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Against The Storm

Will people ever tame the destructive, often deadly hurricane? Weather scientist, or meteorologist,
do not yet understand the forces that generate a hurricane, but perhaps with study and time they can learn
to control these enormous storms. One important study project is called Hurricane Strike. This project
studies the huge storms that harm thousands of people and destroy millions of dollars worth of property.
Scientist in this project are trying to learn more about hurricanes, especially the speed and direction of the
winds. Then people living in the path of hurricane can protect themselves and their belongings.
Dr. Robert Sheets, the chief forecaster at the national Hurricane Center in Miami, explains the
importance of this information, “When we post a hurricane warning for a part of the coast (pesisir) : he said,
“people spend about $80.000 per mile in preparation. If the hurricane does not strike land where we
announced or posted warnings, then that money is wasted. But, even worse, the next time we put out a
warning, the people might not pay attention to us.” That is the reason for project Hurricane Strike to
increase the accuracy of the forecast (ramalan cuaca). They need to predict where the storm will be twenty
four hours later.
One hurricane, named Belle, caused trouble for forecaster. At first it appeared to be headed for
Florida, so warnings were posted. However, the storm stayed at sea. Next, warnings were posted in
Georgia and the Carolinas, but again it did not hit it. In fact, Belle first hit (menerjang) the coast in New
York. Millions and millions of dollar were spent on preparation that was not needed.
Dr. Sheets said, “We received hundreds of letters. People couldn’t understand how science could
send people to the moon and not predict a storm’s path. However, we still can’t tell. The only way to find
out about hurricanes is from inside them.” Prediction is what Project Hurricane Strike is about, and that is
part of the challenge that faces meteorologists.
The other part of the challenge is controlling hurricanes. Meteorologists work inside a hurricane by
‘seeding’ the center ‘eye’ with silver iodide. The silver iodide causes raindrops to form and fall over the
ocean. Taking the water out of the clouds reduces the energy of the storm. Therefore, the rotation of the
storm decreases, and so does the wind velocity (kecepatan). Meteorologists can sometimes use this
method to bring a dangerous hurricane under control.
Scientists have already seeds some hurricanes that were forming over the Atlantic Ocean. Some of
these experiments were successful in decreasing wind speeds. On the other hand, scientists are aware
(mengetahui/sadar) that experimentation with hurricane is dangerous. They risk creating an even more
dangerous storm. By adding silver iodide, they change the storm. Other unpredicted changes, such as an
increase in temperature or a wind shift (perubahan), might take the storm out of control again. For this
reason, scientists have been cautious, and only a few storms have been seeded and tested.
To learn how to moderate (sedang/cukup/menjinakkan) storm, meteorologists need to be able to
experiment (percobaan) far out in the ocean away from populated areas. Such an area exist in the
relatively remote Western pacific where many storm originate. The people who live in these areas naturally
object (berkeberatan) to any experimentation (pelaksanaan percobaan) that might risk all their lives. Their
objections must be understood, and measures (tindakan) must be taken to protect them and their property.
Nevertheless (namun demikian), the cooperation of every vulnerablen (mudah terkena) country is essential
because the control of hurricane will be so beneficial (berguna / menguntungkan) to all of humanity.

Circle TRUE or FALSE

1. Scientist understand how hurricane begin TRUE FALSE

2. Hurricane Strike is the name of a storm TRUE FALSE
3. Scientists in Hurricane Strike are trying to learn
About the speed and direction of the winds TRUE FALSE
4. The National Hurricane Center is in Boston TRUE FALSE
5. People spend about $80,000 per mile to prepare for TRUE FALSE
a hurricane
6. Belle hit the coast of New York TRUE FALSE
7. Hurricane clouds contain large amount of water TRUE FALSE
8. Only a few storms have been tasted TRUE FALSE
9. All storms must be seeded, whether or not they are close
To people TRUE FALSE
10. Scientist have not been cautious about hurricane testing TRUE FALSE
11. Scientists can easily control hurricanes TRUE FALSE
12. Silver iodide helps control winds speeds TRUE FALSE
13. Experimenting with a large storm is dangerous TRUE FALSE
14. Control of hurricanes is not important to people TRUE FALSE
15. Scientists can now control hurricanes, preventing any
Comprehension Question:

1. What are meteorologists?

2. What is the reason for Project Hurricane Strike?

3. Why was Hurricane Belle a problem for forecaster?

4. According to Dr. Sheets, what is the only way to find out about hurricanes?

5. What do you think “seeding” means?

6. What do you think the ‘eye’ is?

7. Where have these storms been tested?

8. Where do scientists hope to test in the future?

9. What conditions in a storm might suddenly change?

10. Why have scientist been cautious?

11. Why do scientist want to experiment away from people?

12. Why is it better for the raindrops to fall over the ocean than over land?

Finding Main Ideas:

1. The main idea of paragraph 1 is……

a. How scientists are trying to control hurricane
b. How people act in storms
c. How the hurricanes are destructive and often deadly?
d. How Project Hurricane Strike works
2. The main idea of paragraph 2 is……
a. People spend about $80.000 per mile
b. Forecaster needs to become accurate in predicting hurricanes
c. Dr. Robert Sheets is the chief forecaster at the National Hurricane Center in Miami
d. Money is wasted preparing for hurricanes
3. The main idea of paragraph 3 is…….
a. Belle first hit the coast of New York
b. Belle stayed at sea
c. Warning were posted in Georgia and the Carolinas
d. Belle caused trouble for forecaster
4. The main idea of paragraph 5 is……
a. that prediction is necessary before silver iodide can be used
b. that learning to control storms as also a part of scientists’ challenge
c. that hurricanes form in the ocean
d. that silver iodide causes rain drops to form and fall over the ocean
5. The main idea of paragraph 6 is…….
a. scientists have been cautious
b. changing conditions are dangerous
c. experimenting with hurricanes is dangerous
d. silver iodide is dangerous
6. The main idea of paragraph 7 is……
a. controlling nature is important
b. people do not object to experimentation
c. many storms originate in the Western Pacific
d. scientists need to be able to experiment away from populated areas

Bisakah orang menjinakkan, badai destruktif yang sering mematikan? ilmuwan cuaca, atau meteorologis,
belum memahami kekuatan yang menghasilkan badai, tapi mungkin dengan studi dan waktu mereka dapat
belajar untuk mengontrol badai besar ini. Salah satu proyek studi penting disebut “Serangan Badai”.
Proyek ini mempelajari badai besar yang merugikan ribuan orang dan menghancurkan jutaan dolar
properti. Ilmuwan dalam proyek ini mencoba untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang angin topan, terutama
kecepatan dan arah angin. Kemudian orang-orang yang tinggal di jalur badai dapat melindungi diri dan
harta mereka.

Dr Robert Sheets, kepala peramal cuaca di Pusat Topan Nasional di Miami, menjelaskan pentingnya
informasi ini, “Ketika kita menirimkan peringatan badai untuk bagian dari pantai: ia berkata,“Orang-orang
menghabiskan sekitar $ 80.000 per mil untuk persiapannya. Jika badai tidak menyerang daerah di mana
kami mengumumkan atau memasang peringatan, maka uang akan terbuang percuma. Tapi, lebih buruk
lagi, disaat berikutnya kita mengeluarkan peringatan, orang-orang mungkin tidak memperhatikan
kita.”Itulah alasan untuk proyek “Serangan Badai” ini untuk meningkatkan ketetpatan ramalannya Mereka
perlu untuk memprediksi di mana badai akan memrjang duapuluh empat jam kemudian.

Satu badai, bernama Belle, menyebabkan kesulitan bagi peramal cuaca. Pada awalnya badai itu
tampaknya menuju Florida, sehingga peringatan dikirimkan. Namun, badainya tetap beradadi laut.
Berikutnya, peringatan dikirimkan ke Georgia dan Carolina, tapi sekali lagi badai itu tidak menrjang.
Bahkan, Belle pertama kali menerjang pantai di New York. Jutaan dan jutaan dolar dihabiskan untuk
persiapan yang tidak diperlukan.

Dr. Sheets mengatakan, “Kami menerima ratusan surat. Orang tidak bisa memahami bagaimana ilmu
pengetahuan bisa mengirim orang ke bulan dan tidak memprediksi jalur badai ini. Namun, kita masih tidak
bisa mengatakan. Satu-satunya cara untuk mengetahui tentang badai adalah dari dalam mereka.”Prediksi
adalah tentang,apa Proyek “Serangan Badai”. Dan itu adalah bagian dari tantangan yang dihadapi ahli

Bagian lain dari tantangan ini adalah mengendalikan badai. Ahli meteorologi bekerja di dalam badai
dengan ‘membenihi pusat‘mata’ dengan iodida perak. Iodida perak menyebabkan air hujan terbentuk dan
jatuh di atas lautan. Dengan mengambil air dari awan mengurangi energi badai. Oleh karena itu, rotasi
badai berkurang, dan begitu juga dengan kecepatan angin. Ahli Meteorologi kadang-kadang dapat
menggunakan metode ini untuk membawa badai yang berbahaya di bawah kontrol.

Para ilmuwan sudah “membenihi” beberapa badai yang terbentuk di Samudra Atlantik. Beberapa
percobaan ini berhasil dalam menurunkan kecepatan angin. Di sisi lain, para ilmuwan menyadari bahwa
eksperimen dengan badai berbahaya. Mereka berisiko menciptakan badai yang bahkan lebih berbahaya.
Dengan menambahkan iodida perak, mereka mengubah badai. Perubahan tidak diperkirakan lainnya,
adalah seperti peningkatan suhu atau pergeseran angin, mungkin menyebabkan badai di luar kendali lagi.
Untuk alasan ini, para ilmuwan telah berhati-hati, dan hanya beberapa badai telah dibenihi dan diuji.

Untuk mempelajari cara mengatasi badai, ahli meteorologi harus mampu bereksperimen jauh di laut dan
jauh dari daerah-daerah berpenduduk. Daerah tersebut ada relatif terpencil di Pasifik Barat di mana
banyak badai berasal. Orang-orang yang tinggal di daerah ini secara alami keberatan dengan eksperimen
yang mungkin mempertaruhkan seluruh hidup mereka. Keberatan mereka harus dipahami, dan langkah-
langkah harus diambil untuk melindungi mereka dan harta mereka. Namun demikian kerjasama setiap
negara yang rentan badai adalah penting karena mengontrol badai akan sangat bermanfaat bagi seluruh
umat manusia.

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