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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
NCR - Division: Taguig-Pateros
Taguig Science High School
Brgy. San Miguel, Taguig City



In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Practical Research II


Adriano, Glecy C.
Alonzo, Elyza Maxene B.
Astronomo, Maicah D.
Bueno, Jeremie D.
Cañada, Lyka Joyce M.
Constantino, Summer N.
Dizon, Alessandra Issabella F.
Flores, Luis Joseph A.
Maglipon, Juan Carlos D.
Parce, Rica Mae L.
Pielago, Allen Gabriel D.

Mr. John Cyrus Agustin

Research Adviser


We, researchers, would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the people who have helped us to

successfully finish this study.

First and foremost, we want to thank our Practical Research teacher, Mr. John Cyrus E. Agustin.

His knowledge and assistance have really been useful while making this research such as his generosity

and patience in providing useful feedback and recommendations on each previous draft. This study would

not have been successfully carried out without him.

The same gratitude goes to all representative individuals in Taguig City who had answered our

questionnaire. We cannot disclose their identities, however we want to acknowledge and appreciate their

help and transparency during our research. Their information has helped us complete this study.

And most especially, to our Almighty God, for giving us strength to surpass all the difficulties during

the completion of this project. His benevolence has made us excel and successful in writing this study.

Our humble gratitude to the Holy Lord, whose way of life has guided us continuously.


This research aims to gain insight about the relationship of the expenditure of Taguig consumers

on personal care products and their age group amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. In line with the purpose

of the study is having the primary objective to test the null hypothesis that there is no relationship between

expenditure of Taguig consumers on personal care products and their age group. The researchers used

stratified random sampling where sixty (60) respondents were chosen, twenty (20) respondents will be

coming from each age group of: young adults (18-39), middle aged adults (40-59) and old adults (60 and

above). A structured questionnaire was used as the primary data collecting tool answered by the

respondents. The data gathered from the research instrument were tallied and computed. The researchers

also used a secondary resource in the form of published articles and literature to support survey results.

The raw data was standardized for testing purposes and analyzed using Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient.

From the results of the study, the researchers were able to find that middle-aged adults had the highest

expenditure towards personal care products while old adults had the least. Overall, the results suggest that

the negative correlation between the age groups and their expenditure is considered significant.





Table of Contents………………………………………………………………...…....iii

List of Figures………………………………………………………………….............v

List of Tables…………………………………………………………………

CHAPTER 1: The Problem and Its Background


Statement of the Problem….…………….......................................................................3

Significance of the Study………...……...…..................................................................5

Scope and Limitation……………...………...................................................................6

Definition of Terms…………...…………......................................................................6

CHAPTER 2: Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature and Studies….……………...............................................................8

CHAPTER 3: Research Methodology

Research Design……………………………………………………………………....16

Data Gathering Procedure…………………………………………………………….16


Sampling Design………………………………………………………………………17

Respondents of the Study……………………………………………………….…….17

The Instrument……………………………….………………………………….…….18

CHAPTER 4: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Presentation and Analysis…………………………………………………………….24

CHAPTER 5: Summary

Summary of the Research……………………………….………………………...….44

Summary of the Results…………………………………………………………........45





Questionnaire Form…………………………………………………………………..55

Gathered Data Tables…………………………………..……….…………………….60

Frequency Distribution Tables of the Gathered Data………………………………...66

Correlation Test Details……………………………………………………………....68



Figure Page

1 Research Questionnaire...............................................................................................19

2 The Age Distribution of Young Adults….………………………………………......24

3 The Age Distribution of Middle-Aged Adults….…………………………………...25

4 The Age Distribution of Old Adults….……………………………….………….....26

5 The Average Expenditure of Young Adults on Personal Care Products….………...27

6 The Average Expenditure of Middle-Aged Adults on Personal Care Products…….28

7 The Average Expenditure of Old Adults on Personal Care Products……………....29

8 The Products Consumed by Young Adults…………………………………….…..30

9 The Products Consumed by Middle-Aged Adults………………………………....31

10 The Products Consumed by Old Adults………………………………………......32

11 The Change in Young Adults’ Expenditure Due to COVID-19 Pandemic……....33

12 The Change in Middle-Aged Adults’ Expenditure Due to COVID-19 Pandemic..35

13 The Change in Old Adults’ Expenditure Due to COVID-19 Pandemic…….........37

14 Average Expenditure of Each Age Group……………………………………......39



Table Page

1 Sample Population of the Respondents.......................................................................18

2 Tally for Young Adult Consumers of Each Category of Personal Care

Products and Their Expenditure….……………………………………….................60

3 Tally for Middle-Aged Adult Consumers of Each Category of Personal Care

Products and Their Expenditure….……………………………………….................62

4 Tally for Old Adult Consumers of Each Category of Personal Care

Products and Their Expenditure….………………………………………................64

5 Frequency Density of the Gathered Data with a Range of 500.................................66

6 Frequency Distribution Table Used to Find the Average Expenditure

of Young Adults…………………………………………………………………..66

7 Frequency Distribution Table Used to Find the Average Expenditure

of Middle-Aged Adults……………………………………………………………67

8 Frequency Distribution Table Used to Find the Average Expenditure

of Old Adults……………………………………………………………………....67




The world is experiencing a public health crisis caused by a global pandemic called COVID-19

(Jewell, 2020). Its origins have been traced to a food market in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. From

there, it’s reached countries as distant as the United States and the Philippines. The transmission of the

COVID-19 virus can occur by direct contact with infected people and indirect contact with surfaces in the

immediate environment or with objects used on the infected person. This virus can be spread out from the

infected person's mouth or nose in small liquid particles when they cough, sneeze, speak, sing or breathe


Personal care products show great importance in this time of pandemic because of the sudden rise

of people’s awareness towards these products “although there has been a decrease in income and savings

which is affecting consumers’ discretionary spends, people are seen allotting greater portions of

disposable income towards personal and homecare purchases as consumer priority lists have suddenly

been reassessed” (Anshu Budhraja, CEO of Amway India). Another part of personal care products are

cosmetics (Healthline Editorial Team, 2018). Cosmetics are a part of everyday life for both men and

women. Many people want to look good and feel good, and they use cosmetics to achieve this (Healthline

Editorial Team, 2018). In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in the first quarter of 2020, the global

beauty industry (comprising skin care, color cosmetics, hair care, fragrances, and personal care) has

experienced weak sales and widespread store closures, although how the industry is responding to it now

shows how resilient the beauty industry really is. “The industry has responded positively to the crisis, with

brands switching their manufacturing to produce hand sanitizers and cleaning agents and offering free

beauty services for frontline response workers” (E. Gerstell et al, 2020). Personal care products are often

mistaken and generalized as beauty and skin care products when in fact, it also includes hygiene products.

Hygiene products are essential to one another as it maintains the cleanliness of a person and their

workplace to have safe surroundings for them not to worry about the germs and viruses they might get. It

is necessary in this pandemic given that it helps people to avoid getting symptoms of the illness by simply

practicing proper hygiene (Holland, 2018). Also, good personal hygiene habits are directly related to less

illnesses and better health. Poor personal hygiene habits, however, can lead to some minor side effects,

like body odor and greasy skin. They can also lead to more troublesome or even serious issues.

As we have witnessed in the few months of early lockdown, a great number of consumers

displayed panic buying behavior for products that they need, hygiene products in particular such as bottles

of alcohol and anti-bacterial soaps, due to the health and safety precautions for the COVID-19 virus. This

behavior reflects how the virus affected the populace causing unexpected shortages in the supply.

The main objective of this study is to provide information about how much the Taguig consumers

within their age group spend on personal care products in the wake of pandemic. People in this day and

age are more concerned about their health, that is why people tend to hoard hygiene products for instance,

alcohol, disinfectant products, etc., that helps to prevent people getting viruses or bacteria from COVID-


The City Government can also benefit from this study by knowing which age group spends the

most money on their personal care products. With that knowledge, The City Government [they] will have

the advantage to encourage its citizens to use these personal care products especially during the COVID-

19 by the proper distribution of hygiene kits.


With the outcome and provided data through this study, the researchers will know how much

money people within a specific age group: young adults (18-39), middle-aged adults (40-59), and old

adults (60 and above) spend on personal care products in the midst of pandemic.

Statement of the Problem

There is a spike in demand for personal care products in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Companies are now stressing in growing personal care and homecare portfolios even as they face

challenges on the demand front for beauty products and cosmetics as individuals are more invested now

in taking care of themselves. Manufacturing companies believe that the pandemic has made consumers

more aware of the need to maintain hygiene, at a personal level as well as at home, to reduce the chances

of infection and this is expected to become a trend in the long run.

As people age, their immune system gradually loses its resiliency making them more vulnerable

to infections. However, regardless of the age, everyone is taking precautions to prevent it. Either in high

or low vulnerability, everyone is taking their part to prevent the spread of coronavirus. In addition, (Noel,

2009) discusses that the interest and needs of consumers usually shift as they get older. He also states that

when making purchase decisions, older consumers tend to be more careful and considerate.

The main purpose of this quantitative research is to gain insight into the relationship between how

much people spend on personal care products in connection with their age group in the time of COVID-

19 pandemic. The primary objective of this study is to test the null hypothesis that there is no relationship

between the expenditure of Taguig Consumers on Personal Care Products and their Age

Group. Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following sub-questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a) Name

b) Age

c) Gender

2. What is the average expenditure of people with ages:

a) 18-39 young adults,

b) 40-59 middle-aged adults,

c) 60 and above old adults;

on personal care products?

3. Which among the categories of personal care products (P. Gutierrez & B. Ben, 2004):

(1) Hair styling

(2) Hair care

(3) Facial skin care

(4) Skin disinfectants

(5) Hand and body care

(6) Perfumes

(7) Make-up

does each age group consume the most and the least?

4. Does the COVID-19 pandemic make consumers of a particular age group spend more, less or the

same amount of money on each category of personal care products?


Significance of the Study

Personal hygiene especially today is essential, in the course of global pandemic as it contributes

to the general well-being and health of every individual, regardless of their age. Therefore, these days,

buying a decent quality of personal care products is becoming more common as it helps to prevent the

disease from growing and spreading. In this section, the significant contribution of the study has been

enumerated. This research study will beneficial to the following:

Taguig Citizens. Through this study, residents of the city would be informed and conscious of

how much individuals of different ages normally spend on personal care items. This study may be a basis

for them to compare or adopt in preparing a budget for personal care items.

Students. The findings of this study will be helpful for students as this will provide them with

facts and evidence in order to improve their understanding and knowledge of the topic.

Manufacturing businesses. This study expects to give useful contributions to personal care

companies as it provides them with information to allow the firm to discover the age group with the highest

potential to be their customers. With this, the companies can develop and execute effective content

marketing strategies that correspond towards their target customer’s interests.

The City Government. This study will assist the City Govt. to identify which age group spends

the least of all people on personal care products. This would guide them whom they should serve and

encourage personal hygiene and sanitation the most through seminars, distribution of hygiene kits, and


The future researchers. This study may serve as a basis for future studies that will be conducted.

It can be used as a reference for other researchers who want to conduct the similar study.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the collection of data on the expenditure of consumers and the age group

they belong to with the goal of analyzing the relationship between the two variables. The respondents are

consumers of personal care products and are residents of the city of Taguig. The age groups are divided

into the following: young adults (18-39), middle-aged adults (40-59), and old adults (60 and above). The

study’s data gathering will be conducted using a survey with a target amount of 60 respondents (20

respondents for each age group). The results/conclusion drawn will be limited and based on the answers

and numerical values that are to be collected from the survey responses.

Definition of Terms

Pandemic. A pandemic is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area,

crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people” (Doshi P., 2011).

This study is conducted on time and because of the pandemic. Pandemic takes a toll on people's

daily living and because of it, there are many things to consider and improve when it comes to personal

hygiene and social distancing.

Personal Care Products. Personal Care Product means any article intended to be rubbed, poured,

sprinkled, or sprayed on, introduced into, or otherwise applied to the human body or any part thereof for

cleansing and beautifying.

A common misconception when it comes to personal care products is that it is just a part of

cosmetics and grooming. Hygiene products such as soap, shampoo, and other products that are used to

clean oneself are also part of products for personal care. In this study, it is vital to know the importance

of personal care products, as they are the key to somehow recede the spread of the virus.

COVID-19. COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. ‘CO’ stands for corona, ‘VI’

for virus, and ‘D’ for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as ‘2019 novel coronavirus’ or ‘2019-

nCoV.’ The COVID-19 virus is a new virus linked to the same family of viruses as Severe Acute

Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and some types of the common cold. The virus is transmitted through

direct contact with respiratory droplets of an infected person (generated through coughing and sneezing).

Individuals can also be infected from and touching surfaces contaminated with the virus and touching

their face (e.g., eyes, nose, mouth) (Bender L., 2020).

COVID-19 is the disease that caused the pandemic, thus is vital in the accomplishment of this study.



This chapter presents the related literature and studies from both local and foreign sources after

the rigorous and in-depth search done by the researchers.

Related Literature and Studies

Personal care products refer to a wide variety of items that are purchased by customers for their

own personal reasons, as its name implies. It is defined as items that are used by an individual to care for

one's bodily health (personal hygiene), prevent the transmission of infectious diseases, as well as for

beautification purposes (Bastos, 2010). Personal care products are often misunderstood as products related

to that of cosmetics only. These items in fact, may fall into a number of different categories. The

components of personal care include, but not limited to, the following: body hygiene (skin care), hand

washing (hand care), facial skin care, hair care, hair styling, perfumes, and make up (P. Gutierrez &

B. Ben, 2004).

One of the key factors for minimizing the risk of transmission of communicable diseases is known

to be skin hygiene, particularly of both body and hands. According to Doaga (n.d), “Body hygiene refers

to maintaining the cleanliness of the body as a whole.” It is achieved by the use of products such as: soap,

cotton swabs, deodorant, cream, lotion, tissue, skin cleansers, skin cream and toilet paper (Bastos, 2010).

All of these products are used to improve the body’s overall health and minimize the development and

spread of disease. Likewise, hand hygiene is recognized as the main factor in avoiding cross-transmission

of microorganisms and reducing the occurrence of healthcare associated infections (Boyce et al, 2002;

Pittet et al, 2000). As stated by Center for Disease Control (2019), hand hygiene involves washing of

hands by using soap and water or alcohol-based hand rubs that contain at least 60-95% alcohol. If hands

are not properly taken care of, it can serve as a medium of transmitting contagious microorganisms not

only to a single individual, but also from one person to another. COVID-19 virus spreads mainly through

touch and droplet transfer. Therefore, once you touch a contaminated surface, your hands could transmit

the virus to other surfaces and/or to your mouth, nose or eyes. To help reduce the danger of spreading

disease, cleaning your hands is one of the most important things you can do.

“Facial skin care products are those products or items that we use for cleansing, toning, massaging

and moisturizing the skin” (Mohanapriya et al., 2019). As we age, our skin goes through several changes.

The purpose of these products is to maintain the facial skin in good condition. Hair care and hair style also

plays a very important part of our daily hygiene and self-perception. There are two major types of hair

cosmetics: cosmetics with temporary hair effects, such as shampoos, conditioners, sprays and temporary

colors; and cosmetics with permanent hair effects, such as permanent waves, relaxers, bleaches and

permanent colors (Division of Dermatology, Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty

Medicine, University of Bologna, 2016). Hair care and hair style doesn’t simply mean washing and

combing your hair every day, it also requires careful maintenance and ensuring that you have the right

hair care product. These two nourishes not just the health of our hair, but also the areas of the body that

they protect (scalp, underarm, pubic region, etc.).

Under the law, makeup is also part of the products usually referred to as "personal care products".

Makeup is used to enhance physical appearance to increase self-image and feel more confident. These

include, for example, lipstick, lip balm, eye and facial makeup preparations, perfumes, and other beauty

tools (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2016). Although buying makeup at a time like this is not

necessarily something to worry about as we are separated from others, still it can be useful to create and

maintain routines that improve one's mood.


Without a vaccine for COVID-19, people are reliant on these products to be in good health and

prevent the spread of the disease. If the whole community has proper hygiene, we are less likely to be ill,

which eventually prevents the communicable disease from becoming highly contagious to the society.

Keeping a good standard of budget for personal care products is beneficial to keep ourselves physically

fit and safe from the emerging danger of the pandemic worldwide.

According to the Statista Research Department’s survey, most of the respondents have improved

their personal hygiene throughout the pandemic and 80% of the respondents in the oldest age group agrees

to this. They also don’t like going to public gatherings than the younger age group. In this survey, they

also knew that 45% of the respondents in the age group between 18 and 39 years old avoided touching

things or objects placed in public spaces. This concludes that the older age group is more cautious in

getting close to other people than the younger age group. The survey can be beneficial to the researchers

to know people’s precautions they’ve taken to protect themselves from COVID-19.

(Symum et al., 2020) discusses why there was a significant correlation between lockdown

measures and the number of COVID-19 cases with relative changes in population interests for skincare.

Across the world, relative search volume (RSV) for skincare has increased continuously after WHO

(World Health Organization) declared COVID-19 as a global pandemic from March 11, 2020 and it

continues until May 09, 2020. After that, the rate of RSV decreased slightly but managed to remain higher

in many countries. With the use of Google trends, we are able to know how the worldwide interest in

skincare started to increase from March 15 with a significant increment in April (22.48%, CI of [16.37,

28.60] %) and reached the highest increment in May (29.62%, CI of [22.23, 37.00] %). It clearly shows

that there is a significant change in the public interest in skincare treatment during the COVID-19

pandemic. The main reason behind people's increased interest is because we are in the pandemic and

people are not guided properly with knowledge about taking care of the skin by themselves. Because of

this study, we can show that there is a huge concern about skincare treatment and individuals having skin

related illness need skincare observation.

According to Rissa A. Colonel’s article (2020), “Don’t forget to take care of your skin during

quarantine”. People are staying at home because of COVID-19, and people need to wear face masks and

bring alcohol when they are in public. Face masks can produce bacteria that will lead to skin condition

like acnes. Even some people are not allowed to go outside, they must keep their body and skin healthy.

Skin is the largest organ in the body that protects them from any diseases. Moisturizer is essential for

people who are often in public, since products they often use to disinfect, such as alcohol and antibacterial

soaps may dry and irritate their skin. Moisturizers help the skin to get back the hydration of it. People tend

to splurge on buying products that will take care their skin from having irritation in the environment.

Sunscreen protects people from the UV rays and even though we are in indoor places, we need to apply

sunscreen to prevent any damages to the skin. If we need to practice the protocols to prevent spreading

the virus, we also need to practice using products that will help our skin healthy. Some people experiencing

“maskne” which it causes acne from wearing mask. For them to prevent having acne, people will spend

their money to buy products that will help them to clear out their skin imperfections. Some people do not

mind spending money from a product that is really expensive and other people are on a budget but they

still find the product that suits their skin type.

According to Ipsos Southeast Asia Study, conducted on May 22-26, 2020. 94% Filipino adults

aged 18 and above are worried about COVID-19. Having said that, the citizens are rigorously following

ways to prevent the spread of the virus. Furthermore, it was stated from the results of the study that the

requisition for community quarantine measures had a significant effect on citizens’ household income.

38% claimed that their income is down by more than 50%. This information will be taken with

consideration when it comes to citizens' spending habits. The situation’s repercussion to Filipinos’ income

could affect their expenditures on certain products and try to focus more on necessities. In line with that,

it was stated in the study that when the period of movement restrictions is over, 10% Filipinos are still

willing to spend more on personal care items. The researchers are keen to know how much more are

Filipinos willing to spend on personal care products amidst the pandemic situation.

Avishek Rakshit’s article (2020) “Covid-19 impact: Demand for personal hygiene, homecare

products set to rise” emphasizes on the point of view of Manufacturing companies and those involved in

the personal care product industry in India on how they expect demand for personal hygiene and homecare

products to rise. The main cause of this is the increased awareness of consumers when it comes to products

that can help improve their health and defenses against the virus. It was also mentioned that these

speculations and expectations are guided by and in line with recent statistical reports which states that

55% of the Indian consumer population intend to buy more personal hygiene and safety care products

going forward, assuming that the virus will not be going away anytime soon.

According to Priam Nepomuceno (2020) article, “A craze for stricter hygiene vs. COVID-19”. As

the COVID-19 arises, many Filipinos have been extra cautious to make sure they are safe from the disease.

People panic-buying and hoarding disinfectants and other personal care products shows that the rules of

economics apply even during a pandemic. COVID-19 caused people from different age groups to be self-

conscious around their environment especially when they face interaction with other people. Spending on

personal care products had become an essential to everyone when the pandemic started and to ensure

themselves safe from the COVID-19, people felt the need to practice the use of proper hygiene causing

the market for personal hygiene products to increase compared from before pandemic.

In a survey conducted by Rakuten Insights in cooperation with, 87% of the

respondents piled stock on personal hygiene products which is the 3rd highest percentage on the main

items purchased in bulk among consumers during the pandemic in the Philippines. 3,429 respondents who

are 16 years old and above were asked through an online survey, from April 9 to 30, 2020.

In opposition to the spike and increasing demand on personal hygiene products, COVID-19

pandemic situation challenged the cosmetics industry. According to Emily Gerstell, Sophie Marchessou,

Jennifer Schmidt, and Emma Spagnuolo’s article (2020), the global beauty, comprising skin care, color

cosmetics, hair care, fragrances, and personal care, was greatly affected by the COVID-19 crisis. The

authors of the article have gathered data, showcased in a bar graph, which manifests the impact of the

COVID-19 crisis towards the beauty industry. Exhibit 1 shows the consistency of the increasing sales of

the beauty industry during 2005-2019. Data from Exhibit 2 shows that global consumers intend to spend

less on beauty products, but other categories could fare even worse. Exhibit 3 shows that if COVID-19

will rise again later this year, the US beauty-industry revenue could fall as much as 35%. While data from

Exhibit 4 shows how the beauty industry is coping up in the business by shifting online. Exhibit 4 shows

the influence on online selling to the shopping habits of global consumers by age group. Lastly, Exhibit 5

shows the rise of do-it-yourself products of the beauty industry.

According to this article, some changes resulting from the COVID-19 crisis are likely to be

permanent. Here are three areas in which the pandemic could alter the beauty industry in fundamental


(1) Digital continues to rise.

(2) The pace of innovation accelerates.

(3) Beauty industry rises as multiples fall.

There are lots of companies and even small businesses in the beauty industry who faced a financial

crisis and massive job losses because of the global crisis happening for the first few months. An article by

Doris Dumlao-Abadilla (2020) on Business Inquirer, “Selling beauty in times of COVID-19”, states that

regardless of the quarantine constraints, the 135-year-old brand seeks a way to remain connected to the

market. Due to the pandemic, it made the company feel more challenged because they are not able to meet

personally so they had to adapt to the new normal in which they rely on the online selling platform. Since

most of their consumers aren’t allowed to go outside, they had to adjust their portfolio mix to meet the

expectations and demands of people for the essential products. The Global CEO of AVON, Angela Cretu,

noted that in order to meet the demands of every consumer, the said brand continuously takes their time

on research and development of their products. Now, the company is not only focusing on women’s

products but also for the men’s products that are intended for their grooming. They had to strengthen their

ability to withstand the pandemic and perform innovations in order for the customers to willingly spend

more on their products. Within the last few months of having an outbreak, it is said that there is still a

need for every woman to have the confidence on their own skin even if they have to wear face masks.

The company that has been ruling for the past 135 years are not just now competing with the vast

array of western brands but also with a lot of beauty brands rising here in Asia. In order to ensure their

position, they came up with a strategy. Part of this was to add some locally manufactured products to their

portfolio. In addition, around the same moment, the company [AVON] is bringing international inventions

to the local pipeline, with over 200 patents internationally.

The study, “Determinants of Planned and Impulse Buying: The Case of the Philippines” deals with

factors that affect planned and impulsive purchases of toiletries. According to the Gutierrez (2004), age

was the only demographic variable that affected planned/impulse purchases. There is also a general

relationship between planned/impulse buying and product category. Facial care, skin care, and perfumes

are unlikely to be impulse purchases. Frequency of purchase is also a factor that affects planned/impulse

buying. People who were buying less frequently were more likely to engage in impulse buying as opposed

to frequent buyers. Personal care products that are bought less frequently have a higher chance of being

bought impulsively. These factors, especially the age factor, will be considered by the researchers in the

analysis of the results of this study.




This chapter presents the research design, data gathering procedure, sampling design, respondents

of the study and the instrument used.

Research Design

The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between the expenditure of Taguig

consumers on personal care products and their age group amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of the

nature of the study, the researchers decided to employ a quantitative – non-experimental design utilizing

the correlational technique. Quantitative research is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical

data. It can be used to investigate relationships between your study variables (Bhandari, 2020).

Correlational research is a type of non-experimental research in which the researcher measures two

variables and assesses the statistical relationship (i.e., the correlation) between them with little or no effort

to control extraneous variables.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers had dedicated time, effort and cooperation in developing their questionnaire so as

to serve its intended respondents. The researchers used questionnaires as their primary data collection tool.

The survey was created using suitable questions modified from related research and individual questions

formed by the researchers. The survey was divided into 3 parts which were related to the participant's

relationship between the expenditure of Taguig consumers on personal care products and their age group

amidst the covid-19 pandemic. After the subject teacher approved the questionnaire, links of the

questionnaire form were distributed to the 60 respondents of consumers of personal care products in

Taguig City. From February 1 to 5, year 2021, participants were given time to respond and then the

researchers collected the survey questionnaires. The data gathered from this research instrument were

tallied and computed for interpretation according to the frequency of items answered by the participants.

Along with primary data, the researchers also made use of secondary resources in the form of published

articles and literature to support the survey results. The raw data was standardized for testing purposes

and analyzed using Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient. A web-based analysis calculator by Social Science

Statistics was used for solving and analyzing the data.

Sampling Design

The respondents are selected using the stratified random sampling method. Stratified random

sampling involves the division of a population into subgroups known as strata. The groups or strata are

organized based on the shared characteristics or attributes of the members in the group. In this study, the

population which are the Taguig consumers will be divided into subgroups based on their respective ages.

With the target samples needing to have the ability to spend money on personal care products, the

three strata to be used were limited to age groups that met the necessary requirement. Out of the three

strata of age groups, 20 people will be chosen in each stratum, making up a total of 60 respondents for the

entire study. The data gathering of this research will occur during 1 February 2021 to 5 February 2021

and will be cross-sectional in order to meet the research objectives.

Respondents of the Study

The researchers’ selected participants are limited to buyers of personal care products who are

residents of the city of Taguig. The total population covered by the study is sixty (60) Taguig Citizens

where twenty (20) respondents consisting of 10 males and 10 females for each age group were taken to

answer the questionnaires. The age groups are divided into the following: young adults (18-39), middle-

aged adults (40-59), and old adults (60 and above). The researchers used stratified random sampling in

order to make proportionate, and therefore meaningful, comparisons between the different age groups in

the population. Since the population being studied is too large, grouping a population into groups with

similar characteristics helps the researchers save time and resources.

Table 1



18-39 young adults 20 33.33%

40-59 middle-aged adults 20 33.33%

60 and above old adults 20 33.33%

Total 60 100%

The Instrument

The researchers used a structured questionnaire to collect data from participants in determining the

relationship between the expenditure of Taguig consumers on personal care products and their age group

amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

The survey questionnaire consists of three parts. Part I of the survey questionnaire asks for the

respondents’ profile: their name, age and gender. Part II of the survey questionnaire is in a form of

checklist which tries to determine which categories among personal care products: (1) Hair styling, (2)

Hair care, (3) Facial skin care, (4) Skin disinfectants, (5) Hand and body care, (6) Perfumes and (7) Make-

up are consumed by consumers. Moreover, a section in the second part of the survey questionnaire is in

the form of multiple-choice questions determining how much consumers pay for personal care products.

Part III of the survey questionnaire is in multiple-choice questions which tries to determine if consumers

are paying less, more or the same on each category of personal care products due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Figure 1. Survey questions to determine the relationship between the expenditure of Taguig consumers

on personal care products and their age group amidst the COVID-19 pandemic




This chapter discusses the results from 60 survey questionnaires completed by the respondents

within age groups of 18-39 young adults, 40-59 middle-aged adults, and 60 and above old adults who are

consumers of personal care products. Using the analyzed data, the given questions by the researchers will

be answered, corresponding to the goals of this research, with the main purpose of gaining insight on the

relationship between the expenditure of Taguig consumers on personal care products in connection with

their age group in the time of COVID-19 pandemic.

Figure 2. The Age Distribution of Young Adults

31 5%

26 18
10% 30%



21 19
10% 20%

18 19 20 21 22 23 26 31 32

From the twenty (20) young adults who answered the questionnaire distributed, the researchers

further sought the distribution of their age. Figure 2 shows that 6 out of 20 respondents are aged 18 years

old, taking the highest percentage of 30%, followed by respondents aged 19 years old with a frequency of

4 or a percentage of 20%. Respondents aged 21, 22, and 26 each became the third highest percentage

garnering 2 responses or 10% of the total young adult respondents. Lastly, ages 20, 23, and 31-32 had a

frequency of 1 or making up 5% of the total young adults.

Figure 3. The Age Distribution of Middle-Aged Adults

56 40
10% 5%

53 42
5% 15%



50 15%

49 48 5%
10% 5%

40 42 43 44 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 56

From the twenty (20) middle-aged adults who answered the questionnaire distributed, the

researchers further sought the distribution of their age. Figure 3 shows that both ages 44 and 42 each have

the most respondents of 3 or 15% of the total middle-aged respondents. The second highest ranking-age

was those respondents whose ages were 49, 50, 52, and 56 years old with the frequency of 2 or a percentage

of 10% each. Lastly, ages 40, 47, 48, 51, 43 and 53 years old each had a frequency of 1 or a percentage of


Figure 4. The Age Distribution of Old Adults

87 60
5% 10%
78 10%


75 63
5% 5%
5% 67
72 10%
5% 68

60 61 62 63 67 68 72 73 75 76 77 78 82 87

From the twenty (20) old adults who answered the questionnaire distributed, the researchers

further sought the distribution of their age. Figure 4 shows that the majority of respondents are from 60-

62, 67-68, and 82 years of age, with each having 2 respondents, representing 10% of the total old adult’s

respondents. Ages 63, 72-78, and 87 each had a frequency of 1 or a percentage of 5%.

Figure 5. The Average Expenditure of Young Adults on

Personal Care Poducts

Php 5000 and above 0

Php 3,500-5,000 2

Php 2,000 - 3,500 3

Php 500 - 2,000 5

Below 500 php 10

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

From the twenty (20) young adults who answered the questionnaire distributed, the researchers

asked how much they spend on personal care products in the middle of this pandemic.

As shown in figure 5, out of 20 respondents, 50% of the respondents spend below 500 pesos on

personal care products, 25% spend 500 to 2,000 pesos, 15% spend 2,000 to 3500 pesos, and 10% spend

3,500 to 5,000 pesos on personal care products. It can be seen in the data that 10 out of the 20 respondents

spend below 500 pesos for personal care products.


From the twenty (20) middle-aged adults who answered the questionnaire distributed, the

researchers asked how much they spend on personal care products in the middle of the pandemic.

This graph shows that out of 20 respondents, 75% spend 500 to 2000 pesos, 10% spend below 500

pesos, also 10% spend 2,000 to 3,500 pesos and 5% spend 5,000 pesos and above. The data shows that 15

out of the 20 respondents spend 500 to 2,000 pesos on personal care products, gathering the most number

of responses.

From the twenty (20) old adults who answered the questionnaire distributed, the researchers asked

how much they spend on personal care products in the middle of this pandemic.

This graph shows that out of 20 respondents, 50% spend 500 to 2000 pesos, 40% spend below 500

pesos and 10% spend 2000 to 3500 pesos. The data shows that 10 out of the 20 respondents spend 500 to

2,000 pesos on personal care products, gathering the highest number of responses.

Figure 8. The Products Consumed by Young Adults








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

From the twenty (20) young adults who answered the questionnaire distributed, the researchers

asked which among the categories of personal care products they consume and purchase in the midst of

the COVID-19 Pandemic.

According to the figure above, nineteen (19) out of the twenty (20) respondents have answered

that hair care products are part of their personal care expenditures. A common total of eighteen (18)

respondents said that they use skin disinfectants, hand and body care, and perfumes category. In addition,

there were a total of fourteen (14) responses in the facial skin care category, followed by the category of

hair styling with a total of thirteen (13) responses. Make-up category received the least number of

responses with a total of eleven (11) responses.

The results indicate that the most consumed product of young adults are hair care products, while

it also shows that the least consumed category is make-up.


Figure 9. The Products Consumed by Middle-Aged








0 5 10 15 20 25

From the twenty (20) middle-aged adults who answered the questionnaire distributed, the

researchers asked which among the categories of personal care products they consume and purchase in

the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

According to the figure above, twenty out of twenty (100%) or all of the respondents said that they

consume hair care products and skin disinfectants. A total of eighteen (18) respondents includes hand and

body care products as a part of their personal care expenditures, fourteen (14) spend on perfumes, eleven

(11) purchase facial skin care, nine (9) responses were found under hair styling and only a few number of

respondents with a total of eight (8) people are consumers of make-up products.

The results indicate that the most consumed products of middle-aged adults are hair care and skin

disinfectants, while it also shows that the least consumed category is make-up.

Figure 10. The Products Consumed by Old Adults








0 5 10 15 20 25

From the twenty (20) old adults who answered the questionnaire distributed, the researchers asked

which among the categories of personal care products they consume and purchase in the midst of the

COVID-19 Pandemic.

According to the figure above, a vast majority of twenty out of twenty (100%) old adults said that

they consume hair care products and skin disinfectants. A total of nineteen (19) respondents have included

hand and body care category as a part of their personal care expenditures; both hair styling and perfume

category got the same total of twelve (12) respondents; eight (8) respondents have selected facial skin care

category; while, only two (2) respondents admitted into consuming make-up.

The results indicate that the most consumed products of old adults are hair care and skin

disinfectants, while it also shows that the least consumed category is make-up.

Figure 11. The Change in Young Adults'

Expenditure Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
more less the same does not apply

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

From the twenty (20) young adults who answered the questionnaire distributed, the researchers

asked how their expenditure changed towards a specific category of personal care products due to the

COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers focused on the analysis of the results coming from consumers of

each category excluding the non-consumers.

The figure shows that out of the 20 respondents, 55%, or most of the respondents spend less

amount of money on hair styling products and only 5% spend more. In the hair care category, 13 out of

20 or 65% of the respondents said that they spend the same amount of money on hair care while 15% of

the respondents spend more and also 15% said that they spend less on hair care products. For the facial

skin care category, 35% of the respondents said that they spend the same amount of money and only 5%

spend less during the pandemic. In the skin disinfectants category, 75% or most of the respondents spend

more money on buying these products, while none of the 20 respondents spend less money on it. For the

hair and body care section, 45% of the respondents spend more and only 5% of the respondents spend less

money on hand and body care products compared to before the pandemic. In the perfume category, 10 out

of the 20 young respondents or 50% of the whole, cut their budget on the products stating that they spend

less and only 5% of the respondents said that they spend more money on perfume during the

pandemic. For the make-up section, 30% of respondents spend less while only 10% said that they spend

more on make-up.

It can be implied with the data above that most consumers of the young adult respondents spend

more on skin disinfectants, and hand and body care; the same on hair care and facial skin care and less

money on hair styling, make-up, and perfumes during the pandemic.


Figure 12. The Change in Middle-Aged Adults'

Expenditure Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
more less the same does not apply


0 5 10 15 20

From the twenty (20) middle-aged adults who answered the questionnaire distributed, the

researchers asked how their expenditure changed towards a specific category of personal care products

due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers focused on the analysis of the results coming from

consumers of each category excluding the non-consumers.

The figure shows that out of the 20 middle-aged adult respondents, 35% of the respondents spend

less on hair styling while 10% said that they spend more and also 10% said that they spend the same on

hair styling products. For the hair care category, 15 out of 20 of the respondents or 75% spend the same

amount of money while only 10% said that they spend less on the hair care section during the pandemic.

For facial skin care, 35% said that they spend the same amount of money on facial skin care while only 1

or 5% of the respondents spend less. Most of the respondents or 95%, have increased their allocation on

skin disinfectants and only 5% spend less money during the pandemic. For hand and body care products,

60% of the respondents allocated more money on the products, while only 5% of the respondents spend

less. For perfumes, 40% of the respondents spend less amount of money while none of the respondents

spend more during the pandemic. On make-up products, 25% said that they spend less on make-up and

none of the respondents spend more on the product.

With the data gathered, it can be said that middle-aged adults allocate more money on skin

disinfectants, and hand and body care products; while the same on hair care and facial skin care products

and less on hair styling, make-up and perfumes during the pandemic.

Figure 13. The Change in Old Adults' Expenditure

Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
more less the same does not apply
Hair Styling 8
Hair Care 0
Facial Skincare 2
Skin Disinfectants 0
Hair and Body Care 0
Perfumes 6
Make-up 1

0 5 10 15 20

From the twenty (20) old adults who answered the questionnaire distributed, the researchers asked

how their expenditure changed towards a specific category of personal care products due to the COVID-

19 pandemic. The researchers focused on the analysis of the results coming from consumers of each

category excluding the non-consumers.

The figure shows that out of 20 respondents who are old adults, 40% said that they spend less on

the hair styling section while none of the respondents said that they spend more on this section. In the hair

care category, most of the respondents or 95% spend the same on hair care while none of them said that

they spend less money. In the facial skin care category, 25% said that they spend the same on facial skin

care while only 1 or 5% of the respondents spend more. For the category of skin disinfectants, 2% said

that they spend the same while 90% from the respondents said that they spend more on this section during

the pandemic. For hand and body care, 80% of the respondents stated that they spend the same while none

of them spend less on hand and body care. For the category of perfume, 30% said that they spend less and

also 30% said that they spend the same while none of them spend less on perfume. For make-up, only 1

or 5% the respondents of make-up spend less and also 5% spend the same while none of the respondents

spend more on make-up.

The result indicates that the old adults tend to spend more money on skin disinfectants during the

pandemic, the same amount of money on hair care, facial skin care, and hand and body care, while less

amount of money on hairstyling. In addition, respondents spend less and the same tied on perfumes and

make-up products.

From the expenditures provided by the respondents, which is seen at figures 5, 6 and 7, the

researchers have standardized the data to come up with the average expenditures for each age group. The

expenditure of the respondents was grouped according to their age groups in order to find the average

expenditure of each group. The data ranges were standardized for equal class intervals. The ranges of

expenditure were converted to have a range of 500 for each class. The frequency of the previous ranges

was also converted to frequency density in order to reflect the change in the number of classes and class

range. The mean expenditure of the age groups was calculated from the standardized data.

Middle-aged adults spend the most on personal care products with an average of Php 1487. Old

Adults spend the least with an average of Php 999. Young adults being in the middle in comparison with

the aforementioned two age groups, averaging Php 1274.


The results seen in Figures 5, 6, and 7 helps answer the research question: What is the average

expenditure of people with ages 18-39 young adults, 40-59 middle-aged adults, 60 and above old adults

on personal care products?

The majority or 50% of young adults spend 500 pesos and below while 75% of middle-aged adults

spend 500 to 2000 pesos and 50% of old adults also spend 500 to 2000 pesos.

From the results seen in Figures 8, 9, and 10, the research question: Which among the categories

of personal care products (hair styling, hair care, facial skin care, skin disinfectants, hand and body care,

perfumes, make-up) does each age group consume the most and the least? was answered.

Young adults’ most consumed category of personal care products is for haircare while the make-

up category being the least. As for middle-aged adults, most consumed products are for hair care and skin

disinfectant while make-up, also, being the least. Similar to middle-aged adults, old adults consume hair

care and skin disinfectants the most, and make up being the least.

From the results seen in Figures 11, 12, and 13, the research question: Does the COVID-19

pandemic make consumers of a particular age group spend more, less, or the same amount of money on

each category of personal care products?

Young adults (18-39) and middle-aged adults (40-59) spend more on skin disinfectants and hand

and body care, the same on hair care and facial skin care and less on hairstyling, make-up, and perfumes

during the pandemic. On the other hand, old adults only spend more on skin disinfectants, the same on

hair care, facial skin care, and hand and body care, and less on hairstyling. Moreover, old adults are tied

in spending less and the same on perfumes and make up products.


The following hypothesis was tested using Pearson’s correlation coefficient:

H0: There is no relationship between the expenditure of Taguig consumers on personal care

products and their age group

The median age of each age group and the mean expenditure of each age group was used as the

data pairs in order to find the Pearson’s correlation coefficient.

The equation used in order to find Pearson’s correlation coefficient is:


The analysis was done using a web-based analysis calculator by Social Science Statistics, a tool

that has been audited for accuracy against the output produced by a number of established statistic

packages, including the SPSS and Minitab (Jeremy Stangroom, 2021). For the correlation efficient of the

two variables, the results showed a r value of -0.5726 implying a negative correlation between age groups

and their expenditure on personal care products.

Picture 1. R-Value Details and Calculation

In order to know if the negative correlation between the age groups and their expenditure on

personal care products was significant or not, the p value derived from the correlation coefficient was

used. With a r value of -0.5726, N value of 60, and a significance level of 0.10; using the same web-based

analysis calculator, the p value of 0.00001 was achieved. The p value was tested for significance with the

condition, if p is less than 0.10, reject Ho. Since 0.00001 is less than 0.10, the null hypothesis is rejected.

The negative correlation between the age groups and their expenditure is considered significant.

Picture 2. P-Value Details





This chapter provides a summary of the results, conclusions and recommendations based on the

data analyzed in the previous chapter. The research study was conducted with the aim of determining the

relation between the expenditures of Taguig consumers on personal care products and their age group in

the time of COVID-19 pandemic.

Summary of the Research

The Covid-19 pandemic has a huge impact on people’s lives and much more to their spending

habits because of the new normal. The researchers decided to employ a quantitative – non-experimental

design utilizing the correlational technique. The researchers used structured questionnaires for data

collection and took advantage of software like Google Forms to conduct the survey from our chosen

participants from Taguig City.

Sixty (60) participants who are consumers of personal care products were chosen using the

stratified random sampling method, these respondents are each divided into three age groups: young adults

(18-39), middle-aged adults (40-59) and old adults (60 and above). Data gathered from the research is

tallied and computed for analysis according to the frequency of items answered by the participants after

the. Using Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient, the raw data was standardized for testing purposes and

analyzed. Pearson’s is a web-based analysis calculator by Social Science Statistics used for solving and

analyzing the data.


Summary of the Results

This research was conducted for the purpose of testing the null hypothesis that there is no

relationship between the expenditure of Taguig Consumers on Personal Care Products and their Age

Group. A questionnaire was created by the researchers to obtain data from the population that would

confirm the null hypothesis. Sixty (60) respondents were gathered in the said city. This study took place

in the first semester of the academic year 2020-2021.

There are three major research questions raised in this study,

QUESTION I: What is the average expenditure of people with ages 18-39 young adults, 40-59

middle-aged adults, 60 and above old adults on personal care products?

The finding (refer to Figure 5) shows that fifty percent (50%) of the chosen young adult

respondents mostly spend 500 pesos below on personal care products. The researchers found (refer to

Figure 6) that seventy-five percent (75%) or almost three quarters out of all middle-aged respondents

spend 500 to 2000 pesos. Results for old adults (refer to Figure 7) states that they spend an average of

500 to 2000 pesos on personal care products, similarly to middle-aged adult respondents, which hits a

total of fifty percent (50%).

From these results the researchers were able to find the average expenditure of each age group.

Young adults had an average of Php 1274, while middle-aged adults had an average of Php 1487 and old

adults had an average of Php 999.

It can be inferred that among the Taguig consumers, middle-aged adults spend the most on personal

care products while old adults spend the least.


QUESTION II: Which among the categories of personal care products does each age group

consume the most and the least?

According to Gutierrez & Ben (2004), there are seven sub-categories in the personal care products,

namely, (1) Hair styling, (2) Hair care, (3) Facial skin care, (4) Skin disinfectants, (5) Hand and body care,

(6) Perfumes, and (7) Make-up. Based on the responses obtained (refer to Figure 8), a total of nineteen

out of twenty respondents or ninety-five percent (95%) of the young adults age group consume hair care

products the most. On the other hand, only a small percentage of personal care product consumers were

found from make-up products with only eleven out of twenty responses or fifty-five percent (55%)

respondents. This implies that make-up is the least consumed category from the personal care products


As for the middle-aged adults’ group (refer to Figure 9), the result shows that the whole strata

consume hair care and skin disinfectant products the most with a complete total of twenty out of twenty

responses or hundred percent (100%) respondents. In contrast, make-up products got the least number of

responses again having only forty percent (40%) or eight out of twenty responses. Consequently, it can be

concluded from the ranking of personal care products that make-up is the least used category.

Much the same as middle-aged adults, the result from old adults (refer to Figure 10) shows that

hundred percent (100%) of the respondents from the age group consume hair care and skin disinfectant

products the most with a specific total number of twenty out of twenty respondents. Similar with young

and middle-aged adults, old adults consume make-up products the least as well, gathering only ten percent

(10%) or two out of the twenty respondents.

Corresponding with this result, it can be inferred that ‘hair care’ and ‘skin disinfectant’ products

are the primary goods that are essential to consumers of Taguig City in the middle of the pandemic. In

addition, it can be observed that during this pandemic, ‘make-up' products are not more of a valuable

commodity that affects most Taguig citizens. This result supports the study by (Robert W. Baird & Co.,

2020) which stated that there was a strong demand for hygiene products and hair colors while weak

demand for color cosmetics and fragrances during the pandemic.

QUESTION III: Does the COVID-19 pandemic make consumers of a particular age group spend

more, less or the same amount of money on each category of personal care products?

The result of the study (refer to Figure 11) shows that most of the young adult respondents spend

more on skin disinfectants, and hand and body care; the same on hair care and facial skin care and less

money on hair styling, make-up, and perfumes during the pandemic.

Similar to the result of young adults (refer to Figure 12), it shows that middle-aged adults also

allocate more money on skin disinfectants, and hand and body care products; while the same on hair care

and facial skin care products and less on hair styling, make-up and perfumes during the pandemic.

As for the data gathered from old adults (refer to Figure 13), it shows that they tend to spend more

money only on skin disinfectants during the pandemic, and the same amount of money on hair care, facial

skin care, and hand and body care, while less amount of money on hairstyling. In addition, respondents

tied in spending less and the same on perfumes and make-up products.

From the gathered data of the age groups, it shows that young adults or ages 18-39 and middle-

aged adults or ages 40-59 had the same result in the change of expenditure on similar categories of personal

care products. On the other hand, old adults had a different result from the first two age groups. It can also

be inferred that the majority among all the age groups in Taguig spend more on skin disinfectants, the

same on haircare and facial skin care while less on make-up and perfumes during the COVID-19

pandemic. This result supports the statement by (Robert W. Baird & Co., 2020) where make-up and

fragrances are likely to be in jeopardy due to limited social interactions, but skincare is better positioned

due to alignment with health and overall wellness.


From the results gathered, the researchers were able to determine the correlation between the

participant's age groups and their expenditure. There is a negative correlation between the age groups and

their expenditure because a negative correlation occurs when the correlation coefficient is less than 0. The

result appears to have a p-value of 0.00001 which is less than 0.10. Hence, it is an indication that both

variables move in the opposite direction. It can be inferred that the null hypothesis is rejected, which

means that there is a significant relationship between the two variables.


Following the thorough analysis of the collected data, the researchers have come up with the

following conclusions:

There is a significant relationship between age groups and their expenditure towards personal care

products with a r value of -0.5726. This shows that as a person gets older, there is a moderate tendency to

spend less on personal care products.

I. The Average Expenditure of Each Age Group on Personal Care Products

A. Young Adults: Php 1274

B. Middle-Aged Adults: Php 1487

C. Old Adults: Php 999

This shows that middle-aged adults aged 40-59 years old allocate the most money on

personal care products and old adults aged 60 and above spend the least.

II. Categories of Personal Care Products that each Age Group consume the least and the most

A. Young Adults

The least consumed category of product for young adults is make-up, while the most

consumed product is hair care.


B. Middle-Aged Adults

The least consumed category of product for middle-aged adults is make-up, while the

most consumed products are hair-care and skin disinfectants.

C. Old Adults

The least consumed category of product for old adults is make-up, while the most

consumed products are hair care and skin disinfectants.

According to these results all the age groups spend the least on make-up and spend the most on

hair care alongside this, both middle-aged adults and old adults also indicated that they spend the most on

skin disinfectants.

The results and analysis showed that the young adults and middle-aged adults spend more on skin

disinfectants, hand and body care products; spend the same amount on hair care and facial skin care; and

spend less on hair styling, makeup, and perfumes during the pandemic as compared to before the

pandemic. Old adults, on the other hand, spend more on skin disinfectants; spend the same amount on

hand and body care, hair care, facial skin care, makeup, and perfumes; and spend less on hair styling.

From this, the researchers concluded that people from all age groups prioritize health care products that

help them mitigate the effects of the pandemic and that people will spend less on other types of health

care products in order to do so.



In accordance with the study carried out, the researchers humbly propose to the authorities,

individuals, groups, and institutions the following recommendations:

This research has only investigated the relationship of consumer’s age group and their

expenditures on personal care products. As there are more consumer’s products available, it is suggested

that the future researchers go beyond personal care products, and try to use other consumer’s products as

their variable.

As this study has focused on 60 residents of Taguig City only, the researchers suggest to broaden

the demographics of the respondents. It is possible to yield different results if there are more respondents

and would be from different cities in the Philippines.

There are many factors affecting the purchasing cost of individuals as they consume personal

care products, both external and internal. Since the researchers only focused primarily on the correlation

between the expenditure of consumers on personal care products and their age group. The researchers

suggest performing the same study if possible, but with different factors such as occupation, income, and


At the moment of carrying out this research, the world is facing a pandemic. So, the main goal

of the study is to find out the expenditures of different age groups on personal care products during the

pandemic. It is highly suggested to conduct the research when the pandemic is over, to have knowledge

over the implications of the pandemic with the expenditures of people.


It is also advisable to expound on why the respondents mainly buy personal care products.

May it be for medical reasons, personal hygiene, or self-image.

The study the researchers conducted focuses on the consumers. For future researchers, we

extremely encourage them to know the sides of retailers or manufacturers of consumer’s products. The

pandemic has taken a huge toll on everybody, especially on the business side, so it is good to know how

the pandemic affected the businesses that are in-lined with personal care products.

With these recommendations, the study conducted will be more detailed and accurate. As a

result, the relationship between the expenditure of consumers on personal care products and their age

group can be further proven.



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I. Questionnaire Form

Figure 1. Survey questions to determine the relationship between the expenditure of Taguig consumers

on personal care products and their age group amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

II. Gathered Data

A.I. Tally for Young Adult Consumers

Table 2. Tally for Young Adult Consumers of Each Category of Personal Care Products and Their

B.II. Tally for Middle-Aged Adult Consumers


Table 3. Tally for Middle-Aged Adult Consumers of Each Category of Personal Care Products and
Their Expenditure

B.III. Tally for Old Adult Consumers


Table 4. Tally for Old Adult Consumers of Each Category of Personal Care Products and Their

IV. Frequency Distribution Tables of the Gathered Data

Table 5. Frequency Density of the Gathered Data with a Range of 500

Table 6. Frequency Distribution Table Used to Find the Average Expenditure of Young Adults

Table 7. Frequency Distribution Table Used to Find the Average Expenditure of Middle-Aged Adults

Table 8. Frequency Distribution Table Used to Find the Average Expenditure of Old Adults

V. Correlation Test Details

Picture 1. R-Value Details and Calculation

Picture 2. P-Value Details


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