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RESPONSIBILITY (1st Quarter: Week 5)

The Impact of Belief Systems in Business

Background Information
Do you believe that the Bible is the word of God? When you vote, do you register as a
Democrat or a Republican? When it comes to human nature, do you believe that we are
inherently selfish or selfless? These are all great examples of different types of belief
A belief system is an ideology or set of principles that helps us to interpret our
everyday reality. This could be in the form of religion, political affiliation, philosophy, or
spirituality, among many other things. These beliefs are shaped and influenced by a number
of different factors. Our knowledge on a certain topic, the way we were raised, and even peer
pressure from others can help to create and even change our belief systems. The convictions
that come from these systems are a way for us to make sense of the world around us and to
define our role within it.
Religious ethics provides a set of consistent and reasonable statements regarding
business. It’s a different approach that provides new horizons for thinking. Also, in our global
world, business means dealing with people of different religions, and ignoring or
misinterpreting religious ethical approaches can cause serious problems.

Christian business ethics:

Like Islam, Christianity is monotheistic (a belief in a single, all-powerful deity), and
it also provides its followers with guidelines for personal conduct. Also like Islam,
Christianity is practiced with a wide variance of behavioral standards. Conservative
Christians have theological beliefs that discourage the use of alcohol, allow only modest
attire, and sometimes prohibit activities like dancing or listening to certain types of music.
More liberal Christian groups don't take a definitive stand on these issues, but they may
continue to discourage them with less intensity.
In regions where Christianity is dominant, commerce is largely tied to the intensity of
the observance. The state of Utah's liquor regulations are a great example of the impact of
conservative Christianity. In this region, the state government maintains tight control over the
liquor industry and places strict limits on its sale and consumption. Businesses in regions
where conservative Christianity prevails should ensure that their plans and projections are not
based on retail sales of goods or services that are treated as sinful or evil.
The Christian in commerce should not desire “to get another’s goods or labor for less
than it is worth.” One must not try to obtain a good price for his own wares by extortion. If
one is buying from the poor, “charity must be exercised as well as justice;” purchaser must
pay the full price that the goods are worth to him. Moreover, purchaser shouldn’t admit
suffering of the vendor because he cannot stand out for his price, but vendor should offer a
loan or persuade someone else to do so.

Jewish business ethics:                                                                                           

Judaism, which relies on the Torah for its written law, has had a great impact on
marketing and business ideology. Jewish culture, values, and ideas have penetrated into many

aspects of modern life including modern market. Some points examined in this paper include:
honesty on the market, fair pricing, and business relations.
1. Honesty on the market. Merchants are prohibited from falsifying weights and
measures, owning a dishonest weight by the Torah.
2. Fair pricing. "If you sell something to your neighbor or buy something from your
neighbor’s hand, you shall not cheat each other." Similarly, if an individual is
unaware of true value of an item and wishes to sell it, one must not take advantage of
the seller’s ignorance and underpay. Price stability is of great concern to the Talmud.
3. Business relations. Employers are required to pay employees on time. Indeed,
business ethics occupies such an important place in Jewish Laws, culture, and
tradition that the Talmud has as the very first question to an individual at the final
judgment: "Were you honest in your business dealings?"

Muslim business ethics:   

Although Muslims are all around the world, Islam is the driving religious force in the
Middle East, Africa, and the Indonesian islands. Islam differs from Buddhism in that it
identifies a central deity, Allah, whose instructions guide behavior. Some Muslim countries
require a religious dress code (particularly for women) to cover nearly the entire body in
order to show modesty. In less conservative regions, men wear Western clothing and women
may wear only a headscarf.
International business taking place in conservative Muslim regions will be impacted
by a number of Islamic practices, including the religious dress code. In areas where women
don't wear Western clothing and the Islamic dress code is passionately enforced, for example
clothing retailers will need to adjust their inventory to include things like burqua, niqabs,
hijabs, and chadors.
For Islam, the basis of these laws is the Qur'an. Islamic teachings strongly stress on
observance of ethical and moral code in human behaviour. Muslim ethics include avoidance of
people’s exploitation through lending them money at interest and prohibitions against false
advertising. Under Islamic Laws, if a vendor sells an item by making false claims about it,
customer has the right to have the transaction cancelled.

Buddhist business ethics: 

Buddhism teaches that the pursuit of worldly things is of no value, and to do so will
hinder someone's progress toward enlightenment. Consequently, retailing in areas where
buying is influenced by observant Buddhists will be especially challenging if the products are
associated with fulfilling worldly desires or are considered frivolous. However, there are not
that many strictly practicing Buddhists, aside from monks, so this shouldn't be too much of a
concern. A company just has to make sure to do specific research about the habits of people
living in these areas before they pass up on a potentially lucrative market.
The Buddhist business code and professional ethics are closely tied with respect for
environment. Essentially, according to Buddhist teachings, ethical and moral principles are
run by examining a certain action, which has to avoid any harm. Therefore some Buddhist
texts emphasize on the role of enlightenment - one of the elements which prohibits
occupations associated with violence (such as arms dealing).

Overall, it is worth pointing out that each religion has its own prejudices.
Nevertheless, the main idea of each of them is that faith should give rise to a commitment to
create favorable environment at work. That is why our modern society cannot exclude the
impact of religion on modern business and should be aware and respect differences in values

in various communities. So while there are global ethical norms, we also have to show
respect to different values of each community.

Learning Competencies with Code

 Explain how the belief systems influence business practices. (ABM_ESR12-IIIe-h-

Below are set of activities prepared for you to better understand about the belief
systems and their impact to businesses. The background information above serves as your
guide in answering these activities. If you have further queries, feel free to ask me. Good luck
and happy learning!

Activity 1: True or False

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
___1. Islamic culture, values, and ideas have penetrated into many aspects of modern life
including modern market.
___2. Jewish teachings strongly stress on observance of ethical and moral code in human
___3. Business means dealing with people of different religions, and ignoring or misinterpreting religious
ethical approaches can cause serious problems.
___4. The Christian in commerce should desire “to get another’s goods or labor for less than
it is worth.
___5. Employers are required to pay employees on time.
___6. According to Buddhist teachings, ethical and moral principles are run by examining a
certain action, which has to avoid any harm.
___7. Buddhism, which relies on the Torah for its written law, has had a great impact on
marketing and business ideology.
___8. If you sell something to your neighbor or buy something from your neighbor’s hand,
you shall not cheat each other.
___9. Business ethics provides a set of consistent and reasonable statements regarding business.
___10. Our knowledge on a certain topic, the way we were raised, and even peer pressure
from others can help to create and even change our belief systems.

Activity 2: “Match Them Up”

Directions: Match the statements in column A to what they describe in column B.

Column A Column B
____1. This includes avoidance of people’s exploitation through lending A. Belief system
them money at interest and prohibitions against false advertising.
____2. It provides a set of consistent and reasonable statements regarding B. Christianity
____3. It is an ideology or set of principles that helps us to interpret our C. Islamic teachings
everyday reality.
____4. This religion is monotheistic (a belief in a single, all-powerful D. Islamic Laws
deity), and it also provides its followers with guidelines for
personal conduct.

____5. This religion teaches that the pursuit of worldly things is of no E. Muslim ethics
value, and to do so will hinder someone's progress toward
____6. It is the driving religious force in the Middle East, Africa, and the F. Judaism
Indonesian islands.
____7. They have theological beliefs that discourage the use of alcohol, G. Religious ethics
allow only modest attire, and sometimes prohibit activities like
dancing or listening to certain types of music.
____8. This religion relies on the Torah for its written law and has had a H. Buddhism
great impact on marketing and business ideology.
____9. These teachings strongly stress on observance of ethical and moral I. Christians
code in human behaviour. 
____10 Under these laws, if a vendor sells an item by making false claims J. Islam
. about it, customer has the right to have the transaction cancelled.

Activity 3: Multiple Choice

Directions: Read each statement carefully then choose the correct answer from the options
given below.
1. Which religions believe in karma, the belief that there is a connection between a person's
actions and their good or bad fortune?
a. Christianity and Animism c. Buddhism and Hinduism
b. Taoism and Judaism d. Judaism and Animism
2. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share a belief in _________.
a. Monotheism and religious freedom c. Karma and the bible
b. Monotheism and ethical conduct d. Monotheism and karma
3. The Five Pillars of Islam are _____ that every _____ must strive to fulfill.
a. Rules, Hindu b. Obligations, Muslim c. A pilgrimage, Muslim d. Obligations, Hindu
4. The diaspora has been a major effect felt by Jewish people. What is a diaspora?
a. A scattering of people, usually because they lose their homeland.
b. Enslavement of people, usually because of their religion.
c. A genocide of people, usually because of their race.
d. A scattering of people, usually because of their race.
5. What belief system is associated with the four noble truths?
a. Buddhism b. Hinduism c. Islam d. Christianity
6. Sunni and Shia Muslims disagreed over who was the proper successor after Mohammad's
death. What has been the impact over this split?
a. There is violence between Sunni and Shia Muslims in the Middle East.
b. Sunni and Shia Muslims have filed a lawsuit against each other with the United Nations.
c. There is not enough oil in the Middle East for both Sunnis and Shias.
d. There is peace between Sunni and Shia Muslims in the Middle East.
7. What divided Muslims?
a. Sunnis believe that pork should be permitted, Shias believe it should not be permitted.
b. Muslims disagreed over the rightful successor after Mohammad's death.
c. Muslims disagreed over whether or not Mohammad was a true prophet.
d. Muslims agreed over the rightful successor after Mohammad's death.
8. What belief system is associated with the idea of non-action?
a. Taoism b. Hinduism c. Buddhism d. Islam
9. What do Buddhists believe is a universal truth about life?

a. A person should not question God or the church.
b. Life is suffering.
c. A person must pray five times a day.
d. Life is yielding.
10. The Buddhist religion teaches that salvation is earned by _____________.
a. learning to give up selfish desire.
b. being baptized and confirmed.
c. worshiping Allah as the one true god.
d. doing bad things in life.

Activity 4: Case Study

Directions: Read and analyze the given case below then answer the questions that follow.
A man complained that his employer had introduced a new rule that all staff were
required to work on Saturdays. He said the rule had forced him to resign, as he was unable to
work on Saturdays due to his devout practice as a Seventh Day Adventist.
The employer said he had not intentionally treated the man unfairly on the basis of his
religion. The Commission explained that having no intention to discriminate was not a
defense to unlawful discrimination.
In conciliation, the employer apologized for any hurt and humiliation the man may
have suffered, and agreed to pay him $5,000 to cover his loss of wages and general damages.
What are the issues posed in the case study? What options does the man have, and
what should he do and why?

Guide Questions: What insights have you gained from this activity? How important are the
belief systems in your daily life?

References for learners

 Racelis, Aliza. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility. Quezon City. Rex

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Answer Key

Activity 1:
5. TRUE 10. TRUE

Activity 2:
1. E. 6. J.
2. G. 7. I.
3. A. 8. F.
4. B. 9. C.
5. H. 10. D.

Activity 3:
1. c. 6. a.
2. b. 7. b.
3. b. 8. a.
4. a. 9. b.
5. a. 10. a.

Activity 4:
Answers may vary.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher, Bagabag National High School

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