The Interrelatedness of Society, Environment, Health As To Genetic Modified Organism-Its Potential Future and Impact

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The Interrelatedness of Society, Environment, Health as to Genetic Modified

Organism—its potential future and impact.

Genetic Modified Organism, also known as GMO, a widely debatable issue in which the

advent of it has not been a certainty for any aspect in relating the humankind to its function,

health improvement, or its revolutionizing content.

According to Garden Organic, Impression of 400 scientists on GMO ‘have raised safety

questions’, and ‘noted that patents attached to the seeds could undermine seed saving and food

security in developing countries.’ Furthermore, these scientists have not endorsed this as a

saving-seed for poorer countries nor to an answer for ‘World Hunger.’ (But then if we were to

tackle World Hunger, it is only with the problem in which it arose from—Politics, Wars, and

Waste. Not a lack of food.) In one of the introduction of Geoffrey Lean says that, “Organic

farming–long held to be irrelevant in tackling world hunger–could be key to feeding the world as

global warming takes hold, one of the biggest studies ever to be carried out into the

“contentious” practice has concluded.” Nothing is more convenient than having Science (in

relevance to Chemistry field as to its component—biologically structures, chemical compounds,

and genetic pursuance) as a partner to the ingestion of this concept—GMO, in which that major

studies find that chemical-free agriculture restores, saves, and can produce higher than the

yield of ‘conventional methods’. Although not really specified as an asset to humanity, but the

advantageous side of GMO can be both positive (relating to saving people from hunger due to

climate change) and significant in manifestation of agricultural advancement, stability, and

mindful allocations. However, if the topic were to implicate a negative status, that will be

dependent on the reality thereto. Whereby it goes unsoundly conduct of tampering or

misjudgments relating to genetic contraption in a way that when for example, organic food like

vegetables, fruit, eggs, milk and meat is produced without synthetic (human-made) pesticides,

herbicides and fertilizers, natural pesticides approved for organic food production, GMOs,
antibiotics or growth hormones, irradiation or ionizing radiation (a way to preserve food with

radiation energy.) So if one should be controlled in a non-suggestive manner, there would be a

cause of unhealthy side effects like Steroidal glycoalkaloids in green potato skin, which can

cause gastrointestinal discomfort or, more severely, vomiting and diarrhea, or Oxalic acid in

rhubarb, which can cause symptoms ranging from breathing difficulty to coma, or Gossypol in

cottonseed oil and cake, which can cause respiratory distress, anorexia, impairment of

reproductive systems, and interference with immune function in monogastric animals (National

Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Division on Earth and Life Studies; Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources; Committee on

Genetically Engineered Crops: Past Experience and Future Prospects. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2016 May 17.)

“GMOs - today and tomorrow, Genetic engineering is entering a new phase. New

breeding techniques (NBTs) such as CRISPR and RdDM, as well as synthetic biology, allow

more complex changes in the genetic makeup and metabolic pathways of organisms.” GMOs

attachment to the Society, in our worldly conflicts, and stages in the individuality of surviving can

lead to an improvement, thus, reclassifying GMOs impact to us, humans, and have a never-

ending issue regarding to its creation, its potential to bring us a better healthy lifestyle, and the

surrounding impact whether negligible or responsive demands.


Organic farming, agricultural system that uses ecologically based pest

controls and biological fertilizers derived largely from animal and plant wastes

and nitrogen-fixing cover crops. Modern organic farming was developed as a

response to the environmental harm caused by the use of chemical pesticides

and synthetic fertilizers in conventional agriculture, and it has numerous

ecological benefits.

Conventional farming uses synthetic chemicals and fertilizers to maximize the

yield of a particular crop or set of crops, which are typically genetically

modified. This method requires a significant amount of chemical and energy

input and weakens the ecology of a landscape.

New breeding techniques (NBTs) are new methods of genetic engineering that
give scientists the ability to more precisely genetically modify crops and
animals. Using NBTs, researchers can enhance or silence or insert or remove
desired traits.

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