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Installment Payment Plan A:

Scholarship: 76%
Final Tuition Amount: £3643.92
Deposit Amount: £800.00 (to be paid within 5 days of receipt of offer letter - eligible
for free tablet)
Installment Amount: £149.68 (installments commence in September)
Installments Number: 19

This is to inform you that I, Pearl Angelie V. Mahusay, chooses Installment Plan A
among the three payment plans presented. I understand that I have to pay a separate
£35 as an application excluded in the final tuition amount. The deposit amount of
£800.00 will be paid five days after receiving the offer letter, which includes a tablet to
be used during the duration of the program. Starting September, which I chose as the
preferred start date of the program, installment payment amounting to £149.68 will be
paid every month until the program is completed.


Signature and date

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