Discussing The Past

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Hojadeejerciciospracticosdelecturaescrituraescuchahablacomprensioncontextosyaudiosdelaunidad2 Raul Vargas, MBA

Discussing the Past

…………………………………………Tell someone about an event
…………………………………………………………………………. Describe your past activities
………………………………………………………………………………………………… Talk about your week-end
Hojadeejerciciospracticosdelecturaescrituraescuchahablacomprensioncontextosyaudiosdelaunidad2 Raul Vargas, MBA

Describing times before today: pasado

Yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last month, last year, last Tuesday, two days ago, two weeks ago,two months ago, two years ago.
Hojadeejerciciospracticosdelecturaescrituraescuchahablacomprensioncontextosyaudiosdelaunidad2 Raul Vargas, MBA

Grammar practice: to be( ser o estar)

1. The weather ( it )was bad last weekend

2. My friends(they) were at school
3. was
4. were….Jack and Sophie (they)
5. was
6. was
7.was….My sister was 18 in 2014
8. There was (hubo) a great game at the
stadium last night…hubo un buen juego
en el estadio anoche
9. was
10.were……the trains (they)
Hojadeejerciciospracticosdelecturaescrituraescuchahablacomprensioncontextosyaudiosdelaunidad2 Raul Vargas, MBA

Grammar practice:

1. It wasn´t his birthday.: No era su


2. Jessica wasn´t in our class: Jessica no

estubo en nuestra clase

3. The apartment wasn´t nice

4.The chairs in the dining room
weren´t new.
5. My boss wasn´t at the party.
6.Yesterday wasn´t Tuesday
7. The kitchen wasn´t small
8. There weren´t two bedrooms
Hojadeejerciciospracticosdelecturaescrituraescuchahablacomprensioncontextosyaudiosdelaunidad2 Raul Vargas, MBA

Grammar practice:

pasado del verbo ser o estar *to be

1.Yes, it was.
2.No, I wasn’t.
3. Yes, it was---- cosa (the weather)
4. No, it wasn´t. cosa( birthday)
5. Yes, he was.---- Gloria´s father
6. No, they weren’t.
7. Yes, it was……cosa (concert)
8. No, they weren’t. – Yes, they were.
Hojadeejerciciospracticosdelecturaescrituraescuchahablacomprensioncontextosyaudiosdelaunidad2 Raul Vargas, MBA

WhatsApp Ptt
Listening comprehension: (listen to the audio and read) 2021-02-28 at 10.15.13 PM.ogg



Hojadeejerciciospracticosdelecturaescrituraescuchahablacomprensioncontextosyaudiosdelaunidad2 Raul Vargas, MBA

Conversation activator: (make pairs please) - produce at least 4 conversations following the conversation (writing and audio production)

Your Group
audio goes

A. Where were you…yesterday…….?

B. What time?

A. At about……5pm……………..

B. I was at…school……. Why?

A. Because there was a ……soccer game….at……the soccer field….

B. There was? Too bad I wasn´t there!

Hojadeejerciciospracticosdelecturaescrituraescuchahablacomprensioncontextosyaudiosdelaunidad2 Raul Vargas, MBA

Open questions:

Yesid, how many times did you brush your teeth, yesterday?
I brushed my teeth 3 times yesterday.

Was there a class in the morning? Yes, there was one.

How do you describe your house?

Como describe su casa? ahora
My house is big. It has four bedrooms, 3 baths, 1 kitchen and one garage.
Hojadeejerciciospracticosdelecturaescrituraescuchahablacomprensioncontextosyaudiosdelaunidad2 Raul Vargas, MBA

Grammar practice:

Hojadeejerciciospracticosdelecturaescrituraescuchahablacomprensioncontextosyaudiosdelaunidad2 Raul Vargas, MBA

Grammar practice:

Hojadeejerciciospracticosdelecturaescrituraescuchahablacomprensioncontextosyaudiosdelaunidad2 Raul Vargas, MBA

Listening comprehension: (listen to the audio and read)

WhatsApp Ptt
2021-02-28 at 10.52.50 PM.ogg

Hojadeejerciciospracticosdelecturaescrituraescuchahablacomprensioncontextosyaudiosdelaunidad2 Raul Vargas, MBA

Writing practice:

On Saturday

On Sunday
Hojadeejerciciospracticosdelecturaescrituraescuchahablacomprensioncontextosyaudiosdelaunidad2 Raul Vargas, MBA

Reading. Read about what people did last weekend. Listen to the conversations:

WhatsApp Ptt
2021-02-28 at 11.17.17 PM.ogg
Hojadeejerciciospracticosdelecturaescrituraescuchahablacomprensioncontextosyaudiosdelaunidad2 Raul Vargas, MBA

Speaking practice:
Ask your partner questions about an activity in the past. Then tell your teacher about it. Use time
expressions. (ask minimum 10 questions, 5 each) work in pairs. Make a conversation! (writing and
audio production activity)
__________________________________________ .

Your Group
audio goes
Hojadeejerciciospracticosdelecturaescrituraescuchahablacomprensioncontextosyaudiosdelaunidad2 Raul Vargas, MBA

Extra writing practice: Answer the questions about your typical day. Use time expressions and
frequency adverbs.

Use the answers to the questions to write three full paragraphs. -

_______________________________ .

audio goes
Hojadeejerciciospracticosdelecturaescrituraescuchahablacomprensioncontextosyaudiosdelaunidad2 Raul Vargas, MBA

Open questions:

What do you see in this picture?

I see two people
What are they doing? They are buying clothes and they are eating.

Are these people going to work?

They are not going to work.
What kind of clothes do they wear? (presente simple)
They wear beach clothes.
What kind of clothes are they wearing?(presente continuo)
Hojadeejerciciospracticosdelecturaescrituraescuchahablacomprensioncontextosyaudiosdelaunidad2 Raul Vargas, MBA
Hojadeejerciciospracticosdelecturaescrituraescuchahablacomprensioncontextosyaudiosdelaunidad2 Raul Vargas, MBA

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