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My name is Mahnoor and the topic for my

presentation is “stress and coping”
So, what is stress? Stress can be defined as any kind of
change which causes mental or physical tension in our
bodies. It can come from any event or thought that makes
us feel frustrated, anxious, or angry. So basically, stress is
our body’s reaction to problems and challenges.
What causes stress?
There a lot of stressors and these are some of them.
 Being under pressure,
 Not having control over the outcome of a situation
 having responsibilities that you find overwhelming,
 Not having enough work, activities or change in your
 Being uncertain of where a certain path will lead you.
 Worrying about anything.
 Facing big challenges in your life
Coping strategies
Stress is a part of your normal routine, no matter how
hard you try, you can never fully get rid of it.
Here are some of the prevention and coping strategies
you should follow to reduce stress from your life
 Balance responsibilities.
 Manage responsibilities.
 Maintaining a healthy diet can also be a great
shield against the adverse effects of stress.
 Giving yourself a good break, such as going on a
walk, talking to your loved ones, and giving your
mind some time to relax can make you efficient,
energetic, and better able to tackle the challenges
in front of you.
 Exercising regularly. Sooo, exercising regularly
makes your body fit which helps in fighting stress.
 Fixing your sleeping patterns. You should umm
follow a healthy sleeping routine.
 We should Reframe our problems by trying to
view them from an optimistic approach.
 Focus on the things you can control. There are many
things in life, that are beyond our control, so we
should focus on the things we can control rather than
trying to control the uncontrollable. Such as the way
you choose to react to problems.
Stress Management
These are some of the steps you should always follow to
manage your stress.
• Avoid the stressor: It is not possible to avoid the
stressors in your life, but you can always eliminate
the stressful situations from your life.
• Alter the stressor: If you can’t avoid the stressor, try
to alter it by changing the way you manage your
daily life.
• Adapt to the stressor: If you can’t change the stressor,
you can adapt to stressful situations by changing the
way you perceive a certain problem.
• Accept the stressor: Some stressful situations in your
life are unavoidable, such as the death of a loved one,
a serious illness etc. So the best thing to cope with
stress is to accept things, no matter how hard they
might be.

It has been proven from many researches, that

females have a high stress level from around the
globe. This is a chart which shows the results of a
study conducted in the UK, from 2013-2016, that the
females have a higher stress rate than males in the

This chart shows the stress rates gender wise.

This is a very famous quote by Lou Holtz
‘It’s not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you
carry it’. Lou Holtz
What this means is that it doesn’t matter what kind of
burden or stress you are going through, what matters is
how you cope with it, how you deal with it.

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