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No pn8R2391-74/ 412A -LC( 11), Panjeb bend ; Commission, Tehore, dated the 17th July, 1974. joe From Mr,Amir Ahmad Siddiad, Seoretary, Punjab Land Commissions fo. : } a ALL Deputy Land Commissioners ? in the Punjab (by name), é Subject?~. Caloulation of Produce Index Unite of Jand Situated within the limite of « Cantonment, Municipal Committee or Town Committee ete. a Me pAsG@,RIZA, CHISP LAND CONNISUTONBR, PUNJAB. Sir, : E am directed to invite your attention to sub-paregraph (10) of paragraph 2 of Martial Law Regulation 115 } |, Lwhieh de as Zollowe:~ | f produce index unite" means the measure in i toome of which the comarative productivity i Sian arca of lend of a particular kind in ss particular aeeesenent circle or arcs ic computed pel expressed for the purposes of the schemes. 2 ortating to the resettlement of displeced persone rototint to wag determined undor the provision® 07 Gub-paragraph (10) of paragraph 2 of the reproaled Regulation; end, in respect of an asseremont ‘ : see e or area where no euch unit was determined: pe determined by the Commission 4 such meagure as may auch fe Zrovinee within which such assessment circle or area is situated;" 2. the Rehabilitation Department for the. resottloment of aieplaced pereons provided two separate moscureé of Produce Seilex Umite, one for and in the xurel and the other for lend in urban (Shehri )ereas of West Pakisten.These are,given in the dou entitied "Produce Indices for various districts of Woot Fakietan pubjgehed under tho authority of the West : Pokigven Len! Goamsesion,” and paragraph 23 of tho Supplementary Sehpac No.2 in Schedule TV to the Registration: of Lands (Dieplaced Persons) dot, 1956 which laysdp ae follows?~ I ngubject to the provisions in thie schem: fund will be allotted to a claiment in an coca covreaponding in produce value to Re ree Guned and abandoned by. him. Buch produce iy) jalde wil, be determined in tome of the i hed produce index unite of, tho Righeok Poll of the asaccsnont circle in witok frend fe,sought.The classification Conta. +5 preg eri glass 0 ghe 1loti tek Siete Alaa x i (Me Fontana in.towme with j population not oxcosding ity 50,000 e how vg Lend dx towne witn| & population exceeding S 50,000 tut not exeeed= |- ing 4 lac. Yor land-in towns with @ population exceeding 1 lac but not exceeding of the various types of soile in West Pakistan will not bo taken into account Provided that the prescribed produce indices of evacuee land situated in araas % » detailed below shall be increased according to the percentage noted against cach: 5& over the prescribed i produce indices. TY over the prescribed produce indices, 10% over the! Spreseribed produe indices. 3 Gnacx unite and Pera 23 of Hehabliitation Department ‘a ey ye eB lec’. S 059 rs ‘ ‘ #° (a0 68 end dnvowe with ¢” 124% over thé ‘ ‘population excesding+2 _'prescribed"produce | bo. Tacs, but not excesding |". indices. . U-tad lee. 4 : etic ‘ q ep (5) Pat land-in’ towne with 15% over the " ; fps s"populstion oxeveding “proceribed 4 aa. 4 lace produce indices." 3. Zt has come to the notice of the Baas y pf. the uibon ond afteoted. Sy Naxtial test feaceaen 115° haw, Youn calculated according to the ‘aauedemeny olrcla aml clase \, dana.Thie is irregufer Of eoil provided for ruvel agiioutturat and incorrect. The produce ifdox ‘unit of the urban(Shehri) ieher, Tove than that of the land 46 to be calculated at a} end located in rural area na Socoreing to the book of produce Supplementary Scheme No.2 referred to above: 4. Zam, shorofore, to, roquect ee skeen a dgelarants pwning or poscessing urban ‘(Shehzi) land in your dideriot Should be re-examinéd to enjure thet fhe produce index units of lend situatea within the dinite ‘of es Mundodpal Committeos. nd Town a: of urvan (Shehri) land were not caléuleted at = higher Lev " mgtioned above.All ceses in which the produce index 1 “then 0f rural lend should, therefore, be reviewed soxtinesth Res 3, The manner in which urben ( ‘gy to be demarcated has .alreedy been intimated to you in re Séoreteriat circular letter No. ASR-II-391-74/3928-10( 11) gated 5.741974 on thk, above subject. 63 You are further “requested to furnish to 1 thie Sooretariat;, within @ fortnight, @ list of all declerante whose Tend falle within the urban (Shehri) limits, with partioulers of the land and the produce index units calouleted thereof previously and now in torme of the instrutiand conteined in this letter. Your obedient servant, Punjab land Commiseions iG 2 Me ok No +ASR-II-391-74/4127-B -LC(1I)« | ‘A copy is forwarded to all Land Commissioners in the Punjeb (by name ) for information and necessary actions Tm Sooretary, Punjab Land Commission. a

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