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“Medicine cannot be safely administered by a physician, if he is unaware with astrology”,

said Hippocrates, the father of Medicine. Preliminary hypothesis of this ancient science and its
ideas should be understood before explaining the intricacies and complex principles of astrology
and ancient occult therapy, regarding the Creative Force, which is the prime cause of diseases.
Astrology was given due importance while treating any patient, not only in India but also
in Europe. Personification to the above statement is that medicine and astrology are essentially
interrelated as science and religion. Karma, Maya and Moksha are the three dimensions of life.
Karma is further evident under mental, physical and spiritual planes. To minimize human
suffering the quintessence of evil karmas, past and present are used.
Life has always educated us to evolve. From the simplest unicellular life form to
multicellular complex organisms Homo sapiens have evolved. Evolution is defined as the
process which is applied to every life form as well as every aspect of life. Evolution is not only
subjected to life but to subjects as well. Since ages every subject has evolved. Evolution is a
process to change or adapt oneself according to the changing environment. So is with astrology it
has evolved with the passage of time. In ancient India there were mainly four stratas of society
differentiated according to peoples’ profession. But now there are innumerable professions, some
of which we aren’t even acquainted with. Modern doctors should put away their prejudices
against this occult subject and should make use of astrology for the diagnosis and treatment of
Diseases in their various forms affecting life are due to the afflictions of planets of the
zodiac and the houses in the horoscope of the individual. Such as neurological weakness or lack
of its vital energy arise due to the difficulties of Saturn to the vital pivot of the horoscope the
Sun, Moon and the ascendant. Certainly sickness is an important aspect since human birth.
Everyone who is born falls sick at one stage or the other of life. Illness may be of any type,
various handicaps etc. but certain maladies exist from birth. For example congenital like colour
blindness which cannot be cured by any treatment such diseases are Karmic. Diseases that are
direct result of our evil Karmas in the present or past birth and those Karmas are revealed by the
horoscope through the planets. It is possible to diagnose them in astrology.
Ayurveda suggests that any disease in our body is due to the imbalance of Vata,
Shileshma, and Pitta. The trinity called Tridosha. Medical astrology is a very important branch of
this vital science, which no doubt requires a rare combination of an astrologer and a physician to
create miracles in human suffering in the form of diseases. Diseases can be classified into two
categories. First, diseases are indicated by the adverse changes in planetary influence. Second,
diseases brought by environmental disorder.
Diseases that are programmed by destiny are inherent diseases. Their nature, the timing
of their appearance and even their duration are predetermined since they are the fruits of the
previous karmas, already in picture at the birth. While diseases caused by environmental stress
and strain are only pacified by planets.
In accordance with medical science, in a human body numerous cells are formed every
minute resulting in bodily growth as well as numerous worn out cells and dead cells are removed
in various ways. According to astrology planets are responsible for any voluntary or involuntary
action of our body. In other we can say that planets are responsible for building or destruction of
our body. Planets have their different activities, functions (Karakatwas) and similarly their area
of action is also specific. Our ancient sages like Vyasa, Kashyapa, Parashara, Narada, Vashishta,
Gautama, Yavanas, Romasha, Garga, chyavan, Angirasa, Jaimini and many others have
enunciated the wonderful secrets of man’s life being commanded and controlled as per the
wishes of the planets. They are also found their relation with the three Humours, Pitta, Kapha
and Vata which as follows:
Pitta (Bile) Planets - The Sun and Mars
Kapha (Phelgin) Planets - Jupiter
Vata (Wind) Planets - Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn
Apart from their above mentioned Karakatwa (functions) Sun, Moon and Venus also have some
Kapha qualities: Jupiter and Saturn have Pitta qualities: and Mercury has Pitta and Kapha
The Sun -Stomach, Right Eye, Heart, Head, Belly, Bone and Constitution of the body
Moon - Lungs, Heart, Kidney, Alimentary canal, Left eye, Blood (specifically the watery
Part), and Water in the body
Mars - Marrow, Energy, Head, Rectum, Veins, Female organs, Neck, Genitals, Blood,
Red colouring matters in the Blood and Vitality.
Mercury - Skin, Navel, Nose, Chest, Spinal System, Gall Bladder
Jupiter - Brain, Thighs, Fat, Lungs, Ear, Memory, spleen, Tongue
Venus - Throat, Face, Eye-Sight, Genital Organs, Water in body, Lusture of the body and
Glands (endocrine and exocrine)
Saturn - Bones, Muscles, Limbs, Teeth, Skin, Hair and Legs
Rahu - Feet and Breathing
Ketu - Belly
Ashwini Upper feet
Bharani Lower feet
Krittika Head
Rohini Forehead
Mrigshira Eye brows
Ardra Eyes
Punarvasu Nose
Pushya Face
Aslesa Ears
Magha Chin
Poorvaphalguni Right hand
Uttaraphalguni Left hand
Hasta Finger
Chitra Neck
Swati Chest
Visakha Lungs
Anuradha Stomach
Jyestha Right portion of stomach
Poorvasadha Back
Uttarasadha Waist
Sravna Upper genital
Dhanistha Generative organs
Satabhisha Right thigh
Poorvabhadra Right thigh
Uttarabhadra Ankle
Revati Feet
Ashwini Ashwini devathas
Bharani Yama
Krittika Agni
Rohini Brahma
Mrigshira Moon
Ardra Rudra
Punarvasu Adithi
Pushya Brihaspati
Aslesa Sarpa
Magha Pitru
Poorvaphalguni Surya
Uttaraphalguni Aryama
Hasta Savithru
Chitra Thwashtru
Swati Vayu
Visakha Indra
Anuradha Mitra
Jyestha Moon
Moola Rakshasa
Poorvasadha Jala Devata
Uttarasadha Vishwa Devatas
Sravna Vishnu
Dhanistha Ashta vasu
Satabhisha varuna
Poorvabhadra Jala
Uttarabhadra Brahma
Revati Poosha
1. Natives born in Ashwini are prone to periodical fever.
2. Those born in Bharani are prone to dysentery.
3. Those born in Krittika are likely to suffer from intestinal connected disease causing
constipation and diarrhoea.
4. Those born in Rohini are prone for piles.
5. Those born in Mrigshira are prone for indigestion.
6. Those born in Ardra suffer from weak digestion.
7. Those born in punarvasu may suffer from cholera.
8. Those born in Pushya suffer disease of tastelessness (Anavoxea)
9. Those born in Aslesa are prone to anaemia.
10. Those born in Makha suffer from breathing problem and diseases connected to
respiratory systems.
11. Those born in Purvaphalguni are prone to cough (both wet and dry).
12. Those born in Uttraphalguni suffer from Leprosy or skin diseases.
13. Those born in Hastha star are from prone to diabetes of various types.
14. Those born in Chitra suffer from giddiness and partial loss of consciousness.
15. Those born in Swati are prone to eye diseases.
16. Those born in Vishakha are prone to ear diseases.
17. Those born in Anuradha are prone to nasal diseases.
18. Those born in Jyeshtha suffer from diseases of mouth which includes tongue, teeth,
pallet, lips, throat and gums.
19. Those born in Moola suffer from Tuberculosis of any tyupe.
20. Those born in Poorvashadha suffer from formation of stone in urinary track.
21. Those born in Uttrashadha are prone to diseases connected with vomiting.
22. Those born in shravana suffer from tastelessness.
23. Those born in Dhanistha are prone to suffer from pains caused by Vatta (Phelgm)
disorder like sprains, rheumatism etc.
24. Those born in Shutbhisha are prone for bilious diseases.
25. Those born in Poorvabhadra are any of the phlegmatic diseases.
26. Those born in Uttarabhadra suffer from diseases caused due to fatigue.
27. Those born in Revati are prone towards diseases developed from boils and wounds.
Some essential tools are required for any kind of observation which was made in any domain
of our lives. So astrology requires some of the important details about the native to provide
accurate predictions. They are as follows:
1. The correct birth details of the native.
2. The zodiacal chart with the planets therein.
3. Planetary aspects on each other.
4. Planets placed in different constellations.
5. Proper study of the Rashis of the planets placed in.
6. The tatvas (nature) of the Rasis.
7. The tatvik nature (physical nature) of the planets are as follows:
The Jala (watery nature) tatva’s lord is Venus which depicts all types of juices produced
in the body, blood, mucus, urine, etc
The Prithvi (earthy nature) tatwa’s lord is Mercury depicts smelling power, muscles and
nerves (naramandala)
Vayu (airy nature) tatva depicts the sense of touch, hands, skin and body movements
which are represented by Saturn.
The Akash (Sky) tatva’s planet is Jupiter which depicts ear, noise, and lightning.
While diagnosing a disease astrologically the planets and nature are extremely important. It is
clear that a particular planet will cause a disease according to its nature or tatwa. All the senses
and sense organs come under it. Astrology is the interpretation of the Sun and all other planets
placed in various positions and situations in the zodiac. According to it all that happens on the
planet earth or in any other dimension of the universe is due to their effects and influences.
Likewise the Sun and the other planets ruling over the five essential elements, the three humours
(may be different state of mind, moods, speech or writings, fluids in the body), the six seasons
and the different parts of the human body are constantly changing in their relative positions and
aspects that tend to enhance or reduce or alter the intensity of the effects, good or bad, on the
beings, surrounding and environment of this globe. On scrutinizing a horoscope for diseases

brings about minute details of all the planets, bhavas (houses), signs, combinations, aspects, Dasa
periods, their relative positions and also the effects that are changing or accruing from the
transitory changes of planets. Likewise a detailed analysis for any medical report calls for a
person having comprehensive knowledge of the subject in all its branches, this also goes with our
ancient occult science. A detailed examination of the natal chart from all corners and for all
perspective calls for a comprehensive knowledge of the science in all its branches.
Astrology as applied to medicine has very ancient roots, for example in India, Egypt, China,
but it reached its fullest flowering in Europe in the late medieval and early modern periods. The
influence of astrology also entered European medicine from the Arab countries. Medical
astrology is beset with good and bad, health and disease. The gynecological disorders have
become a major concern for women. Rashi, Nakshatras and constellation of stars have main
impact on the disorders.
The main purpose of this study is to identify the gynecological disorders that affect women.
The type of implication of the concept is observed and interpreted. The study also shows the kind
of Pariharas being followed for the disorders.
The literature clearly indicates the medical astrology and its consequences. The study has
identified the causes and impacts for the diseases affected in particular gynecological disorders
for women. Hence, this leads to the following questions.
1. What are all the gynecological disorders affecting women?
2. How the planets are responsible for gynecological disorders?
3. What are the impacts of the Rashi, Nakshatras on the disorders?
4. How the karmas affect a person’s health?
5. What are the Pariharas to be followed for the disorders?
1. To identify various gynecological disorders affecting women.
2. To identify the Planets those are responsible for gynecological diseases affecting women.
3. To identify the Rasis that act as the impact of the diseases affecting women.

4. To identify the Nakshatras that act as the impact of the diseases affecting women.
5. To identify the Karmas that lead to the gynecological disorders.
6. To identify the Pariharas to be followed for each disorders.
1. H0: Women are often affected by gynecological disorders.
H1: Women are not often affected by gynecological disorders.
2. H0: Planets are responsible for gynecological disorders.
H1: Planets are not responsible for gynecological disorders.
3. H0: Rasis are the main impact of the disease affecting women.
H1: Rasis are not the main impact of the disease affecting women.
4. H0: Nakshatras are the main impact of the disease affecting women.
H1: Nakshatras are not the main impact of the disease affecting women.
5. H0: Karmas are the main impact of the disease affecting women.
H1: Karmas are not the main impact of the disease affecting women.
6. H0: Pariharas followed can overcome the disorders
H1: Pariharas followed cannot overcome the disorders.
This study relates the descriptive technique of research. As widely accepted, the descriptive
technique of research is a fact-finding study that comprises acceptable and precise interpretation
of results. Descriptive research defines certain present condition. Comparatively, the technique is
suitable to this study since it targets to describe the gynecological disorders that affect women.
The pilot study forms the base for this research. It was conducted with 50 women from
various districts of Tamil Nadu. The variables were listed based reviewing various literatures that
are related and presented in the form of structured questionnaire and were directly interviewed.
Based on the findings of this pilot study, the interview instrument was designed. The reliability
and validity tests were performed and the items were found to be reliable for this study.
Interview method is the technique used for data collection. There are numerous interview
methods in particular individual interview method is followed. Since, the study is sensitive,
confidential and the data are gathered using personal interview. Women who were not able to

meet in person were interviewed through telephone. In order to efficiently use the interview
method a questionnaire was developed to measure accuracy rate of responses that produce a fair
results. The instrument was divided into two parts. Part A consists of demographic factors and
Part B with the factors that determine the purpose study.
Sampling unit
The study aimed at identifying the diseases that mainly affect women. The researcher has
tried to reach out the respondents from different areas of Tamil Nadu.
Sampling size
To maintain the quality and effectiveness of this research the researcher has chosen to
have 20 samples. This study targeted only women from Tamil Nadu.
Sampling technique
Convenience sampling method is used in the study.
The study includes both primary and secondary data for the purpose of data collection.
Primary data
The study aimed at the diseases affecting only women. 50 women were selected
randomly from different districts all over Tamil Nadu. 20 samples were targeted based on
convenience sampling method. The questionnaire was directly distributed. Since, the topic is
sensitive the survey was not promoted in social media, blogs and other public websites.
Information was finally collected and verified.
Secondary data
The secondary data was collected from various books, articles, journals and reports and
different websites of astrology.
1. Bar diagram
2. Pie chart
1. The various gynecological disorders which affect the women were identified.
2. The Planets those are responsible for gynaecological diseases which affect the women
were identified.

3. The Rashi’s that act as the impact of the diseases affecting the women are identified.
4. The Nakshatras that act as the impact of the diseases affecting the women are
5. The Karmas that lead to the gynaecological disorders are observed.
6. The Pariharas to be followed for each disorder are also given.
1. Pariharas are suggested for the diseases depending on the Planets, Rashi and
2. Once the Pariharas are done then the effect of the planets can be
suppressed where there will be a possibility to get rid of the disease.
3. Pariharas are also done for the karmas of early birth where the karmas
are indirectly responsible for the suffering in this birth.


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