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ROLL NO. 19-18-57



Clickfunnels vs Websites: Are Traditional

Websites Really Dead?

Everyone in this web-driven world knows that your business needs a website as it is an era
of Digital Marketing.
Nonetheless, you have also been overwhelmed by the number of steps taken to create an
effective website usually if you have ever tried to build this website.

What if I tell you there is a better solution that can be easily built, that will help visitors to
get more sales out of a website through the sales process?
This is real! It is true!
Funnels is the future of websites, and ClickFunnels offers all tools necessary for converting a
But before moving even further, Let's just first discuss What the traditional websites and
Clickfunnels really are?

What is Website?
By definition, websites generally consist of six to ten related pages, contain clear browsing
links and aim to inform you of the business as much as possible, including products and
Websites may be designed to represent elements on HTML / Java / JavaScript / PHP etc., or
to use a CMS (Content Management System) such as WordPress.

Clickfunnels Vs Website: But First, What Exactly Is a

Sales Funnel?
Sales funnels are a series of steps in order. And they are designed to turn the prospects into
Such funnels are also classified as marketing funnels.
The basic steps in a funnel may seem like this:

• For the very first time, an unqualified lead will be on the landing page.
• You can provide some value and collect an e-mail free of charge or by offering them
some low ticket products.
• You should give him a similar offer after you have collected his email
• This lead transforms into your customer.
• Contact him via email with interest. Begin contact and start adding more values to
their lives.
• You begin to establish a strong connection and sell more stuff to him i.e. High Ticket

So How Do Funnels Work?

First, you have to determine what the specific traffic's 'temperature' is. In other words,
What their level of awareness of what you are offering really is. Are they unaware of who
you are and what you're offering? This will turn them into 'cold' traffic.
They know who you are, but not necessarily what you are offering. It would turn them into
"warm" audience.
They know who you are, what you do, and what they have likely purchased from you
before? This would turn them into "hot" traffic.
Once the temperature is known, you can then drive these people to a pre-frames bridge
page that features messages specially designed for them. The tone of your offer is set in this

Third, in exchange for some value, the visitor is given a form to enter his email address.
These values might be in the form of a video, a printable, or a kind of download (e-book)
If they really want to exchange their e-mail for your giveaway, they are qualified to step into
process 4 where you make an offer for payment.

If they are interested in your offer and make a payment, it moves them through the fifth
phase. You can then use their e-mails, tweets, Facebook and other social media platforms to
build the strong relationship with them and raise the value of your customers to a higher
value over time and even charge them more.
You can leverage the value ladder within your sales funnel by charging your loyal customers
the High Ticket Offers.

Why Clickfunnels over Website?

Creating and publishing a website for your business doesn’t mean that you will make any
sale. In fact, Traditional websites often confuse and puzzle the visitors, and paralyze them to
take any action as unclarity leads them to get lost and leave.
And not only do websites convert less, it also requires high ranked keyword and domain,
hosting coding and plugin and lot more search to rank through SEO and compete the
But a funnel, on the other hand, is easy to build as it provides all the tools you need to make
a funnel that converts and work less and generate more profit, rather than just launching a
website and just hoping that it works.
You may have one opportunity for a visitor to make a payment on a traditional website only.
But on the other hand, sales funnel gives them multiple purchase opportunities within the
same transaction, which gives the customer maximum value and You maximum profits by
leveraging the power of value ladder within your funnel.

In my opinion, ClickFunnels is the clear winner in the battle between ClickFunnels and
website in order to generate more leads and convert cold and hot traffic into loyal

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