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Performance Task

General Biology
Marielle M. Dilidili
Stem 12-4
Ms. Mary Rose Landicho
Curtle is an animal that evolved from Octopus and Turtles. Its
scientific name is Cuvier Testudine that came from the genus of Octopus
and scientific name of turtles. The name curtle is the mixture of the word
cuvier and turtle. Curtles live in lakes near the forests. It is an omnivore
type of animals because it loves eating grass and small fishes that can
be found of lakes. Curtle is about 9.5 meters long when it is fully grown.
It belongs to the kingdom of Animalia and it evolve from an order of
extinct Mesozoic marine animals.

Curtle has a soft blue skin that becomes rough whenever it gets
angry. It has cream-color underside that is a little bit sticky specially
when it just came out from the water. It helps them moved in the land
together with its 5-mini tentacle like arms and legs. It has hard back like
on turtles that serves as their house. One of the special features of a
curtle is that it is very flexible that it can fit on its hard back-house. It
also has this horn that is very dangerous when being touched. It is what
curtle use to hunt its prey. The horn has a very high electrifying power
that would instantly kill whatever animal it touches. Its spiral ear can also
hear as far as 500m from its position. The dark blue spots of curtle
glows in the dark which is very enthralling in the eyes that is why it
attracts its prey easily to come closer to its glowing spots. Compare to
turtles and octopuses that moves slower, curtle can move 45km/hr in
the land and 27mph in the water.
Evolution is a theory that not everyone can always agree. There
are people who never believes on this because they believe that God is
the one who created everything in this world. It is hard to go against
people that is not sharing the same beliefs as what you believe into
because respect will always come first in our minds. But how can I
convince them to at least share their main points about the evolution on
organism in order for them to understand its classification and scientific

According to Charles Darwin (1809), “It is not the strongest of

species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one that is most
responsive to change”. We are all species and organisms of our own
ancestries. We all grow and evolve as time passes by. Evolution is just
a belief based on science which everyone can participate regarding their
opinions and hypothesis. It is important that someone knows what are
the possible origins that can be contrary to their own belief. On the other
hand, you don’t need to believe, you just need to learn and know
because that is one of the key to survive in this world. It is one of the
most important thing that matters to a person and survival is based on
how a person want to live in the present time up to the future.

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