The Land

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Samuel Natocyad
Volume 1

The story follows the deadly outbreak

of a deadly Zombie plaque and the people that are left, fighting to

survive. Follow Sam, Yuan and their folks as they tries to survive

the zombie apocalypse, they must also face the additional threats of

societal collapse, in the form of dangerous fellow survivors, and the

possible decay of their own moral codes(morality).

Written By:

Samuel Natocyad
The Land
Chapter 1: Where It All Starts

(TV): For all who survive…live long…(bzzt)..don’t…DIE…(bzzzzt)

Sam: Well…It’s all I have to hear.

Yuan: Yeah.

*Doors are being scratched.

Yuan: We should go now.

Sam: We really should .

*The men got out of the house walking in front of covered bodies with

Yuan: I can’t believe they end up like these.

Sam: Yeah…


3 Years Ago.

*Things have been so wonderful, but what happened?? This world became
crazy and the people also. No matter how sick the world is, we’ve manage to
live into it.

We live, fight and survive together…

The group encountered a horde of zombies.*

Yuan: So what?

Sam: What, what?!

Yuan: What do we do now?!

Sam: Should we go back?

Jaci: We can’t just go back!

Meg: Yeah! We’ve gone so far already!

Yuan: So if you don’t want then what?

Grant: We will shove our way to the other side…

Meg: Bu-

Grant: We don’t have other choice…we DIE or SURVIVE…

Yuan: Then…

Sam: We’ll survive…

*They are paired to protect each other…

Sam with Jaci…

Yuan is with Ceasaria…

Grant is with Meg…

And Sharriene, Eumi and the others are with the others…

The group managed to escape the horde, but they have been separated to
each other…
*Sam & Jaci

Sam: Ha! How about that?

Jaci: Uhm… I think we’re lost…

Sam: Ooooh…

*Yuan & Ceasaria

Yuan: I can’t believe the plan works.

Ceasaria: This is bad…

Yuan: Why??

Ceasaria: We’re lost…

*Meg & Grant

Meg: Wow your plan works…

Grant: Thanks…but where is everybody??

*Sam & Jaci

Sam: We should go back.

Jaci: Back to where?

Sam: I don’t know! (Stressed)

Jaci: ……

Sam: We should…find them.

Jaci: We really need to, but we don’t have any

clue where to find them.

Sam: Guess your right…then what should we do??

Jaci: We need to fight them and before that we need to gather

Things to survive…

*Yuan & Ceasaria

* Yuan’s acting like crazy

Ceasaria: Hey…

Ceasaria: Hey!...what should we-

Yuan: Aaahhh!!!

Ceasaria: Hey shut up!!!

Yuan: Aaahhh!!!

*Ceasaria slapped Yuan in the face.

Ceasaria: Are you nuts!!!

Yuan: ……

Ceasaria: So wha-

Yuan: Aaahhh!!!-

Ceasaria: SHUT UP!!! NIGGA!!!

Yuan: Oh…sorry…(Soft voice)

Ceasaria: If you won’t shut up!!! , you might attract “zombies” here!!!

*A pack of zombies approaching them…

Ceasaria: SEE!!!

Yuan: Bu-

Ceasaria: We gotta go now before we get caught…

*Meg & Grant

Meg: Soooo…now what?

Grant: I don’t know. How about you?

Meg: I don’t know.

*Both sits on a bench.

Meg: ( takes a deep breath) So silent…

Grant: What do you mean?

Meg: Well coz its been a hard life for me and I have been
hearing noise my whole life since this riot started-

Grant: Woah!…

Meg: What?

Grant: You feel that?

Meg: Feel what?

Grant: I we should go now.

Meg: Why-
Grant: C’mon!

*Grant stands and grabbed Meg’s hand and ran to the woods.

Meg: Why are we running?

Grant: I’ll tell you later!

*Meg stops……

Grant: Why did you stop?...

Meg: And why are running?...

Grant: They’re coming!

Meg: What and who’s coming!?

Grant: People…with Guns

Meg: Then why are we running? They are people.

Grant: I have a bad feeling about this…We gotta go…

Meg: I won’t…

*Footsteps are being heard…

Grant: Meg, pls…

Meg: They can help us find our friends.

Grant: OK. If you would stay, then so do I…

*The two stayed until they saw a group of people…

Grant ran towards the group of people…

Meg: Grant!
*Grant came near the group…

Grant: Please! Help us, we were separated from our group!

*Then one of the people came near Grant…

Man: So…my friend…What happened??

Grant: We were traveling, and the we encountered a group of “zombies”,

then we shove our way here but we got separated…

Man: So who’s that woman there?

Grant: She’s my cousin…

Man: Oh…too bad…

*Then the man punched Grant in the face…

Grant: Why…

Man: I don’t care about you! Your cousin! Or your group!

*Then Grant punched the man in the face, but the other man came and
punched Grant until Grant fell to the ground…

Grant: Meg!!! Run!!!

Meg: Bu-

Grant: Never mind about me!!!

Meg: Bu-

Grant: Go!!! Find our friends!!! Go!!!

*Meg clenched her fist, closed her eyes, and run towards the woods…Meg
run…and run until teardrops stars to fall from her eyes…she never looked
back…Meg runs until she reached the road…She’s standing in the middle of
the road while tears are falling from her eyes…then she heard a gunshot
from the woods…Meg fell down to her knees… Then she cried so loud…

The Land
Chapter 2: Our Dear Old Friend

*Sam & Jaci heard a gunshot from the woods

Sam: Hey, you heard that?

Jaci: Yeah…

Sam: Could that be them?

Jaci: I don’t think so.

Sam: Why?

Jaci: Only Sharienne and Eumi have the guns and they are still located
somewhere in the highway.

Sam: Well…

*Sam runs towards the woods.

Jaci: Where do you think you’re going?!

Sam: To where the gunshot came from, I need to check that out.

Jaci: wait! Sam!

*Sam and Jaci ran until they reach a road where they saw a woman
surrounded by zombies.

Sam: What’s that woman doing there?!

Jaci: Hey!!! You!!! Get out there!!!

*The woman didn’t react until zombies getting near and near her.

Jaci: Come on Sam, let’s help her.

Sam: Okay….

*The two killed all the zombies surrounding the woman.

Jaci: Hey woman, what do you think you’re doing?

*The woman didn’t react until Jaci saw her tears falling.

Sam: Man…She’s crying.

Jaci: Wait…Meg! Is that you!?

*Meg cried louder.

Meg: Waaaaaah…It’s all my fault! Waaah. (Crying)

Jaci: Meg, why? What happened? Where’s Grant?!!!

Meg: Waaahhh….

Jaci: Meg!!!

Meg: This is all my fault!

Jaci: Meg!!! What happened? Where is Grant?!!

Meg: (Crying loud)

*Jaci inhales and then exhales…

Jaci: I’m sorry Meg…

*Jaci then punch Meg in the face causing Meg her to be unconscious.

Sam: What the!! Why’d you do that?

Jaci: She needs to rest…

Sam: Eh…I…I…don’t get it…

Jaci: Okay…Come on…Let’s bring her to a safe place.

*They carried Meg to a house, they went inside and put Meg to a couch.

Jaci: Hah! Can’t believe Meg’s so heavy.

Sam: Yeah…

*Jaci looks around the room…

Jaci: Should we stay here for tonight?

Sam: I think we should! , I’ve been exhausted carrying Meg around.

Jaci: Ha…(Laughs)

*The room became so silent then Sam looks down.

Sam: Do you have an idea on why Meg was crying awhile ago??

Jaci: Well not a clue…

Sam: Why is Grant not with her? And where’s Grant that time??

Jaci: (Sigh)…I don’t know either…

*The room was filled with silence again…

Jaci: I’ll just go out.

Sam: Why??

Jaci: I…just need to go get something to eat…

Sam: Ok…then I’ll go with you…

Jaci: No…You need to look after Meg.

Sam: Oh…ok…But…

Jaci: Don’t worry I’ll be alright…besides I’ll be back here as fast as I can…

*It’s already night when Jaci went out…

Sam: Well…take care…(Whisper)

*As Sam closes the door. Sam went into the room where Meg is.

Sam: (Sigh)…So quiet…

3 Hour Later

*Sam sits on a chair beside Meg. Its been already long when Jaci went out,
Sam I almost falling down because of sleepiness until Sam heard footsteps in
the door. Sam startled and hurriedly took a knife rusty knife in the kitchen
and wait beside the door to know who would enter. The door opens slowly
then Sam hurriedly went to the door holding a the knife and almost stabbed
a person then…
Sam: Aaaaahhhh!!

*Sam almost stabbed the person with a black robe…

???: (Whispers) Shhhh!!! Its me!! Sam!

Sam: How’d you know my name?

Jaci: Coz it’s me Jaci…

*Then Jaci Looks around her then she entered the house hastily.

Sam: Why are you in such a hurry?

Jaci: ……

Sami: Jaci?

Jaci: Okay were safe.

Sam: Safe from what??

Jaci: From a horde…

Sam: OOhhh…

Jaci: So how’s Meg??

Sam: She’s fine

Jaci: ……

Sam: So did you find some food?

Jaci: I dropped some along the way, don’t worry I still have these canned

*The two ate some of the canned goods then stayed until the morning comes,
Meg then finally woke up…
Meg: Ugh…my head hurts..

Jaci: Ow! Meg your awake!

Sam: Hey how you feelin’

Meg: I…m fine, I think I can’t remember anything since yesterday…

Jaci: Uhmmm…Meg…where’s Grant?...

*Meg remembered that time when they saw a group of people and the time
she ran towards the woods leaving Grant and the time she heard a gunshot
from the woods. The she starts to cry…

Meg: Grant!!! Hwaaaaahh (crying)

Jaci: Meg what happened to Grant?! Meg!!!

Meg: I let this happen to him!!

Jaci: Meg! Pls.! what happened? To Grant??


Jaci: …

Sam: No way…

*Meg keeps on crying, Jaci remained collapsed, Sam was shocked…

Jaci: Meg…I…Its alright…

Meg: NO its not…!

*Jaci hugged Meg, then Meg suddenly collapsed…

Sam: Meg!!

Jaci: She’s alright…

*Jaci laid Meg on the couch…

Sam: Jaci….WHY…

Jaci: What…

Sam: Why…are you so calm even we already heard that Grant is gone?!

Jaci: I don’t believe it.

Sam: Believe what?

Jaci: That Grant is dead.

Sam: How could you say so?

Jaci: Grant is a great person, he’s a wise man and he won’t JUST DIE
EASILY, and we all know that.

Sam: Well…If that’s what you believe, then I’ll believe it too.

The Land
Chapter 3: Sad Goodbyes

*Yuan & Ceasaria

*Yuan heard a gunshot from the woods.

Yuan: Hey Ceasaria you heard that?

Ceasaria: Yes and it is in the highway near the woods.

Yuan: C’mon let’s go check it out.

Ceasaria: Ok.

*The twowent to the highway in front of the woods where they heard the

Yuan: Hey check this out.

*Yuan’s looking at the corpse of zombies.

Ceasaria: What do you think happened here?

Yuan: I don’t know.

*Ceasaria looked at the highway.

Ceasaria: since we are on a road whydon’t we follow it, maybe we’ll see the
others on the way.
Yuan: Good idea.

*The two followed the road until they got tired and rest in an abandoned
house near the road.

Yuan: Ugh… your idea sucks.

Ceasaria: It’s not!

*Then they heard a gunshot nearby.

Yuan: What the!

Ceasaria: What was that?!

Yuan: Should we check it out?

Ceasaria: C’mon…

*The two followed the gunshot and they were shocked when they saw a
woman lying beside a car who happens to be Sharriene.

Ceasaria: Oh my…

Yuan: Sharriene!!!!

*Sharriene heard Yuan but didn’t look at them and pointed something to
her head, it’s a gun. The two run as fast as they can to stop Sharriene.

Yuan: Sharriene!!

Ceasaria: NO!!!
*Yuan run in front of Sharriene and kicked the gun in her hands and
Sharriene dropped the gun then she cried afterwards.

Ceasaria: Sharriene! What do you think you’re doing?!!?

Sharriene: Leave me alone instead!!!

*Then Yuan notice a lot of dead corpse lying around them.

Yuan: Sharriene, tell me, what happened?

Sharriene: Pls. leave me alone!!

Yuan: (Look at the corpse) Did you kill them??

Sharriene: I have to! (Crying)

Yuan: Pls. tell us…what happened?

*Ceasaria look around her, then she was terrified when she saw a
body…it…was …EUMI.

*A couple of hours ago…

*Sharriene, Eumi & the others.

Sharriene: Is everybody alright??

Eumi: Yeah and they are still alright.

Sharriene: But hey, where are the others.

Eumi: Who do you mean??

Sharrienne: Grant, Meg, Sam, Jaci, Yuan and even Ceasaria?!!

Eumi: Yeah I don’t see them too.

*While Eumi and Sharriene are talking, an old man from where Eumi and
Sharriene are is acting strangely, soon the other saw the old man and still
wondering what is happening to the old man. Then the old man fell down

and the others was shocked but they didn’t tell Eumi and Sharriene about it.
Then…the old man suddenly stand and looked at them then suddenly run
toward a child then bite it in the neck …the others are just looking at the
man devouring the faceless child … the people cannot do anything and can’t
even move because of their fear…

Then it was already late…

Sharriene and Eumi turned their backs and faced their group and they saw
some of them are biting the others suddenly one woman jumped at Eumi
and bit her in the arm. Sharriene had killed the woman but Eumi was
already bitten. But they have to kill their group to stop them…

They’ve managed to kill them but a group of zombies are going after them
the zombies was attracted by the gunshot from sharriene’s gun. So they run
away, they reached a dead end. They have nothing to do, they need to fight

They fight the zombies until all of it is killed. Then they sit beside a car ,
then Eumi fall to Sharriene the n she began shaking. Sharriene was terrified
then she pushed Eumi away. Eumi stands and groans while getting near
Sharriene, Sharriene stands up then hold Eumi at her back. Then she cried
then slowly raising her gun and point it on Eumi’s head…BANG!!!...a single
gunshot ended Eumi. Then Sharriene fell to her knees and then sits beside a

The Land
Chapter 4: “I Promise”

*Sam, Jaci and Meg POV

*Sam was wondering around the house that they were staying when he saw
the basement of the house.

Sam: The basement huh…

*Sam went in the basement that is so dark. Sam used his flashlight and walk
around the basement. While he was walking he saw scratches and blood
stains on the wall. He is walking and then suddenly kick something not
noticing it. Then he light it up and was terrified…it was a headless dead
body, then Sam raise his flashlight and saw more dead corpse lying around.
He saw a strange dead corpse sitting next to a door. The corpse is wearing a
yellow jacket stained with blood. The corpse is holding an empty gun and a
knife stained with blood. Then Sam went to the door where the strange
corpse was lying next to. Sam opened the door then saw a dead woman
sitting next to a table with a knife pierced on its head. Sam went near the
table and saw a notebook. Sam took the notebook and opened it.


“July 19, 1986…8:49”

Sam: Woah, this was the date where this riot started…


My name is Corrine Smith, this day, my husband and I have

experienced the greatest horror of our life…
July 29, 1986

It’s been 10 days since the riot started and our supply for food won’t
even last for a day so we will be out together with Elezar my husband…to
find food...

Sept. 13, 1986

…There’s so many…we can’t handle them anymore so we have to

find a safe place for the night…

Sept. 14, 1986

We have lost them and luckily we found a safe house that has food
and it’s safe from zombies…

Sept. 15, 1986

It is nighttime when my husband heard something from the window

beside where we are sleeping…Elezar went to check the window… Then a
bloody hand grabbed him from the window…

Then he told me to go to the basement. I can’t move my body that

time because I’m afraid to leave him. Zombies are gathering around
him…They are trying to eat him…But my husband fight them and
managed to kill them…Then he grabbed me by my hand then we went to the

And then…we reach a room… then he hugged me…he

is…crying…then I cried too, and I don’t know why…The we enter the room,
when we reach the door he stops, he looked at me then smiles as he close the
door letting only me to get inside…

He then speaks…”Corrine…don’t worry…everything will be

alright…and he added…


Then I heard groans…and scratches from the walls…then

gunshot…Then I heard groans of my husband…then I started to cry
loud…I was crying then my husband shouts while he was

These were the last words I heard from him…then I heard the last

The basement became silent…then I write these words in this notebook…

“That this world is just causing me problems”

=Corrine Smith=

*The basement becomes silent as Sam closes the notebook, and when he
placed it in the table something fell from the notebook…Sam picked the
paper which is a picture showing a man hugging a woman while they are
smiling together then Sam looked at the back of the picture…

“The best day of our life”

“July 19, 1986”


The Land
Chapter 5: “Hellos and Goodbyes”

*Yuan Side

*Ceasaria’s trying to comfort Sharriene because of what happened.

Ceasaria: Sharriene…

Sharriene: (Crying)

Ceasaria: you did…the right thing…so please…don’t worry…calm down.

Sharrine: If we had just stopped this…this won’t happen…

Ceasaria: Sharriene…I know, and I am sad about what happened bit there
are things that we can’t bring back…

*They hugged each other.

*Jaci ‘s Side

Sam: Hey Jaci, Meg. What do you think, should we leave now?

Jaci: Hey, what convince you to say that-

*Before Jaci finishes her word, Sam showed a book to her and Meg.

Meg: What’s that??

Jaci: Yeah??

Sam: Well, I’m still confused but I think this book belongs to the persons
who stayed here before us.

*As Sam hands over the book to Meg, a paper fell from it…
Meg: Oh…

Jaci: What’s that??

Sam: Oh, that, that is I think the picture of the persons I am talking about.

*Jaci and Meg take their time reading the book.

*After reading

Meg: Woah…

Jaci: So…sad…

Sam: Well, that convinced me to leave now…

Meg: What do you think?? Jaci…

Jaci: Well, since we are already recovered, I think we should prepare to

leave now.

Meg: Well…you say so…

*Sam, Meg, & Jaci prepared their things then they leave the house…

*Along the road

Sam: This is again another long trip…

Meg: Yeah…

*They were walking then Jaci suddenly stops…

Jaci: (Pointing at something) I guess this is not a long trip this time.

*Sam and Meg looked at what Jaci is pointing and saw three person; one
standing and two seemed crying.
*The three went near and they were surprised to see that it was Yuan,
Ceasaria and Sharriene. But they were confused because Yuan, Ceasaria
and Sharriene seemed so sad and ther were surrounded by dead corpse.

Sam: Oh my…what happened here!!!

Meg: Just, what happened?!!

Jaci: ……

*Jaci is silent and seemed to be looking someone

Sam: Hey Jaci—

*When Sam looked at Jaci, he looked what Jaci’s looking at, and he was so

Sam: Why…Why…

Jaci: Well, that explains a lot…

Meg: Hey! What do you mean?!

Jaci: Wanna know? Well look down…

Meg: (Terrified)

Jaci: …Sharriene…tell…me…what happened?

*Sharriene turned her head slowly towards Jaci and while she was crying,
she was also trying to explain what happened.

Few minutes later…

*Even though Sharriene explained everything, everyone still seems to be

*Then Yuan stand up and he seems not bothered by the situation.

Yuan: I don’t know what to say but, we need to move and go on, if we get
controlled by this situation, then we won’t be able to go anywhere…

*Then Sam stands up.

Sam: Yeah! He’s right. Guys we should not be swallowed by our own
sadness! I know you didn’t want this to happen, but it did happen. We
cannot control our own fate, so everyone…please…get a hold of your

*Then there was a period of silence, and all of them got up, and look at each
other as they are now relieved, then they all looked at Sam…

Meg: Sam has a point, we can’t control our own fate, but we can make it a
better use to us so let us continue.

Jaci: Well you guys are right.

Sharriene: Okay.

Ceasaria: Then let’s continue.

*The group stayed in an abandoned house when the night comes. They
stayed there for the night, they had a feast because they see each other again.
And when they all went to sleep, Sam is awake for a look out.

* 1:09 AM

*Sam is almost sleepy then he decided to go out and have a walk around the

* 1:20 AM
*Sam is sitting beside a tree near the house where the rest is staying. Then
Sam grabbed his water on his left side that is facing the road, and when he
grabbed it, he saw a red thing, as he observed it, he was terrified and
hurriedly went back to the house.

*Sam went to the room of Meg, Jaci, Sharriene, and Ceasaria.

Sam: (Whispering) Everyone, wake up we have to get away from here!!!

Jaci: Why?

Meg: Yeah…what happened..

Ceasaria & Sharriene: (Yawn)…

Sam: Just, prepare your things we will leave this place as soon as possible.

*Then Sam ran to Yuan’s room.

Sam: Yuan! Wake up!!(Whispering)

Yuan: Ugh…what is it!!! Why are you whispering.

Sam: Be quiet! (Whispering)

Yuan: What…Why?

*Sam slapped Yuan.

Yuan: Owww….

Sam: Be quiet we’re in a very rough situation right now! (Whispering)

*As the two prepared their things, they went to see the others.
Yuan: Meg, Jaci, Sharriene, Ceasaria! (Whispering)

Sam: Yuan I think they’re already outside.

* 2: 03 AM

*Everyone gathered at the back of the house.

Jaci: Hey Sam tell me, what did you saw?

Yuan: Yeah, is there something wrong?

Sam: Guys, I think we’re in big trouble.

Sharriene: Why? And tells us why you wake us up.

*Before Sam could answer he was stopped when they heard a gunshot near

Yuan: Everyone! Get in the car on this house garage!

*They all ran to the house’s garage and went in to the car Yuan was talking
about. Outside the house gunshots are still heard. But Yuan and the others
have left the house already.

*Yuan look at the back of the car and was shocked.

Sharriene: What the hell was that!!!

Ceasaria: I don’t know!

Meg: Why are we being shot at?!!

Jaci: Guys! WAIT…

Yuan: Where is Sam!!?

* 2: 10 AM

*Sam went inside the house and wait for his friends to come and get him.

Sam: Guys…where are you? (Soft voice)

*As Sam rub his right arm covered with blood.

*In the car…

Yuan: We need to go back and get Sam there, it’s dangerous.

Jaci: You already said it’s dangerous, we can’t just go back.

Meg: Yeah, we know maybe we are the reason why they shot us back there.

Yuan: But…

*The car was filled with silence as it goes on the road.

* 2:19 AM

The Land
Chapter 6: “Some Sad Reunions”

*In the car

Yuan: so…where will we go now?

Ceasaria: Guys…where?

Jaci & Meg: ……

Sharienne: Guys! Get a hold of yourselves! We can’t do anything about that


Jaci: What do you mean?!

Yuan: Leave him and let him die out here?! Is that what you mean

Sharienne: It’s not what I….-

Yuan: It is what it means!!

Meg: Yuan…

*Sharienne slaps Yuan.

Sharienne: How dare you…

*In the house

*Sam was held by some man and he was getting beat up by them. As he was
struggling in pain he suddenly blink his eyes…then he heard the door
slammed. Then he looked at the men as they fall one by one. His eyes are not
that open so he think he is just imagining…

As he slowly close his eyes…A man in black robe flashed before his
eyes…And the man speaks with a familiar voice…
Man: Sorry man, I think I entered late…haha…and look at you , your
almost half dead…

*As Sam closed his eyes…

*In the car

* Yuan and the others stopped by in an abandoned gas station.

Yuan: So…we will stay here…

Ceasaria: Why?

Yuan: We have to wait for Sam…

Ceasaria: Yuan, you know that our chances of having Sam is so low.

Yuan: I know, but I just won’t let it be like that…

Jaci: Just what do you mean?

Yuan: I…believe that Sam is still out there…looking for us…

Jaci: I know.

Yuan: Then…why don’t we just go back!?

*Meg rushed to Yuan and slapped him.

Yuan: Ow. What’s that for?

Meg: Are you crazy?!! It’s dangerous! Let’s say we will go back , then what
about it?? We are being shot at the house for no reason, we can’t even
guarantee that we will be alive even if we see Sam dead or alive!

*The place became silent…

Yuan: Then! Will stay here and wait for him!

Jaci: Yuan…just…

Ceasaria: Please stop already…

Yuan: Then go…go ahead…bring the car and get out of here, I’ll wait here
for him.

*As Yuan walk in the corner of the station…

Jaci: He’s totally nuts…

Meg: Jaci! Stop it…

Sharienne: Then what now??

Ceasaria: We will leave right away…

Jaci: No…

Meg: Why??

Jaci: Really? You guys will leave Yuan?

Ceasaria: Uh…no…but he said it…

Jaci: Did we ever agree to follow such stupid orders?

Sharienne: No…

Jaci: Then, we will stay…that’s it…

Meg: I agree, cause it’s for the sake of Yuan…

Ceasaria: Yeah, and he also need our help…

Sharienne: Then, we’ll stay.

*As they continue their talk…

Sharienne: I hope Sam is okay…

Meg: Yeah…

*Ceasaria saw Jaci and she wondered what was she thinking…

Ceasaria: Uh…Jaci, are you okay?

Jaci: Uh…Ah! Yeah I’m okay, I’m just thinking about little things…

Ceasaria: Mmm…okay…

Jaci: C’mon let’s fix some things in the station we will be staying there for
this day.

*They start fixing some things in the gas station’s mini mart until night

Jaci: alright we are done…

Sharienne: Yeah, and actually its already night.

Ceasaria: And I’m already finished storing the food.

Meg: Uh…guys, should we convince Yuan to go here inside?

Sharienne: Yes, because he might get harmed.

Jaci: Alright, then I’ll go.

Ceasaria: Okay…

*Jaci stand grabbed a blanket some food and take something in the cashier
and went outside with a lamp.
*In the station corner, Yuan noticed a light approaching him, and he faced
the light in his back and saw Jaci approaching him.

Jaci: Hey there, how you doin’?

Yuan: …….

Jaci: C’mon, let’s get inside the mart.

Yuan: …No

Jaci: C’mon it’s dangerous out here…

Yuan: I said no…

Jaci: Yuan…pls…

Yuan: Then go ahead…I’m still waiting for a friend…

*Jaci heard what Yuan said causing her to get mad, she tighten her grip pn
the food and blanket then she throw it to Yuan.

Yuan: ……

*Jaci went towards the station’s mart then she suddenly stops to pull
something from her waist then throw it beside Yuan. Then she continue
walking out.

Jaci: Suit yourself…

*Then Jaci entered in the mart. Yuan stares at the gun thrown by Jaci, then
he was filled with regret for his actions. Then he grabbed the blanket, ate the
food and kept the gun. And the night passed silently.

*Many hours past and its daytime already.

*As the sun rises, it shines on Yuan’s face causing Yuan to be irritated and
to be awake.

Yuan: So, you didn’t come……Sam. (Soft voice)

*Yuan stand and walked towards the mart of the station and knocks at the
door and talks with an empty voice.

Yuan: Everyone, wake up…we’re leaving.

*Then Yuan walked towards the corner where he slept, he picked up the gun
and fixed the blanket. Then he sits facing the front part of the car. He stare
at the car and he was shocked to see something at the door of the car. He
was terrified and rushed to see what it is. He pulled his gun and pointed it
towards that something that is covered with black robe. Yuan quickly
removed the robe while still pointing his gun towards it. Yuan was shocked
yet relief at the same time because of what he saw.

Yuan: I was so worried and you made us all worried…I’m so glad you’re
still alive….SAM.

*As Yuan is looking at Sam, Yuan saw something that makes him very
curious. He stares at that thing on Sam’s lap. It was so white but it has a
little drop of blood on it. Yuan took it and showed it to the others. And that
thing was a LETTER…
Volume 1

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