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ASTM Reference Guide

ASTM C881: Standard Specification for Epoxy Resin Based Bonding Systems for Concrete

Seven types of epoxy system are defined, based on the application:

Type I: For Bonding Hardened Concrete to Hardened Concrete (non-load bearing)

Type II: For Bonding Fresh Concrete to Hardened Concrete (non-load bearing)

Type III: Bonding Skid-Resistant Materials to Hardened Concrete (low modulus)

Type IV: Bonding Hardened Concrete to Hardened Concrete (load bearing)

Type V: Bonding Fresh Concrete to Hardened Concrete (load bearing)

Type VI: Bonding and Sealing Pre-Cast Elements with Internal Tendons and Span by Span Erection

Type VII: Sealing Segmental Pre-Cast Elements

The epoxy is characterized by viscosity into three grades:

Grade 1: Low Viscosity (2,000 cp maximum)

Grade 2: Medium Viscosity (2,000 – 10,000 cp)

Grade 3: Non-Sag

Use temperature is defined by classes:

Class A: For use below 40°F

Only defined for Types I through V
Class B: For use between 40°F and 60°F

Class C: For use above 60°F

Class D: For use between 40°F and 65°F

Only defined for Types VI and VII
Class E: For use between 60°F and 80°F

Class F: For use between 75°F and 90°F

ASTM C 1059: Standard Specification for Latex Agents for Bonding Fresh To Hardened

Type I (Redispersable) latex bonding agents are restricted for use in interior work not subject to water
immersion or high humidity

Type II (Non-redispersable) latex bonding agents may be used for areas subject to high humidity or immersion
in water as well as in dry areas

ASTM C 309 Standard Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing

The physical appearance of the curing compound is described by three types:

Type 1 The curing compound is clear or translucent without dye

Type 1-D The curing compound is clear or translucent with fugitive dye

Type 2 The curing compound is white pigmented

The type of “solids” in the curing compound is characterized into one of the following classes:

Class A No restrictions on the type of solids

Class B Solids must be a resin (NO wax based solids)

ASTM C 1315 Standard Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds Having

Special Properties for Curing and Sealing Concrete

The physical appearance of the curing and sealing compound is described by two types:

Type I The curing and sealing compound is clear or translucent

Type II The curing and sealing compound is white pigmented

The tendency for the curing and sealing compound to yellow or discolor upon exposure to UV light is
classified as follows:

Class A curing and sealing compounds are essentially non-yellowing

Class B curing and sealing compounds are for applications where moderate yellowing is not prohibited

Class C curing and sealing compounds are for use where significant color change is acceptable
ASTM C 1107 Standard Specification for Packaged Dry, Hydraulic-Cement Grout (Non-Shrink)

Prior to 2005, ASTM C 1107 specified three grade classifications for non-shrink grout:

Grade A Pre-Hardening Volume-Adjusting

Grade B Post-Hardening Volume-Adjusting
Grade C Combination Volume-Adjusting

In 2005 the grading classifications were removed from ASTM C 1107. However, many project
specifications have not been updated and still refer to these three grades. The current ASTM C 1107
requires that all non-shrink grouts undergo the same testing and comply with the same requirements.
Therefore, there are no grades in the current C 1107 specification.

ASTM C 920 Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants

Sealant types are characterized by number of components:

Type S Single component, typically air or moisture cured

Type M Two or more components, chemically cured

Grades are classified by viscosity:

Grade P Pourable sealant, also referred to as self-leveling

Grade NS Non-sag sealants

Sealant classes are defined by their ability to withstand movement:

Class 12-½ Capable of handling movement (contraction or expansion) of 12.5% of the original joint width

Class 25 Capable of handling movement (contraction or expansion) of 25% of the original joint width

Class 35 Capable of handling movement (contraction or expansion) of 35% of the original joint width

Class 50 Capable of handling movement (contraction or expansion) of 50% of the original joint width

Class 100/50 Capable of handling movement of 50% contraction and 100% expansion
ASTM C 928 Standard Specification for Packaged, Dry, Rapid-Hardening Cementitious
Materials for Concrete Repairs

Three types (R1, R2, and R3) of packaged, dry, rapid-hardening cementitious materials are classified
by physical and performance properties:

Material Property R1 R2 R3

Compressive 3 hrs: 500 psi 3 hrs: 1000 psi 3 hrs: 3000 psi
1 day: 2000 psi 1 day: 3000 psi 1 day: 5000 psi
Strength 7 days: 4000 psi 7 days: 4000 psi 7 days: 5000 psi
28 days: greater than 7 day 28 days: greater than 7 day 28 days: greater than 7 day
Slant Shear Bond
Strength 1 day: 1000 psi, 7 days: 2500 psi

Length Change From 3 hrs to 28 days in water: less than or equal to +0.15% change
From 3 hrs to 28 days in air: less than or equal to -0.15% change
Scaling Resistance Max visual rating: 2.5; Max scaled material: 5 kg/m2
Consistency Slump: 3 inches Slump: 3 inches
Flow: 100% 15 min after adding mix liquid Flow: 100% 5 min after adding mix liquid

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