Chapter 4 Genetics Brain and Personali 2016 Neuroimaging Personality So

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Genetics, Brain, and Personality: Searching for
Intermediate Phenotypes
Andrey P. Anokhin
Department of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA


1. Introduction: Searching for the Biological Roots 3.3 Resting-State EEG and Personality 80
of Personality and Individual Differences 71 3.4 Event-Related Brain Potentials (ERPs)
and Personality 80
2. Genetic Determinants of Personality 72
3.5 fMRI and Personality 81
2.1 Personality “Phenotypes” 72
2.2 Assessment of Heritability: Genetic and 4. The Genetics of Potential Neurobiological
Environmental Influences on Personality Traits 73 Endophenotypes for Personality Traits 82
2.3 Finding Specific Genes Using Genetic Linkage and
5. Linking Genetics, Brain, and Personality 83
Association Methods 74
6. Summary and Future Directions: In Search of a
3. Personality and the Brain: Toward Intermediate
Unifying, Biologically Informed Model
Phenotypes (Endophenotypes) 76
of Personality 85
3.1 Personality and Individual Differences in Brain
Structure76 Glossary86
3.2 Methods for the Assessment of Brain Function:
Strengths and Weaknesses 79

1.  INTRODUCTION: SEARCHING personality traits, and genetic studies of brain structure
FOR THE BIOLOGICAL ROOTS OF and function. We also demonstrate how these research
PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL directions can be integrated using a genetically informa-
DIFFERENCES tive research design in order to determine how genetic
influences on personality are mediated by variability in
Recent theoretical and methodological advances in brain structure and function. In conclusion, we identify
human genetics and neuroscience offer novel opportu- critical issues that should be addressed in future studies.
nities for understanding biological bases of personality. Personality emerges as a result of a complex dynamic
Building a unifying, biologically based theory of per- interplay between genetic and environmental factors in
sonality will require the elucidation of complex links the course of individual development. However, there
between genes, brain, and personality traits. Accord- are significant gaps in our knowledge related to the three
ingly, in this chapter we review, summarize, and criti- research directions specified above. The structure of per-
cally evaluate three related lines of research: genetic sonality has been extensively studied, and major dimen-
research on personality, investigation of the relation- sions have been identified and described, but this research
ships between individual variability in the brain and mainly relied on statistical analyses of self-reports that

Neuroimaging Personality, Social Cognition, and Character 71 Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

may be biased in a variety of ways. Research on the

etiology of individual differences typically took a top-
down approach by attempting to identify genetic deter-
minants and neurobiological correlates of personality
dimensions derived by self-report. A major limitation of
this behavioral genetics approach is that it relies on the
assumption of congruency between the structure of per-
sonality derived statistically from self-reported data and
the structure of the underlying neurobiological variation.
An alternative, bottom-up approach (personality
neuroscience) would start with distinct, objectively
measured biobehavioral dimensions of individual dif- FIGURE 1  Genetics, brain, and personality: an integrative per-
ferences and determine their correlates in self-reported spective. Behavior Genetics of personality can assess heritability of
personality traits, estimate the degree of genetic overlap among dif-
behaviors. Genetic contributions to these individual ferent traits, reveal gene × environment interactions, and identify
brain variations may also be elucidated. Such a biolog- specific genetic variants contributing to heritability. However, exactly
ically-based approach may lead to the emergence of a how genes affect personality traits remains beyond the reach of the tra-
novel taxonomy of personality rooted in neuroscience ditional behavioral genetics approaches. To address this fundamental
and genetics. It is important to note that the top-down issue, we need Personality Neuroscience that will elucidate the neural
substrates of personality and Neurogenetics that will establish genetic
and bottom-up approaches are complementary, and per- factors underlying this neurobiological variation. Through the integra-
sonality research will benefit from their integration. tion of all three approaches, we hope to achieve the “full picture” of
Although the search for biological roots of personality genes→brain→personality relationships.
has a very long history dating back to the ancient Greek
time (e.g., Hippocrates’ and Galen’s humoral theories of
temperament), the progress over the centuries has been 2.  GENETIC DETERMINANTS OF
relatively modest. Recent methodological advances in PERSONALITY
genetics and neuroscience present unique opportunities
for personality researchers and can lead to a revolution-
2.1 Personality “Phenotypes”
ary change in our understanding of the natural history
of personality and individual differences. This goal can Building a biologically informed model of personal-
be achieved by the integration of three major directions ity requires a better understanding of the genetic and
of research (Figure 1): first, we need a better understand- environmental factors that shape individual differences
ing of the genetic underpinnings of personality; second, and give rise to distinct personality dimensions. Genetic
we need a better understanding of the neural substrates studies of personality can be subdivided into two
and mechanisms underlying personality traits; third, we groups: (1) assessment of heritability and genetic covari-
need to understand the genetic determinants of these ances among personality dimensions using genetically
neurobiological variables. Ideally, all three aspects of the informative samples, such as twins and families, and
biological research on personality should be integrated (2) identification of specific genes influencing personality
in a single study; however, bridging the knowledge dimensions using genetic association studies. A central
obtained in studies addressing each of these aspects issue in genetic studies of complex traits is the choice
individually also can significantly advance our under- and definition of the phenotype. The majority of genetic
standing of the biological bases of personality. studies on personality focused on three widely adopted
The purpose of this chapter is to summarize and criti- taxonomies of personality traits.
cally evaluate recent advances in the three directions of Eysenck’s model1 was the first to gain a wide accep-
research outlined above, identify problems and pitfalls, tance due to its purported neurobiological foundations
and outline promising directions for future research. that fit well into the leading behavioral neuroscience
The chapter is structured according to these three major theories of that time and its operationalization in the
directions: first, we discuss the current state of the genetic Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ). This model
research on personality; then we review and summarize construes personality as composed of two independent
the most important evidence linking personality traits dimensions of temperament: neuroticism (N) and extra-
to individual variability in brain structure and function; version (E)— and a third dimension, psychoticism (Psy).
next, we discuss the evidence for genetic influences on The second is Cloninger’s model2,3 psychobiological
structural and functional variability in the brain. Finally, theory of personality that was based on evidence from
we discuss possible ways of integrating these three lines genetic studies, neuropharmacology, neuroanatomy, and
of research and illustrate them with examples from behavioral neuroscience research. In its present form, it
recent literature and our ongoing studies. includes four temperament traits—harm avoidance (HA),


2.  Genetic Determinants of Personality 73
novelty seeking (NS), reward dependence (RD), and per- estimates for the best-fitting model, including heritabil-
sistence (P)—and three character traits—self-­directedness ity. Importantly, nonshared environmental variance also
(SD), cooperativeness (C), and self-­transcendence (ST). includes the measurement error.7
These dimensions are operationalized in the Tempera- There are a few important attributes of heritability
ment and Character Inventory (TCI). Earlier version of that should be taken into account when interpreting
this model included only NS, HA, and RD (Tridimen- the results of twin studies. First, heritability is a char-
sional Personality Questionnaire, TPQ), with persistence acteristic of a population and cannot be applied to an
added later as a separate dimension, based on factor individual. Second, heritability applies to a given popu-
analyses of accumulated data.3 lation at a given moment in time, although personality
The third influential taxonomy of personality is the traits show a good convergence of heritability estimates
Five-Factor Model (FFM), or the “Big Five.”4 Unlike obtained in different populations at different times.
Eysenck’s and Cloninger’s models, which were derived Multivariate analysis of twin data can be used to
from biosocial theories of animal and human behavior, estimate genetic correlations between different traits that
the Costa and McCrae model was largely atheoretical show the extent to which two personality traits are influ-
and derived from factor analyses of correlations among enced by the same or different genetic factors, that is, the
adjectives used for self-descriptions of personality. The degree of “genetic overlap.” For a more detailed over-
main assumption behind the construction of this tax- view of the twin method and its various extensions, the
onomy was that descriptors of personality used in the reader is referred to methodological reviews.6,8,9
everyday language capture the true, objectively existing Several large-scale twin studies investigated herita-
structure of personality. These analyses yielded a robust bility of the scores on scales of Cloninger’s TPQ. Heath
factor structure including five dimensions: openness (O), and colleagues10 conducted genetic analysis of data
conscientiousness (C), extraversion (E), agreeableness from 2680 adult ­Australian twin pairs and found sig-
(A), and neuroticism (N) included in the NEO personality nificant heritability of HA, NS, and RD scales. Genetic
inventory.5 This five-factor structure has been replicated factors accounted for between 54% and 61% of the stable
in multiple cultures and languages, indicating the con- variation in these traits. Furthermore, this study also
struct validity of the NEO. Below I summarize the main collected data from the same twins on the revised EPQ
findings of genetic studies using these three personality and investigated genetic overlap between the scales of
models. the two instruments by computing genetic correlations.
This analysis allowed the authors to test the hypothesis
2.2 Assessment of Heritability: Genetic that TPQ and EPQ provide alternative descriptions of
the same underlying heritable dimensions of personal-
and Environmental Influences on
ity. However, the results showed only partial overlap
Personality Traits of genetic influences on TPQ and EPQ, suggesting that
Heritability is the proportion of the total variance of each of the instruments provides only partial descrip-
the trait that can be explained by genetic variation, and tions of the underlying structure of heritable personality
it can be expressed in percentage units from 0% to 100%. differences. This finding has an important implication
The remainder of the variance in the trait is caused by for the strategy of the search for neuroanatomical cor-
nongenetic (environmental) factors that can be further relates of personality: personality traits derived from
subdivided into two categories: shared environmental multiple assessment instruments using genetically infor-
factors representing those aspects of the environment mative twin samples may be more genetically homog-
that are common to co-twins (e.g., ethnicity, culture, fam- enous, which may increase the likelihood of mapping
ily, neighborhood) and therefore tend to increase their them onto the variability in brain structure that has been
similarity, and nonshared, or individual, environmental shown to be highly heritable (reviewed below in greater
factors and experiences that are unique to each of the detail).
co-twins and therefore tend to decrease twins’ similar- Other studies of Cloninger’s model involved samples
ity.6,7 Importantly, monozygotic (MZ) twins share 100% of diverse age, ranging from adolescents to the elderly.
of their segregating genes, whereas dizygotic (DZ) twins The first twin study of Cloninger’s personality dimen-
share only 50% on the average, the same as non-twin sib- sions in adolescence that included 1851 twins between
lings. However, both MZ and DZ twins reared together the ages of 11 and 18 years found moderate heritabil-
share their environment to the same extent (one of the ity of NS, HA, and RD ranging from 0.28 to 0.36 but
key assumptions of the twin method). Fitting structural no evidence for genetic influences on PS. There was no
equation models to the observed twin data provides tests evidence for gender differences in genetic influences on
of different models that explain the variance in the trait the TPQ scales.11 Another study12 focused on the other
by some combination of genetic, shared environmental, end of the lifespan. In a sample including 2420 women
and individual environmental factors and parameter and 870 men aged 50–96, phenotypic factor analysis



supported the four-factor structure in both genders, and association. It also involves a limited number of statis-
genetic factor structure (assessed using genetic correla- tical tests, thus mitigating the multiple comparisons
tions) turned out to be gender-specific: in women, four problem.15 Consequently, this analysis does not require
genetic factors emerged, while in men, the genetic cova- very large samples, which is an important consideration
riance among the TPQ dimensions could be explained for phenotypes that are difficult and costly to measure,
by only three genetic factors. such as neuroimaging phenotypes. However, in recent
The Big Five personality traits of openness (O), con- years, candidate gene studies, as well as candidate gene–­
scientiousness (C), extraversion (E), agreeableness (A), environment interaction studies, have drawn much criti-
and neuroticism (N) have also been shown to be signifi- cism for their inherently restrictive nature (i.e., limiting
cantly influenced by genetic factors. Using data pooled the search for genes involved in the determination of a
from several twin studies in different countries, Distel complex phenotype to a handful of apriori-selected vari-
et al.13 assembled a combined twin sample that involved ants while neglecting the rest of the genome).16–18
4403 MZ twins, 4425 DZ twins, and 1661 siblings from Candidate gene studies of personality yielded mixed
6140 families. Analyses of this combined sample showed results. This is unsurprising, given that most of these
significant heritability of all personality dimensions in studies relied on small samples. A recent review of 369
the FFM: genetic factors accounted for 43%, 36%, 43%, genetic studies of personality19 concluded that results
47%, and 54% of interindividual variability in N, A, C, E, of candidate gene studies have been mixed, even when
and O, respectively. meta-analyses were conducted. Historically, following
In summary, twin studies indicate that 30–60% of the first candidate gene study that found an association
interindividual variation in personality traits can be between neuroticism and a polymorphism in the sero-
attributed to genetic differences among individuals. tonin transporter gene,20 a large portion of candidate
Second, studies have shown that genetic influences are gene studies focused on the serotonergic system, in par-
significant across the lifespan, from adolescence to older ticular on the serotonin transporter gene polymorphism
age. Finally, these studies indicate that there is a partial described by Lesch et al.20–22
genetic overlap between different personality scales, In the past 15 years, the advent of molecular-genetic
suggesting that genetically-based dimensions of per- technologies and the identification of numerous SNPs
sonality may be distinct from the dimensions based on throughout the genome paved the way for GWAS of
­phenotypic correlations. personality. In contrast to the focused and restricted can-
didate gene approach, the GWAS approach23 is largely
atheoretical exploratory approach that does not require
2.3 Finding Specific Genes Using Genetic
an apriori hypothesis. It is based on genome-wide “scan-
Linkage and Association Methods ning” for association of thousands and even millions
The classical twin method provides important infor- of SNPs for association with the phenotype of interest.
mation about the genetic and environmental origin of To mitigate the problem of multiple testing and thus
individual differences, as well as commonality versus increased probability of false positive findings (Type
specificity of genetic influences on different pheno- I errors) while still retaining the ability to detect small
types, but it does not specify genes influencing the trait. effects, such studies have to be based on very large sam-
The latter goal can be achieved by genetic linkage and ples, usually of the order of thousands. The main advan-
association studies. Genetic association refers to the co- tage of the GWAS approach is that it is not confined to a
occurrence of a certain allele of a genetic marker and specific hypothesis and is thus “unbiased”; its main dis-
the phenotype of interest in the same individuals at advantage is the requirement of very large sample sizes.
above-chance level.14 Association studies fall into two An analogy can be drawn between these two analytical
broad categories: candidate gene association studies and strategies in genetics and similar approaches in neuro-
genome-wide association studies (GWAS). imaging: the candidate gene approach is analogous to
Candidate gene studies focus on genetic poly- the apriori region-of-interest analysis in MRI studies,
morphisms selected by their biological relevance to whereas the GWAS approach is analogous to a voxel-
the studied phenotype. Usually, these are functional wise whole-brain scan.
polymorphisms, that is, their selection is based on the The results of GWAS of personality have largely
evidence that they produce functional effects at the been disappointing. Thus, the first GWAS study of
molecular and cellular level, such as changes in gene Cloninger’s temperament scales involved a sample
expression, enzyme activity, or receptor characteristics. of 5117 individuals and 1,252,387 genetic markers.24
The candidate gene approach has obvious strengths: it is However, no genetic variants that significantly contrib-
hypothesis driven, utilizes genetic variants that are likely ute to personality variation were identified, although
to be causal variants, and therefore has a strong potential the sample afforded ample statistical power to detect
to provide a mechanistic explanation for the observed single genetic variants that explain only 1% of the trait


2.  Genetic Determinants of Personality 75
variance.24 A recent genome-wide meta-analysis of TCI First, GWAS studies failed to confirm many earlier
scales included several large samples with a total num- positive findings from candidate gene studies (see a
ber exceeding 11,000 subjects.25 Although this study critical review by Munafo et al.29). Given that the latter
employed a sample of unprecedented size and com- have typically been based on much smaller samples,
bined various approaches to facilitate gene finding, it is reasonable to conclude that most of these previ-
such as meta-analysis, gene-based tests, and pathway ous findings were false positives. Second, GWAS stud-
analysis, its results were negative, with no SNPs, genes, ies of personality generally failed to generate any new
or pathways showing a significant association with the robust and replicable findings. One possible explana-
four temperament dimensions after correcting for multi- tion of these disappointing outcomes is that the effects
ple testing. The authors concluded that identification of of individual genes are extremely small, and even
genetic variants significantly associated with tempera- larger-scale studies may be needed to detect these tiny
ment and personality might require even larger samples effects.
and/or a more refined phenotype.25 Yet another possible explanation is that the effects
The first whole-genome study of Eysenck’s Neuroti- of genes contributing to personality variation are non-
cism scale used the DNA pooling approach (measuring additive, including both intralocus (dominance) and
allele frequencies using DNA pooled from groups of interlocus (epistasis) allelic interaction. In the presence
individuals selected by personality phenotype, rather of nonadditive genetic effects, individual phenotype is
than genotyping individual samples) in a sample of affected not only by the presence or absence of specific
2054 individuals selected on extremes of neuroticism alleles in the genotype, but also by the combination of
scores.26 A second group of 1534 individuals was used different alleles, such that effects of one allele may be
as a replication sample. Although a few interesting asso- attenuated or enhanced by the presence of other alleles
ciations emerged, they did not survive replication in in the individual’s genotype. Indeed, most GWAS analy-
independent samples. A more recent study of neuroti- ses assessed only additive effects of genes contributing to
cism performed by the Genetics of Personality Consor- personality dimensions. However, given the complexity
tium used a sample of an unprecedented size, including and the interactive nature of the putative neurobiologi-
63,661 participants from 29 discovery cohorts and 9786 cal pathways potentially influencing personality traits,
participants from a replication cohort. An association this assumption may not be true. Most candidate gene
meta-analysis yielded a genome-wide significant SNP studies conducted to date focused on neurotransmit-
in MAGI1 gene previously implicated in schizophrenia ter systems (e.g., serotonergic, dopaminergic, and nor-
and bipolar disorder, but this association was not repro- adrenergic). However, pathway analysis using rapidly
duced in the replication sample. developing bioinformatics tools30 will likely yield novel
Several large-scale association studies focused on candidate gene systems related to other aspects of brain
the Big Five dimensions of personality. De Moor and functioning, such as neurodevelopment and hormonal
­colleagues27 have undertaken one of the largest analyses modulation. Finally, a gene by environment interaction
of personality ever by combining results from 10 GWAS may also play a significant role. Both genetic nonaddi-
studies, including 17,375 individuals. Furthermore, five tivity and gene by environment interactions have been
additional samples consisting of 3294 individuals served largely ignored by most GWAS analyses of personality
as replication samples for any genome-wide significant published so far.
SNP findings. Genotyping data included over two mil- If both candidate gene approach and the genome-wide
lion SNPs. Significant associations with several SNPs search failed to provide consistent and replicable results,
were found for openness to experience (O) and consci- what strategy should succeed in future studies? As often
entiousness (C); however, these associations failed to is the case, the truth may lie in the middle. Approaches
reach significance in replication samples, except that the based on the knowledge of biological pathways may
direction of the effect of the KATNAL2 gene on 18q21.1 provide a better coverage of genomic variation than tra-
on C showed the same trend in all replication samples. ditional candidate gene studies, but at the same time,
A meta-analysis performed by Amin et al.28 included they are more focused and biologically informed com-
6149 individuals from multiple extended families and pared to a fully “blind” genome-wide search.
families with sibships from whom data on the NEO Finally, increasing evidence suggests that epigenetic
were available. This analysis yielded a significant asso- modifications of gene expression may play a particularly
ciation between O and an SNP on chromosome 11q24, important role in brain functioning.31,32 Unfortunately,
and KCNJ1 gene was identified as a possible candidate. due to the tissue-specific nature of gene expression and
However, this region has not been implicated in other its modification, direct investigation of the relationship
GWAS studies using NEO.27 between epigenetic variation and personality is not
A number of important conclusions can be drawn possible due to the lack of access to brain tissue in liv-
from candidate gene and GWAS studies of personality. ing humans (for these and other limitations of human



behavioral epigenetics research, see Ref. 33). However, In another structural imaging study of NEO scales
translational neuroscience research using animal models in 116 healthy adults,35 a higher neuroticism score was
of personality can help to fill this gap. associated with smaller volume in the dorsomedial pre-
frontal cortex (PFC) and a part of the left medial temporal
lobe, including the posterior hippocampus, and larger
3.  PERSONALITY AND THE BRAIN: volumes in the midcingulate gyrus. According to the
TOWARD INTERMEDIATE PHENOTYPES authors, these findings were generally consistent with
(ENDOPHENOTYPES) biologically based model of the Big Five. In particular,
it was noted that neuroticism showed associations with
volumes of brain regions implicated in threat, punish-
3.1 Personality and Individual Differences in
ment, and negative affect; extraversion correlated with
Brain Structure volume of the medial orbitofrontal cortex, a brain region
It has been known for a long time from postmortem involved in processing reward information; agreeable-
brain morphology studies that the human brain shows ness covaried with volume in regions that process infor-
enormous individual variability in its structural char- mation about the intentions and mental states of other
acteristics, such as the overall volume, relative size of individuals; and conscientiousness was associated with
cortical areas and subcortical structures, sulcal pattern, volume in lateral PFC, a region involved in planning and
cytoarchitectonic structure, shape and orientation of dif- the voluntary control of behavior.35
ferent types of cells, dendritic arborization, and other Cremers et al.,36 using data from 65 healthy partici-
micro- and macroanatomical features. However, estab- pants, investigated the relationship between the Big Five
lishing associations between individual characteristics scales and “affective” brain regions, including the amyg-
of brain structure assessed postmortem and personal- dala, orbitofrontal cortex, and the anterior cingulate cortex
ity traits was hardly possible. The emergence of nonin- (ACC). Contrary to their expectation, the authors did not
vasive imaging of the living brain opened an exciting find any significant correlation with neuroticism. Instead,
opportunity for the investigation of brain-personality they found a positive correlation between extraversion
relationships. and regional brain volume in the medial orbitofrontal
Structural variability of the brain can be assessed in cortex (OFC) and centromedial amygdala, as well as total
living humans using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). gray matter (GM) volume, suggesting that increased vol-
MRI signal varies as a function of tissue type (e.g., gray umes of medial OFC and amygdala may play a role in the
and white matter, ventriculae), which allows for a quali- increased sensitivity to reward and thus the propensity to
tative and quantitative description of shape, size, and experience positive affect. This study also found a sex by
volume of cortical areas and subcortical brain structures. extraversion interaction in the ACC, with males showing
Most widely used methods for the analysis of structural a positive correlation between ACC volume and extraver-
MRI data include volumetry—counting the number of sion, and females showing a negative correlation. Inter-
voxels within a brain structure delineated either manu- estingly, this finding was consistent with an earlier study
ally or using an automatic segmentation approach—and in adolescents that also found a sex by volume interaction
surface-based analysis. The most representative struc- effect for the medial prefrontal gyrus.37
tural MRI studies of major personality taxonomies (Big Another study of structural brain correlates of NEO
Five, Cloninger’s TCI, and BIS/BAS) are summarized in scales in 62 healthy subjects placed a strong empha-
Table 1. sis on the analysis of covariates that might modulate
In one of the largest (n = 265) studies of brain-personality brain–personality relationships.38 Correlations between
relations using the NEO Personality Inventory, Bjorne- regional brain volumes and personality scales were
bekk et al.34 investigated total and regional brain volumes, strongly dependent on specific combinations of covari-
regional cortical thickness and arealization, and diffusion ates included in the model, such as gender, age, total
tensor imaging (DTI) indices of white matter (WM) micro- gray and white matter volumes, etc. This study tested
structure. Of the five NEO scales, neuroticism showed the different combinations of “nuisance covariates” and
most consistent relationship with brain structure. Higher found significant correlations with personality traits
scores on neuroticism were associated with smaller total only with some of these combinations but not the others.
brain volume, a decrease in WM microstructure, and A study of elderly participants39 that compared morpho-
smaller frontotemporal surface area. Extraversion was metric brain measures and personality scores assessed
inversely associated with the thickness of inferior frontal at two time points two years apart found an inverse cor-
gyrus, while conscientiousness was inversely associated relation between neuroticism and right orbitofrontal and
with arealization of the temporoparietal junction. Agree- dorsolateral PFCs and rolandic operculum. Extraver-
ableness and openness did not show any consistent asso- sion was positively associated with larger left temporal,
ciations with brain structure. dorsolateral prefrontal, and ACCs. Openness correlated


3.  Personality and the Brain: Toward Intermediate Phenotypes (Endophenotypes) 77
TABLE 1  Structural Brain Correlates of Personality
Author Sample, n (n females) Age Personality assessment Key findings

Bjornebekk et al.34 265 (150) 20–85 NEO-PI-R N: ↓ total brain volume, fronto-temporal surface
area, and WM microstructure; E: ↓inferior
frontal gyrus thickness; C: ↓ arealization of the
temporoparietal junction; A,O: no reliable findings

Cremers et al.36 65 (0) 21–56 NEO-FFI N: n.s.; E: ↑ r. medial OFC, incl. subgenual
cingulate gyrus; ↑ total GM volume

Xu49 62 (31) 20–40 NEO-FFI N, E: n.s.; A: ↓ regional cerebellar GM volume; O: ↑

l. superior OFC

Kapogiannis et al.39 87 (42) 72+/−7.7 NEO-PI-R N: r. lateral OFC, r. dorsolateral PFC, ↑ ventral
visual stream areas; E: ↑ l. AC, dorsolateral PFC,
temporal regions; O: ↓ r. medial OFC, l. insula,
↑ fronto-polar cortex; A: r. OFC, ↓ dorsomedial PFC;
C: ↑ sensorimotor areas involved in motor planning

DeYoung et al.35 116 (58) 18–40 NEO-PI-R N: ↓ r. dorsomedial PFC, ↓ l. medial temporal lobe
incl. posterior hippocampus; basal ganglia, ↑ middle
ACC, middle temporal gyrus, cerebellum,
↓ r. precentral gyrus; E: ↑ medial OFC; A: ↑ posterior
CC, fusiform gyrus, ↓ superior temporal sulcus;
C: ↑ left middle frontal gyrus; ↓ posterior fusiform
gyrus; O: n.s.

Joffe et al.115 113 (48%) 36.8+/−13.3 NEO-FFI N: ↓ hippocampus in met allele carriers but not
Val/Val homozygotes of the BDNF Val66Met

Yamasue et al.40 183 (66) 21–40 TCI HA: ↓ r. hippocampus in both sexes; ↓ l. anterior
PFC in women only

Iidaka et al.42 56 (26) 22.4 TCI HA: ↑ l. amygdala in women only; NS: ↑ l. medial
frontal gyrus; RD: ↑ r. Caudate (tail)

Pujol et al.41 100 (50) 20–40 TCI HA: ↑ r. anterior cingulated gyrus; NS: ↑ l. posterior
cingulate region

Fuentes et al.43 114 (0) 18–53 BIS/BAS BIS: ↓ r. and medial OFC, precuneus; BAS: Not

Notes: The table includes only studies with a total sample size of n > 50 using any of the following personality assessment instruments: NEO-FFI is NEO Five Factor
Inventory (N, neuroticism; E, extraversion; A, agreeableness; O, openness; C, conscientiousness); NEO-PI-R is the Revised NEO personality inventory (same scales);
TCI is Cloninger’s Temperament and Character Inventory (HA, harm avoidance; NS, novelty seeking; RD, raward dependence); and BIS/BAS is Behavioral Activa-
tion/Behavioral Inhibition Systems scales. ↓ and ↑ denote decreased and increased size of a brain region in individuals with higher scores on a given personality
scale; (l. and r.) denote left and right hemisphere structures, respectively; GM, gray matter; PFC, prefrontal cortex; OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; n.s. indicates that no sig-
nificant associations with brain structure were found. Designation of cortical areas and subcortical structures and regions is kept most closely to the original sources.

with larger right fronto-polar and smaller orbitofrontal This finding suggests that a smaller right hippocampus
and insular cortices, and agreeableness was associated may represent a neuroanatomical correlate of anxiety-
with a larger right orbitofrontal cortex. Finally, indi- related traits. In another study of 100 participants,41 HA
viduals with higher conscientiousness scores were char- correlated positively with the anterior cingulate gyrus
acterized by larger dorsolateral prefrontal and smaller volume, while higher NS scores were associated with
fronto-polar cortices. larger left posterior cingulate volume. Another study
Although the majority of structural imaging studies found positive correlation between HA and left amyg-
was based on the FFM of personality, several studies dala volume in women but not in men.42 In addition, NS
used Cloninger’s taxonomy implemented in TPQ and, was associated with increased medial frontal gyrus, and
later, TCI questionnaires. Using a large sample of 183 RD correlated positively with the volume of the tail of
participants, Yamasue et al.40 found that higher scores the right caudate nucleus.
on HA were associated with smaller regional GM vol- A study by Fuentes and colleagues43 focused on
ume in the right hippocampus in both men and women. a Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) scale from the



BIS/BAS questionnaire.44 Analysis of regional brain the TCI, and N from the EPQ-R) and DTI measures in
volumes in 114 participants showed that higher BIS
­ 110 healthy young adults. Significant correlations were
scores were associated with reduced volume of the right observed between FA values and trait anxiety in males
and medial orbitofrontal cortices and the precuneus, but not females. The largest correlation (r = 0.49) was
suggesting that45 anxiety-related personality traits may observed for the WM tracts linking the hippocampus
be associated with reduced brain volume in brain struc- with the posterior cingulum, suggesting that in males,
tures implicated in emotional regulation. nearly 25% of the variance in trait anxiety was accounted
Finally, a study by Montag and colleagues stands out for by this DTI measure. In a smaller (n = 51) DTI study
in that they focused their analysis on hemispheric asym- of the Big Five scales,49 higher neuroticism scores were
metry of gray and white matter volume, rather than on associated with higher MD values, indicating reduced
absolute volumes.46 Using a measure of the so-called integrity of WM in multiple fiber tracts, including corpus
volumetric hemispheric ratio in a fairly large sample callosum, corona radiata, inferior frontal occipital fascic-
(n = 267) of healthy participants, they found that men, ulus, and superior longitudinal fasciculus. In particular,
but not women, with greater GM volume in the left, higher neuroticism was associated with reduced integ-
rather than right, hemisphere score higher on extraver- rity of WM interconnecting the PFC and amygdala (the
sion assessed using the EPQ-R. This finding underscores anterior cingulum and uncinate fasciculus), consistent
the potential importance of relative, rather than absolute, with the notion of decreased top-down emotion regula-
structural brain measures for understanding the biology tion from the PFC among persons with high neuroticism.
of personality. This approach can be extended to other In contrast, higher scores on openness correlated with
structural measures (area, thickness, structural connec- better integrity of WM tracts interconnecting extensive
tivity) and other “ratios,” such as anterior to posterior or cortical and subcortical structures, including the dorso-
cortical to subcortical. lateral PFC. However, in contrast to Montag et al.,48 this
More recently, studies have begun to investigate the study did not find significant correlations between neu-
relation­ships between personality and structural con- roticism scores and FA measures. E and C scores did not
nectivity in the brain. WM fiber tracts play a fundamen- show significant correlations with any DTI parameters.
tal role in the integrative brain function because they What inferences can be drawn from structural imaging
represent the neuroanatomical substrate for communi- studies of personality traits? The first and most impor-
cation among distant brain regions and their integration tant conclusion is that there is overall poor consistency
into a coherent functional network supporting complex of findings across studies. An overview of Table 2 shows
behaviors. The main tool for the investigation of structural that there is a great deal of disagreement, even among
connectivity in the human brain is DTI that provides studies that used the same personality measures and
measures of WM integrity based on water diffusivities in were based on reasonably large samples (n > 50). Vari-
parallel and perpendicular directions relative to axons. ability of findings across studies could be attributed to
Two measures derived from DTI data, fractional anisot- two major sources: sample characteristics and structural
ropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD), are differentially imaging procedures. Table 2 shows that samples differed
sensitive to the direction of diffusivity, with higher FA and substantially with respect to age; moreover, in some
lower MD indicating greater WM integrity.47 studies the age range was very broad (e.g.,Refs 34,36,43).
Recent DTI studies have found significant correlation When participants’ ages range from adolescents to the
between structural brain connectivity and personality elderly within a single study, including age as a covari-
traits; however, the reports are somewhat conflicting. ate may not fully exclude the confounding effects of
Montag and coauthors48 examined correlations between age that can lead to both false positive and false nega-
a single factor of “trait anxiety” extracted from three rel- tive findings. This may happen if age-related changes
evant personality scales (BIS from the BIS/BAS, HA from of brain structure and/or personality are nonlinear, or

TABLE 2 Comparison of Functional Neuroimaging Methods


Relation to neuronal activity Direct Indirect

Temporal resolution High (1/1000 s) Limited (1–5 s)

Spatial resolution Limited (20–30 mm) High (3–4 mm)

Cost Low High

EEG, electroencephalogram; ERP, event-related brain potentials; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging.


3.  Personality and the Brain: Toward Intermediate Phenotypes (Endophenotypes) 79
if brain structure is differentially related to personality surface and the recording electrode, spatial resolution
traits in different periods of the life span. Furthermore, of EEG is rather coarse but still shows topographical
there is substantial variability across studies with respect specificity, which is sufficient for distinguishing between
to the sources of the samples (patients, college students, major cortical regions. The resting EEG represents syn-
volunteers responding to advertisements) and exclusion chronized activity of a large number of neurons (pri-
criteria applied. In particular, exclusion versus inclusion marily, gradual postsynaptic potentials), which in the
of participants with the history of psychopathology and resting state manifests itself as oscillations at different
substance use or abuse may have contributed to vari- frequencies. Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) represent
ability of the results. Studies also differed with respect EEG changes associated with specific events, such as
to scanner type, image acquisition parameters and stimuli or responses. The ERP is obtained by averag-
sequences, preprocessing pipelines, and quantification ing over multiple trials of EEG fragments time-locked
of the structural measures, such as the use of different to a specific event. In the process of averaging, ongoing
segmentation and normalization methods and account- activity that is not systematically related to the event is
ing for total brain volume. All these factors, separately canceled out, while activity synchronized with the event
and in combination, may have contributed to the vari- becomes apparent due to increased signal-to-noise ratio.
ability of findings across studies. ERP waveforms contain a number of peaks with differ-
Finally, studies differed with respect to the degree of ent polarity and latency corresponding to specific stages
control over the number of statistical tests performed. of the information processing in the brain.
The problem of excessive rate of false-positive findings Over the past two decades, functional MRI (fMRI) has
has been a subject of heated debate in the neuroimaging become another commonly used method for investiga-
field.50,51 As far as neuroimaging of personality is con- tion of brain function, including studies of personality
cerned, replicability of findings is the most important and individual differences. fMRI measures changes of
issue to be addressed in future studies. This can be done, the local oxygenation of blood, which has been shown
in particular, using multisite collaborative studies with to be systematically related to neuronal activity. The
a systematic ascertainment of population-representative raw blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signal
samples, harmonization of acquisition and analysis, and needs to be analyzed to determine how the time course
collection of data on potentially important covariates. of a BOLD signal at each voxel is associated with spe-
Such studies can provide samples with the sufficient cific task events. This analysis results in a statistical map
statistical power required for comprehensive analyses that shows the strength of the association between the
involving important covariates and, at the same time, an observed BOLD signal and its changes predicted using
adequate control over multiple testing. the parameters of a “standard” hemodynamic response
On the bright side, some relatively consistent findings and the timing of specific events in the task.
are emerging. For example, the relationship between Each of these methods has its strengths and weak-
anxiety- and negative affect-related traits (neuroticism, nesses that are summarized in Table 1. EEG/ERP is a
harm avoidance) and reduced hippocampal volumes direct, real-time measure of neuronal activity, whereas
has been reported by at least two relatively large stud- the BOLD signal is not. There is strong evidence that the
ies.35,40 Another example is the positive association BOLD signal correlates with neural activity, but the exact
between extraversion and orbitofrontal cortex volume nature of that activity reflected by the BOLD signal is not
that has been found in at least two larger studies 35,36 and fully understood, and correlations are not always per-
two smaller studies.52,53 fect,54 in particular, the relative contribution of inhibitory
(IPSP) and excitatory (EPSP) postsynaptic potentials to
the BOLD signal remains unclear.55 Next, due to their
3.2 Methods for the Assessment of Brain
excellent temporal resolution, electrophysiology meth-
Function: Strengths and Weaknesses ods capture real-time neural dynamics, such as distinct
Before summarizing the evidence for association stages of information processing in the brain (stimulus
between personality and individual differences in brain detection, categorization, response selection, error detec-
function, we provide a brief comparative overview of tion, etc.) that unfold within a period of less than one
the most relevant methods for functional brain imaging. second. In contrast, the BOLD signal reaches its peak
Historically, neural substrates of personality have only about five seconds after the stimulus and takes 10
been studied using brain electrophysiology techniques more seconds to return to baseline.56 The main weakness
long before the advent of hemodynamic imaging meth- of electrophysiology methods is their limited spatial res-
ods. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a recording of olution due to volume conduction effects and “blurring”
neuronal electric activity using small censors (elec- of the electrical signal by the tissues between the cerebral
trodes) attached to the scalp. Due to the “blurring” of cortex and the recording sensor on the scalp. Although
the brain activity by tissues located between the cortical the use of dense electrode arrays and novel analytical



approaches has substantially improved spatial resolu- frontal alpha-band power presumably indicating lower
tion of neuroelectric imaging, reliable source localization left than right level of prefrontal activation is associated
is mostly limited to cortical activity because the contribu- with stronger withdrawal motivation (avoidance) and
tion of subcortical structures to the scalp-recorded EEG increased vulnerability to depression, while the oppo-
is relatively weak and difficult to isolate from the corti- site pattern of asymmetry is associated with stronger
cal activity, except specific forms of pathological activ- approach motivation and low risk for depression.61–63
ity. In contrast, the main advantage of fMRI is its high FA-EEG shows good test-retest reliability64 and mod-
spatial resolution, allowing for accurate localization of est but significant heritability.65 Although this attractive
task-related changes in the BOLD signal, including both hypothesis has generated an extensive literature, evi-
the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures. dence for the association between FA-EEG, depression,
Two other methodological considerations are specifi- and relevant personality traits and behavioral measures
cally important for the study of individual differences. remains somewhat mixed.62,66–71 Nevertheless, FA-EEG
First, the studies of the functional neural correlates of is still considered by many researchers as an indica-
personality normally assume that measures of brain tor of affective style and risk for internalizing psycho-
activity represent stable, trait-like characteristics. Evi- pathology.66,71–73 In particular, developmental studies
dence available to date indicates high reliability of rest- converge to suggest that relatively greater right frontal
ing-state EEG measures (test-retest correlations of the activation is associated with anxious and withdrawn
order of 0.7–0.9),57 moderate to high reliability of ERP temperaments in infants and children,61,74,75 while the
measures (0.4–0.7),58,59 and low to moderate reliability opposite pattern of frontal asymmetry (i.e., greater rela-
of resting-state and task-related fMRI measures (0.3– tive left frontal EEG activity) in infants has been asso-
0.5).60 Second, because studies of individual differences ciated with a higher risk of externalizing behaviors in
require larger samples than studies of within-subject toddlerhood.76 Together, personality correlates of FA-
effects, another important consideration is the cost of EEG assessed in developmental and adult samples sug-
assessments, which is modest for EEG/ERP (provided gests that greater left cortical activation is associated
the equipment is available) and rather high for fMRI. with approach-related traits, including reward-seeking,
Importantly, the above two issues are related: the lower pleasure, and aggression,77 while greater right than left
the test-retest reliability of a brain-based measure is, the frontal activation is associated with withdrawal-related
larger sample is needed to detect a significant correlation (avoidance) traits and behaviors, such as sadness, fear,
with personality. and inhibition.
In summary, a researcher choosing a method for the
assessment of brain function faces a dilemma: either to 3.4 Event-Related Brain Potentials (ERPs) and
choose inexpensive and reliable EEG/ERP assessments
that provide little glimpse into the role of specific brain
structures, or rather go with fMRI that may require Compared to resting-state EEG, ERPs have a more
substantial investments and large samples to achieve straightforward functional interpretation because they
robust and reproducible results. Ideally though, these are elicited in tasks that are designed to probe specific
two methods should be combined to achieve the high- cognitive and emotional processes. It is important that
est temporal and spatial resolution in the assessment of neural substrates of some of the ERP phenotypes have
task-related neural activity. been relatively well established, in particular, using
multimodal imaging studies combining ERP and fMRI
recordings. Such neuroanatomically validated elec-
3.3 Resting-State EEG and Personality trophysiological phenotypes are particularly valuable
EEG studies of personality and individual differences because they combine high temporal resolution of ERPs
have identified a number of neuroelectric correlates of with the knowledge of underlying neural substrates and
personality traits and symptoms of psychopathology. provide an affordable instrument for the studies of indi-
The great bulk of these studies concerned frontal EEG vidual differences, including genetic studies, that nor-
asymmetry (FA-EEG), which is expressed as the differ- mally require large samples, a condition which is often
ence in alpha-band power between the left and right cost-prohibitive to be met by fMRI studies.
anterior scalp regions. Spectral band powers of the rest- One such ERP phenotype that attracted much atten-
ing EEG reflect basic characteristics of neuronal oscil- tion in recent research is Error-Related Negativity
latory activity. Overall, there is a relative consensus (ERN), a neurophysiological marker of error monitor-
that abundant alpha-band (8–13 Hz) oscillations reflect ing, a fundamental mechanism of behavioral self-regu-
cortical deactivation, whereas scarce or absent alpha lation that involves automatic, preconscious detection
oscillation indicates increased level of cortical arousal. of the mismatch between the intended and actually
Davidson et al. suggested that the direction of FA-EEG executed action.78,79 Converging evidence from stud-
is associated with “affective style” such that greater left ies using ERP source localization analyses, multimodal


3.  Personality and the Brain: Toward Intermediate Phenotypes (Endophenotypes) 81
imaging (EEG and fMRI), single unit recording, and only few studies reported hemispheric asymmetry in the
studies of patients with brain lesions indicates that correlations.96
the main anatomical source of ERN is the ACC.80–85 A A recent meta-analysis using a parametric coordinate-
previous study in our laboratory has demonstrated sig- based approach has focused on functional neuroimag-
nificant heritability of individual differences in ERN, ing studies of neuroticism.97 To identify brain regions
suggesting that this neuroelectric marker can serve as that are consistently associated with neuroticism, the
an endophenotype for personality traits and disorders authors selected 18 studies using the contrasts “negative
characterized by self-regulation deficits.86 In recent > neutral” and “positive > neutral” in emotion-processing
years, ERN has been increasingly used in the investi- tasks. It should be noted that the majority of studies
gation of neurocognitive mechanisms underlying indi- included in the meta-analysis were based on very small
vidual differences in personality and psychopathology samples (n < 20). Significant correlations in multiple
(reviewed in Refs 78,87,88). This evidence converges regions emerged only for negative > neutral contrast.
to suggest that increased ERN, presumably indicating Neuroticism was associated with decreased activation
an abnormally overactive error monitoring system, in the ACC, thalamus, hippocampus/parahippocampus,
is associated with higher scores on behavioral inhibi- striatum, and several temporal, parietal, and occipital
tion, withdrawal, and negative affect, as well as with brain areas, as well as increased activation in the hip-
obsessive-compulsive, depressive, and anxiety-spec- pocampus/parahippocampus and frontal and cingulate
trum symptomatology,89 whereas reduced ERN is asso- regions. Interestingly, different types of studies tended
ciated with personality traits indicating impulsivity, to contribute to negative versus positive correlations
low socialization, and externalizing symptoms in chil- between neuroticism and negative > neutral activation.
dren and adults, presumably resulting from reduced Negative correlations were mostly reported by studies
sensitivity to errors and, hence, poor learning from using experimental paradigms with anticipation of aver-
errors.90–93 These correlations with personality and psy- sive stimuli, whereas studies using fear conditioning and
chopathology are also consistent with the notion that general emotion processing tended to report positive cor-
ERN reflects not only cognitive but also emotional pro- relations. One unexpected but notable negative finding of
cessing of errors.94,95 this meta-analysis was the lack of significant correlation
between neuroticism and higher amygdala reactivity.
Importantly, emerging evidence from studies com-
3.5 fMRI and Personality bining neuroimaging of personality with the “imaging
A number of studies used task-related changes in the genetics” approach (i.e., candidate gene association
BOLD signal to make inferences about individual differ- studies of imaging phenotypes) suggests that relation-
ences in regional brain activity that could be associated ships between task-related BOLD activation and per-
with personality. Compared to structural MRI studies, sonality traits can depend on the genotype, including
these studies are more difficult to summarize because even the direction of correlation. For example, the cor-
they typically used diverse experimental designs. How- relation between self-reported sensitivity to punishment
ever, a number of convergent findings can be identified. measured using Torrubia’s Senstivity to Punishment
We refer the reader to a recent comprehensive review by and Reward Questionnaire (SPRQ)98 and functional con-
Kennis et al.,96 as well as other chapters in the volume. nectivity between the amygdala and hippocampus dur-
In brief, personality traits related to behavioral acti- ing anticipation of monetary loss has been shown to be
vation and reward seeking showed relatively consistent moderated by functional polymorphisms of two genes
positive correlations with the activation of the ventral involved in serotonergic neurotransmission, hydroxy-
and dorsal striatum and orbitofrontal cortex, subgenual lase-2 gene (TPH2) and serotonin transporter gene
and ventral ACC, in response to positive stimuli, con- (5-HTTLPR). The correlation between BIS and amyg-
sistent with the evidence for the role of these cortical dala–hippocampus connectivity was positive in indi-
regions in reward processing, including both reward viduals homozygous for the TPH2 G-allele and negative
expectancy and reward receipt.96 Personality traits in carriers of the T-allele. Similarly, the correlation was
related to withdrawal-avoidance behaviors were posi- positive in homozygotes for the 5-HTTLPR LA variant,
tively correlated to amygdala activation in response to while carriers of the S/LG allele showed a trend toward
negative stimuli, as well as decreased functional con- a negative association.99
nectivity of the amygdala with the PFC, ACC, and hip- In summary, there is growing evidence that individ-
pocampus.96 Resting-state fMRI investigations indicate ual differences in task-related BOLD signal changes are
that higher scores on avoidance-withdrawal-related per- systematically associated with personality traits. How-
sonality traits are associated with increased functional ever, despite some degree of convergence, this evidence
connectivity between the cingulate gyrus and other remains quite disparate, presumably to the fact that
brain areas.96 Interestingly, in most studies, personality most published studies of fMRI correlates of personal-
traits correlated with bilateral activation patterns, and ity relied on small samples that may be insufficient for



reliable estimation of correlations with personality, espe- from childhood to old age, with genetic factors account-
cially if one takes into account the need for multiple com- ing for 60% to over 90% of the observed variance.101,102
parison correction (typically, analyses were not confined However, the degree of genetic influences varies of as
to a single apriori region of interest) and for potentially a function of brain region, with frontal lobe volumes
important covariates such as age, gender, psychopathol- showing higher heritability (over 90%) than the hippo-
ogy, and other factors. For example, among 76 stud- campus (around 50%), while several medial brain areas
ies reviewed by Kennis et al.,96 in only 24 studies (less were influenced primarily by environmental factors. A
than one-third), sample size exceeded 30 participants; in recent meta-analysis of published twin studies by Block-
only seven studies, samples were over 50; and just two land et al.102 indicates substantial heritability of intracra-
studies were based on samples including over 100 par- nial volume, total brain volume, and total and regional
ticipants. The problem of low statistical power may be GM and WM volumes, cerebellar volumes, subcortical
further exacerbated by the fact that test-retest reliability structures, and area of the corpus callosum. This meta-
of task-related fMRI measures is not very high (reviewed analysis also showed higher heritabilities for larger brain
in Ref. 60) and may vary across tasks and among brain structures than smaller structures and higher heritabili-
regions within a given task.100 Studies searching for ties for WM volumes than GM volumes.
brain correlates of personality hinge on the assumption Most of the genetic studies of brain structure focused
(explicit or implicit) that imaging phenotypes used in on volumetric measures. However, cortical volume is the
such analyses represent stable, trait-like individual dif- product of two other structural measures, cortical thick-
ferences. Surprisingly, the validity of this assumption is ness and surface area. Using structural MRI data col-
very rarely addressed, which may be one of the reasons lected in the Vietnam Era Twin Study of Aging (VETSA),
for the observed variability of results across studies. Kremen and colleagues103 demonstrated, using multi-
Based on the issues discussed above, several recom- variate genetic analysis, that neocortical thickness and
mendations can be made regarding the selection of func- surface area are influenced by largely distinct genetic
tional imaging phenotypes for the study of personality. factors. Furthermore, thickness and area measures
First, studies of individual differences employing fMRI showed a distinct structure of genetic correlations: while
may be better served if test-retest reliability of “candi- the pattern of genetic correlations for the cortical surface
date” imaging phenotypes is established first, because area was mostly spatially contiguous (i.e., neighboring
focusing on a limited number of reliable and function- areas showed the highest correlations), cortical thickness
ally interpretable patterns of regional activation can was characterized by high genetic correlations among
drastically reduce the number of statistical tests to be spatially disconnected cortical-thickness clusters in dif-
performed and thus the need for strict correction for ferent lobes. Overall, these results suggest that cortical
multiple comparisons. Another approach that can be rec- thickness and surface area are influenced by different
ommended is using regions of interest (ROI) that show genetic mechanisms and characterized by distinct time
overlap across different tasks tapping into the same the- courses during neurodevelopment.104 The finding of dis-
oretical construct. Using reliability and cross-task con- tinct genetic influences on cortical thickness and area has
vergence as criterions for ROI selection will maximize important implications for the investigation of structural
the chances that these imaging measures represent valid imaging correlates of personality: if personality dimen-
and reliable neurophenotypes. It is important to note, sions are differentially related to thickness and area,
however, that while the ROI approach helps to mitigate then GM volume may not be an optimal measure for the
the multiple testing problem, it also carries the risk of search of personality correlates.
ignoring other regions that may play a role in person- Another important issue is the extent to which genetic
ality differences. Finally, developmental stability of factors operate at the global versus local level. Heritabil-
individual differences in measures of brain function is ity of global area and thickness measures was high, while
another important criterion, since it can increase the gen- heritability of regional area and thickness measures
eralizability of findings across the lifespan. was substantially lower (about 50%), and it was further
reduced after accounting for the global measures.103 This
pattern of findings suggests that genetic influences on
4.  THE GENETICS OF POTENTIAL specific cortical regions are largely accounted for by her-
NEUROBIOLOGICAL ENDOPHENOTYPES itability of the global area, thickness, and volume. Based
FOR PERSONALITY TRAITS on these analyses, the first genetically based map of cor-
tical ROIs was created, with regions determined based
Twin studies using structural MRI have provided on distinct genetic influences.103
consistent evidence for strong genetic influences on In other analyses of the same sample, Kremen and col-
brain structure.101,102 Both the total brain volume and leagues103 also investigated heritability and the structure
regional volumes show consistently high heritability of genetic relationships among 19 subcortical volumetric


5.  Linking Genetics, Brain, and Personality 83
ROI. Using factor analysis, they identified four factors moderate heritability (under 50%). Therefore, larger
based on shared genetic influences: the basal ganglia/ scale and hence better-powered studies are needed to
thalamus factor, including putamen, pallidum, thala- clarify the issue of genetic influences on brain function
mus, and the caudate; the ventricles factor; the limbic measured by fMRI. The second reason is related to test-
factor (hippocampus, amygdala); and a separate factor retest reliability of fMRI measures. Because only stable,
represented by nucleus accumbens. It is important that, trait-like individual differences can be heritable, test-
in contrast to the cortical measures that were strongly retest reliability can be viewed as the theoretical upper
affected by respective global factors, no single genetic limit for heritability. Available evidence (much of which
factor was found for subcortical structures. is summarized in a review by Bennett and Miller60) sug-
In contrast to genetic studies of the brain structure, far gests that, overall, test-retest reliability of fMRI measures
fewer studies investigated heritability of functional MRI is not very high, although it appears to vary as a func-
measures. The results are mixed, which is unsurprising, tion of task design. Recent reliability studies of resting-
given a broad range of task designs employed and typi- state connectivity fMRI measures also suggest a modest
cally small sample sizes in most of these studies.105–111 In stability of individual differences (test-retest intraclass
the largest twin study using fMRI, Blokland et al.106 con- correlations of 0.2–0.4 with a typical scan length—up
ducted voxel-wise analysis of BOLD response in a work- to 10 min—but somewhat increasing with longer scan
ing memory task and found significant heritability of times).113 Thus, it is hard to expect high heritability of
task-related changes in BOLD response in inferior, middle, these measures, which necessitates the use of sufficiently
and superior frontal gyri, left supplementary motor area, large samples (of the order of hundreds of twin pairs)
precentral and postcentral gyri, middle cingulate cortex, to detect significant genetic influences. The problem
superior medial gyrus, angular gyrus, superior parietal is further compounded by the fact that fMRI analyses
lobule (including precuneus), and superior occipital gyri. involve numerous statistical tests and require a stringent
In these regions, genetic factors accounted up to 65% of protection against Type I error, which results in the need
the phenotypic variance in the task-related response. of even larger samples.
Another (much smaller) study using an n-back work-
ing memory task108 found significant heritability of
task-related BOLD signal change in a number of areas, 5.  LINKING GENETICS, BRAIN, AND
including frontal, anterior cingulate, temporoparietal, PERSONALITY
and visual areas, as well as the visual cortex, but only in
the distraction period of the task and not during encod- In the previous sections, we discussed evidence for
ing and retrieval, which makes the interpretation of genetic influences on personality, relationships between
these findings in the context of genetic influences on the personality and the brain, and genetic influences on the
neural mechanisms of working memory rather problem- brain. Together, this evidence suggests that genetic influ-
atic. Another small-sample study reported a 38% herita- ences on personality traits can be mediated by genetic
bility of BOLD response in the dorsal ACC in a response influences on brain structure and function. Testing
inhibition task, whereas heritability was zero in other this hypothesis requires a conjoint analysis of all three
ROI analyzed in this study. However, even the reported domains (genetics, brain, and personality) in a single
heritability of 38% was nonsignificant because the con- study. So far, only a handful of studies combined data on
fidence interval included zero.109 A substantially larger neuroimaging and personality in genetically informative
study107 assessed BOLD response to subjective experi- samples.
ence of sadness induced by film clips in eight-year-old A recent study used structural MRI and personality
twins and failed to detect any significant genetic effects. data from a twin study114 to investigate structural vari-
A study of neural correlates of response inhibition using ability in the amygdala and medial orbitofrontal cortex.
an antisaccade task in twins112 found significant herita- Modest phenotypic correlations were observed between
bility only in the left thalamus but not in ROI typically left amygdala volume and positive emotionality (r = 0.16)
associated with response inhibition. and between left medial orbitofrontal cortex thickness
Overall, evidence for genetic influences on brain func- and negative emotionality (r = 0.34). Importantly, low but
tion measured using task-related changes of the BOLD significant genetic correlations also emerged between
response is far less consistent compared with brain neuroanatomical and personality measures, suggesting
structure and variation in brain function measured using that at least a modest portion of genetic influences on
EEG/ERP methods. The reasons for this inconsistency personality may be mediated by genetic influences on
can be twofold. First, heritability studies of both rest- brain structure.
ing-state and task-related fMRI measures are still very Other studies have suggested the role for specific
scarce, and many of them were based on small samples genetic variants in mediating the relationship between
that are insufficiently powered to detect small or even brain structure and personality traits. A study by115



suggests that the Val66Met polymorphism of the gene A significant reduction of hippocampal volumes has
for the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) can been reported not only in psychopathological conditions
modulate the relationship between trait neuroticism and such as PTSD and anxiety disorders, but also in individ-
hippocampal volume: in Met allele carriers, higher neu- uals scoring high on personality traits associated with
roticism and trait depression and stress were associated behavioral inhibition and withdrawal behaviors such as
with lower total hippocampal GM volume. However, harm avoidance and neuroticism 35,40. The role of genetic
no such associations were observed in Val homozy- factors in this association remains unclear.
gotes. The interpretation of these findings offered by Below we illustrate how this problem can be
the authors is that Met carriers who also have elevated approached using genetically informative samples using
depression may be vulnerable to hippocampal GM loss, data from our recent neuroimaging study of a cohort of
while Val/Val homozygotes may be resistant to such monozygotic and DZ twins. MRI and personality data
loss even in the presence of higher depression. In other were collected from 66 twins (36 female) at the age of
words, the Met allele may confer increased suscepti- 18 years. MRI images were acquired using Siemens Trio
bility to hippocampal GM loss in depressed individu- 3T scanner, and T1-weighted volumes were analyzed
als. Yet another interpretation of these findings can be using standard FreeSurfer pipeline117 to perform sub-
offered: Met allele confers increased risk for depression, cortical segmentation and measure the volume of sub-
but only in individuals with reduced hippocampus, cortical GM structures, as well as to perform cortical
whereas a large hippocampus acts as a protective fac- surface reconstruction and automatic parcellation of the
tor against the risk associated with Met allele. However, cortex. A previous study40 reported an inverse correla-
because the study is cross-sectional, it is difficult to test tion between HA and the right hippocampal volume in
these alternative hypotheses. Longitudinal studies or a large sample of young adults. Since HA and N capture
co-twin control studies will be needed to resolve the similar behavioral tendencies (anxiety, negative affect,
direction of causality in the relationships between neu- and withdrawal-avoidance behaviors), we expected that
roticism, depression, hippocampal volumes, and BDNF individuals with elevated scores on the N scale would
polymorphism. show reduced right hippocampal volumes. This expec-
The only published study of this kind sheds some tation was confirmed by the analysis of correlations
light on the causal relationships between genetic lia- between MRI and personality data: the neuroticism score
bility, environmental influences such as stressful life was significantly and inversely correlated with both the
experience, and hippocampal tissue loss. The relation- right (r = −0.366, p = 0.001) and left (r = −0.271, p = 0.015)
ship between exposure to severe stress and reduced hippocampal volumes.
hippocampal volumes has been well documented by Next, we asked the question whether this observed
both animal and human studies; in particular, hippo- (phenotypic) association can be accounted for by common
campus reduction has been consistently reported in genetic and environmental factors that influence both
individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). traits. To test this hypothesis, we computed within-pair
However, the direction of causality in this relationship correlation between neuroticism in one first twin of a pair
was unclear because reduced hippocampal volume in and hippocampal volume in the other twin (cross-twin,
PTSD patients could be a consequence of stress-induced cross-trait correlation). Since the two variables (neuroti-
neurotoxicity or, conversely, smaller hippocampi could cism and hippocampal volume) included in this analysis
be a preexisting condition that is associated with were measured in different individuals, any significant
an increased risk for developing PTSD, given trau- correlation can arise only due to their familial related-
matic exposure. In a study of MZ twins discordant for ness, including both genetic and shared environmental
trauma exposure, ­Gilbertson et al.116 found evidence factors (a similar correlation in randomly assembled pairs
that smaller hippocampi indeed might constitute a risk of unrelated individuals is always expected to be zero).
factor for the development of stress-related psychopa- Furthermore, higher MZ than DZ correlation in this
thology. The severity of PTSD symptoms in the PTSD cross-trait, cross-twin analysis would indicate the con-
patients from these pairs was negatively correlated not tribution of shared genetic factors, whereas equal size
only with their own hippocampal volumes, but also of MZ and DZ correlations is expected if the correlation
with the hippocampal volumes of their unaffected and arises due to common environmental factors (that are
nontrauma-exposed co-twins. Furthermore, both twins assumed to be shared to the same degree by MZ and DZ
from PTSD-discordant pairs had significantly smaller twins). Finally, if the observed phenotypic association
hippocampi than twins in non-PTSD pairs. Because MZ between neuroticism and hippocampal volume arises
twins are genetically identical, this pattern of findings due to individual-specific experiences, such as stressful
strongly suggests that smaller hippocampal volume or traumatic life events, there should be no cross-trait,
constitutes a preexisting vulnerability factor for devel- cross-twin correlation within twin pairs.
oping PTSD after trauma exposure, rather than a result The results of this analysis (Figure 2) clearly support
of trauma-induced neurotoxicity. the genetic hypothesis: cross-trait, cross-twin correlation


6.  Summary and Future Directions: In Search of a Unifying, Biologically Informed Model of Personality 85

(A) Correlation between Neuroticism (B) Cross -twin, cross-trait (C) Cross -twin, cross-trait
and right hippocampus volume correlation, MZ pairs correlation, DZ pairs

Right Hippocampus Hippocampus

Right Hippocampus Hippocampus

r = -.37, p = .001 (n = 66) r = -.61, p = .007 (n = 16) r = -.24, n.s. (n = 17)
Right Hippocampus volume

volume, twin 2

volume, twin 2

FIGURE 2  Neuroticism and right hippocampal volume. (A) Correlation across subjects in the entire sample. (B) Within-pair correlation
between neuroticism in the first twin of a pair and hippocampal volume in the second twin, in MZ twins (cross-twin, cross-trait correlation).
(C) Same correlation as in (B), but in DZ twins. Regression line (solid) and its 95% confidence intervals (broken lines) are shown.

was significant in MZ pairs (r = −0.61, p = 0.007, n = 16) In summary, studies indicate high heritability of brain
but showed only a nonsignificant trend in DZ pairs structure and moderate heritability of personality traits,
(r = −0.24, n.s., n = 17). In other words, hippocampal vol- and evidence starts to emerge suggesting that at least some
ume of one twin significantly predicted neuroticism in of the genetic influences on personality can be mediated by
the other twin, and this was true for MZ but not for DZ genetically transmitted variation in brain structure. On the
twins. Although the sample was too small for a multi- other hand, evidence for heritability of functional imaging
variate genetic analysis, this pattern of results provides phenotypes remains scarce and mixed. Studies investigat-
preliminary support for the notion that the relationship ing the relationships between individual variability in the
between smaller hippocampal volumes and elevated brain and personality traits are abundant, but their find-
scores on neuroticism is mediated by common genetic ings are often disparate for the same personality traits.
influences, rather than shared or individually specific This variability of findings can be attributed to the
environmental exposures. This pattern of results con- fact that many of these studies relied on small samples
verges with the study of PTSD-discordant twins dis- that are prone to producing false positive findings,
cussed above,116 suggesting that smaller hippocampal especially when multiple statistical tests are made, as is
volume constitutes a preexisting vulnerability factor for typical in research involving neuroimaging data. There
developing PTSD after trauma exposure, rather than is a great hope that emerging large, multisite collab-
a result of trauma-induced neurotoxicity. These pre- orative studies, such as ENIGMA Enhancing (Enhanc-
liminary findings provide a proof of concept for future ing Neuroimaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis;
larger-scale genetically informative investigation of the,118 will clarify the picture.
relationships between hippocampal volume reduction, Will neuroimaging studies on personality follow
neuroticism, and risk for internalizing spectrum psy- the fate of genetic studies? As sample sizes grow and
chopathology. More broadly, findings discussed in this large-sample studies emerge, will most of the published
section indicate that imaging studies in twin samples findings in this field be refuted, similar to how small-
are a promising approach to disentangling genetic and sample candidate gene findings in personality research
environmental sources of covariance between individual were refuted by subsequent large-scale genome-wide
variability in brain structure and personality. analyses? Although it may be premature to draw such
analogies, the following predictions regarding the future
development of the field seem reasonable. First, it is
6.  SUMMARY AND FUTURE likely that many previous findings of high correlations
DIRECTIONS: IN SEARCH OF A between personality and brain-based measures will be
UNIFYING, BIOLOGICALLY INFORMED challenged. Second, the effect sizes of significant find-
MODEL OF PERSONALITY ings will be diminishing as the sample sizes grow. Third,
novel and often unexpected associations between neu-
In previous sections, we have discussed the progress ral circuitry and personality will be discovered in large-
in the understanding of the biological bases of personality sample studies. Finally, similar to genetics research, we
using genetic and neuroscience methods and have identi- will see a shift from one-to-one and few-to-one mod-
fied some issues and pitfalls associated with this research. els of relationships between brain-based measures and



personality traits to many-to-many models, positing that designed for a different purpose, such as finding neu-
numerous and relatively distinct neurobiological factors ral correlates of a psychiatric disorder. Furthermore,
contribute to the variation in personality traits. using multiple tasks tapping into the same personality
Further progress in the understanding of the bio- construct is highly desirable because the convergence of
logical bases of personality using genetic and neuro- results across multiple tasks will provide stronger and
science methods will require addressing a number more conclusive evidence. This approach will help to
of challenges. First, large, population-representative ensure that the observed associations are not idiosyn-
samples are needed. An appropriate sample size must cratic to a particular task.
be determined based on the analyses to be performed. Next, demonstrating test-retest reliability of neuro-
An exploratory, whole brain, voxel-wise analysis of the biological measures is essential from both theoretical
correlations between a personality measure and BOLD and practical perspective. Since personality dimensions
response in a task condition (e.g., extraversion and are normally construed as temporally stable, trait-like
BOLD response during reward anticipation) may require measures of individual differences, their neurobiological
a larger sample than a more focused, hypothesis-driven underpinnings must be represented by temporally sta-
analysis restricted to apriori selected ROI, assuming the ble, trait-like individual differences in brain functioning.
same expected effects size. It is likely that the required It is all the more important because current evidence for
sample size for adequately powered analyses will be in test-retest reliability of fMRI measures is rather mixed.
the hundreds or even thousands of participants. Since Therefore, before a given task can be used for the inves-
collecting samples of this size is impractical for most tigation of biological bases of personality, test-retest reli-
research groups, multisite collaborative studies will be ability of measures derived from that task should be
necessary. One of such initiatives, the ENIGMA network, demonstrated first. This is also important from a practi-
is an international effort to combine data obtained by cal perspective because such a prescreening of tasks and
different research groups in order to achieve sufficiently specific measures from these tasks will permit restricting
large samples necessary to detect the modest gene effect analyses to the most important and promising measures,
sizes on neuroimaging phenotypes, including MRI, thus mitigating the multiple comparisons problem.
DTI, fMRI, and EEG. However, increasing sample sizes Collecting data on potential confounders is also very
alone will not solve the problem of multiple testing. It important. One of the crucial components of the inves-
is already a great challenge in GWAS and neuroimaging tigation of biological bases of personality is ruling out
studies taken separately, and the combination of these potential spurious correlations between personality and
two approaches (genome-wide, whole-brain search for neurobiological measures. Such spurious correlations
association) will multiply the problem. Therefore, the may arise, for example, when the sample is heterogeneous
application of multivariate statistical methods for data due to admixture of different subsamples, such as pool-
reduction is extremely important.119 ing together data from college students’ samples, clinical
Another important sample consideration is its repre- samples, and population-based samples. Finally, gender
sentativeness of the general population. Results obtained and ethnicity can confound associations between person-
using convenience samples, such as university students ality dimensions and neurobiological responses if distinct
or patients of a clinic, may not be fully generalizable to groups constituting the sample differ on both variables.
the population at large. Furthermore, potential clinical In this chapter, we have reviewed genetic research
significance of such findings may be limited due to vari- on personality, studies of the brain-personality relation-
ous biases such samples can introduce. Therefore, it is ships, and genetic studies of brain structure and func-
imperative for a well-designed study to ensure that the tion. Although substantial progress has been made over
sample is well-representative of the general population. recent years in these distinct areas, building a unifying
Relevant approaches have been long used in epidemi- biological model of personality will require a much bet-
ology research, and comprehensive investigation of the ter integration of these research directions, which should
biological bases of personality might require an integra- become an important priority for future studies.
tion of cognitive neuroscience and epidemiology.
An important condition for further understanding
of the links between personality and brain function is Glossary
designing appropriate experimental paradigms tap- Candidate gene  Genetic polymorphisms selected by their biological
ping into the hypothesized biobehavioral processes and relevance to the studied phenotype (i.e., a hypothesis linking the
mechanisms. Many previous studies were not origi- gene’s known or presumed function and the biological mechanisms
underlying the phenotype). For example, the role of dopamine in
nally designed to elucidate the neurobiological bases
the processing of reward has been well established. Therefore,
of personality. Rather, personality questionnaires were genetic variants known to alter dopaminergic neurotransmission
administered as ancillary measures, and analyses were may be plausible candidates for personality traits describing indi-
performed post hoc using data from tasks that were vidual differences in reward responsivity.


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