Unit 4-Essay

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One of the most heated discussions in science, politics and philosophy, is the issue of genetic factors

and their role in human nature. Attempts to locate "a criminal gene" have been made to understand
why someone is turning to a perpetrator. A pessimistic view of human existence is explicitly taken by
those who accept that such a gene might exist. The assumption is that our genes govern us and we
don't have any unrestrained choice.

Psychologists have come up with many assumptions and intentions as to why individuals commit
crimes. Every human being is born free and equal in dignity and in right, your fate is not
predetermined for you, however, criminals are made and not born because of family life, social
interactions and economic distress. One of the major factors that drive such individuals to criminal
behaviour is poverty. Poverty causes many crimes, as if a person was not poor and had faith in
himself, he would not face the thought that he should search another ways to get money. Moreover,
poverty determines a certain stereotype in a person’s thoughts, and he does not see any
constructive solving of the problem, as he wants to choose the easiest way of getting money, even
harming other people. Furthermore, poverty has a huge psychological influence on people, who
become depressed, desperate and then they decide to commit a crime, as they have not found
anything that can legally get them out of such situation.

Determining the degree to which the world in which children grow can be incredibly challenging. The
degree to which this is attributed to genetics as opposed to the environment is doubtful. In my
opinion parents should be held responsible for their children's actions. Parents have a lot of
responsibility for raising infants. They are only there to train them right from wrong as well as how
to act in order to make them successful men and women whom today's culture will interact with;
rather than child delinquents that this world discriminates towards. It is the parent 's duty to infuse
the ideals within their young children and, as teenagers grow up, it is their responsibility to make
their own choices because one day they will have to make their own decisions.

In conclusion, there are some cases where parents may not be at fault for criminal acts by children
but in most situations they are the driving force. Trying parents for their child’s crime and seeking
treatment for the children would therefore be a modern, progressive, and positive reform. In
addition to parents’ example, the environment in which a child grows is not less important. Poverty,
parental neglect, and low self-esteem are some of the major reasons why there are people who
commit crimes.

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