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Premier University

Term Paper on:

Problem and prospects of E-commerce
Faculty of Business Studies

Department of Finance

(B.B.A Program)

Submitted to:
Rajib Datta

Assistant Professor

Premier University, Chittagong.

Submitted by:
Name: Chowdhury Isnuva Ajnin

B.B.A Program (33th Batch)

ID: 1603310108753

Department of Finance

Premier University, Chittagong.

Date of Submission- 12 December, 2020

Letter of Transmittal
Date: 12 December 2020
Rajib Datta
Associate Professor
Department of Finance
Premier University, Chittagong.
Subject: Submission of Term Paper.

Dear Sir,
It is great pleasure and privilege to present the Term Paper titled ‘‘Problem and
prospects of E-commerce’’. This has been assigned to me as a partial requirement for
the degree to BBA Throughout the study. I tried with the best of my capacity to
accommodate as much information and relevant issues as possible and tried to follow
the instructions as you have suggested. I tried my best to make to this term paper as
much informative as possible. I sincerely believe that it will satisfy your requirements.
However, I sincerely believe that this report will serve the purpose of my term paper
of BBA.

My effort will be reworded only if it adds value of the research literature.

Sincerely Yours

Name: Chowdhury Isnuva Ajnin

B.B.A Program (33th Batch)
ID: 1603310108753
Department of Finance
Premier University, Chittagong.

The Term Paper on ‘’Problem and prospects of E-commerce’’ has been prepared to
fulfill the requirements of BBA degree. I am very much fortunate that I have received
sincere guidance, supervision and co-operation from various respected people while
preparing this Term Paper.

At the very beginning I would like to express my gratitude to God for special blessing
in completing the Term Paper. Then, I would like to thank my academic supervisor of
the Internship Program Rajib Datta Assistant Professor Premier University,
Chittagong for giving me the opportunity to prepare this Term Paper. He also provided
me some important advices and guidance for preparing this report. Without his
assistance, this Term Paper would not be a comprehensive one.

Name: Chowdhury Isnuva Ajnin
B.B.A Program (33th Batch)
ID: 1603310108753
Department of Finance
Premier University, Chittagong.

First of all, I am grateful to the Most Merciful Creator, whose undeserved

kindness. I have been able to prepare this Term Paper on the ‘’ Problem and
prospects of E-commerce’’ I would like to express my sincere gratitude to
Rajib Datta, as well as the other teachers of the department, for their full
support and guidance at the right time.
Table of Contents
‘’Problem and prospects of E-commerce’’

Chapters Particulars Page No

Introductory Aspects
1.1 Introduction
Chapter I 1.2 Objectives of the study 01-02
1.3 Scope of the study
1.4 Methodology of the study
1.5 Limitation of the study
Chapter II Theoretical Aspects 03
2.1 Literature Review
Chapter III Practical Aspects
3.1 Sample enterprise at a glance
3.2 Findings
3.3 SWOT Analysis
Conclusionary Aspects
4.1 Summarized View
4.2 Recommendation
Chapter IV 4.3 Conclusion
4.4 References
4.5 Appendix
Chapter I
Introductory Aspects

1.1 Introduction
Present world is a small global village. Business today extends its operations beyond
boundaries. It becomes worldwide due to cost competitiveness and natural advantages
that countries have. Business is by the people, for the people and of the people.
Interdependency is mantra of modern business. E-business is transforming
companies, industries at an accelerating rate. Wide spread use of ICT in the field of
business has opened all the doors for developments. Global marketing is to meet the
expectations of varieties of consumers of the entire world, thereby taking commercial
advantage of the global operational differences, similarities. To be success in global
market the corporate must have to deal with global integrated e-market entry
strategies, global marketing mix element strategies and global buyer behavior
strategies, differences in the legal environment, administrative procedures etc. Lou
Gerstner, ex CEO of IBM has rightly said-E-business is all about time cycle, speed,
globalization, enhanced productivity, reaching new customers and sharing knowledge
across institutions for competitive advantage. Therefore, Indian firms/corporate must
learn how to enter foreign e-markets and increase their global competitiveness and
adapt their e-business to the requirements of global e-market. E-business can have
positive impact on every facet of the organization pave way for rise of manufacturing
and service economy.

1.2 Objectives of the study

The objectives of this Term paper are as follows:
1.To understand the complexity, emerging role and its many facet of E-commerce in
global business world.
2.To compare the traditional business and E-business.
3.To identify the impact of E-commerce on stakeholders of society.
4.To recognize the benefits and limitations of E-commerce.
5. To discuss the issues and constraints, challenges and opportunities of e-commerce.
6. To find out problem of E-commerce.
7. To discuss about prospect of E-commerce.
Page No 01
1.3 Scope of the study
The scope of the study is limited in practical review and online reviews. I did a small
research in reality of application of problem and prospects of E-commerce. I took
some ideas from website, Newspaper, from my relatives, Teacher and friends about
problem and prospect of E-commers. Then I research in online via Google and found
reality of application of problem and prospect of E-commers.

1.4 Methodology of the study

For the purpose of this study we have used systematic and objective process for
gathering, recording and analyzing data. We have tried to avoid distorting effect of
personal bias as much as possible. For the purpose of research, first of all, we have
tried to identify the issues. Then we diagnosed those problems. At the end we have
selected and evaluated the courses of action. Mainly we have followed secondary data.
For the study most of the information was collected from the following sources:
 Text Book
 Banks and Financial institutions
 Bangladesh Bank
 Ministry of Law
 Selected Industries
 Ministry of Planning
 Ministry of Commerce
 Ministry of Science and technology

1.5 Limitation of the study

Maximum effort was given to make the study a successful one, but it suffers from
some limitation those were apparently unavoidably. The major ones were:
 Shortage of time period: The major limitation faced to carry out this project was
mainly time constraints. It hindered the course of vast area and time for
preparing a report within the mentioned period is really difficult.
 Secrecy of Management: The authority of the organizations did not disclose
much information for keeping the organization confidential. So, some data
could not be collected for confidentiality or secrecy of management.
 Busy working environment: The officials had some times been unable to
provide information because of their huge routine work. So, we could not gather
vast knowledge about the critical issues. It is really difficult to gather data from
the place where people do not know me for a long time.
 Lack of information: In the website, information of e-commerce practice in
several companies were limited.

Page No 02
Chapter II
Literature Review
The technology is changing daily, creating a continuous stream of new causes of
action. Business becomes worldwide due to cost competitiveness and natural
advantage that country has. Interdependency is mantra of modern business. E-
commerce is a type of business model that conduct its operations/dealings of
exchanging of goods and services or the transmitting of funds or data or terms of sale
are performed over an electronic network. Today E-commerce provides tremendous
opportunities in different areas of economic life. Wide spread use of ICT has opened
the doors for developments in the field of business. E-business retail is decidedly
convenient due to its 24-hour availability, global reach and generally efficient
customer service. Its growth would depend to a great extent on effective IT security
systems for which necessary technological and legal provisions need to be put in place
constantly and strengthened instantly. The companies, organizations, and communities
in India are beginning to take advantage of the potential of e-commerce; critical
challenges remain to be overcome before e-commerce would become an asset for
common people. It is said e-Business is by the people, for the people and of the
people. This paper overviews the complexity of e-commerce emerging role and its
many facets. The paper compares the traditional business and E-business. It identifies
benefits, recognize the limitations. Further, discuss its impact, the issues and
constraints, challenges and opportunities in modern e-world.

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