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Paul University Surigao

St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

Submitted by:
Oracion, Regina Vera L.
Delamide, Hazel Colin
Saragoza, Aragin
BEED 201

Submitted to:
Mr. Nikko T. Ederio, MAMT
Task A
Comprehensively and concisely explain:
• IPR Act of the RP
• DPA 2012 of the RP
~ you can use schematic diagrams, concept maps, representation diagrams, etc. to make
your outputs more creative and comprehensive
2. Cite at least ONE REAL-LIFE SCENARIO pertaining to issues on IPR and DPA Laws in the
Supplementing Guide Questions

IPR and DPA should be considered in studying Educational Technology in Instructional

Delivery due to the fact that it can help protect the privacy of the students and
the teachers. There are some critical information and other personal data which
are only exclusive in particular areas which is one of the reasons why this should be
studied. Since students nowadays use school computers and networks for educational
purposes, particularly now that we are in online classes, these laws should be taught
because their data will also be exposed to security risks. Students' data can be
jeopardized if their computers and networks at school or at home are not stable.
Furthermore, students' data can be exposed to the instructional process in various
ways than by interactive devices. Personal information is often demanded by schools.
Typically, they are asked to include their home addresses or other personal household
details. If schools do not have proper security policies and procedures in place, all
data given to them could be at risk. Teachers should inspire students to learn more
about simple internet privacy and protection threats, as well as why it is important
to secure their IP addresses for data security.

Intellectual property is an umbrella term for a set of intangible assets or assets

that are not physical in nature.
Intellectual property is owned and legally protected by a company from outside use
or implementation without consent.
Intellectual property can consist of many types of assets, including trademarks,
patents, and copyrights.

Yes, due to the fact that when your personal data that should be kept private gets
in the wrong hands, bad things can happen. Data security has always been a priority.
Its why people secure their file cabinets with locks and rent safe deposit boxes at
their banks. Data protection is becoming more relevant as more of our data is
digitized and we exchange more information online. A single entity can hold the
personal details of millions of customers—information that must be kept confidential
in order for customers' identity to remain safe and secure, and the company's image
to remain unblemished.
When it comes to data protection, we as individuals have a lot at stake. The more
we learn about it, the more equipped we can be to defend ourselves from a wide
range of threats.

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