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新东方在线 口语杨哲熙


第一节课 Part 1 三大类问题讲解(上)

1. Overview IELTS speaking section

 Three stages

 11-15mins

 1 on 1

 face to face

 speaking interview

2. 口语考试的评分标准

 1. Fluency and coherence

 2. Lexical resource

 3. Grammatical range and accuracy

 4. Pronunciation

(1)Fluency and coherence

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7: speaks at length without noticeable effort or loss of


may demonstrate language-related hesitation at times, or some

repetition and/or self correction

uses a range of connectives and discourse markers with some


(2) Lexical resource

7: uses vocabulary resource flexibly to discuss a variety of


uses some less common and idiomatic vocabulary and shows some

awareness of style and collocation, with some inappropriate


uses paraphrase effectively

(3) Grammatical range and accuracy

7: uses a range of complex structures with some flexibility

frequently produces error-free sentences, though some

grammatical mistakes persist

(4) Pronunciation

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3. 口语考试的具体内容

(1) Introductory questions (Part 0)

Good morning.

How are you?

Please take a seat.

Can you tell me your full name, please?

What should I call you?

Can I check your identification please?

Can you tell me where you are from?

Do you work or are you a student?

A: So, what should I call you?


You can call me by my English name…

Just call me…

Please call me…

Can I check your identification please?

Here you are.

Sure, here you are.

Of course, here it is.

A: Can you tell me where you are from?

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I’m from (name of city), it’s in the ____ province which is in the

(方位) of China.

I’m a local

I’m from _____, it’s a municipal in China.

Are you a student or do you work?


I’m a high school student, I’m in the ____ year of high school

and I’m studying sciences / humanities.

I’m a university student, I’m doing (name of major) at (name of


Along with __, I’m also majoring in ___.

I’m a university student, I’m doing my master in (name of

subject) at (name of school).

I work, I’ve been working in a ____company for ___ years.

(2) Part 1

4-5 minutes interview

Questions about familiar/everyday topics

Questions are scripted for the examiner

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 1.态度、观点、细节三要素

 2.分层

 3.对立逻辑

 4.抽象-具体

 5.转折、让步

1. 喜好题

 Do you like…?

 What’s your favorite…?

 What ___ do you like?

 What ___ do you dislike?


 (态度、观点、细节 三要素搞定单一喜好题)

 1. 喜欢什么吗?

 喜欢:

 态度+观点+细节

 Yes, I’m a huge fan of ____. ____ helps me _____. I

usually do ___(what) with (who) when I’m ____ (when)

 What who when where why how often 5W+H

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 Do you like listening to music?

 Yes, (答案) I’m a huge fan of music. (态度) Listening to

music acts as my mood savior and it helps to recharge

myself when I feel blue or stressed. (观点) I often listen

to music on my iphone when I’m travelling from place to

place. (细节)

 Something acts as ____

 Sth helps to recharge/enrich

 Do you like to listen to music?

 Yes, I do. To my mind, listening to music makes me feel

peaceful and calm. Sometimes, it helps to center my mind

when I can’t concentrate on my study. I often listen to

music on my mp3 when I’m at home, it feels relaxing, you

know. (细节)

Do you like walking?

Yes, I do, (答案) I like it a lot. (态度) It’s my favorite form of

exercise and I look at it as my best way of relaxing myself after

a whole day’s study. (观点) I usually walk on my own or with

others at the nearby park. (细节)

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 练习:

 Do you like reading?

 练习:

 Do you like reading?

 Yes. I’m an avid reader/book lover. (答案) And I think

reading helps to center my mind, allowing me to


 I think it’s a wonderful way to release stress and loosen

me up.观点 Currently, I’m only doing it nearly an hour per

day right before I go to sleep. (细节)

 练习:

 Do you like outdoor activities?

 练习:

 Do you like outdoor activities?

 Yes, I love outdoor activities, I love the feeling of being

outside in nature, in the fresh air. During my time off, I

often head out of the town with my friends and explore

the new parts of the city.

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 proper & expressive

 diverse

 如何提升你的口语用词:

 Do you like your hometown?

 Yes, I like it. It’s a mecca for foodies. Something

ubiquitous in my hometown is the food-stall, it’s

everywhere. It’s no exaggeration to say that you can’t walk

five blocks without seeing a roadside food market.

 Yes, I like it. It’s a city never sleeps. It’s not unusual for

folks in my hometown to go to the clubs at night. They can

go for a dance or grab a few beers.

Different ways to say ”I like”

 I’m into…

 I fancy…

 I have a deep love in…

 I’m passionate about…

 I’m totally digging…

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 I dig it= I really like it…

 I’m super stoked (about)to do

 =I’m excited about something.

 喜欢:

 高分公式 2: 态度+个人例子

 Yes, I’ve been interested in ___ for _____.

 I remember when I was little, I did ___,/someone did ___,

that was how I got interested.

 Do you like reading?

 Yeah, I don’t just like reading, I adore it.( 态 度 ) I

remember when I was little, I read many kinds of books,

from history books to hobby books, that was how I got

interested in it. (个人例子)

 Do you like to listen to music?

 Yes, I do. But unlike the normal young folks of my age, the

type of music I choose would be something classical. This

is just from my experience. I remember when I was little,

my dad often played classical music at home, so I was kind

of immersed in such a music environment. That’s how I got

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interested in this genre of music.

 不喜欢:

 高分公式 3: 不喜欢+不喜欢原因 1 + 不喜欢原因 2

 No, I don’t like ___ at all. For starter, _____, as well as

that, _____ .

 例:

 Do you like reading?

 No, I don’t like reading at all. For one thing, I’m just too

lazy to pick up a book. For another, I feel that these days,

there are many other attractions competing for people’s

attention, like computer, cell phone, so maybe that’s why

reading is the last thing I want to do.

 Use a range of connectives discourse markers

 不喜欢:

 高分公式 4: 不喜欢,之前尝试过,之后发现 ____(不好),所以


 No, I don’t like it. I used to like _____, but I found it was

___, so I ____ it at the end.

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Different ways to say “I don’t like”

 不喜欢怎么说:

 I always avoid…

 I don’t have a thing for…

 I can’t stand…

 I hate …

 I’m not into…

 ___is my least favorite thing…

 ___is not my cup of tea…

2. 喜欢什么类型怎么说?

 What kinds of …. do you like?

 (General to specific)

 Actually, I’m into various kinds of ___. To be general, I

like, _____, and to be more specific, I especially enjoy

ones involve _____.


What kinds of books do you usually read?

Actually, I’m into various kinds of books. To be general, I like

science fiction books, and to be more specifically, I especially

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enjoy ones that involved space or futuristic technology.


What kinds of …. do you like?


过去 vs 现在

It’s not always the same.

I like to ___ many kinds of _____. I used to be a big fan of

_____, like ____. These days I’m more into ____, like _____.

 例:

 What kinds of music do you like to listen to?

 It’s not always the same because I have an open mind when

it comes to music. I used to be a big fan of rock music, it

blows my mind with the energy it gives off. These days,

I’m more into classical because it really touches my heart

with its soothing rhythms, lyrics and its harmony.

 练习:

 What TV programs are you interested in?

 Well, It’s not always the same. I used to like

entertainment programs, especially the ones involve

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famous movie stars or singers. I’m really interested in

their lives and always want to find out more about them.

These day, I’m more into the historical stories, I can get a

better understanding of Chinese history, I feel these

kinds of programs are full of mystery.


 I tend to do ___ according to the mood I am in, sometimes

when I ____, it’s ____. But if I’m feeling ____, it’s ____.

 If I have a lot of free time, but when I have a lot things on

my hands,

 when I’m feeling good, but if in a serious mood, feel down

in the dumps

 when I can afford ___, but if I’m in a tight budget,

 when I’m shy in my pocket

 If I’m with friends, but if just by myself

 What kinds of films do you like?

 I tend to watch films according to the mood I am in.

Mostly, I prefer action movies. I’m not talking about those

ones involve a lot of violence, gangs, or something bloody. I

tend to choose those movies with great acting or

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something that keeps me thinking all the way through. But

when I’m feeling down, it’s all funny stuff, like romantic


 不喜欢什么类型怎么说:

 Well, one thing I don’t like about it is that ___

 In addition to that,

 Another one of my least favorite things is that ___

 例:

 Is there anything you don’t like about your city?

 Well, one thing I don’t like about this city is that there

isn’t a good sense of community here. I mean, I kind of

have a feeling that people just care about themselves but

anything else. In addition to that, the cost of living in this

city is quite difficult to afford.

 例:

 Is there anything you dislike about your city?

 I hate the traffic conditions there. My hometown’s

traffic always drives me crazy, it often takes me more

than one and half an hour to go back to home from work.

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Another one of my least favorite things is the pollution, it

has become one of the most serious problems in my



Do you prefer…?


It depends. If I ___, I like to ____. But if I ___, I will prefer

_____ because _____.

 例:

 Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

 It depends, I guess. If I live alone, of course I like to live

in an apartment because the cheap rent and convenience

for cleaning. But if I live together with my family, I will

prefer a house since every member in the family will have

their own space.

 Do you prefer public transportation or private


 That depends. I prefer private transportation when I’m

with my family because it would be a lot more flexible to

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go anywhere we want. However, when I go out with a bunch

of friends, subway will be our first option because it’s

much more convenient.

 Do you prefer to eat at home or in restaurants?

 It depends. You know. If it’s a big occasion or something, I

prefer restaurant because there’s no washing up then. As

well as that, the atmosphere and the setting are usually

more relaxing and pleasant. But if it’s just family ourselves,

I would rather eat at home coz of cozy and comfy

atmosphere and you can guarantee lovely home-cooked

food. You know for sure what is in the ingredients,

whereas at the restaurant you can never be sure of what

is in the food and whether it’s healthy or not.

Well, they both have their pros and cons, (like A is 好处____

and B is 好处_____) but if I were to choose one, I would go

with _______because ______. B 不好

Do you prefer to spend time with your family or with your


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 例:

 Do you prefer to spend time with your family or with your


 Well, they both have their pros and cons,

 but if I were to choose one between the two, I’ll go with

my family because in many ways, my family are like my

friends and they are the ones who will stay with me all my

life. Although sometimes, I have more fun with my friends

because they are close to my age, I still tend to prefer

hanging out with my family.

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第二节课 Part 1 三大类问题讲解(下)

2. 观点题




Do you think…?

How do you think…?

Would you say….is good/bad for…?

What’s your opinion of…?

2. 观点题: (三要素+分层逻辑搞定态度观点题)


There are different reasons for this, firstly ____, and also

_____, most importantly _____.

变形: One of the most important reasons is that… another

reason is that…

Mainly, it’s because… partly, it’s coz…

2. Why did you choose to study that subject?

Reason 1 + Reason 2

Well, an important reason behind that is I’ve been interested in

this area since my high school, I think learning another language

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is a good start to get a better understanding of their culture.

Also, it’s good for my future development. I look at it as not only

an interesting subject, but also a challenging experience.

Why did you choose to study that subject?

Reason + concession

Honestly speaking, I didn’t choose my major, I just went with

the flow. I’m afraid my grades are bad for me to study that, but

it’s something that would help me find a well-paid job.


Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?

One of the most important reasons is that various ways of

advertising available makes it possible for companies to

publicize their product or service. By investing in advertisement,

they are better known to the public, so as to achieve high sales.


Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?

I think mainly, it’s because there are so many products, as well

as many varieties of the same thing. Like mobile phones, lap tops.

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Companies feel they need to advertise to promote their

products so that people will choose them over others.

2. 观点题:

Do you think…?

What do think…?

Would you say….is good/bad for…?

What’s your opinion of…?


I think it’s… I feel that it can…

It seems to me that…

The way I see it,

Yes, I think it’s ____. One of the main reasons is that ____.

Yes, I think so. Take ___ for example, ____.


Do you think it is important to make the most of your weekend?

Of course, I do. I think it’s very important to have time to relax.

One of the main reasons is that we can’t work all the time and

we need time to have some relaxation, so that we will have

better performance at work.

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Do you think it's important to read newspapers? (Why?/Why


Do you think it's important to read newspapers? (Why?/Why


Yea, of course. I look at it not only as a method of learning, but

also a process of studying itself. I remember when I was in

junior high school, I often read China Daily to get international

or domestic news, which helped me open my mind to look at the

world in a wider perspective.

反面: I don't think it's ______ because _____.

3.事实描述题 (五大扩展方式综合运用)


Have you ever done ___ before?

When was the first/last time you did sth?

How did you start to…?

Relate to your personal experience

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I remember when I was ____,/a while ago, I did sth, I found it

was _____, so I started to _____. I didn’t remember the exact

time, if I can remember correctly.


How old were you when you first started to read newspapers?

Well, to be honest, I didn’t remember the exact time. Maybe it

was in middle school when I first started to read newspapers

because my dad made me to do so, he told me that I could get a

lot from them.


What did you do last weekend?

One of friends threw a kick-ass party at his home, we made a

home-cooked meal, played board role-play game, it was tons of


Did you have a good first day at university?

No. My first day at university was a nightmare. You know, since

I didn’t know anybody there, so I kept getting lost, I forgot all

my money. I didn’t know which classroom to go. It was such as


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2. 频率类型:

 How often…?

 Do you often..?

 On a daily basis=every day

 Frequently = very often

 Occasionally = on some occasions

 From time to time = sometimes

 Hardly ever = rarely = almost never

 Never

On a daily basis. I use ___a lot because + 好处. Examples.

How often do you use a computer?

On a daily basis. I really use computers a lot for both work and

entertainment. I frequently read the news online and chat with

my friends, I download music or movies. The list goes on and on.

From time to time. It depends. If ____, I will ____. But if

____, I won’t do it because ____.

 How often do you play sports?

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 Depends.

 Well, actually. I would have to say that it really depends.

If I have a lot of spare time, it’s quite possible that I will

catch up with some of my friends in a basketball play,

maybe like twice or 3times a week. But if I have on my

hands, it’s more likely that I’ll politely refuse any

invitations or offers for a sport.

Hardly ever. Although some of my friends frequently do it, I

don’t like it because ______.


How often do you go dancing?

Hardly ever. To tell you the truth, I can't dance. Although some

of my friends frequently go dancing, I'm not a big fan of night

clubs because it's usually too loud and smoky there.

Do you often go to restaurants to eat?

Not very often, you know coz the money issues but every now

and then. But let me tell you this, if I had money, I would be

eating out every night, because it would save my time on

shopping, cooking and dish washing, you know stuff like that.

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3. 群体类型

Do people in your country…?

Do Chinese people…?

Do children…?

It varies in terms of _____. For those who _____, (examples)

but for _____, (examples).


It varies from person to person. For those who from well-off

families, ____. While for those with poor family background.

Well, it actually varies in terms of age and gender.

If you’re talking about ladies,____, but for men ___.

Most of people, a small group of people


What kinds of news do Chinese people read in newspapers?


What free-time activities are popular in your country?

Well, it actually varies in terms of gender. Young boys tend to

have preference of exciting or thrilling activities, like

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basketball, football or mountain biking. While girls are certainly

a lot more into fashion and Korean dramas.

What free-time activities are popular in your country?

Well, it actually varies in terms of age. The middle age are more

likely to watch TV series or chit-chatting about social issues.

And the elderly who usually get up early in the mornings, they

would prefer listen to the radios to keep themselves up-dated,

and just simply spend time taking care of their grandchildren.

4. 未来计划类型

1. Would like to do…?

Do you plan to do…?

Yes, I would. But currently I’m busy with ____. And in the

future when I ____, I will because ____.

2.What’s your future ___ plans?


For short term, I plan to____; but long term speaking, I hope to

____ because _____.

 What are your future study plans?

 Let me see, short term speaking, I plan to improve my

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English and pass the IELTS, long term speaking, I hope to

study accounting in the UK.

 What are your future work plans?

 Well, short term speaking, I plan to find a job and learn

some experience, long term speaking, I hope to be an

entrepreneur and work for myself.

 5. 描述类型

 Do you know…?

 Do you have…?

 Please describe ___a little.

 以及不具备以上特征的问题.

 Please describe your hometown a little.

 My hometown is Tianjin, a city which is located in the

southeast of Beijing. Basically, it’s a municipal city with

modern transportation system. And it’s quite renowned for

its local food. I have to say every region has its famous

food and it’s hard to find authentic food of my hometown

in other cities, so sometimes I really miss local food when

I’m away.

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 1.态度、观点、细节三要素

 2.分层

 3.对立逻辑

 4.抽象-具体

 5.转折、让步

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第三节课 Part 3 题型概括及答题思路讲解

Part 3

4-5 minute interview(respond to questions)

describe, explain, predict, analyze, compare,

Theme continues from part 2 at a more abstract level (Favorite

teacher-education-how is it different today-what do you think


In part 3, the examiner selects the questions and any attempt

by the student to avoid answering the questions can be taken to

mean that the student does not possess the English language

skills to do so.

1. Describe 事实、例子、概念

2. Explain 原因、重要性

3. advantages and disadvantages 优缺点

4. opinion 观点

5. speculate 推测将来发展趋势

6. Compare and Contrast 对比、比较

7. suggest/summarize 解决方案/总结

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1. Describe


What are the examples/ways of…?

Can you give some examples…?

What are the main features of?


Divide up answer if possible

Give examples or details and explain why you think so.

例:What factors influence the ways people dress?

Paraphrase the question

The main one is, Also,


What kind of people can appear in history?

Generally speaking,

To be more specific,

As well as that

What kind of people can appear in history?

Generally speaking, I guess those who are innovative, talented

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and those who became leaders are more likely to appear in

history. To be more specific, I believe that most people who can

create history are talented in one way or two. As well as that, I

think that leaders of all kinds are more likely to “appear” in

history. For example, like Trump who has shocked the world.


What factors do people consider when buying a gift for


Well, to be honest, the first thing comes to my mind



What factors do people consider when buying a gift for


Well, to be honest, the first thing comes to my mind is the price.

For our students, we don’t have the job right now, so the money

we use to buy the presents is from our parents. Also, it can be

pretty tricky trying to find the right gifts because there’re too

many choices. And we always hope the gift we give will be liked

by our friends, so we should try to know their needs and guess

what they like based on their hobbies and interests.

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What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?

Plenty of them.

The most welcomed one

But for young people


What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?

Plenty of them. The most welcomed one would be hamburgers,

along with other fast foods like chips and pizzas because we get

a lot influences from the western countries. But for young

people, they are always keen on trying something new, like sushi,

taco and something like that.


How do people in your country learn about historical events?

There are various ways,

Some people



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How do people in your country learn about historical events?

There are various ways to learn about historical events. Some

people like visiting museums because they think museums can

reflect back to us the things which are considered to be

valuable or important in our culture. Others like to watch movies

related to history, like documentaries. Personally, I’m more

likely to choose read novels that are set in historical times.

2. Explain 原因、重要性

Why/What do you think the main reasons?


General idea

Divide it into several parts if possible

Give examples or details and explain why you think so

The way I see it, the reasons of… are kind of complicated.

Actually, I guess a variety of reasons are involved here.

Well, I guess there are a couple of reasons.


Why do people need to play sports?

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Firstly, it’s beneficial because taking part in sports can keep us

fit and healthy. You know, people with heavy workloads need

relaxations, doing sports makes them feel refreshed and

energetic. Second, sports need courage and perseverance,

which is an essential factor to a successful life. Third, some

people adore competitions and enjoy competing with each other,

so they can make new friends during that process.

Why does advertising have such a powerful influence on what

people buy?

The way I see it, the reasons of it are kind of complicated. On

the one hand, advertising is a very powerful tool and it’s getting

more and more these days. But today, many people don’t have

any real knowledge about a particular product, so most of the

time they rely on advertising for information, which they think

is trustworthy. Another reason is that, there are a lot of

celebrities engaging in advertisements, so people are easily

persuaded by those ads to purchase something they don’t need.

3. advantages (pros, merits) and disadvantages (costs, cons)

Advantage 的其他说法:

benefit/merit/positive feature/good things

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Disadvantage 的其他说法:

shortcoming/ negative aspects/drawback/bad thing


It’s beneficial to _____ + supporting idea + 例子

The most important advantage is+ supporting idea+ 例子

The pros of ___ are because__ +supporting idea+ 例子

There are also some risks involved, + supporting idea+例子

It cuts both ways. 1 advantage, on the other hand, 1


They both have their pros and cons…


What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing sports?

The pros of doings are, for starter, taking part in sports can

keep us fit and healthy. You know, people adore competitions

and enjoy competing with each other. Sports are fun and they

make us feel better and keep us fit. What’s more, sports need

courage and perseverance, which is an essential factor to a

successful live. However, there are also some risks involved. Too

much physical exercise can do more harm than good because it

will make you too tired to stay awake during work. Worse still, it

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can be very dangerous sometimes if you are not very careful.


Are there any disadvantages of eating outside?

A bad point is that the food in the restaurants is unhealthy.

Since you have no idea about how the food is made. For those

who eat outside, they need to take the risk of eating gutter oil

without awareness. What’s more, the food in the restaurant has

too much oil and fat, which hare not good for people’s health.


What are the benefits of belonging to a community?

Well, I think one of the benefits is that when you belong to a

community, you will have a sense of belonging. You have the

people you can reply on when you’re in trouble and you’re

expected to help them too. It’s a great thing for us to live in

such a community because everyone cares about each other and

you don’t need to feel lonely or helpless. Another good point is

that you can get some new friends. You can always find someone

who shares the common interests or hobbies with you.

4. opinion

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What is your opinion/

Do you think…/

Do you agree or disagree/

What do you think of…?

Do you think that children do less sport and exercise than in the


Yes, I totally agree with you. I think children do less sport than

in the past.

Add reasons to support your opinions

Yes, I agree. Children have more homework and are under more

pressure at school, so they have less time to play sports or do

something outside. This is just from my experience, when I was

little, I often played outside with my fellows every day after

school. These days, I barely see children playing outside.

Use examples from your own life

Take my friend for example, my friend Michael and his wife

have an 5-year-old daughter. She has to do around two hours of

homework every day after school. Of course, this means she’s

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too tired to go outside or do anything in the evening. When I

was 5 or 6 years old, I hardly had any homework.

In a recent survey, researchers discovered that children 30

years ago did five hours of exercise or physical activity every

week. Now, the average is just one hour of activity a week.

Show the other side of the argument On the other hand, many

of my friends’ children are very active, often more active than

their parents. It isn’t true that all children are less active than

in the past. However, spending time online can also help to get

children interested in new sports and activities. It’s much easier

to find sports clubs and activities in your local area nowadays,

thanks to technology.

Do you think that children do less sport and exercise than in the


Yes, I agree. Children have more homework and are under more

pressure at school, so they have less time to play sports or do

something outside. This is just from my experience, when I was

little, I often played outside with my fellows every day after

school. These days, I never see children playing outside. I’m not

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quite sure what that is. Maybe it’s because they spend more

time online, playing video games and something like that.

However, spending time online can also help to get children

interested in new sports and activities. It’s much easier to find

sports clubs and activities in your local area nowadays, thanks to



Do you think advertisements on TV should be banned?

Personally, I want them to be banned because I don’t like them

at all. I’m tired of wasting my time on advertisements before or

during the program I want to see. They always show up in the

improper situations. But I know it’s impossible to ban those

advertisements because they’re the main income for those TV

shows. Without the money, TV stations won’t be able to provide

audience with better programs due to a limited budget.


Do you think modern lifestyles give people enough time for


Well, definitely no. I think when it comes to leisure time, people

would agree that ”the more, the better’’ except for those

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workaholics. I do believe that we are under too much pressure

these days, students with their curriculums and adults with

their work. Everyone’s busy going to cram schools or works

overtimes. We absolutely need more spare time to chill out and

recharge ourselves.

5. speculate 预测将来的发展趋势

Do you think…will change/what do you think/how do you

imagine…in the future?


Choose one or two aspects to discuss

State the present conditions

Predict future results

Talk about what will happen in the future “if” we take certain


例: How do you think computer technology will change people’s

life in the future?

Well, I think advances in computer technology will improve

people’s work efficiency. They will enable companies to move

almost all jobs into virtual offices. Currently, people are working

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and having conferences at office. So in the future, if people can

work at home, they will not have to worry about that they will be

late for work or someone will blame them for slacking off.

例: How might the dining out experience change in the future?

Oh, wow, this is an awesome question, I think there are so many

possibilities of how restaurants are going to change and food

delivery is going to change. You know, I’m envisioning, um like a

bunch of machines that are going to display all of your food

choices. Maybe there aren’t going to be any service people

anymore, no chefs, waiters, no bartenders. Everything is going

to be done by machines. So when you sit down at the table, all

you have to do is looking at the menu and press your button, the

food will like pop up from the table within minutes.

Do you think online shopping will replace shopping in reality?

Well, I think online shopping won’t replace shopping in reality,

there will be a smaller number of shopping malls existing in the

future. In other words, most of them will be replaced by on-line

shopping. But they are still useful in some cases. For example, if

someone is buying clothes, he always needs to find a place to try

it out, which cannot be achieved on online shopping websites I

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How do you think computers will change the way people make


I think the good point is that computer can help us analyze the

pros and cons of every possible decision that we will make and

finally give us some suggestions in terms of decision-making.

However, sometimes, we can’t rely too much on computers. I

mean, if the information provided by the computer is unreliable,

or when something goes wrong with computer, we will suffer the

terrible consequences.

 关于科技带给人的影响:

 1. communication: on-line chat, e-mail.

 2. Easy access to information-search engine, e-book,

different resources

 3. Work efficiency-scanners, digital-cameras,


 4. Entertainment-computer games have added a whole new

dimension to home entertainment such as movies and video


 5. business-on-line shopping, advertising.

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6. Compare and contrast

a. 比较不同的事物


Talk about which types of people hold which opinions and say

why different people hold these opinions.

For ___ people, they think __ + 细节,on the contrary, for __

people, they think __,+ 细节。

There are a variety of differences between those two. The

most obvious one is that ______, for example _____. Another

difference is that ____, for example _____.

There is a little difference between the two.

A is quite similar to B _____. They have a lot in common.

It’s like comparing apples and oranges.

例: What’s the difference between the way children and adults

make friends?

Well, I think for adults, they take matters more seriously than

children when they make friends. They may share some common

interests and goals, or they must have been known each other

for quite a long time. While children on the other hand, may just

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start sharing things or playing together for a little while. They

continue the friendship if they enjoy being together.


What’s the difference between playing sports on your own and

playing sports in a group?

Compare to playing sports in a group, playing sports on you own is

quite boring. I mean, if we want to keep a healthy lifestyle, we

need to exercise everyday, I guess it would be quite tedious if

we spend all these hours exercising alone. While on the other

hand, playing sports in a group is a good chance for us to improve

the teamwork spirit. Take basketball for example, the players

need to cooperate with each other in order to win scores on the

court, that’s the most important thing.


What’s the difference between having meals at home and in a


I think there are a variety of differences. Compare to the food

in the restaurants, home-made food is safe and healthy since we

can choose what oil to use, and we will not add too much

seasoning in order to keep fit. However, the food in the

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restaurant always contains too much food additives in order to

guarantee the taste of the food, so it’s not good for people’s

health in the long run. Another difference is the atmosphere.

We usually have a meal in the restaurant with a group of people,

during which we often talk about life and business. On the

contrary, eating at home lacks some atmosphere.


What do you think are the differences between a polite person

and a friendly person?

Well. Polite people have a lot of rules in mind and when they

follow all the rules, they can make other people feel

comfortable and show that they’re well raised. However, for

friendly people, they don’t have to know the rules. They could

make people happy because they care about others and they

want to make others happy and welcomed.

What’s the difference between men and women’s preference on


I think men actually don’t care too much about colors, so they

often let the women in their lives make home design decisions

and even ask them to match clothing for them. But for women,

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they seem to be more sensitive to colors. For example: they

often dress in colors when attending parties or banquets.

What’s the different between news on TV and news in


Well, there are a few differences between these two. The most

obvious one is that they present in different ways, TV provides

the news with both sound and image. Another difference is that

news on TV is more instant than news on magazines, and news in

magazines are much more tedious and boring than news on TV.


What’s the difference between children learning what they like

and learning what they have to learn?

Well, I think if the children are learning something they like,

they will concentrate all their energy and focus on teachers’

words. The way I see it, interest is the best teacher, so it’s

pretty easy for them to learn something they like. However,

when they learn something they have to learn, maybe they will

not listen to the teacher carefully during the class, sometimes

they will be absent-minded, so it’s tough for them to learn

something well.

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How has…changed over the last few years/in last 20/30 years?

Have things changed?/Have things always been the same?/Have

things been the same since you can remember?

How do you think things will change?

What do you think will change?

What are the differences between __ in the past and now?

6. Compare and contrast


A lot has changed since the past. In the past, ___ was ____, for

example, ___. After a few years, ____started to ____. Now,

___ is ___, for example _____.



Facilities: Undeveloped > develop > modernized

(文化)close-minded traditional

Culture: conventional> receive western influence >


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How has people’s eating habits changed in the past 10 years?

A lot has changed since the past. In the past, people’s eating

habits were traditional for example people ate simple food such

steamed buns and dumplings, but after a few years people’s

eating habits started to receive western influence and now

people’s eating habits are internationalized for example we eat

hamburgers, sushi and pizza.

例: How has your country changed in over the last few years?

I guess China has really taken quite a big leap since the reform

and opening-up policy. One way it has changed is that

science-technology has got a flourish development. More and

more people are realizing the importance of technology and the

benefits it brings. For example, people used to write letters to

greet each other from remote distance, but now the world is

interconnected by internet and it becomes part of many people’s

lives to get in contact with people around the world on the net.

7. suggest/summarize 解决方案

What do you think we should do to…?

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How can we preserve/something be solved?

What should one do…?

What measures…?


 So in order to solve this problem, I guess that

requires/calls for…

 I think it will take some measures to solve…

 I guess the most effective way to tackle this problem

would be…

 Hypothetically speaking, but in practice…

 I guess it would be really helpful if ___ could ___.

 I think it would be really helpful if the government could

come up with a series of laws or regulation to control ____.

They could punish those who break the laws by giving them

some fines or jail-time.

 Also, as a member of our society, we should start from our

basic, for example…you know the real problem is…so if we

could do these things, the problem might be solved in the

long run.

 I guess it would be really helpful if ____ did sth.. You

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know, right now, the real problem is ____, for example

____, so if ___ could , ____, this problem might be solved

in the long run.


 How can we minimize the negative effects of Internet?

 I guess it would really be helpful if parents controlled

their children’s online activities, you know right now, many

parents are not aware of children’s online activities and

children can have access to pornographic and violent

things on the web, so if parents installed control software

to protect their children, we can effectively minimize the

negative effects of the internet on children.


How can a small company grow big?

That’s’ really tough. Generally speaking, it takes time for a small

company to grow big. First, small company often needs enough

start-up capital. Without enough financial support, small

companies can’t develop the customers and extend the business.

The small company needs an excellent team if it wants to grow

bigger. A wise leader is always decisive, he knows how to

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cooperate with his team and lead the team in a right way. Also,

the responsible staffs are important to the growth of the



Asking for clarification I’m not sure what you mean by that.

Could you please explain what you mean by…?

When you say XXX, do you mean…? Do you mean…?

Asking for repetition

I’m sorry?

Would you mind repeating that please?

Could you repeat that question please?

Sorry, what was that?

I’m afraid I didn’t understand your last remark/question

Buying time

Let me see/think

I can’t remember much about that, but…

That’s an interesting question

I’ve never really thought about that before, but I would say…

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