Class Participation Rubric 5

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University

Ministry of Education College of Nursing

Class Performance Evaluation Rubric
The Class Performance Evaluation Rubric (CPER) measures the class participation of the student. Class participation is included in the over-all evaluation of the students to
obtain the highest mark possible for the course. It aims to improve the sense of responsibility of the student. Moreover it will encourage student for developing their critical
thinking skills, creativity, communication, listening, and sense of initiative. The CPER will include class participation, behavior and attendance.
Item Excellent Acceptable Unacceptable Poor Week Student Comment Plan for
(3) (2) (1) (0) No score improvement

1. Contribution Always contributes to class Regularly makes Contributes to class Rarely makes
discussion offering meaningful and discussion when meaningful
insightful ideas and asking clarifying prompted. Seldom contributions to
clarifying and meaningful contributions to class offers ideas or ask class discussion or
questions to extend discussion; questions. offer ideas or ask
understanding. Takes risks sometimes offers questions.
by initiating discussion and ideas, asks questions
asserting opinions. and offers opinions.
2. Quality of Work Consistently gives best Usually gives best Demonstrates Always work
Class academic effort, quality work effort and consistently minimal effort, incomplete and no
performance completes work work is sometimes effort.

3. Participation, team Self-confident, Consistently accepts Rarely accepts Can’t accept

work, class demonstrates self- responsibility for own responsibility for responsibility and
discussion, awareness in accepting choices, often own choice: makes avoid work in
responsibility for own demonstrates strong poor choices when group.
choices independence working with others

4. Effort Exhibits Consistently comes to class Almost always Seldom come to Attend without
strong work prepared; maximizes class prepared; frequently class prepared; poor preparation before
preparedness time available uses class time use of class time the class

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University
Ministry of Education College of Nursing
Item Excellent Acceptable Unacceptable Poor Week Student Comment Plan for
(3) (2) (1) (0) No score improvement
5. Critical Thinking Always thinks through Consistent use Consistently used Consistently avoids
& problem solving problems; selects strategy; of problem familiar method for problem solving;
skills finds way to solve, rarely solving problem solving; always need seeks
seeks assistance strategies, seeks often seeks assistance assistance

6. Punctuality Always on time for class; no Attend late for Attend late for class Always late and
Attendance, late work; demonstrates class or late or late submission of demonstrate no
activities self-responsibility submission of activities more than 3 self-responsibility
submission activities equal times and accountability
or less than3
7. Attendance Attends 100% of class. 10 % to 14% of Attends class from Attends class from
class absence , 15% to 20% with 21% to 24%
notifies notifies instructor without notifies
instructor prior prior to absences instructor prior to
to absences absences

8. Listening Listens actively to others Listens to others Listens to others at Rarely listens when
both in groups and in class both in groups times, but may be others talk both in
discussions. Respects others and in class sidetracked easily. groups and in class.
opinions. Incorporates or discussions. May inhibit others
builds off ideas of others. Respects other speaking.
9. Attitude Always demonstrates Consistently Rarely exhibits a Resists new ideas
positive attitude, self- positive; positive, supportive and skills; rarely
control, good personal embraces life- attitude towards positive;
presentation and traits of long learning; classmates and the demonstrates poor
life-long learning (open subject matter. personal
minded, curiosity, respect Rarely takes an active presentation, rigid
others perspectives,…etc) role in own learning. mind-set

Scoring: (Total score/27 x 5 ) Score: ______/27 x 5 = _________, _________, _________,_________

Evaluated by:_________________________________ Signature:______________________

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