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Boston Tea Party Similarities Hong Kong Protest

● They are protesting ● Both were protesting ● People in Hong Kong

because they are upset and they were upset. are protesting because
about the taxes they they are unhappy with
have to pay for tea. the legal authority.
● They dumped 342 ● Protesters told their
chests of tea into the chief a list of demands:
Boston Harbor to protest Stop the extradition bill,
the British tax on tea. Create an official report
● The colonists were not
on police behavior and
able to get permission to
pardon arrested.
deliver the East Indian
Company tea to London ● Protesters have been
because they didn’t taking over the subway
unload the tea or pay the the streets and the
taxes. airport.
● The British are afraid ● The extradition bill was
that the colonists would having a problem this
destroy their ships and bill might allow China's
their tea.
government to target
● For the colonists
certain people.
transporting Tea up the
Boston Harbor meant ● The people in Hong
that their cargo and ship Kong are worried that
would be damaged. China might send
● The colonists would soldiers to control their
also not be permitted to entire city of 7.5 billion
land the tea in any port people.
of the province without
paying taxes.
● The patriotic inhabitants
of Lexington,
Massachusetts, resolved
against the use of all tea.
So they burnt all the tea
in town at a common

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