drags his taskbar to the
right side of his screen?
Select one:
a. Start button will be located at the bottom right.
b. All of the choices
c. All icons will transfer to the right.
d. None of the choices.
e. Taskbar will display vertically at the right.
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Answer charles is the father of computer.
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the image below and write only the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

Something’s wrong with the serial port. Which port should I investigate?
Answer: c
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
This refers to the process of using programming languages to instruct the computer to perform specific tasks.
Select one:
a. Programming
b. Troubleshooting
c. Scanning
d. Debugging
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Using the Answer java language, you can write windowed applications, build databases, as well as control
handheld devices.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Bridget’s mouse is not responding and she has to close her browser. Which of the following is an alternative way
using a keyboard to close an application?
Select one:
a. Alt + F4
b. Ctrl + C
c. Esc + 1
d. Shift + X
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
COBOL is the programming language ideally used for _________________________ purposes.
Select one:
a. Business
b. Artificial intelligence
c. Systematic
d. Internet

Who is the first computer programmer?

Select one:
a. Lady Lovelace Ada Augusta
b. Sir Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt
c. Lady Agatha Russell
d. Sir KonradZuse
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
The earphones is an example of a _______________, while Internet Explorer is an example of _______________.
Select one:
a. platform operating system
b. hardware, computer user
c. input device, output device
d. peripheral device, application program
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Windows is to Personal Computer (PC) while Mac OSX is to Mac laptops and computers.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
FORTRAN was the first ever “modern” computer language.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
An operating system has three major components – hardware, application program or software and the user.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 1
out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Maria has two printers – Printer Z and Printer A. She set Printer Z as the default printer. What will happen the
next time she prints a document?
Select one:

e. All of the choices. wrong

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Select one:
a. Natural language can be used in programming.
b. Today’s programming languages are all limited in scope and application.
c. A programming language may have its own area of specialization.
d. Poorly constructed coding statements are acceptable.
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the image below and write only the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

The monitor suddenly turned black, which port should I check?

Answer: g
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
If you are confused on what to do, press F2 on your keyboard and the Windows Help feature will open.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
An operating system has three major components – hardware, application program or software and the user.
Select one:
a. True
b. False

computer programs
are actually a set of computer instructions that are developed using a programming language.
Ctrl + S is the shortcut key for Save while Ctrl + S + A is the shortcut key for Save As.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Image files can be opened using MS Paint, Notedpad and Windows Photo Viewer.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
The mouse suddenly stopped working. Which port should I check?
Answer: b
Since natural languages are vaguely structured, they cannot be used for programming.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
C++, an extension of the C language, introduced object-oriented programming.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
I think I plugged the speakers wrong. The power is turned on but I can’t hear any sound Which port should I
Answer: f
Which of the following is not a default margin options when setting up the page for printing?
Select one:
a. Narrow
b. Wide
c. Normal
d. Regular
LISP and PROLOG are programming languages that are best used when dealing with Artificial Intelligence.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
COBOL stands for Convenient Business Oriented Language.
Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Observe the names of the following variables and routines and decide whether its format is CORRECT or WRONG.
Student.StudentBirthday for a class property.
Select one:
a. Wrong
b. Correct
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Answer short c was the first language implemented for BINAC.
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the image below and write only the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
We were playing games locally and I got disconnected. I think something’s wrong with this port.
Answer: e
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the image below to answer the following question. What type of image is shown?

Select one:
a. Program chart
b. Data flow
c. Control flow
d. Flow chart
Question 5
out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Answer: high-level language is a type of programming language that is composed of symbols and words that
follow some rules similar to that of a natural language.
Refer to the image below to answer the following question. What happens when Limit is equal to 3?
Select one:
c. Program goes back to login page.
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
The set of rules that must be strictly followed when using a programming language is called AnswerSYNTAX
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the pseudocode below and answer the following question: What if the computed BMI equals to 10, what
will the program do?

Select one:
b. Print Underweight.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
A deleted file or folder found in the Recycle Bin can still be restored.
Select one:
b. True
Question 10
Flag question
Question text
.MPEG, .MP3 and .MOV are filename extensions for videos.
Select one:
b. False
Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
lag question
Question text
Refer to the image below to answer the following question. What symbol is used to begin and end the program?
b. Terminal
Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Refer to the image below and write only the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

My headset is working but the microphone is not. Which port should I check?
Answer: f
Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
You will find running application programs and process in the Task Manager.
Select one:
b. True
Question 14
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Ana is working on a new project and she was asking for the program’s purpose, processes, algorithm, restrictions
and some notes. According to the program development life cycle, in which phase is Ana working on?
Select one:
c. Analyze the Problem
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
The following are statements that describe milestones in the programming language.
I. FORTRAN, the first modern computer language, was developed.
II. Java was released by Sun Microsystems
III. C was developed based on some of B’s features.
IV. Ada Lovelace invented the first computer program for analytical engine application.
V. COBOL was created by the US Department of Defense
Which of the following shows the correct order of events?
Select one:
a. IV, I, V, III, II
Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the pseudocode below and answer the following question: If the calculated BMI results to 26, what will
the program do?

Select one:
a. display Normal
b. display Overweight
c. display Obese
d. display Underweight
Question 17
out of 1.00
Question text
Observe the names of the following variables and routines and decide whether its format is CORRECT or WRONG.
PresentAdress for a column name in the table “Student”.
b. Wrong
Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Observe the names of the following variables and routines and decide whether its format is CORRECT or WRONG.
Employees for a table name.
Select one:
a. Wrong
Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Refer to the image below to answer the following question. What process is illustrated in the diagram?

Select one:
b. Social media login limit.
Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Observe the names of the following variables and routines and decide whether its format is CORRECT or WRONG.
passingSCORE for a constant variable.
Select one:
a. Wrong

C# was released by Answer microsoft.
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
A Answer progra is the code or language that allows a user to instruct a computer to perform specific tasks.
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Max is already writing the code for his project. In which phase of the PDLC is he working on?
Select one:
a. Testing and Debugging
b. Analyze the Problem
c. Documentation
d. Coding and Execution
Question 4
out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the image below to answer the following question. John tries to log in for the fourth time, what does he
see on his screen?

Select one:
d. Password Reset Page
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Who is considered as a user (component of an operating system)?
Select one:
a. Students
b. All of the choices
c. Programmer
d. None of the choices
e. IT Staff
Question 6
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Programs written in high-level languages are translated into machine-readable form using interpreters or
Select one:
a. False
b. True
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Java is an example of
Select one:
a. Average level language
b. Low-level language
c. High-level language
d. Advanced language
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the image below to answer the following question. What happens every time the given username and
password is incorrect?
Select one:
a. Limit is set to 0.
b. 1 is added to Limit.
c. 3 is set as the Limit.
d. Limit is set to 1.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the pseudocode below and answer the following question: The program calculated for the BMI and it is
equal to 50, what will the program do?

Select one:
a. Display Underweight.
b. Nothing, it is above 30.
c. Loop the program.
d. Print Obese.
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the image below and write only the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

I found out that the keyboard is defective so I switched to the old keyboard which uses PS/2 port, where should I
plug it in?
Answer: a
Question 11
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
He is known as the father of the Java programming language.
Select one:
a. Dennis Ritchie
b. BjarneStroustrup
c. J.W. Mauchly
d. James Gosling
Question 12
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Even when you close all running application programs, there are still process running in the background.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Jet is writing the pseudocode for his program. Which phase of program development life cycle is he in?
Select one:
a. Documentation
b. Formalize the Solution
c. Design the Program
d. Test the Program
Question 14
out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Observe the names of the following variables and routines and decide whether its format is CORRECT or WRONG.
studentAge for a variable name.
Select one:
b. Correct
Question 15
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the image below to answer the following question. What type of flowchart symbol contains the text
“Limit >=3?”?
Select one:
a. Terminal
b. Decision
c. Flow lines
d. Connector
Question 16
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Jamie finished debugging her program. What is the next step she should do?
Select one:
a. Documentation
b. Design the Program
c. Test the Program
d. Formalize the Solution
Question 17
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
Observe the names of the following variables and routines and decide whether its format is CORRECT or WRONG.
limitIsReached for a Boolean variable.
Select one:
a. Wrong
b. Correct
Question 18
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Over time, man’s efforts to find better ways to communicate with computers resulted to the evolution of
programming languages.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Question 19
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Observe the names of the following variables and routines and decide whether its format is CORRECT or WRONG.
CEILING_GRADE for a constant variable.
Select one:
a. Correct
Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text
Refer to the pseudocode below and answer the following question: What happens after weight is given?

b. ask for height

PROG111 - Programming (Java) NC II Part 1

Presidential Decree No. 856 is an international treaty that imposes limitations on the greenhouse gas emissions of several countries.
answer False
According to Humphrey, a quality plan starts with product introduction where the product qualities and target market are identified.
Question 3
Standards are based on untested concepts and theories that the company has yet to encounter.
Question 4
ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model has eight (8) major characteristics.
Question 5
Companies can freely make their own set of environmental policies without consulting the workers’ union, or any local or national laws about it.
- False
Question 6
Environmental policies won’t really make a difference, businesses will still strive and be successful without giving a care for the environment.
Select one:
a False
Question 7
____________________ is setting the best practices in the workplace as your work standards.
Select one:
Question 8
Seiri is making work easier by reducing unnecessary items to deal with.
- True
Question 9
Read the questions carefully and choose your answer from the word pool provided.
Mobile app XYZ, which is an RPG game, has been deployed and launched to the public six (6) months ago. Some volunteers are testing XYZ in
accordance with the ISO/IEC 25010:2011. Read their feedback below and decide which product quality attribute is being described.
“So far, XYZ has 2 updates and it is working smoothly. Some bugs were fixed and there have been improvements – like additional characters and skills.”
Select one:
a. Compatibility
Question 10
As long as the demands of the clients are met and the business is flourishing, there’s no more need to bother about the effects of one’s business to the
Select one:
- False
Question 11
Every country, whether industrialized or still developing, must actively cooperate in enforcing environmental measures.
Select one:
Question 12
Big business companies are the only ones responsible for enforcing environmental policies since they can afford alternative cleaner technology.
Select one:
Question 13
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the letter that corresponds to your answer.
Question 14
Critical thinking skills is an essential skill which includes listening effectively, adapting communication skills and understanding underlying issues.
Select one:
Question 15
The 5S Method is a Japanese perspective technique developed by Eiichiro Oda.
b. False
Question 16
The Kyoto protocol requires the participation of both industrialized and developing nations in reducing environmental harm.
Question 17
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the letter that corresponds to your answer.
ans. Maintainability
Question 18
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the letter that corresponds to your answer.
Question 19
Pre-review activities in the review process includes review planning, preparation and individual review.
Select one:
a. True
Question 20
____________________ is when you conduct regular audits and inspections to evaluate your work performance.
Question 21
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the letter that corresponds to your answer.
Question 22
Read the questions carefully and choose your answer from the word pool provided.
Mobile app XYZ, which is an RPG game, has been deployed and launched to the public six (6) months ago. Some volunteers are testing XYZ in
accordance with the ISO/IEC 25010:2011. Read their feedback below and decide which product quality attribute is being described.
“I find it really enjoying to play XYZ since I can invite my friends from social media profile. It works well with this social media app!”
Select one:
Question 23
Kyoto protocol addresses environmental issues through the campaign of ____________________.
Select one:
ans. reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Question 24
This body was tasked to implement the provisions of P.D. No. 856.
ans. Department of Health
Question 25
Montreal protocol protects the ozone layer by ____________________.
ans. phasing out harmful substances
Question 26
One good practice is to use water filtration system instead of buying bottled water every time.
ans. True
Question 28
Categorize the following subcharacteristics of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011’s product quality model and write the letter that corresponds to your answer.
Question 27
Quality improvement process is conducted to avoid errors and faults from recurring in the future.
Select one:
ans. True

The following are what programmers will learn through feedback, EXCEPT:

Select one:
a. That the system or program is easy to use and is user friendly
b. That the system or program is accurate and reliable. wrong
c. That the system or program is lacking in sponsors.
d. That the system or program is secured

____________________ standards create honest and healthy interactions in the workplace and cultivate an atmosphere of respect,
trust and honesty among individuals in the company.
Select one:
a. Competency
b. Quality
c. Ethical
d. All of the choices wrong
Which of the following can be used to present ideas?

Select one:
a. All of the choices
b. PowerPoint
c. Handouts
d. Videos
e. None of the choices

True or False: A team refers only to a group of people who work in the same workplace and who see each other on a regular

Answer: false

The file for the second version of risk management is properly named
Answer: true
True or False: Stick only to technical terms for your presentation. There is no need to give any simple explanation when you use technical terms.



The correct answer is: False

Question 2


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

This is a yearly activity that focuses on evaluating the employees’ work performance and productivity.

Select one:

a. Quality Control

b. Reflective Behavior

c. Safety Programs

d. Performance Appraisal

The correct answer is: Performance Appraisal

Question 3


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Refer to the revision history below and decide whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
True or False: Major revisions on progress, budget and risk management were conducted in the second version of the document.



The correct answer is: True

Question 4

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

This refers to how people make sense of, understand or perceive something.

Select one:

a. Boundaries

b. Communication

c. Empathy

d. Interpretation

e. Feedback

f. Negotiation

g. Active listening

h. Channel

i. Interpersonal
j. Technical


The correct answer is: Interpretation

Question 5


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Expertise in using the Internet and Internet-based services, handling computer hardware, computer operation and maintenance, and
troubleshooting computer systems are some examples of ____________________ skills.

Select one:

a. Business

b. Technical

c. All of the choices

d. Soft
True or False: Naming conventions are records of system activities arranged in chronological order for documentary purposes.

True or False: Treating employees as actual people and making them feel a sense of value make for a stronger foundation of a

Question 2

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

It is the ability to understand another person’s point of view and opinions.

Select one:
a. Technical
b. Communication
c. Empathy
d. Interpersonal
e. Negotiation
f. Channel
g. Interpretation
h. Boundaries
i. Feedback
j. Active listening

Question 3

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

____________________ standards create honest and healthy interactions in the workplace and cultivate an atmosphere of respect,
trust and honesty among individuals in the company.
Select one:
a. Competency
b. Ethical
c. Quality
d. All of the choices
Question 4

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Effective monitoring can be done through the following, EXCEPT:

Select one:
a. Collecting office records
b. Carrying out spot checks
c. Conducting investigations
d. Completing safety inspections

Question 5

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
In the workplace, ______________ is all about the level of work performance required in completing a task.
Select one:
a. Goal
b. Standard
c. Values
d. Feedback

The following are all safety procedures that may be observed by a company, EXCEPT for:
Select one:
a. Conducting earthquake drills
b. Having a first aid kit at hand
c. Placing fire extinguishers within the workplace
d. Using faulty cable wiring all over the place

Question 2

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Which one of the following DO NOT resolve diversity in the workplace?

Select one:
a. Conducting regular trainings to update company policies.
b. Involving all employees in the formulation and execution of company programs.
c. Creating a sense of equality by encouraging employees to voice out their opinions.
d. Rewarding only the skilled employees while scolding the other employees who perform poorly.

Question 3

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

True or False: Stick only to technical terms for your presentation. There is no need to give any simple explanation when you use
technical terms.

Question 4

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Expertise in using the Internet and Internet-based services, handling computer hardware, computer operation and maintenance, and
troubleshooting computer systems are some examples of ____________________ skills.
Select one:
a. Business
b. Technical
c. All of the choices
d. Soft

Question 5

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Refer to the revision history below and decide whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
True or False: Major revisions on progress, budget and risk management were conducted in the second version of the document.


True or False: Memos, also known as memorandum, are distributed for people working in the same organization or company.

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

True or False: Always use readable fonts in presentations.


Question 3

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Answer is considered a personal type of written communication and it includes postcards and written letters.

Question 4

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

This refers to face-to-face communication between two or more people.

Select one:
a. Interpretation
b. Communication
c. Channel
d. Technical
e. Boundaries
f. Negotiation
g. Active listening
h. Feedback
i. Empathy
j. Interpersonal

Question 5

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

The following are what programmers will learn through feedback, EXCEPT:
Select one:
a. That the system or program is lacking in sponsors.
b. That the system or program is secured
c. That the system or program is accurate and reliable.
d. That the system or program is easy to use and is user friendly

True or False: Presentations must be interesting, lively and engaging.


Question 2

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text

This is one way to measure success rate not onlyyour communication, but also to evaluate your work.
Select one:
a. Channel
b. Negotiation
c. Interpersonal
d. Boundaries
e. Communication
f. Active listening
g. Interpretation
h. Technical
i. Empathy
j. Feedback

Question 3

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text
Analyze the diagram below to answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or categorize the causes if they are considered
problems in Materials, Measurement, Method, People, Equipment or Environment.

When the programmers started writing the code, the customer/client keeps on changing and adding more requirements. This cause is
under Answer .

When the program was written, some team mates are

talking too loud and distracted the others. This cause is
categorized under _________________.
Some of the programmers were not present during requirements gathering, this cause is classified as a
_________________ problem.

Question 4

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

It is the process of conveying and receiving a message. It is the act by which messages are created and shared.
Select one:
a. Interpretation
b. Feedback
c. Negotiation
d. Boundaries
e. Interpersonal
f. Communication
g. Channel
h. Empathy
i. Technical
j. Active listening

Question 5

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Who among the following can give feedback to an employee?

Select one:
a. Teammates
b. Colleagues
c. All of the choices
d. None of the choices
e. Superiors

Question text
Observe the following statements and decide whether the variable result’s value is TRUE or FALSE.
Given that:
int x = -77;
int z = 43;
result = (z < x && 1 != 10) ? true : false;
result = (z != 43) ? true : false;
Select one:
Question text
Read each statement carefully and decide whether it’s TRUE or FALSE.
The last line of code, with a close brace { symbol, is properly indented.
Select one:
Question text
True or False: Brackets [] are also separators used in declaring arrays.
Question text
Refer to the block of codes below. Read each statement carefully and decide whether it’s TRUE or FALSE.
There is an error in line 9.
Question text
True or False: Operators, in Java programming language, use special symbols to call methods and their objects.
Question text
Read each statement carefully and decide whether it’s TRUE or FALSE.
There are no errors in the program.
Select one:
Question text
Refer to the block of codes below. Read each statement carefully and decide whether it’s TRUE or FALSE.
Line 9 uses a traditional comment which uses double forward slash.
Answer: False
Question text
True or False: Many programmers can be literate with Java programming language for it is intended to be that way.
Question text
True or False: You’ll know there’s an error if you see a red circle with an exclamation point in Netbeans IDE.
Question text
Observe the following statements and decide whether the variable result’s value is TRUE or FALSE.
Given that:
int x = -77;
int z = 43;
result = (z < x && 1 != 10) ? true : false;
result = (x = 100) >= z;
Select one:
The file is accurately named –

There are three (3) separators found in line 13.

There is an error in line 9.

result = 90 < x || -1 < z;


The last line of code, with a close brace { symbol, is properly indented.
Assuming there are no errors in the code, line 13 would display When I graduate, I’d be 18.

Figure 2 shows the Netbeans Integrated Development Environment.


The last line of code will output 100.0.

True or False: An exclamation point in Java means NOT. Therefore, != means not equal to.

There are two types of comments used in the program above – end of line and Javadoc comments.


result = (z < x && 1 != 10) ? true : false;


There are keywords found in line 7.

In line 11, the value of personage is 18.

If there are no errors in the program, the first line of output would read Hi, I’m a normal person.

result = (x * z + (z += 7)) >= 100;

True or False: Logical OR operator will result to false if one of the expressions is false.

True or False: Semicolon (;) is a separator used to end a Java statement.

True or False: There are five types of integer data types – byte, short, int, long and float.

True or False: Single equal sign (=) is used for assigning values while double equal sign (==) is used in comparing values.

True or False: Java’s ternary operator is a short hand for the if-then-else statement which uses a question mark and a colon.

True or False: JDK or Java Design Kit is required to compile and run Java apps and applets.


On line 6, average is equal to 0. But on line 9, average will be equal to 100.

True or False: Identifiers in Java are, in simple words, name that you give to Java class, variables and methods.

True or False: When you run javac in a command line interface, it will automatically create another file with a filename extension .class.


Line 9 uses a traditional comment which uses double forward slash.


There are five (5) separators used in line 8.


There are no errors on line 8.

True or False: Syntax is basically the spelling and grammar errors compiled in a Java programming language. It should be avoided in writing apps and

True or False: Operators, in Java programming language, use special symbols to call methods and their objects.

If you run this program, the second line of output will read Your score is:.
True or False: Java is a low level programming language.

There are also punctuators used in line 10, in between System, out and println, the parentheses and semicolon.


If there are no errors and this simple program runs through CLI, the first line will display: Hi, students!
True or False: Brackets [] are also separators used in declaring arrays.


Substrings can contain 1 or 2 arguments.


Determine the output.


The index of the letter “y” in string “Doggy” is 5.


Determine the output.


TRUE OR FALSE: The value “val_3” is a white space “ “.


True or False: Variable 1st_num is a good variable name in Java programming.

TRUE OR FALSE: “val_2” contains “The”


True or False: Instance variables are declared inside a method but outside a class.

True or False: Variable names in Java are not necessarily case sensitive.

Determine the output


True or False: Public, private and protected are some of the return types used in Java programming.

True or False: Divide and conquer strategy, in programming, is also known as the top-down design.

If there are no errors in the program, line 9 would display I weigh 160.

True or False: A boolean variable can only have two values; it is either true or false.

result = !((x * 10) < z);


result = -(-z) == 43;


True or False: If you get an error while running the javac command in the CLI, it could be resolved by editing the Path value in Environment Variables.
True or False: The subtraction assignment operator subtracts the left and right operand and assigns the difference to the operand at the right.

x += x;
result = x == 154;

The second line of output will be: You are in Year 11.

True or False: The conditional AND operator uses two ampersand (&&) symbols.

result = 43 <= z;

True or False: You’ll know that a variable is a class variable when you see that variable inside a class with the word static.

The string method “length( )” returns the number of characters within a string.

A string can contain numbers.


TRUE OR FALSE: This is an example of concatenation.


TRUE OR FALSE: The value of “val_4” is “fox”


TRUE OR FALSE: “val_2” contains “The”.


Determine the output.


Languages which use procedural programming include C, (Answer) FORTRAN, Pascal and BASIC.


True or False: Local variables are declared inside the default method.

Strings can be declared with str.


True or False: Procedural programming involves instructing the system as to how to complete a task.

TRUE OR FALSE: The output of this code is “The quick brown fox”

Among the expressions below which is a statement?


Expressions can be long and complex.


number++; is an expression

For-loops has a set number of iterations before starting.


The equals( ) method can compare more than 2 arrays.


While loops can use Booleans at test expressions.


The test expression of the if statement is _______

-less than or equal to

There are four (4) major features of an object-oriented programming language – encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction.

Using a break; statement causes the loop to jump to the next iteration.

x+1 is example of a statement.


number++; is a block

Arrays are


The operator “new” allocates a memory block the size of what is declared.

A class block can be an expression


Statements can be expressions.


Integer arrays can be populated with characters.


Declaration clauses are declared as “number + 1”.


Loops can be stopped with a break; statement.


The equivalent of Paragraphs in coding is?


If statements cannot be nested in switches


The length( ) method returns the size (number of indices) has.


When polymorphism is used, the Java object can only take one form. Subclasses should have the same function with the parent class.

Arrays can contain (Answer) number of elements.


“||” and “&&” can be used in conditional statements.


A class statement has three (3) major parts – declaration, initialization and instantiation.

Declaring an object in Java uses the new keyword to create a new object.

Please refer to Figure 2 to answer the question below: If the expression “num = 0” is changed to “num = 5” the final output will be

Expressions can be statements.


Blocks can contain more blocks of code.


If-else statements can be nested in?

-All of the choices

Statements are equivalent to paragraphs.


A (answer) array is an array containing true or false values.


Switches are always used with if-else statements


True or False: The modulus operator returns the remainder of a division operation instead of the quotient.

Determine the output.

String val_1 = “564298”;


Determine the output.

String val_1 = “35”;


The return value of the length( ) method is an integer


A superclass is also known as a parent class.


For-loops can be nested in while loops.


In instantiating an object, the keyword instance is used.


Object oriented programming utilizes the top down method


Expressions are like clauses.


The sort( ) method is always ascending.


Arrays are data types.


Variables must be declared as (Answer) for it to be fully hidden.


While statements check the test expression at the end.


The else statement can be used alone.


The fill( ) method (Answer) the array with specific values.


The output of println is


The person’s weight is declared correctly with the correct data type (byte) and value (160).

Determine the output.

String val_1 = “foo”

String val_2 = “bar”

val_2 = val_1;

val_1 = val_3;



Determine the output.

String val_1 = “foo”

String val_2 = “bar”

val_2 = val_1;

val_1 = val_3;



Switches can work properly even without the “break” expression.


Blocks can be one liner or huge classes.


The test expressions in conditional statements can be left empty.


Abstraction works by hiding the implementation details and showing only the functions necessary.

A single array can hold multiple data types


A polymorphic object can pass more than one Is-a test.


Another loop can be used as test expression.


True or False: Public, static and void are sample of Java reserved keywords.

The value of “pStr” in line 24 is


The default syntax of a constructor is <class_name>(parameter, parameter){ }


A nested class is not an inner class.


Nested classes causes them to become abstracted


A nested class is also called

-inner class

If you want some variables and methods hidden from other classes, you could implement encapsulation where these variables and methods are
wrapped in a single unit.

A constructor can only have 1-2 overloads or parameters.


All possible data types of an array can be retuned as a string by the toString( ) method.

Abstracted classes can contain 1 or more abstract methods.


Abstraction shows the every bit of detail and implementation on how an application does something.

Initialization is a process where the constructor is called for.


The default syntax of a constructor is <class_name>( ){ }


Classes cannot be nested.


Abstract classes cannot have nested classes.


The parent class of a nested class is called an outer class

An inner class can be constructed directly without reference to the outer class.

Arrays can be read backwards


A single array can hold

-One data type

Abstracted methods already have implementations inside.


are special methods to initialize objects.


Constructors have 3 basic rules to follow.


Nesting classes increases encapsulation.


Each index can only contain (Answer) element.


The sort( ) method can be set to sort only a part of an array.


Subclasses or child classes could have different behaviors but still share the same functions from their parent class.

Abstract methods must have an explicit return value

An abstract class must not contain abstract methods.

Abstracted classes can be nested.


A subclass constructor cannot invoke a superclass constructor.


A class acquiring fields and methods of another class is called inheritance.


Parallelsorting utilizes

-More cpu processing cores

method can copy one array to another.


Conditional test expressions can contain declarations


A child class inherits all the methods of every other class.


f the value of “pStr” in line 7 is changed to _______ then the value of “pStr” in line 24 will be changed as well.


The type of loop that checks the test expression at the end.

An array of integers should be declared as

A class which contains the abstract keyword in its declaration is known as an

-abstract class

Please refer to figure 1 to answer the question below: In figure 1 if(x==5) is


The first line of the code should have either a yes or no value.

Determine the output.

String val_1 = “25”;

String val_2 = “80”;


What does ‘new’ in int[ ] myArray = new int[n] do?

-Assigns memory for the array

is also known as a parent class.

-Super class

Determine the output.

String val_1 = “foobar”;

String val_2 = “”;


Polymorphic objects can pass (answer) Is-a test.

-More than one

True or False: Traditional comments start with /** (forward slash and two asterisks) and ends with */ (asterisk and forward slash).
True or False: Netbeans is one of the IDEs or Integrated Development Environment to run Java programs.

For-loops can check the test expression at the end.


Polymorphism is the ability of a Java object to take


Constructors can have

-any number

When the program runs, and assuming there are no errors, its first line will be begin printing.

Which of these is a proper decrement?


All are methods of the array class except


The error in Figure 2 is


A constructor (answer) contain an explicit return type


Abstracted methods need (answer) for implementations.


Line 14 will yield an error. It will be corrected if you place */ after the method.
The name of a constructor must be (answer) as your class.


The limit of dimensions an array can have without errors is


This type of declaration is discouraged.

-String myArray[ ];

The following figure shows the Netbeans Integrated Development Environment.


The equivalent of clauses in coding is?

Int num = 1; for(num=num;num<=10;num++) is an acceptable code snippet.
Loop that has a pre-determined number of iterations
An int can be used even if it is declared outside a for-loop.
Overload methods must be the same name as the class
What the break statement in this example does is ________.
-Ends the whole instance of the loop
The random( ) method sorts the array randomly.
The last part in a for loop setup can be an ________.
- both
The “1” in arrayName[1] is called an ________.
The continue; statement ends all the iterations of a loop.
- False
Which is not a proper increment?
- n+-;
Infine for-loops can be declared as for( ){ }.
- False
If-if is more logical than else-if.
- False
The else statement can be removed if not needed.
Expressions, Statements and Blocks are like composing sentences and paragraphs.
You can declare a new method in the subclass which is not declared in the superclass.
The return value of the equals( ) method is ________ .
-None of the choices
The Arrays.sort( ) method sorts an array into _________ order.
This type of declaration is discouraged: “int myArray[ ]”
- True
An if-else-if-else statement is a block.
If the increment num=num+2 is changed to num++, the final value of num will be ________.
The term of each pass through a loop makes is called?
Loops must always have a continue or break statement.
1+2+3/4*5 is an unambiguous expression
Conditional statements can contain more conditional statements.
- True
int num = 1;
if(num==1 && num<=1){
The conditional statement will _______.
- execute the body
byte( ][ ][ ) myArray; is an example of ________.
- An error
An array _______ hold objects.
- can
A reference variable can be reassigned to other objects provided that it is not declared ________.
- final
The test expression of conditional statement cannot contain _______
Each pass through of a loop is called a cycle.
- True
If the increment “num = num + 2” is changed to “num = num + 1” the final output will be _______.
Ifs and else-ifs test expressions return true or false.
- True
_______ classes increase the encapsulation of you methods and data.
- nesting
Constructed methods are initialized with 0 or null depending on the data type.
- true
The else statement catches whatever argument the if and else-if didn’t
- True
An iteration of a loop is equivalent to one pass through.
- true
38. If we change the initial value of num in line 6 to “num = 0”, the println output will be _______
The else-if statement can be used alone.
- false
Abstract methods need sub-classes to contain their implementations.
The method arraycopy( ) does what?
- Copies the contents of an array to a destination array.
An array can be infinitely long.
- False
A loop can contain no expressions or statements inside.
- true
Conditional statements are the same as declaration statements.
- False
You cannot use inherited methods directly in a child class.
- False
The equals( ) method compares 2 arrays.
- True
Method invocations are statements
- True
To implement encapsulation, you have to declare class variables with the private modifier.
- True
Inner class methods can be called by constructing the inner class.
- False
Encapsulated data are hidden from other classes.
- True

Refer to the code snippet below. Identify what part of a method is shown in each number (the underlined one).
GIVEN: public int getArea
Answer: Method Name

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

Answer: val_1 + val_2

Read each statement carefully and decide whether it’s TRUE or FALSE.

The filename of the Java file above is

Answer: False
Refer to the code snippet below. Identify what part of a method is shown in each number (the underlined one).

GIVEN: int getArea

Answer: Return Type
Fill in the blank:

Answer: foo
Procedural programming will be tricky for applications.
Answer: small
Strings can directly concatenated to an int.
Answer: False
TRUE OR FALSE: The value of “val_3” is 3
Answer: FALSE

Fill in the blank:

Answer: barfoo
Refer to the code snippet below. Determine whether the given is a local variable, instance variable, access modifier or a class name.
GIVEN: private class EmployeeRecord
Answer: access modifier
TRUE OR FALSE: The assigned values of “val_1” & “val_2” are integers.
Answer: FALSE

Fill in the blank:

Answer: 200
True or False: A method could be declared without any parameters.
Answer: False

Fill in the blank:

Answer: foo
Refer to the block of codes below. Read each statement carefully and decide whether it’s TRUE or FALSE.

There are no errors in line 11.

Answer: TRUE
Determine the output.
Answer: error
True or False: Non-procedural programming focuses on how a task is done rather than on what task should be done.
Answer: False
Refer to the code snippet below. Determine whether the given is a local variable, instance variable, access modifier or a class name.

GIVEN: private class EmployeeRecord

Answer: class name
Determine the output.

Answer: chocolate bar

True or False: If you are running a program through CLI, the class name and the file name should be different.
Answer: False
Fill in the blank:

Answer: 6
The “indexOf( )” method returns the first instance of the specified character.
Answer: True
Please refer to figure 1 to answer the question below:
If we change the initial value of num in line 6 to “num = 0”, the println output will be

Answer: 0
Strings can readily accept int values.
Answer: True
True or False: Keywords are Java reserved words which are used as identifier for interface, constants and constructs.
Answer: True
Refer to the code snippet below. Determine whether the given is a local variable, instance variable, access modifier or a class name.
GIVEN: int noOfEmployee
Answer: local variable
True or False: After compiling a Java program through the CLI, run it using the java and press Enter.
Answer: True

Balls with worn-off fuzz becomes _________ that will eventually affect its flight and the player's control on it.

Answer : very light

Refer to the program below. Read each statement carefully and write the output for each line specified.

Line 22 will display on the screen.

Answer: 1

True or False: Version control is done so that the latest version of a file is saved and the older ones are archived or deleted.
Answer: false

some of the programmers were not present during requirements gathering, this cause is classified as aAnswer
method x

Refer to the image below to answer the following question. What will happen if the username is incorrect but the password
given is correct?
Answer : 3

NamingAnswer is accepted as a standard rule in naming files or records and must be done consistently on all documents.

Which among the following advice does NOT help in establishing empathy in communication?

Select one:
a. Let the other person explain his/her point, but think only of what you are going to say next.
b. Do not take offense in differences in perspective and reactions.
c. Emphasize that you are open to whatever opinion the other person may have.
d. Be patient and match the pace of the other person when communicating.

Which one of the following statements is FALSE?

Select one:
a. Communication happens between two or more persons.
b. Communication involves talking and listening only.
c. Communication skills can be learned and improved.
d. Communication skills form a big part of academic performance and career

It is a skill which refers willingness to interpret the words and feelings of the source. It is characterized by open-mindedness.
Answer : active listening

Observe the names of the following variables and routines and decide whether its format is CORRECT or WRONG.
ContactNumber for a column name in the table “Student”.

Select one:
a. Wrong
b. Correct
Lizzy printed her reports in all the major subjects. She forgot if she has already printed her English report. What can she do to
avoid printing it twice?

Select one:
a. Click on the printer icon and press Ctrl + L to show the list.
b. Press the Power button on the printer to restart.
c. Right click on the printer and choose See what’s printing.
d. Double click on the printer icon and choose Print list. X wrong
This is a multi-way branch statement.

Select one:
a. continue
b. label
c. switch
d. break
hoose the proper operator precedence when evaluating an expression using the number code below:
comparisons - 1
logical operations - 2
increment - 3
arithmetic operations - 4

Select one:
a. 2-1-4-3
b. 1-2-4-3
c. 3-4-1-2
d. 4-3-1-2

A process that involves recognizing and focusing on the important characteristics of a situation or object.
Select one:
a. encapsulation

b. inheritance

c. polymorphism

d. abstraction

How many reserved keywords are currently defined in the Java language?
Select one:

a. 51

b. 49

c. 48

d. 50

Which method is used to change the name of a thread?

Select one:

a. public String setName(String name)

b. public void setName(String name)

c. public String getName()

d. public void getName()

This is the model for Object-Oriented Inheritance.

Select one:
a. "sort of" relationship wrong
b. "is a kind of" relationship
c. "has a" relationship
d. "want to be" relationship

package is a collection of ---.

Select one:
a. both classes and interfaces

A process that involves recognizing and focusing on the important characteristics of a situation or object.

Select one:

b. abstraction
This type of operator is used to create an object.

Select one:
b. new

This statement is used inside the switch to terminate a statement sequence.

Select one:
c. break

Which of the following is NOT a looping statement?

Select one:
d. switch

This is the ability of the Java application to perform multiple tasks at the same time.

Select one:
a. multiprogramming

Choose the symbol based on the given key feature.

Logical AND &&

Answer 1
Logical OR ||
Answer 2

Your answer is correct.

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Choose the symbol based on the identified key feature.

byte 8 bit
Answer 1
increment ++
Answer 2
Shown in the picture below is the __________ stroke. (tennis)

Answer : backhand

DIRR – 112
GBIO – 121
CHEM - 112

Critical facilities and lifelines are usually affected by a high magnitude hazard.
A: true

People in disaster affected areas do not suffer from psychological trauma after experiencing a devastating calamitous event.
A: false
Disasters can cause death, diseases, destruction and displacement.
A: true

A disaster has occurred because a hazard hit an area without people and their assets.
A: false

Elements at risk can also be categorized into tangible and intangible. The intangibles include social cohesion, community structure, and
cultural losses.
A: true

Physical risk factors can either lessen or aggravate one's vulnerability to hazards, for example the level of strength of a building and the
presence or absence of fire exits in the case of an earthquake.
A: true

Disasters can set back years of development efforts of a country.

A: true

Disaster risk reduction aims to reduce the damages and loss caused by hazards. One of the key risk reduction measures is to reduce
exposure to hazards.
A: true

Hazards have different adverse impacts on the elements at risk in an urban and rural setting.
A: true

The elements at risk are hazard-specific. Who and what can be damaged depends on the hazards as well as the characteristics of the
A: true

Hazards and disasters are one and the same.

A: false

Exposure is one of the key determinants of disaster risk.

A: true

The Philippines and its cities are not among countries and cities with significant population and economic exposure to typhoons,
earthquakes, tsunamis, storm surges, volcanoes, and landslides, according to recent studies by risk analysis firm Verisk Maplecroft.
A: false

People living in poor developing countries have more vulnerabilities than those living in developed countries.
A: true

Philippines is one of top three countries with regards to being at-risk to hit by hazards.
A: true

Gender and age are risk factors that make recovery more difficult.
A: true

Disaster cause problems and hardships to population and communities.

A: true

The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 defines exposure as "the degree to which the elements at risk are
likely to experience hazard events of different magnitudes".
A: true

Aside from physical exposure, livelihoods and economic assets can be considered in measuring exposure of the elements at risk.
A: true

The focus of the .... science perspective in analyzing disaster is what damage and loss it could cause to physical aspects such as people
and their properties and assets; public and private buildings and infrastructures.
A: physical/natural

People l iving in .... are constantly endangered to tsunami, storm surges and sea level rise.
A:coastline/coastal areas

The following should be done after an earthquake except

A: Don't use matches, candles, or any flame. Broken gas lines and fire don't mix.

All submarine earthquakes can cause tsunamis.

A: false
If you experience the signs of impending tsunami, the best action to take is
A: immediately leave the low-lying coastal areas and move to higher ground

A process where particles of loosely consolidated and water-saturated deposits of sand are rearranged into more compact state, squeezing
water and sediments towards the surface in the form of sand fountain and creating a condition resembling to a "quick sand" is called
A: liquefaction

Landslides and liquefaction due to ground shaking brought about by an earthquake are considered
A: secondary effects

In interpreting earthquake hazard maps, the color code for high risk areas is
A: red

Ground rupture which is the surface expression of an earthquake choices magnitude 5.5-6.0 is known as
A: primary effect of earthquakes

Fires, spills of hazardous chemicals and flooding are considered as

A: collateral effects

The deformation on the ground that marks the intersection of the fault plane with the earth's surface is known as
A: ground rupture

The color code for no risk areas is

A: white

A phenomenon which produce giant sea waves generated mostly by vertical displacement of the ocean floor associated with a strong and
shallow submarine earthquake is called
A: tsunami

The intense vibration of the ground is known as

A: ground shaking

There is impending tsunami if

A: all of the choices
After an earthquake, always be prepared for aftershocks.
A: true

The Dock, Cover and Hold is a "must do" after an earthquake.

A: false

The color code for medium risk areas is

A: orange

The color code for low risk areas is

A: yellow

Armed conflicts and wars are natural hazards.

A: false

Water supplies, electricity and transportation can be severely affected by strong typhoons with strong winds.
A: true

_____________is a phenomenon, which produce giant sea waves generated mostly by vertical displacement of the ocean floor associated
with a strong and shallow submarine earthquake.
A: tsunami

Psychological trauma is not good for overall well-being of a person.

A: true

Displacement and living in an evacuation center cause problems and hardships to population and communities.
A: true

Understanding of vulnerability and capacity can be best done through _________________________________.

A: vulnerability and capacity assessment

Susceptibility, ___________, fragility are other terms for vulnerability

A: weakness

Elements at risk include people, properties, livelihood, location, etc. .

A: true

Disaster risk and hazards are not the same.

A: true

Exposure elements, exposed elements, or vulnerable elements are other terms used to refer to the elements at risk.
A: true

_______________ is a process where particles of loosely consolidated and water-saturated deposits of sand are rearranged into more
compact state, squeezing water and sediments towards the surface in the form of sand fountain and creating a condition resembling to a
"quick sand".
A: liquefaction

Savings: good governance: and, life-saving skills are examples of __________

A: capacity

Environmental pollution is purely a human made hazard.

A: false

Examples of measures to increase capacity and reduce vulnerability.

A: a, b and c

Hazards have different adverse impacts on the elements at risk in an urban and rural setting.
A: true

____________refers to the intense vibration of the ground.

A: earthquake

Women: poor people: and, people with disability are usually included in marginalized and most ___________groups.
A: vulnerable

Complex web of interlinked conditions which include physical, social, economic, environmental factors.
A: vulnerability

Hazard is not a dangerous event or substance.

A: false

Critical facilities and lifelines are more likely to be affected by a high magnitude hazard.
A: true

Death, destruction, diseases and displacement are associated to disasters.

A: true

Develop a family ______ consisting of where to meet your family after an earthquake.
A: plan

After an earthquake check yourself and others for injuries: provide first aid for anyone who needs it: and, turn on the _________ and listen
for news.
A: radio

Categorization of factors for capacities and vulnerabilities.

A: all of the choices

Hazard and risk are interrelated but not the same.

A: true

Houses that are built according to good design and construction principles have a better chance to withstand the onslaught of a strong
earthquake than those that are poorly constructed.
A: true

Examples of measures to increase ____________and reduce vulnerability include training and education: sustainable livelihood: and,
adequate food supply.
A: capacity

Who and what elements at risk can be damaged depends on the hazards and the characteristics of the area or location.
A: true

__________condition is a factor, which make people and their property more vulnerable.
A: unsafe
The development efforts of a country is affected by a disaster because the money intended for development may be diverted to more
pressing relief efforts.
A: true

When a hazard strikes a vulnerable people, with very low capacity, living in an unsafe location, disaster may occur and recovery may take
more time.
A: true

Some ______________tools for capacity and vulnerability assessment include resources mapping: community watching: transect walk:
livelihood and coping analysis.
A: Participatory

_____________________refers to the deformation on the ground that marks the intersection of the fault plane with the earth's surface.
A: ground rupture

While other elements at risk can be affected by hazards, people are not because they can escape.
A: false

Philippines is in the top three most disaster-prone countries of the world.

A: true

Don't use __________ during an earthquake, as they'll probably get stuck anyway.
A: elevators

The concept which explains why given a level of exposure to the hazard, some people or sectors in the community or society are more at
risk or less at risk.
A: vulnerability

Some participatory tools for capacity and vulnerability assessment include.

A: a, b and c

Earthquake is natural hazards resulting from geological processes.

A: true

Exposure is the degree to which the elements at risk are likely to experience hazard events of different magnitudes.
A: true

Gender and very young and very old age are considered risk factors.
A: true

A good attitude and mental health are factors in good decision making, particularly during emergencies.
A: true

Fire is an example of a natural hazard.

A: false

Usually included in marginalized and most vulnerable groups.

A: a, b and c

Social cohesion, community structure, and cultural losses are some kinds of intangibles elements at risk.
A: true

Examples of capacities.
A: a, b and d

Understanding of vulnerability and capacity can be best done through ... and ... .
A: vulnerability and capacity assessment

There is impending _________if there is severe ground shaking: if seawater recedes from the coast: and, if there is a loud "roaring" sound
similar to that of a train or jet aircraft.
A: tsunami

Some factors which make people and their property vulnerable.

A: a, b and c

Typhoon Haiyan is an example of a hazard that became a disaster because of the extent of damages it wrought in the Visayas Islands.
A: true

Other terms for vulnerability.

A: Susceptibility, weakness, fragility
Ash fall rarely endangers human lives, but it can have devastating effects on the things that people rely upon from day to day living.
A: false

The two indicators for an impending tsunami.

A: there is severe ground shaking; if seawater recedes from the coast Or, if there is a loud "roaring" sound similar to that of a train or jet

Hazards can be classified according to origin, which could be from nature, from man's activity or a combination of both.
A: true

Lava flows are streams of molten rock that pour or ooze from an erupting vent.
A: true

During volcanic eruption, check for injured and trapped persons near the slide, without entering the direct slide area. Direct rescuers to their
A: false

People living near volcanoes may not detect premonitory events before and eruption.
A: false

Fire is an example of a human-sourced hazard.

A: true

People, properties and location are examples of elements at risk.

A: true

Increase in the frequency of volcanic quakes with rumbling sounds and occurrence of volcanic tremors are signs of impending volcanic
A: true

Knowing the ways of protecting the school from ash fall, landslides and debris ?ows by consulting your local disaster coordinating council
must be done before a volcano erupts.
A: true
There is impending tsunami if
A: all of the choices

Provinces that are at risk to tsunami.

A: Sulu/Tawi-tawi/Basilan/Batanes

Hazard of high magnitude should always be welcome by children because there will be no class.
A: false

The legend in the map tells you what different colors and signs mean in the map. It works as a decoder of the data presented in the map.
A: true

The three things that should be done after an earthquake.

A: Check yourself and others for injuries; Provide first aid for anyone who needs it; Turn on the radio and listen for news/Use the phone to
connect to family.

Both ash fall and pyroclastic flows can destroy agricultural lands.
A: true

During volcanic eruption, less priority if given for evacuation outside the area of ash shower to pupils/students with breathing problems.
They should be advised to cover their nose, preferably with a wet piece of cloth.
A: false

The GPS coordinates are a unique identifier of a precise geographic location on the earth, usually expressed in alphanumeric characters.
A: true

The earthquake that hit Bohol some years back cannot be an example of a disaster because the extent of damages it wrought in the Bohol
island is negligible.
A: false

Most volcanoes provide various type of warnings before eruptions begin.

A: true

During a volcanic eruption, follow the instructions that go with the warning. If there is a directive to evacuate, do so immediately.
A: true
Closing windows and doors to reduce entry of ash if heavy ash fall is expected to hit the community must be done during a volcanic
A: false

The Marawi armed political conflict is an example of a natural hazard.

A: false

Ballistic projectiles are rocks that an erupting volcano may hurl into the air.
A: true

Do not "Dock, Cover and Hold " during an earthquake, just stand and wait for news.
A: false

In assessing disaster risk, the formula used is DR=HEV, where DR stand for Development Research, H for Hazard, E for Exposure and V
for Vulnerability.
A: false

Do not panic and be sensitive to the possibility of aftershocks, after an earthquake.

A: true

The following should be done during an earthquake except

A: Anchor heavy furniture, cupboards, and appliances to the walls or floor

Environmental pollution is detrimental to health.

A: true

The following should be done before an earthquake except

A: Don't use matches, candles, or any flame. Broken gas lines and fire don't mi

Volcano hazard maps illustrate potential for ground-based volcanic impacts-lava flows, pyroclastic flows, ash fall, volcanic gases, and more
far-reaching hazards (such as lahars) in valleys that drain the volcano.
A: true

Example of geological hazard. EARTHQUAKE

Example of combination of human made and natural hazards. FLOODING

Example of human made hazard . FIRE

Shows the dangerous areas. HAZARD MAPS



Big sea waves. TSUNAMI

High risk province. SULU

During an earthquake. “Dock, cover and hold”

agency that deals with volcanoes. PHIVOLCS

Hazard maps are used to help understand the areas that may be affected by specific volcanic eruption phenomena.
A: true

During and after an emergency, you should not think only of yourself, you should provide first aid for anyone who needs it, if you are
A: true

In interpreting a hazard map, look for the title, which is located at the bottom portion of the geological map. It is important because it tells
you right away what kind of hazard map it represents or the area where the map is based.
A: false

Earthquake is a human sourced hazard resulting from geological processes.

A: false

Elements at risk, particularly people can be affected by hazards, but they can manage even without disaster preparedness.
A: false
Volcanic ash does not consist of fragments of pulverized rock, minerals, and volcanic glass created during volcanic eruptions and
measuring less than 2 mm in diameter.
A: false

The three things that should be done before an earthquake.

A: Learn first aid; Learn how to turn off the gas, water, and electricity in your home; Make up a plan of where to meet your family after an

Pyroclastic flows contain a high-density mix of hot lava blocks, pumice, ash and volcanic gas.
A: true

The three things that should be done during an earthquake.

A: Do not panic; Fix heavy furniture, cupboards, and appliances to the walls or floor; If you're in a car, stop driving until the earthquake
stops/Don't use elevators

Water supplies, electricity and transportation are not always protected and therefore can be affected by strong typhoons with strong winds.
A: true

Hazard Maps show the places in the country which are at risk to the following:
A: earthquake;tsunami Or, landslides

In assessing disaster risk, the framework used is DR=HEV, where DR stand for disaster risk, H for Hazard, E for Exposure and V for

In assessing risk, the framework used is R=HEV, where R stand for risk, H for Health, E for Evacuation and V for Vulnerability.
A: Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment

Typhoon Haiyan cannot be an example of a disaster because the extent of damages it wrought in the Visayas Islands is negligible.
A: false

In interpreting earthquake hazard maps, the color code for no risk areas is:
A: white
Understanding of vulnerability and capacity can be best done through.
A: vulnerability and capacity assessment

On November 8, 2013, Super Typhoon ______ cut a devastating path across the Central Philippines (Visayas).
A: Haiyan(or Yolanda)

Some participatory tools for capacity and vulnerability assessment include.

A: all of the choices

_____is a very important tool. It shows what places in the country, which are at risk to earthquakes.
A: map
If you experience the signs of impending tsunami, the best action to take is:
A: immediately leave the low-lying coastal areas and move to higher ground
Exposure is not one among the key determinants of disaster risk.
A: false

Be careful around broken glass and debris. Wear boots or sturdy shoes to keep from cutting your feet.
A: true

A disaster will surely not occur when a hazard hit an area with vulnerable people and assets.
A: false

Communities with many vulnerabilities and low capacities are susceptible to experience __________.
A: disasters

People living in rich developed countries have more vulnerabilities than those living in poor developing countries.
A: false

Developmental perspective considers disasters as a challenge to ___________ as they negate years of hard earned advances in
education, health, social and economic areas.
A: development

For locally-generated tsunamis, where you might feel the ground shake, you may only have a few minutes to move to higher ground.
A: true
In assessing disaster risk, the framework used is DR=HEV, where DR stand for disaster risk, H for Hazard, E for Exposure and V for
A: true

_____shows the places in the country which are at risk to tsunamis

A: map

Categorization of factors for capacities and vulnerabilities could include:

A: all of the choices

Elements at risk, particularly people can be affected by hazards, thus disaster preparedness is important.
A: true

When water lines are broken, so there is no _____ to extinguish the fire.
A: water

Examples of capacities.
A: all of the choices

Physical risk factors can either lessen or aggravate one's vulnerability to hazards, for example the level of strength of an office and the
presence or absence of emergency exits in the case of an earthquake.|
A: true

People live within or close to volcano danger zones, are to be affected by _____ flow and ash fall.
A: (lava)

Livelihoods and economic assets can be considered in measuring exposure of the elements at risk.
A: true

Hazard and risk are not interrelated at all.

A: false

Hazards always have similar adverse impacts on the elements at risk in an urban and rural setting.
A: false
The intangibles elements at risk include social cohesion, community structure, and cultural losses.
A: true

Earthquake is human sourced hazards resulting from political processes.


Landslide and is a potential __________ hazard.

A: earthquake

Landslides and liquefaction due to ground shaking brought about by an earthquake are considered:
A: secondary effects;

Tsunami is a potential ________ hazard.

A: earthquake

The province/s that are at risk to tsunamis include.

A: all of the choices

Elements at risk do not include people, properties and location.

A: false

Disasters do not cause death, diseases, destruction and displacement.

A: false

An earthquake may be classified as either tectonic or volcanic.

A: true

________as it is, is not a disaster, but can cause massive and complex disasters.
A: hazard

Disaster do not cause problems and hardships to population and communities.

A: false
Other potential earthquake hazards include:
A: all of the choices
Some factors which make people and their property vulnerable.
A: all of the choices

In interpreting earthquake hazard maps,

A: red

In interpreting earthquake hazard maps.

A: red - wrong

Hazard Maps show the places in the country which are at risk to
A: all of the choices
___________ refers to the intense vibration of the ground.
A: ground shaking

__________ earthquakes are those induced by rising lava or magma beneath an active volcano.
A: volcanic

Usually included in marginalized and most vulnerable groups.

A: all of the choices
People living in the __________ slopes are defenseless in the face of landslides.
A: mountain

A phenomenon which produce giant sea waves generated mostly by vertical displacement of the ocean floor associated with a strong and
shallow submarine earthquake is called:
A: tsunami

Responsible people should check water, gas, and electric lines for damage.
A: true

The focus of the natural science perspective in analyzing disaster is what _______and loss it could cause to physical aspects such as
people and their properties and assets: public and private buildings and infrastructures.
A: damage
Typhoon Haiyan cannot be an example of a disaster because the extent of damages it wrought in the Visayas Islands is negligible.
A: false

Understanding of vulnerability and capacity can be done through.

A: vulnerability and capacity assessment

The following should be done after an earthquake except:

A: Use the phone to connect to face book

During an earthquake, the following should NOT be done except:

A: If you're in a car, continue to drive until the earthquake stops,

During and after an emergency, if you're at school or work, _______ the emergency plan or the instructions of the person in charge.
A: follow

Lahars are a specific kind of mudflow made up of volcanic debris.

A: true

Started on Thursday, 11 January 2018, 11:27 AM

State Finished

Completed on Thursday, 11 January 2018, 11:32 AM

Time taken 5 mins 32 secs

Grade 50.00 out of 50.00 (100%)

Question 1

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

The province/s that are at risk to tsunamis include.

Select one:

a. Tawi-tawi

b. none of the choices

c. Batanes

d. all of the choices

e. Sulu

f. Basilan

Question 2

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Other potential earthquake hazards include:

Select one:

a. all of the choices

b. landslide

c. ground subsidence

d. tsunami

Question 3


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

During and after an emergency, you should think only of yourself and should not provide first aid for anyone who needs it.

Select one:



Question 4


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Usually included in marginalized and most vulnerable groups.

Select one:
a. people with disability

b. women

c. poor

d. all of the choices

Question 5


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Gender and age are considered risk factors.

Select one:



Question 6

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Other terms for vulnerability:

Select one:

a. Susceptibility, weakness, fragility

b. weakness, constraints, capacity

c. issues, problem, capacity

d. challenges, problem, opportunity

Question 7


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

There are people in disaster affected areas who are more prone to suffer from psychological trauma after experiencing devastating calamities.

Select one:



Question 8


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

People living within or near a _____ line, are more susceptible to be overwhelmed by an earthquake hazard.

Select one:
a. defect

b. mistake

c. fault

d. imperfection

Question 9


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

When water lines are broken, so there is no _____ to extinguish the fire.

Select one:

a. water

b. spray
c. none of the given choices are correct

d. splash

Question 10


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

When an earthquake breaks a dam or levee along a river, the water from the river or the reservoir floods the area and may damage buildings
and drown people.

Select one:



Question 11


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Tectonic Hazards and disasters are not the same.

Select one:



Question 12


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

After an earthquake, just relax and do not think of aftershocks.

Select one:


Question 13


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

A disaster will surely not occur when a hazard hit an area with vulnerable people and assets.

Select one:



Question 14


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 defines exposure as "the degree to which the elements at risk are likely to
experience hazard events of different magnitudes".

Select one:



Question 15


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Responsible people should check water, gas, and electric lines for damage.
Select one:



Question 16


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

There is impending tsunami if:

Select one:

a. all of the choices

b. if there is a loud "roaring" sound similar to that of a train or jet aircraft

c. there is severe ground shaking;

d. if seawater recedes from the coast;

Question 17


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

People living in rich developed countries have more vulnerabilities than those living in poor developing countries.

Select one:



Question 18


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text

The deformation on the ground that marks the intersection of the fault plane with the earth's surface is known as:

Select one:

a. Both

b. ground deformation

c. ground rupture

Question 19


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Philippines is not one of the disaster-prone countries of the world.

Select one:


Question 20


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

After an earthquake, you should Check yourself and others for injuries.

Select one:



Question 21


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

_____is a very important tool. It shows what places in the country, which are at risk to earthquakes.

Select one:

a. map

b. chart

c. survey

d. plan

Question 22


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text

Exposure is not one among the key determinants of disaster risk.

Select one:



Question 23


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

In interpreting earthquake hazard maps,

Select one:

a. orange is the color code for high risk areas

b. white
c. red

d. yellow

Question 24


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

If you smell gas after an emergency, close all the windows and doors and sleep soundly.

Select one:



Question 25


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Exposure elements, exposed elements, or vulnerable elements are other terms used to refer to the capacity.

Select one:



Question 26


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

The Philippines and its cities are one of the countries and cities with significant population and economic exposure to typhoons, earthquakes,
tsunamis, storm surges, volcanoes, and landslides, according to recent studies by risk analysis firm Verisk Maplecroft.
Select one:



Question 27


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

_____shows the places in the country which are at risk to tsunamis

Select one:

a. map

b. chart

c. plan

d. surve
Question 28


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Disasters do not have an effect to the development efforts of a country.

Select one:



Question 29


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text

Armed conflicts and wars are natural hazards.

Select one:



Question 30


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Elements at risk do not include people, properties and location.

Select one:


Question 31


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Physical risk factors can either lessen or aggravate one's vulnerability to hazards, for example the level of strength of an office and the presence
or absence of emergency exits in the case of an earthquake.

Select one:



Question 32


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Critical facilities and lifelines are not affected at all by a high magnitude hazard.

Select one:



Question 33


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Understanding of vulnerability and capacity can be best done through.

Select one:
a. none of the choices

b. reading

c. research

d. vulnerability and capacity assessment

Question 34


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Fires, spills of hazardous chemicals and flooding are considered as:

Select one:

a. secondary effects

b. primary effect of earthquakes

c. collateral effects

d. all of the choices

Question 35


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

If you are at the beach or near the ocean and you feel the earth shake, move immediately to higher ground.

Select one:



Question 36


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

In interpreting earthquake hazard maps, the color code for no risk areas is:

Select one:

a. white

b. yellow

c. orange

d. red

Question 37


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text

Landslides and liquefaction due to ground shaking brought about by an earthquake are considered:

Select one:

a. all of the choice

b. secondary effects;

c. primary effect of earthquakes;

Question 38


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Examples of capacities.

Select one:

a. life-saving skills
b. savings

c. good governance

d. all of the choices

Question 39


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

People living in the __________ slopes are defenseless in the face of landslides.

Select one:

a. prominence

b. height

c. range
d. mountain

Question 40


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Be careful around broken glass and debris. Wear boots or sturdy shoes to keep from cutting your feet.

Select one:



Question 41


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

The following should be done before an earthquake:

Select one:

a. make up a plan of where to meet your family after an earthquake

b. all of the choices

c. learn first aid

d. learn how to turn off the gas, water, and electricity in your home

Question 42


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text

The following should be done after an earthquake except:

Select one:

a. Use the phone to connect to face book

b. Turn on the radio and listen for news

c. Check yourself and others for injuries

d. Provide first aid for anyone who needs it

Question 43


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

During an earthquake, the following should NOT be done except:

Select one:
a. Don't use elevators (they'll probably get stuck anyway).

b. panic, if you're indoor, and run, If you're outside

c. If you're in a car, continue to drive until the earthquake stops,

d. Fix heavy furniture, cupboards, and appliances to the walls or floor,

Question 44


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Rich people don't usually have savings, much so insurance.

Select one:



Question 45

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

_________ earthquakes are caused by sudden displacements along fault lines in the solid and rigid layer of the earth's surface.

Select one:

a. formative

b. architectural

c. constructural

d. tectonic

Question 46


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Ground subsidence is a potential ___________ hazard.

Select one:

a. earthquake

b. tsunami

c. flash flood

d. none of the given choices are correct

Question 47


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

________ can be assessed and quantified as low, medium and high.

Select one:

a. problem

b. danger

c. risks

d. accident

Question 48


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

In interpreting earthquake hazard maps.

Select one:
a. orange is the color code for medium risk areas

b. red

c. white

d. yellow

Question 49


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

One of the key risk reduction measures is to reduce exposure to hazards.

Select one:



Question 50

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

During and after an emergency, if you're at school or work, _______ the emergency plan or the instructions of the person in charge.

Select one:

a. copy

b. follow

c. stalk

d. observe

Started on Thursday, 11 January 2018, 10:41 AM

State Finished

Completed on Thursday, 11 January 2018, 11:03 AM

Time taken 22 mins 35 secs

Grade 50.00 out of 50.00 (100%)

Question 1


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

The focus of the natural science perspective in analyzing disaster is what _______and loss it could cause to physical aspects such as people and
their properties and assets: public and private buildings and infrastructures.

Select one:

a. impairment

b. harmful

c. destruction

d. damage

Question 2

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

The following hazards are potential earthquake hazards:

Select one:

a. liquefaction

b. ground rupture

c. ground shaking

d. all of the choices

Question 3


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Psychological perspective is concerned about the negative consequences of disaster to ________ health, particularly the Post Traumatic Stress

Select one:

a. intellectual

b. mental

c. brain

d. cognitive

Question 4


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text

Ground subsidence is a potential ___________ hazard.

Select one:

a. tsunami

b. flash flood

c. none of the given choices are correct

d. earthquake

Question 5


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Understanding of vulnerability and capacity can be best done through.

Select one:
a. reading

b. none of the choices

c. vulnerability and capacity assessment

d. research

Question 6


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

In assessing disaster risk, the framework used is DR=HEV, where DR stand for disaster risk, H for Hazard, E for Exposure and V for Vulnerability.

Select one:



Question 7

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Some factors which make people and their property vulnerable.

Select one:

a. poor construction design

b. all of the choices

c. poverty

d. unsafe locations

Question 8


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Tectonic Hazards and disasters are not the same.

Select one:



Question 9


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

If you are at the beach or near the ocean and you feel the earth shake, move immediately to higher ground.

Select one:


Question 10


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Gender and age are considered risk factors.

Select one:



Question 11


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The elements at risk are not hazard-specific. Who and what can be damaged depends not on the hazards and the characteristics of the area.

Select one:



Question 12


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

People living in the __________ slopes are defenseless in the face of landslides.

Select one:
a. mountain

b. prominence

c. height

d. range

Question 13


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Some participatory tools for capacity and vulnerability assessment include.

Select one:

a. livelihood and coping analysis

b. community watching (transect walk)

c. resources mapping

d. all of the choices

Question 14


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Landslide and is a potential __________ hazard.

Select one:

a. earthquake

b. none of the given choices are correct

c. flash flood

d. tsunami

Question 15

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Responsible people should check water, gas, and electric lines for damage.

Select one:



Question 16


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Disaster do not cause problems and hardships to population and communities.

Select one:



Question 17


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Usually included in marginalized and most vulnerable groups.

Select one:

a. women

b. people with disability

c. poor
d. all of the choices

Question 18


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

There are people in disaster affected areas who are more prone to suffer from psychological trauma after experiencing devastating calamities.

Select one:



Question 19


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

During and after an emergency, if you're at school or work, _______ the emergency plan or the instructions of the person in charge.

Select one:

a. follow

b. copy

c. stalk

d. observe

Question 20


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text

After an earthquake, you should Check yourself and others for injuries.

Select one:



Question 21


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

After an earthquake, just relax and do not think of aftershocks.

Select one:


Question 22


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

In interpreting earthquake hazard maps, the color code for low risk areas is:

Select one:

a. yellow

b. orange

c. white

d. red

Question 23


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

One of the key risk reduction measures is to reduce exposure to hazards.

Select one:



Question 24


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Developmental perspective considers disasters as a challenge to ___________ as they negate years of hard earned advances in education,
health, social and economic areas.
Select one:

a. development

b. growth

c. enlargement

d. evolution

Question 25


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Other terms for vulnerability:

Select one:

a. challenges, problem, opportunity

b. Susceptibility, weakness, fragility

c. weakness, constraints, capacity

d. issues, problem, capacity

Question 26


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Ground rupture which is the surface expression of an earthquake above magnitude 5.5-6.0 is known as:

Select one:

a. all of the choices

b. primary effect of earthquakes

c. secondary effects

Question 27

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

A disaster will surely not occur when a hazard hit an area with vulnerable people and assets.

Select one:



Question 28


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Categorization of factors for capacities and vulnerabilities could include:

Select one:

a. all of the choices

b. physical, economic, environmental

c. social, infrastructure, institutional

d. physical, social, motivational

Question 29


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

__________ is the government agency that monitors the coming and going of typhoons and tropical depression

Select one:



d. None of the given choices are correct

Question 30


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

On November 8, 2013, Super Typhoon ______ cut a devastating path across the Central Philippines (Visayas).

Select one:

a. Rosing

b. Ondoy

c. Juan

d. Haiyan(or Yolanda)

Question 31

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Fires, spills of hazardous chemicals and flooding are considered as:

Select one:

a. primary effect of earthquakes

b. collateral effects

c. all of the choices

d. secondary effects

Question 32


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Disasters do not have an effect to the development efforts of a country.

Select one:



Question 33


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Exposure elements, exposed elements, or vulnerable elements are other terms used to refer to the capacity.

Select one:


Question 34


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

For locally-generated tsunamis, where you might feel the ground shake, you may only have a few minutes to move to higher ground.

Select one:



Question 35


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

People living in rich developed countries have more vulnerabilities than those living in poor developing countries.

Select one:



Question 36


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

If you smell gas after an emergency, close all the windows and doors and sleep soundly.

Select one:


Question 37


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Disasters do not cause death, diseases, destruction and displacement.

Select one:



Question 38


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

The Philippines and its cities are one of the countries and cities with significant population and economic exposure to typhoons, earthquakes,
tsunamis, storm surges, volcanoes, and landslides, according to recent studies by risk analysis firm Verisk Maplecroft.

Select one:



Question 39


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Earthquake is human sourced hazards resulting from political processes.

Select one:



Question 40


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

If you experience the signs of impending tsunami, the best action to take is:

Select one:

a. immediately leave the low-lying coastal areas and move to higher ground

b. wait for official evacuation orders

c. go near the sea to gather corrals and fishes

d. all of the choices

Question 41


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Physical risk factors can either lessen or aggravate one's vulnerability to hazards, for example the level of strength of an office and the presence
or absence of emergency exits in the case of an earthquake.

Select one:



Question 42


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Landslides and liquefaction due to ground shaking brought about by an earthquake are considered:

Select one:

a. all of the choice

b. secondary effects;

c. primary effect of earthquakes;

Question 43


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
During and after an emergency, you should think only of yourself and should not provide first aid for anyone who needs it.

Select one:



Question 44


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Critical facilities and lifelines are not affected at all by a high magnitude hazard.

Select one:



Question 45

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

When an earthquake breaks a dam or levee along a river, the water from the river or the reservoir floods the area and may damage buildings
and drown people.

Select one:



Question 46


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Be careful around broken glass and debris. Wear boots or sturdy shoes to keep from cutting your feet.

Select one:



Question 47


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Fire is an example of a natural hazard.

Select one:


Question 48


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

During an earthquake, the following should NOT be done except:

Select one:

a. If you're in a car, continue to drive until the earthquake stops,

b. Don't use elevators (they'll probably get stuck anyway).

c. panic, if you're indoor, and run, If you're outside

d. Fix heavy furniture, cupboards, and appliances to the walls or floor,

Question 49


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

The following should be done after an earthquake except:

Select one:

a. Use the phone to connect to face book

b. Provide first aid for anyone who needs it

c. Check yourself and others for injuries

d. Turn on the radio and listen for news

Question 50


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text

Typhoon Haiyan cannot be an example of a disaster because the extent of damages it wrought in the Visayas Islands is negligible.

Select one:



Started on Thursday, 11 January 2018, 11:05 AM

State Finished

Completed on Thursday, 11 January 2018, 11:25 AM

Time taken 19 mins 49 secs

Grade 50.00 out of 50.00 (100%)

Question 1


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Environmental pollution is good for the health.

Select one:



Question 2


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

________as it is, is not a disaster, but can cause massive and complex disasters.

Select one:

a. hazard

b. risk

c. problem
d. danger

Question 3


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Elements at risk do not include people, properties and location.

Select one:



Question 4


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Examples of measures to increase capacity and reduce vulnerability.

Select one:

a. training and education

b. all of the choices

c. adequate food supply

d. sustainable livelihood

Question 5


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text

__________ is the government agency that monitors and records the cases of earthquakes in the Philippines.

Select one:


b. None of the given choices are correct



Question 6


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Hazard is a dangerous event or substance.

Select one:


Question 7


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

If you are at home and hear there is a tsunami warning, you should make sure your entire family is aware of the warning.

Select one:



Question 8


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Remove flag

Question text

The magnitude of a _______is a big factor in the making of a disaster.

Select one:

a. danger

b. hazard

c. risk

d. problem

Question 9


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Hazard Maps show the places in the country which are at risk to

Select one:

a. landslides

b. earthquakes

c. all of the choices

d. tsunami

Question 10


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

People living in coastal areas are constantly threatened to experience tsunami, ______ surges and sea level rise.

Select one:
a. typhoon

b. storm

c. whirlwind

d. none of the given choices are correct

Question 11


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

_____shows the places in the country which are at risk to tsunamis

Select one:

a. surve

b. map
c. plan

d. chart

Question 12


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Water supplies, electricity and transportation are always protected and therefore cannot be affected even by strong typhoons with strong

Select one:



Question 13


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

In interpreting earthquake hazard maps,

Select one:

a. orange is the color code for high risk areas

b. red

c. yellow

d. white

Question 14


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

When a natural hazard strikes elements at risk with high level of exposure and with many _________________, most likely this hazard would
result to disaster.

Select one:

a. accountability

b. liability

c. vulnerabilities

d. obligation

Question 15


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

One of the common side effects of an earthquake is ______, which is often associated with broken electrical and gas lines.

Select one:
a. fire

b. burning

c. conflagration

d. blaze

Question 16


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The intangibles elements at risk include social cohesion, community structure, and cultural losses.

Select one:



Question 17

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

An earthquake may be classified as either tectonic or volcanic.

Select one:



Question 18


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
A process where particles of loosely consolidated and water-saturated deposits of sand are rearranged into more compact state, squeezing
water and sediments towards the surface in the form of sand fountain and creating a condition resembling to a "quick sand" is called:

Select one:

a. liquefaction

b. ground subsidence

c. Both

Question 19


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Hazard and risk are not interrelated at all.

Select one:


Question 20


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

There is impending tsunami if:

Select one:

a. there is severe ground shaking;

b. if there is a loud "roaring" sound similar to that of a train or jet aircraft

c. all of the choices

d. if seawater recedes from the coast;

Question 21


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

People living within or near a _____ line, are more susceptible to be overwhelmed by an earthquake hazard.

Select one:

a. fault

b. imperfection

c. defect

d. mistake

Question 22


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

All submarine earthquakes are pleasant experience as if one is riding a submarine.

Select one:



Question 23


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Communities with many vulnerabilities and low capacities are susceptible to experience __________.

Select one:

a. accident

b. tragedy
c. disasters

d. calamity

Question 24


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Complex web of interlinked conditions, which include physical, social, economic, environmental factors.

Select one:

a. disaster risk

b. development

c. risk reduction

d. vulnerability

Question 25

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The deformation on the ground that marks the intersection of the fault plane with the earth's surface is known as:

Select one:

a. Both

b. ground deformation

c. ground rupture

Question 26


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

People live within or close to volcano danger zones, are to be affected by _____ flow and ash fall.

Select one:

a. magma

b. lava

c. all of the given choices are correct

d. lahar

Question 27


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

In interpreting earthquake hazard maps.

Select one:
a. red

b. orange is the color code for medium risk areas

c. yellow

d. white

Question 28


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Livelihoods and economic assets can be considered in measuring exposure of the elements at risk.

Select one:



Question 29

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The Dock, Cover and Hold is a "must do" before an earthquake.

Select one:



Question 30


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Philippines is not one of the disaster-prone countries of the world.

Select one:



Question 31


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Rich people don't usually have savings, much so insurance.

Select one:



Question 32

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Hazards always have similar adverse impacts on the elements at risk in an urban and rural setting.

Select one:



Question 33


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Armed conflicts and wars are natural hazards.

Select one:



Question 34


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The concept which explains why given a level of exposure to the hazard, some people or sectors in the community or society are more at risk or
less at risk.

Select one:

a. vulnerability

b. capacity

c. traditional
d. education

Question 35


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

_____is a very important tool. It shows what places in the country, which are at risk to earthquakes.

Select one:

a. survey

b. map

c. plan

d. chart

Question 36

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Exposure is not one among the key determinants of disaster risk.

Select one:



Question 37


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Elements at risk, particularly people can be affected by hazards, thus disaster preparedness is important.
Select one:



Question 38


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

_________ earthquakes are caused by sudden displacements along fault lines in the solid and rigid layer of the earth's surface.

Select one:

a. tectonic

b. architectural

c. constructural

d. formative
Question 39


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Other potential earthquake hazards include:

Select one:

a. ground subsidence

b. tsunami

c. all of the choices

d. landslide

Question 40


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

__________ earthquakes are those induced by rising lava or magma beneath an active volcano.

Select one:

a. sensitive

b. none of the given choices are correct

c. volcanic

d. quick

Question 41


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

A phenomenon which produce giant sea waves generated mostly by vertical displacement of the ocean floor associated with a strong and
shallow submarine earthquake is called:

Select one:

a. all of the choices

b. storm surge

c. tidal waves

d. tsunami

Question 42


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 defines exposure as "the degree to which the elements at risk are likely to
experience hazard events of different magnitudes".
Select one:



Question 43


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

When water lines are broken, so there is no _____ to extinguish the fire.

Select one:

a. water

b. none of the given choices are correct

c. splash

d. spray
Question 44


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

In interpreting earthquake hazard maps, the color code for no risk areas is:

Select one:

a. orange

b. red

c. white

d. yellow

Question 45


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The following should be done before an earthquake:

Select one:

a. make up a plan of where to meet your family after an earthquake

b. all of the choices

c. learn how to turn off the gas, water, and electricity in your home

d. learn first aid

Question 46


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question
Question text

Tsunami is a potential ________ hazard.

Select one:

a. flash flood

b. landslide

c. earthquake

d. all of the given choices are correct

Question 47


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

________ can be assessed and quantified as low, medium and high.

Select one:
a. problem

b. risks

c. accident

d. danger

Question 48


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Examples of capacities.

Select one:

a. good governance

b. life-saving skills
c. savings

d. all of the choices

Question 49


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The province/s that are at risk to tsunamis include.

Select one:

a. all of the choices

b. none of the choices

c. Basilan

d. Batanes
e. Tawi-tawi

f. Sulu

Question 50


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

___________ refers to the intense vibration of the ground.

Select one:

a. earthquake

b. ground rupture

c. all of the choices

d. Ground shaking
Started on Thursday, 11 January 2018, 11:33 AM

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Completed on Thursday, 11 January 2018, 11:38 AM

Time taken 5 mins 2 secs

Grade 50.00 out of 50.00 (100%)

Question 1


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Question text

Hazard is a dangerous event or substance.

Select one:


Question 2


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Disasters do not cause death, diseases, destruction and displacement.

Select one:



Question 3


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Communities with many vulnerabilities and low capacities are susceptible to experience __________.

Select one:

a. accident

b. tragedy

c. calamity

d. disasters

Question 4


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

__________ is the government agency that monitors the coming and going of typhoons and tropical depression

Select one:
a. None of the given choices are correct




Question 5


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Hazard Maps show the places in the country which are at risk to

Select one:

a. tsunami

b. landslides
c. all of the choices

d. earthquakes

Question 6


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The concept which explains why given a level of exposure to the hazard, some people or sectors in the community or society are more at risk or
less at risk.

Select one:

a. vulnerability

b. traditional

c. capacity

d. education
Question 7


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

__________ is the government agency that monitors and records the cases of earthquakes in the Philippines.

Select one:




d. None of the given choices are correct

Question 8


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Typhoon Haiyan cannot be an example of a disaster because the extent of damages it wrought in the Visayas Islands is negligible.

Select one:



Question 9


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Fire is an example of a natural hazard.

Select one:


Question 10


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Psychological perspective is concerned about the negative consequences of disaster to ________ health, particularly the Post Traumatic Stress

Select one:

a. intellectual

b. cognitive

c. mental

d. brain
Question 11


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Water supplies, electricity and transportation are always protected and therefore cannot be affected even by strong typhoons with strong

Select one:



Question 12


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

In assessing disaster risk, the framework used is DR=HEV, where DR stand for disaster risk, H for Hazard, E for Exposure and V for Vulnerability.

Select one:



Question 13


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The Dock, Cover and Hold is a "must do" before an earthquake.

Select one:


Question 14


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Ground rupture which is the surface expression of an earthquake above magnitude 5.5-6.0 is known as:

Select one:

a. all of the choices

b. secondary effects

c. primary effect of earthquakes

Question 15

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The elements at risk are not hazard-specific. Who and what can be damaged depends not on the hazards and the characteristics of the area.

Select one:



Question 16


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

If you experience the signs of impending tsunami, the best action to take is:
Select one:

a. immediately leave the low-lying coastal areas and move to higher ground

b. go near the sea to gather corrals and fishes

c. wait for official evacuation orders

d. all of the choices

Question 17


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Examples of measures to increase capacity and reduce vulnerability.

Select one:

a. all of the choices

b. sustainable livelihood
c. training and education

d. adequate food supply

Question 18


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

All submarine earthquakes are pleasant experience as if one is riding a submarine.

Select one:



Question 19


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Environmental pollution is good for the health.

Select one:



Question 20


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

________as it is, is not a disaster, but can cause massive and complex disasters.

Select one:
a. danger

b. risk

c. hazard

d. problem

Question 21


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Disaster do not cause problems and hardships to population and communities.

Select one:



Question 22

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Some participatory tools for capacity and vulnerability assessment include.

Select one:

a. livelihood and coping analysis

b. all of the choices

c. community watching (transect walk)

d. resources mapping

Question 23


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Earthquake is human sourced hazards resulting from political processes.

Select one:



Question 24


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

People live within or close to volcano danger zones, are to be affected by _____ flow and ash fall.

Select one:
a. lava

b. magma

c. all of the given choices are correct

d. lahar

Question 25


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

One of the common side effects of an earthquake is ______, which is often associated with broken electrical and gas lines.

Select one:

a. conflagration

b. fire
c. blaze

d. burning

Question 26


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

A process where particles of loosely consolidated and water-saturated deposits of sand are rearranged into more compact state, squeezing
water and sediments towards the surface in the form of sand fountain and creating a condition resembling to a "quick sand" is called:

Select one:

a. Both

b. liquefaction

c. ground subsidence

Question 27

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Categorization of factors for capacities and vulnerabilities could include:

Select one:

a. social, infrastructure, institutional

b. physical, economic, environmental

c. physical, social, motivational

d. all of the choices

Question 28


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The magnitude of a _______is a big factor in the making of a disaster.

Select one:

a. problem

b. hazard

c. danger

d. risk

Question 29


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Hazard and risk are not interrelated at all.

Select one:



Question 30


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The focus of the natural science perspective in analyzing disaster is what _______and loss it could cause to physical aspects such as people and
their properties and assets: public and private buildings and infrastructures.

Select one:

a. harmful

b. impairment
c. damage

d. destruction

Question 31


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

__________ earthquakes are those induced by rising lava or magma beneath an active volcano.

Select one:

a. sensitive

b. quick

c. volcanic

d. none of the given choices are correct

Question 32

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Livelihoods and economic assets can be considered in measuring exposure of the elements at risk.

Select one:



Question 33


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Tsunami is a potential ________ hazard.

Select one:

a. landslide

b. flash flood

c. earthquake

d. all of the given choices are correct

Question 34


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

When a natural hazard strikes elements at risk with high level of exposure and with many _________________, most likely this hazard would
result to disaster.

Select one:

a. liability
b. obligation

c. vulnerabilities

d. accountability

Question 35


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

A phenomenon which produce giant sea waves generated mostly by vertical displacement of the ocean floor associated with a strong and
shallow submarine earthquake is called:

Select one:

a. all of the choices

b. tsunami

c. tidal waves
d. storm surge

Question 36


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Hazards always have similar adverse impacts on the elements at risk in an urban and rural setting.

Select one:



Question 37


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Landslide and is a potential __________ hazard.

Select one:

a. earthquake

b. flash flood

c. tsunami

d. none of the given choices are correct

Question 38


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Developmental perspective considers disasters as a challenge to ___________ as they negate years of hard earned advances in education,
health, social and economic areas.

Select one:

a. evolution

b. growth

c. development

d. enlargement

Question 39


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

People living in coastal areas are constantly threatened to experience tsunami, ______ surges and sea level rise.

Select one:
a. whirlwind

b. storm

c. typhoon

d. none of the given choices are correct

Question 40


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

___________ refers to the intense vibration of the ground.

Select one:

a. all of the choices

b. ground rupture
c. Ground shaking

d. earthquake

Question 41


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Elements at risk, particularly people can be affected by hazards, thus disaster preparedness is important.

Select one:



Question 42


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

The intangibles elements at risk include social cohesion, community structure, and cultural losses.

Select one:



Question 43


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

In interpreting earthquake hazard maps, the color code for low risk areas is:

Select one:
a. yellow

b. red

c. white

d. orange

Question 44


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

The following hazards are potential earthquake hazards:

Select one:

a. all of the choices

b. ground shaking
c. liquefaction

d. ground rupture

Question 45


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

An earthquake may be classified as either tectonic or volcanic.

Select one:



Question 46


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

On November 8, 2013, Super Typhoon ______ cut a devastating path across the Central Philippines (Visayas).

Select one:

a. Ondoy

b. Rosing

c. Juan

d. Haiyan(or Yolanda)

Question 47


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

For locally-generated tsunamis, where you might feel the ground shake, you may only have a few minutes to move to higher ground.

Select one:



Question 48


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Some factors which make people and their property vulnerable.

Select one:

a. all of the choices

b. unsafe locations
c. poverty

d. poor construction design

Question 49


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

If you are at home and hear there is a tsunami warning, you should make sure your entire family is aware of the warning.

Select one:



Question 50


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Complex web of interlinked conditions, which include physical, social, economic, environmental factors.

Select one:

a. disaster risk

b. risk reduction

c. development

d. vulnerability
During a landslide stay ___________ and ___________.
A: Alert and awake

A sudden rise of ocean water from its normal tide is __________.

A: Storm surge

__________ are conditions with prolonged deficit in water.

A: Drought

Landslides are downward movement of geological materials such as soil and rocks.
A: true

___________: low susceptibility-less likely to experience landslide be prepared ___________: moderately susceptible: be cautious
___________: highly susceptible: be alert ad ready to evacuate
A: Yellow, Green and Red

Sinkholes are geologic process that could be natural or man-made in nature.

A: true

Geologic hazards have several factors that triggers its occurrence, one common cause is the adjustment of the earth as the molten core
A: true

_____________, legends, bar scale, ____________, and coordinates are the major parts/elements found in geologic maps.
A: Title, Orientation Compass

Sinkholes typically develop slowly, but can also form suddenly when a collapse occurs.
A: true

Sinkholes doesn't have types, it is generally a collapse in the ground. It is all the same.
A: false

_________ , legends, bar scale, ________________, and coordinates are the major parts/elements found in geologic maps.
A: Title, Orientation Compass

_______________ are the primary source of information for various aspects of land-use planning, including the siting of buildings and
transportation systems
A: Geologic Maps

During a landslide stay ... and ... .

A: alert, awake

For any hazard one must learn about the ________________________ plans for your area. And develop for your own family as well.
A: contact

Swelling of rivers may lead to __________.

A: flood

During a landslide, ... or stay out of the path of landslide or debris flow.
A: evacuate

Human activities can't cause landslides.

A: false

Rainfall is influenced by "Hanging __________".

A: habagat

Landslides and sinkholes can both be caused by man-made interventions such as bomb explosion.
A: true

Slumps, rock fall, and debris are general types of landslide.

A: true

During a landslide, _____________ or stay out of the path of landslide or debris flow
A: Evacuate

Ensure to have a __________ for medical emergencies

A: First aid kit

If you suspect an imminent landslide or sinkhole danger ____________ your local fire, police, or public works department.
A: contact

Typhoons move in a __________ movement.

A: Counterclockwise

Thunderstorms are associated with __________.

A: Heavy Rainfall

______________ tells you what different colors and signs mean in the map. Works as a decoder of the data presented in the map.
A: Legends

Acid rains dissolve minerals in the soil causing sinkholes.

A: True

__________ is important to receive information about status of disaster

A: Radio

After a landslide, listen to _____________________for the latest emergency information.

A: Local radio
If you suspect an imminent landslide or sinkhole danger ... your local fire, police, or public works department.
A: Contact or Call

Typhoons are created through a process called __________.

A: Cyclogenesis

Rain-induced landslides can't be considered as a geological hazard.

A: false

The color ____________ usually means that there are no or 0% chance for a landslide or sinkhole to occur in that particular area in the
A: white

The lull period in the storm indicates the __________ is passing your area.
A: eye

Which are the three basic tools for monitoring?

A: Rain gauge, Wind vane and Anemometer

The onset of the El Nino phenomenon may foretell dry spells or a ________.
A: Drought

Examples of hydro metrological hazards.

A: Typhoons, floods, heavy rain and drought

Wind direction is provided by a

A: wind vane

is the stage when the plume begins to form above the burning fuel. It begins to draw or entertain air from the surroundings space
into the column.
A: Growth/s – wrong (fire) – wrong INCIPIENT – wrong growth stage - wrong

is the material or substance being oxidized or burned in the combustion process. In scientific terms, the
A: fuel
The Philippines is highly prone to hydro-meteorological hazards, which are climate and water related.
A: true
In the map, yellow means high susceptibility-less likely to experience landslide.
A: false

To find the direction of the _______, a person should face the wind and the center of the storm lies approximately 90 degrees on your left
hand side.
A: storm

Both ____________ and pyroclastic flows can destroy agricultural lands, like what happened during Mt. Pinatubo and Mt. Mayon eruptions.
A: ash flow

pertains to the malicious burning of property, using certain chemicals, bombs, etc., and causing fire to start.It involves the movement of
electrons between two objects in contact with each other. Electrical charges are produced on the objects when they are separated. If the
charge builds up, it will develop enough energy to jump as a spark to a nearby grounded or less highly charged object.
A: static electricity

A measures rainfall.
A: raingauge

The common _______signs of an incoming flood include intense rainfall, dam or levee failure as well as other events such as slow moving
tropical storms.
A: warning

is the condition of being safe from the risk or danger of fire. It is also the quality or state of not presenting or involving risk or danger of fire
A: fire safety

_____________ projectiles are rocks that an erupting volcano may hurl into the air.
A: Ballistic projectiles

If left unprepared, the population in the many villages of the country may be highly vulnerable to hydro metrological hazard. as these
hazards may become disasters.
A: true

Drought events is characterized by of ________ water for domestic and agriculture purposes.
A: shortage

The color green usually means that there are no or 0% chance for a landslide or sinkhole to occur in that particular area in the map.
A: false

During a landslide, stay where you are and watch the debris flow, praying that you will not be carried by the debris.
A: false

Early signs of drought indicate dry spells with _______ below the normal level, which If extends to 3 months, a drought is declared.
A: rainfall

1 mm of rainfall is equivalent to liter/s of water per sqm.

A: 1

is a chemical reaction. It is the rapid oxidation of a fuel producing heat and light.
A: combustion – wrong / spontaneous ignition – wrong / OXIDIZING AGENTS - wrong

These are set by students or staff of the school and can obviously not be predicted. Most of the time they are started in trashcans or in piles
of garbage because it is the easiest thing to light
A: intentional fires – wrong / intentional fire – wrong / intentional – wrong / fire - wrong

_________is one weather bureau in the Southeast Asian region that has established a regional network of monitoring stations for tropical
typhoons and other hydro-meteorological events
Geologic hazards have several factors that triggers its occurrence, one common cause is the adjustment of the earth as the molten core
A: true

Risks and of a community are shown by a hazard map

A: hazard/s – wrong / exposure – wrong / location – wrong / warnings - wrong

Another sign that we should know about landslide are doors or windows that stick or jam for the first time.
A: true

People close to ___________ may detect some precursor to eruption, so they need to be careful, they may even be ordered to evacuate.
A: volcanoes

A base map shows and land use

A: topography

Atmospheric pressure is measured in terms of

A: milibars – wrong / barometer – wrong air pressure - wrong

During a landslide or any hazard, we should stay alert, watchful and awake.
A: true

Hazard maps are available with Projec


A hazard map is a representation of specific hazards in the area.

A: visual

A family should not develop a family plan, so that each member knows where to meet after an emergency.
A: true

The three components of fire are fuel, and oxygen.

A: heat – wrong / oxidizing agents – wrong

is the pin at the top of the extinguisher that keeps the handle from being accidentally pressed.
A: pull

Legends tell you what different language and signs mean in the map.
A: false

After a landslide, never listen to local radio or TV station, you need to rest and you don't need the latest emergency information, because
the landslide is over.
A: false
is reducing the temperature below the fire point
A: cooling
Geological maps are the secondary source of information for various aspects of land-use planning, including the siting of buildings and
transportation systems.
A: false

Lahars are a specific kind of ____________ made up of volcanic debris.

A: Mudflows

General flood advisories are issued by _______ to inform and warn people flood levels and status of water levels in river basins.

__________is one basic tools for monitoring rainfall, which is measured in millimeters. One millimeter of rainfall is equivalent to 1 liter of
water per square meter.
A: Raine gauge

A hazard map are coded to show various hazards in the area.

A: color

in a combustion reaction is known as the "reducing agent".

A: fuel/s - wrong

New cracks or unusual bulges in the ground, street pavements or sidewalks is one of the signs that we should know to be prepared for a
landslide or sinkholes.
A: true

It is not important that one must learn about the emergency-response and evacuation plan for any hazard in your area.
A: false

The swelling of ______ and lakes, or the occurrence of storm surge may lead to hydro-meteorological events contribute to flooding
particularly in flood-prone areas.
A: rivers

A measures atmospheric pressure.

A: barometer

Title, legends, bar scale, orientation compass and coordinates are the major parts/elements found in geologic maps.
A: true

In CBDRM, the people are at the heart of decision-making and implementation of disaster risk reduction and management activities at the
community level.
A: true

The disaster risk reduction plan is a guide in transforming at risk communities to become disaster __________communities.
A: resilient

DRR is important for the developing countries only.

A: false

Community based disaster risk management or CBDRRM has been recognized in the Philippines as a necessary approach to put
communities out of harm's way.
A: true

__________, which should be part of the community preparedness plan, is the process of moving persons or property from a dangerous or
potentially dangerous place, for reasons of safety and their protection.
A: evacuation

Safety and security of the individuals, household and communities is not as important as education and health.
A: false

Disaster risk reduction is the responsibility of the government alone, because they are paid to do DRR.
A: false

Sustainable development goals can be achieved even without reducing the risks.
A: false

In planning for evacuation, the community should Identify safe place for evacuation and identify the shortest and ________ route.
A: safest

There are six global targets to reduce disaster risks as agreed in the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction.
A: false
Communities should rely on the assistance of the government during calamities as government is responsible for helping communities.
A: false

CBDRRM is a process of disaster risk reduction and management in which at risk communities are never allowed to engage in the
identification, analysis, treatment, monitoring and evaluation of disaster risks.

____________ unites the community and its supporters in commitments and actions to undertake to reduce disaster risk.
A: planning

The economic impact of disasters is lessening as the years go by even considering the impact of Climate Change.
A: false

Participatory community risk assessment includes hazard, exposure and vulnerability assessment.
A: true

CBDRM aims to reduce peoples' vulnerabilities and enhance their capacities.

A: true

Disaster risk reduction refers only to providing emergency assistance during disasters.
A: false

There are only three priorities for action in the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction.
A: false

Early _________, which should be part of the community preparedness plan, is the provision of timely and effective information, advisory,
and warning to individuals, families, communities, or populations on the existence of danger, and what can be done to prevent, avoid, or
minimize danger.
A: warning

Local people need not prioritize DRR in their lives, as they have so many things to think about.
A: false

Project NOAH combines science and technology for DRRM. It is also is a responsive program that aims to provide a 6-hour lead-time
warning to agencies involved in disaster prevention and mitigation.
A: true

___________ with indication of evacuation sites and routes is necessary part of the tools included in the emergency kit.
A: map

___________ liters per person per day is required for drinking and for sanitation.
A: four

The Act repealed PD No. 1566 of 1978 and transforms the disaster management system from disaster response towards disaster risk
A: true

Project NOAH is Nationwide Operational Awareness of Hazards.

A: false
DRRM ensures that disaster risk reduction and climate change measures are gender responsive, sensitive to indigenous knowledge
systems, and respectful of human rights.
A: true

We should avoid ___________ or sugary food as this will make you thirsty.
A: salty

In the survival kit, it is important to include the following documents: ___________ certificates, passport, marriage contract, diploma,
insurance certificates, land titles, etc.
A: Birth certificates

___________ kit includes disposable gloves, adhesive strips, sterile medical tap, thermometer, adhesive bandage, among others.
A: first aid

A survival kit is necessary during emergencies, when help or support to family is absent, it refers to emergency supplies, that a family
needs to survive.
A: true

A person can survive without water intake for five days, but not without food for a day.
A: false
PAGASA and PHIVOLCS support the NOAH project.
A: true

The DRRM Act is reactive in addressing disasters and focused on the need for response.
A: false

DRRM provides maximum care, assistance and services to vulnerable sectors/ individuals of communities.
A: true

The Philippine DRRM Act of 2010 is the new law for disaster management.
A: true

Mainstreaming of DRRM into the school curricula of secondary and tertiary level of education, including the NSTP is one of the provisions
of the Act.
A: true

Emergency survival kit should contain food, water and blanket only.
A: false

When a family is isolated for several days due to difficulty in access to go out to secure food, or for help to come in, survival kit is very
important in order to survive.
A: true

Public information is not necessary before emergency, it is important only during disasters.
A: false

The development, promotion and implementation of NDRRM plan is one of the policies of DRRM.
A: true
Ballistic projectile is the most dangerous volcanic hazard.
A: true

Typhoons, floods, heavy rain and drought are examples of ____________ hazards.
A: Hydro metrological
Question 1

Answer saved

Marked out of 1.00

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Question text

The disaster risk reduction plan is a guide in transforming at risk communities to become disaster _________ communities.

Select one:

a. Flexible

b. Resilient

c. Tough

d. Strong

Question 2

Answer saved

Marked out of 1.00

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Question text

Hazard maps are the primary source of information for various aspects of land-use planning, including the siting of buildings and transportation

Select one:



Question 3

Answer saved

Marked out of 1.00

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Question text
Early _________, which should be part of the community preparedness plan, is the provision of timely and effective information, advisory, and
warning to individuals, families, communities, or populations on the existence of danger, and what can be done to prevent, avoid, or minimize

Select one:

a. Advisory

b. Notification

c. Caution

d. Warning

Question 4

Answer saved

Marked out of 1.00

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Question text

Close windows and doors to reduce entry of ash if heavy ash fall is expected to hit the community. Bring animals and livestock into closed

Select one:


Question 5

Answer saved

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Question text

Disaster Risk Reduction is important for

_________ countries, as well as developed countries.

Select one:

a. Increasing

b. Decreasing

c. Growing

d. Developing
Question 6

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Question text

_________, which should be part of the community preparedness plan, is the process of moving persons or property from a dangerous or
potentially dangerous place, for reasons of safety and their protection.

Select one:

a. House

b. Hospital

c. Evacuation

d. Center

Question 7

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Question text

_________ and security of the individuals, household and communities is as important as education and health.

Select one:

a. Well-being

b. Security

c. Safety

d. Wellfare

Question 8

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Question text

Volcanoes are difficult to know when they would erupt because they don't provide any type of warnings before eruptions begin.

Select one:



Question 9

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Question text

Volcanoes are natural systems, and their activities are always predictable.

Select one:


Question 10

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Question text

Project NOAH combines ___________ and technology for DRRM.

Select one:

a. Biology

b. Science

c. Chemistry

d. Physics

Question 11

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Question text

Green means moderately susceptible; be cautious.

Select one:



Question 12

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Question text

In interpreting a hazard map, look for the title, which is located at the top portion of the geological map. It is important because it tells you right
away what kind of hazard map it represents or the area where the map is based.
Select one:



Question 13

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Question text

The three components of fire, known as the fire triangle are: fuel, heat and _________.

Select one:

a. Fire

b. Water

c. Oxygen

d. Wind
Question 14

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Question text

Community based disaster risk reduction and management or CBDRRM is a process of disaster risk reduction and management in which at risk
communities are engaged in the, _________ treatment, monitoring and evaluation of disaster risks. analysis,

Select one:

a. Distinguishing

b. Verification

c. Identification

d. Confirmation

Question 15

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Question text

The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical Astronomical Services Administration (PHIVOLCS) enumerates volcanic phenomena directly associated
with eruption.

Select one:



Question 16

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Question text
Static _________ involves the movement of electrons between two objects in contact with each other.
Electrical charges are produced on the objects when they are separated. If the charge builds up, it will develop enough energy to jump as a spark
to a nearby grounded or less highly charged object.

Select one:

a. Static

b. Electricity

c. Energy

d. Power

Question 17

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Question text

Check for injured and trapped persons near the slide, without entering the direct slide area, after volcanic eruption.

Select one:


Question 18

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Question text

During a landslide, evacuate or stay out of the path of landslide or debris flow.

Select one:



Question 19

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Question text

Disaster risk reduction refers to the prevention, mitigation, preparedness and to providing _________ assistance during disasters.

Select one:

a. Calmness

b. Emergency

c. Success

d. Solution

Question 20

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Question text

_________ of DRRM into the school curricular of secondary and tertiary level of education, including the NSTP is one of the provisions of the Act.

Select one:

a. Mainstreaming

b. Normal

c. Conventional

d. Ordinary

Question 21

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Question text

Fire safety is the condition of being _________ from the risk or danger of fire. It is also the quality or state of not presenting or involving risk or
danger of fire.

Select one:
a. Guarded

b. Secure

c. Sheltered

d. Safe

Question 22

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Question text

Lava flows are streams of molten rock that come from a heavy rain.

Select one:



Question 23
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Question text

In the map, yellow means low susceptibility-less likely to experience landslide, but still be prepared.

Select one:



Question 24

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Question text
Growth is the stage when the plume begins to form above the burning _________, when it begins to draw or entertain air from the surroundings
space into the column.

Select one:

a. Petroleum

b. Fuel

c. Diesel

d. Gas

Question 25

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Question text

In order to get the real measure of the data presented in the map, use the color provided in the map.

Select one:


Question 26

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Question text

Project NOAH is Nationwide Operational _______ of Hazards.

Select one:

a. Accurate

b. Ability

c. Assessments

d. Acceptance

Question 27

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Question text

The pages in the map tell you what different colors and signs mean in the map. It works as a decoder of the data presented in the map.

Select one:



Question 28

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Question text

The GPS coordinates are a unique identifier of a precise geographic location on the earth, usually expressed in alphanumeric characters.
Select one:



Question 29

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Question text

Sustainable _________ goals cannot be achieved without reducing the risks.

Select one:

a. Advancement

b. Improvement

c. Increase

d. Development
Question 30

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Question text

For any hazard one must learn about the emergency-response and evacuation plans for your area.

Select one:



Question 31

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Question text

DRRM ensures that disaster risk reduction and _________change measures are gender responsive, sensitive to indigenous knowledge systems,
and respectful of human rights.

Select one:

a. Temperature

b. Climate

c. Humidity

d. Weather

Question 32

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Question text

Those who are living near volcanoes may detect premonitory events before eruption of volcanoes.

Select one:


Question 33

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Question text

Decoder tells you what different colors and signs mean in the map.

Select one:



Question 34

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Question text

Priority should be given to pupils/students with breathing problems during volcanic eruption, They should be advised to cover their nose,
preferably with a wet piece of cloth.

Select one:



Question 35

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Question text

Pyroclastic flows contain a high-density mix of hot lava blocks, pumice, ash and volcanic gas.
Select one:



Question 36

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Question text

An orientation compass in the geological map can orient you, which direction is to the north, south, east and west.

Select one:



Question 37

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Question text

Lahars are a specific kind of mudflow made up of flooding debris.

Select one:



Question 38

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Question text
Volcanic ash consists of fragments of pulverized rock, minerals, and volcanic glass created during volcanic eruptions and measuring less than 2
mm in diameter.

Select one:



Question 39

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Question text

Ash fall endangers human lives and can have devastating effects on the things that people rely upon from day to day living.

Select one:



Question 40
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Question text

DRRM ensures that disaster risk reduction and climate change measures are gender responsive, sensitive to indigenous knowledge systems, and
respectful of human rights.

Select one:



Question 41

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Question text

_________ unites the community and its supporters in commitments and actions to undertake to reduce disaster risk.

Select one:

a. Planning

b. Arrangement

c. Organization

d. Preparation

Question 42

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Question text

Red means highly susceptible; be alert and ready to evacuate.

Select one:


Question 43

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Question text

Only ash fall and not the pyroclastic flows can destroy agricultural lands.

Select one:



Question 44

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Question text

Fire is a chemical reaction resulting from the rapid oxidation of a fuel producing _________ and light.

Select one:

a. Humidity

b. Heat

c. Intensity

d. Warmth

Question 45

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Question text

_________ community risk assessment includes hazard, exposure and vulnerability assessment.

Select one:

a. Attendance

b. Participatory

c. Assistance

d. Cooperation

Question 46

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Question text

Fuel is the material or substance being oxidized or burned in the _________ process.

Select one:
a. Combustion

b. Explosion

c. Ignition

d. Flaming

Question 47

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Question text

Arson pertains to the malicious burning of property, using certain chemicals, bombs, etc., and causing _________ to start.

Select one:

a. Combustion

b. Fire
c. Conflagration

d. Blaze

Question 48

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Question text

A family should develop a family plan, so that each member knows where to meet after an emergency.

Select one:



Question 49

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Question text

Knowing the ways of protecting the school from ash fall, landslides and debris flows by consulting your local disaster coordinating council must
be done during a volcanic eruption.

Select one:



Question 50

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Question text
Increase in the frequency of volcanic quakes with rumbling sounds and occurrence of volcanic tremors are not signs of impending volcanic

Select one:



The Act repealed PD No. 1566 of 1978 and transforms the disaster management system in the country from disaster _________ towards disaster
risk reduction.

Select one:

a. Answer

b. Rejoinder

c. Reaction

d. Response

Question 2

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Question text

Volcanic ash consists of fragments of pulverized rock, minerals, and volcanic glass created during volcanic eruptions and measuring less than 2
mm in diameter.

Select one:



Question 3

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Only observations are used to help understand the areas that may be affected by specific volcanic eruption phenomena.
Select one:



Question 4

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Question text

In the map, yellow means low susceptibility-less likely to experience landslide, but still be prepared.

Select one:



Question 5

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Question text

In order to get the real measure of the data presented in the map, use the color provided in the map.

Select one:



Question 6

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A volcanologist is not so educated in geophysics that works and observes active volcanoes.
Select one:



Question 7

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Ballistic projectiles are rocks that an erupting volcano may hurl into the air.

Select one:



Question 8

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Green means moderately susceptible; be cautious.

Select one:



Question 9

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Question text

In planning for evacuation, the community should Identify safe place for evacuation and identify the shortest and _________ route.
Select one:

a. Safest

b. Secure

c. Guarded

d. Sheltered

Question 10

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Question text

Active volcanoes can bring damaging effects to people, property, livelihood and environment during an eruption.

Select one:


Question 11

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Question text

Knowing the ways of protecting the school from ash fall, landslides and debris flows by consulting your local disaster coordinating council must
be done during a volcanic eruption.

Select one:



Question 12

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Question text

If you suspect an imminent landslide or sinkhole danger contact (or call or inform) your local fire, police, or public works department.

Select one:



Question 13

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Question text

Red means highly susceptible; be alert and ready to evacuate.

Select one:


Question 14

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Question text

Decoder tells you what different colors and signs mean in the map.

Select one:



Question 15

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Question text

Disaster risk reduction is the responsibility of _________, not the government alone, because everybody needs to be safe.

Select one:

a. Anybody

b. Everybody

c. Each one

d. All

Question 16

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Question text

The pages in the map tell you what different colors and signs mean in the map. It works as a decoder of the data presented in the map.

Select one:



Question 17

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Question text

Hazard maps are the primary source of information for various aspects of land-use planning, including the siting of buildings and transportation

Select one:


Question 18

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Question text

Community based disaster risk management or CBDRRM has been recognized in the Philippines as a necessary approach to put communities out
of harm's way.

Select one:



Question 19

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Question text

Fuel is the material or substance being oxidized or burned in the _________ process.

Select one:

a. Flaming

b. Explosion

c. Combustion

d. Ignition

Question 20

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Question text

Only active volcanoes may release to the atmosphere gasses in the form of water vapor, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide,
hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride.

Select one:



Question 21

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Question text

Project NOAH is Nationwide Operational _______ of Hazards.

Select one:

a. Ability

b. Acceptance
c. Assessments

d. Accurate

Question 22

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Question text

For any hazard one must learn about the emergency-response and evacuation plans for your area.

Select one:



Question 23

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Question text

An orientation compass in the geological map can orient you, which direction is to the north, south, east and west.

Select one:



Question 24

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Question text

During a landslide stay alert and awake.

Select one:


Question 25

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Question text

Flowers in the ground is one of the signs that we should know as it may cause sinkholes.

Select one:



Question 26

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Question text

In interpreting a hazard map, look for the title, which is located at the top portion of the geological map. It is important because it tells you right
away what kind of hazard map it represents or the area where the map is based.

Select one:



Question 27

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Question text
In CBDRM, the people are at the heart of decision-making and _________ of disaster risk reduction and management activities at the community

Select one:

a. Application

b. Implementation

c. Discharge

d. Operation

Question 28

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Question text

Title, legends, bar scale, Orientation Compass and coordinates are the major parts/elements found in geologic maps.

Select one:


Question 29

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Question text

Cooling is reducing the _________ below the fire point.

Select one:

a. Warmth

b. Climate

c. Temperature

d. Condition

Question 30

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Question text

Close windows and doors to reduce entry of ash if heavy ash fall is expected to hit the community. Bring animals and livestock into closed

Select one:



Question 31

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Question text
The government is responsible for helping people during calamities, however _________ or people should develop their coping capacities and
should rely on themselves, while seeking assistance from the government.

Select one:

a. Communities(CORRECT ANSWER)

b. Group(WRONG)

c. Set

d. Area

Question 32

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Question text

The GPS coordinates are a unique identifier of a precise geographic location on the earth, usually expressed in alphanumeric characters.

Select one:


Question 33

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Question text

Ash fall endangers human lives and can have devastating effects on the things that people rely upon from day to day living.

Select one:



Question 34

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Question text

Project NOAH combines ___________ and technology for DRRM.

Select one:

a. Physics

b. Biology

c. Science

d. Chemistry

Question 35

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Question text

There are _________ global targets to reduce disaster risks as agreed in the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction.

Select one:

a. Seven

b. Six

c. Two

d. Five

Question 36

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Question text

Only ash fall and not the pyroclastic flows can destroy agricultural lands.

Select one:


Question 37

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Question text

The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical Astronomical Services Administration (PHIVOLCS) enumerates volcanic phenomena directly associated
with eruption.

Select one:



Question 38

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Question text

The economic impact of disasters is ________ as the years go by, considering the impact of Climate Change.

Select one:

a. Growing

b. Increasing

c. Decreasing

d. Developing

Question 39

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Question text

There are _________ priorities for action in the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction.

Select one:

a. Five

b. Seven

c. Three

d. Four

Question 40

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Question text

Increase in the frequency of volcanic quakes with rumbling sounds and occurrence of volcanic tremors are not signs of impending volcanic

Select one:


Question 41

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Question text

A family should develop a family plan, so that each member knows where to meet after an emergency.

Select one:



Question 42

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Question text

Lahar, ash fall, pyroclastic flow, ballistic projectile, volcanic gasses and lava Flow are some of the volcanic related hazards.

Select one:



Question 43

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Question text

Lahars are a specific kind of mudflow made up of flooding debris.

Select one:


Question 44

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Question text

Community based disaster risk reduction and management or CBDRRM is a process of disaster risk reduction and management in which at risk
communities are engaged in the, _________ treatment, monitoring and evaluation of disaster risks. analysis,

Select one:

a. Confirmation

b. Verification

c. Identification

d. Distinguishing
Question 45

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Question text

Earthquake hazard maps illustrate potential for ground-based volcanic impacts-lava flows, pyroclastic flows, ash fall, volcanic gases, and more
far-reaching hazards (such as lahars) in valleys that drain the volcano.

Select one:



Question 46

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Question text

Volcanologists focus on knowing the movement and formation of molten rock deep under the earth's surface, and what can be possibly done to
avoid the impact of this phenomenon in the community.

Select one:



Question 47

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Question text
_________, which should be part of the community preparedness plan, is the process of moving persons or property from a dangerous or
potentially dangerous place, for reasons of safety and their protection.

Select one:

a. Evacuation

b. House

c. Hospital

d. Center

Question 48

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Question text

Priority should be given to pupils/students with breathing problems during volcanic eruption, They should be advised to cover their nose,
preferably with a wet piece of cloth.

Select one:


Question 49

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Question text

_________ of DRRM into the school curricular of secondary and tertiary level of education, including the NSTP is one of the provisions of the Act.

Select one:

a. Ordinary

b. Conventional

c. Normal

d. Mainstreaming

Question 50
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Question text

Disaster Risk Reduction is important for

_________ countries, as well as developed countries.

Select one:

a. Growing

b. Increasing

c. Decreasing

d. Developing

Question 1

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Question text

_________ community risk assessment includes hazard, exposure and vulnerability assessment.

Select one:

a. Cooperation

b. Participatory

c. Attendance

d. Assistance

Question 2

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Question text

The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical Astronomical Services Administration (PHIVOLCS) enumerates volcanic phenomena directly associated
with eruption.

Select one:



Question 3

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Question text

DRRM ensures that disaster risk reduction and _________change measures are gender responsive, sensitive to indigenous knowledge systems,
and respectful of human rights.

Select one:

a. Temperature
b. Humidity

c. Weather

d. Climate

Question 4

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Question text

Lahar, ash fall, pyroclastic flow, ballistic projectile, volcanic gasses and lava Flow are some of the volcanic related hazards.

Select one:



Question 5

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Question text

Title, legends, bar scale, Orientation Compass and coordinates are the major parts/elements found in geologic maps.

Select one:



Question 6

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Question text
Fire safety is the condition of being _________ from the risk or danger of fire. It is also the quality or state of not presenting or involving risk or
danger of fire.

Select one:

a. Sheltered

b. Safe

c. Guarded

d. Secure

Question 7

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Question text

Lava flows are streams of molten rock that come from a heavy rain.

Select one:


Question 8

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Question text

Early _________, which should be part of the community preparedness plan, is the provision of timely and effective information, advisory, and
warning to individuals, families, communities, or populations on the existence of danger, and what can be done to prevent, avoid, or minimize

Select one:

a. Warning

b. Caution

c. Advisory

d. Notification

Question 9
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Question text

Priority should be given to pupils/students with breathing problems during volcanic eruption, They should be advised to cover their nose,
preferably with a wet piece of cloth.

Select one:



Question 10

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Question text

Volcanic ash consists of fragments of pulverized rock, minerals, and volcanic glass created during volcanic eruptions and measuring less than 2
mm in diameter.

Select one:



Question 11

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Question text

The pages in the map tell you what different colors and signs mean in the map. It works as a decoder of the data presented in the map.

Select one:


Question 12

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Question text

The color white usually means that there are no or zero percent chance for a landslide or sinkhole to occur in that particular area in the map.

Select one:



Question 13

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Question text

The government is responsible for helping people during calamities, however _________ or people should develop their coping capacities and
should rely on themselves, while seeking assistance from the government.

Select one:

a. Group

b. Set

c. Area

d. Communities

Question 14

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Question text

Green means moderately susceptible; be cautious.

Select one:


Question 15

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Question text

If you suspect an imminent landslide or sinkhole danger contact (or call or inform) your local fire, police, or public works department.

Select one:



Question 16

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Question text

Hazard maps are the primary source of information for various aspects of land-use planning, including the siting of buildings and transportation

Select one:



Question 17

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Question text
In interpreting a hazard map, look for the title, which is located at the top portion of the geological map. It is important because it tells you right
away what kind of hazard map it represents or the area where the map is based.

Select one:



Question 18

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Question text

_________ people, particularly those in dangerous locations need to prioritize Disaster Risk Reduction in their lives, even they have so many
things to think about, because their safety is at stake.

Select one:

a. Restricted

b. Local
c. District

d. Regional

Question 19

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Question text

Disaster Risk Reduction is important for

_________ countries, as well as developed countries.

Select one:

a. Decreasing

b. Growing

c. Developing

d. Increasing
Question 20

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Question text

Community based disaster risk reduction and management or CBDRRM is a process of disaster risk reduction and management in which at risk
communities are engaged in the, _________ treatment, monitoring and evaluation of disaster risks. analysis,

Select one:

a. Confirmation

b. Verification

c. Distinguishing

d. Identification

Question 21

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Question text

Pyroclastic flows contain a high-density mix of hot lava blocks, pumice, ash and volcanic gas.

Select one:



Question 22

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Question text

During a landslide, evacuate or stay out of the path of landslide or debris flow.

Select one:


Question 23

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Question text

Only ash fall and not the pyroclastic flows can destroy agricultural lands.

Select one:



Question 24

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Question text

Lahars are a specific kind of mudflow made up of flooding debris.

Select one:



Question 25

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Question text

_________ and security of the individuals, household and communities is as important as education and health.

Select one:
a. Well-being

b. Wellfare

c. Security

d. Safety

Question 26

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Question text

Earthquake hazard maps illustrate potential for ground-based volcanic impacts-lava flows, pyroclastic flows, ash fall, volcanic gases, and more
far-reaching hazards (such as lahars) in valleys that drain the volcano.

Select one:


Question 27

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Question text

A family should develop a family plan, so that each member knows where to meet after an emergency.

Select one:



Question 28

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Question text

Only observations are used to help understand the areas that may be affected by specific volcanic eruption phenomena.

Select one:



Question 29

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Question text

Decoder tells you what different colors and signs mean in the map.

Select one:


Question 30

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Question text

Disaster risk reduction is the responsibility of _________, not the government alone, because everybody needs to be safe.

Select one:

a. Anybody

b. All

c. Everybody

d. Each one

Question 31

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Question text

The Act repealed PD No. 1566 of 1978 and transforms the disaster management system in the country from disaster _________ towards disaster
risk reduction.

Select one:

a. Response

b. Rejoinder

c. Answer

d. Reaction

Question 32

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Question text

A volcanologist is not so educated in geophysics that works and observes active volcanoes.

Select one:



Question 33

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Only active volcanoes may release to the atmosphere gasses in the form of water vapor, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide,
hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride.

Select one:


Question 34

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Question text

_________ of DRRM into the school curricular of secondary and tertiary level of education, including the NSTP is one of the provisions of the Act.

Select one:

a. Normal

b. Mainstreaming

c. Conventional

d. Ordinary

Question 35

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Question text

Community based disaster risk management or CBDRRM has been recognized in the Philippines as a necessary approach to put communities out
of harm's way.

Select one:



Question 36

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Question text

Active volcanoes can bring damaging effects to people, property, livelihood and environment during an eruption.
Select one:



Question 37

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Question text

Volcanoes are difficult to know when they would erupt because they don't provide any type of warnings before eruptions begin.

Select one:



Question 38

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Question text

Arson pertains to the malicious burning of property, using certain chemicals, bombs, etc., and causing _________ to start.

Select one:

a. Combustion

b. Conflagration

c. Fire

d. Blaze

Question 39

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Question text

The DRRM Act is _________ in addressing disasters and focused on the need for prevention, mitigation, preparedness, and response.

Select one:

a. Driven

b. Entriprising

c. Proactive

d. Energetic

Question 40

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Question text

During a volcanic eruption, do not follow the instructions that go with the warning because the waning may be wrong, it's too difficult.

Select one:



Question 41

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Question text

DRRM ensures that disaster risk reduction and climate change measures are gender responsive, sensitive to indigenous knowledge systems, and
respectful of human rights.

Select one:


Question 42

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Question text

During a landslide stay alert and awake.

Select one:



Question 43

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The GPS coordinates are a unique identifier of a precise geographic location on the earth, usually expressed in alphanumeric characters.

Select one:



Question 44

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Question text

Project NOAH combines ___________ and technology for DRRM.

Select one:

a. Biology

b. Chemistry
c. Science

d. Physics

Question 45

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Question text

Volcanoes are natural systems, and their activities are always predictable.

Select one:



Question 46

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Question text

In the map, yellow means low susceptibility-less likely to experience landslide, but still be prepared.

Select one:



Question 47

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Question text

Red means highly susceptible; be alert and ready to evacuate.

Select one:


Question 48

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Question text

There are _________ priorities for action in the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction.

Select one:

a. Seven

b. Five

c. Three

d. Four

Question 49
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Question text

There are _________ global targets to reduce disaster risks as agreed in the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction.

Select one:

a. Six

b. Two

c. Seven

d. Five

Question 50

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Question text

Most of the time _________ fire are started in trashcans or in piles of garbage because it is the easiest thing to light.

Select one:

a. Knowing

b. Deliberate

c. Intentional

d. Intended

GBIO - 121
They are hollow cylinders and are the thickest of the cytoskeleton structures
A: microtubules

The exchange of genetic material between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes.

A: crossing over

It is closely related DNA–containing organelles include chloroplasts, chromoplasts, and a diverse group of leucoplasts.
A: plastids

The relationship is evident (protein structure determines its function) , (nucleic acids structure results in a genetic code) , anatomy (longer
necked giraffes are more functional than short neck giraffes) , as well as cells.
A: structure-function relationship

The belief that living organisms grow directly from decaying organic substances was the accepted explanation for the appearance of small
A: spontaneous generation

The smallest unit of structure and function of all living organisms.

A: cell

True or False: People with both normal undefected mtDNA and not normal, defected mtDNA, may not inherit mitochondrial disease.
Answer: true

The division of the cell’s nucleus the final step before two daughter cells are produced.
A: mitosis

True or False: Tight junctions are the closely associated areas of cells.
Answer: false

The smallest cell currently known has a diameter of only 400 nm.
A: prokaryotic cells

True or False: Mitosis begins immediately at the conclusion of interphase, specifically at the end of the G2 phase.
Answer: true

A watery fluid that contains cytoskeletal fragments, dissolved particles and organelles.
A: cytosol

They are structures that carry out specific functions inside the cell.
A: organelles

True or False: Cells come in the same shape

Answer: false

They are usually single–celled and smaller than eukaryotic cells.

A: Prokaryotic cells
True or False: Biologists in the early part of the 19th century suggested that all living things were made of cells.
Answer: true

True or False: A mitochondrion, is a membrane–enclosed organelle that is found in most prokaryotic.

Answer: FALSE

Sperm cells are the only human cell with

A: flagella

True or False: A desmosome is a cell junction specialized for cell-to-cell adhesion.

A: true
True or False: Rudolf Virchow observed that cells cannot divide to produce more cells.
A: false
One of Schwann's original conclusions stated that cells formed in a similar way to crystals.
A: cell theory

They are also called the plasma membrane which is the physical boundary between the intracellular space which is the physical boundary
between the intracellular space ( the inside of the cell) and the extracellular environment.
A: cell membrane

True or False: The spindle starts to form during prophase of mitosis.

Answer: true

True or False: Prophase is the first and longest phase of mitosis.

Answer: true

They are found in simple and stratified squamous epithelium, and in muscle tissue where they find muscle cells to one another.
A: desmosome

It forms the “strings” which support celery stalks

A: collenchyma
True or False: During mitotic phase (M) is when the nucleus and then the cytoplasm divide.
A: true
The organelles on which proteins are made during protein synthesis
A: ribosomes

One gap junction channel is composed of how many connexions.

A: two

True or False: The nucleus of many cells also contains an organelle called a nucleolus.
A: true

A repeating series of events that include growth , DNA synthesis, and cell division.
A: cell cycle
True or False: As a cell grows, its volume increses more quickly than its surface area.
A: true

It strengthen and support parts of the plant which have completed elongation.
A: sclerenchymal cells

The Father of microscopy

A: Antony van Leeuwenhoek

True or False: Biologists found cells everywhere

A: true

True or False: Porins form channels that allow small molecules to freely diffuse across the membrane to the other.
Answer: true

It organizes the inside structure of the cell by holding organelles and providing strength
A: Intermediate filaments

They may form a mass of abnormal cells.

True or False: The nucleolus is inside the nucleus, and is where ribosomes are made.
Answer: true

During this phase, the cell grows rapidly while performing routine metabolic processes.
A: Growth Phase 1

Such cell types found lining your small intestine, where they absorb nutrients from your food through protrusions.
A: microvilli

Which of the following statements is not a part of cell theory

A: Not all living things are made of one or more cells

His carefully crafted microscopes and insightful observations f microbes led to the title the" The Father of Microscopy." Give the complete
A: Antony Van Leeuwenhoek

He is a British biologist and early microscopes that looked at thin slices of cork under a microscope. Give the complete name.
A: Robert hooke

It makes and stores plant pigments

A: chromoplast

They are microscopic organisms that have neither a membrane-bound nucleus nor membrane-bound organelles.
A: prokaryotes

An outer gelatinuous layer both joins and separates adjacent plant cells.
A: middle lamella

True or False: A gap junction or nexus is a specialized intercellular connection between a variety of animal cell types.
Answer: true
The kind of microscopes that use more than one lens have been invented around 1595 by Zacharias Jansen , a Dutch spectacle maker.
A: Compound Microscope

They are found in most eukaryotic cells and they are absent in some plants and most fungi.
A: centrioles
One component of cells that is common to all cells.
A: cytoplasm

True or False: The cell cycle is not controlled by regulatory proteins at three key checkpoints in the cycle.
A: false

They are most closely resemble the generalized plant cell, desmosomes.
A: parenchymal cells

True or False: Prokaryotes have 80S ribosomes each consisting of a small (20S) and a large (60s) subunit.
Answer: false

It is a type of junctional complex present only in vertebrates

A: Tight Junction

True or False: Cancer is a disease that occurs when the cell cycle is longer regulated.
Answer: true

It normally range between 1-100 um in diameter

A: eukaryotic cells

The process by which the information in a gene is “decodes’ by various cell molecules to produce a functional gene product, such as a
protein molecule or an RNA molecule.
A: gene expression

The Cell’s DNA is copied in the process of DNA replication.

A: Synthesis phase

True or False: In plant cells, the spindle forms with centrioles.

Answer: false

True or False: Changes in the DNA or RNA sequence can have significant phenotypc effects or they can have no effects.
Answer: true
A new methodologies are developed, testing for more mutations will become more common and less expensive.
A: Cystic fibrosis

This kind of disorder that can be inherited in a dominant or recessive manner.

A: genetic disorder

It is the diffusion of water molecules across a selectively permeable membrane from an area of highly concentration to an area of lower
A: osmosis

A mutation that is lethal prior to birth or shortly after birth.

A: homozygous

It is the representation of genetic inheritance.

A: pedigree

A kind of genetic disorder that reduced activity of a protein needed for blood clotting.
A: Hemophilia A

The exchange of genetic materials can happen many times within the same pair of homologous chromosomes, creating unique
combination of alleles.
A: Homologous combination

True or False: The mutation can be passed from one generation to the next.
A: true

It separates chromatids, similar to anaphase of mitosis.

A: Anaphase II

True or False: Individuals can be diagnosed prior to birth by genetic testing.

A: true

The stage when the synaptonemal complex degrades and homologous chromosomes disassociate slightly from each other.
A: Diplotene stage
Human cells have ________pairs of chromosomes
A: 23

True or False: For autosomal dominant disorders, a person with the disorder has a 50% chance of passing on the gene to their offspring.
A: true

True or False: Mitosis is the multi-phase process in which the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell multiply.
A: false

An outer, gelatinous layer both joins and separates adjacent plant cells.
A: middle lamella

They are caused by mutations in genes on the X chromosome. Only a few disorders have this inheritance pattern.
A: X-linked dominant

True or False: It is an autosomal recessive disorder, requiring the inheritance of a defective gene from each parent.
A: true

A condition caused by abnormalities, such as mutations in your genes or chromosomes.

A: Genetic disorder

The genetic material from two non-sister chromatids actually intertwine around each other and some material from non-sister chromatid
switch chromosomes that is the material breaks off and reattaches at the same position in the homologous chromosome.
A: chiasma

It has normally has a negative regulatory effect on bone growth.

A: Achondroplasia Gene 3 (FGFR3)

This is an example of a recessive disorder.

A: Tay-Sachs Disease

True or False: Tay-Sachs results from mutations in the HEXA gene located on chromosomes.
A: true
In this stage, chromosome further condense
A: Diakinesis

The most common form of dwarfism in humans, and it is caused by a dominant mutation.
A: Achondroplasia

More than 98% of achondrolasia is caused by this at nucleotide 1138 of the FGFR3 gene, which causes a glycine to arginine substitution.
A: G to A point mutation

It is an autosomal recessive inheritable disorder caused by a mutation in a gene called the cystic fibrosis , transmembrane conductance
regulator (CFTR)
A: Cystic fibrosis

Anyone can be a carrier of the Tay-Sachs mutation, but the disease is most common among the:
A: Ashkenazi Jewish population

Each chromosome contains two sister chromatids and each chromosomes has a ____________ present in the nucleus.
A: crossing-over
It is an autosomal dominant disorder.
A: Achondroplasia

The stage occurs as the chromosomes pair with their homologue forming homologous chromosome pairs
A: Zygotene

True or False: Homozygous achondroplasia is usually a lethal condition.

A: true

occurs when the plasma membrane folds inward to form a channel allowing dissolved substances to enter the cell.
A: Pinocytosis

True or False: One in 22 people of European descent are carriers of a mutated CFTR gene.
A: true

True or False: The phragmosome suspends the cell nucleus in the center of the cell in preparation for prophase.
A: true
An affected person usually has unaffected parents who each carry a single copy of the mutated gene.
A: Autosomal recessive

Collagen genes result in bone disorders, specifically the spectrum of osteogenesis imperfect, or brittle bone diseases
A: Type I collagen genes

True or False: During interphase the cell grows, performs routine life process, and prepare to divide.
A: true

During this phase, the cell makes final preparations to divide.

A: Growth phase 2 (G2)

It begins after DNA replicates during interphase of the cell cycle.

A: Meiosis

True or False: Proteins are made on ribosomes.

A: true (false)

One of the main principles of biology.

A: Cell Theory

A specialized inter-cellular connection between a variety of animal cell-types.

A: Gap junction

True or False: The variety of cell shapes seen in prokaryotes and eukaryotes reflects the functions that each cell has confirming the
structure-functional relationship seen throughout seen throughout biology.
A: true
True or False: All cells come from the other cells.
A: true

The field of Biology that studies cells.

A: Cell biology

They are made of two thin actin chains that are twisted around one another.
A: microfilaments

True or False: Research in cell Biology is closely linked to molecular biology, as well as genetics, biochemistry and developmental biology.
A: true

It includes both mitosis and cytokinesis.

A: Mitotic Phase

True or False: When a ribosome finishes reading an mRNA molecule, the two ribosomal subunits associate.
A: false

During the centromeres of the chromosomes line up along metaphase plate or equatorial plane, in essence the approximate middle of the
A: Metaphase

In 1858, the German doctor that observed that cells divide to produce more cells. He proposed that all cells arise only from other cells.
A: Rudolf Virchow

True or False: The eukaryotic cells spends most of its “life” in interphase of the cell cycle.
A: True

True or False: ATP is produced by the enzyme, ATP synthase, which is a membrane protein of the mitochondria inner membrane.
A: true

The relationship is evident (protein structure determines its function) , (nucleic acids structure results in a genetic code) , anatomy (longer
necked giraffes are more functional than short neck giraffes) , as well as cells.
A: structure-function relationship

True or False: A large central vacuole may occupy for 40 to 90% of a plant cell volume.
A: false

It is the phase in which the sister chromatid separate.

A: anaphase

True or False: Single celled (unicellular) organisms like bacteria can be composed of trillions of cells.
A: false

Eukaryotic DNA organized in one or more linear molecules called

A: chromosomes
They are rod-like structures made of short microtubules.
A: Centrioles

True or False: The cell cycle is a repeating series of events that cells go through.
A: true

True or False: The Cell cycle in prokaryotes is more complicated than cell cycle in eukaryotes.
A: false

True or False: Centrosomes a are associated with the nuclear membrane during prophase of the mitosis
A: true

The watery substance that does not contain organelles, is made of 80% to 90% water.
A: cytosol

True or False: Mitosis is a single stage process.

A: false

It has a long, thin cellular extension, allowing for very quick and accurate communication and responses.
A: Neurons

True or False: Ribosomes can be found alone or in groups within the cytoplasm.
A: true

The two German scientists who suggested that cells were the basic unit of structure and function of all living things.
A: Theodor Schwann and Matthias Jakob Schleiden

It is located outside the cell membrane and shapes, supports, and protects the cell.
A: cell wall

True or False: Cancer cells grow rapidly and may form a mass of abnormal cells.
A: true

True or False: Centrosomes a are associated with the nuclear membrane during prophase of the mitosis.
A: true

It is the final step in cell division

A: cytokinesis

It is due to a deficiency in the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH)

A: Phenylketonuria

A tail that is water fearing

A: hydrophobic

True or False: The water-fearing, hydrophobic tails face each other in the middle of the cell membrane, because water is not found in this
A: true

True or False: Over 80% of unrelated individuals with with Achondropasin have the same mutation making it one of the most common
mutations in the human genome.
A: false

True or False: Gated ion channels can open or close in response to different types of stimuli such as electrical or chemical signals.
A: true

True or False: Cystic fibrosis (CF) can result from more than a thousand different mutations in the human genome.
A: true
If it is diagnosed early enough, an affected newborn can grow up with normal brain development.

True or False: A hypertonic solution is one having a lower concentration of a substance on the outside of a cell that is found within the cells
A: false

True or False: The hypertonic solution has a lower water concentration than the hypotonic solution.
A: true

True or False: Molecules in the cell membrane does not allow it to be semi-permeable.
A: false

is a type of vacuole that removes excess water from a cell.

A: contractile vacuole

It allows only certain materials to pass through. Characteristic of the cell membrane.
A: semipermeable

True or False: Ion channels are very specific as they allow only certain ions through the cell membrane.
A: true

is the energy-requiring process of pumping molecules and ions across membranes uphill against a gradient.
A: Active transport

It is the to an area of lower concentration.

A: false (true)

It is the ability of an organism to maintain stable internal conditions such body temperature regardless of outside conditions.
A: homeostasis

True or False: A uniport can be either a channel protein or a carrier of a protein.

A: true (false)

The plasma membrane pulls away from the cell wall as it shrivels.
A: plasmolysis

True or False: Cells are found in all different types of environments, and these environments are constantly changing.
A: true

The general term for all of the material inside the cell excluding the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.
A: cytoplasm
is a cell junction specialized for cell-to- cell adhesion
A: desmosome

it is a cell junction specialized for cell-to- cell adhesion

A: desmosome

is the process of capturing a substance or particle from outside the cell by engulfing it with the cell membrane.
A: Endocytosis

True or False: The hydrophobic interior of the phospholipid bilayer allow ions or polar molecules through because they are hydrophilic or
water loving.
A: false

True or False: Osmosis cannot be seen very effectively when potato slices are added to a high concentration of salt solution.
A: false

is to transport of two substrates in the same direction across the membrane.

A: Symport

True or False: The cell cycle is controlled mainly by regulatory proteins.

A: true

Lipid barrier that surrounds the cell; also known as the plasma membrane.
A: cell membrane

The protein that assists molecules entering or leaving the cells.

A: transport protein

True or False: There is no water found on both the inside and the outside of cells.
A: false

describes the process of vesicles fusing with the plasma membrane and releasing their contents to the outside of the cell.
A: Exocytosis
They are caused by mutation on the Y chromosome
A: Y-linked disorders

True or False: Homeostasis is a dynamic equilibrium rather than an unchanging state.

A: true

True or False: The inside of the plasma membrane is hydrophobic so certain molecules can easily pass through the membrane.
A: false
True or False: If a cell has a cell wall, wall helps maintain the cell’s water balance.
A: true

A “cellular eating” occurs when the dissolved materials enter the cell.
A: Phagocytosis

True or False: Fish cells like all cells have semi-permeable membranes.
A: true

It is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder characterized by the inability to metabolize the amino acid pheylalanine.
A: Phenylketonuria

True or False: An increased surfaced area to volume ratio means decreased exposure to the environment.
A: false

True or False: Sclerenchymal cells strengthen and support parts of the plant which have completed elongation.
A: true

True or False: Cells are essentially carbohydrates lipids, proteins and nuclei acids in a water environment.
A: true

During this stage, the nucleus membrane disintegrates and microtubule spindles invade the center of the cell.
A: prometaphase

True or False: The greater the surface area to volume ratio of a cell the easier it is for the cell to get rid of wastes and take it essential
materials such as oxygen and nutrients.
A: true

True or False: The Cell Theory has withstood intense examination of cells by modern powerful microscope and other instruments.
A: true

True or False: Tubulin are protein that forms microtubules.

A: true

They are hair-like structures on the surface of the cell that attach to other bacterial cells or surfaces
A: pili
serves as a “jelly” in which organelles are suspended and held together by the cell membrane.
A: Cytoplasm

The action potential signalling contraction is passed efficiently and effortlessly.

A: gap junction

It is the diffusion of water molecules across a selectively permeable membrane from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower
A: Osmosis

True or False: Cells as the primary building block of life.

A: true

True or False: Cells share the same needs.

A: true

True or False: Big cells, such as white blood cells, often grow more nuclei so that they can supply enough proteins and RNA.
A: true

True or False: All metabolic functions carried out by a prokaryotic take place in the plasma membrane or the cytosol.
A: true

True or False: Single-celled organisms like bacteria are obviously composed of three cells.
A: false
In this stage, chromosomes further condense.
A: diakinesis stage

True or False: The smaller subunit binds to thee transfer RNA (tRNA) while the larger subunits find to the mRNA pattern.
A: false

This is the process of capturing a substance of particle from outside the cell by engulfing it with the cell membrane.
A: endocytosis

The mixture of a solute in a solvent.

A: Solution

True or False: A bigger cell is more effective and transporting materials, including waste products, than a smaller cell.
A: false

It concerns the understanding of the interactions between the various systems of a cell, including the relationship between DNA, RNA and
A: Molecular biology

It is a kind of disorders that can be inherited in a dominant or recessive manner.
A: Achondroplasia (WRONG)

True or False: As a cell grows, its volume decreases more quickly that its surface area.
A: false

A sheet of cytoplasm that bisects the middle of the cell.


The division of the cell's nucleus wherein the final step before two daughter cells are produced.

The process of pairing the homologous chromosomes


It is the final step in cell division.


It actually includes both mitosis and cytokinesis.


An outer gelatinous layer that both joins and separates adjacent plant cells.

The exchange of genetic materials between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes.

It is a cell junction specialized for cell-to-cell adhesion.

It is a cellular "scaffolding" or "skeleton" that crisscrosses the cytoplasm.


It is essentially the opposite of prophase and prometaphase.


It concerns the understanding of the interactions between the various systems of a cell, including the relationship between DNA, RNA and
A: Molecular biology

stage occurs when the synaptonemal complex degrades and homologous chromosomes disassociate slightly from each other.
- Diplotene

True or False: During mitotic phase (M) is when the nucleus and then the cytoplasm divide.
- true

During this stage, the nucleus membrane disintegrates and microtubule spindles invade the center of the cell.
- prometaphase

Collagen genes that result in bone disorders, specifically the spectrum of osteogenesis, imperfect or brittle bone disease.
- Type I collagen genes

True or False: Sclerenchymal cells strengthen and support parts of the plant which have completed elongation.
- true

True or False: Tubulin are protein that forms microtubules.

- true

Ability of an organism to maintain stable internal conditions such body temperature, regardless of outside conditions.
- homeostasis

serves as a “jelly” in which organelles are suspended and held together by the cell membrane.
- Cytoplasm

True or False: As a cell grows, its volume decreases more quickly that its surface area.
- false

A representation of genetic inheritance.

- pedigree

A “cellular eating” occurs when the dissolved materials enter the cell.
- Phagocytosis

It is a type of vacuole that removes excess water from a cell.

- contractile vacuole

It is the diffusion of water molecules across a selectively permeable membrane from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower
- Osmosis

It is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder characterized by the inability to metabolize the amino acid pheylalanine.
- Phenylketonuria

True or False: Cells are essentially carbohydrates lipids, proteins and nuclei acids in a water environment.
- true

True or False: All cells come from the other cells.

- true

During this phase, the cell makes final preparations to divide.

- Growth phase 2

The action potential signalling contraction is passed efficiently and effortlessly

- gap junction
This is the process of capturing a substance of particle from outside the cell by engulfing it with the cell membrane.
- endocytosis
Anyone can be a carrier of the Tay-Sachs mutation, but the disease is most common among this people.
- Ashkenazi Jewish population

is to transport of two substrates in the same direction across the membrane.

- Symport

It is the diffusion of water molecules across a selectively permeable membrane from in area a higher concentration to an of lower
- osmosis

True or False: Single-celled organisms like bacteria are obviously composed of three cells.
- false

True or False: A bigger cell is more effective and transporting materials, including waste products, than a smaller cell.
- false

It describes the process of vesicles fusing with the plasma membrane and releasing their contents to the outside cell.
- Exocytosis

human cells have

- 23

True or False: An increased surfaced area to volume ratio means decreased exposure to the environment.
- false

The stage occurs as the chromosomes pair with their homologue forming homologous chromosomes pairs.
- Zygotene
True or False: Big cells, such as white blood cells, often grow more nuclei so that they can supply enough proteins and RNA.
- true

True or False: Cells share the same needs.

- true
True or False: The smaller subunit binds to thee transfer RNA (tRNA) while the larger subunits find to the mRNA pattern.
- false

True or False: The greater the surface area to volume ratio of a cell the easier it is for the cell to get rid of wastes and take it essential
materials such as oxygen and nutrients.
- true

True or False: The Cell Theory has withstood intense examination of cells by modern powerful microscope and other instruments.
- true

The most common form of dwarfism in humans, and it is caused by a dominant mutation.
- Achondroplasia

True or False: Cells as the primary building block of life.

- true

True or False: All metabolic functions carried out by a prokaryotic take place in the plasma membrane or the cytosol.
- true

The mixture of a solute in a solvent.

- Solution

In this stage, chromosomes further condense.

- diakinesis

protein assists molecules entering or leaving the cell.

- transport

It is a kind of disorders that can be inherited in a dominant or recessive manner.

- hemophilia A
It begins after DNA replicates during interphase of the cell cycle.
- Meiosis


A sheet of cytoplasm that bisects the middle of the cell.


The division of the cell's nucleus wherein the final step before two daughter cells are produced.

The process of pairing the homologous chromosomes


It is the final step in cell division.


It actually includes both mitosis and cytokinesis.


An outer gelatinous layer that both joins and separates adjacent plant cells.

The exchange of genetic materials between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes.


It is a cell junction specialized for cell-to-cell adhesion.


It is a cellular "scaffolding" or "skeleton" that crisscrosses the cytoplasm.


It is essentially the opposite of prophase and prometaphase.


Its bases are like the letters of a four-letter alphabet: These "letters" can be combined to form "words". Groups of three bases form
words. They carry genetic information in living organisms.
A: Genetic code

During a chemical reaction, the reactants are used up to create the products.
A: true

They are molecules which have many different functions in living things, and are made of amino acids.
A: Proteins

Water is one of the most common ingredients in solutions.

A: true

Nucleic acids contain the information needed for cells to make proteins.
A: true

When water (H2O) breaks down into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2).
A: decomposition reaction

These are the main chemical components of living organisms

A: organic compounds

A type of simple sugar which results from bonding two single sugars together. Also commonly called two sugars.
A: disaccharide

Described as the "energy currency of the cell" or the "molecular unit of currency."

Carbon atoms are bonded to as many hydrogen atoms as possible.

A: True

DNA and RNA have one function relating to the genetic code and proteins.
A: False

The sterol __________ is an important part of cell membranes and plays other vital roles in the body.
A: Cholesterol

Small building block molecule

A: Monomer

Proteins has no ability to bond with other molecules.

A: false
Proteins are similar to one another in the number and order of amino acids.
A: false

They have a "kink" or bend in their chain.

A: Unsaturated fats

Enzymes can catalyse up to several million reactions per second.

A: true

Nucleic acids are found not only in all living cells but also in viruses.
A: true

Protein, fats and carbohydrates are three of the main building blocks that make up your body.
A: true

They are organic compounds that contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus.
A: Nucleic acids

Two monosaccharides will bond together through a dehydration reaction in which a water molecule is lost.
A: true

Glycogen is used for long term energy storage in animal cells.

A: true

________ is a strongly polar solvent and polar solvents are better at dissolving polar solutes.
A: water

Fats are liquid at room temperature, whereas oils are fluid.

A: false

Proteins can differ in both the number and order of amino acids.
A: true

Antibodies are known as "biological catalysts".

A: false
Phospolipids serve as the main component of the protective outer membrane of all cells.
A: true

Although some lipids in the diet are essential excess dietary lipids can be harmful.
A: true

are pairs of bases that bond together.

A: complementary bases

Many organic compounds and other important biochemical are polar, so they dissolve well in water.
A: true

The name given to the collection of the lump sum of chemical reactions performed by an organism to survive
A: metabolism

These are proteins that protect you against disease.

A: Antibodies

The largest proteins have more than 20,000 amino acids.

A: false

The unique blueprints to make the proteins that give you your traits.

It refers to a substance that speeds up chemical reactions.

A: catalyst

When ATP is used in DNA synthesis, the ribose sugar is first converted to deoxyribose by ribonuleotide reductase.
A: True

Life could exist without enzymes.

A: false

It's important for you and other animals to eat food with protein because we cannot make certain amino acids on your own.
A: true

The binding of complementary bases allows DNA molecules to take this well-known shape.
A: double helix

It is a single simple 6-carbon ring with the chemical formula C6H12O6.

A: glucose

A human stores glycogen in liver cells.

A: true

Animals use this for long term energy storage and to keep warm
A: fats

Protein that identifies pathogens by other substances as being harmful.

A: antibody

There are only 10 common amino acids needed to build proteins.

A: false

Fructose has the same chemical formula as glucose but the atoms are arranged differently.
A: true

Enzymes are type of protein that speed up chemical reactions.

A: true

DNA consists of three chains of nucleotides.

A: false

All cells are soluble in or does not mix with water.

A: false

Starches are one of the more common polysaccharides.

A: true
Reduction is the decrease of electrons or an increase in oxidation state by a molecule, atom, or ion.
A: false

In Saturated fats, some carbon are not bonded to as many hydrogen atoms as possible.
A: false

Complex carbohydrate form when simple sugars bind together into a chain.
A: true

Strongly polar solvents like water can dissolve strongly nonpolar pollutes likes oil.
A: false

Enzymes bind both reactant molecules called the substrate tightly and specifically at the ________ on the enzyme molecule.
A: active site

Most anabolic reactions are endergonic.

A: true

The substances that form as a result of a chemical reaction.

A: products

It is a saccharide polymer containing a small number (typically two to ten) of monosaccharides

A: oligosaccharides

DNA and RNA contain genetic instructions for protein, help synthesize proteins, and pass genetic introductions on to daughter cells and
A: True

It sometimes referred to as animal starch.

A: glycogen
Molecules that absorb specific wavelengths (colors) of light
A: pigment molecules

The proteins which speed up chemical reactions.

A: enzyme

Which of the following consists of cells which contain organelles called chloroplasts (small green ovals)
A: Elodea

Group of molecules, including chloropyll in the thylakoid membrane of a chloroplast, captures light energy.
A: photosystem

The green pigment present in most plants which absorbs solar energy and helps convert that energy into chemical energy.
A: chlorophyll

Space outside the thylakoid membranes of a chloroplast site of the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis.
A: stroma

When fossil fuels are burned, the chemical energy changes to thermal energy.
A: true

Sub-organelle within the chloroplast which organize patterns of proteins and other molecules which conduct photosynthesis.
A: Thylakoid

The organelle of photosynthesis; its helps maximize photosynthesis.

A: chloroplast

Heterothroph can make their own food so they must eat or absorb it.
A: false

Chemical energy in our cells


It is the energy which can be found in moving objects.

A: kinetic energy
It refers to energy that is stored in objects, typically because of their position or shape.
A: Potential energy

Refers to organelles which conduct photosynthesis, and closely resemble cyanobacteria.

A: chloroplasts

Eukaryotic organelles, such as mitochondria, evolved from ancient, free-living prokaryotes that invaded other prokaryotic cells.
A: Theory of Endosymbiosis

_______ play an important role in neutralizing acids throughout the body.

A: Bicarbonate ions

Energy transformation obeys the law of conservation of energy which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.
A: true

Series of electron-transport molecules that pass high-energy electrons from molecule to molecule and capture their energy.
A: electron transport chain

It can not be created or destroyed only transformed.

A: Energy

Property of matter that is defined as the ability to do work.

A: Energy

When energy changes during Energy Transformation the energy is used up.
A: false

NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and ATP (adenosine triphosphate) are used during cellular respiration.
A: false

Stacks of sac-like thylakoid membranes, found in chloroplasts and photosynthetic bacteria.

A: grana

NADP+ accepts an electron at the end of the light reactions electron transport chain of photosynthesis.
A: true
Mechanical energy commonly changes between kinetic and potential energy.
A: true

A pigment within plant cells which absorbs light.

A: Chlorophyll
Molecules that accept and temporarily hold high-energy electrons.
A: electron carrier

Kinetic energy can be used to change the position or shape of an object giving it potential energy.
A: true

Refers to the substance involved in a chemical reaction that is present at the beginning of the reaction.
A: reactant

Refers to molecules which accept and temporarily hold high-energy electrons.

A: Electron carrier

When this occurs, the light is absorbed by chlorophyll in the membrane of chloroplasts in the plant cell.
A: Light dependent reactions

Sunlight contains many different wavelengths which are visible when they separate into a rainbow.
A: true

An organism in a symbiotic relationship

A: Symbiont

Hydrogen ions are pumped into the thylakoids, forming an electrochemical gradient whose energy builds ATP molecules.
A: true

Organism that produces organic compounds from energy and simple inorganic molecules; also known as a producer.
A: Autotrophs

correlates with energy use, which reflects the link between oxygen and energy metabolism.
A: Respiration rate
Cellular respiration in the presence of oxygen; produces 36-38 ATP molecules glucose.
A: Aerobic respiration

It can power other metabolic pathways, or in many organisms, provide energy for further ATP synthesis.
A: hot hydrogen

During the light-dependent stage of photosynthesis only water were used to produce oxygen gas.
A: false

The second stage of photosynthesis; results in the formation of a sugar.

A: calvin cycle
The oldest and most widespread pathway for making ATP
A: Glycolysis

Photosynthesis cells arranged into tightly packed sheaths around the veins of a leaf.
A: Bundle-sheath cells

First stage of photosynthesis in which light energy from the sun is captured and transformed into chemical energy also known as the light
A: light-dependent reaction

Light does not provides energy to split water molecules into electrons, hydrogen ions, and oxygen gas.
A: false

Short term energy carrier; temporarily stores energy during cellular respiration.

A photosynthetic adaptation to arid conditions in some plants; allows stomata to be closed during the day.
A: CAM photosynthesis

Energy-carrying molecule that cells use to power their metabolic process; energy currency of the cells. (Note: acronym is also accepted)

The splitting of a water molecule to replace electrons used during the light reactions; splitting by light.
A: photolysis

Exchange of gases between the body and the outside air.

A: respiration

The enzyme that combines one molecule of CO2 with a 5 carbon sugar; called ribulose biphosphate (RUB P; the most abundant enzyme
on earth).

Bacteria which make yogurt.

A: Lactobacillus acidophilus

The process of "splitting glucose".

A: glycolysis

The process which converts carbon dioxide in the air to organic molecules as in photosynthesis.
A: Carbon fixation

It is essential to have efficient cellular respiration; most organisms need oxygen for a single purpose to release energy from food for use by
A: Oxygen

Every seconds, the sun fuses over 600 million tons of hydrogen into 596 tons of helium, converting over 4 tons of helium into light and heat
A: true

The movement of carbon and oxygen between the ground, atmosphere, oceans and living organisms
A: carbon-oxygen cycle

The 3-carbon product of glycolysis is called

A: Pyruvate

Ion channel and enzyme complex; chemically bonds a phosphate group to ADP, producing ATP as H+ ions flow through the ion channel.
A: ATP synthase
Glucose is the energy-rich product of photosynthesis and a universal food for life.
A: true

Kinetic Energy is the process in which energy changes from one type or form to another.
A: false

The process in which one kind of energy changes into another kind
A: Energy conversion

It provides up to 85% of the energy needs of new "flex-fuel" cars

A: Ethanol

It completes the breakdown of glucose which began with glycolysis.

A: Krebs Cycle

It is formed by the reduction of pyruvate.

A: Lactic acid

The Matrix of the Mitochondria is the site of Krebs Cycle reactions.

A: true

The type of anaerobic respiration carried out by yogurt bacteria such as Lactobacillus.
A: Lactic acid fermentation

The aerobic phases of cellular respiration in eukaryotes occur within these organelles.
A: Mitochondria

Behind each release of gas is an army gut bacteria undergoing some crazy biochemistry.
A: true

According to this theory, engulfing of some certain aerobic bacteria led to eukaryotic cells with mitochondria.
A: Theory of Endosymbiosis

It actually prefers fermentation over aerobic respiration

A: Saccharomyces cerevisiae

It is a type of anaerobic respiration that includes glycolysis followed by the conversion of pyruvic acid to ethanol and carbon dioxide and the
regeneration of NAD+ from NADH.
A: Alcoholic fermentation

Hydrogen ions flows "down" the gradient from outer to inner compartment through the ion channel/enzyme ATP synthase
A: true

Fill in the blank: _________ is an energy carrier molecule produced during the Krebs Cycle of Aerobic Cellular respiration.

Carbon is the final electron; no part of the process - from the Kreb Cycle.
A: false

Refers to the substance involved in a chemical reaction that is present at the beginning of the reaction.
A: reactant

When bread bakes, yeast releases carbon dioxide gas.

A: true

It allows glycolysis to continue making ATP.


It is importantuse to lactic acid fermentation to allow the continuous production of some ATP your muscle cells.
A: true

The oxygen gradually formed a protective ozone layer, which helped many living organisms on Earth.
A: true

Aerobic respiration begins with the entry of the product of glycolysis, pyruvate into the mitochondria.
A: true

Although humans are obligate aerobes, our muscles cells have not given up on ancient pathways which allow them to keep producing ATP
quickly when oxygen runs low.
A: true

The Krebs Cycle takes place within the Matrix.

A: true

The third stage of cellular respiration uses the energy stored during the earlier stages in NADH and FADH2to make ATP.
A: true

The process for making ATP in the absence of oxygen converts glucose to ethanol and carbon dioxide.
A: ethanol fermentation

For Lactobacillus bacteria, the acid resulting from fermentation kills bacterial competitors in buttermilk, yogurt, and some cottage cheese.
A: true

Lactic Acid fermentation makes ATP in the absence of oxygen by converting glucose to lactic acid.
A: true

Eukaryotic single-celled microorganism classified in the kingdom Fungi.

A: yeast

Fill in the blank: In the ________ , citric acid is carried through a series of chemical reactions which gradually release energy and capture it
in several carrier molecules.
A: Citric Acid Cycle and Krebs Cycle

The process of producing ATP in the absence of oxygen, through glycolysis alone.
A: Fermentation

We employ this to use their anaerobic talents to help bread use and grapes ferment.
A: Yeast

Muscle cells cannot continue to produce ATP when oxygen runs low using lactic acid fermentation.
A: false

The primary task of the initial state of cellular respiration.

A: false

It can be either a channel protein or a carrier protein, utilized in a facilitated diffusion.

A: uniporter

It means to maintain a stable internal environment.

A: homeostatis

These are essential in carrying out cellular respiration, as they are capable of "splitting" glucose apart to release chemical energy and
produce carbon dioxide.
A: Enzymes

IDENTIFICATION: This refers to the lipid barrier that surrounds the cell.
A: cell membrane

Proteins are molecules that have many different functions in living things
A: True

An organism which requires oxygen for cellular respiration.

A: Obligate anaerobe

refers to the difference in the concentration of the molecules in the two areas.
A: Concentration Gradient

allows glycosis to continue to make ATP in low-oxygen conditions.

A: lactic acid fermentation

___________ is an energy-carrying molecule which cells use to power their metabolic processes.
A: Adenosine Triphosphate

means "water-loving"
A: hydrophilic

This theory proposes that eukaryotic organelles evolved from ancient, free-living prokaryotes that invaded other prokaryotic cells.
A: Theory of Endosymbiosis
IDENTIFICATION. This serves a way for small molecules or ions to move across the cell membrane without input of energy by the cell.
A: passive transport

Antibodies protect you against disease.

A: true

Physics tells us that organize system such as living organisms, tend to disorder without a constant input energy.
A: true

IDENTIFICATION. They allow formation of a concentration gradient between the extracellular fluid and the cytosol.
A: ion channels

Within plant cells or algal cells, chloroplasts organize that enzymes, chlorophyll, and accessory pigment molecules necessary for
A: true

is type of transport protein, acts like a pore in the membrane that allows transport of substances across a cell membrane.
A: channel protein

The light reactions of photosynthesis also obviously occur during night hours.
A: false

Property of matter that is defined as the ability to do work.

A: energy

A metabolic process that uses energy released by the oxidation of nutrients to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
A: oxidative phosphorylation

Fill in the blank: When the four ATP produced in glycosis and the Krebs Cycle are added, the total of ______ ATP fits the overall equation
for aerobic cellular respiration. (note: numerical answer only)
A: 38

DNA is the unique blueprint to make the proteins that give you your traits.
A: true
These are organelles specialized in carrying out aerobic respiration. They have their own DNA and ribosomes.
A: Mitochondria

Potential energy is the energy of moving objects.

A: false

FILL IN THE BLANK: A ________is an organism which requires oxygen for cellular respiration.
A: obligate aerobes

FILL IN THE BLANK: Certain molecules require the assistance in the form of ________ to get across the plasma membrane.
A: transport proteins

Kinetic energy is stored in objects typically because of their position or shape.

A: false
IDENTIFICATION: ____________ is a series of chemical reactions which completes the breakdown of glucose begun in Stage 1 of aerobic
cellular respiration.
A: Citric Acid Cycle

means "water-hating"
A: hydrophobic

The rate of gas exchange between the body and the outside air.
A: respiration rate

All living things require an ongoing source of energy to do the work of life.
A: true

Organic compound is the secondary components of living organism

A: false

refers to the movement of substances across the cell membrane.

A: cell transport

FILL IN THE BLANK: One of the ways for molecules to pass through a phospholipid membrane, __________ requires that the cell uses
energy to pull in or pump out certain molecules and ions.
A: active transport

The structure within the chloroplast, this consists of stacks of sac-like thylakoid membranes.
A: grana

Life requires photosynthesis for fuel and for the oxygen to burn that fuel.
A: true

The source of energy for food is sunlight energy.

A: true

When the binding of complementary bases takes place, DNA molecules form a double helix.
A: true

Disaccharide is a type of simple sugar results from bonding two single sugars together.
A: true

Cytosine and guanine doesn't always bond together.

A: false
The formation of new combinations of alleles.
A: genetic recombination

They are called the paired chromosomes as they are formed by a complex with four chromatids.
A: bivalent or tetrad chromosomes

Each cell undergoes this stage, producing four haploid cells, each with a unique combination of genes and chromosomes.
A: cytokinesis

It refers to the suspended state of the oocytes.

A: Dictyotene stage
A type of cell division which halves the number of chromosomes.
A: Meiosis
Longest phase of meiosis
A: Prophase I

This refers to the pairing of a chromosome during meiosis.

A: synapsis

In this stage, the new plate is rotated by 90 degrees when compared to meiosis 1, perpendicular to the previous plate.
A: Metaphase II

The first stage of Prophase 1

A: leptotene

The _____________________ of chromosomes, as suggested by Mendel, are based on the fact that some chromosomes inherited from
the father are facing one side of the cell, while some are facing the other side.
A: independent assortment

Basic component that makes up any kind of material.
A: atom

This basically makes up any kind of material

A: atom

Anything that occupies space and has mass

A: matter

What is the general term for any body that has mass and occupies space?
A: matter

General term referring to anything that occupies space and has mass
A: matter

Study of materials and its components

A: Chemistry

General term for anything with mass and has volume

A: matter

Quantities standardized for scientific use


Smallest building block of any material

A: atom

Branch of chemistry that deals with compounds containing carbon

A: organic

Path of electron around the nucleus of an atom

A: orbit

Most basic building block of any substance

A: atom

Quantity with square unit


What kind of base forms hydroxide ions when mixed with water?
A: weak

Path followed by an electron around the nucleus of an atom

A: orbit

What do you call the path of an electron around the nucleus of an atom?
A: orbit

Science that deals with the chemical composition of chemical processes associated with the Earth and other planets.
A: geochemistry

Reaction involved when a complex reactant is broken down into a simpler product.
A: decomposition

What kind of reaction is involved when a complex reactant is simplified?

A: decomposition

Science dealing with the composition of processes involving the Earth and other planets
A: geochemistry

Quantity that refers to the space occupied by a body

A: volume

Quantity referring to the space occupied by a body

A: volume

Gas law involving constant pressure.

A: charle’s law

Product of the combination of atoms during chemical reactions

A: molecule

Results from the combination of atoms during chemical reactions

A: molecule

What substance results from the combination of atoms during chemical reactions?
A: molecule

Term used to refer to a charged atom

A: ion

In one molecule of water, how many percent is hydrogen?

A: 11.19

Consider one molecule of water. How many percent of this molecule is hydrogen?
A: 11.19
In the oxidation of methane alcohol in air, if 209 grams of this substance are used up, how many grams of water are produced?
A: 235

How heavy (in grams) is one molecule of ethanol

A: 46.07

Consider the burning of methanol in air. If 209 grams of methanol are used up in the combustion, how much water (in grams) is produced?
A: 235

What is the chemical reaction characterized by the union of reactants

A: synthesis

What is the chemical reaction characterized by the union of reactants?

A: synthesis

How heavy is a molecule of sodium hypochlorite? Express your answer in grams.

A: 74.44

How heavy (in grams) is one molecule of sodium hypochlorite?

A: 74.44

When burning 1200 grams of carbon, how much carbon monoxide (in grams) will be produced?
A: 2800

In the burning of 1200 grams of carbon, how many grams of carbon monoxide will be produced?
A: 2800

When 124 grams of aluminum reacts with 601 grams of Fe2O3, determine how many grams of Al2O3 are formed.
A: 234

How many molecules are in 3 moles of calcium tetrachloride?

A: 1.8066 x 10^24

In a molecule of ammonia, how many percent is nitrogen?

A: 82.24

Consider a molecule of ammonia. How many percent of this molecule is nitrogen?

A: 82.24

How heavy (in grams) is one molecule of ethanol?

A: 46.07

Consider a molecule of ethane. How many percent of ethane is carbon?

A: 79.89

In one molecule of ethane, how many percent of this molecule is carbon?

A: 79.89

In a molecule of potassium hydroxide, how many percent of this molecule is oxygen?

A: 28.52

The molecular mass of hydrochloric acid is how many grams?

A: 36.46

The mass of hydrochloric acid is how many grams?

A: 36.46

How many grams is a molecule of hydrochloric acid?

A: 36.46

How heavy is a molecule of sodium hypochlorite? Express your answer in grams

A: 74.44

How many molecules are there in 8 moles of benzoic acid?

A: 4.8176 x 10^24

Consider the reaction of 124 grams of Al with 601 grams of Fe2O3. Compute for the mass (in grams) of Al2O3 formed.
A: 234
Consider one molecule of sodium sulfate. Determine the percentage of sulfur in it.
A: 22.57

In a molecule of sodium sulfate, determine the percentage of sulfur in it.

A: 22.57

In one molecule of sodium sulfate, how many percent of it is sulfur?

A: 22.57

How many molecules are there in 0.75 mole of sodium chloride?

A: 4.5165 x 10^23

A 0.75 mole of sodium chloride has ___ x 1023 atoms. Note: The answer must be in 4 decimal places.
A: 4.5165

Find the molecular mass of hydrogen peroxide in grams?

A: 34.01

What is the molecular mass (in grams) of hydrogen peroxide?

A: 34.01

Determine the molecular mass (in grams) of dinitrogen trioxide?

A: 76.01
How heavy (in grams) is one molecule of ethanol?
A: 46.07

How many grams is one molecule of ethanol?

A: 46.07

Suppose you want to burn 1200 grams of graphite. How much oxygen (in grams) would you need?
A: 1600

If you want to burn 1200 grams of carbon, how many grams of oxygen would you need?
A: 1600
How many grams is one molecule of calcium oxide?
A: 56.08

How heavy (in grams) is calcium oxide?

A: 56.08

How heavy (in grams) is one molecule of sulfuric acid?

A: 98.07

How many grams is a molecule of sulfuric acid?

A: 98.07

What is the mass (in grams) of sulfuric acid?

A: 98.07

Determine how many atoms of carbon dioxide does 0.55 mole of this molecule has? ____ x 1021
A: 7.53

A 0.55 mole of carbon dioxide has ___ x 1021 atoms.

A: 7.53

How many molecules does 0.55 mole of carbon monoxide has?

A: 7.53 x 10^21

What do you call the particle with more positive charges than negative charges?
A: cation
What is the molecular mass (in grams) of calcium carbonate?
A: 162.11

What do you call the agent in a redox reaction from which electrons are released?
A: reducing

Agent in a redox reaction from which electrons are removed.

A: reducing
The twelve-gauge copper wire is roughly cylindrical and has a diameter of approximately 0.1040 in. The density of copper is 8.92 g/cm3 and
copper atoms have an approximate atomic radius of 135 pm. What is the mass (in grams) of a 100-ft piece of copper wire?
A: 1491

Quantity used to measure distance between two points.

A: length

Quantity that measures the distance between two bodies

A: length

Made up of proton/s, neutron/s, and electron/s.

A: atom

Composed of proton/s, neutron/s, and electron/s

A: atom

This body is composed of proton/s, neutron/s, and electron/s.

A: atom

Which of the following is the lightest particle?

A: electron

Term used to refer to a charged atom.

A: ion

Which is the lightest: proton, neutron, or electron?

A: electron

Particle that contains more positive charges than negative charges.

A: cation

Particle with more positive charges than negative charges

A: cation

Science that deals with the composition of materials.

A: chemistry

Study dealing with the composition of materials

A: chemistry

What kind of acid completely dissociates when mixed with water?

A: strong

Composed of a nucleus and electron/s.

A: atom

Always has a nucleus and electron/s

A: atom

Science that deals with energy and its interactions with matter.
A: physics

Science of energy and its interactions with different materials

A: physics

Particle with more negative charges than positive ones.

A: anion

Particle having more negative charges than positive ones

A: anion

Type of bond between a cation and an anion.

A: ionic

Form of atom that is positively charged with respect to its neutral state.
A: cation

What type of bond exists between a cation and an anion?

A: ionic
Atom with a positive charge with respect to its neutral state
A: cation

Chemistry that deals with compounds with carbon

A: organic

What quantity is constant in Charles's law?

A: pressure

Formed when atoms combine through bonds.

A: molecule

How many grams is one molecule of sodium bicarbonate?

A: 84.01

What is the mass (in grams) of sodium bicarbonate?

A: 84.01

Amount of material contained by a body.

A: mass

Measurement of the amount of material in a body

A: mass

This refers to the amount of material in any given body.

A: mass

An atom that is negatively charged.

A: anion

Negatively-charged atom
A: anion

Chemistry of materials related to living tissues.

A: biochemistry
Chemistry living tissues.
A: biochemistry
This branch of chemistry is related to living tissues.
A: biochemistry

Method of comparing an unknown quantity with a known quantity

A: measurement

Process of comparing an unknown quantity with a known quantity.

A: measurement

Bond formed by the sharing of electrons between atoms.

A: covalent

Bond formed through the sharing of electrons between atoms

A: covalent

What kind of bond is formed by the sharing of electrons between atoms?

A: covalent

Comparison of something unknown with a standard.

A: measurement

Quantity used to express the amount of a substance.

A: mole

What is the percentage of hydrogen in propanoic acid?

A: 8.16

How many percent of propanoic acid is hydrogen?

A: 8.16

Quantity expressed with cubic unit.

A: volume
Three moles of methane has ____ x 1024 molecules.
A: 1.8066

Eight moles of benzene has ____ x 1024 molecules. Note: The answer must be in 4 decimal places.
A: 4.8176

Reaction wherein the anions and cations of two compounds switch places to form two entirely different compounds.
A: double replacement

This reaction involves the anions and cations of two compounds switching places to form two entirely different compounds.
A: double replacement

Uses Avogadro’s number to have a numerical value.

A: mole

Reaction that involves the transfer of protons from an acid to a base.

A: acid-base

Reaction characterized by production of a complex product from simple reactants.

A: synthesis

It is the phase in which the sister chromatid separate.

A: anaphase

What type of reaction is characterized by the production of a complex product from simple reactants?
A: synthesis

How many percent of one molecule of potassium hydroxide is oxygen?

A: 28.52

How much (in percent) of one molecule of potassium hydroxide is oxygen?

A: 28.52

This particle has more negative charges than positive ones.

A: anion
Reaction involved when a complex reactant is broken down into a simpler product.
A: (synthesis)

Reaction generally described as: AB + C AC + B

A: single replacement

This type of reaction is generally described as: AB + C -> AC + B

A: single replacement

What is the process of comparing an unknown quantity with a known quantity?

A: measurement

Chemical reaction characterized by the combination of reactants.

A: synthesis

How much volume (in L) will 0.20 mol hydrogen iodide at 300 K and 100.0 kPa occupy? Use R = 8.314 kPa*L/(K*mol) = 0.08205 atm*L/(mol*K).
A: 5

How many molecules are present in 3 moles of methanal?

A: 1.8066 x 10^24

Type of bond between an anion and a cation

A: ionic

In a titration experiment, 500 mL of gaseous hydrochloric acid at 300 K and 100 kPa dissolved in pure water is needed to neutralize 12.5 mL of
sodium hydroxide. What is the concentration of the basic solution (in mol/L)?
A: 1.60

Substance formed when atoms bond with each other

A: molecule

Identify which quantity is constant in Boyle's law.

A: temperature
What is the resulting concentration (in mol/L) of aqueous hydrochloric acid if 500 mL of its gaseous form at 300 K and 100 kPa will be dissolved
in 100 mL pure water? Use 8.314 kPa*L/(K*mol).
A: 0.200

Consider the reaction of 3.66 g of a sample containing zinc (atomic weight = 65.4) and magnesium (atomic weight = 24.3) with a dilute acid to
yield 2.470 L of hydrogen gas at 101.0 kPa and 300 K. What is the percentage of zinc in the sample?
A: 30

(2 points) Suppose 4 moles of nitrogen gas are confined to a 6.0 L container at 1770C and 12.0 atm. If the container will be allowed to
isothermally expand to 36.0 L, determine the final pressure experienced by the gas. (Express the answer in atm)
A: 2

Gas law involving constant pressure and temperature.

A: avogadro’s law

Quantities specifically used in scientific measurements


(2 points) A 60.0 liter tank of gaseous chlorine at 270C and 125 atm suddenly had a leak. When this leak was discovered, the pressure was
found to have reduced to 50 atm. Determine how many moles of chlorine escaped from the tank.
A: 187.5

Consider 6.2 liters of an ideal gas compressed at 3.0 atm and maintained at 37 degrees Celsius. Determine how many moles of this gas
are contained.
A: 0.75

One liter of an air sample at 250 degrees Celsius and 1 atm is compressed to 3 mL at a pressure of 1000 atm. Determine the temperature
of the air sample in kelvins.
A: 983

Gas law involving constant temperature.

A: Boyle's Law

Treating 50.0 mL of silver nitrate solution with excess hydrogen iodide gas produces 2.35 grams of silver iodide. Compute for the concentration
(in M) of the silver nitrate solution.
A: 0.2

(3 points) Suppose methanol will be burned in air. If 209 grams of this substance are used up in the reaction, how many grams of water are
A: 235

(2 points) Consider a 0.316 mole sample of nitrogen gas. If this is placed in a 4-L container at 315 K, what is the pressure (in torr) of the gas?
A: 1550

Which of the following atoms has the greatest number of unpaired electrons?
A: Cr

Which one of the following statements about orbitals is incorrect?

A: orbitals can hold two electrons provided they are spinning in the same direction

This type of wave has certain allowable states or energies.

A: standing

Which one of the following statements about d orbitals is incorrect?

A: d orbitals are filled before p orbitals in the same principal energy level

Electrons enter the 4s sub-level before the 3d sub-level because...

A: the 4s orbital has a lower energy

Quantum number that describes the average distance of the orbital from the nucleus.
A: principal

How many valence electrons does an electrically neutral atom of lead have?
A: 4
Which one of the following statements about s orbitals is incorrect?
A: they can only hold one electron

Smaller units that make up the sub-atomic particles of the nucleus.

A: Quarks

What alternative term do you use to refer to electron clouds or the probable path of electrons.
A: orbital

Which one of the following is not the electronic configuration of atom of a noble gas?
A: 1s22s2

Which element does not form chemical bonds more easily: gallium or nihonium?
A: nihonium

What is the classification of orbitals when they have the same energy?
A: degenerate

What is the electronic configuration of a sodium ion Na+?

A: 1s22s22p6

What is the electronic configuration of an oxide ion O2-?

A: 1s22s22p6

Higher electronegativity: niobium or tin?

A: tin

Another term for electron clouds or the approximate path followed by electrons.
A: orbital

Principle that states that it is impossible to know the exact position and momentum of an electron at the same time.
A: uncertainty principle

Which one of the following is not isoelectronic with the others?

A: Mg+ - wrong/ Ne – wrong/ F- wrong/ Na- wrong / Mg & Ne – wrong/ Mg & Na – wrong/ Mg & F – wrong/ F & Na – wrong/ F & Ne –
wrong/ Ne & Na – wrong/ Na, Ne, F – wrong/ Na, F, Mg – wrong/ Mg, F, Ne – wrong/ Mg, Na, Ne – wrong/ Mg, Na, Ne, F – wrong

This quantum number gives you an idea on the shape of the electron orbital.
A: angular momentum

Number of energy levels in an atom of tungsten

A: 6

Which element has a larger atom: technetium or gold?

A: gold

Which element forms chemical bond more easily: rutherfordium or flerovium?

A: flerovium

(2 points) A hydrogen electron moves with a velocity of 2.2 x 106 m/s in its ground state energy level. What is the de Broglie wavelength of
this particle? x 10-10 m
A: 3.3

Which statement about copper is incorrect?

A: the electronic configuration of copper atoms is 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d9

This states that it is impossible to know where and how fast an electron is at the same time.
A: uncertainty principle

Which element requires more energy to release an electron: copper or roentgenium?

A: copper

Which of the atom pairs both have only three unpaired electrons in their d orbitals?
A: V and Co

This quantum number describes how the direction of the electron along its orbit.
A: spin

Particle that is approximately as heavy as a proton but is neutrally charged.

A: neutron

An atom of meitnerium has how many energy levels?

A: 7

Which one of the following ions has an electronic configuration similar to argon?
A: Ti4+

The electronic configuration of an atom an element with atomic number 8 is...

A: 1s22s22p4

This is the basis of the assumption that electrons are added to an atom starting with the lowest energy orbital.
A: Aufbau principle

The order of filling orbitals is...

A: 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p

How many energy levels does an atom of plutonium have?

A: 7

How many valence electrons does an electrically neutral atom of thallium have?
A: 3

Number of valence electrons in an electrically neutral atom of antimony

A: 5

Lower ionization energy: sulfur or polonium?

A: polonium

Which element more easily releases an electron: technetium or indium?

A: indium

Which one of the following statements about p orbitals is incorrect?

A: they are found in all principal energy levels
What is the absolute value of the possible values for the spin quantum number of an electron?
A: ½

Higher atomic radius: chlorine or osmium?

A: osmium

Which element has a smaller atom: zirconium or tellurium?

A: tellurium

Type of ion to be formed by tin.

A: anion

Which of the following is a salt?

A: zinc selenide

Which of these compounds can conduct electricity when mixed with a solvent?
A: Lithium oxide

Type of ion assumed by a non-metal.

A: anion

Form of atom that forms ionic bonds.

A: ions

Type of ion to be formed by antimony.

A: anion

What element is the anion in sodium selenide?

A: selenium

Which among these compounds will boil first?

A: Chlorine trifluoride

Type of ion to be formed by potassium.

A: cation

Which of these compounds has weaker bonds between its component atoms?
A: Arsenic trioxide

Bond formed between a metal and a non-metal.

A: ionic

Which of the following is not a salt?

A: iodine trichloride

Which of these compounds will relatively melt first?

A: Bromine pentafluoride

What element is the cation in potassium oxide?

A: Potassium

Which of these compounds is more difficult to boil?

A: Barium Selenide

Type of ion to be formed by magnesium.

A: cation

Which of the following is not a salt?

A: carbon tetrachloride

Happens to electrons that results to formation of ionic bonds.

A: transfer

Which of these compounds can exist only in solid form?

A: Barium iodide

Which of these compounds will relatively melt last?

A: Potassium bromide
What element is the cation in sodium fluoride?
A: sodium

What element is the cation in calcium chloride?

A: calcium

What element is the anion in silver oxide?

A: oxygen

Which of these compounds has a relatively high melting point?

A: Sodium bromide

Type of ion assumed by a metal.

A: cation

Which of the following is a salt?

A: zinc fluoride

Which of these compounds can never conduct electricity even in aqueous solution?
A: Dioxygen difluoride

Happens to electrons in ionic bonding.

A: transferred

Which of these compounds has stronger bonds between its atom components?
A: Potassium chloride

All of the following compounds (in solid form) are hard EXCEPT for…
A: Ethanol

How many covalent bonds can an atom of oxygen form?

A: 6

How many dots should be around a neutral atom of tennessine?

A: 7
What type of bond can form between nitrogen and hydrogen?
A: covalent

Shows the number of valence electrons of an atom in a Lewis representation.

A: dot

Number of lone pairs around the central atom in the bent geometry of a polar compound.
A: 2

What kind of compound is chlorine trifluoride?

A: Covalent

Which element is more electronegative: tin or antimony?

A: antimony

When formed as a compound, in which of these two elements will there be more electrons: germanium or phosphorous?
A: phosphorous

What is the geometry of the non-polar covalent compound with no lone pairs around the central atom but has three bonding electron groups
A: Trigonal planar

Manner of bonding between two non-metals.

A: sharing

Kind of compound with one side positive and the other negative.
A: polar

Tendency of an atom to attract electrons in a bond.

A: electronegativity

Which of the following compounds is a good conductor of electricity when in a solution?

A: Potassium nitride
What is the bonding mechanism in ammonium sulfide?
A: transfer of electrons

Geometry of polar compound with one lone pair around the central atom.
A: pyramidal

Which of these two elements will attract electrons more than the other: nihonium or oxygen?
A: oxygen

Number of maximum valence electrons an atom can have.

A: 8

Observed in determining how many bonds an atom can have.

A: Octet rule

Which of the following molecules does not involve sharing of molecules?

A: zinc selenide

Identify which of the following compounds with boil first when heated.
A: Chlorine trifluoride

Type of bonding between molecules wherein the electrons are shared.

A: Covalent

Which compound can serve as a good insulator?

A: ozone

Representation of the number of valence electrons of the atom of an element.

A: all of the choices are correct

Which of the following is not a covalent compound?

A: zinc fluoride

What type of bond will possibly form between carbon and potassium?
A: Ionic
Which of the following is a covalent compound?
A: carbon tetrachloride

Which of the following has covalent bonds in it?

A: iodine trichloride

Identify the compound that will easily dissolve in water.

A: Zinc phosphate

Which of the following compounds melts first when subjected to the same amount of heat?
A: Carbon monoxide

What element is the anion in barium sulfide?

A: Sulfur

Identify the following compounds if they are ionic or covalent:

A: Ionic

The ability of an atom to attract electrons in the presence of another atom is a measurable property called
A: electronegativity

A set of covalently bonded atoms that have an overall charge, making them an ion.
A: Polyatomic ion

A carbon atom has fix electrons, four of which are in the outer shell of the atom, its valence shell.
A: true

It is an ion with more electrons than protons giving it a net negative charge.
A: anion

Different compounds that have the same molecular formula.

A: isomers

It is a change in the chemical bonds of one or more molecules.

A: Chemical reaction

Although each isotope has varying numbers of neutrons, there is difference to the chemical reactions of the carbon atom.
A: false

It is a substance made by combining two or more different materials in a such a way that no chemical reaction occurs.
A: mixture

What do you call two monomers that are connected?

A: Dimer

Covalent bonding can be visualized with the aid of

A: Lewis diagram

They are organic molecules consisting entirely of carbon and hydrogen, such as methane (CH4)
A: Hydrocarbons

A type of chemical bond where two atoms are connected to each other by the sharing of two or more electrons.
A: Covalent bond

A bond in which or more electrons from one atom are removed and attached to another atom resulting in positive and negative ions which
allow each other.
A: ionic bond

Organic acids that contain a carbon atom that participates in both a hydroxyl and a carbonyl functional group.
A: Carboxylic acids

They are specific atoms, ions, or groups of atoms having consistent properties.
A: Functional groups

They are specific atoms, ions, or groups of atoms having consistent properties.
A: Functional groups

This functional group is produced from the condensation of an alcohol with a carboxylic acid and is named based on these components.
A: Esters
It is a natural component of crude oil and has been classified as a carcinogen.
A: bezene

These are compounds with a nitrogen atom, a lone pair of electrons, and three substituents.
A: aminos

Class of organic compounds characterized by an oxygen atom connected to two alkyl or aryl groups.
A: esters

It is the simplest hydrocarbon molecule, with a central carbon atom bond to form different hydrogen atoms.
A: methane

This is a model that is based on the repulsive behaviour of electron-pairs.


They are formed by successive bonds between carbon atoms and may be branched or unbranched.
A: Hydrocarbon chains

It contains a carbon-carbon double bond.

A: alkenes

Having a closed ring of alternate single and double bonds with delocalized electrons.
A: Aromatic chain

Carbon atoms have six protons in the nucleus and six electrons orbiting around the nucleus.
A: true

Carbon compounds containing boron and silicon are among the hardest substances known.
A: true

Monomers covalently bonded to one another in longer chains.

A: polymers

They are organic molecules consisting entirely of carbon and hydrogen, such as methane (CH4).
A: Hydrocarbons

It refers to a specific group of atoms bonded in a certain arrangement that give a compound certain physical and chemical properties.
A: Functional groups

A smaller organic molecule that often plays its own functional roles in living organisms.
A: monomer

Identify the following compounds if they are ionic or covalent:

A: Covalent

Identify the following compounds if they are ionic or covalent:

A: Covalent

The basic geometry for a molecule containing a central atom with three pairs.
A: trigonal planar

They are classes of organic compounds that contain a carbonyl (C=0) group.
A: Aldehydes and ketones

A class of organic compounds in which the carbon atoms are arranged in an open chain.
A: Aliphatic

It is present in many biological molecules including some amino acids and most steroids, which includes cholesterol and the hormones
estrogen and testosterone.
A: Benzene ring

In this type of reaction, a water molecule is released as a product, effectively dehydrating the reactants as a larger biomolecule is
A: Dehydration synthesis

Identify the following compounds if they are ionic or covalent:

A: ionic

Identify the following compounds if they are ionic or covalent:

A: covalent

The most electronegative element

A: Fluorine

It is a dark grey crystalline solid with a purple vapour. It is very slight with soluble in water, but dissolve freely in organic solvents.
A: Iodine

They are highly acidic and almost exclusively existing in an ionized state in solutions by releasing two hydrogen ions.
A: phosphates

Carbon compounds come in the form of diamond graphite, charcoal, carbon block and fullerene.
A: true

Functional groups characterized by the presence of an “OH” group.

A: Alcohols

Reactions incorporate the atoms from a water molecule into each monomer as the chemical bond between the monomers is broken.
A: Hydrolysis

An organic compound that consist of a carbon bonded to an OH group

A: propanol
The building blocks of proteins
Carbon double bonded to oxygen
The electron cloud is divided into 7 principal energy levels numbered n=1 to n=7 with n=1 closest to nucleus. n is called
A: principal quantum number

Name the compound.

A: Silicon tetrafluoride
Name the compound. BeI2
A: Beryllium iodide

This describes the wavelike behaviour of either one electron or a pair of electrons in an atom.

Name the compound. HF

A: hydrogen monofluoride
Lipid molecules hold a large amount of energy and are energy storage molecules.
What are the atoms that have to pair to form these given chemical formulas?
KF= Potassium+fluorine
MgI2= Magnesium+iodine
AlCl3= Aluminum+chlorine
CaCl2= Calcium+chlorine
Na2O= Sodium+Oxygen

They carry genetic information in the cell. They also help in synthesis of proteins, through the process of translation and transcription.
A: Deoxyribonucleic acids
It is a type of chemical bond where a pair of electrons is unequally shared between two atoms
The ionization energy of the elements within a group generally increases from top to bottom. This is due to electron shielding.
A compound that contains COO
A: Carboxylic acid

It is found in many different compounds. It is the sixth most abundant element in the universe.
This type of compound always contains the carbon atom.
The higher the energy is, the more readily the atom becomes a cation.

Determine if the elements in the following compounds are metals or non-metals. Describe the type of bonding that occurs in the compound.
SO2 Non-metal Non-metal Ionic
MgBr2 Metal Non-metal Covalent
CaO Metal Non-metal Ionic

H2O Non-metal Non-metal Covalent

Cu - Zn alloy Metal Metal Metallic
Name the compound.K2O
A: Potassium oxide
Electronegativity is a qualitative property and there is standardized method for calculating electronegativity.
A: false
When a protein in an assembly of more than one polypeptide or subunits of its own, this is said to be the structure of protein that is
categorized as
A: Quarternary
A carboxylic acid that has a long hydrocarbon chain and derived from a natural source.
A: Fatty acid
It is a large molecule or macromolecule, composed of many repeated subunits, that is not artificially manufactured.
A: Natural Polymer

Basic component that makes up any kind of material.

A: atom

This basically makes up any kind of material

A: atom
Anything that occupies space and has mass
A: matter

What is the general term for any body that has mass and occupies space?
A: matter

General term referring to anything that occupies space and has mass
A: matter

Study of materials and its components

A: Chemistry

General term for anything with mass and has volume

A: matter

Quantities standardized for scientific use.


Smallest building block of any material

A: atom

Branch of chemistry that deals with compounds containing carbon

A: organic

Path of electron around the nucleus of an atom

A: orbit

Most basic building block of any substance

A: atom

Quantity with square unit

A: pressure

What kind of base forms hydroxide ions when mixed with water?
A: weak
Path followed by an electron around the nucleus of an atom
A: orbit

What do you call the path of an electron around the nucleus of an atom?
A: orbit
Science that deals with the chemical composition of chemical processes associated with the Earth and other planets.
A: geochemistry

Reaction involved when a complex reactant is broken down into a simpler product.
A: decomposition

What kind of reaction is involved when a complex reactant is simplified?

A: decomposition

Science dealing with the composition of processes involving the Earth and other planets
A: geochemistry

Quantity that refers to the space occupied by a body

A: volume

Quantity referring to the space occupied by a body

A: volume

Gas law involving constant pressure.

A: charle’s law

Product of the combination of atoms during chemical reactions

A: molecule

Results from the combination of atoms during chemical reactions

A: molecule

What substance results from the combination of atoms during chemical reactions?
A: molecule

Term used to refer to a charged atom

A: ion

In one molecule of water, how many percent is hydrogen?

A: 11.19

Consider one molecule of water. How many percent of this molecule is hydrogen?
A: 11.19

In the oxidation of methane alcohol in air, if 209 grams of this substance are used up, how many grams of water are produced?
A: 235

How heavy (in grams) is one molecule of ethanol

A: 46.07

Consider the burning of methanol in air. If 209 grams of methanol are used up in the combustion, how much water (in grams) is produced?
A: 235

What is the chemical reaction characterized by the union of reactants

A: synthesis

What is the chemical reaction characterized by the union of reactants?

A: synthesis

How heavy is a molecule of sodium hypochlorite? Express your answer in grams.

A: 74.44

How heavy (in grams) is one molecule of sodium hypochlorite?

A: 74.44

When burning 1200 grams of carbon, how much carbon monoxide (in grams) will be produced?
A: 2800
In the burning of 1200 grams of carbon, how many grams of carbon monoxide will be produced?
A: 2800

When 124 grams of aluminum reacts with 601 grams of Fe2O3, determine how many grams of Al2O3 are formed.
A: 234

How many molecules are in 3 moles of calcium tetrachloride?

A: 1.8066 x 10^24

In a molecule of ammonia, how many percent is nitrogen?

A: 82.24

Consider a molecule of ammonia. How many percent of this molecule is nitrogen?

A: 82.24

How heavy (in grams) is one molecule of ethanol?

A: 46.07

Consider a molecule of ethane. How many percent of ethane is carbon?

A: 79.89

In one molecule of ethane, how many percent of this molecule is carbon?

A: 79.89

In a molecule of potassium hydroxide, how many percent of this molecule is oxygen?

A: 28.52

The molecular mass of hydrochloric acid is how many grams?

A: 36.46

The mass of hydrochloric acid is how many grams?

A: 36.46

How many grams is a molecule of hydrochloric acid?

A: 36.46
How heavy is a molecule of sodium hypochlorite? Express your answer in grams
A: 74.44

How many molecules are there in 8 moles of benzoic acid?

A: 4.8176 x 10^24

Consider the reaction of 124 grams of Al with 601 grams of Fe2O3. Compute for the mass (in grams) of Al2O3 formed.
A: 234

Consider one molecule of sodium sulfate. Determine the percentage of sulfur in it.
A: 22.57

In a molecule of sodium sulfate, determine the percentage of sulfur in it.

A: 22.57

In one molecule of sodium sulfate, how many percent of it is sulfur?

A: 22.57

How many molecules are there in 0.75 mole of sodium chloride?

A: 4.5165 x 10^23

A 0.75 mole of sodium chloride has ___ x 1023 atoms. Note: The answer must be in 4 decimal places.
A: 4.5165

Find the molecular mass of hydrogen peroxide in grams?

A: 34.01

What is the molecular mass (in grams) of hydrogen peroxide?

A: 34.01

Determine the molecular mass (in grams) of dinitrogen trioxide?

A: 76.01
What is the molecular mass (in grams) of dinitrogen trioxide?
A: 76.01
How heavy (in grams) is one molecule of ethanol?
A: 46.07

How many grams is one molecule of ethanol?

A: 46.07

Suppose you want to burn 1200 grams of graphite. How much oxygen (in grams) would you need?
A: 1600

If you want to burn 1200 grams of carbon, how many grams of oxygen would you need?
A: 1600

How many grams is one molecule of calcium oxide?

A: 56.08

How heavy (in grams) is calcium oxide?

A: 56.08

How heavy (in grams) is one molecule of sulfuric acid?

A: 98.07

How many grams is a molecule of sulfuric acid?

A: 98.07

What is the mass (in grams) of sulfuric acid?

A: 98.07

Determine how many atoms of carbon dioxide does 0.55 mole of this molecule has? ____ x 1021
A: 7.53

A 0.55 mole of carbon dioxide has ___ x 1021 atoms.

A: 7.53
How many molecules does 0.55 mole of carbon monoxide has?
A: 7.53 x 10^21

What do you call the particle with more positive charges than negative charges?
A: cation

What is the molecular mass (in grams) of calcium carbonate?

A: 162.11

What do you call the agent in a redox reaction from which electrons are released?
A: reducing

Agent in a redox reaction from which electrons are removed.

A: reducing

The twelve-gauge copper wire is roughly cylindrical and has a diameter of approximately 0.1040 in. The density of copper is 8.92 g/cm3 and
copper atoms have an approximate atomic radius of 135 pm. What is the mass (in grams) of a 100-ft piece of copper wire?
A: 1491

Quantity used to measure distance between two points.

A: length

Quantity that measures the distance between two bodies

A: length

Made up of proton/s, neutron/s, and electron/s.

A: atom

Composed of proton/s, neutron/s, and electron/s

A: atom

This body is composed of proton/s, neutron/s, and electron/s.

A: atom

Which of the following is the lightest particle?

A: electron
Term used to refer to a charged atom.
A: ion

Which is the lightest: proton, neutron, or electron?

A: electron

Particle that contains more positive charges than negative charges.

A: cation

Particle with more positive charges than negative charges

A: cation

Science that deals with the composition of materials.

A: chemistry

Study dealing with the composition of materials

A: chemistry

What kind of acid completely dissociates when mixed with water?

A: strong

Composed of a nucleus and electron/s.

A: atom

Always has a nucleus and electron/s

A: atom

Science that deals with energy and its interactions with matter.
A: physics

Science of energy and its interactions with different materials

A: physics

Particle with more negative charges than positive ones.

A: anion

Particle having more negative charges than positive ones

A: anion

Type of bond between a cation and an anion.

A: ionic

Form of atom that is positively charged with respect to its neutral state.
A: cation

What type of bond exists between a cation and an anion?

A: ionic

Atom with a positive charge with respect to its neutral state

A: cation

Chemistry that deals with compounds with carbon

A: organic

What quantity is constant in Charles's law?

A: pressure

Formed when atoms combine through bonds.

A: molecule

How many grams is one molecule of sodium bicarbonate?

A: 84.01

What is the mass (in grams) of sodium bicarbonate?

A: 84.01

Amount of material contained by a body.

A: mass
Measurement of the amount of material in a body
A: mass

This refers to the amount of material in any given body.

A: mass

An atom that is negatively charged.

A: anion

Negatively-charged atom
A: anion

Chemistry of materials related to living tissues.

A: biochemistry

Chemistry living tissues.

A: biochemistry
This branch of chemistry is related to living tissues.
A: biochemistry

Method of comparing an unknown quantity with a known quantity

A: measurement

Process of comparing an unknown quantity with a known quantity.

A: measurement

Bond formed by the sharing of electrons between atoms.

A: covalent

Bond formed through the sharing of electrons between atoms

A: covalent

What kind of bond is formed by the sharing of electrons between atoms?

A: covalent
Comparison of something unknown with a standard.
A: measurement

Quantity used to express the amount of a substance.

A: mole

What is the percentage of hydrogen in propanoic acid?

A: 8.16

How many percent of propanoic acid is hydrogen?

A: 8.16

Quantity expressed with cubic unit.

A: volume
Three moles of methane has ____ x 1024 molecules.
A: 1.8066

Eight moles of benzene has ____ x 1024 molecules. Note: The answer must be in 4 decimal places.
A: 4.8176
Reaction wherein the anions and cations of two compounds switch places to form two entirely different compounds.
A: double replacement

This reaction involves the anions and cations of two compounds switching places to form two entirely different compounds.
A: double replacement

Uses Avogadro’s number to have a numerical value.

A: mole

Reaction that involves the transfer of protons from an acid to a base.

A: acid-base

Reaction characterized by production of a complex product from simple reactants.

A: synthesis
It is the phase in which the sister chromatid separate.
A: anaphase

What type of reaction is characterized by the production of a complex product from simple reactants?
A: synthesis

How many percent of one molecule of potassium hydroxide is oxygen?

A: 28.52

How much (in percent) of one molecule of potassium hydroxide is oxygen?

A: 28.52

This particle has more negative charges than positive ones.

A: anion

Reaction involved when a complex reactant is broken down into a simpler product.
A: (synthesis)

Reaction generally described as: AB + C AC + B

A: single replacement

This type of reaction is generally described as: AB + C -> AC + B

A: single replacement

What is the process of comparing an unknown quantity with a known quantity?

A: measurement

Chemical reaction characterized by the combination of reactants.

A: synthesis

How much volume (in L) will 0.20 mol hydrogen iodide at 300 K and 100.0 kPa occupy? Use R = 8.314 kPa*L/(K*mol) = 0.08205 atm*L/(mol*K).
A: 5

How many molecules are present in 3 moles of methanal?

A: 1.8066 x 10^24
Type of bond between an anion and a cation
A: ionic

In a titration experiment, 500 mL of gaseous hydrochloric acid at 300 K and 100 kPa dissolved in pure water is needed to neutralize 12.5 mL of
sodium hydroxide. What is the concentration of the basic solution (in mol/L)?
A: 1.60

Substance formed when atoms bond with each other

A: molecule

Identify which quantity is constant in Boyle's law.

A: temperature

What is the resulting concentration (in mol/L) of aqueous hydrochloric acid if 500 mL of its gaseous form at 300 K and 100 kPa will be dissolved
in 100 mL pure water? Use 8.314 kPa*L/(K*mol).
A: 0.200

Consider the reaction of 3.66 g of a sample containing zinc (atomic weight = 65.4) and magnesium (atomic weight = 24.3) with a dilute acid to
yield 2.470 L of hydrogen gas at 101.0 kPa and 300 K. What is the percentage of zinc in the sample?
A: 30

(2 points) Suppose 4 moles of nitrogen gas are confined to a 6.0 L container at 1770C and 12.0 atm. If the container will be allowed to
isothermally expand to 36.0 L, determine the final pressure experienced by the gas. (Express the answer in atm)
A: 2

Gas law involving constant pressure and temperature.

A: avogadro’s law

Quantities specifically used in scientific measurements

(2 points) A 60.0 liter tank of gaseous chlorine at 270C and 125 atm suddenly had a leak. When this leak was discovered, the pressure was
found to have reduced to 50 atm. Determine how many moles of chlorine escaped from the tank.
A: 187.5

Consider 6.2 liters of an ideal gas compressed at 3.0 atm and maintained at 37 degrees Celsius. Determine how many moles of this gas
are contained.
A: 0.75

One liter of an air sample at 250 degrees Celsius and 1 atm is compressed to 3 mL at a pressure of 1000 atm. Determine the temperature
of the air sample in kelvins.
A: 983

Gas law involving constant temperature.

A: Boyle's Law

Treating 50.0 mL of silver nitrate solution with excess hydrogen iodide gas produces 2.35 grams of silver iodide. Compute for the concentration
(in M) of the silver nitrate solution.
A: 0.2

(3 points) Suppose methanol will be burned in air. If 209 grams of this substance are used up in the reaction, how many grams of water are
A: 235

(2 points) Consider a 0.316 mole sample of nitrogen gas. If this is placed in a 4-L container at 315 K, what is the pressure (in torr) of the gas?
A: 1550

The noble gases possess very high ionization energies because of their full valence shells.

Electron affinity is a quantitative measurement of the energy change that occurs when an electron is added to a neutral gas atom.

Encircle the one that is not an example of polar compounds

A: Sulphur dioxide

This model of the atom uses complex shapes of orbitals, volumes of space in which there is likely to be an electron. This model is based on
probability rather than certainty.
A: Quantum mechanical model

They are atoms which have the same atomic number but different mass numbers.
A: isotopes

This type of polymer is derived from petroleum oil and made by scientists and engineers.
A: Synthetic

Ionization energy increases from left to right on the periodic table.

A: true

In Ionic bonds, the metal loses electrons to become a positively-charged cation, whereas the non-metal accepts those electrons to become
a negatively-charged ion.
A: true

The least electronegative atom and should be the central atom.

A: nitrogen

Name the compound.

A: Strontium oxide

This compound, usually formed by the dehydration-condensation reaction of an oxoacid, yields two molecules of the acid when it reacts
with water.
A: Acid anhydride

It is molecule that is present in living organisms, including large macromolecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids,
as well as small molecules such as primary metabolites secondary metabolites and natural products.
A: Biomolecules

Electron shielding describes the ability of an atom’s inner electrons to shield its positively-charged nucleus from its valence electrons.
A: true

In Ionic bonds, the metal loses electrons to become a positively-charged cation, whereas the non-metal accepts those electrons to become
a negatively-charged ion.
A: true

Periodic trends are specific patterns that are present in the periodic table that illustrate different aspects of a certain element, including its
size and its electronic property.
A: true

True or false: Treating employees as actual people and making them feel a sense of value make for stronger foundation of a
Answer : True
Who among the following can give feedback to an employee?
Answer : c. All of the choices
Some of the famous computer professional networks are:
Answer : b. Computer Society of the Philippines and Philippine Computer Society
It is a meeting where you receive and learn information and training on a specific subject.
Answer : c. Seminar
Analyze the diagram below to answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or categorize the causes if they are considered
problems in Materials, Measurement, Method, People, Equipment or Environment.

The problem identified in the diagram is a buggy java

Answer : program

This refers to face-to-face communication between two or more people.

Answer : c. Interpersonal
This following are all safety procedures that may be observed by a company, EXCEPT for:
Answer : c. Using faulty cable wiring all over the place
Referring to the figure below, determine if the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

The final copy of the project charter is properly named.

Answer : False

__________ report is presented through narrative, graphic or tabular information.

Answer : Printed

Answer report is presented through narrative, graphic or tabular information.

Answer : Printed

Analyze the diagram below to answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or categorize the causes if they are considered
problems in Materials, Measurement, Method, People, Equipment or Environment.

Few programmers are complaining about slow Internet connection and this affects their work. this cause is categorized in

Answer : equipment

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