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Receiving and QC

Assemble Area
• Receive PDA from TL.
o Check Battery and condition of PDA.
o If Damage report to Supervisor.
o If in Good Condition Directly login by IDP.
o Follow the assigned task by supervisor / Team leader.
• Receive Totes codes
o Totes code must take care well and if found on floor will charge to Operator.
• QC Area Receiving.
o While shift start must receive Floor on good condition.
o FIFO must be followed from start of the shift.
o Clean floor
• Collect Trolley and Jack Pallet to start QC.
o Double or Wrong Barcode found on product will penalize.
o Barcode found on floor will charge to operator.
• Receiving tasks from Supervisor / Team leaders.
o At the assemble point must receive your task from direct reporting person.
o Collect your Tools according to your task.
o If there is unavailability of tools or tasks must talk to Supervisor to change task.

QC, Picking and Labeling:

Item Search & QC & Labeling

• Open WMS super and login via IDP in the PDA.

• Transfer material form staging area to receiving stations as per the instructions provided by TL/Inbound Supervisor.
• Put materials at empty processing area of receiving station following FIFO.
• Product profile must meet the SLA.
• Open WMS app click on pick job and scan ASN (from desktop)
• Perform Following steps
o Accept Job
o Scan Tote
o Scan location barcode – “PI” (PI location barcode is pasted on each station)
• Scan Items and put in tote.
• Scanned Item will show quantity of items scanned, image of each item scanned will also be visible in the screen, while
putting in tote, operator need to cross check item and quantity.
• In case wrong item or barcode is scanned, wrong item error will come, rescan the wrong item to remove.
• Product received must match the content shown in Screen.
• Item not found on screen must forward to Problematic area.

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