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Transportation Research Procedia 17 (2016) 349 – 358

11th Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries,

TPMDC 2014, 10-12 December 2014, Mumbai, India

Characterization of Bituminous Mixes Containing Harder

Grade Bitumen
Siksha Swaroopa Kara, Khusboo Arorab, ChandraKant Manib & Dr P K Jainc
Scientist, CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi-110025
Project Fellow, CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi-110025
c Chief Scientist, CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi-110025


IS:73-2013 specified four grades of bitumen such as VG-10, VG-20, VG-30 and VG-40. Indian refineries are
producing only two grades of paving bitumen such as VG-10 and VG-30, which are not adequate for prevailing climate
and traffic conditions of India. Recent Indian Road Congress standard (IRC: 37-2002) focus for use of harder grade
bitumen for better performance. Therefore, an attempt is made to develop harder grade bitumen by an alternate method
to meet the demand of the highway profession. This study deals with laboratory evaluation of binder for SHRP
performance characteristics and study of analytical properties of the mixes prepared by new harder grade bitumen.
Results of indirect tensile strength, indirect tensile strength ratio, static creep, rutting and resilient modulus are reported
in this paper. Results indicate superior performance characteristics of new binder names as VG 50 grade which meets
requirement of PG-76-22 as specified in SHRP performance based specification. It is also observed from test results
of mixes that thinner layer of bituminous binder course may be serve the intended purpose if VG 50 grade bitumen
is used.
© 2015
© 2016The
Authors. Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier B.V. B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 9999411171.


2352-1465 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
350 Siksha Swaroopa Kar et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 17 (2016) 349 – 358

Keywords:High Grade Bitumen, Complex Modulous and SHRP

1. Introduction

India is currently at a critical juncture in the history of infrastructure developments since independence, as road
construction and developmental activities are at the peak. Intensive and high value road construction
programs/schemes, under the aegis of National Highways Authority of India, National Rural Roads Development
Agency, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, State Public Works Departments, Ministry of Urban Development
and Ministry of Rural Development are currently under various stages of implementation. Flexible pavements with
bituminous surfacings are the most preferred and commonly used construction in India, because of their lower
construction cost and possibility of their up gradation through stage construction. Due to shortage of material, high
performance mixes are needed for different projects.
Bitumen is a complex material produced from crude oil; this complexity is due to the fact that bitumen comprises
numerous hydrocarbon species (Guern et al 2010 and Speight 1999). It is composed of asphaltene micelles (solid
asphaltene particles covered by a shell of resins) dispersed in a liquid phase, constituted of the remaining resins, along
with aromatics and saturates (Lesueur et al 1996 and Lesueur et al. 2009). Temperature and chemical composition
exert a very strong effect on the microstructure of bitumen and physical properties. The quality of bitumen to be used
in India is required to conform to IS:73:2012.
India consumes more than five million tons of paving bitumen in a year. Bitumen is used as binder for production of
bituminous mixes for road construction. Harder grade bitumen is used in highly stressed areas such as intersections,
roads near toll booths and truck parking lots. Due to its higher viscosity, stiffer bitumen mixes can be produced to
improve resistance to shoving and other problems associated with higher temperature and heavy traffic loads.
Therefore, attempts is made to develop harder grade bitumen by alternate method to meet the requirement of the
Industry. A laboratory investigation was undertaken for paving grade bitumen from different sources to determine
their quality and performance. The distress such as rutting can be predicted by analysis of the rheological
characteristics and performance testing of bituminous binders (Roberts et al. 1996 and Soleymani et al.2004). Studies
have already completed on development of harder grade bitumen and on its rheological properties to address
performance parameters such as safety, workability, rutting, thermal cracking and fatigue cracking (Arora et al.2014).
The objective of this study is evaluation of laboratory performance of the mixes prepared by newly developed harder
bitumen and their implications on thickness of bituminous layers.

2. Experimental Study
2.1 Materials
Harder grade bitumen was developed by blending softer grade bitumen(VG-10) and a specific vacuum residue (VR).
VG-10 was used as feed stock in this study . Properties of VG-10 and VR are given in Table 1 and 2 respectively. The
mineral aggregate was obtained from a local quarry and the results of the various tests conducted on the aggregates
are reported in Table 3.
Table 1: Properties of bitumen (VG 10) used in the present study

Properties Test Method Value Specified value (IS:73:2013)

Penetration, 0.1mm, (25°C, 100 g, 5s) IS 1203 81 80(Min.)
Softening point (Ring and Ball), °C IS 1205 44 40(Min.)
Ductility at 25°C ,cm IS 1208 100+ 75(Min.)
Specific gravity , g/cc at 25̊C IS 1202 1.001 0.99 (Min)
Viscosity at 60°C,Poise IS 1206 1150 800-1200
Viscosity at 135°C, cSt IS 1206 400 250(Min.)
Siksha Swaroopa Kar et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 17 (2016) 349 – 358 351

Table 2: Properties of VR

Properties Test Method Value

Penetration, (25°C, 100 g, 5s), 0.1 mm IS 1203 10

Softening point (Ring and Ball), °C IS 1205 62

G*/sinδ at 82°C,kPa ASTM D 7175 2.19

Viscosity at 135°C, cSt IS 1206 1350

Table 3. Properties of mineral aggregates

Properties Test Method Value MoRTH ,2001
Aggregate Impact Value, % IS 2386 (Part IV) 22 30 max
Water Absorption Value, % IS 2386 (Part III) 0.7 2 max

Specific Gravity IS 2386 (Part II) 2.66 2.5-3.0

Combined (EI + FI) Index, % IS 2386 (Part I) 26 30 max

Stripping, % Min retained coating IS 6241 98 95

El: Elongation Index FI: Flakiness Index

3. Methods
3.1 Preparation of harder grade bitumen

VG 10 bitumen was heated to a temperature of 160°C in a glass beaker and VR heated to a temperature of 180°C was
then added to the melted VG 10 bitumen. VG 10 and VR were blended together in the ratio of 52:48. Contents were
then blended by high shear stirrer at specific rpm for 2 hrs at a temperature of 160°C till a homogenous blend was
obtained. The properties of the available and new harder grade bitumen are given in Table 4 and Table 5 respectively.
The new harder grade blend is designated as HGB(VG:30) in the present study and this binder is meeting tentative
requirement of SHRP specifications for performance grade bitumen.
352 Siksha Swaroopa Kar et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 17 (2016) 349 – 358

Table 4 Properties of available harder grade bitumen

Properties Test Method VG-30 VG-40

Penetration, 0.1mm, (25°C, 100 g, 5s) IS 1203 47 42

Softening point (Ring and Ball), °C IS 1205 50.6 54

Viscosity at 60°C, Poise IS 1206 3230 4325

Viscosity at 135°C, cSt IS 1206 525 625

Fail Temp,°C ASTM D 7175 70 73


Fail Temp,°C ASTM D 7175 72 74


Fail Temp,°C ASTM D 7175 18 20


Bending Beam Rheometer Test, ASTM D 6648 -14 -13

Temp ̊C

Table 5: Properties of new harder grade bitumen(HGB)

Properties Test Method Value Limits Tentative

Penetration, 0.1mm, (25°C, 100 g, 5s) IS 1203 25 20-40
Softening point (Ring and Ball), °C IS 1205 56 55 min
Viscosity at 60°C, Poise IS 1206 5027 5000±1000
Viscosity at 135°C, cSt IS 1206 645 750 cSt max
Fail Temp,°C ASTM D 7175 76 76C min
Fail Temp,°C ASTM D 7175 77 76C max

* SHRP PG-76-22 specification

3.2 Design of Mixture

Grading of aggregate as per specification of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways Specification (MoRTHS,
2001) used for design of 50 mm thick dense bituminous macadam is given in Table 6. For the preparation of
bituminous mixtures, aggregate was heated to 160 ºC in a pan for about 30minutes and requisite quantity of bitumen
at 174̊ C was then added to heated aggregate. Then bitumen is added (at optimum bitumen content of 4.6% by weight
of aggregates). The designed DBM mixes were prepared in a laboratory mixer. Samples were prepared using the
Siksha Swaroopa Kar et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 17 (2016) 349 – 358 353

Marshall method (ASTM D 1559) by application of 75 blows on both faces. The properties of the designed DBM
mixture are given in Table 7.

Table 6: Gradation of DBM Mixes

Sieve Size mm Cumulative % Specified Grading

37.5 100 100
26.5 95 90-100
19 83 71-95
13.2 68 56-80
4.75 46 38-54
2.36 35 25-42
0.3 14 21-42
0.075 5 2-8

Table 7: Properties of Mix at optimum bitumen content

Properties Method DBM

Bulk Density, g/cm3 ASTMD2726 2.43
Air Voids, % ASTMD3203 3.91
Bitumen Content, % ASTMD 3203 4.6
Marshall Stability kN, 60ºC ASTMD 1559 21.25
Marshall Flow, mm at 60ºC ASTMD 1559 3.2
Marshall Quotient,kN/mm Stability/Flow 6.64
Tensile Strength Ratio,% ASTM D 1075 81.74
Stiffness Modulus MPa, 35ºC ASTM D 4123 2868

3.3 Testing of mixes

3.3.1 Indirect tensile strength (ITS) test

Indirect tensile strength test is useful to evaluate resistance of compacted bituminous mixture to cracking as well
as sensitivity of mixture to moisture damage. To identify whether the coating of bitumen binder and aggregate is
susceptible to moisture damage, Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) is determined according to AASHTO T 283. TSR is
the ratio of average indirect tensile strength of conditioned specimens to the indirect tensile strength of unconditioned
specimens. The conditioned specimens (set of three specimens) were placed in a water bath maintained at 60°C for
24 hours and then placed in an environmental chamber maintained at 25°C for two hours. These conditioned specimens
were tested for their tensile strength. The failure load was recorded and the indirect tensile strength ( St ) was calculated
using following Equation (1)
‫ݏ‬௧ ൌ ሺͳሻ
354 Siksha Swaroopa Kar et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 17 (2016) 349 – 358

Where, P is the load (kg), d is the diameter in cm of the specimen; t is the thickness of the specimen in cm. The Tensile
Strength Ratio (TSR) of specimen was computed by considering Equation (2).
ܴܶܵ ൌ ൬ ൰ ‫ͲͲͳ כ‬ሺʹሻ
Where TSR is tensile strength ratio ܵ௧௖ average indirect tensile strength of conditioned specimens and ܵ௧௨௖ is indirect
tensile strength of unconditioned specimen

3.3.2 Resistance to deformation

The aspect of deformation at high temperature has been investigated by conducting rutting and creep tests.

(a) Rut depth studies by wheel tracking test

Rutting is an important parameter for evaluation of performance of a bituminous mixture. To check the rutting
resistance of the DBM mixtures, tests were performed using a Wheel Tracking Device (WTD), which is a destructive
test and involves direct contact between the loaded wheel and the rectangular test specimens. The test was conducted
on prepared slab specimens of 300*300*50 mm at optimum binder content. The test was conducted as per BS: 598-
1998. The test applied 20,000 passes at 45 °C and resulting rut depth was measured.

(b) Creep Test

In the Dynamic creep test, an axial load is applied dynamically to the test specimen throughout the duration of the
test. The Dynamic creep test was performed on Universal Testing Facility (UTM). The test was conducted as per
NCHRP 9-19 (unconfined). During the test, a cyclic stress of 69 kPa was applied with a seating stress of 11 kPa and
haversine pulse is applied with loading width of 0.1 s followed by a rest period of 0.9 s. A maximum of 10000 load
cycles were applied and accumulated permanent strain was recorded.

3.3.3 Resilient modulus (MR) test

Resilient Modulus (M R) is one of the most important mechanistic properties of bituminous mixtures. To check the
effect of binder rheology on the resilient modulus values at different temperatures, the repeated loading indirect tensile
test on compacted bituminous mixtures was performed as per ASTM D-4123. The test was conducted by applying the
compressive load in the form of haversine wave at 25°, 35°, and 45°C for three DBM mixtures containing VG-30,VG
40 and Harder grade. The specimens were conditioned for 5 hr in the environmental chamber at the given temperature
and then subjected to repeated loading pulse width of 100 ms, and pulse repetition period of 1000 ms.

4. Results and Discussion

4.1 Properties of Harder Grade Bitumen

Rheology, by definition, involves the study of the flow properties of time and temperature dependent visco-elastic
materials, such as bitumen, that are stressed (usually under shear stress or extensional stress) through the application
of force (Bernes 1989, Aiery et al 1997, Saley et al. 2007). In Table 7 storage modulus (G’) and the complex modulus
(G*) are shown at 600C. HGB shows higher value of G*/sinδ compared to available harder grade binder. This indicates
that the stiffness of the HGB is high compared to available VG 30 bitumen. As previously mentioned, G* is measure
for overall resistance of the binder to flow, while G’ is an indicator how much binder can recover after having been
loaded. Hence good rutting resistance is expected if both G* and G’ are large. From Table 8, it can be seen that harder
grade bitumen has 3.3 and 6.4 times higher values of complex modulus and storage modulus respectively showing
higher rutting resistance over the base binder.
Siksha Swaroopa Kar et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 17 (2016) 349 – 358 355

Table 8 G*, G*/sinδ and G’ value at 60 0C

Binder Type G* (kPa) G' (kPa)

VG-10 2.24 0.14
VG-30 4.96 0.33
VG-40 5.14 0.49
HGB 7.61 0.89

4.2 Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR)

Results of tensile strength and TSR of VG 30 and harder grade bitumen are given in Table 9 and plotted in Figure 1.
Results indicate that tensile strength of harder grade bitumen is much higher than VG 30 bitumen. TSR values of VG
30 and Harder Grade Bitumen are 85 and 81.7% respectively. The tensile strength ratio values are found greater than
80 percent indicating acceptable resistance to moisture damage for bituminous mixtures and containing harder grade
Table 9 Results of Dry Tensile strength, Wet Tensile strength and TSR.
Average tensile strength of the Average tensile strength of the
Binder content type TSR(%)
conditioned sample(Mpa) dry sample(Mpa)
VG-10 0.783 0.652 83
VG-30 0.809 0.948 84
HGB 0.860 1.052 82

Indirect Tensile Strength Ratio






VG-30 Harder grade
Bituminous Mixes

Figure 1 Tensile strength Ratio of Bituminous Mixes

4.3 Dynamic Creep Test

356 Siksha Swaroopa Kar et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 17 (2016) 349 – 358

The test was conducted with harder grade bitumen at different temperatures such as 350C and 450C and the results for
the total permanent strain (%) are plotted in Fig.2. Significant creep deformation is lower at temperature 350C
compared to higher temperature. Total permanent deformation at 350C and 450C are 0.28 and 0.41 respectively.
Similarly deformation is lower for HGB compared to VG 30. Total permanent deformation after 3600 cycles are given
in Table 10 for VG 30 and HGB.

Table 10 Dynamic Creep results of harder grade bitumen and VG 30 at different temperature

Binder content type Temperatures

350C 450C
HGB 0.28 0.41
VG 30 0.37 0.52



Total permanent straion,%



0.2 Creep at 35C

Creep at 45C



0 1000 2000 3000 4000
No. of Cycles

Fig.2 Dynamic Creep results of harder grade bitumen at different temperature

4.4 Resilient Modulus Test (MR)

Results of the test conducted by applying the compressive load in the form of haversine wave at 25°C, 35°C and 45
°C for VG 30 and new Harder Grade Bitumen are given in Table 11. At 350C, MR value for harder grade bitumen is
nearly 2.9 times higher than the VG 30. Resilient modulus values of harder grade bitumen are found higher than the
conventional VG 30 bitumen at the temperature range of 25°C to 45°C. Higher values of resilient modulus values
indicate that they are resistance to rutting at high pavement temperature. These findings indicate that higher grade
bitumen are substitute for better performance of bituminous base course and their thickness can also be reduced.
Table 11 Resilient Modulus Values of different grade and HGB at different temperature
Temperature (0C) VG 10 VG 20 VG 30 VG 40 HGB
25 4210 8046 9651 12847 12900
35 811 1282 1789 2584 3280
Siksha Swaroopa Kar et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 17 (2016) 349 – 358 357

45 433 468 700 825 900

4.5 Rut Depth Studies

The rut depths of different DBM mixtures are given in Table 12. It can be seen from the data given in Table 10 that
rutting is high in case of VG 30 compared to Harder Grade Bitumen.

Table-12 Rut Depth Results

Bitumen Type Rutting(in mm) after 20,000 cycles

HGB 4.0
VG-30 4.8
VG 10 6.2

4.6 Effect of Harder Grade bitumen on thickness design

IRC:37-2012 specify guidelines for design of flexible pavement layers. For a compacted soil of CBR 8 projected
traffic of 150 msa and design life of 20 years, the computed thickness of pavement are 200 mm GSB, 250 mm WMM,
135 mm DBM and 50 mm BC. The values of εt and εc are given in Table 13:

Table 13 The values of εt and εc are as under:

Bitumen Grade MR εt εc Thickness of

VG 20 1400 231 307 135
VG 30 1700 210 294 125
VG 40 2300 180 273 115
HGB 3300 147 248 105

The thickness of DBM may be reduced upto 30 mm using VG 50(PG-76-22) bitumen based upon pavement analysis
by IIT Pave.

5 Conclusion

The following conclusions are drawn from the study.

i. Results indicate that harder grade bitumen can be prepared by blending VG 10 and vacuum residue.
ii. Harder Garde Bitumen shows higher resistance to rutting at high temperature showing higher value of
resilient modulous. At 350C, MR value for harder grade bitumen is nearly 2.9 times higher than the
conventional VG 30.
iii. Performance studies results indicate that higher grade bitumen is substitute for better performance of
bituminous base course.


The authors would like to thank Dr. S. Gangopadhyaya Director CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, NewDelhi for
358 Siksha Swaroopa Kar et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 17 (2016) 349 – 358

permission to publish this paper.

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