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NASCO Supplier PPAP Submission Checklist

NASCO Supplier PPAP Submissions must include:

1 Title page with Customer Part Number , ECN , Supplier Name and Location
2 Index (Tab) per AIAG PPAP Manual (pg.18). If document not applicable, insert page stating 'Not Applicable'
3 If Interim Approval is being requested an interim corrective action plan must be included with the Recovery
Worksheet form.
PPAP REMINDER: If your PPAP package is ordered through the Mississauga Purchasing Group and/or approved by a Supplier Quality Engineer
(SQA Engineer), it must include the most recent requirements:
1. Latest AIAG Edition FMEA Evaluation Criteria and form
2. 100 piece capability study on all key product/control characteristics unless deviation waiver has been authorized by customer
3. Parts, copy of the marked up drawing and dimensional report, are to be submitted to the plant(s) for PART approval
4. Level 3 PPAP documentation with warrant form is to be submitted to the designated Supplier Quality Engineer for
PPAP approval unless a different level and requirements are noted below. (Contact the SQA Engineer to determine where parts are to be sent.
Do not send parts to the SQA Engineer.)
Part Description/s:

Part Number/s:

Part Number Revision/s / ECNs:

PPAP Level Required: 1 2 3 4 5

PPAP Submission Due Date:

NASCO Contact Info:

(Follow Typical Requirements unless

otherwise selected below.) (TYPICAL REQUIREMENTS)
Purpose/Special Notes: Level : 1 2 3 4 5
1. DESIGN RECORDS MUST submit ONE (1) ballooned copies of the drawing that corresponds X X X X
to the Dimensional, Material, and Performance Results.
DRAWINGS The PPAP MUST meet ALL drawing requirements to be considered for
- When the design records, e.g. CAD/CAM math data, part drawings, specifications,
are in electronic format, e.g. math data, the supplier shall produce and submit
a hard copy (e.g. pictorial, GD&T sheets, drawing, specification pages, etc.) to
identify measurements taken.
- Certain minimum weights must include ISO symbol to identify polymeric parts.
- Note 2: A single design record can represent multiple part or assembly configurations.

Note 3: For parts identified as black box, the design record specifies the interface & performance requirements.

- Note 4: For parts identified as catalog parts, the design record may consist only of a functional specification or
a reference to a recognized industry standard.

2. ENGINEERING CHANGE Any authorized change that is not yet recorded in the design record but X X X X
DOCUMENTS- IF ANY incorporated in the product, part or tooling

3. CUSTOMER ENGINEERING When specified by design record or request, evidence of customer engineering X X X X
CHANGE APPROVAL, IF approval shall be submitted

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(Follow Typical Requirements unless
otherwise selected below.) (TYPICAL REQUIREMENTS)
Purpose/Special Notes: Level : 1 2 3 4 5
4. DESIGN FMEA A tool used when designing a component, system, process, etc. to assure, to the X X X X X
DESIGN- POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE extent possible, that all potential failure modes (Design related) and their associated
AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS causes/mechanisms have been considered and addressed.
- Submitter is responsible for submitting the DFMEA or inserting a page
to state why the DFMEA is not available.
5. PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAMS This record is used to verify that the supplier has thoroughly evaluated and X X X X
PROCESS FLOW CHARTS analyzed the total manufacturing or assembly process, from start to end, for all
possible causes of variation (i.e. machines, materials, methods, etc.) and has
organized the process in such a way as to eliminate/reduce the effect these
variations will have on the overall quality system.
- This document shall flow smoothly into the supplier Control Plan and FMEA.
Part/Process Numbers and Process Name/Operation Descriptions should carry
over an be consistent on all three documents.
- Title blocks must be complete and must reference all unique customer information.
- One of the standard AIAG Process Flow Diagram Formats must be used.
6. PROCESS FMEA To assure that all potential failure modes and the effects they have on a process X X X X
PROCESS- POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE have been considered and eliminated/addressed. Note the following:
AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS - If there are no recommended actions you must state “none” in the recommended
actions column
- WFC requires recommended actions for the top five percent of items.
- Do not use “Operator Error” as a potential failure. The failure is rooted to a
process or system
- A PFMEA should be created by a team which has representation from every area
of the process
- All Special Characteristics (e.g., critical, key, significant) must be ID'd/addressed
on the PFMEA
- The PFMEA is a living document that should be utilized/updated for the life of the
- Any issue, customer or internal, will require review/adjustment of R.P.N.
7. Control Plan To aid in the manufacture of quality products according to customer requirements. X X X X
PROCESS/PRODUCT CONTROL PLAN (C.P.) A structured approach for the design, selection, and implementation of value-added
control methods for the total system. It provides a written summary description of
the systems used in minimizing process and product variation.
- All Special Characteristics (e.g., critical, key, significant, etc.) must be
ID'd/addressed on the Control Plan
- The CP is a living document that should be utilized/updated for the life of the
- The inspection frequency MUST be defined in quantifiable terms. ( i.e.- What is
s "Lot"?)
- Include Prelaunch and Production control plans in the submission package
8. MEASUREMENT SYSTEM The purpose of this record is to verify that the Gage or measurement system is X X X X
ANALYSIS STUDIES capable of accurately assessing the quality of the parts.
GAGE R&R, BIAS, LINEARITY, & STABILITY - Measurement System Analysis Studies must be submitted with ALL Initial Process

- Gage R&R, Bias, Linearity, & Stability must be submitted when applicable
Definitions: Reference the Measurement Systems Analysis manual.
Acceptance Criteria:
GR&R <10% is considered Acceptable
GR&R from 10% to 30% may be Acceptable (Customer approval required )
GR&R > 30% is Not Acceptable - measurement system must be improved.

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(Follow Typical Requirements unless
otherwise selected below.) (TYPICAL REQUIREMENTS)
Purpose/Special Notes: Level : 1 2 3 4 5
Corrective action is necessary for all Rejected items.
- Attribute Studies (If Applicable) will be performed on 20 parts, with 2 operators
and 2 trials. To meet acceptance criteria all results from the study must "PASS"
9. DIMENSIONAL RESULTS This record is used to verify that the sample parts meet ALL of the dimensional X X X X
DIMENSIONAL LAYOUT requirements called out on the Drawing, Control Plan and Math Model.
- If production parts will be produced from more than one cavity, mold, tool, die,
pattern or production process, the supplier shall complete a dimensional evaluation
on a minimum of six (6) parts from each unique process/variation (Including color,
if applicable, for certain processes) The specific cavities, molds, line, etc. shall
then be identified on the PSW and the Dimensional Results Report.
- All dimensions ( except reference dimensions) noted on the Drawing and Control
Plan should be listed in a convenient/organized format with the actual results
recorded and traceable to a specific part.
- All records shall be submitted on the AIAG Dimensional Results Form(Appendix C)
10. MATERIAL, PERFORMANCE This record is used to verify that the parts meet all of the Material and/or X X X X
TEST RESULTS Performance requirements/specifications called out on the Drawing and Control Plan.
LAB & FUNCTIONAL RESULTS - All material and performance test specifications noted on the Drawing and control
plan should be listed in a convenient/organized format with the actual results
recorded (see AIAG PPAP appendix D and E forms)
- Material Testing Results, Performance Testing Results, and other engineering
requirements on the design record shall be less than one year old at the time of the
initial submission. This data shall be updated for engineering changes that affect
the original data. The supplier shall also maintain and update all testing data for
each lot of material. When PPAP is requested for an engineering change, the
submitter shall submit the testing data that corresponds to the material used to for
the change Test data for each lot must be provided upon request.
11. INITIAL PROCESS STUDY The purpose of this record is to determine if the production process will produce X X X X
CAPABILITY (Cpk/Ppk) STUDIES product that meets the Customer's requirements.
- Submit a copy of the histogram and the actual data that was used to derive the Cpk
Minimum of 100 data points to be used to derive the Cpk or a copy of the
customer authorized deviation waiver for the number of data points used
THIS INCLUDES (BOTH): - Submit a copy of the histogram (graph)
The raw data (data points) - MUST submit Initial Process Study for all Special Characteristics (e.g., critical, key,
significant, etc.) that are called out on the Drawing, Control Plan or WFC KCC

The results (CPK, PPK, CP, etc.) Notification. 'Where no special characteristics have been identified, the customer
reserves the 'right to require demonstrations of initial process capability on other
characteristics. Studies must be 'submitted that are representative of each unique
production process, e.g. duplicate assembly line and/or work cell, each position of
a multiple cavity die, mold, tool, or pattern, etc. (Focus on variable not attribute data.
Assembly errors, test failures, surface defects are examples of attribute data.
Unless approved by the authorized customer rep, attribute data are not acceptable
for PPAP submissions.

- Acceptance criteria for these studies:

* SHORT TERM STUDY- MUST meet > or = to 1.67 Cpk
* LONG TERM STUDY- MUST meet > or = to 1.33 Cpk

- If short term CPK falls below 1.67 or long term Cpk falls below 1.33, an
improvement plan must accompany the submission. The customer must be notified
if the acceptance criteria cannot be attained by the required PPAP submission date.
You shall submit to the customer for approval a corrective action plan & a modified
Control Plan normally providing for 100% inspection. Variation reduction efforts shall

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(Follow Typical Requirements unless
otherwise selected below.) (TYPICAL REQUIREMENTS)
Purpose/Special Notes: Level : 1 2 3 4 5
continue until the acceptance criteria are met, or until customer approval is received.
100% inspection methodologies are subject to review & agreement by the customer.

- ALL Initial Process Studies must be accompanied by Measurement System .

Analysis Studies
12. LABORATORY SCOPE AND The purpose of this record is to verify that the submitter has used an Accredited X X X X
ACCREDITATION Laboratory/Testing Facility to perform all Material, Functional, and Performance
testing called out on the Drawing and Control Plan.
- This Record must be submitted with ALL testing data.
- Records must be submitted by the Laboratory that actually performed the testing.
- Testing facilities that are strictly Laboratory facilities by nature must submit Lab
Scope and Lab accreditation/registration to IEC/ISO 17025
- Accreditation must NOT be out-dated.
13. AAR Submitted with PPAP and sample parts for the customer to sign, verifying parts are X X X X X
APPEARANCE APPROVAL REPORT verifying that the parts meet all aesthetic criteria.
- Submit the AIAG or customer specific AAR for ALL parts which are supplied
for ALL programs. (Non-appearance items shall be designated "Not Applicable"
on the form.
14. SAMPLE PARTS Six (6) parts per tool or tool cavity are to be submitted to the using X X X
PPAP SAMPLES plant(s) for Appearance and Functional evaluation as part of the approval process.
- Samples shall be labeled with part #, cavity #, revision, tool #, date of
manufacture, etc.
- Submit samples that represent each unique cavity, mold, line, etc.
- Parts corresponding to the PPAP's Dimensional Report shall be uniquely identified.
- Sample parts sent in shall be from a significant "production" run as outlined in the
All PPAP sample shipping containers must be clearly labeled as PPAP SAMPLES,
Attention: QUALITY MANAGER, and include the part numbers.
Submitters can generate their own SAMPLE LABELS as long as they meet the
following criteria
* The labels MUST be 4 x 6.5" and completely filled out including part number,
revision, vehicle program, etc. and have "SAMPLE PARTS" in large, bold letters
across the top of the label.
A label has been included at the end of this check list.

15. BULK MATERIAL For bulk materials only, refer to AIAG PPAP manual Appendix F X X X
(for bulk material PPAP only)
16. MASTER SAMPLE Document where master sample(s) is retained. Include customer authorized X X X X X
(see deviation waiver if master sample(s) not being retained

17. CUSTOMER SPECIFIC The organization shall have records of compliance to all applicable customer-
REQUIREMENTS specific requirements.
- Go to for GM, DaimlerChrysler & Ford supplier requirements.
- Go to & Supplier Information/NASCO
Suppliers/ Supplier Requirements Manual for NASCO supplier requirements.
18. PSW To clearly state to the Customer the reason for your submission. Take special note X X X X X
- Record part revision level to the right of the part # (Dwg revision & Part revisions
may be different)
- Must mark “yes” or “no” to meeting all Dwg. Requirements & sign the PSW.

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(Follow Typical Requirements unless
otherwise selected below.) (TYPICAL REQUIREMENTS)
Purpose/Special Notes: Level : 1 2 3 4 5
- Part Weight to be expressed in kilograms to four (4) significant decimal
places (0.0000).Reminder- Part weight is determined by an average of ten
randomly selected parts.
- Identify whether the part contains Reportable/Restricted Substances
- The specific Molds/Cavities/Prod. Process pertaining to the PPAP shall be ID'd
- Record the Production Rate at which the PPAP samples were produced.
- All checking aides used in the processing of the part shall be identified on the PSW.
- IMDS ID number to be documented on the PSW, as well as the revision level and
date created.
19. CHECKING AIDS Picture of checking fixture and certification that all aspects of checking aid(s) X X X X
(Fixtures, gages, models, templates, agree with part dimensional requirements
mylars, etc specific to the product
being submitted
20. END OF LIFE VEHICLES - Submit IMDS data, for ELV reporting, direct to X X X X X
(ELV) REPORTING - A printout of the "Initial Sample Report Substances in Assemblies" and an
(IMDS) acceptance screen shot from the International Material Data System (IMDS)
website is required with each PPAP submission
- IMDS ID # to be documented on the PPAP warrant, as well as revision number and
date created.
- NASCO's company ID # is 32338, for direct supplier submissions to the
IMDS website.
- Go to for free registration of your organization.
- For technical assistance call MDS Map help line @ 972-403-3607
21. AIAG BAR-CODED This record is used to verify that the supplier is using an AIAG, Bar-coded, X X X X X
SHIPPING LABEL Production parts label with the correct customer information as follows:
AIAG SHIPPING LABEL - Customer Part Number
- Customer Part Revision Level
- Supplier Code (This is found on the SSSRF)
- Supplier Name
- Quantity
- Sequential Label Serial Number
- Part Description
- MFG. Date (manufacturing date)
- Lot Number
- Label is to be included with the PPAP documentation.

22. PACKING METHOD Submit packing and shipping container information upon request by the customer. X X X X X
Information to include : container style, size and weight, skid size and weight,
pack count by container and/or pallet load as applicable
23. TS16949/ISO9001 - All suppliers must be certified to TS16949/ISO9001. X X X X X
Certification Certificates are to be attached to each PPAP package.

24. ASSET TAGS Supplier must include picture showing NASCO and/or NASCO customer X X X X X
Asset tags applied, if WFC and/or WFC customer owned tooling.
25. SUPPLIER/COMPONENT Attach complete approved sub-supplier PPAP, if required by the supplier. X X X X X

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(Follow Typical Requirements unless
otherwise selected below.) (TYPICAL REQUIREMENTS)
Purpose/Special Notes: Level : 1 2 3 4 5

NASCO Rep Name:


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WGW-QUA-F-017 Rev 5 6 of 7

Part Name: Program:

Part #: Revision Level:

(required for launch samples)

Quantity: Date:
(Original amount)

Initial PPAP Engineering Change

Sample/Change Description:

Supplier Name:



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