Chapter 9 - Neuroimaging Investigations o - 2016 - Neuroimaging Personality Soc

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Neuroimaging Investigations of Social
Status and Social Hierarchies
Jasmin Cloutier, Carlos Cardenas-Iniguez, Ivo Gyurovski,
Anam Barakzai, Tianyi Li
Department of Psychology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA


1. Introduction 187 2.10 Stress 192

2.11 Conclusion 192
2. Social Status and Brain Structure: Status as an
Environmental Factor 188 3. How the Social Status of Conspecifics Shapes
2.1 Measuring Social Status 189 Person Perception and Person Evaluation 192
2.2 Income 189 3.1 Perceived Social Status from Perceptual Cues
2.3 Educational Attainment 189 of Dominance 192
2.4 Additional Ways to Measure SES 189 3.2 Status Identification and Attention to Social
2.5 Investigating the Impact of SES on Adult Status194
and Child Populations 189 3.3 Status-Based Evaluation 195
2.6 Challenges in the Study of SES and Brain 3.4 Individual Differences in Social Status 196
4. Towards an Integration of Brain Imaging
2.7 Impact of SES on Brain and Cognitive
Investigations of Social Status 197
2.8 Executive Function 190 References198
2.9 Language 191

1. INTRODUCTION achieve higher standing among their peers, thus providing

motivation to perform a variety of behaviors.
Social hierarchies are omnipresent in the lives of many Social hierarchies have been identified across a broad
species. The ability to successfully navigate complex social range of organisms, from simpler model systems such as
environments with consideration of the relative rank of con- insects, to nonhuman and human primates. For example,
specifics is an essential skill not only for humans, but also reliance on status cues to organize important social behav-
for numerous other social beings. From maintaining rank ior is identified in ants1 and other insects, such as bees,
and reducing conflict, to communication and reproduction, who infer higher ranking in the social hierarchy based on
organisms of varying complexity rely on social hierarchies physical body size.2 Many species of fish are also known
to support social interactions. Hierarchical social struc- to rely on social hierarchies. For example, in Cichlasoma
tures can provide order and clarify the roles of individual dimerus males (South American cichlid fish known to
group members, thus facilitating social coordination. Fur- have stable and linear hierarchies), a greater social posi-
thermore, in some instances, status-based hierarchies can tion within the hierarchy has been linked to lower relative
incentivize those lower in relative rank to progress and stress levels and increased reproductive success.3

Neuroimaging Personality, Social Cognition, and Character 187 Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Greater complexity can be found in the social hier- status), while others may place greater emphasis on
archies of mammals, such as rats and primates, with physical characteristics, such as attractiveness or fitness,
increased research demonstrating the impact of relative as symbols of high status. To others, high status may
social status on communication, reproductive behavior, be conferred by prestigious occupations demonstrat-
and access to resources.4,5 Among nonhuman primates, ing intellectual accomplishments rather than financial
a diverse array of social structures and organizations wealth or by the enactment of prosocial behavior and the
support, sometimes simultaneously, the establishment possession of well-developed moral principles.
and maintenance of social hierarchies. Positions within Whereas research suggests that young children tend
these more complex hierarchies often determine central to ascribe higher status to individuals perceived to be
aspects of their members’ social interactions and life out- more dominant,31–33 adults base their judgments of
comes.6–13 In line with the important benefits often asso- others’ social status on a wide range of socially valued
ciated with the possession of greater status (i.e., better dimensions that may or may not be perceptually avail-
health and reproductive success14,15), primates appear to able. For example, individuals believed to be immoral or
value group members with greater social status. Whereas bad tend to be assigned lower status.34–37 Although what
primates often find conspecifics rewarding compared to conveys social status may not always generalize across
other stimuli,16–19 research has found that macaques are individuals and social groups, perceived differences in
willing to sacrifice primary rewards in order to see the standing typically appear to be based on social dimen-
faces of high-status others.20 High-status primates often uti- sions valued by members of a given group.
lize overt displays of dominance, such as “chest-beating,” Focusing henceforth solely on humans, the goal of the
to assert their position in the hierarchy; their status is current chapter is to provide a review of recent insights
often suggested to correlate with power, resource control, into how differences in social status may impact brain
and preferential mate selection.21–23 However, whereas structure and function. Although, considering the cen-
such rigid status hierarchies may be prevalent among trality of social status as a construct guiding social inter-
macaques and baboons, it appears not to be the case in actions, relatively little research has been done on the
other primate species such as the gibbon and howler topic. Recent brain imaging investigations have begun
monkey.24,25 to explore how our own social status shapes us and
Whereas the omnipresence of status-based hierarchi- how the social status of others shapes our responses to
cal social organization among animals and humans alike them. In the subsequent sections, we will first begin by
is generally agreed upon, it is a challenge to provide a briefly examining available evidence of the influence of
precise and inclusive definition of social status. When social status on brain structure and cognitive develop-
referring to humans, historians, sociologists, psycholo- ment. Subsequently, we will focus on recent functional
gists, and economists utilize a variety of generalizable Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) investigations
definitions of social status. Perhaps one of the most com- on the impact of social status on how we construe oth-
mon terms referring to human social status is socioeco- ers. Finally, we will present fMRI studies suggesting
nomic status (SES). SES is a multidimensional construct that individual differences in social status shape how
usually based on objectively assessed factors related to we respond to others. Throughout the chapter, we also
education, occupation, and income.26 Depending on the intend to highlight some of the behavioral data comple-
ages of the individuals, measures of SES will take into menting these early brain imaging investigations of the
account their own education, occupation, and income impact that social hierarchies have on ourselves and on
but also those of their parents. Other measures of SES how we construe others.
consider an individual’s neighborhood of residence27 or
the subjective assessment of his or her perceived social
standing relative to others.28 Even if sizeable correlations 2.  SOCIAL STATUS AND BRAIN
between the factors comprising SES have been reported, STRUCTURE: STATUS AS AN
it is important to note that distinct factors of SES, such as ENVIRONMENTAL FACTOR
income and education, often reflect discrete past experi-
ences and may often not be interchangeable or appro- Recent research indicates that social status, defined
priately used as proxy variables for one another.29,30 here as a social and environmental factor, has a sizeable
More fundamentally, a single and generalizable mea- impact on the development of neural structures and
sure of social status is difficult to formulate when con- their functions. Advances in neuroimaging methodolo-
sidering that social hierarchies can be based on various gies provides opportunities to investigate how various
social dimensions and that the meaning of “being at the environmental factors associated with social status, par-
top” differs across individuals. For instance, some may ticularly SES, impact brain functioning. In this section,
perceive high status as referring to the possession of we first review the somewhat disparate literature sug-
vast amounts of disposable income (i.e., high financial gesting that different measures of SES may be associated

2.  Social Status and Brain Structure: Status as an Environmental Factor 189
with different structural brain differences. We will subse- thought to measure the qualitative aspects of the rela-
quently attempt to provide an overview of the growing tionship between the caregiver and child, such as expo-
body of literature exploring how differences in SES dur- sure to complex language, parent–child interactions, and
ing development impact cognition and brain functions. the quality of guardian caregiving practices.47–53 The
results of a number of studies focusing on maternal edu-
cational attainment, which is believed to be associated
2.1 Measuring Social Status with better cognitive stimulation in the home environ-
As mentioned in the introduction of this chapter, social ment, suggest that education may be the best predictor
status is often measured in terms of one’s socioeconomic of a number of developmental outcomes.54–56
status, or SES. Socioeconomic status typically refers to an
individual’s access to economic and social resources and
2.4 Additional Ways to Measure SES
is therefore considered a multidimensional construct.26,29
As such, researchers investigating the link between SES Other ways of assessing SES include occupation (of
and brain structure must make a number of careful deci- either the parent(s) or the individual), average neigh-
sions when defining SES. Research on SES often relies on borhood SES, and subjective social status. Occupation
a number of “proxies” to operationalize complex envi- is typically correlated with education and income, as
ronmental factors. The most common factors selected by particular occupations are normally associated with dis-
researchers to measure SES include income, educational tinct levels of education and earnings.57 Neighborhood
attainment, occupational prestige, and information SES, measured as the average SES of the individual’s
regarding an individual’s neighborhood SES. In some immediate neighborhood, is often found to be associ-
circumstances, for instance, depending on the age of ated with exposure to environmental stressors, such as
the individual, these factors may be assessed in terms of greater police presence, poverty, and higher prevalence
both the individual and his/her parents. Although many of physical and social disorder, as well as limited access
of these factors may be correlated, they should not be to institutional resources, such as libraries, medical
thought of as interchangeable since, for example, they care facilities, and overall employment opportunities.27
may differentially impact developmental outcomes.29 Another measure commonly used by researchers is sub-
jective social status: a self-report index that refers to an
individual’s perception of his or her own social rank rel-
2.2 Income ative to others within a defined group. Subjective social
Income may be calculated using household, familial, status is typically measured using the MacArthur Scale
or parental income in studies with child populations or of Subjective Social Status. This scale requires individu-
solely by the income of the individual when studying als to indicate their place on a ten-rung ladder said to
adult populations.30,38–45 While income has been used represent their larger community and has been found
widely as a marker for SES, and therefore social status in to predict a number of physical and mental health out-
general, in recent years it has fallen out of favor as a reli- comes, above and beyond other, possibly more objective,
able measure due to the unreliability of self-report data measures of SES.28,58
from participants and the marked fluctuations of income Given the wide variety of measures used to define
over time at both an individual and familial level.29 More social status, many researchers prefer to use compos-
recent studies have instead begun to use the Income-to- ite measures of SES, including a combination of two
Needs (ITN) ratio. This ratio divides total family income or more of the previously mentioned factors. Compos-
by the official federal poverty threshold for a family ite measures of SES commonly used in brain imaging
of that size.46 The ITN ratio now allows researchers to research include the Hollingshead scale,59 which com-
assess family income while also taking into account bines occupation and education (Two-Factor Index), or
other important factors, such as national norms, family education, occupation, marital status, and employment
size, and cost of living, thereby providing a clearer mea- status (Four-Factor Index), as well as the Barratt Simpli-
sure of a family’s financial standing. fied Measure of Social Status,60 which combines educa-
tional attainment, occupational prestige, and income.
2.3 Educational Attainment
2.5 Investigating the Impact of SES on
Educational attainment, defined simply as the high-
Adult and Child Populations
est level of education completed by either the parents or
the individual, is another component of SES that is often Studies investigating the role of SES on brain devel-
used to assess social status. Commonly used as a proxy opment may choose to focus on adult populations,
for a number of factors related to cognitive stimulation adolescents, or young children, each of which brings
in one’s home environment, educational attainment is its own challenges. Since difficulties exist in assessing


the SES of children and adolescents, studies examining cognition.26,47,68,73–76 These findings tend to parallel
these populations often rely on information from the results from behavioral studies, indicating that depriva-
child’s guardian(s). Studies involving adult popula- tion of resources (e.g., less cognitive stimulation from
tions, however, can assess an individual’s SES by tak- caregivers or home environments) leads to various
ing into account the various measures discussed above. impairments in cognitive performance.47,77,78 In light of
While this may provide a more accurate measure of these findings, establishing how SES impacts the neu-
current social standing, researchers do acknowledge ral processes supporting these cognitive functions is
that it may not accurately characterize the environ- believed to be a vital component of the development of
mental and social factors that occurred during the interventions to improve the educational and life out-
individual’s childhood (since biases in retroactive self- comes of lower SES individuals.
report data can affect the factors being assessed). In
addition, researchers must also consider unforeseen
2.8 Executive Function
circumstances that may cause changes in SES (in both
adult and children), such as sudden unemployment The term executive function is often used to describe
or moving to a different neighborhood. In an attempt cognitive processes involved in planning, execution,
to address these issues, some researchers are conduct- reasoning, and problem-solving.79–82 Researchers often
ing longitudinal studies following participants over break down executive functions into a number of sub-
the course of a given time period. Such studies allow processes often suggested to rely on prefrontal brain
researchers to examine the stability of an individual’s regions. Some examples of these subprocesses include
status over time and the patterns of fluctuations in working memory (the ability to hold information in the
aspects of social status, which have been suggested to mind and use it to complete a task), inhibitory control
represent sources of stress.45,61,62 (the ability to stop oneself from performing an action),
and mental flexibility (the ability to sustain or flexibly
switch between sets of behaviors, tasks, rules, or mental
2.6 Challenges in the Study of SES and
Brain Functions Decreased performance in executive function among
Unfortunately, a number of challenges and difficul- lower-SES children has been reported in the literature.
ties face researchers investigating the role of SES on For example, using a delayed-response paradigm, in
brain structure and development. As it may now be which infants had to search for an object hidden in one
apparent, SES can be a difficult construct to define and of two hiding places after a delay period, Lipina et al.83
measure; although SES has been shown to impact behav- reported that low-SES infants made more errors when
ioral, educational, and life outcomes,26,63–73 several stud- asked to inhibit an incorrect response and had worse
ies have failed to establish a relationship between SES memory for the spatial location of objects. In addition,
and brain function or structure.41,42,44 Challenges arising low-SES infants had a greater rate of A-not-B errors—
when measuring brain morphometry, such as a lack of not correcting for the new hidden location of an object
consensus on whether to measure brain volume or sur- in a consecutive trial—which has been widely associated
face area of the cortex, are believed to contribute to these with an immaturity of object permanence.84 Similarly, a
difficulties.29 To further complicate matters, indices used study using a flanker task to assess cognitive operations
to measure SES can be highly correlated with important related to alerting, orienting, and executive attention
mediators being considered, such as stress, nutrition, reported reduced speed and accuracy among low-SES
and family environment, making it difficult to isolate children, indicating difficulty in inhibiting distracting
the effect of SES.70,74 In spite of these various challenges, information.85
dedicated cognitive and developmental neuroscientists Recent neuroimaging evidence suggests that brain
have begun to uncover how variations in social status regions associated with executive functions may develop
lead to differences in neural structure and cognitive differently for individuals with lower-SES backgrounds.
development. In a study of children and adolescents aged 4–18 years
old, Lawson et al.43 reported that higher parental educa-
tion predicts increased cortical thickness in the left supe-
2.7 Impact of SES on Brain and
rior frontal gyrus and right anterior cingulate gyrus,
Cognitive Development frontal brain areas linked to the ability to suppress or
Typically demonstrating that low-SES individuals override competing responses while appropriately
do not perform as well as their higher-SES counter- adjusting the effort required to do so.86,87 These results
parts, a number of studies found that SES is associated are consistent with a study by Noble et al.88 using diffu-
with the development of cognitive functions, such sion tensor imaging (DTI) to investigate the structure of
as language, executive function, memory, and visual white matter in the brain of participants that varied on

2.  Social Status and Brain Structure: Status as an Environmental Factor 191
educational attainment. Their results suggest that lower environments are associated with impairments in atten-
educational attainment correlates with alteration of tion and executive function.
white matter tracts believed to be important for aspects
of cognitive control when compared to participants with
2.9 Language
higher educational attainment.
Recent studies explored the potential relationship Studies exploring the relationship between brain
between gray matter volume and maternal occupation morphometry and SES have also led to the suggestion
and education. In one such study, gray matter volume in that low-SES individuals have impairments in brain
a number of brain regions was found to be larger for chil- structures associated with language and reading. Focus-
dren with mothers who have higher levels of educational ing on 10- to 12-year-old children differing in SES (based
attainment and greater job prestige (using the Hollings- on parental income), Eckert et al.94 investigated the rela-
head 2-factor index).89 In another study, Raizada et al.90 tionship between phonological skill (the ability to break
report a marginal association (possibly due to a low down spoken and written words as individual units
sample size) in five-year-old children between greater of sound) and cortical surface area of the left and right
gray and white matter volumes, particularly in inferior planum temporale (regions in the temporal lobe that
frontal regions, and greater maternal education levels are highly involved with language processing). Eckert
and occupational prestige. However, possibly the most et al.94 found that, when taking into account SES, planar
convincing piece of evidence to support this relationship asymmetry (the difference of left minus right planum
comes from a study by Noble et al.91 investigating the temporale surface area, which has been associated with
relationship between SES and brain morphometry in a greater phonological awareness95) was positively corre-
large sample of 1099 typically-developing individuals lated with phonological skill, with low-SES participants
aged between 3 and 20 years. Results from this study showing lower phonological skills and lower asymme-
also indicate a positive relationship between surface try in the planum temporale. Similarly, evidence from
area in regions related to executive function and spatial Raizada et al.90 suggest that possessing higher SES, as
skills and SES. Interestingly, the increase in surface area determined by a composite of parental income and edu-
was found to be logarithmic, such that a subtle increase cational attainment, is associated with a greater degree
in income for lower-SES individuals is associated with a of hemispheric specialization in Broca’s area, or left infe-
relatively large increase in surface area, suggesting that rior frontal gyrus, during a rhyming task.
extremely disadvantaged children are the most nega- In a study considering the neighborhood SES of par-
tively impacted. ticipants 35–64 years of age, Krishnadas et al.96 found
Dysfunction in attention and executive function in that even after controlling for age and alcohol use, par-
low-SES children has also been demonstrated with the ticipants living in the most deprived neighborhoods
use of electrophysiology experiments. Using a technique have significant cortical thinning in bilateral perisylvian
measuring event-related potentials (ERPs), researchers cortices. These brain areas, which divide the frontal and
have been able to investigate differences in attention parietal lobes from the temporal lobe below, are believed
allocation in children from different SES environments. to be involved in language processing as it relates to ver-
ERPs allow researchers to measure electrical brain activ- bal short-term memory.97
ity at the scalp and provide superior temporal resolution Research by Noble et al.98 has shown that SES in chil-
but poorer spatial resolution than fMRI. In one particu- dren, measured as a composite of parental education,
lar set of studies, where children were asked to listen to occupation, and income-to-needs ratio, can moderate the
a story presented in one ear (the attended story) while relationship between certain brain behavior relationships
ignoring a story playing in the other ear (unattended important for reading. Phonological processing ability
story), researchers found differences in the amplitude is positively correlated with activity in the left fusiform
of the P1 component, a waveform associated with atten- and perisylvian cortices, brain areas believed to support
tion allocation occurring about 100 milliseconds follow- learning to read.99,100 However, Noble et al.98 have found
ing the presentation of the stimuli. Whereas higher-SES that this relationship differs among children of high
children displayed a greater P1 response corresponding versus low SES. In low-SES children, greater scores in
to the hemisphere in which the attended story was pre- phonological processing strongly predict greater activ-
sented, indicating correct discrimination of the distractor ity in left fusiform and perisylvian regions during read-
(or unattended) story playing in the other ear, lower-SES ing, whereas in high-SES children, this relationship is
children did not.92,93 less strong. These findings provide further evidence that
Although further research is needed to isolate the SES is intertwined with the development of reading and
components of social status shaping brain structure language abilities. Together, these studies indicate that
and functions, convergent evidence from behavioral, possessing a lower level of SES may result in impaired
fMRI, and ERP studies support the claim that low-SES brain functions related to language and reading, while


having a higher level of SES may safeguard individuals how researchers characterized SES, these findings indi-
from language and reading impairments. cate that future research integrating neuroimaging meth-
odologies and rigorous examinations of socioeconomic
factors should lead to a better understanding of the rela-
2.10 Stress tionship between social status and brain function. To
A number of studies have suggested that greater accomplish this goal, further research may also benefit
exposure to stressors in individuals from low-SES envi- from investigating the impact of mechanisms related
ronments can result in changes in neural structures reg- to prenatal and genetic influences. Furthermore, bet-
ulating stress response, particularly the hippocampus ter understanding the impact of social status on social
and amygdala.74,86,101–103 Impairments in function and interactions may provide insights into its pervasive role
development of both the hippocampus and amygdala in multiple facets of our lives. Indeed, recent functional
are important, as they can lead to dysregulation of the neuroimaging investigations suggest that one’s own
hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, one of the social status and the social status of others shape funda-
systems regulating responses to stressful stimuli.104 mental social cognitive processes.
In a study investigating gray and white matter volume
in children 6–12 years old, Luby et al.39 found that hippo-
campal and amygdala volumes increased as the income- 3.  HOW THE SOCIAL STATUS OF
to-needs ratio of an individual increased. Interestingly, the CONSPECIFICS SHAPES PERSON
authors also reported that individuals with greater num- PERCEPTION AND PERSON
ber of stressful life events could be expected to display EVALUATION
greater reduction in hippocampal volume, suggesting
that the relationship between the hippocampus and SES As previously mentioned, social status not only
may be due to experience- or environment-related stress. impacts cognitive and brain development, but also guides
A number of studies have shown reduced hippocam- many facets of social behavior.21,22,35,110–112 A small, but
pal and amygdala volume in low-SES individuals when growing, body of neuroimaging research has explored
assessed based on income, economic hardship, or educa- how social status shapes social cognition and provides
tional attainment.40,105–108 These findings are often sug- preliminary insights into how social hierarchies guide
gested to be the result of a strong correlation between how we respond to conspecifics. Once again, because it
higher educational attainment and parenting practices is such a multifaceted construct, investigations into the
promoting socioemotional development, which may neural substrates of social status processing produced a
have a protective effect on responses to environmental complex pattern of results spanning a number of brain
stressors.47,48,53 Consistent with the idea that educational regions. Nonetheless, some of these findings converge to
attainment may be a “proxy” for the quality of home provide insight into how status is identified and impacts
environment, smaller volumes in areas suggested to evaluations during person perception.
be related to stress regulation (i.e., hippocampus and Broadly speaking, areas of the prefrontal, parietal,
amygdala) have been found in individuals from homes hippocampal complex, and amygdala appear responsive
with lower educational attainment.39,40,89,105–109 These to variations in the social status of the individuals we
data suggest that greater educational attainment may be perceive. For example, within the prefrontal cortex, the
related not only to greater access to financial resources, ventral medial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC), ventrolateral
but also with a greater ability to deal with stress.64,109 prefrontal cortex (VLPFC), dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
Taken together, this research suggests the importance (DLPFC), and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (DMPFC)
of early factors related to social status on the devel- have all been suggested to be recruited when process-
opmental trajectory of the hippocampus and amyg- ing the social status of conspecifics.113–121 Whereas a
dala. Furthermore, it highlights the possibility that the number of social cognitive processes may be impacted
impaired development of these brain areas in low-SES by the availability of social status information, we will
individuals may result in an impaired ability to respond focus our review on brain regions believed to support
to later environmental stressors. status identification and status-based evaluation (see
Figure 1).114,116
2.11 Conclusion
3.1 Perceived Social Status from Perceptual
Environmental factors found to associate with social
Cues of Dominance
status have important effects on the development, mor-
phology, and function of various brain networks sup- As previously stated, research to date has construed
porting language, attention, executive function, and social status in a number of ways. In some instances,
stress responses. Whereas results may vary based on often building upon a rich body of research focused on

3.  How the Social Status of Conspecifics Shapes Person Perception and Person Evaluation 193

FIGURE 1  Brain regions believed to index status-based evaluation or status identification. Brain regions designated in red have been
hypothesized to be involved status-based evaluations. Brain regions designated in blue have been hypothesized to be involved in social status

nonhuman social hierarchies, status is suggested to be In studying the effects of social status on how we per-
identifiable from available perceptual cues (i.e., social ceive others, a number of fMRI studies have focused on
dominance).4,20,119,122–125 the neural underpinnings of perceived dominance from
Dominance impacts social organization across facial expression and body posture.118,119,127,139 In one such
a number of species, from ants to nonhuman pri- fMRI experiment, Marsh et al.119 presented photographs
mates.2,4,14,20,31,119,122–129 Dominant individuals tend of actors varying their gaze orientations, body postures,
to enjoy greater health, fertility, access to resources, and gestures to convey low, average, and high dominance
and reproductive success.14,31,126,128,129 Its impact on to participants who were asked to perform gender judg-
human social organization may be less ubiquitous, ments. High status was depicted by actors holding their
and the endorsement of dominance as a guiding prin- hands behind their back, harboring a dominant facial
ciple varies considerably across individuals and social expression, and generally portraying an “open” body
groups.125 Nonetheless, human perceivers readily infer posture. Low status was depicted by actors holding their
dominance from cues when encountering unknown chin, harboring a submissive facial expression, crossing
others.33,118,119,127,130–136 Dominance can be inferred from their legs under their seat, and generally portraying a
static facial cues (i.e., direct eye gaze and upward head “closed” body posture. Greater activity in the VLPFC in
tilt), dynamic facial cues (i.e., overt facial anger expres- response to individuals displaying high-status cues, rela-
sions, speaking quickly and confidently), bodily cues tive to neutral and low-status cues, was observed. The
(i.e., crossed arms, open chest, broad shoulders), and authors suggest that activity in this region may mediate
perceived nonverbal cues during social interactions changes in behavior dependent on the social context fol-
(i.e., increased eye contact while speaking compared to lowing status identification. This explanation is consistent
listening).35,118,130–132,137–140 Facial expressions of emo- with previous work suggesting that the VLPFC is recruited
tions have also been shown to convey dominance, with when socioemotional cues, including cues relevant to
expressions of anger being perceived as highly domi- social hierarchy, are available to influence the selection
nant and fearful expressions as highly submissive.131,132 of appropriate behavioral responses.117,119,127,141–145 Inter-
Given the extent to which social status shapes how we estingly, the authors also suggest that the VLPFC/lateral
construe others, the efficiency with which we perceive orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) could also be involved in pro-
dominance cues in our social environment may not be cessing the reward value of the targets. Considering that
surprising. Accordingly, recent brain imaging research the lateral, in contrast to the medial, OFC has previously
has begun to explore how the human brain may support been associated with negative evaluations of stimuli,146,147
social cognitive mechanisms sensitive to variations in it is possible that the dominance portrayed by the high-
the perceived dominance of conspecifics. status individuals may have led to negative evaluations.


Another study examined brain responses to domi- while they observed individuals of varying social sta-
nance cues in the context of the exploration of cultural tus engaged in a decision-making task (in this study,
differences between individualistic and collectivistic status was conveyed through peer ratings based on the
individuals during person perception.118 Indeed, it has task performance and leadership abilities of each indi-
been suggested that American culture tends to place vidual). They found that participants gazed longer and
higher value on dominance, whereas Japanese culture more often at the eyes and faces of high, compared to
tends to reinforce subordinate behavior.148 In this study, low, status individuals. Interestingly, recent research
social status was communicated via silhouettes or “fig- suggests that not only are we more likely to orient atten-
ural outlines” that displayed either a dominant body tion towards high-status conspecifics, but that we also
posture (i.e., crossing their arms and looking straight tend to orient our attention in the same direction as
ahead) or a subordinate body posture (i.e., looking down them. Indeed, using a gaze-cuing task, Dalmaso et al.157
and placing their feet together).118 The results revealed found that perceivers shift their attention in response to
that American perceivers had greater activation in the the averted eye gaze of high-status individuals (in this
caudate and MPFC in response to dominant postures, study status was conveyed through an occupation title
whereas Japanese perceivers had greater activation in presented in a CV).
the same brain areas when presented with subordinate These findings have been interpreted to suggest that
postures. The authors interpret these findings to suggest allocating and orienting attention based on social status
that these brain regions can be flexibly shaped by a cul- may be a spontaneous social cognitive skill essential
tural tendency to value more dominant or subordinate in navigating our social environment. However, only a
behavior. Accordingly, the caudate could be involved in handful of fMRI studies provide insights into the cog-
learning both the negative and positive value of stimuli nitive processes involved in social status identification.
during complex social interactions.149–151 Whereas dis- Whereas specific areas of the parietal and prefrontal cor-
tinct regions of the MPFC have been found to be involved tices are typically hypothesized to support status iden-
in mentalizing, self-referential processing, and social tification, other areas, such as the amygdala, have been
evaluations,152–154 the authors suggest that in the context shown to be responsive to variations in the social status
of their findings, the MPFC may reflect the processing of others.
of culturally-specific secondary reinforcers (i.e., domi- Existing research suggests that regions within the
nance for Americans participants and subordination for parietal cortex are involved in differentiating others
Japanese participants).155,156 These findings suggest that based on their social status.113–115,159,160 More specifically,
response to dominance cues can be flexible and shaped the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) has been suggested to rep-
by one’s culture and the values it tends to reinforce. resent social status. Although this region of the parietal
Whereas little research has directly addressed how cortex has previously been suggested to support the rep-
perceived dominance conveys status in human social resentation of numerical magnitudes,161–165 a number of
hierarchies, the fact that perceptual dominance cues recent studies suggest it may also index social distances,
efficiently shape neural responses to others suggest its including differences in social status. In one such study,
potential importance in guiding social behavior. Depart- participants were either asked to perform numerical
ing from this literature on the perception of dominance, comparisons (by comparing the magnitude of numbers)
the following sections will review neuroimaging research and social status comparison (by comparing the rank
examining how knowledge of the social standing of of military positions).159 The results revealed bilateral
others shapes person perception. IPS activation in response to both numerical and social
status comparison. Specifically, greater IPS activity was
found when comparing targets closer in distance than
3.2 Status Identification and Attention
those further apart. However, the processes involved in
to Social Status hierarchy differentiation may not be specific to social
In light of the prevalence of social hierarchies in our status comparisons but rather be indicative of the assess-
lives, it is not surprising that various cognitive and atten- ments of social distances. Indeed, in another study,
tional processes have been suggested to be particularly participants were asked to either estimate physical dis-
sensitive to the detection of social status. For instance, tances by indicating which one of two objects is closer
how we allocate attention toward others is believed to to them or social distances by indicating which one of
vary as a function of their social status. Although sen- two faces is closer to them.160 Interestingly, a nearby area
sitivity to difference in social rank has repeatedly been of the parietal cortex, the superior parietal lobule (SPL),
demonstrated in nonhuman animals,157,158 it has only is also believed to be involved in egocentric represen-
recently been systematically investigated in humans. To tations of spatial information relating external objects
do so, Foulsham et al.158 tracked the eye gaze (i.e., fre- to the self.166,167 Accordingly, it has been proposed that
quency and duration of eye movements) of perceivers the mental representation of numbers, physical space,

3.  How the Social Status of Conspecifics Shapes Person Perception and Person Evaluation 195
and social distance may all share common neural opera- et al.121 examined how social attention may vary within
tions supported by the IPS.159,160,168 stable versus unstable social hierarchies. In this study,
In addition to its involvement in explicit status com- social status was conveyed by the skill level (e.g., a “one
parisons, recent studies reveal that areas of the parietal star” for low status versus a “three stars” for high status)
cortex are spontaneously sensitive to social status infor- of fictitious opponents, depicted via a photograph, with
mation when perceiving or interacting with others.114,121 whom the participants were ostensibly playing a game.
In one such study, greater IPS activity was found in In reality, the game was simulated and the outcomes
response to faces paired with low financial status infor- were predetermined regardless of participants’ actual
mation (e.g., “earns $25,000”) compared to those paired performance. The results revealed greater activity in the
with high financial status information (e.g., “earns right inferior parietal cortex when participants viewed
$350,000”).114 In this study, the participants were never higher status players relative to lower status ones in a
asked to evaluate the social status of the targets and stable hierarchy condition. In contrast, during an unsta-
were instead required to form a holistic impression of ble hierarchy condition, additional regions, specifically
the individuals. the amygdala and the MPFC (regions suggested to be
We replicated and extended these findings in a sub- implicated in social cognition, behavioral readiness,
sequent study revealing, once again, greater IPS activity and emotion processing152,171,172), were preferentially
in response to faces paired with lower financial status responsive to viewing high status, compared to low sta-
compared to equal and higher financial status, but also tus, players. These findings suggest that perceivers are
greater activity to faces paired with equal and higher not only sensitive to others’ social rank relative to their
moral status compared to lower moral status.115 Impor- own, but that they are also influenced by the stability of
tantly, social status was not conveyed through salary the hierarchy. When in an unstable hierarchy, individu-
information but instead inferred based on colored back- als may be more likely to experience emotional arousal
grounds paired with the faces. For instance, during a stemming, for example, from perceived threats to their
prescan training period, darker red backgrounds may relative rank.
have been associated with “lower financial status” (than
the participants themselves), whereas lighter red back-
3.3 Status-Based Evaluation
grounds may have been associated with “higher finan-
cial status.” In this case, a darker blue background would Possibly because of the benefits conferred from pos-
have been associated with “lower moral status,” while sessing higher SES in our society, greater social status is
a lighter blue background would have been associated often suggested to lead to prestige and positive evalua-
with “higher moral status.” These cues were employed tions from others. Accordingly, individuals with higher
to convey levels and types of social status in order to status are suggested to be perceived as more compe-
minimize potential confounds associated with the pre- tent, valuable to the group, prominent, generous, and
sentation of statements indicating professional occupa- reputable, compared to individuals with lower social
tions or yearly earnings. In contrast to previous research standing.35,173–175 However, although social status may
where the status-related information was easily quanti- influence who we interact with, how we perceive them,
fiable, for instance, status based on salary114 or military and our behavior toward them, we may often be inac-
rank,159 this study extends earlier efforts by using status curate when inferring others’ personal characteristics
labels that may not as easily lend perceivers to number- based on social status information.176 Whereas high sta-
processing operations believed to be supported by the tus may be highly valued by others and confers pres-
IPS.162–164,169 One possibility is that IPS activity may be tige, it is still unclear whether individuals possessing
indexing the spontaneous assessment of the status of high social status are consistently evaluated in a positive
others in comparison to our own.114,115 The ability to light. For instance, differences in status-based evalua-
efficiently assess the relative status of conspecifics and tions may depend on the context in which we encounter
their status in relation to our own, and therefore “map- others or on the social dimension conferring their status.
out” a given social hierarchy, may be fundamental to our For example, individuals working on Wall Street may
ability to successfully navigate the social environment. be more likely to be positively evaluated by their peers
Although this hypothesis seems plausible based on pre- based on their wealth compared to individuals working
vious research,114,159,160 future research using larger sam- for nonprofit charitable organizations.
ples are needed to directly test this potential mechanism. The characteristics conferring greater status, and pos-
Assuming the existence of cognitive processes sup- sibly positive evaluations, can differ as a function of
porting the spontaneous identification of the social status the nature of social hierarchies. In addition to increased
of conspecifics, our response to the social status of oth- access to material resources, financial status may have
ers may also depend on the nature of social hierarchical such prominence in our society because of the positive
structures.14,170 Testing this hypothesis, a study by Zink life outcomes it confers.177–181 Nonetheless, whereas


high-status individuals may often be evaluated posi- of the VMPFC was sensitive to the moral status of
tively, being rich may not necessarily lead to positive individuals, such that higher activation was observed
evaluations.182 For instance, rich people tend to be seen in response to targets paired with person knowledge
as lower in warmth than other social groups.183 denoting high moral status, compared to those paired
In contrast, status conferred by relative moral stand- with person knowledge denoting low moral status.
ing, which is suggested to be integral to the maintenance In a subsequent study, we again examined VMPFC
of human social hierarchies,34,184 may typically lead to response to targets varying in these status dimensions.
positive evaluations and may be detected at an early As previously described, rather than using descriptive
age.36,37 In fact, it is conceivable that greater financial knowledge to convey social status, such as pay level or
wealth may also, in some instances, evoke lower moral professional occupation, participants were presented
status and lead to negative evaluations.182,183 In contrast, with individual faces paired with colored background
high moral status may confer the respect required to indicative of a given social status level (high, equal, or
maintain one’s standing within hierarchies.34,175,185 low) and dimension (financial or moral) learned during
Recent fMRI investigations suggest that the VMPFC a prescan training session. Analyses revealed an interac-
may index status-based evaluations.114,115,124,186 Lesion tion in VMPFC activity between status dimension (finan-
studies have involved the VMPFC in processes tied to cial vs moral) and status level, such that greater activity
mentalizing (thinking about the thoughts and feelings was not only observed in response to targets with higher
of others), emotion processing, decision-making, and compared to lower moral status, as previously shown,114
person evaluation.187–190 For example, individuals with but also in response to targets with lower compared to
damage to the VMPFC show impairments in moral judg- higher financial status. The behavioral evidence col-
ment191 and deficits during facial expressions of emotion lected also revealed that participants judged high moral
recognition tasks.192,193 Although this region is believed status individuals to be more likeable. Taken together,
to support numerous social cognitive functions, there is these findings suggest that, at least in some contexts,
increased evidence suggesting it may index social evalu- higher status may not always lead to positive evalua-
ations in the context of person perception. In the con- tions. In fact, supporting previous evidence,182,183 lower
text of social status judgments, evidence derived from financial status individuals may indeed be evaluated
human lesion studies suggest that patients with VMPFC more positively than higher financial status targets.
damage maintain the ability to recognize social status In addition to the VMPFC, which supports person
but exhibit deficits in moral judgment and social norm evaluation and, more generally, the generation of affec-
comprehension.124 This suggests that the VMPFC may tive meaning,124,154,202 there are a number of other brain
not support cognitive processes related to status iden- regions that appear to be involved in the perception
tification or differentiation but may instead support the and evaluation of individuals varying in social status.
status-based evaluation of others. The VMPFC has been Although future research will be required to better spec-
shown to be involved during the evaluation of a wide ify their functions, studies to date suggest that the amyg-
variety of stimuli.154,187,194–201 In the context of person dala, superior temporal sulcus, insula, fusiform gyrus,
perception, fMRI studies suggest that the VMPFC is and lingual gyrus may be components of networks
recruited when individuals are asked to evaluate oth- recruited during the processing of information related to
ers.114,202,203 Interestingly, preferential VMPFC responses social hierarchies.127,139,206–209
are observed not only when evaluating others, but also Whereas brain imaging research covered thus far pro-
when reporting one’s own affective state.204,205 The vides evidence of the impact of social status on brain
region may integrate affective and social information not regions involved in the perception and evaluation of
only when forming impressions of others, but also when others, a number of studies have also begun to explore
reflecting about the self. how individual differences in the social status of per-
Given its putative involvement in social evalua- ceivers impact brain responses during social cognitive
tive processes, it is not surprising that activity in the tasks. The final section in this chapter takes a brief look
VMPFC is responsive to the social status of others. In a at this research.
recent study, greater VMPFC activation was observed in
response to individuals paired with high, compared to
3.4 Individual Differences in Social Status
low, moral status, as indicated by their professional occu-
pation.114 In this study, participants were shown photo- Recent research has shown different ways in which
graphs of faces preceded by information denoting their one’s own perceived social status impacts brain activity
low or high moral status (e.g., “is a tobacco executive” or in response to others.44,120,186 Muscatell and colleagues120
“does cancer research”). Once again, participants were explored how subjective social status shapes brain activity
asked to form an impression of the targets, not to evalu- when thinking and feeling about others. In the first of two
ate their social status. Results revealed that activation fMRI experiments, participants varying in subjective social

4.  Towards an Integration of Brain Imaging Investigations of Social Status 197
status engaged in tasks requiring them to either think about associated with differences in ventral striatal activity in
people or objects. The results revealed greater activity in response to information paired with either high or low-
regions previously implicated in the mentalizing network, status targets. More specifically, perceivers who reported
such as MPFC, posterior Superior Temporal Sulcus (pSTS) higher subjective social status demonstrated greater
and precuneus/posterior Cingulate Cortex (PCC),210,211 in ventral striatal responses to targets of higher status,
response to trials in which participants were thinking about whereas participants with low subjective social status
people. In addition, a negative correlation was observed displayed greater ventral striatal activity when viewing
between participants’ subjective social status and activa- targets of lower status. In contrast to work with nonhu-
tion in MPFC and precuneus/PCC, such that participants man primates suggesting that higher status conspecifics
with lower subjective social status exhibited greater activ- may typically elicit greater reward responses,16–20 these
ity in these regions. Based on previous work implicating findings suggest that individuals with similar social sta-
these brain areas in mentalizing processes (thinking about tuses may be more rewarding. Taken together, the results
the thoughts and feelings of others)152 and evidence sug- of these three experiments suggest that our own social
gesting that, at least in some contexts, lower status individ- status shapes how we respond to others.
uals display greater social engagement, empathic accuracy,
and perspective taking skills,212–214 the authors concluded
that low-status individuals, relative to their high-status 4.  TOWARDS AN INTEGRATION
counterparts, may be more likely to focus on others’ mental OF BRAIN IMAGING INVESTIGATIONS
states and infer how they might think and feel. OF SOCIAL STATUS
In their second experiment, Muscatell et al.120
extended the previous findings by exploring the rela- Initial brain imaging efforts suggest that social hier-
tionship between perceivers’ SES and threat perception. archies and social status impact cognitive functioning,
Participants in this experiment were adolescents; there- shape brain structures, and impact the neural substrates
fore, parental income and educational attainment were of person perception and evaluation. Although the
used to assess their level of SES. When in the scanner, previously described findings are indicative of prog-
participants were asked to view a series of threatening ress toward our understanding of how this important
faces (i.e., facial expressions of anger). In line with previ- construct shapes us and our response to others, much
ous behavioral findings,215,216 results revealed a negative remains to be done to better understand the neural
correlation between participants’ social status and brain processes at play and to integrate these findings across
activation in regions of interest, such that perceivers with many relevant research areas.
lower SES tended to have increased activity in the MPFC For example, according to a status characteristics the-
and left amygdala in response to threatening images rel- ory,217 higher social status is associated with certain social
ative to a fixation baseline. The authors interpret these groups, such as being white, male, middle-aged, having
results as evidence of a relationship between social sta- higher educational attainment, and having greater occu-
tus and the recruitment of brain regions involved both pational prestige. Although, as discussed, income, edu-
in mentalizing (i.e., MPFC) and threat detection (i.e., cation, and occupation are commonly used as objective
amygdala). Similar to the first study, they suggest that markers of social status, race and gender may also serve
those lower in social status may have greater abilities to as status cues (in a similar way dominance cues are sug-
recognize others’ mental and emotional states. gested to indicate social status) and interact with other
Finally, a recent study explored how the subjective status indicators during person perception and evalua-
social status of perceivers may impact reward responses tion.123 Indeed, in the context of contemporary American
when processing information about others varying in culture, social status and race are often intertwined. Mem-
social status. In this study, Ly et al.186 found that viewing bers of racial minority groups, such as African Americans,
individuals of the same rank as oneself elicited greater are often assumed to be socially disadvantaged, whereas
activity in the ventral striatum, an area widely associated white individuals are often assumed to possess high
with reward processing. During an fMRI session, partici- status.218 Future studies may benefit from exploring the
pants were shown two faces serially along with a caption interaction of race and gender with various indicators
indicating whether the individual had a higher or lower of social status to better understand the variables shap-
social status than them. Following the serial presentation ing the distributed network of brain regions involved in
of these faces, the two faces were presented one above person perception. When doing so, important individual
the other along with a statement (i.e., which person has differences, such as contact to racial outgroup members219
been fired from more than one job?). Participants were and endorsement of status-legitimizing beliefs, should be
then instructed to indicate to which of the two individu- considered.220 For example, research suggests that whites
als the statement was more likely to pertain. The results endorsing status-legitimizing beliefs view rises in social
revealed that participants’ subjective social status was status of black individuals as threatening.218 Similarly,


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