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“Medical store management system”


Rutuja Limkar (25)

Sejal Thorat (14)

Ashutosh Salave (61)

Under Guidance of -
Ms. D. P. Bhosale

Diploma Course in Computer Technology

(As per directives of I Scheme, MSBTE)

Sinhgad Technical Education Society’s


PUNE - 411041


Maharashtra State
Board of technical Education

This is to certify that Ms. Rutuja Ravikiran Limkar with Roll
No. 25 of Fifth Semester of Diploma in Computer Technology of
Institute Sou. Venutai Chavan Polyechnic (Code : 0040) has
successfully completed the Micro-Project in Software Testing
(22518) for the academic year 2020-2021.

Place: SVCP, Pune Enrollment No:1900400257

Date: Exam Seat No:

Ms. D P Bhosale Mrs. A V Kurkute Dr. (Mrs) M S Jadhav

Subject Teacher Head of Principal
Maharashtra State
Board of technical Education

This is to certify that Ms. Sejal Ganesh Thorat with Roll No. 14
of Fifth Semester of Diploma in Computer Technology of
Institute Sou. Venutai Chavan Polyechnic (Code : 0040) has
successfully completed the Micro-Project in Software Testing
(22518) for the academic year 2020-2021.

Place: SVCP, Pune Enrollment No:1900400250

Date: Exam Seat No:

Ms. D P Bhosale Mrs. A V Kurkute Dr. (Mrs) M S Jadhav

Subject Teacher Head of Principal
Maharashtra State
Board of technical Education

This is to certify that Mr. Ashutosh Salave with Roll No. 61 of
Fifth Semester of Diploma in Computer Technology of Institute
Sou. Venutai Chavan Polyechnic (Code : 0040) has successfully
completed the Micro-Project in Software Testing (22518) for the
academic year 2020-2021.

Place: SVCP, Pune Enrollment No:1410820112

Date: Exam Seat No:

Ms. D P Bhosale Mrs. A V Kurkute Dr. (Mrs) M S Jadhav

Subject Teacher Head of Principal


1 Rationale 3

2 Aim of the Micro-Project 3

3 Course Outcomes Addressed 3

4 Literature Review 3

5 Actual Methodology Followed 7

6 System Testing 8

7 Actual Resources Used 10

8 Skills Developed 10

9 Applications of Micro Project 10

Medical store management system

Annexure - I

Part A - Micro-Project Proposal

“Medical store management system”

1.0 Aim of the Micro-Project -

The aim of Microproject is to prepare report on Medical store management system.

2.0 Intended Course Outcomes -

b) Prepare the test cases for different types and levels of testing.

3.0 Proposed methodology -

The project aims is to is to prepare report on Medical store management system in the
following format:

Step I :- Searched and Selected the topic for micro project.

Step II :- Discussed about the microproject.
Step II :- Distributed the work accordingly.
Step III :- Collected and gathered the required data.
Step IV :- Prepared the test cases.
Step V :- We Process information in one document
Step VI :- We Consulted with our subject teacher.

4.0 Action Plan

Name of responsible
Planned Planned
Details of Activity Team members
No. Start Date Finish Date

Rutuja Limkar
Searched and selected the topic for
1 02/09/2020 08/09/2020
microproject. Sejal Thorat
Rutuja Limkar
2 Discussed about the micro project. 09/09/2020 15/09/2020
Sejal Thorat
Rutuja Limkar
3 Distributed the work accordingly. 16/09/2020 22/09/2020
Sejal Thorat

Collected and gathered the Rutuja Limkar

4 23/09/2020 30/09/2020
required data. Sejal Thorat

Department of Computer Technology academic year 2020-21 1

Medical store management system

Create the data flow diagram Rutuja Limkar

5 03/10/2020 09/10/2020
(DFD) Sejal Thorat

Study the working of Model used Rutuja Limkar

6 10/10/2020 16/10/2020
in microproject. Sejal Thorat

Rutuja Limkar
7 Study various testing levels. 02/11/2020 09/11/2020
Sejal Thorat

Prepared the test cases for selected Rutuja Limkar

8 23/11/2020 29/11/2020
microproject. Sejal Thorat
Rutuja Limkar
Analyze the report and make
9 06/12/2020 12/12/2020 Sejal Thorat
changes if required.
Ashutosh Salave
Rutuja Limkar
Edited and prepared the final
10 14/12/2020 21/12/2020 Sejal Thorat
Ashutosh Salave

5.0 Resources Required -

Sr. No. Name of Resource Specifications

1 Computer system Processor i7 RAM-8GB

2 Operating System Windows 10

3 Software Microsoft word, Microsoft Excel

Team Members
Roll No. Name

25 Rutuja Limkar

14 Sejal Thorat

61 Ashutosh Salave

Department of Computer Technology academic year 2020-21 2

Medical store management system

Annexure – II

Micro-Project Report
“Medical store management system”

6.0 Rationale –
Medical shop management requires user entry of container and product dimensions,
together with information on weight and orientation constraints. It implements the storage
and retrieval system of day-to-day activities which involves daily transaction report,
monthly wise report on goods delivered, enquires which enables us to provide efficient
and accurate methods of organizing and accessing different types of information.

In-built database facilities for up to 50 containers and 4000 products are provided so that
input into these screens can be carried out with minimal effort. If information for a
particular product code is already held in the 4000 product database then this is
automatically entered into the appropriate fields. The first option will attempt to pack as
much of the medicines using any of the packing methods available to medical shop
management. This may be a loading from the floor or from the end of the container. The
second and third options are self explanatory and the one most appropriate to the practical
circumstances should be selected.

7.0 Aim of the Micro-Project –

The aim of Microproject is to prepare report on Medical store management system.

8.0 Course Outcomes Achieved –

b) Prepare the test cases for different types and levels of testing.

9.0 Literature Review-

In this system, the management needs not to keep any type of registers, which they use
to keep in old one. They have work only with one computer. All the details are stored
in computer files. The dual entries are done very quickly as entry in one file only, affects
the other file where it has to record. In the way there is no need to record the computer
The working through registers system is not only very laborious and time consuming,

Department of Computer Technology academic year 2020-21 3

Medical store management system

but there are number of errors found. In comparison to old system the proposed system
of computer processes many advantages.

• Accuracy
• Security
• Time Saving
• Perform Repetitive Task Very Well
• Low Cost
• Easy Maintenance
• Easy Modification
• Attractive and Status

9.0.1 Module Description

1. Purchase Item -The medicines been purchased by the medical shop, the details are
recorded in the Purchase Item. Some of the details been recorded by the Medical
shop agent is the agency from which the medicines are bought, item details such as
item type, item name, quantity, manufacturing date, expiry date etc. The operations
that are been performed here: To add new records into the database, to modify an
already existing record in the database , to search a record and delete a record from
the database.

2. Sales Item- The medicines been sold out by the medical shop, the details are
recorded in the Sales Item. Some of the details been recorded by the Medical shop
agent is the agency or the customer and their respective address to whom the
medicines are sold, item details such as item type, item name, quantity,
manufacturing date, expiry date etc. The operations that are been performed here:
To search a record in the database and delete a record from the database.

3. Item Details -The medicine details such as name of the medicine, bill number,
manufacturing date, expiry date, price and the quantity of the medicines etc are been
recorded in the Item Details.

Department of Computer Technology academic year 2020-21 4

Medical store management system

4. Customer Billing -The bill for the medicines been purchased, is issued to the
Customer by the medical shop. The Customer bill contains the bill number,
purchase date, details of the item such as medicine type, name, price, quantity,
manufacturing date, expiry date etc. The operations that are been performed here:
To print the record ,to modify an already existing record in the database ,to search
a record and delete a record from the database.

5. Stock Details- The Stock details deals with the details of the agency as well as the
stock item such as the item type, item name, price and quantity. The operations that
are been performed here: To display the sales details of the stock as recorded in the
database ,to search a record in the database.

9.0.2 Data Flow Diagram

Data flow oriented techniques advocate that the major data items handled by a system
must be first identified and then the processing required on these data items to produce
the desired outputs should be determined. The DFD (also called as bubble chart) is a
simple graphical formalism that can be used to represent a system in terms of input data
to the system, various processing carried out on these data, and the output generated by
the system. It was introduced by De Macro (1978), Gane and Sarson (1979).The
primitive symbols used for constructing DFD's are:

Symbols used in DFD

A circle represents a process.

A rectangle represents external entity

A square defines a source or destination of the system data.

Department of Computer Technology academic year 2020-21 5

Medical store management system

An arrow identifies dataflow.

Double line with one end closed indicate data store.

Fig– Data Flow Diagram(DFD)

Department of Computer Technology academic year 2020-21 6

Medical store management system

10.0 Actual Methodology Followed-

Waterfall Model is used to develop medical Store management system.

Fig - 10.0.1 Waterfall Model

Reason For choosing WaterFall Model

1. This is Small Project and Requirements Are Well understood.
2. This model is simple and easy to understand and use.
3. Waterfall model is simple to implement and also the amount of resources required
for it are minimal.

Department of Computer Technology academic year 2020-21 7

Medical store management system

4. It is easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model - each phase has specific
deliverables and a review process.
5. In this model, output is generated after each stage (as seen before), Therefore it has
high visibility. The client and project manager gets a feel that there is considerable
progress. Here it is important to note that in any project psychological factors also
play an important role.
6. In this model phases are processed and completed one at a time. Phases do not
overlap. This Project Is Conversion From Manual To Automatic.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages -
1. This system provides an easy way for the casher to determine whether the customer
is a valid member so that he can provide them with discount.
2. This system is also provides great help to the casher to add or update new or existing
members respectively

Disadvantage -
1. As every coin has a two side this system also suffers from disadvantage.
2. Multiple medicines can not be checked for a customer.

11.0 System Testing

Testing is an activity to verify that a correct system is being build and if perform with
the intention of results once gathered and evaluated provide a qualitative indication of
software quality and reliability and serve as a basis for design modification. A project
is said to be incomplete without proper testing.

Testing Levels
System testing is the stage of implementation that is aimed at ensuring that the system
works accurately and efficiently before live operation commences. Testing is vital for
the success of the system. System testing makes a logical assumption that if all parts of
the system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved.
A series of tests are performed for the proposed system is ready for User Acceptance
Testing. The testing steps are
• Unit Testing
• Integration Testing

Department of Computer Technology academic year 2020-21 8

Medical store management system

• Validation Testing
• Output Testing
• User Acceptance Testing

1. Unit Testing - Unit testing focuses verification efforts on the smallest unit of software
design, the machine module. This is also known as "MODULE TESTING". The
modules are tested separately is carried out during programming stage itself. In this
step, each module is found to be working satisfactory. So the expected output from the
module is arrived.

2. Integration Testing - Data can be lost across and interface, one module can have an
adverse effect on others, and sub-functions when combined may not produce the desired
major functions. Integration Testing is a Systematic Structure, while at the same time
conducting to uncover errors associated within the interfaces. The objective is to take
unit-tested modules and to combine them and test it as a whole. Here correction is
difficult because the vast expenses of the entire program complicate the isolation of
causes. This is the integration testing step. All the errors encountered will be carried
over to the next testing step.

3. Validation Testing - Validation testing is performed in order to find whether there is

any flow and deficiency in requirements of the system. Each and every module is tested
independently. The input and output process are validated effectively. The input of the
user for each field is validated to check if value entered is null (or) valid. After field
level validation, the module level is made such that they are integrated and a validation
is performed for the whole system

4. Output Testing - After performing the validation, the next is output testing of the
proposed system. Since no system could be useful. If it does not produce the required
output in the special format asking the user about the requirement, test the output
generated (or) displayed by the system. Hence the output format is considered in two
ways. On is on of the screen and other is printed format.

5. User-Acceptance Testing - User-Acceptance of a system is the key factors for the

success of any system. The system under consideration is tested for user acceptance by
constantly keeping in touch with the perspective system users at the time .

Department of Computer Technology academic year 2020-21 9

Sign up form
TC_ID Objective Excepted Result Actual Result Status

TC_1 Sign up id User id / Phone no User id Pass

should not less than
TC_2 Password Actual Password Pass
8 character
TC_3 enable security password/ Face password pass

TC_4 Login id User id / phone no. User id pass

TC_5 Password Correct Password Password accepted Pass

TC_6 OTP OTP send OTP Verified pass

TC_7 Login status Login sucessfully Login pass

Login form
TC_ID Objective Excepted Result Actual Result Status

Open the desktop

TC_1 Home page Enter in Home page Pass

TC_2 Enter valid login id User id / Phn no User id pass

Enter Valid should not less than

TC_3 Password accepted pass
password 8 character
On the click of
TC_4 Login sucessfully Login Pass
login button
Customer / supplier / medicine Entry form
TC_ID Objective Excepted Result Actual Result Status

user have to fill all

field with proper
data, if any Error
like entering text
On the click of data instead of Added Record to
TC_1 Pass
ADD button number or entering the Database
number instead of found then
it gives proper

On the click of Deletes the details

TC_2 Deleted sucessfully Pass
DELETE Button in database
Modified records
On the click of Record has been
TC_3 are updated in Pass
UPDATE Button updated sucessfully
On the click of searching by Options are
TC_4 Pass
SEARCH Button entering Name. displayed

On the click of
TC_5 should be Exit Exit sucessfully Pass
EXIT Button
TC_ID Objective Excepted Result Actual Result Status

1) If quantities less
than 100 than
message show with
On the click of yellow color
TC_1 checked sucessfully Pass
Check quantites 2) If quantities
equal to 0 than
message show with
Red color

user have to fill all

field with proper
data, if any Error
like entering text
On the click of data instead of Added Record to
TC_2 Pass
ADD button number or entering the Database
number instead of found then
it gives proper

On the click of Deletes the details

TC_3 Deleted sucessfully Pass
DELETE Button of stock in database

Modified records
On the click of Record has been
TC_4 are updating in Pass
UPDATE Button updated sucessfully

On the click of
TC_5 Should be Exit Exit sucessfully Pass
EXIT Button
Customer bill
TC_ID Objective Excepted Result Actual Result Status
On the click of
Displaying Verified Customer
TC_1 display Customer Pass
Customer info. info
TC_2 Payment Type Cash/Card cash Pass
On the click of
TC_3 Generating bill Generated bill Pass
Generate bill
saves the customers
On the click of save
TC_4 bill details in saved sucessfully Pass
On the click of
TC_5 should be Exit Exit sucessfully Pass
EXIT Button
Sale Invoice form
TC_ID Objective Excepted Result Actual Result Status

On the click of Calculates the total Calculated

TC_1 Pass
calculate button amount sucessfully
This saves the
On the click of save
TC_2 details of sale in saved sucessfully Pass
On the click of loads the sale table
TC_3 Sale table displayed Pass
Load Table button from database

On the click of
TC_4 should be Exit Exit sucessfully Pass
EXIT Button
Medical store management system

12.0 Actual Resources Used –

Sr. No. Name of Resource Specifications

1 Computer system Processor i7 RAM-8GB

2 Operating System Windows 10

3 Software Microsoft word, Microsoft Excel

13.0 Skills Developed -

1. After working on the allotted microproject topic, I gained various skills like
working in team, making coordination between team members.
2. This project also made me increase my various skills.
3. Such project work increases our knowledge other from the regular course work.

14.0 Applications of this Micro-project -

The Proposed medical management is the completely computerized.
1. In proposed system there is no need to maintain data about medicine because all
process of that data done in computerized.
2. The modern age the age of computer is an electronic device, which fetched record
very quickly. The computers are very quickly accepted in trade line as it as many
advantages such as speed, accuracy, security etc.
3. In this proposed system all the add, edit, delete, search in project of computer are
done through computerized system.
4. Easy and fast retrieval of information.
5. Better storage capability. More efficient operation.
6. Well Designed report.
7. Eliminate the repeated data entry effort and errors.

Department of Computer Technology academic year 2020-21 10

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