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AlAM-2013 Para

A/Cs of medical depots 189

Account of Hospital ( Remount Dept) 185
Accounting (ASC) 172
Accounting disposal of the scrap metal 267
Accounting procedure (ASC) 167
Accounts of remount Depot 178
Accounts of Units and HQrs Formation 279-80
Agency by which local audit is conducted 29
Amenity and education strore
Ammunation Account: Unit/Form. 290
Ammunition Depot 236
Annual Audit Certifcate: Cant. Fund 365
Annual Audit certificate 45
Annual supplies( remount depot) 186
Annual Trading, Profit and Loss Account,
Balance Sheet and connected statement:MF
Approporiation Accounts 46-49
Article in use (Medical Dep) 194
Artificial Limb centre 211-215
Assessment Register:Cant. Fund 390
Audit enfacement 117
Audit enfacement: Cant. Fund .A/c 363
Audit Fee: Cantonment Fund 364
Audit of Account of Defence Lands held by
Army Units
Audit of Armed forces medical depots 188
Audit of Army Service Corpss 152
Audit of Cantonment Fund Account 360
Audit of cash Acount:MF 393-343
Audit of Check Rolls (EME) 278
Audit of Documents : Cantonment Boards 366-372
Audit of IHQ of Mod Branches 400
Audit of Indents 139
Audit of Issues : S & S Depots 133
Audit of POL Account: Unit/Form 305
Audit of Schools and Colleges 403-404
Audit of store accounts of Hospital 312
Audit of tem. Labour bill ( EME) 277
Audit of tem. Labour bill ( Med. Dep) 199

Audit of work order (EME) 257
Audit/Accounting of Army Ord. Depots 216-218
Audit/Extent of Military Farm 335-337
Bajerues : ASC 354-356
Bakeries 87
Base workshop(EME) 247-248
Batai Books:MF 352
Batteries 234
Cannablization or retrieving of stores-EME 260
cattle pound 374
Central Ledger 153-154
Central Purchase Voucher 97
Check Rolls: Post Audit 150-151
Check Rols of Industri. Estt.EME 276
Civ. GT Coys 433-434
Clothing for reservists 292
Command And Stationery Depots 413-420
Condemnation Board: Unit/Form 296
Conservancy stores 146
Consuming units 81-86
Contacts: Cantonment Fund 391
Coupons:MF 346
Cultivation balance sheet( remount Dep) 184
Dairy produc Account:MF 345
Dead Stock Register:Cant. Fund 379
Deposit work order(EME) 249
Depot civilization farm ( remount Depot) 183
Depot contigent Return 158
Disbandment of Units 310
Disccreation vested in LAO in carrying out
local Audit staff
Dispensary atached to Med. Dept 200
Disposal of dirty & oily cotton waste 266
Disposal of Saw dust(EME) 265
Disposal of surplus obsolete & waste(ASC) 163
Documents to be Audited in r/o Supply and
Store Depots
Duties and responsibilities of the LAO 30
ECHS 332
Embarakation Headquaters 405-412

EME Workshop 245-246
Equipment and closthing ledgers 147
Establishment Accounts:MF 344
Establishment Pay Bills: Cant. Fund 377
Exchange of component assemble(EME) 258
Expense Book St. A/c of Hospital 316
Expense store ledger(EME) 262
Filing of voucher, etc 102
Financial Adivice 39-41
Food inspection unit 177
Forage Returns 282
Frequency of Local Audit 36
Fuel for cooking purposes : Unit/Form. 285
Fuel for miscllaneous purposes: unit/form. 286
General principle for Local Audit of all Store
General Rules of Audit: MF 338
General Rules to be observed in Supply and
Store Depots
Gift Equipment Ledger 318
Hackney Carriage and other licenses 373
Hired labour (ASC) 166
Hospital Accounts 383
Hospital Admission and Discharge book 313
Important Financial Irregularites 43
Imported stores 98-99
Indent 138
Investments:Cant. Fund 382
Ispection Report 237-238
Issue of Payment: S&S Depots 134
Issue of Vehicle 228
Issues on loan (Med.dept) 195
Job Folder(EME) 256.00
Kit Stores 233
Laboratorties: 323-328
Labour employed in EME 275
Land Register and accounts 299
Leave to Contonment Fund 393
Linking 60, 52(N)
List of accounts and registers to Audited 38
List of Report and Returns 50
Local Audit Certificate 118

Local Audit completion report 42
Local Audit duties and programme of work by
Local purchase (EME) 259
Local purchase vouchers 89-95
Loses:Embarakation HQrs 412
Loss Statement 112-116
Loss Statement :Supply and Store Depots 140-144
Machiary & workshop equipment(EME) 271-272
Manufacturing work order(EME) 251
Medical comforts(ASC Depots) 155
Medical Workshop 205-210
Medical/Veterinary Stores incharge of units
and mobilization stores:Unit/Form
Medical: MF 357-359
Military Farm 334
Military Farms 88, 88A
Military Hospitals Accounts 311
MilitaryDental Care/Units 329-330
Miscellaneous Accounts:MF 348-349
Missing and receipted copies of payment
issue vouchers and treasury receipt
Muster Roll ( remount depot) 182
NCC 429-432
Objection Statement: Cant. Fund. A/c 362
Oil for Lamps 287
Ord. Stores Sec.(EME) 242-244
Ordance. Stores Ledgers:Unit/Form. 289
Packing accounts: Embark. Hqrs 411
Packing Material(ASC Depots) 156
Packing Materials:Units/Form 288
Paid transport indents 96
Payment Issue Schedules 123-124
Payment issue( Medical dept) 191
Payment Issues 107-111
Payment vouncher:Cant. Fund 376
Personal Clothing and necessaries:
point to be seen in audit (ASC) 169
Point to be seen in audit (Med. Stor) 204

Points to be seen in audit ( Food Insp.) 177
points to be seen in audit (POL) 175
Points to be seen in audit (remount Depo 179
points to be seen in audit Medical Dep 190
POL 235
POL Account: Cant. Fund 386
POL Accounts 147
POL Depots (Org) 171
Pricing (ASC) 168
Pricing of payment issue voucher 122
Pricing of Vr.(Medical dep) 192
Programme of Local Audit 37
Provident Fund: Cant. Fund 375
PWS Clothing-Issue of: Unit/Forma. 293
Raising/pursuit of Objection 119
Ration & other return
( equipment,clothing,pol a/c)
Ration and Forange returns, 147
Ration and Packing Materials Returns 314
Ration return & quantitave (Med.Dep) 201
Ration Returns Units/Formation 281
Reconciliation Statement 125-126
Register Maintained In Map Depot 402
Register of Depots Contigency (ASC) 157
Register of loses 303
Register of Occupation and vacation of
Register of Tenders Check: LAO 149
Register of unserviceable and worn-out
Register of used and waste oil 302
Repair and replacement (EME 269-270
Repair and return register(Med. Depo) 196
Repair books: Units/Forma 295
Return store & Sup depot,salvage dep 219
Review of orders and sanctions 31
RSSD Account card 210
Salvage Sec.Sub.Dept 222-224
School Accounts 384
Scope and frequecy of Audit: Cant. Fund 361
Scope of Local Audit 52-54

Scrutiny of Loass Sttement: Cant. Fund 399
Second pair of boots ankle to troops in
concentration area:Unit/Form.
Security Bonds: Cant. Fund 380
Sera and vaccine 100
Sergical Equipment Ledger 317
Service Book : Cantonment Fund 392
Short life items (med.dept) 197
Special Grant in Aid made to Cantonment
Special ration ;stands (ASC) 170
Spectacles Centre 331
Spectal group (Med. Dep) 202
Standing work Order (EME) 252
Station Transport offices 421-424
Stock group work order (EME 250
Stock limit :Unit/Form. 283
Stock taking EME 274
Stock taking:MF 353
Stock verification 103-106
Stock verification (Medi.dep) 198
Stock verification:Unit/Formation 304
Store Accounts:Canot. Fund 385
Store Accounts:MF 347
Store issued from Army to Navy,AF, MES 101
Store issued to Foreign Govt. 137
Store retrieved from(Obsolete,unserviceable) 229
Store returned by Civil Dept., MES, Navy 131
Store returned by units 129-130
Stores Accounts: IHQ of Mod Br. 401
Stores received from England or overseas
stations-transit loss in India
Stores sent for deposit repair(EME) 261
Strength return of animal ( remount Depot) 181
Sup-depot, Base depot, medical Store 203
Suply and store depots 61-80
Surplus, Obsolete and waste 132
Surplus, Obsolete and waste(Med.Dep) 193
Tender for works and supplies: Cant. Fund 396

Tenders:Register of tender forms issued for
ASC, Aoc and Farms Contacts
Tent Repair Units 425-427
Teritorial Army Units 428
Train ration return (ASC) 159-161
Trancactions relating to MES and A/N/AF 136
Transactions relating to army/Navy/AF 135
Travellng Allowances Claim: Cant. Fund 378
Trunk Call Register 389
Unexpended material (EME) 263
Unit Moving out of Filed area 309
Unit moving within India Limit 307
Unit transport Register 301
Units moving into concessional/Field Area 308
Unserviceable store (EME) 264
Vehicle & equipment repair (EME wrk) 269
Vehicle Depot 225-226
Vehicles 231-232
Verifiction of casting, closing and opening
book balances
Verifiction of stock in r/o S&S Depots 128
Veterinary Hospitals 320-322
Work order establishment(EME) 253-255
Workshop A/c ( remount depot) 186
X-Laboratory 319
Young Stock Farms 351

1 Insurance of Govt Store generally not be done
Rate/Running contract of store of Ord. origin be done only when non-avali. Cert. by ord. auth.
Issue rate of store received for special repair will be fixed by GE from actual cost

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