Mohammad Ali Jinnah University: Financial Accounting Worksheet

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Mohammad Ali Jinnah University

Faculty of Business Administration and Social Sciences

Department of Management Sciences
Course: Financial Accounting

Financial Accounting Worksheet

Complete the following worksheet based on the lecture
material (Slides and lecture recording) shared in Google
class room.

Please fill the answers in given answer space

Part A
Multiple Choice Questions

1. The financial statement that reports the revenues and expenses for a period
of time such as a year or a month is the
A. Balance Sheet
B. Income Statement
C. Statement Of Cash Flows

Ans. B

2. The financial statement that reports the assets, liabilities, and stockholders'
(owner's) equity at a specific date is the
A. Balance Sheet
B. Income Statement
C. Statement Of Cash Flows

Ans. A

3. Under the accrual basis of accounting, revenues are reported in the

accounting period when the
A. Cash Is Received
B. Service Or Goods Have Been Delivered

Ans. B

4. Under the accrual basis of accounting, expenses are reported in the

accounting period when the
A. Cash Is Paid
B. Expense Matches The Revenues Or Is Used Up

Ans. B

5. Revenues minus expenses equals

A. Profit or loss
B. Owner's investment

Ans. A

6. Resources owned by a company (such as cash, accounts receivable,

vehicles) are reported on the balance sheet and are referred to as
A. Assets
B. Liabilities
C. Equity

Ans. A
7. Assets are usually reported on the balance sheet at which amount?
A. Cost
B. Current Market Value
C. Expected Selling Price
Ans. A

8. Obligations (amounts owed) are reported on the balance sheet and are
referred to as
A. Assets
B. Liabilities
C. Equity
Ans. B

9. Liabilities often have the word following in their account title.

A. Receivable
B. Payable
C. Relatable
Ans. B

10.Unearned Revenues is what type of account?

A. Asset
B. Liability
C. Stockholders' (Owner's) Equity
Ans. B

11.Accounting entries involve a minimum of how many accounts?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
Ans. B

12.The listing of all of the accounts available for use in a company's accounting
system is known as the
A. Chart of reference
B. Chart od accounts
C. Chart of work

Ans. B

13.Assets minus liabilities equals

A. Revenue
B. Expense
C. Stock holders equity
Ans. C

14.Which term is associated with "left" or "left-side"?

A. Debit
B. Credit
Ans. A

15.Which term is associated with "right" or "right-side"?

A. Debit
B. Credit
Ans. B
16.When cash is received, the account Cash will be
A. Debited
B. Credited
Ans. A

17.When a company pays a bill, the account Cash will be

A. Debited
B. Credited
Ans. B

18.What will usually cause an asset account to increase?

A. Debit
B. Credit

Ans. A
19.What will usually cause the liability account Accounts Payable to increase?
A. Debit
B. Credit

Ans. B
20.Entries to expenses such as Rent Expense are usually
A. Debits
B. Credits
Ans. A
21.Entries to revenues accounts such as Service Revenues are usually
A. Debits
B. Credits
Ans. B
22.A company receives $500 of cash as an additional investment in the
company by its owner, Mary Smith. The company's Cash account is
increased and Mary Smith, Capital is increased: Should the $500 entry to the
Cash account be a debit?
A. Yes
B. No
Ans. A
23.A company receives $500 of cash as an additional investment in the
company by its owner, Mary Smith. The company's Cash account is
increased and Mary Smith, Capital is increased: Should the $500 entry to
Mary Smith, Capital be a debit?
A. Yes
B. No
Ans. B

24.A company using the accrual method of accounting performed services on

account in August. The services were for $2,000 and the company gave the
customer credit terms that state the amount is to be paid to the company in
September: Assuming that the company prepares monthly income
statements, what will be the account debited for $2,000 in August.
A. Cash
B. Accounts Receivable
C. Service Revenue
2 Ans. B

25.A company using the accrual method of accounting performed services on

account in August. The services were for $2,000 and the company gave the
customer credit terms that state the amount is to be paid to the company in
September: Which account should the company credit for $2,000 in August?
A. Cash
B. Accounts Receivable
C. Service Revenue
Ans. C

26.Generally when an expense is involved in a transaction, an expense will be

A. Debited
B. Crediited
Ans. A

27.Generally when revenues are involved in a transaction, a revenue account

will be
A. Debited
B. Credited
Ans. B

28.The accountant's word to indicate that an entry will be recorded on the

leftside of an account is
A. Debit
B. Credit
Ans. B

29.A contra-asset account such as Accumulated Depreciation will likely have

which balance?
A. Debit
B. Credit
Ans. B

30.A contra-liability account such as Discount on Notes Payable will likely

have which balance?
A. Debit
B. Credit
Ans. A

Student Name: ____________________________________

Student I. D. :______________________________________
Answer Sheet for MCQs (Indicate answer by choice alphabet “A”, “B”, or “C”)

Question # Answer Question # Answer

1 16

2 17

3 18

4 19

5 20

6 21

7 22

8 23

9 24

10 25

11 26

12 27

13 28

14 29

15 30

Student Name: ____________________ Student I. D.__________________

Part B
Account Treatment Recognition
To increase the balance in the following accounts, would you debit the
account or would you credit the account
Serial # Account Debit Credit
1 Accounts payable +

2 Cash +

3 Land +

4 Accounts receivable
5 Mary Smith Capital +

6 Supplies +

7 Supplies expense +

8 Prepaid Insurance +

9 Service Revenue +

10 Mary Smith Drawing

11 Equipment
12 Unearned Revenue +

13 Furniture & fixture

14 Stationery
15 Building +

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