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Hypocrisy they may not agree with to make money, I’m

not saying it’s right but that’s their livelihood.

1. Hi, my name is Johanna Cloutman and I'm a
But for the average person, like you and me,
massive hypocrite. Being a hypocrite means
there really is no good reason for our
that you have a moral double standard, you
hypocritical status (stay-tis).
believe that it’s ok for you to do or say one
thing but demean others when they do
something similar. Let’s use lying as an
4. The second kind of hypocrite is one we all know
example, I mean most of us here believe that
very well, the everyday hypocrite. People like
lying is wrong, right?
me and you who tend to just accept the fact
that we’re hypocrites. Now, I don’t want to just
assume all of us here are hypocrites, so let’s do
Then why is it that we believe lying is ok if it’s for a
a quick yes or no quiz, I’ll ask some questions
good reason? We wouldn’t condone lying about
and just think to yourself whether it applies to
where you were if the police were questioning you
you. Let’s start: do you give advice to others,
yet, we think it’s ok to tell someone their food is
but fail to follow this advice yourself? Do you
good, when we really hate it. Yes, we’re all guilty of
try volunteer others, when you yourself would
a little hypocrisy, whether we were on the
never volunteer? Do you act different in public
receiving end or we were the ones being
than you do in your own home? Do you excuse
hypocritical, but the real question you should be
your friend’s behaviours, but hold others up to
asking yourself is, am I a hypocrite? There are 2
a higher standard? And finally, do you believe
kinds of hypocrites that I’m sure all of us here have
that everybody should be kind to one another,
experienced, the first being the social media
but it’s ok if you make a few comments about
others behind their backs, I mean it’s only the
truth isn’t it?
3. Raise your hand if you have any form of social
media; I’m talking Instagram, snapchat, If you answered yes to any of these questions,
YouTube, or even Facebook. Ok, you can put then great, admitting your hypocrisy is the first
your hands down, my question for you is, does step to self-help and moral enlightenment. If
what you post on social media reflect your real you answered no to all of these questions, well
life? Now, this may sound like a dumb question, then sadly it is my job to inform you that you
because of course we only post the highlights are in fact a hypocrite, no point sugar coating
of our lives, nobody wants to scroll through it, research has shown that the average person
Instagram and read about everyone else’s makes a hypocritical statement at least twice a
problems. The social media hypocrite shows day. Examples of the everyday hypocrite can be
the world a version of themselves which really seen in, well everyday life. Common examples
doesn’t exist. They portray a life that they’re of how hypocrisy applies to our lives can be
not really living. found on the roads. Raise your hand here if you
can drive. Now, take a moment and think of
when you first started driving, you weren’t
Now, maybe your starting to realize that you perfect and let’s be honest you probably made
yourself are a social media hypocrite, I know I a few mistakes. So why is it now, when
did, which begs to question, why? To impress someone in front of us makes a mistake, we’re
others, to feel better about yourselves, to be quick to judge or express our anger?
someone you’re not, these are just a few
reasons why we post what we post. I mean why
do we feel the need to make our lives seem 5. Thankfully for us, being hypocritical is not
perfect for everyone else’s viewing pleasure? regarded as a mental disorder, instead it’s seen
The concept of celebrities being hypocritical as more of a common human trait. According
online makes sense, for example, Kim to psychologist Robert Kurzban, hypocrisy is a
Kardashian endorses products she don’t use result of specialized units in our dorsal cortex
herself. Celebrities need to promote things that and anterior insula, not working together as
they should, meaning the balance breaks down,
causing people to develop contradictory
beliefs. Though being hypocritical does not Hypocrisy is woven so deep into our society
directly impact us physically, it may lead to our that most of us don’t even notice when we’re
peers viewing us in a negative manner, being hypocritical. I mean how hypocritical is it
therefore affecting our relationships with those of me to come up here and preach hypocrisy to
around us. We all know that feeling when you, when I know full well everything I’ve said
someone acts like we’re in the wrong for doing here today applies to me. Being a hypocrite is
something and then goes around and does it in our human nature, it’s just another way we
themselves? Like when someone who has the lie to ourselves, so why bother trying to
occasional cigarette tells a regular smoker to change? Yes, hypocrisy in large doses can be
quit. Well, it’s this feeling that eventually leads problematic, especially for relationships, but
to resentment, friction between friends, which that doesn’t mean we should try to change
may spiral into larger issues such as the human nature and eliminate our hypocritical
relationship falling apart, all as a result of side. At the end of the day, small displays of our
someone’s hypocrisy. hypocrisy can help us grow as people, so as
long as we’re not hurting others, why try fix
I’ve been standing up here for the past 4 what’s not broken?
minutes preaching the issues with hypocrisy
and so it would be hypocritical of me not to At the beginning of this topic I asked you
show you both sides of the story. The truth is... whether you were a hypocrite and now, I hope
There are times that it is good to be a you can see that the answer is yes. Because we
hypocrite. Yes ik, my reaction of shock horror are all hypocrites. You, me, the person sitting
was the same as you, but there is actual beside you. Hypocrisy isn't negative, but
scientific proof that certain aspects of hypocrisy instead, is something we can all work on.
can elicit a positive change in behaviour. Because when we close the distance between
what we say and what we do, not only are we
In 1994 an experiment was conducted, where less hypocritical, but we are able to build
a group of college students were told to record stronger, better relationships with not just the
a speech preaching the idea that condoms people around us, but ourselves. As Germany
should be used every time people have sex. Kent says, “When you know better, you do
After the speech, the students were questioned better. ”That being said, I truly believe that
about their own unsafe sex experiences, and acknowledging our hypocritical ways is the only
then they were then sent out to buy condoms way forward.
for themselves. As a result, we were able to see
that those who had publicly announced their
positive attitude towards safe sex and then
thought about their hypocritical failures on
having safe sex, purchased more condoms than
participants who had not. This experiment
shows that in order to avoid feeling
inconsistent, people who are led to see their
own hypocrisy tend to change their behaviours.
Long story short, in order to avoid being seen
as an arsehole, we try to line up our beliefs
with what we say to one another and it is our
awareness of our hypocrisy which ironically
makes us less hypocritical.

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