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Journal of Cleaner Production 216 (2019) 152e166

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Green or lean? A supply chain approach to sustainable performance

Baofeng Huo a, Minhao Gu a, Zhiqiang Wang b
College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin, 300072, China
School of Business Administration, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, 510640, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Based on a natural resource-based view, this study investigates how lean and green processes in
Received 3 June 2018 manufacturer-customer (customer side) and manufacturer-supplier interfaces (supply side) in the supply
Received in revised form chain influence sustainability in environmental, social, and economic performance. Data from 171
9 January 2019
manufacturers are used to test the proposed relationships. The results show that green and lean pro-
Accepted 13 January 2019
Available online 16 January 2019
cesses play different roles in achieving sustainable performance. On the customer side, lean processes are
the main driver of higher sustainable performance. The results show that lean processes directly improve
social, environmental, and economic performance, while green processes improve only environmental
Sustainable performance
performance. On the supplier side, green processes play a prominent role in reaching higher sustainable
Green process performance as they directly improve social and economic performance, while lean processes improve
Lean process only economic performance. This study contributes to the supply chain management and sustainability
Supply chain management literature and has managerial implications for firms to more effectively improve sustainable
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction integration of environmental considerations into the supply chain

process, while LSCM emphasized efficient resource utilization and
Both the government and the public have paid increasing waste reduction along the supply chain.
attention to the serious environmental pollution that negatively The natural resource-based view (NRBV) argues that pollution
influences economic growth, the global climate, and human health prevention, product stewardship, and sustainable development are
(Huang et al., 2014). Firms are facing regulatory and social pressures three key strategic capabilities for environmental, economic, and
to reduce environmental harms. They are making increasing in- social performance (Hart, 1995). Pollution prevention seeks to
vestments in pollution control and prevention, product steward- prevent waste and emissions by reducing inputs and liability costs
ship, and sustainable development. However, these practices may and simplifying the process (Hart and Dowell, 2011). Firms can
sacrifice efficiency and increase operational cost (Zhu et al., 2011). obtain lower cost and increased efficiency through pollution pre-
The simultaneous adoption of both lean and green approaches vention practices. Product stewardship integrates the “voice of the
stimulates process innovation (Fercoq et al., 2016), which helps environment” in the product lifecycle and the entire value chain,
companies achieve sustainable performance with minimum from product design to purchasing and the distribution process
resource inputs and maximum efficiency (Piercy and Rich, 2015; (Hart and Dowell, 2011). Sustainable development seeks to mini-
Verrier et al., 2014). In the sustainability literature, the combination mize environmental damage and involves economic, environ-
of green supply chain management (GSCM) and lean supply chain mental, and social concerns for the future (Hart and Dowell, 2011).
management (LSCM) are suggested as two approaches to achieve Based on the NRBV, GSCM and LSCM facilitate product stewardship
economic return with lower environmental harm and greater social and pollution prevention, respectively, through their different un-
welfare (e.g., Dües et al., 2013; Garza-Reyes, 2015b). Building on the derlying mechanisms (Hart and Dowell, 2011). GSCM builds the
paradigm of supply chain management, GSCM focused on the product stewardship capability by integrating stakeholders in
supply chain management and embedding environmental con-
cerns throughout the product lifecycle, which directly improves
environmental performance and obtains legitimacy and increases
* Corresponding author.
economic performance in the long run (Bowen et al., 2001). LSCM
E-mail addresses: (B. Huo), (M. Gu), (Z. Wang). builds the pollution prevention capability by removing waste and
0959-6526/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Huo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 216 (2019) 152e166 153

non-value-added activities, as well as continuous improvement Reyes, 2015b). In pursuing sustainable performance, the customer
throughout the supply chain, which decreases operational cost and side interacts with the manufacturer-customer interface and sup-
minimizes environmental influence (King and Lenox, 2002). plier side, which means that the manufacturer-supplier interface
The existing literature has widely discussed the roles of GSCM may vary in motivations, actions, and outcomes. Therefore, we can
and LSCM in achieving sustainable performance (Garza-Reyes, better understand this phenomenon by investigating green and
2015b; Mollenkopf et al., 2010). However, there are still several lean from the two interfaces, with the aim of determining how
research gaps that need further investigation. First, most studies these two approaches on the supplier and customer sides differ-
separately explored how GSCM or LSCM alone improve economic, ently affect sustainable performance.
environmental, and social performance (Lee et al., 2015; Vachon Therefore, this study addresses mainly the following two
and Klassen, 2008). GSCM integrates environmental protection research questions to fill these gaps. RQ1: How do GSCM and LSCM
techniques in the product lifecycle, while LSCM enhances efficiency influence sustainable performance regarding economic, environ-
over the whole material conversion process (e.g., King and Lenox, mental, and social performance simultaneously? RQ2: How do the two
2001; Sagnak and Kazancoglu, 2016). On the one hand, GSCM and approaches to supply and customer sides play different roles?
LSCM may complement each other on sustainable performance This study applies NRBV to empirically investigate how GSCM
(Dües et al., 2013; Garza-Reyes, 2015b). GSCM aims to reduce and LSCM influence sustainable performance in an integrated
emissions, while LSCM aims to remove waste (Martínez-Jurado and framework, and it gains insights in the following areas. First, it
Moyano-Fuentes, 2014; Yang et al., 2011). On the other hand, GSCM examines process innovation by simultaneously incorporating lean
and LSCM are contradictory (Mollenkopf et al., 2010). GSCM re- and green approaches to address environmental and social re-
quires specific investments in environmentally responsible prac- quirements in the most cost-efficient way. This combination can
tices, which are time-consuming and may hurt cost efficiencies assist firms in inventing new processes and methods that lead to
(Adebanjo et al., 2016). In contrast, LSCM may lead to higher enhanced capabilities compared to extant competitors. Second, this
emissions and energy consumptions with small-batch production study contributes to the SCM literature and provides guidelines for
and delivery (Memari et al., 2016). However, these studies failed to firms that are pursuing sustainable performance by investigating
compare the two approaches in one study. Therefore, it is difficult the different roles of GSCM and LSCM in achieving economic,
to understand the similarities and differences between GSCM and environmental, and social performance. Third, this study makes
LSCM (Martínez-Jurado and Moyano-Fuentes, 2014; Wiengarten contributions to the literature and practice by comparing the dif-
et al., 2013). ferences between the customer side and the supplier side when
Second, some studies have suggested that GSCM and LSCM are implementing the two approaches simultaneously.
interconnected in pursuing sustainable performance. Appendix A The remainder of the study is organized as follows. First, this
summarizes previous studies on how GSCM and LSCM influence study presents the theoretical background and develops the
different dimensions of performance. The two approaches improve research hypotheses. Then, it introduces the research methodology
operational, environmental, social, and economic performance and the results of analyses. Finally, it discusses the findings, major
independently or jointly. However, these studies considered the conclusions, limitations, and future research directions.
supply chain as a whole concept and failed to examine whether
green and lean in supply and customer sides have different impacts 2. Theoretical foundations and research hypotheses
on sustainable performance. It is obvious that these two sides play
different roles in achieving supply chain success (Huo, 2012). For 2.1. Sustainable performance
example, a close relationship between a manufacturer and a
customer improves demand information accuracy and customer Sustainable performance represents the long-lasting competi-
responsiveness and reduces the manufacturer's production plan- tive advantage in economic returns that firms obtain by considering
ning time and inventory obsolescence. In contrast, a close part- the impact on natural environment and human society and by not
nership between a manufacturer and a supplier facilitates the sacrificing stakeholder needs (Kleindorfer et al., 2005; Paulraj,
material delivery production process, which in turn helps manu- 2011). The triple bottom line (TBL), which simultaneously in-
facturers produce products on time (Flynn et al., 2010; Huo et al., tegrates economic, environmental, and social performance, is
2015). In addition, a supply chain is a multi-level system that widely applied to operationalize sustainable performance
contains multiple products, multiple suppliers, manufacturers, (Elkington, 1998; Margolis and Walsh, 2003). Economic perfor-
wholesalers and retailers (Shekarabia et al., 2018). These echelons mance refers to productivity and financial returns on assets. When
interact with one another to minimize the total cost and energy firms invest resources more efficiently than their competitors, they
consumption of the chain with resource constraints (Gharaei and gain an above-average return. Financial indicators, such as growth
Pasandideh, 2016, 2017a). In the mathematical model proposed in return on assets (ROA), return on investments (ROI), market
by Gharaei et al. (2019), it is suggested that under penalty, green, share, and profit, are used to measure economic performance
and quality control requirements, as well as a vendor-managed (Flynn et al., 2010). The environmental dimension of the TBL eval-
inventory with consignment stock agreement system, it is impor- uates the impact of business activities on natural systems. Previous
tant to consider both supplier's and buyer's cost so that total cost in studies have increasingly treated environmental performance as a
an integrated supply chain can be reduced. Therefore, there is a strategic issue, which is measured in terms of the reduction in
need to investigate how multi-level supply chains, especially energy consumption, hazardous materials usage, and waste
external activities associated with suppliers and customers, influ- discharge (Glavas and Mish, 2015; Zhu and Sarkis, 2004). Social
ence sustainability regarding environmental, social, and economic performance evaluates how firms contribute to the public and to
performance. society beyond economic interests (Carroll, 1999; Dahlsrud, 2008).
Both lean and green approaches emphasize supplier and It shows corporate social responsibility to multiple stakeholders,
customer involvement (Chen et al., 2017). Specifically, GSCM re- such as employees and communities, in addition to the share-
quires environmental collaboration so that final products, as well as holders (Turban and Greening, 1997). Following Chen and Delmas
raw materials, are eco-friendly, while LSCM requires the involve- (2011) and Paulraj (2011), social performance in this study com-
ment of partners to make continuous improvements throughout prises mainly the benefits to the community and to employees,
the supply chain (e.g., Campos and Vazquez-Brust, 2016; Garza- such as maximizing their welfare and improving their health and
154 B. Huo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 216 (2019) 152e166

safety. 1991). The generalized concept of resources includes the organi-

zational process, knowledge, capabilities, and all other assets that
2.2. GSCM and LSCM improve efficiency and effectiveness (e.g., Peteraf, 1993; Wernerfelt,
1984). Hart (1995) extended the RBV by including natural re-
Multi-level supply chain management, which consists of mul- sources. He developed the NRBV and suggested that approaches
tiple components and stochastic constraints, is crucial for mini- such as pollution prevention, product stewardship, and sustainable
mizing cost and achieving sustainable performance (Pasandideh development can lead to sustainable competitive advantages.
et al., 2015). It is important to involve multiple echelons, espe- GSCM and LSCM can be interpreted as specific resources and
cially suppliers and customers, so that different activities such as capabilities embedded within suppliers and customers
lean and green processes can be implemented with less cost and (Wiengarten et al., 2013). Specifically, GSCM represents product
resource consumption (Gharaei and Pasandideh, 2017b; Gharaei stewardship capability. Firms that implement GSCM with their
et al., 2017). In addition, stakeholders with conflicting objectives supply chain partners address stakeholders’ requirements and
in the multi-level supply chain can obtain the maximum benefits by consider environmental protection issues in daily operations
integrating different echelons, such as suppliers and customers, in through the product life cycle. They can obtain social legitimacy and
sustainable activities (Gharaei et al., 2018). Gharaei et al. (2019) also develop inimitable and complex resources and capabilities, which
suggested that in an integrated supply chain, it is important to lead to an improvement in scales of sustainable performance
considering both buyer's and supplier's total cost under penalty, (Sarkis et al., 2011; Shi et al., 2012). On the other hand, LSCM rep-
green, and quality control policies and a vendor-managed in- resents pollution prevention capability. Firms that implement
ventory with consignment stock agreement. LSCM with their supply chain partners can minimize emissions and
GSCM is defined as the integration of environmental concerns waste and remove non-value added activities by continuous pro-
into inter-organizational practices (Sarkis et al., 2011). According to cess improvement. They can improve sustainable performance
Lam et al. (2015), GSCM exposes “the applications of the most with shorter lead times, lower costs, and fewer environmental in-
important sustainable development issues. It demonstrates how fluences (Prajogo et al., 2016; Qrunfleh and Tarafdar, 2013).
green technologies and practices can be implemented and, in line
with this, the motivation of saving money and increasing effi- 2.4. Sustainable performance through green SC processes
ciency”. GSCM is also a multidimensional construct that encom-
passes green purchasing and supply (Günther and Scheibe, 2006; This study focuses on the particular set of GSCM processes,
Green et al., 2012a), green product design (Srivastava, 2007), which are termed “external green processes”. It innovatively
reverse logistics (Sarkis et al., 2011), and green collaboration with modifies existing processes with supply chain partners by consid-
customers (Hervani et al., 2005). Zhu and Sarkis (2004) classified ering environmental protection issues (Gavronski et al., 2011). An
these sub-dimensions into internal and external green manage- external green process requires both supplier and customer
ment. Internal green management focuses on internal environ- participation with their environmental compliance during all
mental commitment and support, while external green stages of the product lifecycle, from product design, material
management requires collaboration with suppliers and customers acquisition, manufacturing, delivery, to waste handling. It can help
so that the entire supply chain can be greened (De Giovanni, 2012; the supply chain reduce energy consumption and pollutants and
Zhu et al., 2013). Zhu et al. (2012) highlighted the importance of improve resource efficiency (Chiou et al., 2011; Xie et al., 2016).
external green management when firms implement green prac- From the perspective of the NRBV, an external green process rep-
tices. They found that the mediation of successful external green resents product stewardship capability. Firms absorb environ-
management adoption can facilitate maximum sustainable mental protection knowledge and experience from supply chain
performance. partners by adopting a green process with them. They develop
It is accepted that LSCM is a combination of synergetic practices, unique resources and capabilities that improve not only environ-
including pull production systems, just-in-time (JIT), total quality mental performance but also economic and social performance
management (TQM), total preventive maintenance (TPM), and (Hart, 1995; Vachon and Klassen, 2008).
human resource management (HRM) (Longoni and Cagliano, Supplier and customer-side green processes may be quite
2015a; Shah and Ward, 2003). It is process oriented and therefore different in terms of their motivations, actions, and outcomes.
focuses on enhancing efficiency by eliminating more generalized Specifically, a green supplier process aims to eliminate environ-
waste (e.g., waiting, overprocessing, overproduction, inventory, mental problems from the start by monitoring purchasing process
correction, and defects) from purchasing to final delivery (e.g., King and involving suppliers in the product design and manufacturing
and Lenox, 2001; Qi et al., 2009). Similarly, Christopher and Towill process (Laari et al., 2016; Tachizawa et al., 2015). During the
(2000) and Naylor et al. (1999) defined LSCM as a value stream to monitoring process, suppliers must follow environmental re-
eliminate all waste, including time, and to enable a degree of quirements, such as emission reduction and eco-friendly material
scheduling. Material suppliers, production facilities, distribution usage. Frequent monitoring also reduces suppliers' opportunistic
services and customers should be linked together in the value behavior regarding environmental violations. As a result, firms
stream via a feed-forward flow of materials and feedback flow of mitigate the environmental risks of raw materials and improve
information. Additionally, Rothenberg et al. (2001) argued that environmental performance (Green et al., 2012a). By working
LSCM emphasizes the participation of supply chain partners in together with suppliers, firms obtain suppliers’ environmental ca-
continuous improvement practices so that efficiency can be pabilities and their advice for environmental improvements
improved with less cost and time. (Esfahbodi et al., 2016). Therefore, they can develop eco-friendly
products and implement green production processes more suc-
2.3. GSCM and LSCM approaches based on the NRBV cessfully (De Giovanni, 2012; Tachizawa et al., 2015). Previous
findings also provide evidence that a supplier green process im-
This study applies the NRBV as the theoretical foundation to proves environmental performance (Vachon and Klassen, 2008;
investigate how green and lean processes improve sustainable Zhu et al., 2005).
performance. According to the RBV, valuable, rare, inimitable, and Following a similar logic, a customer green process improves
non-substitutable resources lead to competitive advantage (Barney, environmental performance by involving customers in product
B. Huo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 216 (2019) 152e166 155

development, production, and delivery. Its main objective is to imitate and substitute, which leads to economic performance (Shi
make the downstream supply chain greener (Green et al., 2012b; et al., 2012; Wong et al., 2012).
Vachon and Klassen, 2008). When customers are involved in green Specifically, a supplier green process reduces toxic material
management, firms improve environmental performance by more usage at the source, which leads to a reduction in waste disposal
easily receiving customer feedback to satisfy their environmental costs and environmental regulation violation costs (Rao and Holt,
requirements (Gimenez et al., 2012). Additionally, by working 2005). Furthermore, suppliers' involvement in green practices
together with customers, firms obtain critical knowledge and also assists firms in identifying complementary resources and
experience, which can be applied to the eco-friendly product developing relationally specific capabilities so that they can
design and manufacturing process (Canie€ls et al., 2013). Therefore, improve economic performance by better addressing environ-
this study proposes the following: mental problems upstream (Gualandris and Kalchschmidt, 2016).
By contrast, firms can better address environmental requirements
H1a. Supplier green process is positively related to environmental
and suggestions downstream by implementing green processes
with customers. This implementation directly improves customers’
H1b. Customer green process is positively related to environ- satisfaction and reputation in the market, which in turn leads to
mental performance. economic performance (Tang et al., 2012; Wolf, 2011). Therefore,
this study proposes the following:
The implementation of a green process with suppliers and
customers leads to the improvement of employees' working con- H3a. Supplier green process is positively related to economic
ditions and communities’ quality of life, which contributes to social performance.
performance (Gimenez et al., 2012). Specifically, in addition to the
H3b. Customer green process is positively related to economic
greenness of the final products, the public also pays close attention
to whether the raw materials are eco-friendly. A Supplier green
process shows mutual efforts and responsibilities for these social
concerns. Environmental stewardship in the purchasing process
2.5. Sustainable performance through lean SC processes
reduces the amount of toxic raw material usage and avoids haz-
ardous purchasing (e.g., poisonous materials leakage during
LSCM is another tool for sustainable performance (Cherrafi et al.,
transportation). Thus, a supplier green process reduces the possi-
2016; Martínez-Jurado and Moyano-Fuentes, 2014). From the
bilities of environmental accidents that may affect society and
perspective of the NRBV, LSCM represents pollution prevention
improves social performance (Koplin et al., 2007). Furthermore, a
capability. Shah and Ward (2007) classified these practices into
supplier green process reduces the number of toxic materials
supplier-related, customer-related, and internally related di-
flowing into the production line. As a result, the working envi-
mensions to better understand LSCM. This study investigates the
ronment becomes much safer, and employee health is protected
impact of external lean processes with suppliers and customers on
(Lee et al., 2012).
sustainable performance. This study defines a supplier lean process
By directly involving customers in green practices, firms' entire
as a set of practices to ensure on-time delivery from suppliers and
operations are revealed transparently to the market. In other
to reduce waste in the purchasing process. These practices include
words, a customer green process shows firms' attitudes and de-
JIT delivery, pull system linkage with suppliers, and supplier
terminations of environmental protection; therefore, it improves
involvement for continuous improvement (Azadegan et al., 2013).
their social reputation and legitimacy in front of communities (De
In contrast, a customer lean process is defined as a set of practices
Giovanni, 2012). A customer green process also emphasizes cus-
to ensure on-time delivery to customers and to reduce waste in the
tomers’ concerns and suggestions regarding environmental issues.
sales process.
Firms must reduce toxic material usage and ensure that the
The empirical results on whether lean processes improve envi-
workplace is safe. Additionally, some specific downstream envi-
ronmental performance are inconsistent (Campos and Vazquez-
ronmental stewardship techniques, such as defective product recall
Brust, 2016; Dües et al., 2013). Some lean practices, such as small-
and end-of-life product recycling, not only protect customer health
batch production and JIT delivery, require frequent replenishment
and safety but also reduce environmental risks and improve public
and transportation, which lead to higher emissions and energy
welfare. Therefore, this study proposes the following:
consumption (Govindan et al., 2014; Memari et al., 2016). Other
H2a. Supplier green process is positively related to social practices, such as inventory reduction and quality improvement,
performance. decrease material waste and lead to higher environmental perfor-
mance (Fahimnia et al., 2015; Longoni and Cagliano, 2015b). This
H2b. Customer green process is positively related to social
study proposes that lean processes for both the supplier and
customer improve environmental performance due to the philos-
There are mixed findings on the relationship between external ophy of continuous improvement and waste reduction.
green processes and economic performance (e.g., Molina-Azorín A supplier lean process requires adequate information sharing
et al., 2009; Wagner et al., 2001). External green processes reduce between firms and their suppliers so that the suppliers produce and
waste generation and energy consumption and enhance firms’ so- deliver the exact amount of raw materials (Piercy and Rich, 2015).
cial reputation. However, the cost of implementing and maintain- There is no need to hold extra inventories or to invest unnecessary
ing an external green process may offset the benefits. This study resources and energy on the storage of raw materials, thus gener-
proposes that green processes for suppliers and customers both ating less negative environmental impact (Kainuma and Tawara,
improve economic performance. From the perspective of the NRBV, 2006). Furthermore, supplier participation in continuous
external green processes improve resource efficiency by consid- improvement programs is also conducive to fewer defects in raw
ering environmental issues in SCM. Firms produce the same materials, which reduces investments in the recycling and waste
amount of products with fewer resource inputs (Hollos et al., 2012). disposal process (Yang et al., 2011).
External green processes also create specific green management Similarly, with the implementation of a customer lean process,
routines and socially complex capabilities that are difficult to the production activities are pulled by accurate demand informa-
tion (Rothenberg et al., 2001). This process leads to a reduction of
156 B. Huo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 216 (2019) 152e166

overproduction, which requires extra raw materials and may ulti- respond quickly to demand and reduce lead time. It enhances
mately become obsolete, causing pollution (Chiarini, 2014). In customer satisfaction and increases the market share (Yang et al.,
addition, customer feedback on defects and suggestions for 2011). In addition, customer preference is better satisfied by
improvement enhance product development and manufacturing continuous improvement if these programs are conducted directly
capabilities, thus reducing over processing and rework, which with them, which also improves service performance and eco-
require extra resources (Longoni and Cagliano, 2015b; Rothenberg nomic return. Therefore, this study proposes the following:
et al., 2001). Therefore, this study proposes the following:
H6a. Supplier lean process is positively related to economic
H4a. Supplier lean process is positively related to environmental performance.
H6b. Customer lean process is positively related to economic
H4b. Customer lean process is positively related to environmental performance.
Fig. 1 illustrates the proposed relationships among supplier lean
There is a lack of empirical evidence on the relationship be- and green processes, customer lean and green processes, and sus-
tween external lean processes and social performance (e.g., tainable performance.
Cherrafi et al., 2016; Martínez-Jurado and Moyano-Fuentes, 2014).
A supplier lean process requests a geographically concentrated
supply base and direct delivery to the point of use. It can improve 3. Research methodology
purchasing efficiency through a shorter delivery distance. Firms are
more likely to choose local suppliers, which creates more jobs for 3.1. Measures
the community, improving the local economy and social develop-
ment of the region (Azevedo et al., 2012). Furthermore, supplier The measures were developed based on previous literature and
involvement in lean practices ensures zero defects of raw materials interviews with managers. First, this study's researchers developed
and minimizes risks of spills and mishandling in material delivery an English version of the measures based on a thorough review of
(Cherrafi et al., 2016). Therefore, a supplier lean process reduces the relevant literature. Second, they translated initial measures into
possibilities of harmful materials flowing to the product line and Chinese, and then two independent translators conducted back-
ensures clean and organized working conditions, which are bene- translation to ensure the conceptual equivalence. Finally, they
ficial to employees’ health and safety (Wang et al., 2015). refined the measures based on in-depth interviews with managers
A customer lean process also improves social performance. On in 18 firms during the pilot test stage. The wording of some items was
the one hand, firms deliver safe and high-quality products to cus- modified to ensure that all items were understandable and relevant
tomers on a JIT basis. Customers receive products at the exact time to practices in China. The constructs were all measured on a seven-
and in the exact condition as they previously ordered, which im- point Likert scale, and the details of measurement items with related
proves their satisfaction and welfare (Gimenez et al., 2012). On the references and the sample questionnaire are listed in Appendix B.
other hand, to realize a customer lean process and to quickly The measures for supplier and customer green processes were
respond to changing demands, multi-skilled employees with pos- adapted from Zhu and Sarkis (2004); Zhu et al. (2008, 2012). The
itive motivations are critical. Firms must improve working condi- measures for supplier and customer lean processes were adapted
tions by providing sufficient training and more varied work and from Cua et al. (2001); Li et al. (2005); Narasimhan et al. (2006);
increasing employee autonomy (Piercy and Rich, 2015; Rothenberg Shah and Ward (2007). The measures for lean and green processes
et al., 2001). This process leads to an enhancement of employee evaluated the extent of related practices that the firm and its major
satisfaction and well-being (Longoni and Cagliano, 2016). There- supplier and customer implemented, with “1” indicating the
fore, this study proposes the following: practices were not implemented at all and “7” indicating those that
were extensively implemented. The major supplier is the supplier
H5a. Supplier lean process is positively related to social
that supplies the highest dollar value of products to the respondent
firm. Likewise, the major customer is the customer that buys the
H5b. Customer lean process is positively related to social highest dollar value of products from the respondent firm (Zhao
performance. et al., 2011). Most of the samples investigated are non-listed
manufacturers that disclose little information and data on envi-
An external lean process represents a set of synergetic practices
ronmental, social, and economic issues. Therefore, this study ap-
and requires supply chain partner involvement in continuous
plies perceptual performance measures instead of collecting
improvement programs. From the perspective of the NRBV, the
objective data. The respondents rated performance measures
implementation of an external lean process is complex and difficult
compared with their major competitors, with “1” meaning “much
to imitate. Thus, it is a positive source of economic performance
worse” and “7” meaning “much better”. The measures for economic
(Lewis, 2000; Shah and Ward, 2007). Specifically, raw materials are
delivered in small batches and at a high frequency with the
implementation of a supplier lean process, which reduces stock
costs and waiting costs. Furthermore, continuous improvement
programs with suppliers reduce the scrap rate of raw materials and
manufacturing variations. Therefore, firms improve operational
efficiency and obtain higher economic returns with less quality
problems (Azevedo et al., 2012).
A customer lean process makes demand information flow effi-
ciently from downstream to upstream, which reduces the bullwhip
effect and inventory levels, thus enhancing asset turnover and
profitability (Chavez et al., 2015). The implementation of a
customer lean process also empowers firms with the ability to
Fig. 1. The conceptual model.
B. Huo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 216 (2019) 152e166 157

performance were adopted from Huo (2012), and the measures for one informant answered all the questions. Two approaches are
social and environmental performance were adopted from Paulraj used to identify the potential common method bias occurred. First,
(2011). using SPSS software, Harman's one-factor test was performed by
loading all indicators in a principal component factor analysis. The
3.2. Sampling and data collection results revealed seven distinctive factors with eigenvalues above
1.0, explaining 75.9 percent of total variance, and the first factor
The stratified sampling method was applied to randomly explained 31.2 percent of the variance. The results of Harman's one-
selected sample firms from different regions and diverse industries factor test were acceptable, suggesting that common method bias
(Zhao et al., 2006). Phone contacts were made before mailing the was not a serious problem in this study (Podsakoff et al., 2003;
survey so that the key informant who was knowledgeable about Podsakoff and Organ, 1986). Second, confirmatory factor analysis
supply chain management could be identified and his/her agree- (CFA) with Harman's one-factor test was applied using the LISREL
ment to participate in the survey ensured. Questionnaires with software (Sanchez and Brock, 1996). All indicators were loaded on
guidelines were mailed to the potential informants. They were the same factor. The model fit indices were Chi-square
informed that obtained data would be used only for research and (c2) ¼ 3308.51 with a degree of freedom ¼ 495, non-normed fit
that they would obtain a diagnostic report about how their com- index (NNFI) ¼ 0.49, comparative fit index (CFI) ¼ 0.52, root mean
pany performs in related practices based on their feedback. Follow- square error of approximation (RMSEA) ¼ 0.23, and standardized
up phone calls and reminder emails were implemented to improve root mean square residual (SRMR) ¼ 0.17, which were unacceptable
the response rate (Flynn et al., 2010). and much poorer than those of the measurement model (Hu and
In total, 2710 firms were contacted, and questionnaires were Bentler, 1999). These results indicated that a single factor was not
distributed to 696 firms that agreed to participate in the survey. The appropriate, providing further evidence that common method bias
researchers of this study further abandoned samples with many is not an issue in this study.
missing values. They also called the informants who answered the
questionnaire. Samples were also abandoned if the corresponding 4. Analyses and results
informants were not familiar with all the questions. A total of 171
usable samples were returned, reflecting a response rate of 24.6 4.1. Reliability and validity
percent. Table 1 shows the profile of the samples from different in-
dustries and with different firm characteristics. Table 2 shows infor- Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed to ensure
mation on the respondents. Most respondents were middle or top construct unidimensionality (Narasimhan and Jayaram, 1998).
managers and had been in their positions for six years or longer, which Principal component factor analysis with varimax rotation detected
suggests that they were knowledgeable about the survey questions. seven dimensions. Table 3 shows that all items have higher load-
Potential nonresponse bias was checked by comparing ings on the specific construct that they were intended to measure
responding and non-responding firms regarding the number of and lower factor loadings on the constructs that they were not
employees, fixed assets, regions, ownership, and firm age (Schilke, intended to measure, demonstrating construct unidimensionality.
2014). The results showed that all t-statistics were non-significant Table 4 shows the value of Cronbach's a, corrected item-total cor-
at the 0.05 significance level, indicating that nonresponse bias is relation (CITC), and composite reliability (CR), which satisfies the
not a problem in this study. threshold proposed by Lance et al. (2006). The results indicate that
all constructs are reliable.
3.3. Common method bias test Then, the researchers of this study examined convergent and
discriminant validity. They conducted CFA to assess convergent
Common method bias may be a concern in this study due to only validity. Each item was linked to its corresponding construct with

Table 1
Profiles of responding firms.

Industry % of samples Number of employees % of samples Region % of samples Ownership % of samples

Metal, Mechanical & Engineering 42.7% <50 0.0% Bohai Bay Economic Rim 32.2% State-owned 19.3%
Electronics & Electrical 18.7% 50e99 0.0% Yangzi River Delta 24.6% Privately owned 47.4%
Textiles & Apparel 11.7% 100e199 26.3% Pearl River Delta 21.6% Foreign-owned 22.8%
Chemicals & Petrochemicals 8.2% 200e499 30.4% Other areas in China 21.6% Joint venture 10.5%
Building Materials 4.7% 500e999 19.9%
Publishing and Printing 5.3% 1000e4999 18.7%
Rubber & Plastics 3.5% 5000 or more 4.7%
Food, Beverage, Alcohol & Cigarettes 3.5%
Pharmaceutical & Medicals 1.8%

Table 2
Respondent characteristics.

Tenure of current position in firm % of Position of respondent % of

(years) respondents respondents

1 4.1% Top manager (e.g., president, CEO, director, and deputies of these positions) 20.5%
2e5 22.8% Middle manager (e.g., manager of purchasing, marketing, production, and other operations-related 74.9%
6e10 39.8% Others (e.g., purchasers and salesmen) 4.7%
11e15 18.7%
16 14.6%
158 B. Huo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 216 (2019) 152e166

Table 3
Factor analysis.

Factor Loadings

Supplier green Economic Customer green Social Supplier lean Environmental Customer lean
process performance process performance process performance process

CL1 .057 .208 .042 .077 .178 .046 .816

CL2 .067 .124 .120 .106 .295 .142 .759
CL3 -.107 .129 .156 .080 .161 .162 .801
CL4 .151 .019 -.026 .031 .208 .098 .740
SL1 .163 .150 .052 .023 .770 .070 -.025
SL2 -.021 .183 -.015 .066 .832 .067 .254
SL3 .025 .140 .072 .105 .799 .029 .302
SL4 .017 .094 .143 .041 .745 .050 .312
SL5 .072 .072 -.075 .160 .833 -.055 .132
CG1 .249 .076 .817 .111 .053 .124 .038
CG2 .205 .148 .841 .118 -.013 .170 .080
CG3 .272 .097 .856 .105 .038 .144 .049
CG4 .344 .045 .759 .090 .081 .025 .045
CG5 .337 .066 .731 .129 .015 .035 .109
SG1 .804 .183 .248 .169 .087 .104 .053
SG2 .843 .110 .250 .207 .108 .076 .020
SG3 .840 .202 .278 .048 -.001 .114 .000
SG4 .786 .055 .311 .071 .103 .058 .037
SG5 .757 .142 .337 .078 .009 .006 .098
ECP1 .094 .809 .142 .079 .085 .195 .062
ECP2 .185 .768 .145 .159 .120 .139 .121
ECP3 .100 .847 .081 .132 .179 -.038 .072
ECP4 .075 .866 .035 .117 .162 .014 .123
ECP5 .180 .849 .020 .188 .097 -.004 .136
EVP1 .061 .083 .087 .291 .064 .795 .082
EVP2 .119 -.012 .068 .160 .028 .902 .121
EVP3 .057 .065 .172 .278 -.005 .854 .125
EVP4 .069 .170 .146 .334 .070 .629 .149
SP1 .100 .278 .148 .741 .148 .114 .120
SP2 .155 .146 .020 .832 .029 .240 .041
SP3 .166 .078 .074 .831 .005 .308 .117
SP4 .035 .080 .188 .707 .223 .285 .057
SP5 .101 .151 .142 .840 .062 .153 .012
Eigenvalue 3.927 3.925 3.899 3.748 3.577 3.073 2.889
Total variance explained 75.87%

Table 4
Reliability analysis.

Construct No. of items Cronbach's alpha CITC range of the underlying items Composite reliability AVE

Supplier green process 5 0.926 0.758e0.852 0.926 0.717

Supplier lean process 5 0.892 0.625e0.815 0.894 0.631
Customer green process 5 0.919 0.734e0.866 0.922 0.704
Customer lean process 4 0.855 0.619e0.731 0.857 0.600
Economic performance 5 0.920 0.757e0.830 0.921 0.700
Environmental performance 4 0.890 0.627e0.839 0.894 0.683
Social performance 5 0.910 0.705e0.835 0.909 0.669

Table 5
Correlations, means, and standard deviations.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Supplier green process 0.85

2. Supplier lean process 0.19* 0.79
3. Customer green process 0.64** 0.15 0.84
4. Customer lean process 0.18* 0.49** 0.22** 0.77
5. Economic performance 0.36** 0.34** 0.28** 0.33** 0.84
6. Environmental performance 0.26** 0.16* 0.32** 0.31** 0.24** 0.83
7. Social performance 0.34** 0.25** 0.33** 0.26** 0.38** 0.57** 0.82
Mean 4.48 4.87 4.80 5.43 4.13 5.87 5.26
S.D. 1.393 1.133 1.315 1.051 0.951 0.736 0.885

Notes: Square root of AVE is shown on the diagonal of the matrix in bold; inter-construct correlations are shown off the diagonal.
P < 0.05, **p < 0.01.
B. Huo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 216 (2019) 152e166 159

Fig. 2. Estimated structural equation model.

the covariance freely estimated. The model fit indices (c2

(474) ¼ 830.84, NNFI ¼ 0.97, CFI ¼ 0.97, RMSEA ¼ 0.061, and
SRMR ¼ 0.061) were above the minimum thresholds (Hu and
Bentler, 1999). All the factor loadings were greater than 0.50 with
t values greater than 2.0. These results indicated convergent val- Fig. 3. The martrix of SC approaches to sustainable performance.
idity (Hu and Bentler, 1999). In addition, as shown in Table 4, the
average variance extracted (AVE) for all constructs was greater than
0.50, further indicating convergent validity (Koufteros et al., 2007). Table 7
Overview of the findings.
Discriminant validity was assessed by comparing the square root of
AVE with the correlation coefficient between the focal construct Performance SC approach
and all other constructs. The square roots of AVE (the bold diagonal Lean Green
of the matrix in Table 5) were higher than their correlations, indi-
Customer Supplier Customer Supplier
cating discriminant validity (Fornell and Larcker, 1981).
Environmental [ [
Social [ [
4.2. Hypotheses testing Economic [ [ [

Note: “[” means the practice increases the value of the performance measure.
Table 5 displays the descriptive statistics and Pearson correla-
tion coefficients for all of the constructs used in this study. Struc-
tural equation modeling (SEM) with maximum likelihood When considering and comparing the two approaches together,
estimation was used to test the hypotheses. The goodness of fit the customer side is more important than the supply side. A green
indices for the structural model were acceptable: c2 (477) ¼ 878.03, or lean approach on the customer side improves at least one
NNFI ¼ 0.96, CFI ¼ 0.97, RMSEA ¼ 0.064, and SRMR ¼ 0.087. Fig. 2 dimension of sustainable performance. However, neither of the two
and Table 6 show the results of the hypotheses tests. approaches on the supply side improves environmental
The results are summarized in Fig. 3 and Table 7 to highlight the performance.
findings. Both green and lean approaches improve environmental, The methodological approach of this study is shown in Fig. 4.
social, and economic performance. However, the customer and
supply sides of the two approaches play different roles. Green ap-
proaches on the supply side are more important than those on the 5. Discussion
customer side. The results show that a supplier green process has a
positive influence on economic and social performance, while a 5.1. The role of green processes in improving sustainable
customer green process has a positive influence only on environ- performance
mental performance. In contrast, lean processes are more impor-
tant on the customer side than on the supplier side. A customer Previous studies dimensioned GSCM into different practices,
lean process improves three dimensions of sustainable perfor- and there are no consistent conclusions on the relationship be-
mance, while a supplier lean process has a significant impact only tween these practices and sustainable performance (e.g., Laari et al.,
on economic performance. 2016; Zhu et al., 2005). The findings contribute to the GSCM

Table 6
Results of hypotheses tests using SEM.

Hypotheses Standardized coefficient (t-value) Results

Supplier green process / Environmental performance (H1a) 0.10 (0.96) Rejected

Customer green process / Environmental performance (H1b) 0.21* (2.04) Supported
Supplier green process / Social performance (H2a) 0.26* (2.50) Supported
Customer green process / Social performance (H2b) 0.12 (1.18) Rejected
Supplier green process / Economic performance (H3a) 0.28** (2.78) Supported
Customer green process / Economic performance (H3b) 0.01 (0.13) Rejected
Supplier lean process / Environmental performance (H4a) 0.09 (0.85) Rejected
Customer lean process / Environmental performance (H4b) 0.33** (3.08) Supported
Supplier lean process / Social performance (H5a) 0.05 (0.55) Rejected
Customer lean process / Social performance (H5b) 0.20þ (1.94) Supported
Supplier lean process / Economic performance (H6a) 0.21* (2.11) Supported
Customer lean process / Economic performance (H6b) 0.19þ (1.85) Supported

Notes: þp < 0.10; *p < 0.05; **

p < 0.01.
160 B. Huo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 216 (2019) 152e166

findings of previous studies (e.g., Golicic and Smith, 2013; Rao and
Holt, 2005). A supplier green process improves economic perfor-
mance by reducing the waste disposal cost of raw materials
(Esfahbodi et al., 2016). The non-significant effect of a customer
green process on economic performance can be explained by the
reality that pollution problems remain a major concern in China.
Firms must respond to customer expectations regarding environ-
mental issues and make extensive investments in downstream
environmental management techniques in order to survive under
strict regulations. Therefore, a customer green process cannot bring
excess financial earnings.

5.2. The role of lean processes in improving sustainable


The findings reveal that external lean processes that aim to

reduce waste and make a continuous improvement with suppliers
and customers can also lead to sustainable performance. However,
customer lean processes improve economic, social, and environ-
mental performance simultaneously. They play a more prominent
role than supplier lean processes, which improve only the eco-
nomic aspect of sustainable performance. The implementation of a
Fig. 4. Overview of the metrological approach. customer lean process leads to a direct reduction in overproduction
and waste disposal (Chiarini, 2014; Longoni and Cagliano, 2015b).
In addition, the involvement of customers in continuous improve-
literature by revealing the complementary role by which supplier ment programs not only improves product quality but also im-
green processes improve social and economic performance, while proves customer satisfaction and welfare (Gimenez et al., 2012;
customer green processes improve only environmental perfor- Piercy and Rich, 2015). The findings also show that waste elimi-
mance. Customer concerns about environmental issues are a major nation, as well as continuous improvement with customers, lead to
pressure to implement GSCM (Zhu et al., 2007). By considering a better financial return (Chavez et al., 2015).
suggestions from customers, as well as inviting their participation In contrast, the finding that supplier lean processes cannot
in the process, such as product design and recycling, firms can improve environmental performance is consistent with that of
better understand their green requirements and provide more eco- previous studies (e.g., Hajmohammad et al., 2013; Zhu and Sarkis,
friendly products to the markets (Wong et al., 2012). However, in 2004). This finding means that energy and resources saved from
the SEM model, the relationship between supplier green processes supply-side practices, such as quality improvement, as well as
and environmental performance is not significant (Green et al., waste and defect reduction in raw materials, cannot offset the
2012b; Laari et al., 2016). A possible reason for this may be that surplus energy and resource consumption in practices such as JIT
in the manufacturing industry, where purchasing is a key process delivery and frequent replenishment by suppliers. Furthermore, the
for the focal firm, the guarantee that raw materials will be eco- non-significant effect of a supplier lean process on social perfor-
friendly, as well as the involvement of suppliers in green manage- mance can be interpreted to indicate that local suppliers are
ment practices, are minimum requirements rather than advantages required to invest additional outlays and change their internal
to improve environmental performance. In addition, when operations to implement a pull production system and JIT delivery.
customer and supplier green processes are considered indepen- This process may increase their intensity and have no benefit for
dently, both are significantly and positively related to environ- their welfare. The positive relationship between a supplier lean
mental performance (Table 5). When the two constructs are process and economic performance is in accordance with Azevedo
simultaneously considered in SEM, only the path between a et al. (2012), who observed that a supplier lean process contributes
customer green process and environmental performance remains to economic performance by efficiency enhancement and waste
significant. This result further suggests that compared with the reduction in purchasing.
supplier green process, a customer green process is more important
for manufacturing firms to achieve environmental performance. 5.3. Combining green and lean approaches from the NRBV
Compared with the customer green process, only supplier green
process positively influences social performance. People show The results contribute to the supply chain management litera-
increasing concern about whether raw materials used in the final ture and the NRBV from a combined perspective of product stew-
product are eco-friendly. A supplier green process ensures the ardship and pollution prevention (Hart, 1995; Hart and Dowell,
greenness of the input and improves the occupational health and 2011). This study answers the call for more empirical research on
safety of employees. It also establishes a basis for welfare the relationship between dimensions of NRBV and sustainable
improvement to communities and the general public. The non- performance (Hart and Dowell, 2011).
significant effect of a customer green process on social perfor- The findings show that when both LSCM and GSCM approaches
mance may be explained by the implementation of downstream are innovatively implemented simultaneously, they can bring more
environmental management techniques, such as defective product benefits than when implemented separately, consistent with pre-
recall and end-of-life product recycling, which is a basic way to vious findings (e.g., Dües et al., 2013; Galeazzo et al., 2014). How-
satisfy people's concerns about environmental protection, which is ever, the customer and supply side of the two approaches play
far from bringing welfare to employees and the public. different roles. Lean processes are more important on the customer
The finding that a green process for a supplier but not a side than on the supplier side. Customer lean processes are the
customer improves economic performance is consistent with main driver in achieving higher levels of sustainable performance.
B. Huo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 216 (2019) 152e166 161

They direct link to social, environmental, and economic perfor- benefits. This study builds an integrated framework that includes
mance, while supplier lean processes have a significant impact only both lean and green processes with suppliers and customers from
on economic performance. These findings suggest that pollution the perspective of the NRBV. Specifically, this study contributes to
prevention on the customer side is more important than that on the the supply chain management literature and provides guidelines
supplier side. Waste reduction downstream and involving cus- for firms that are still struggling to obtain sustainable performance.
tomers into continuous improvement in the product life-cycle These findings show that GSCM and LSCM play different roles in
create key pollution prevention capabilities and promote sustain- achieving sustainable performance. On the customer side, lean
able performance. processes are the main driver in achieving higher sustainable per-
In contrast, product stewardship is more important than formance. They directly link to social, environmental, and economic
pollution prevention on the supplier side. A customer green process performance, while green processes improve only environmental
has a positive influence only on environmental performance. performance. On the supplier side, green processes are the main
Although it cannot enhance social benefits and bring economic driver in that they improve social and economic performance,
returns, customer involvement is also needed to create product while lean processes improve only economic performance.
stewardship capabilities so that environmental impacts can be Although this study makes significant contributions to the liter-
minimized. In addition to improving economic performance, sup- ature and practice, it has several limitations that can be addressed in
plier green processes that act as product stewardship capabilities future research. First, this study did not compare the findings across
can also improve social benefits. industries and regions due to the small sample size. China is a large
Comparing the two approaches, the customer side is more economy and different regions suffer from different levels of pollu-
important than the supply side. Green or lean processes on the tion, it would be interesting to investigate how GSCM and LSCM in-
customer side improve at least one dimension of sustainable per- fluence sustainable performance across industries and regions.
formance. However, neither supplier green nor lean processes can Second, this study did not include internal processes in the model; it
improve environmental performance, suggesting that neither combined customer-side, internal, and supplier-side dimensions of
product stewardship nor pollution prevention with suppliers can be green and lean processes and investigated their relationships and
used as strategic capabilities to minimize environmental impacts. their impacts on sustainable performance. Third, this study used
limited items to measure green and lean processes. Both GSCM and
5.4. Managerial implications LSCM include a set of practices. Therefore, future research can extend
these items. Fourth, this study applied perceptual lean, green, and
These findings also provide important managerial implications. performance measures. Future research can retest these relation-
In particular, the findings enrich our understanding of how firms ships to improve the reliability and validity of the findings by
may innovatively seek green and lean practices simultaneously investigating listed firms and obtaining objective data on these
with their customers and suppliers to achieve sustainable concepts. Fifth, although this study examined the impact of LSCM and
performance. GSCM on social performance (such as livelihood improvement,
First, it is important to synergistically implement supplier and poverty reduction, etc.), the arguments focused mainly on how these
customer green processes to achieve sustainable performance. two approaches could reduce environmental damage and in turn
Firms should strongly consider environmental issues and engage benefit society. Future research can go a step further to uncover the
suppliers in operations during the product life-cycle. They should mechanisms by which LSCM and GSCM improve livelihoods and
also collaborate with their suppliers to obtain eco-friendly raw reduce poverty. Finally, this study used cross-sectional data. Future
materials. Firms should involve customers in downstream envi- research can apply longitudinal data to investigate how GSCM and
ronmental management practices to meet their expectations of LSCM improve sustainable performance over time.
environmental protection. They should control pollution and Under regulatory and social pressures to reduce environmental
reduce environmental impacts downstream. harms, firms are making increasing investments in pollution con-
Second, firms should leverage customer and supplier lean pro- trol and prevention, product stewardship, and sustainable devel-
cesses to achieve sustainable performance. Although a supplier opment along their supply chains. We suggest additional research
lean process improves only economic performance, it should also to investigate how to achieve sustainable performance from a
be implemented actively. Raw material delivery requires a large supply chain approach. First, future research can involve reward
amount of energy consumption. Therefore, firms should balance systems in supply chain management so that sustainable perfor-
frequent replenishment by suppliers and the zero inventory goal. mance in the multi-level supply chain, including suppliers, manu-
Furthermore, firms should not exert a great deal of pressure on facturers, and customers, can be better evaluated (Gharaei et al.,
their suppliers to implement pull production processes and JIT 2015). Second, to maintain the multi-level supply chain and
delivery, which may harm supplier welfare and do not provide improve sustainable performance with finite breaks, future
good supplier development. research can explore the techniques that should be given to
Third, to achieve sustainability in environmental, social, and maintenance activities with limited resources (Duan et al., 2018).
economic performance, managers should no longer view lean and Third, sustainability strategy evaluation is vital to an organization's
green processes in isolation. Instead, they should adopt an inte- decision makers to decide whether to adopt green and lean pro-
grated approach to implement green and lean processes in the duction systems. Future research can propose high accuracy, val-
supply chain simultaneously. Managers should pay more attention idity, efficiency and delicacy mathematical models to compare and
to lean processes downstream and green processes upstream. In determine the performance rate of sustainability strategy by
addition, managers should also involve customers in green pro- considering multiple stakeholders, including government, owners,
cesses and suppliers in lean processes so that environmental per- creditors, customers, suppliers, staff, and society respectively
formance can be achieved at a lower economic cost. (Shekarabia et al., 2016a, b).

6. Conclusions, limitations, and future research Acknowledgment

This study seeks to answer the calls for greater research on how This research was supported by National Natural Science
lean and green operations achieve the full sustainable performance Foundation of China [#71525005, #71473087, #71520107001].
162 B. Huo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 216 (2019) 152e166

Appendix A. Summary of the literature on the impact of

green and lean SCM on sustainable performance

SC approach Performance Methodology Theory Reference

JIT; Pollution prevention JIT/ environmental performance; Survey Klassen (2000)

Pollution prevention/ delivery performance
Lean; Green Lean/ green practices; Secondary King and Lenox
Lean/ environmental performance data (2001)
Lean (JIT, quality management); Green (Internal, Green/ environmental performance, economic performance (decrease waste Survey Zhu and Sarkis
external, investment recovery, eco-design) handling cost but increase operations cost); (2004)
Quality management positively moderates while JIT negatively moderates the
relationship between green and environmental performance
Supplier lean; Supplier green Supplier lean/ supplier green Case study TCE Simpson and
Power (2005)
Lean; Green Lean/ Cost efficiency; Review Mollenkopf et al.
Green/ Environmental performance; (2010)
Lean and green practices are not always compatible
Lean; Green Lean increases information frequency, integration level, and replenishment Descriptive Carvalho et al.
frequency, and reduces production lead time, transportation lead time, (2011)
capacity surplus, and inventory level;
Green increases integration level, and reduces replenishment frequency,
production lead time, transportation lead time, capacity surplus, and inventory
Lean; Green Lean/ Green, market performance, financial performance; Survey Yang et al. (2011)
Green/ Environmental performance, and reduces market and financial
Supplier lean; Lean, green/ Economic, environmental, and social performance Case study Azevedo et al.
Supplier green (2012)
Lean; Green Lean, green/ Operational, economic, and environmental; ANP model Cabral et al.
Lean; Green Lean/ Green; Survey Chiappetta
Green/ Operational performance Jabbour et al.
Lean; Green Lean and green approaches can be integrated and compatible to achieve Review Duarte and Cruz-
sustainable performance Machado (2013)
Lean; Green Lean and green can enhance each other Review Dües et al. (2013)
Lean and green/ Operational performance, environmental performance
Lean; Green Lean/ Green Survey NRBV Hajmohammad
Green/ Environmental performance et al. (2013)
Lean; Green Lean, green/ Operational performance; Survey RBV Wiengarten et al.
Green positively moderates the relationship between lean and operational (2013)
Lean; Green Lean and green can be introduced either sequentially or simultaneously; Case study NRBV Galeazzo et al.
Simultaneous implementation of lean and green is associated with higher (2014)
operational performance.
Lean; Green Lean, green/ Financial, customer, internal business process, and learning and Balanced Duarte and Cruz-
growth performance scorecard Machado (2015)
Lean; Green Lean and green research is situated compatibly and improves organizational Review Garza-Reyes
performance (2015b)
Lean; Green Lean, green/ Operational, environmental, and financial performance Review Garza-Reyes
Lean; Green Lean, green/ Reduction in production lead time and carbon footprint Value stream Ng et al. (2015)
Lean; Green Lean, green/ Sustainable performance (Financial, environmental, social) Case study Piercy and Rich
Lean; Green Synergies between lean and green Case study Campos and
Lean/Six sigma; Green Lean, green/ Financial, environmental, and social performance Literature Cherrafi et al.
review (2016)
Lean; Green Lean, green/ Business and environmental, and social performance AHP Thanki et al.
approach (2016)
Lean/Six sigma; Green Lean, green/ Reduce resources consumption and minimize the cost of energy Case study Cherrafi et al.
Lean; Green Synergetic lean and green implementation is associated with innovation, Case study Kumar and
environmental, and economic performance Rodrigues (2018)

Note: “/” indicates improvement or movement toward specific outcomes.

B. Huo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 216 (2019) 152e166 163

Appendix B. Questionnaire and measurement items SG3: We and our major supplier work together to incorporate
environmental issues into our delivery process (e.g., reduce
SECTION A: COMPANY PROFILE consumption of material/energy; use recyclable packages)
SG4: We and our major supplier work together to establish a

recycling process for used and defective products

SG5: We and our major supplier work together to better manage
SECTION B: LEAN AND GREEN PROCESSES the disposal of industrial wastes (wastewater, gas, and residue)

Please indicate the extent of lean and green practices between Please indicate the extent of lean and green practices between
you and your major supplier, with “1” indicating that the practices you and your major customer, with “1” indicating that the prac-
were not at all implemented and “7” indicating that they were tices were not at all implemented and “7” indicating that they were
extensively implemented. The major supplier is the supplier that extensively implemented. The major customer is the customer who
supplies the highest dollar value of your procurement. buys the highest dollar value of your products.
Supplier lean process Customer lean process

Cua et al. (2001); Li et al. (2005); Narasimhan et al. (2006); Shah Cua et al. (2001); Narasimhan et al. (2006); Shah and Ward
and Ward (2007) (2007)
SL1: We and our major supplier have continuous improvement CL1: We deliver to our major customer on a JIT basis
programs CL2: We deliver to our major customer on short notice
SL2: Our major supplier delivers to us on a JIT basis CL3: Our major customer can depend on on-time delivery from
SL3: Our major supplier delivers to us on short notice us
SL4: We can depend on on-time delivery from our major CL4: Our major customer requires our production and delivery
supplier with a pull system
SL5: Our major supplier is linked to us by a pull system
Customer green process
Supplier green process
Zhu and Sarkis (2004); Zhu et al. (2008, 2012)
Zhu and Sarkis (2004); Zhu et al. (2008, 2012) CG1: We and our major customer work together to incorporate
SG1: We and our major supplier work together to incorporate environmental issues into our product design process (e.g.,
environmental issues into our product design process (e.g., reduce consumption of material/energy; increase use of envi-
reduce consumption of material/energy; increase the use of ronmentally friendly materials)
environmentally friendly materials) CG2: We and our major customer work together to incorporate
SG2: We and our major supplier work together to incorporate environmental issues into our manufacturing process (e.g.,
environmental issues into our manufacturing process (e.g., reduce consumption of material/energy; increase use of envi-
reduce consumption of material/energy; increase use of envi- ronmentally friendly materials)
ronmentally friendly materials)
164 B. Huo et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 216 (2019) 152e166

CG3: We and our major customer work together to incorporate lean practices and performance: the role of technological turbulence. Int. J.
Prod. Econ. 160, 157e171.
environmental issues into our delivery process (e.g., reduce
Chen, C.M., Delmas, M., 2011. Measuring corporate social performance: an efficiency
consumption of material/energy; use recyclable packages) perspective. Prod. Oper. Manag. 20 (6), 789e804.
CG4: We and our major customer work together to establish a Chen, L.J., Zhao, X.D., Tang, O., Price, L.D., Zhang, S.S., Zhu, W.W., 2017. Supply chain
recycling process for used and defective products collaboration for sustainability: a literature review and future research agenda.
Int. J. Prod. Econ. 194, 73e87.
CG5: We and our major customer work together to better Cherrafi, A., Elfezazi, S., Chiarini, A., Mokhlis, A., Benhida, K., 2016. The integration of
manage the disposal of industrial wastes (wastewater, gas, and lean manufacturing, Six Sigma and sustainability: a literature review and future
residue) research directions for developing a specific model. J. Clean. Prod. 139,
Cherrafi, A., Elfezazi, S., Govindan, K., Garza-Reyes, J.A., Benhida, K., Mokhlis, A.,
2017. A framework for the integration of Green and Lean Six Sigma for superior
SECTION C: SUSTAINBLE PERFORMANCE sustainability performance. Int. J. Prod. Res. 55 (15), 4481e4515.
Chiappetta Jabbour, C.J., Lopes de Sousa Jabbour, A.B., Govindan, K., Teixeira, A.A., de
Souza Freitas, W.R., 2013. Environmental management and operational per-
Please evaluate your company's sustainable performance rela- formance in automotive companies in Brazil: the role of human resource
tive to your primary/major competitors, with “1” meaning “much management and lean manufacturing. J. Clean. Prod. 47, 129e140.
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