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The Comparative Analysis of Philippines Teacher Education Curriculum of the CMO

No.30 series 2004 and CMO No.75 series 2017


Teachers’ personal sense of responsibility potentially influences their instructional

practices, psychological well-being, and ultimately their students’ learning and performance.
Effective teacher learning and professional development is important for student achievement.
Teacher learning is a continuous process that promote teachers' teaching skills, master new
knowledge, develop new proficiency, which in turn, help improve students' learning. In this
paper, I am going to compare and discuss the differentiation of the Teacher Education in the
Philippines CHED Memorandum between the CMO no.30 series of (2004) and
series of (2017).


In CMO no. 30 series of 2004 (Revised policies and standards for undergraduate
Teacher Education Curriculum), this memorandum highlights the essence of Quality pre-service
teacher education in the country. The pre-service preparation of the teachers for the primary
and secondary educational sectors is very important function and responsibility that has been
assigned to higher education institutions. While in CMO no. 75 series of 2017 (Policies,
standards and guidelines for Bachelor of Secondary Education), it implements the shift to
learning competency-based standards or outcomes-based education in response to the 21st
Century Philippines Teacher Education framework. It specifies the core competencies expected
of Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) graduates regardless of the type of HEI they
graduate from.
When it comes to curriculum, CMO no. 30 series of 2004 curriculum is designed to
prepare professional teachers for practice in primary and secondary schools in the Philippines.
The curriculum recognizes the need to equip teachers with a wide range of theoretical and
methodological skills that will allow them more options and greater flexibility in designing and
implementing learning environments. While in CMO no. 75 series of 2017, the BSEd program is
composed of New General Education courses, Professional Education Courses,
Specialization/Major Courses, Elective/Cognate Courses, Special Topics, and Mandated
Courses (PE/NSTP).
There is differences between the two CMO’s, the CMO no. 30 series of 2014 is the old
curriculum which is a ten-year basic of education while the CMO no. 75 series of 2017 is the
new curriculum that is twelve-year in basic curriculum. The information in the old curriculum
does not change but in the new curriculum it was change. In terms of the content curriculum
between the two, from CMO no. 30 series of 2014 it was general, its content is organized based
on how the teachers will teach while in the CMO no. 75 series of 2017, the curriculum content is
specified. Its content is organized based on how the students will learn from the teachers.


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