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Jezziniah Eastman

April 5th, 2021

English 3

My Personal Statement

If I were asked my junior year what I wanted to be in the future, I would've said

a doctor or being a specialist in some category. Over time I have been able to

recognize my own behavior and how I act and react to my surroundings or with

situations I come to deal with. I have never been able to truly know what it is I want

to have a career in. I don't believe everyone does, even up till this point. Everyone's

journey is different and is often changed or not made a commitment to.

I want to be a psychologist in the future. I find psychology very fascinating because

the mind works in very mysterious ways. The way everyone functions differently and

many people have a deeper understanding than others can reach. As my own person,

to someone else the way I see life others wouldn't understand what I mean and might

even call me weird. I have always been able to understand others, and been able to

give others understanding about their own feelings. I often feel misunderstood.

During my seventeen years of life I have had so many different experiences, and

encounters, which have shaped me into the person I am today. Every experience I

have been through, I always unlock a deeper root into my own mind. Things that

make you realize how life is, in the moment you are currently in right now. How you,

yourself are in your own body looking at the surroundings of the world. It has always
been a scary thing to me, that yes everything revolves around you as much as it

doesn't feel like it when we are active. I want to specialize in psychology because I

believe I am one of those people who are able to see life from a deeper perspective,

many people cannot reach that and cannot realize it which makes people like us

think they are insensitive and are without feelings like us. It is hard to explain but I

have this sense that makes me believe that if there are people who have deep

cognition, then there are people who have no deep feelings or understanding at all.

There are insensitive people and sensitive people. I realized I wanted to be a

psychologist when I realized there are people who don't have deep recognition as

much as some others do. It's fascinating to see the levels and at which someone's

knowledge is at.

In the future I hope to become a psychologist by putting the dedication and

commitment into my journey. I want to accomplish helping others open their senses

and also realizing at a deeper perspective of what life is and what we feel. I want to

help others that cannot understand their own feelings, come to terms of what they

feel. By majoring in psychology I hope to get my doctorates.

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