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A Qualitative Description on the Asynchronous Learning Experiences of

STEM Xavier University Senior High School Students of S.Y. 2020-2021

A Research Paper
Presented to
The Faculty of Senior High School
Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements in Research 201

Cheza Mae C. Gaabucayan

Nicole Marie L. Cerilla
Alyssa Jess L. Abad
Alnia D. Sangcaan
Derek Godinez

Grade 11 D’Aguilon A
SY 2020-2021


1.1 Background of the Study

Online learning has become more and more common, whether for

comfort, adapting to work hours or just having the freedom to study from

anywhere.  And now with the coronavirus pandemic, as people have to stay at

home, it has become more important than ever. An online class is conducted

over the Internet. They are generally conducted through a learning management

system, in which students can view their learning packets and academic

progress, as well as communicate with fellow students and their subject


In Xavier University Senior High School STEM strand, online learning

environments can be divided into two, first is synchronous while the other one is

asynchronous learning. Synchronous learning environment provide real time

interaction, which can be collaborative in nature incorporating e-activities

(Hrastinski, 2008) such as an instructor’s lecture with a facility of questions-

answer session. However, a synchronous session requires simultaneous

student-teacher presence. On the other hand, asynchronous environment is not

time bound, in which this happens when there is no synchronous classes and

students can work on e-activities on their own pace.

STEM strand was meant to epitomize a significant connection that

occurred among science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (Patton,

2013). This strand provides preparation for students in using science, math,

engineering, and technology to solve real-life problems and advance national

development. Almost all the students in this strand are kinesthetic or tactile

learners which means students learns more when they engage in a hands-on

activity: learning by doing, exploring, experimenting using laboratory facilities and

discovering. This research would like to know different experiences of STEM

students of XUSHS during asynchronous classes and what are the effects of

these experiences to their academic performance.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

This study is a phenomenological study and case study that aims to

discover and describe the asynchronous learning experiences of STEM students

of Xavier University Senior High School. Also, to address different concerns base

from their experiences to the administrators of Xavier University Senior High


This study aims to answer the following questions:

1. How do STEM students describe the Asynchronous learning administered

by Xavier University Senior High School?

2. What were the experiences of STEM students to the Asynchronous

learning administered by Xavier University Senior High School?

3. How did these experiences affect the Academic Performance of Xavier

University Senior High School STEM students?

1.3 Significance of the Study

This study aims to discover and describe the asynchronous learning

experiences of STEM students. Additionally, to address their different concerns

regarding the asynchronous learning to the Xavier University administrators. This

will significantly benefit the students specifically to the following:

Students. The students can benefit from this study because their

concerns will be addressed to the teachers and administrators regarding their

experiences in taking up asynchronous learning. Additionally, this study will help

students to be able to produce an effective coping strategy and it will be less

hassle for them in taking up asynchronous learning.

XU Teachers. The teachers can benefit from this study because they will

be enlightened about student's concerns, especially STEM students, regarding

their experiences in taking up asynchronous learning. Moreover, this study can

help teachers plan out an effective way of delivering their lessons, particularly

hands-on and laboratory activities, despite having asynchronous learning.

XU Administrators. The administrators can benefit from this study

because they will know about student's concerns, especially STEM students,

regarding their experiences in taking up asynchronous learning. Furthermore,

this study can benefit the administrators to be able to improve their curriculum

especially now that we are in a new way of learning.

Future Researchers. The outcome of the study may help future

researchers by making this as a basis to make further related study regarding the

asynchronous learning experiences of STEM students.

1.4 Scope and Delimitation

The focus of the study is to discover and describe the asynchronous

learning experiences of STEM students at Xavier University Senior High School.

To address the concerns base from their experiences to the Xavier University

Senior High School administrators. Additionally, to know the effects of

asynchronous learning to the academic performance of STEM students. This will

focus on the 20 selected participants in which 10 students for each year level

from both Grade 11 and Grade 12 STEM students of Xavier University Senior

High School.

This study will only focus on the asynchronous learning experiences and

effects on the academic performance of STEM students of Xavier University

Senior High School. The data will be gathered at Xavier University - Ateneo de

Cagayan a Filipino, Catholic, and Jesuit University in Cagayan de Oro City. The

researchers will focus on STEM strand and would like to conduct an in-depth

interview virtually with the respondents as STEM students at Xavier University –

Ateneo de Cagayan.

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