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Kinesiology LAB (3) …………………………………


Joint Surface Positions

close-packed or closed-pack position : the joint surfaces have maximum contact with each other, are
tightly compressed, and difficult to distract (separate).
if you flex your knee, such patellar movement is not possible.

-When ligaments and capsular structures are tested for stability and integrity, the joint is usually
placed in the close-packed position.

open-packed or loose-packed position. It is also referred to as the resting position. Parts of the capsule
and supporting ligaments are lax. There is minimal congruency between the articular surfaces. Further
passive separation of the joint surfaces can occur in this position.

-Because the ligaments and capsular structures tend to be more relaxed, joint mobilization techniques are
best applied in the open-packed position.

Accessory Motion Forces

When applying joint mobilization, three main types of forces are used:
Traction, also called distraction or tension, occurs when external force is exerted on a joint causing the
joint surfaces to be pulled apart

Approximation, also called compression, occurs when an external force is exerted on a joint causing the
joint surfaces to be pushed closer together

Shear forces occur parallel to the surface . Shear force results in a glide motion at the joint.

Rotary forces involve twisting, resulting in a combination of compression and shear

Quiz review

1. a. Is shoulder flexion and extension an arthrokinematic

or osteokinematic type of motion?

b. Is shoulder distraction an arthrokinematic or

osteokinematic type of motion?

2. Is the close-packed position of the TMJ (jaw)

when the teeth are clenched or mouth slightly

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