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Table of Contents

 Lesson 1: What is BIM? An introduction

At the end of this lesson you will be familiar with the definition of BIM and what BIM
means in the context of an architectural software.

1. Definitions

 Lesson 2: The ARCHICAD interface

At the end of this lesson you will be familiar navigating in ARCHICAD and looking for
the right tools at the right places.

1. Opening the file

2. A closer look at the interface

 Lesson 3: Navigation in ARCHICAD

At the end of this lesson usage of basic navigation tools and recognizing the
Navigator's setup will become part of your skillset.

1. Navigate the floor plan

2. Navigating the 3d model
3. Model views

 Lesson 4: External Structures

At the end of this lesson placing singular elements with high precision or placing
series of elements will become familiar.

1. Elements Placement
2. Creating a Curtain Wall System
3. Modifying Curtain Walls
4. Creating Stories
5. Creating a Flat Roof
6. Creating Parapet Walls
7. Placing a Stair
 Lesson 5: Internal Structures
At the end of this lesson you will have created an interior layout with editing internal
partitions and using library elements.

1. Creating Interior Walls

2. Placing Doors
3. Mirroring Doors
4. 3D Library Parts
5. Merging Files

 Lesson 6: Dimensioning
At the end of this lesson basic documentation will be under your belt.

1. Manual Dimensions
2. Automatic Dimensions
3. Creating Section Viewpoints
4. Elevation Dimensions

 Lesson 7: Visualization
At the end of this lesson you will be able to create different basic 3D representations
and renderings of your ARCHICAD project.

1. Rendering
2. Inserting Background Images
3. Placing 2D Objects
4. Creating 3D Documents
5. 3D Styles

 Lesson 8: Layouting
At the end of this lesson you will be ready to publish your first layout!!!

1. Layouting

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