Activities About Modals

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Task 1: Try It!

Directions: Read and analyze the sentences. Underline the most appropriate modals. (10 PTS)
1. If you are sick, you ________ go to work. You’ll infect everyone there. (may, must not)
2. Drivers _______ stop at red lights. (may, might)
3. You _______ finish the proposal today. You can finish it tomorrow. (might not, should not)
4. She ______ hear much better with her new hearing aids. (can, must)
5. ______ I order a glass of apple juice? (may, would)
6. Sam ______ pick his daughter up from school. She’s taking the bus home. (can’t, should have to)
7. You _____________ wear your face facemask and face shield. (must, can)
8. You ________ eat so many sweets. They are bad for you. (should not, cannot)
9. _________ you mind walking a little faster? We’re going to be late. (would, could)
10. I’m sorry. I _______ help you. I don’t know how to do it. (may not, should not)
Task 2: What can you do?
Can you still remember the modals presented in this module? List down 5 modal auxiliaries that you
know well and be able to give their special function and use them in your sentence. (15 PTS)
Modals Function Sentence

Task 3 Once Upon a Pandemic

Directions: Copy and complete the dialogue by supplying phrases or modals + verbs expressing
permission, obligation or prohibition whichever is necessary. (15 PTS)

Once Upon a Pandemic

There is no perfect time and age to becoming responsible and well-informed citizens. Anyone can be
especially in this time of crisis.
Alena: I was not born with a golden spoon in mouth, so there is nothing I can’t do to survive the
situation I am in at present.
Aquil: Likewise. We both grew up and raised in love, faith, patience, and perseverance. We (1) ________
Alena: I (2) ________ that we (3) ________ to keep going to survive this pandemic.
Aquil: Our government and all of us (4) ________ complacent in trying time like this.
Alena: Though we have our government to support us during this critical time, we(5) ________
completely dependent on our government.
Aquil: Yes, you said it right. We (6) ________ resourceful and frugal at times like this.
Alena: I (7) ________ that we (8) ________ planting vegetables in our own backyard or in any
improvised plant box.
Aquil: That’s a good idea, Anna. We, as responsible citizens, (9) ________ also ________ our
government surpass this trying time.
Alena: Not only that...we (10) ________ compliant to the rules directed by our government to get rid of
this pandemic the soonest possible time.
Aquil: Yeah! I got it right. Let’s go check what we (11) ________ and (12) ________ while under
Enhanced Community Quarantine.
Alena: That is what we (13) ________ in times of crisis. We (14) ________of this pandemic in no time at
all if we will cooperate.
Aquil: Come-on, friend! We (15) ________ a difference.

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