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Lesson 1: Analyzing the meaning of Curriculum

What is your personal understanding of curriculum?

Curriculum​ is

Activity 1

Self-Check Activity 1:​ Answer the following questions:

1. Does the saber tooth curriculum still exist at present? Justify your answer.

2. The curriculum that was being described on the article actually conveys a message in a
form of the premise “we should teach them on how to catch a fish using their hands
rather than using a net.” What is your understanding of the statement?

3. What does the author mean, when he said “A curriculum should be timeless?” Explain.
4. What is the difference between education and training?


​A.​ Why is the curriculum considered as the lifeblood of an educational institution?

The curriculum is considered as the life blood of any educational institution because

B.​ ​Based on your understanding of the reading, make a graphic organizer on the levels of
C. Interview a teacher, principal or any curriculuarists and get his/her own definition of curriculum.

Name of Curricularist :_________________________________________________________

School Affiliation: ____________________________________________________________

Position: ____________________________________________________________________
Lesson 2: Major Conceptions of curriculum

Self-Check Activity No. 1

​Complete the Graphic Organizer by describing further the four (4) Components of a

If your topic is Empathy, what will be your objective, materials, methods and how will you

Educational Educational Educational Evaluation

Objectives Materials Methods

Evaluation Activities:

1. How do you look at yourself as a curricularist who will plan for the whole delivery of a
2. How important is a curriculum design to a program offering?
3. Through Venn Diagram, show the similarities and differences of a Subject-Centered
Curriculum and a Learner-Centered Curriculum.
4. Present an infographic about the different types of curriculum.​ ​You may check the
attached links on how to make infographics. Or you may click on the links below:

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