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Nama: Putri Fatmil Izzati

MK: Elementary English Grammar

Kelas : 1f

DIRECTION: Decide whether the sentences below correct or incorrect
l. Do the teachers in Indonesia give students few homeworks? (Incorrect)
= Do the teachers in Indonesia give students few homework
2. Economics is an interesting subject to learn. (Incorrect)
= Economic is an interesting subject to learn.
3. The number of Balinese students in Lombok are increasing. (Correct)
4. How much money do you usually spend a month? (Correct)
5. In Indonesia, the parents expected the teachers to give much homework. (Incorrect)
= In Indonesia, the parents expected the teachers to give more homework
6. Bring me two beers please.(correct)
7. The company has tried to give a good quality products.(correct)
8. I bought a lens which cost $ 1,000 last night. .(incorrect)
= I bought lens which cost $ 1,000 last night
9. I am looking for a few equipment for my computer. (Incorrect)
= I am looking for few equipment for my computer
10. Can you help me please? I need a little information.(correct)
11. Do you have some sugars? I really need them right now.(Incorrect)
= Do you have some sugar? I really need them right now
12. How much mistakes have you made? Who made the least mistakes? (Incorrect)
= How many mistakes have you made? Who made the least mistakes?
13. My youngest son gives me the least trouble.(Incorrect)
= My youngest son give me the least trouble
14. Every men knows what he has to do. (Incorrect)
= Every men know what he has to do.
15. Those deer are almost dying because of the weather. (Incorrect)
= Those deers are almost dying because of the weather
16. A new computer series are released by Toshiba Ltd.(Incorrect)
= A new computer series is released by Toshiba Ltd.

1. Incorrect
2. Incorrect
3. Correct
4. Correct
5. incorrect
6. correct
7. Correct
8. Incorrect
9. Incorrect
10. Correct
11. Incorrect
12. Incorrect.
13. Incorrect
14. Incorrect
15. Incorrect
16. Incorrect

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