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II. A. Match each item in column A with the description in column B.

the letter of the correct answer.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
_____41. Brainstorming A. describes various aspects of a concept
Region III – Central Luzon
_____42. Coordination B. Used to classify items Schools Division Office of Bulacan
_____43. Cycle C. Uses words and phrases as entries when
_____44. Fishbone map D. Uses the same label for items of the same Km. 38 Pulong Buhangin, Santa Maria, Bulacan
_____45. Idea List E. Used to enumerate items
_____46. Network Tree F. Technique for generating ideas
_____47. Plot Diagram G. Used to show similarities and differences
_____48. Spider Map H. Used to show causes and effects
_____49. Topic Outline I. Used to show repeated results
_____50. Venn Diagram J. Used to show the flow of the story
Third Quarter – Week 1 and 2 Modules
Week 1: Comparing and Contrasting Patterns of Written
Texts across Disciplines
Week 2: Evaluating a Written Texts based on its
References: Properties
Ambida, R. S. et. al. (2016). Reading and Writing. Malabon City: Mutya Publishing
House, Inc.
Barrot, J. S. (2016). Academic Reading & Writing. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.
Basilan, M. C. (2017). Reading & Writing Skills. Manila: Unlimited Books Library
Services & Publishing, Inc. ACTIVITY SHEET
Reading and Writing Skills Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module._PIVOT 4A
Tiongson, M., & Rodriguez, M. C. (2016). Reading & Writing Skills. Manila: Rex Book
Store, Inc.

NAME: ____________________________________________________________

GRADE AND SECTION: _____________________________________________

DATE OF SUBMISSION: _____________________________________________

Third Quarter: Week 1 – Comparing & Contrasting Patterns of Written
Texts across Disciplines
I. OBJECTIVES: _____30. Experts claim that eating peanuts causes pimples.
A. Content Standard: The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected A. Anonymous Authority C. Appeal to Ignorance
and organized to achieve a particular purpose. B. Appeal to Pity D. Appeal to force
B. Performance Standard: The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of
development focusing on information selection, organization and development. _____31. Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, recommends the effective fabric
C. MELC: Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines softening properties of Downy fabric softener.
D. Specific Objectives: At the end of this module, the learners should be able to: A. Anonymous Authority C. Appeal to Ignorance
1. distinguish the uses and the differences of each writing pattern.
B. Appeal to Pity D. Appeal to Authority
2. write a short paragraph using certain writing pattern
II. PROCEDURES: _____32. I cannot accept your argument because, unlike me, you were not educated
A. Preliminary Activities at Harvard University.
Pre-Test Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. A. False Dilemma C. Attacking the Person
_____1. Which text focuses on presenting points of view and seeks on encouraging its B. Appeal to Pity D. Appeal to Force
readers to accept a particular argument or act in a particular way?
A. Persuasive B. Problem-solution C. Cause and Effect D. Comparison and Contrast _____33. Most Filipinas want to have fair skin because they think they look beautiful.
_____2. Which written text involves sensory images to figure out something? Therefore, having fair skin must be the real standard of beauty.
A. Description B. Definition C. Narration D. Problem Solution A. False Dilemma C. Attacking the Person
_____3. What pattern shows similarities and differences of two subjects in a paragraph?
B. Appeal to Pity D. Bandwagon
A. Comparison and Contrast B. Cause and Effect C. Narration D. Problem Solution
_____4. When giving the full meaning of a certain topic, which pattern is applicable? _____34. Drugs are like massages; they make you feel good.
A. Description B. Definition C. Narration D. Problem Solution A. False Analogy C. Attacking the Person
_____5. If you were to tell a story, which pattern of paragraph development would you use? B. Appeal to Pity D. Appeal to Force
A. Description B. Definition C. Narration D. Problem- Solution
_____6. What pattern presents the reasons and possible results of an event? _____35. Liver damage leads to alcoholism.
A. Description B. Cause and Effect C. Narration D. Problem Solution A. False Dilemma C. Attacking the Person
_____7. Which would best suit a text that aims to discuss the taxonomy of a group of fossils B. Wrong Direction D. Appeal to Force
that were recently discovered by a paleontologist? _____36. A type of academic writing that presents one’s stand or viewpoint on a
A. Comparison and Contrast B. Classification C. Narration D. Problem Solution
_____8. If you would be writing about “Bicycling regularly can be a therapeutic activity,” particular issue.
what details would you provide in your composition? A. Position Paper B. Research Report C. Literature Review D. Project Proposal
A. causes B. effects C. examples D. stories _____37. It is a bid or offer to initiate a project for an individual or a group.
_____9. What mode of development is used in this paragraph? “Sandra is an attractive
A. Position Paper B. Research Report C. Literature Review D. Project Proposal
woman. Her large, dark almond-shaped eyes are startling. Her mocha-cream complexion is
flawless, and she has lovely toothy smile. Her long, black hair is curly, thick, and shiny. She _____38. It is an expanded paper that presents interpretations and analyses of a
is tall, large-boned, and slender, and her movements are so fluid that they seem like slow phenomenon based on experiments and previous information so that readers can
motion. Standing nearly six feet tall, she really stands out on campus.” better understand it.
A. comparison and contrast B. definition C. description D. narration
_____10. How did the writer prove his points in this paragraph? “Students often think A. Position Paper B. Research Report C. Literature Review D. Project Proposal
multiple choice questions are easy so they don’t need to study. However, multiple choice _____39. A specialized form of academic writing in which a reviewer evaluates the
questions have a number of challenges associated with it. Firstly, the questions are often wide contribution to knowledge of scholarly works such as academic books and journal
ranging and sometimes not arranged in any particular sequence, perhaps covering a whole
year’s work. Secondly, the questions may reword the ideas you learned in class in a different
way. Thirdly, multiple choice questions often include statements of distracters, or deliberately A. Position Paper B. Research Report C. Literature Review D. Project Proposal
confusing choices. Furthermore, they are not necessarily a test of the simple recognition of _____40. It is a complex cognitive process which involves the interaction between
basic ideas as you often need to combine many ideas to answer one question. For example, the reader and the writer.
you may need to answer a problem solving question which covers applying knowledge from a
number of topics. Clearly it is not enough to be familiar with the subject matter to do well in
A. Reading B. Writing C. Listening D. Speaking
multiple choice questions; you may need to really understand it.”
A. By classifying the types of questions C. By narrating events
B. By describing the actions of students D. By providing relevant examples 15
_____18. This basic reading skills involves understanding of ideas and facts B. Presenting New Lesson
that are directly stated in the printed material.
A. rapid reading B. previewing C. literal reading D. inferential reading PATTERNS OF PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT
The logical arrangement of ideas in a paragraph is known as the pattern of
_____19. This basic reading skills refers to the process of deducing facts
development. The pattern helps you follow ideas easily and understand a text better.
and ideas not directly expressed in the text. It is also known as "reading Having the ability to recognize it will help you distinguish major details from minor ones and
between the lines". predict ideas. There are different patterns by which ideas are developed. In determining the
A. rapid reading B. previewing C. literal reading D. inferential reading pattern of development of ideas in a text, you have to note the signal words used. These
_____20. This basic reading skills refers to the close and thorough evaluation of the claims in signal words may help you identify the pattern of development, but it is more important that
the text in terms of relevance, validity, and logic. you understand the meaning of the text.
A. critical reading B. inferential reading C. previewing D. paraphrasing Your paragraphs are developed based on the purpose of your writing. Different
patterns can be used to organize your details. Here are some of the most commonly used
_____21. This type of rapid reading is when you try to get the general idea by reading
patterns of paragraph development according to the writer’s intention:
through the text quickly.
A. Skimming B. Locating the main idea C. Scanning D. paraphrasing
_____22. What type of rapid reading you are going to use when you want to get the specific PATTERN USE EXAMPLE SAMPLE TEXT
information from a given text? Jonathan Livingston lies on
A. Skimming B. Locating the main idea C. Scanning D. paraphrasing the shore that bright morning. He
_____23. What kind of reading skills should you use when you want to shorten long rises from the sand to gaze at the
horizon before him. He sets his
thoughts on the ocean and the sky
A. summarizing B .paraphrasing C. scanning D. locating main idea up above. In fierce concentration,
_____24. It is a previewing technique that is used in expecting unhurriedly, the table of he sits for a moment and lets his
contents, introduction, or summary. Autobiography imagination take him to the
A. Browsing B .remedial reading C .pleasure reading D. functional reading or biography, unconquerable. Then, he leaves his
_____25. This refers to visual representations of concepts that help us structure information Narration Tells a story myth, recount of fears behind and lays all the
into organizational patterns. an event, possibilities before his parents.
anecdote They must accept the fact that he
A. Graphic Organizer B. Venn diagram C. Network Tree D. Spider Map
can decide on his own except on
_____26. Either you fully devote yourself to the company or you quit. matters where his life is obviously
A. False Dilemma C. Appeal to Ignorance at a precarious state.
B. Slippery Slope D. Appeal to force The parents raise the issue of
_____27. The writer does not talk about the connection between the victim’s killer and his unforeseen dangers. Jonathan
sister, so there must be none. Livingston Seagull confidently
A. False Dilemma C. Appeal to Ignorance says, “I can make it!”
A real hero is selfless and
B. Slippery Slope D. Appeal to force
uncompromising. He thinks of
_____28. Have you stopped cheating on exams? Creates an others before himself. There is a
A. False Dilemma C. Appeal to Ignorance accurate, vivid, or deep and genuine concern for
A favorite
B. Slippery Slope D. Complex question verbal picture of everyone and not for a favored few.
_____29. Please do not fire me for being absent all month; I have a sick mother and a special an object, He is careful with his speech and in
Description character, the
child to support. geographic his actions. Matters of importance
beauty of sunset,
A. False Dilemma C. Appeal to Ignorance feature, setting, are thought of calmly. He seeks the
a role model
event, person or best advice from the wise for
B. Appeal to Pity D. Appeal to force
image decisions. He decides best when he
prays. He goes through daily
14 struggles as peacefully as he can.

Janet Luhrs’ book, The Simple _____7.Carmina asks for clarification on some of the contradictions
Living Guide, states that simplicity mentioned by the speaker.
is living from the core of one’s A. Critical Thinking C. Creative Thinking
Unlocking the
Gives the being. It is having the time and B. Non-critical thinking D. False Thinking
meaning of a
Definition meaning of space to embrace what is most
superhero, false _____8.Donna usually looks for mistakes committed by her classmates.
something important to you. It is having the
leisure to cherish it, having the A. Critical Thinking C. Creative Thinking
freedom to glory in it, and having B. Non-critical thinking D. False Thinking
the power to live by it. _____9. Janice reads very few articles for her research paper.
Personal We differ from one another in
Provides A. Critical Thinking C. Creative Thinking
testimony, meditation. One can meditate only
enough specific B. Non-critical thinking D. False Thinking
choice of a TV in the morning. Some need to be
Exemplification examples to _____ 10. Jerry focuses on literal questions during debate.
network for its with others for a company. Others
support the A. Critical Thinking C. Creative Thinking
wholesome have to be with close friends in a
main idea
shows meditation exercise. B. Non-critical thinking D. False Thinking
Ethics codes for journalists in _____11. Kendra disregards information which contradicts her beliefs.
many countries encompass three A. Critical Thinking C. Creative Thinking
basic elements. These are B. Non-critical thinking D. False Thinking
Breaks a large
fundamental values, including
subject into _____12. Ken tries to identify the fallacies used by the authors in their
Bodies of water, respect for life and human
categories editorial.
native dishes, solidarity; fundamental
Classification based on A. Critical Thinking C. Creative Thinking
cartoon prohibitions, including not to lie,
consistent and
characters cause needless harm, or appropriate B. Non-critical thinking D. False Thinking
useful principle
someone else’s property; and _____13.Lita does not change her position despite substantial proofs that
of division
journalistic principles including counter her arguments.
accuracy, fairness and A. Critical Thinking C. Creative Thinking
B. Non-critical thinking D. False Thinking
Cause and Discuss the Spiritual When rainforests are slashed
effect source of enlightenment, and burned, they affect every one _____14. Nympha lets her imagination and ideas flow when confronted with
something academic of us. They release carbon into the real problems.
produced and success, air that we breathe. They change A. Critical Thinking C. Creative Thinking
its eventual multiculturalism our climate. B. Non-critical thinking D. False Thinking
result/s Deforestation accounts for 20% _____15. Tomas explored all the possible answers to his problems.
of all carbon emissions, which is A. Critical Thinking C. Creative Thinking
more than the amount that all the
B. Non-critical thinking D. False Thinking
cars, trucks, planes, trains and ships
in the world emit, combined. Join _____16. This basic reading skills aims to locate specific information or main
Team Earth on ideas in a very short span of time.
and help stop climate change even A. rapid reading B. previewing C. literal reading D. inferential reading
if it’s just one acre at a time or _____17. This reading skill allows readers to set the purpose and link the
we’ll all feel it. content of the material to their background knowledge.
A. rapid reading B. previewing C. literal reading D. inferential reading

Comparison Notes the The rich and Time is gold. In the past, it was
IV. REFLECTION. Use the space provided to complete this sentence: and contrast similarities and famous vs. the leisurely spent by our forefathers.
In this Activity Sheet, I have learned that___________________________________ differences of poor and Modernization, however, has made
__________________________________________________________________________. two or more unknown, rural it already a privilege. Man in the
persons, places, vs. urban living present often runs out of time.
V. ASSESSMENT events, objects, Upon waking up in the morning, he
Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. conditions, fills his day with a number of tasks.
events, feelings When life was simpler, he had done
1. It refers to the technical aspect of writing. and the like it likewise, but activities were more
A. Unity B. Coherence C. Organization D. Mechanics manageable then. Today, he years
2. This means that the sentences are arranged in a logical manner, making them easily for a higher income more than
understood by the reader. productivity. The high cost of
A. Unity B. Coherence C. Organization D. Mechanics living has prompted him to use
3. It enables the writer to effectively communicate ideas without confusing the reader. more time to earn and less time to
A. Cohesion B. Language Use C. Organization D. Mechanics enjoy. He will have discovered
4. It is achieved when a composition contains one focused idea. sooner that time can still be
A. Unity B. Coherence C. Organization D. Mechanics managed. He can still have enough
5. It is achieved when ideas are logically and accurately arranged. of it for work and play.
A. Unity B. Coherence C. Organization D. Mechanics Problem- Address Poverty, We, Filipinos, can learn much from
solution problems and corruption, the Swiss. They are among the
call for specific racism most punctual in the world.
PRETEST IN READING AND WRITING SKILLS actions as Perhaps, it’s because they learn
solutions to the from childhood that trains arrive
I. Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. former and leave as scheduled, theater
curtains rise as indicated in the
_____1. Intertextuality is the shaping of a text meaning by another text. program and no one is admitted late
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. I don’t know and stores close at their appointed
_____2. The features in hypertext supply flexibility to the reader when time or hour. Maybe that is why
compared to reading linear text. most people without a time sense
are so often upset when they deal
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. I don’t know
with the Swiss. Isn’t this
_____3.Hypertext presents a new way to read on-line text that differs from something we must consider then
reading standard linear text. seriously?
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. I don’t know Process Demonstrates Doing a recipe, What steps should one take to
_____4. Intertextuality is a way of counting for the role of literary and extra- how something online heal a broken heart? First,
literary materials without recourse to traditional notions of authorship. is done enrollment recognize your emotion. Second,
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. I don’t know accept the situation. Learn from it.
Third, do things that make you
_____5. Some methods of paragraph development are narration,
happy. Focus on your talents.
description, definition, classification, and cause and effect.
Fourth, reconnect with the world.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. I don’t know
Ally support. Finally, love
_____6. Ariel accepts arguments without supporting information. yourself. Renew your self-worth.
A. Critical Thinking C. Creative Thinking The process might sound easier
B. Non-critical thinking D. False Thinking said than done but surely it will

_____7. This is the language used for a particular activity or by a particular group of people; the
Persuasion Convinces to A politician Women are better leaders than technical terminology of a special activity or a group.
believe and convincing the males. Possessing the charisma of A. Jargon B. Slang C. Idioms D. Euphemism
eventually acts public during the a mother, they are more nurturing _____8. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an effective language use?
on someone’s campaign to and caring. They tend to have A. Concise B. obscure C. precise and clear D. familiar
belief or vote for him/her, more compassion than men who _____9. This refers to the “grammatical” aspects of writing and is focused on the degree to which
opinion debates, job seem to be more dominating and sentences (or even different parts of a sentence) are connected so that the flow of ideas is easy to follow.
advertisement, authoritative. Likewise, the women A. Coherence B. Cohesion C. Organization D. Mechanics
product are more responsible and _____10. Unity in a paragraph means _______________________ .
endorsements organized. This is probably A. that the entire paragraph should focus on one single idea
B. supporting details should explain the main idea and the concluding sentence should end the
because of their orientation as
paragraph with the same idea
mothers. In our history, the C. a thought is presented, supported with adequate details and completed with a conclusion.
world’s eyes were on us when we D. all of the above
finally toppled the almost 20-year ACTIVITY C. (Performance Work/Task) Directions: Get a copy of an article from a newspaper, a
dictatorship of the former President magazine or the internet. Then, analyze and describe how the focused idea is presented, how the text is
Ferdinand Marcos Sr. through a organized, how the ideas are linked to one another, how language is used and how effective the
bloodless revolution. What added mechanics are followed. You may cite specific examples in your explanation. Write your explanation
prestige was when we elected a on the spaces provided. (20 pts)
first lady president for the first time ORGANIZATION (5 pts)
in the person of the late Corazon  Is there a central idea found in the text?
Aquino. Another great leader was  Is there a clear thesis statement?
Margaret Thatcher of England. So,  Are there enough details to support the claim?
whom are you voting for? – Hillary  Are there introduction, body & conclusion?
Clinton or Donald Trump? I guess,  How can organization be improved?
the answer must be obvious. LANGUAGE USE (5 pts)
 Are the word choices appropriate for the content of
VI. ACTIVITIES: the text?
ACTIVITY A (Written Work/Task) Directions: Match the pattern of development in  Is the vocabulary easy to understand?
column A to the transitional device in column B. Write the letter of your choice on the  Is there any slang used?
space provided.  Are there unexplained technical terms in the text?
A B  Is the language used suited to the intended audience?
 How can language use be improved?
_____1. Process a. to emphasize COHERENCE & COHESION(5 pts)
_____2. Definition b. the first category  Are the ideas logically arranged?
_____3. Exemplification c. refers to  Is there a smooth flow of ideas from one sentence to
_____4. Persuasion d. prior to another?
_____5. Classification e. for instance  Is there a clear transition of thoughts from one
paragraph to another?
ACTIVITY B. (Written Work/Task) Directions: Analyze the given topics and choose  Are there adequate transitional devices that signal
relatedness or shift of ideas?
the appropriate pattern of paragraph development to be used for each.
 How can the ideas be tightened?
A. Narration D. Exemplification G. Comparison & contrast I. Process  Are the words spelled correctly?
B. Description E. Classification H. Cause & effect J. Persuasion  Is capitalization used accurately?
C. Definition F. Problem-solution  Are the punctuation marks observed properly?
 Are sentences properly constructed?
__________ 1. Different departments under the Executive Branch  Is the text free from grammatical errors?
 How can mechanics be improved?
__________ 2. Tips for Improving Posture
Mechanics. The technical aspect of writing, also known as mechanics, should not
be overlooked when __________ 3. When Georgina Fell in Love with Julio
writing. It is one of the properties of a well-written text and is characterized as a set of
conventions on how to spell, abbreviate, punctuate and capitalize a composition. In academic __________ 4. Why Should We Adopt a National ID System?
and more formal texts, the following should be observed: __________ 5. Freedom is a concept that needs to be understood.
(1) Always use standard English __________ 6. Your ideal house
(2) Avoid contractions (e.g. shouldn’t) __________ 7. Discrimination of Indigenous People
(3) Avoid exclamation marks unless they are part of a direct quotation
(4) Mention the full name of an institution or organization with the abbreviation in __________ 8. Eastern and Western Culture
parenthesis, in first mention. Thereafter, use the abbreviation. __________ 9. Should phones be banned in schools?
(5) Numbers from zero to ten should be spelled out while numbers higher that ten __________10. Dangerous Habits
should be written in figures.
(6) Generally, citations are used in academic and formal texts. However, they are ACTIVITY C. (Performance Work/Task) Directions: Choose a topic related to your
sparingly used in business texts. strand. On the space provided below, develop it into a paragraph using the appropriate
pattern of development.
ACTIVITY A (Written Work/Task) Directions: Read the following statements very CRITERIA DESCRIPTIONS SCORE SCORE
carefully. Write Y if the statement indicates a property of a well-written text and write N if it Content Provides concrete and interesting details 5
does not. Clearly states the main idea to capture the reader’s
Logical attention, uses appropriate transitional devices and
_____1. Each major point has supporting details. Structure brings closure to the paragraph written. 3
_____2. Transitional devices are used excessively. Mechanics Has no spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors 2
_____3. A thesis statement is placed at the end part of the introductory paragraph. 10 pts
_____4. Main ideas are restated in the conclusion.
_____5. Contractions are used in research papers. _______________________________________________________________________
_____6. Ideas must be logically, clearly and smoothly linked to one another. _______________________________________________________________________
_____7. Personal or colloquial tone is used in formal essays. _______________________________________________________________________
_____8. “There” structure is frequently used in the text. _______________________________________________________________________
_____9. All ideas in a text relate to the thesis statement of the essay. _______________________________________________________________________
____10. Sexist language must be used. _______________________________________________________________________
ACTIVITY B (Written Work/Task) Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. _______________________________________________________________________
_____1. Which of the following is not a property of a well-written text? _______________________________________________________________________
A. Coherence & Cohesion B. Paragraphing C. Organization D. Mechanics _______________________________________________________________________
_____2. It constitutes proper paragraphing and logical order of presentation of ideas.
A. Coherence and Cohesion B. Paragraphing C. Organization D. Mechanics _______________________________________________________________________
_____3. Which property refers to the appropriate language to be used in writing/speaking? _______________________________________________________________________
A. Coherence and Cohesion B. Paragraphing C. Organization D. Mechanics _______________________________________________________________________
_____4. It refers to the established writing conventions for words that you use. _______________________________________________________________________
A. Coherence and Cohesion B. Paragraphing C. Organization D. Mechanics _______________________________________________________________________
_____5. It constitutes features that facilitate textual continuity. _______________________________________________________________________
A. Coherence and Cohesion B. Paragraphing C. Organization D. Mechanics _______________________________________________________________________
_____6. These words are not considered part of the standard vocabulary and are informal. _______________________________________________________________________
A. Jargon B. Slang C. Idioms D. Euphemism
REFLECTION. Use the space provided to complete this sentence: II. PROCEDURES:
In this Activity Sheet, I have learned that___________________________________ A. Preliminary Activities
__________________________________________________________________________. Pre-Test: Read the following statement very carefully. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.
VII. ASSESSMENT Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the 1. It is achieved when a composition contains one focused idea.
correct answer. A. Unity B. Coherence C. Organization D. Mechanics
1. It outlines, limits, or states the meaning of a word, term, phrase, or concept. 2. It is achieved when ideas are logically and accurately arranged.
A. classification B. definition C. division D. process A. Unity B. Coherence C. Organization D. Mechanics
2. It gives the meaning of something. 3. It enables the writer to effectively communicate ideas without confusing the
A. classification B. definition C. division D. process reader.
3. It provides enough specific examples to support the main idea. A. Cohesion B. Language Use C. Organization D. Mechanics
A. narration B. description C. definition D. exemplification 4. It refers to the technical aspect of writing.
4. It convinces to believe and eventually acts on someone’s belief or opinion. A. Unity B. Coherence C. Organization D. Mechanics
A. persuasion B. classification C. narration D. description 5. This means that the sentences are arranged in a logical manner, making them
5. It breaks a large subject into categories based on principle of division. easily understood by the reader.
A. persuasion B. classification C. narration D. description A. Unity B. Coherence C. Organization D. Mechanics
6. It tells a story. B. Presenting New Lesson
A. narration B. description C. definition D. exemplification Properties of a Well-written Text
7. It provides details on the idea by using either a sensory or spatial pattern. Knowing the parts of a paragraph and the essay can help you form the framework of
A. narration B. description C. definition D. exemplification
your composition, and knowledge of the aspects that make a well-written text will enable you
8. It demonstrates how something is done.
A. classification B. definition C. division D. process to ensure the quality of your work.
9. It organizes ideas into problems and proposed solutions. Unity. Unity is achieved when a composition contains one focused idea. In a
A. classification B. problem-solution C. cause-effect D. comparison-contrast unified text, all the supporting ideas are relevant to the main thought. Without unity, the text
10. It notes the similarities and differences of two or more persons, places, events, objects, will be confusing.
conditions, events, feelings and the like. Coherence and Cohesion. Coherence and cohesion are achieved when ideas are
A. classification B. problem-solution C. cause-effect D. comparison-contrast logically, clearly and smoothly linked to one another; without it, the reader may not be able
to comprehend your composition. Although these two concepts are interrelated, they are
distinct. Coherence occurs when ideas are connected at the conceptual or idea level. It can be
Third Quarter: Week 2 – Evaluating a Written Texts based on seen through well-defended arguments and organized points. Unlike coherence, cohesion is
its Properties the connection of ideas at the sentence level. It can be readily seen in a text through the
smooth flow of the sentences and the connection of the ideas. Cohesion can be applied using
three techniques:
A. Content Standard: The learner realizes that information in a written text may be
(1) using pronouns to refrain from using a specific word repeatedly,
selected and organized to achieve a particular purpose.
(2) using transitional devices to connect sentences with linked ideas, and
B. Performance Standard: The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of
(3) employing a repetition of keywords to tie up the paragraphs subtly.
development focusing on information selection, organization and development.
Organization. Organization is achieved when ideas are logically and accurately
C. MELC: Evaluate a written text based on its properties (organization, coherence and
arranged. Knowledge of the parts of a composition is a great help in adhering to the correct
cohesion, language use and mechanics)
organization of ideas. The sentences within a paragraph must also be organized logically.
Language Use. The way language is used is one of the clearest indicators of a well-
D. Specific Objectives:
written text. It enables the writer to effectively communicate ideas without confusing the
At the end of this module, the learners should be able to: reader. Effective language use is achieved by observing the following time-tested principles
in writing: (1) use clear and concise sentence, (2) avoid redundancies, wordiness, clichés and
1. Identify the properties of a well-written text
high falutin language, (3) avoid excessive use of “there” and “it” structures, (4) use precise
2. Critique sample text to evaluate whether it is well-written.
vocabulary. (5) be consistent with your pronoun’s point of view, (6) avoid sexist language,
and (8) use the appropriate level of formality.
The Effects of Technology on Youth technology are a valuable teaching tool; however they are teaching young
Taylor Orton people more bad habits than good. The worst habit of all is a dependency on
constant stimulation. This dependency is caused by an actual physiological
process that happens when children use electronics, and Dr. Sigman, a leading
Imagine what it was like in 1973, when the first cell phone was invented. child psychologist, explains why. He explains that dopamine, a chemical in the
Back then it was a novelty and a luxury to have a futuristic technological device brain that makes us feel reward, is released when children view electronic
that could keep you connected to the rest of the world 24 hours a day. In that devices, and then goes on to say that “this dopamine being produced every
time, one would never believe that in just a few decades, the world would be single day for many years, through for example playing computer games, may
overrun by technological devices such as cell phones. Today, technology is an change the reward circuitry in a child's brain and make them more dependent
integral, commonplace part of everyone’s lives, however technology doesn’t just on screen media” (Kelly, 2012, p. 2). What does this dependency mean for the
include cell phones, it encompasses computers, the internet, videogames, future of these children? It means that they are desensitized to dopamine from
television, movies, and practically anything with a screen. Many people can’t the constant supply of it through screens and technology, which causes an
live without these forms of technology, and many people praise their ability to inability to focus on something like a book or a math problem that doesn’t give
make our lives easier. However, they are doing more harm than good, especially them that super-stimulating effect. It is frightening to see how future
on youth. Technology is negatively affecting America’s youth because it is generations will be affected by this over-stimulation problem.
destroying social skills and causing a dependency on constant stimulation.
People will always argue that technology offers so many benefits in their
The first reason technology negatively impacts youth is because it is day to day lives. However, it is clear that it is more detrimental than most
destroying social skills. Many people believe that it has the reverse effect, and people realize. Technology is destroying children’s social skills and causing a
that it enables people to keep in contact with their friends and family at all dependency on constant stimulation. Think about the future of America’s
times through texting or social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. children. What good is having a smart phone with endless knowledge at their
However, this interaction is very impersonal and the result of this is that fingertips when they can’t get a job due to an inability to keep up casual
children are not developing crucial social skills. Hilary Stout of The New York conversation in an interview? What favors are parents doing for their children
Times reported that “Americans between the ages of 8 and 18 spend on average by shoving a television in front of them the second they get a little bored instead
7 1/2 hours a day using some sort of electronic device” (Stout, 2010, p. 1). It is of interacting with them and helping them develop valuable skills? The answer
shocking to think that that is nearly one third of an entire day. In these hours to both of these questions is nothing. It does no good and no favors to overuse
and hours young people spend on various modes of technology, they are technology in the way that Americans are currently overusing it. Just as the
sacrificing face to face contact and verbal conversations in the real world. Dr. times are very different 40 years ago when the first cell phone came out to now,
Ortega, a child psychologist at New York’s Child Mind Institute, sums up why imagine what the next 40 years will bring when it comes to technology’s role in
this is such a problem. Ortega reports that the overuse of technology is causing young people and society in general. In order to avoid the frightening
children to lose their ability to read body language and facial cues, resulting in ramifications as discussed throughout this paper, changes must be made in our
an inability to keep up casual conversations or engage in the art of small talk youth and in the way this country raises their children.
(Bindley, 2011, p. 2). Because kids can check their phone for new texts or play a
mindless game as a strategy to avoid making eye contact with or talking to the
people around them, they are literally losing the ability to converse with people
in the real world. No amount of good that comes from technology can make the
fact that our children are losing their social skills acceptable.

The second reason technology negatively impacts youth is because it

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causes a dependency on constant stimulation. This is especially alarming when
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developing. They are learning how to entertain themselves, how to problem
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