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Design of Jigs &

Used in Jig and
< Design of Jigs & Fixt ures

Jig and fixtures are made from a variety of

the materials. There are times where the
metals are hardened to resist wear and
tear. Sometimes, to prevent damage to
workpieces, they are made from

Below are some of the materials used:

Material Description

Cont ains carbon (<0.3%). Most suit able for most jigs applicat ions as it is t he most
Mild St eel
economical and most widely used mat erial in jigs and fixt ures.

Cont ains carbon (0.85%~1.18%). Most suit able for workpieces like woodworking
t ools and hand t ools such as files and chisels. It can be hardened t o serve as
St eel
locat ors and bushings.

Cont ains t ungst en (18% ~22%) for t oughness and cut t ing st rengt h, chromium
High Speed (4.3%) for hardening and wear resist ance, vanadium (1%) for ret ent ion of hardness
St eel at high t emperat ure. Most suit able for cut t ing t ools like drills, reamers and
cut t ers.

High Tensile Cont ains carbon (0.45% ~ 0.65%) and alloys Ni2Cr1M028 (40%). Most suit able for
St eel fast eners as well as high-st ress machines such as ram presses.

Cont ains carbon (1.5%~2.3) for hardness, high chromium (12%) but alloyed wit h
Die St eel molybdenum (1%) and vanadium (0.3%~1%) for hardness ret ent ion used at high
t emperat ures. Most suit able for forging, cast ing and ext rusion.

Cont ain carbon (0.9%~1.1%), t ungst en(0.5%~2%) and carbon (0.45%~1%). Most
suit able for engraving t ools and int ricat e pressing jigs.
Tool St eels

Cont ain carbon (2%~2.5%). Most suit able for miling fixt ures, machine slides and
Cast Irons
guide ways, as t hey can wit hst and ext reme vibrat ions.

Nylons & Most suit able for use in soft linings for lever presses/clamps t o prevent dent s t o
Fibres workpieces under high-pressure forces.

Most suit able in corrosion-resist ant part s such as boiler valves
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