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// HYPERSPACE IS A BACK DOOR THROUGH HELL, and still the desperate line up for the Company

jumpships. You were one of them, back before Hell spat you back out. Now when a jump goes bad, you go
in. Breach the derelict, identify the incursion, eliminate the threat, and hope to hell the money’s good.

► Derelicts ► Twists

1 The Alabaster Empress: marble staterooms, 1 Company wants live capture

baroque, humid, hot, dripping, sweating 2 Remaining crew protect and worship it
2 Ethics Gradient: Flickering lights, pragmatic 3 Rescue the previous breachers
corridors, some decks open to the void 4 Recover the ship’s black box
3 The Market Liberator: Shattered cargo on the 5 Ensure there are no survivors
float, radiation hazards, darkened 6 Bring the derelict to specified coordinates
4 Do Unto Others: Life support down, freeze- 7 Recover the book from berth 1408
dried gore clings to pipes, bullet holes 8 Escort Company observer
5 Whispers of Tomorrow: Veins replace con- 9 Repair and activate the self destruct
duits, bone and flesh spreading through ship 10 The threat knows the team; this is a trap
6 The Recidivist: Hull ripped in two, pockets of 11 Strict time limit
air between stretches of cold vacuum 12 Extract Company VIP
7 The Short Sell: Uncontained fires, monitors 13 Eliminate the threat only; extract all crew
showing hellscapes, screams on comms 14 Compromised breacher team on-site
8 The Compassion: Ergonomic, well-lit, too 15 Plant occult relic within the jumpdrive
cold, life support tainted with hallucinogens 16 Derelict floats into debris field
9 The Sleestak Lightning: Cramped, dark, 17 Widespread comms interference
burnt wiring, clawing sounds inside walls 18 Unexpected salvage team gets in the way
10 Double Or Nothing: Blinks in and out of 19 Hostile internal security drones
hellspace, labyrinthine metallic corridors 20 An additional threat is onboard

► Threats ► Abilities ► Weaknesses

Take abilities suggested by the threat, plus roll or choose. Use its weakness to permanently kill it.

1 Cult preparing to summon something greater 1 Animates dead 1 Blow it the hell up
2 Shapeshifting parasite spreads by touch 2 Armored shell 2 Bone or wood
3 Demon jumps from body to body 3 Breathes fire/acid 3 Brand it with rune
4 Possessor demon holds its VIP host hostage 4 Control lost limbs 4 Dead man’s blood
5 Demonic mass of flesh consumes and grows 5 Drinks souls 5 Decapitation
6 A horde of thrall-demons possess the dead 6 Inhuman strength 6 Destroy its anchor
7 Poltergeist flickers on camera feeds 7 Integral weaponry 7 Destroy the brain
8 Scuttling, insectile demons keep crew for food 8 Lightning speed 8 Destroy the heart
9 Classic devil (horns, hooves) offers bargains 9 Paralytic venom 9 Fire
10 Glistening demons continually torture captives 10 Possession 10 Hard radiation
11 Spectral killer hunts one by one 11 Psychic illusions 11 Hidden weak spot
12 Butcher demon crafts biomechanical minions 12 Radioactive aura 12 Iron
13 A swarm of imps sabotage and ambush 13 Regeneration 13 Its own reflection
14 Centipedal demons writhe within the ship 14 Senses thoughts 14 Its own weapons
15 Basilisk in the logs opens viewer to possession 15 Shadow teleport 15 Its true name
16 Hungry ghosts of the crew defend their derelict 16 Squeeze into holes 16 Ritual cleansing
17 Phobophage appears as victims’ worst fears 17 Survives vacuum 17 Salt
18 Demon spiders lay eggs in victims 18 Telekinesis 18 Solve a puzzle box
19 Sinister geometric shape floats, cuts, twists 19 Turns invisible 19 Weakened by light
20 Derelict is sentient and hostile 20 Roll twice more 20 Willing sacrifice
Version 1.0. Text & layout by Adam Schwaninger, adapted from 2400 by Jason Tocci under a CC BY 4.0 license. Art CC BY BEEPLE.
PLAY: Players describe what their characters do. ► Choose your character’s specialty. ► Choose according to specialty and origin. ► Invent or roll for personal details.
The game moderator (GM) advises when an
JUMPCREW: Skilled in Spacewalking (d8), Labor BLESSINGS THEY CALL YOU...
action is impossible, requires extra steps,
(d8), plus 1 other skill.
demands a cost, or presents an avoidable risk. ❏ Demon-Blooded: Acid blood and saliva, can 1 Archer 6 Flash 11 Leech 16 Striker
Players only roll to avoid risks. COMPANY ADJUSTER: Skilled in Connections pass as demonic. Helps with physical feats. 2 Barrett 7 Gauge 12 Moses 17 Trench
(d8), Insight (d8), plus 1 other skill. ❏ Devil On My Shoulder: You’re possessed but in 3 Church 8 Hauser 13 Nines 18 Vegas
ROLLING: Roll a d6 skill die—higher with a rele-
control. It helps you to be scary or violent. 4 Dutch 9 Jericho 14 Pitt 19 Walker
vant skill, or d4 if hindered by injury or circum- SLAYER: Skilled in Shooting (d8), Melee (d8),
Break the connection to defend against mental 5 Easter 10 Kane 15 Reno 20 Zero
stances. If helped by circumstances, roll an extra plus 1 other skill.
or spiritual assault.
d6; if helped by an ally, they roll their skill die and
EXORCIST: Skilled in Faith (d8), Occult (d8), plus ❏ Helleport: Step through hellspace to a place
share the risk. Take the highest die and flavor the THE FIRST TIME, YOU GOT OUT WITH...
1 other skill. you can see, risking a misjump to do so. Risk
outcome accordingly (skill, aid, or circumstance).
telefragging to bring someone with you. 1 Survivor’s guilt
SALVAGE: Skilled in Mechanics (d8), Explosives
1–2 Disaster. Suffer the full risk. GM decides if ❏ Hellfire: Create and control flames. 2 A necklace of demon fangs
(d8), plus 1 other skill.
you succeed at all. If risking death, you die. ❏ Revenant: Injuries don’t hinder you, but you 3 A sacrifical bone dagger
RECON: Skilled in Stealth (d8), Scouting (d8), don’t heal. Repair injuries by collecting new 4 Your cat (with bulky vac-rated carrier)
3–4 Setback. A lesser consequence or partial
plus 1 other skill. body parts. 5 Valuable hellspace research data
success. If risking death, you’re maimed.
❏ Silver-Tongued Devil: People believe you’re 6 A Company VIP’s favor
► Choose your character’s origin.
5+ Success. The higher the roll, the better. honest. Helps with social skills. 7 An empty phylactery (stores one soul/entity)
SOLE SURVIVOR: Apply 3 skill increases. ❏ Soulless: Immune to fear and spiritual assault. 8 The Chaos Emerald
If success can’t get you what you want (you make
❏ Stormbringer: Demonic melee weapon that 9 Firm knowledge that you’re the Chosen One
the shot, but it’s bulletproof!), you’ll at least get HELLBOUND: Choose 1 blessing. Apply 1 skill
helps you Fight. Kill a human with it to heal an 10 The ability to survive vacuum for 1 minute
useful info or set up an advantage. increase.
injury. 11 A wildly different appearance
LOAD: Carry as much as makes sense, but more DEVOTED: Choose 1 ritual. Apply 1 skill increase. 12 An aura of fear that agitates animals
than one bulky item may hinder you at times. RITUALS 13 The ire of a specific demon
► Choose or invent skills (if prompted by origin).
14 The Necronomicon on a flash drive
ADVANCEMENT: After an incursion, either choose ❏ Bless: Petition your patron to allow an ally to
Connections, Electronics, Explosives, Faith, 15 One body part replaced with weaponry
a gift or gain/increase a skill and gain d3 scrip ($). use your Faith die in a roll without sharing the
Insight, Intimidation, Labor, Mechanics, Medicine, 16 An axe made of fire
risk with you.
DEFENSE: Break an item to turn a hit into a brief Melee, Occult, Persuasion, Piloting, Running, 17 A BFG (bulky, energy, explosive)
❏ Burden: Accept or worsen a hindrance to heal
hindrance. Broken gear is useless until repaired. Scouting, Shooting, Spacewalking, Stealth 18 A bag with d6 demons inside
an ally’s injury.
19 An unusual aptitude for impromptu weapons
HARM: Injuries heal during downtime, faster if ► Take a comm, a weapon, a spacesuit, and $2. ❏ Corpse Speaker: Touch the dead to converse
20 Everyone on your ship, you big damn hero
you spend $. If killed, make a new character to be Most items and upgrades cost $1 each. Ignore with them.
introduced ASAP. Favor inclusion over realism. microscrip transactions like a knife or a meal. ❏ Exorcism: Risk possession to draw an entity
out of its host using a focus (hair, blood, true
RUNNING THE GAME: Lead the group in setting SPACESUIT: Upgrade with plating (break for YOU KEEP GOING BACK BECAUSE...
name, etc). Better foci count as help.
lines not to cross in play. Fast-forward, pause, or defense), carapace (bulky, break 3x), self-heal-
❏ Ghost Puncher: You may physically interact 1 Hell has your kid 11 Where’s your family
rewind/redo scenes for pacing and safety, and ing, maneuvering thrusters, active camo.
with incorporeal entities. 2 Pawned your soul 12 Promised a new life
invite players to do likewise. Present dilemmas
WEAPONS: Pistol, rifle (bulky), shotgun (bulky). ❏ Mercy: Summon an ethereal sword that harms 3 Taste for blood 13 Corporate ladder
and problems you don’t know how to solve. Move
Upgrade with autofire, energy, explosive, inte- demons but only stuns humans. 4 Company debt 14 One last job
the spotlight to give everyone time to shine. Test
grated (-bulky), penetrating, scoped, suppressed. ❏ Summon: Risk a specific named entity’s ire to 5 Do it or they kill you 15 Nothing left to lose
periodically for bad luck (e.g., run out of ammo, or
bring it to your location using a focus (true 6 Atoning for the past 16 Get revenge
into demons) — roll d6 to check for (1–2) trouble TOOLS: Grenades (4 from frag, stun, smoke,
name, sacrifice, etc). Better foci count as help. 7 Work release 17 Not a 9-5 person
now or (3–4) signs of trouble. Offer rulings to EMP), motion tracker, occult satchel (bulky),
❏ Ward: Inscribe a circle or mark a threshold to 8 Gain occult power 18 Best of the best
cover gaps in rules; double back during a break to medkit, flamethrower (bulky), welder, toolkit
protect against physical or spiritual assault. 9 Noone left behind 19 Field research
revise unsatisfying rulings as a group. (bulky), portable mainframe (bulky)
Roll to resist breaches or break for defense. 10 Thrill of the hunt 20 Mission from god

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