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Creative Portfolio
The art of convincing others to want
to struggle for shared aspiration.
To get to where I am today I cut out what doesn't matter
in my life, I found myself thinking about things that I had ENVISION
no control over and what didn't matter. I remembered
what I wanted in life and that was to succeed and be the
best version of myself. I started the change by being true
to myself and following my path, and put aside what
My envision statement follows my future desires. I
others thought about me. I wasn't going to achieve a wrote my envision statement as if I accomplished my
better perspective of myself and life if I didn't change. I desires, I believe it will make these desires more likely
started waking up early to get the most out of my day. I to happen.
became more present by finding an outlet to my stress,
such as working out. I learned to listen more. I wasn't
listening I was jumping to conclusions and or thinking
about what was next. I learned to become more present
with my feelings. A lot of the times I pushed away my
feelings or acted okay. When working with others to be
the most effective teammate, I now share my ideas even if
I think they are "dumb" I continuously contribute and
know my weaknesses don’t hold me back. These powerful
changes helped me perform in new ways because I have

fully acknowledged my differences and have found ways to
become better at them.

Gwynevere Viola

E 03

Gwynevere Viola
Genuine- being honest and real with people/situations at all times.
Faithful- having faith within a religion or person with higher meaning.
Determined- pushing forward in difficult situations.
Self Respect- knowing my worth as a person even when disappointed with people.
Loyalty- Having people's best interests regardless of knowing them.

Meaning of values:
Genuine, faithful, determined, self-respect, and loyalty reflect my voice. My voice
reflects genuineness because of my honesty with people regardless of the situation.
When something is true I agree with it, when I hear something that isn't true to me I
don't, regardless if it will make me stand out or seem different. It is important to me
to stand my ground and let people know that I am authentic and genuine towards
everyone regardless of our relationship. My voice reflects faithfulness towards my
religion and my consistent practice towards god. I am faithful to what I believe in
and do my best to follow my faith. My voice reflects determination. I am always set
on a goal and searching for ways in which I can achieve that goal. When I achieve
that goal I am determined to achieve my next one. My voice reflects self-respect
growing up my dad having three daughters made sure we all knew how to respect
ourselves. I am honest to those in my life about who I am and what I am not. I know
how to say no in situations. My voice reflects loyalty. I can stick with people
through the good and bad times. My voice reflects all of my core values.

Gwynevere Viola

My DISC profile shows I am a high D. Being

a high D means that I am a very assertive,
approachable, self-assured, and decisive
person. With being a high D comes struggles
such as relaxing, needing more clarification,
patience, and pacing myself. This assessment
showed me a lot about the type of person I
am, more importantly, my weaknesses, and
starting a journey to work on them.

Gwynevere Viola 07
For my C4 I took my DISC profile and used it as an
opportunity for growth. The area of growth I
identified was being impatient. Throughout my C4
experience, I learned a lot about myself and how
much my weakness impacted me.

Gwynevere Viola 05

Gwynevere Viola
Future | Determined | Puntual | Genuine |
This image represents the future I perceive by
showing the path towards the skyline. The path
towards the skyline embodies my determination.
The flow of traffic demonstrates the punctual
person I am. This image is a raw image with no

edits which represents genuineness. The city
traffic shows consistency which I follow.

Gwynevere Viola 08

Leader of Crux a Religious retreat

Crux, a religious retreat showed me what it's like to be a true leader. Crux was a time to reflect on how god is present in our lives, and
talk about the hard times we've overcame. I was a leader during this retreat, at the time I was labeled a leader but didn't know why. I
thought it was because I attended the retreat the year before and was now asked to lead. I shortly realized that's not why I was called a
leader. I questioned many times during the weekend how I was the leader. We all talked about God, his presence in our lives, and how
he's helped us. I thought that given the position, I had more purpose there than just to ‘lead’ the conversations. My goal of this retreat
was to impact my group and make them feel as if they left with more than they came. Even if that was just hearing my story. I shared a
time in high school when I really struggled in life. I did this because I wanted to inform my group that although, our lives look good
everyone has a story. I then realized my purpose and why I was asked to be a leader. I told my story and I wanted anything but sympathy.
I wanted people to hear this story and show them that we all face struggles and those struggles are what build each and everyone of us
into the people we are supposed to be.

The result of telling my story for me was defined how I was a leader. I use this experience to guide me through life, to help remind me it's
important to lead with purpose but if you don't know your purpose then you cant be a leader. I accomplished a place where others could
relate, feel safe, and most of all learn that setbacks don't hold you back; they push you to something greater. There were many guiding
principles that helped govern my actions throughout my weekend at Crux. I lead by example by listening to my peers' stories and sharing

mine as a source to follow, reminding them that we’ve ALL gone through a struggle even if it's small. I learned from my experience what
leadership really is. I was given the title to guide my peers in personal growth and realization from my story and experience in a hard

Key learnings:
You must be vulnerable to share your Ideas, thoughts, stories and questions. What holds you back from being a leader is not being
vulnerable to share and struggle.
You must be willing to take responsibility to do so and get to the end point.
You must be willing to listen to others Ideas, thoughts, stories and questions.
You must be yourself and remind yourself that no two people are the same.

Gwynevere Viola 09
To be the best leader I can be I must follow the steps in my box
What might stop me from achieving my vision are my thoughts getting in the way of my expectations. I
tend to shoot down my high hopes. I tend to doubt myself. I have negative thoughts in my box. I also have
positive thoughts in my box. Negative and positive thoughts contradict each other, preventing me from
achieving my future goals. I need to minimize those thoughts because giving my negative thoughts more
time causes more room to not achieve my set goals.

I received coaching on being impatient. I've been told to slow down, listen, and be present in the
moment. When I'm impatient I am getting way too ahead of myself, this holds me back significantly from
my goals. If I am present I can't get ahead of myself and my negative thoughts will be limited.

I’ve already started changing my habits by doing my C4, that is to be patient. It showed me how vital

patience is for achieving my goals in school and life. I am proud to say I’ve become more patient by
noticing what it is that is holding me back and how it affects me greatly and feeds into my other thoughts
like negativity.

Gwynevere Viola
Personal Development Plan
Strengths Opportunities
Straight Forward Learn to pace
Working with teams is the first action in which I actively Not planning will be the first action I will pursue to strengthen

pursue to strengthen my strength. I believe working with my opportunities. I will do this because it is something that will
others will utilize my skill of being straightforward. It will help me in life, school and even work. Learning to slow down
be useful to come together to understand what needs to be and pace for future needs will greatly help me understand
done and how we should go about it in a group setting. things better. Another action I am choosing to do to help
Another action I am choosing to do is to be direct with strengthen my opportunities is to take life day by day. I tend to
my ideas. Allow me to fully express a new ideas whether I think a lot as to what's next and what I have to do after this
think it will sound dumb. class.
Self-assured Have a logical approach
To be more assured with myself I will do one thing a The first action I will take is to pay closer attention to detail. I
month that is outside of my comfort zone. I believe this will do this by listening thoroughly to whoever is speaking to
will help strengthen a skill of mine. Another action I am me and directions. I’m choosing this action because it will help
choosing to take is to continue to do what's best for me me take a logical approach to everything I do. I will be more
even when times are hard. Sometimes it can be hard to truthful to everyone to help strengthen my approach to
always put yourself first, even though I am self-assured I situations. I tend to hold back in class ideas, I tend to hold back
too can forget to put myself first. These actions will help certain situations because I am unsure about them. This is
me so much even when it comes to class, know my holding me back greatly and my ideas should be said. I chose to
strengths, know that I can do something that will help me be more truthful because sometimes I tend to not be when it
succeed. comes to ideas.

Gwynevere Viola
The Five Characteristics of
You must lead by example. I shared I modeled the way at the retreat I went on by
being valuable and sharing my story so others felt open to sharing theirs.


Enabling is a vital leadership characteristic. Letting everyone get a fair chance at
something reflects a leader. Everyone's voices matter.
I am passionate at making sure all members feel heard. Encouraging people is vital in being a leader.
Take small risks. I always remind myself you can never be comfortable if you are
never once uncomfortable. I challenged the process during my C4 project to become
more patient.


By following the four other characteristics will allow you to inspire a shared vision amongst your
group. Having an agreed idea towards a concept/ project is very important when working.

Gwynevere Viola
My Bug List

Unorgani- When
Long someone
Exams Grades zed
people lines doubts you

Annoyin- People When you
who always
ly smart
think they
Tickets who talk burn your
people tongue

are right loud

Gwynevere Viola



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