MATERI BHS INGGRIS SD 2 Basic English Sentence Structure and Elements

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Materi 2

Basic English Sentence Elements and Patterns

(Unsur dan Pola Dasar Kalimat Bahasa Inggris)

Task 1
Find out the meaning of the following words.
unity : paragraph :
diversity : environment :
foster : benefit :
mutual respect : effort :
sacrifice : dispute :
devotion : enmity :

Task 2
Read the following text. Then, answer its questions.
Unity in the Life of a Nation

National unity and integrity is the unity of entire society consisting of various ethnic
groups, cultures and religions as one Indonesia nation. Indonesian territory stretches from
Sabang to Merauke. The unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation is based on the slogan
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which means that although they are different, they are still one. This is a
reflection of the Indonesia nation which has diversity in various things such as culture, ethnicity,
race and religion.
The examples of unity that exist in the area around us include unity and integrity in the
family, unity and integrity in schools, unity and integrity in the community, as well as unity and
integrity in the community, as well as unity and integrity in the life of the state. An open attitude
between family members can foster a sense of unity and integrity so that the family becomes
more harmonious. An attitude of respect and mutual respect for the differences that exist with
playmates will increase a sense of unity and oneness regardless of background differences.
The legal basis for the unity and integrity of Indonesia is divided into 3 bases, namely the
ideological foundation, the constitutional basis, and the operational basis. Pancasila’s moral
value, the unity of Indonesia, is the foundation of national unity and integrity ideology or
philosophy. The foundation of Pancasila consists of seven points that reflect Pancasila practice,
namely as follows (1) able to place unity and integrity as well as the interests of the nation and
the State above personal and group interests, (2) able and willing to sacrifice for the benefit of
the nation and the State if necessary, (3) developing a sense of devotion for the homeland and
nation, (4) developing a sense of pride in the nation and land of Indonesia, (5) maintaining world
order based on independence, (6) developing Indonesia unity based on Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
slogan, and (7) promoting association for the sake of national unity and integrity.
Underlying the constitution of the unity and integrity of the Indonesia can be seen in the
opening of the fourth paragraph of 1945 Constitution, Article 1 paragraph 1 of the 1945
Constitution and Article 30 paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution. The operational basis for
implementing national unity and integrity is the MPR Decree No. IV / MPR / 1999 concerning
outlines of the State Policy (GBHN). The GBHN contains the importance of national unity and
integrity to prevent national division. The national objective of the Indonesian nation as
stipulated in the 1945 Constitution is the implementation of the state administration with people's
sovereignty and democracy by prioritizing national unity and integrity in accordance with
Unity in the life of the nation and state is important to be realized in order to develop mutual
respect and tolerance. The implementation of unity and integrity in the life of the nation and state
can be carried out in the home environment, school environment, community environment, and
the environment of the nation and state. The implementation of unity and integrity in the home
environment makes the atmosphere of the house peaceful, calm, and comfortable, and creates
harmony between family members. The implementation of unity and integrity in the school
environment has several benefits, including the following: (1) as an effort to prevent disputes and
enmity,(2) as an effort to foster a tolerant attitude between friends, (3) as an effort to create a
comfortable learning atmosphere, (4) in statutory regulations, all Indonesian people are required
to maintain national unity and security as stated in the 1945 Constitution article 27 paragraph 3
concerning State Defense, and (5) an attitude of tolerance and mutual respect are important
things in building a foundation for the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation so that it is not
disturbed by the State nor other ideologies that can interfere the life of a nation.

1. What does national unity and integrity mean?
2. What is the slogan of Indonesia nation?
3. What does the slogan of Indonesia nation mean?
4. What are the examples of unity in our daily life?
5. What are the legal basis for the unity and integrity of Indonesia?
6. What does underlie the constitution of the unity and integrity of Indonesia?
7. Why do we have to keep unity in our everyday life?


A. Unsur Kalimat Bahasa Inggris
Dalam memahami makna kalimat-kalimat berbahasa Inggris, kita perlu mengetahui
konsep unsur-unsur kalimat terlebih dahulu beserta jenis kata yang menduduki unsur
tersebut. Berikut adalah unsur-unsur kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris beserta jenis kata yang
1. Subjek (Subject) Kata ganti (pronoun), kata benda, frase kata benda, kata
Pelaku/ bahasan utama kerja+ ing (gerund), to infinitive, WH-to infinitive,
dalam kalimat subklausa benda

2. Predikat (Predicate) Kata kerja bentuk pertama (Verb 1), kata kerja bentuk
Tindakan yang kedua (Verb 2), to be (am, is, are, was, were), kata kerja
dilakukan subject/ unsur bantu ( will, can, may, must, have, has, had, dll)
kalimat yg
menerangkan keadaan
3. Objek (Object) Misal: She buys vegetables. (apa yang dibeli? 
Sesuatu yang dikenai vegetables)
Jenis kata yang menduduki object, sama seperti subjek :
Kata ganti (pronoun), kata benda, frase kata benda, kata
kerja+ ing (gerund), to infinitive, WH-to infinitive,
subklausa benda

4. Pelengkap(Complement The cat is on the table. (di dalam kalimat ini, the cat adalah
) subject, is adalah predikat, dan on the table adalah
Kata/kelompok kata yang pelengkap. Pelengkap menerangkan subject  on the table
digunakan untuk menerangkan the cat  menerangkan keberadaan the cat)
menjelaskan subject atau
Jenis kata yang menduduki pelengkap:
Kata sifat/ keadaan, frase preposisi, dan yang lain sama
seperti subjek

5. Keterangan (Adverb) I do my assignment every afternoon. (every afternoon

Unsur kalimat yang menjelaskan kapan subject ‘do’ tugasnya.
digunakan untuk
menjelaskan kata kerja Jenis kata yang menduduki adverb:
terkait dimana, kapan, Frase keterangan, frase preposisi (letak keterangan bisa di
bagaimana, atau pun awal, tengah, atau pun akhir kalimat)
seberapa sering kata
kerja tsb dilakukan

B. Pola Dasar Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

Sebelum mempelajari pola dasar kalimat bahasa Inggris, kita perlu memahami jenis kalimat
terlebih dahulu. Berdasarkan kata kerjanya, kalimat dibagi menjadi dua yaitu kalimat
nominal dan kalimat verbal. Berikut penjelasannya.
1. Kalimat Nominal
Kalimat nominal merupakan kalimat yang kata kerjanya berupa to be
(am/is/are/was/were). Apabila diartikan, to be memiliki arti adalah atau tidak memiliki
arti, sehingga fungsi to be hanya untuk memenuhi syarat bahwa kalimat bahasa inggris
harus memiliki predikat.
She is a teacher.
He is in hospital.
Seta and Dona are diligent students
There are many students at this school.

Perhatikan penentuan to be berdasarkan subyek berikut ini.

Subyek Present Past
I  am was Dalam menentukan to be, intinya:
 Jika subyek berjumlah satu/tunggal,
You maka gunakan to be berupa is / was. Kecuali
We are were I, I selalu dengan am.
They  Jika subyek berjumlah lebih dari
satu/jamak/plural, maka gunakan to be
He berupa are / were.
She is was

Pola Kalimat Nominal Present *to be: am/ is/ are

Pernyataan Positif (+): Subject + to be + ….  Mary is a student.
Pernyataan Negatif (-): Subject + to be + ….  Mary is not a student. Mary dan is tukar
Pertanyaan/Interrogative (?): to be + Subject + ….?  Is Mary a student? posisi

Contoh lain:
(+) Mr. Allen is a pilot.
(-) Mr. Allen is not pilot.
(?) Is Mr. Allen a pilot?
(+) Sally and Anna are in the classroom.
(-) Sally and Anna are not in the classroom.
(?) Are Sally and Anna in the classroom?

Pola Kalimat Nominal Past *to be: was/ were

Pernyataan Positif (+): Subject + to be + ….  John was sleepy.
Pernyataan Negatif (-): Subject + to be + ….  John was not sleepy. John dan was
Pertanyaan/Interrogative (?): to be + Subject + ….?  Was John sleepy? tukar posisi

Contoh lain:
(+) The train was late.
(-) The train was not late.
(?) Was the train late?
(+) The students were busy.
(-) The students were not busy.
(?) Were the students busy?

2. Kalimat Verbal
Kalimat verbal adalah kalimat yang kata kerjanya berupa Verb 1, Verb 2, dan Verb 3
bergantung dengan tenses yang digunakan.
Deara learns math every Tuesday and Friday.
Tigor speaks English fluently.
We went to Semarang three days ago.
My grandfather drank a glass of tea this morning.

Lebih lanjut, mari kita pelajari pola-pola kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris.

Kalimat Verbal (Kalimat yang kata kerjanya menunjukkan suatu tindakan)

1. Pola Kalimat 1 : unsur kalimat lengkapnya adalah S – P – O – K
Subjek + Kata Kerja + (Objek) + (Keterangan)

Di dalam kalimat verbal ini, bentuk kata kerja mengikuti tenses nya. Kalau menunjukan
waktu saat ini/ rutinitas, maka menggunakan simple present (verb 1); kalau menunjukkan
waktu lampau , maka menggunakan simple past (verb 2); atau bisa juga menggunakan
have/has/had + verb 3 jika perfect tense  besok akan kita bahas lebih lanjut di
pertemuan-pertemuan berikutnya.
Variasi Pola Kalimat 1 adalah sebagai berikut.
Subject predikat/ kata kerja object keterangan complement
a. Subjek + Kata Kerja + (Keterangan)  S - P
Syarat minimal kalimat adalah adanya subject dan predikat. Berikut contohnya:
 My father works in a foreign company. (Ayah saya bekerja di sebuah perusahaan asing.)
 The guests arrived this morning. (Tamu-tamu itu datang pagi tadi.)

Subject predikat/ kata kerja object keterangan complement

b. Subjek + Kata Kerja + Objek + (Keterangan)  S – P - O
 He speaks English fluently. (Dia berbahasa Inggris dengan lancar.)
 In spite of her illness, she can finish the work.
(Walaupun sakit, dia bisa menyelesaikan pekerjaan itu)

Subject predikat/ kata kerja object keterangan complement

c. Subjek + Kata Kerja + Objek + Objek + (Keterangan)
 They told us the secret. (Mereka memberitahu kami rahasia itu.)
 My brother bought me a dictionary. (Kakak saya membelikan saya sebuah kamus)

Subject predikat/ kata kerja object keterangan complement

d. Subjek + Kata Kerja + to infinitive + (Objek) + (Keterangan)
Di dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris, 2 kata kerja tidak boleh berdekatan, sehingga harus
dipisah dengan ‘to’ atau kata-kata lain  intinya tidak boleh berjejeran langsung.
 The tourists want to leave now. (Para turis itu ingin berangkat sekarang)
 We forget to have lunch. (Kami lupa makan siang)

Subject predikat/ kata kerja gerund object keterangan complement

e. Subjek + Kata Kerja + Gerund + (Objek) + (Keterangan)
Gerund adalah kata kerja bentuk pertama (verb 1) yang diberi akhiran –ing, sehingga
fungsinya berubah menjadi kata benda  yang tadinya kata kerja, karena ada
tambahan –ing, maka menjadi kata benda.
 Many students like playing football. (Banyak siswa suka bermain bola)
 My uncle has stopped smoking. (Paman saya telah berhenti merokok)

Subject predikat/ kata kerja gerund object keterangan complement

f. Subjek + Kata Kerja Pelengkap + Complement + (Keterangan)
Kata kerja pelengkap = linking verb  kata kerja yang selain to be, yang tidak
menunjukkan suatu tindakan. Contoh linking verb:
feel (terasa, lebih ke setting situasi)
taste (terasa, melibatkan indera pencecap)
sound (terdengar)
smell (tercium)
look, seem, appear (terlihat/ nampak)
become (menjadi)
prove (terbukti)

 The boy looks happy this morning. (Anak itu terlihat bahagia pagi ini.)
 The offer sounds interesting. (Tawaran itu kedengarannya menarik.)
Subject predikat/ kata kerja gerund object keterangan complement
g. Subjek + Kata Kerja + Objek + Complement + (Keterangan)
 I find statistics difficult. (Saya merasa statistic sulit)
 I consider you a good friend. (Saya menganggapmu ‘sebagai’ teman yang baik.)

Subject predikat/ kata kerja object to infinitive keterangan complement

h. Subjek + Kata Kerja + Objek + to infinitive + (Keterangan)
 We asked her to come. (Kami meminta dia datang.)
 The committee expects the delegation to arrive soon.
(Panitia mengharap delegasi itu tiba segera.)

Subject predikat/ kata kerja object infinitive keterangan complement

i. Subjek + Kata Kerja + Objek + infinitive + (Objek) + (Keterangan)
 The dean let them hold the meeting.
(Dekan mengizinkan mereka mengadakan rapat.)
 You must make your students think. (Kamu harus membuat siswamu berpikir.)

Subject predikat/ kata kerja gerund object keterangan complement

j. Subjek + Kata Kerja + Objek + Kata Kerja Ing + (Keterangan)
 I saw the children playing in the street. (Saya melihat anak-anak itu bermain di jalan)
 The librarian sees many students studying hard.
(Petugas perpustakaan sering malihat banyak mahasiswa belajar dengan sungguh-sungguh)

Berdasarkan pola kalimat di poin h, i, dan j, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa di dalam sebuah
kalimat dua kata kerja tidak boleh saling berjejeran/ berdekatan langsung. Sehingga dua
kata tersebut harus dipisah dengan kata-kata seperti ‘to’ (lihat poin h), objek (lihat poin i),
atau dipisah dengan objek dan kata kerjanya ditambah ing menjadi gerund (lihat poin j)

Exercise 1
Find subject and predicate from the following sentences.

Blok jawaban: Subject Predicate

1) Mental health plays important roles in learning.

2) A good teacher always gives much attention to his students.
3) Recession in our country caused some unemployment.
4) The graduate of IKIP should work in educational fields.
5) Last semester few students took minor courses.
6) Young generation must improve their skills and knowledge.
7) The headmaster will not let the children play in the street.
8) If you want to keep your body healthier, you should do some physical exercise at
least twice a week for two hours.
9) The other outstanding educational theories found in the book only focus on child and
adolescent development.
10) A great number of high school graduates continue the studies in one of the many
universities in this country.

Seluruh pola kalimat di bawah ini merupakan kalimat nominal (kalimat yang kata
kerjanya tidak menunjukkan suatu tindakan..sehingga to be hanya digunakan sebagai
syarat bahwa kalimat harus memiliki kata kerja)

2. Pola Kalimat 2:
Pola kalimat 2 ini berfungsi untuk menerangkan keadaan subjek atau menjelaskan subjek.
Subjek + to be + Pelengkap + (Keterangan)

Variasi Pola Kalimat 2 adalah sebagai berikut.

Subject predikat / to be/ kata kerja kata sifat

a. Subjek + to be + Kata Sifat
 Those flowers are beautiful. (Bunga-bunga itu indah.)
 Smoking is not good. (Merokok tidak baik.)

Subject predikat / to be/ kata kerja kata benda/ yg dibendakan

b. Subjek + to be + Kata Benda/ Dibendakan
 I am a student of PGRI Yogyakarta University.
(Saya adalah mahasiswa Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta.)
 My hobby is reading. (Hobi saya adalah membaca.)

Subject predikat / to be/ kata kerja frase preposisi/ keterangan tempat

c. Subjek + to be + Frase Preposisi / Keterangan Tempat
 The child’s mother is there. (Ibu anak itu berada di sana)
 The mountaineers are on the right way. (Para pendaki berada pada jalan yang benar.)

Subject predikat / to be/ kata kerja

d. Subjek + to be + Kata Kerja + ing (sedang ….)
 The governments are building more elementary schools.
(Pemerintah sedang membangun lebih banyak lagi sekolah dasar .)

 She is doing her project. (Dia sedang mengerjakan tugasnya.)

Exercise 2
Identify subject, to be, and complement of the following sentences.
Then, translate them to Indonesian.
(Complement/ pelengkap bisa berupa kata sifat/ kata benda, dibendakan/ frase preposisi/
Keterangan blok: subject to be complement
1) Criminal tendencies are not hereditary.
2) The careless wasting of our natural resources is a great loss.
3) The injured driver is in better condition.
4) The falling leaves are melancholic.

3. Pola Kalimat 3:
Di dalam pola kalimat ini, kata ‘there’ memiliki arti ‘ada’
There = ada/ terdapat

There + to be + Subjek + (Keterangan)

Keterangan blok: To be subject keterangan

a. There is a book on the table. (Ada sebuah buku di atas meja.)
b. There was a traffic accident in front of the post office.
(Ada kecelakaan lalu lintas di depan kantor pos.)
c. There is not much improvement in his health.
(Tidak ada banyak kemajuan dalam kesehatannya.)
d. There will be a singing competition next month. (Akan ada lomba menyanyi bulan

Exercise 3
Identify subject, to be, and adverb of the following sentences.
Then, translate them to Indonesian.
Keterangan blok: subject to be adverb
 nanti silakan coba pelajari materi terkait pola menggunakan ‘there’ lagi ya
1) There are several language families in the world.
2) There is a kind of mental disturbance in the child.
3) There have been many scholarships given to the best student.
4) There will be a test next week.
5) There are not many women working in this factory.
6) There are some psychological processed involved in learning.
7) Chemically, there is no difference between the gas, the liquid, and the solid, all of
which are made up of molecules with the formula H2O.

4. Pola Kalimat 4:
Kalimat ini merupakan kalimat yang sifatnya formal, sehingga akan sering kita temui di
dalam artikel ilmiah atau sumber buku referensi berbahasa Inggris.
Terkait fungsinya, kalimat ini berfungsi menerangkan atau menjelaskan subjek.
Bisa dikatakan, kalimat ini merupakan bentuk resmi dari pola kalimat nomor 2 (lihat
halaman-halaman sebelumnya)
Di dalam kalimat ini kata ‘It’ dan ‘to be’ tidak perlu diartikan

It + to be + Pelengkap + Subjek + (Keterangan)

To be pelengkap/ compliment subject

 It is important to study foreign language.
(Penting mempelajari bahasa asing/ Mempelajari bahasa asing itu penting)
It is important to study foreign language = to study foreign language is important.

 It is obvious that man proposes but God disposes.

(Jelas bahwa manusia merencanakan tetapi Tuhan menentukan.)
It is obvious that man proposes but God disposes = that man proposes but God disposes is obvious.

 It is hoped that home environment supports the learning activities of the children.
(Diharapkan lingkungan keluarga menunjang aktivitas belajar anak di rumah.)

It is hoped that home environment supports the learning activities of the children.
= that home environment supports the learning activities of the children is hoped.

Exercise 4
Identify it, subject, to be, and complement (noun or adjective) of the following
Then, translate them to Indonesian.
Keterangan blok: subject to be complement
1) It was impossible to see him yesterday.  To see him yesterday was impossible
2) It is a good fortune for you to have an opportunity to study aboard.
3) It is not necessary for us consult him about the problem.
4) It is true that parents have to take part in the education of their children.
5) It is extremely difficult to be sure about radiation damage.

Exercise 5
Summarize the text entitled Unity in the Life of a Nation in the following table.

Text Your Summary

National unity and integrity is the unity
of entire society consisting of various ethnic
groups, cultures and religions as one Indonesia
nation. Indonesian territory stretches from
Sabang to Merauke. The unity and integrity of
the Indonesian nation is based on the slogan
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which means that
although they are different, they are still one.
This is a reflection of the Indonesia nation
which has diversity in various things such as
culture, ethnicity, race and religion.

The examples of unity that exist in the

area around us include unity and integrity in
the family, unity and integrity in schools, unity
and integrity in the community, as well as
unity and integrity in the community, as well
as unity and integrity in the life of the state. An
open attitude between family members can
foster a sense of unity and integrity so that the
family becomes more harmonious. An attitude
of respect and mutual respect for the
differences that exist with playmates will
increase a sense of unity and oneness
regardless of background differences.

The legal basis for the unity and integrity

of Indonesia is divided into 3 bases, namely the
ideological foundation, the constitutional basis,
and the operational basis. Pancasila’s moral
value, the unity of Indonesia, is the foundation
of national unity and integrity ideology or
philosophy. The foundation of Pancasila
consists of seven points that reflect Pancasila
practice, namely as follows (1) able to place
unity and integrity as well as the interests of
the nation and the State above personal and
group interests, (2) able and willing to sacrifice
for the benefit of the nation and the State if
necessary, (3) developing a sense of devotion
for the homeland and nation, (4) developing a
sense of pride in the nation and land of
Indonesia, (5) maintaining world order based
on independence, (6) developing Indonesia
unity based on Bhinneka Tunggal Ika slogan,
and (7) promoting association for the sake of
national unity and integrity.

Underlying the constitution of the unity

and integrity of the Indonesia can be seen in
the opening of the fourth paragraph of 1945
Constitution, Article 1 paragraph 1 of the 1945
Constitution and Article 30 paragraph 1 of the
1945 Constitution. The operational basis for
implementing national unity and integrity is
the MPR Decree No. IV / MPR / 1999
concerning outlines of the State Policy
(GBHN). The GBHN contains the importance
of national unity and integrity to prevent
national division. The national objective of the
Indonesian nation as stipulated in the 1945
Constitution is the implementation of the state
administration with people's sovereignty and
democracy by prioritizing national unity and
integrity in accordance with Pancasila.

Unity in the life of the nation and state is

important to be realized in order to develop
mutual respect and tolerance. The
implementation of unity and integrity in the
life of the nation and state can be carried out in
the home environment, school environment,
community environment, and the environment
of the nation and state. The implementation of
unity and integrity in the home environment
makes the atmosphere of the house peaceful,
calm, and comfortable, and creates harmony
between family members. The implementation
of unity and integrity in the school
environment has several benefits, including the
following: (1) as an effort to prevent disputes
and enmity,(2) as an effort to foster a tolerant
attitude between friends, (3) as an effort to
create a comfortable learning atmosphere, (4)
in statutory regulations, all Indonesian people
are required to maintain national unity and
security as stated in the 1945 Constitution
article 27 paragraph 3 concerning State
Defense, and (5) an attitude of tolerance and
mutual respect are important things in building
a foundation for the unity and integrity of the
Indonesian nation so that it is not disturbed by
the State nor other ideologies that can interfere
the life of a nation.

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