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Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.9 Membedakan fungsi sosial, 1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan struktur teks, dan unsur
beberapa teks hortatory exposition kebahasaan beberapa teks
lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan hortatory exposition
meminta informasi terkait 2. Menganalisis fungsi sosial,
pandangan/pendapat mengenai topik struktur teks, dan unsur
yang hangat dibicarakan umum, kebahasaan beberapa teks
argumentasi pendukung, serta saran, hortatory exposition
sesuai dengan konteks 3. Menangkap makna kalimat
penggunaannya pada teks hortatory exposition

4.9 teks hortatory exposition 4. Membuat teks hortatory

4.9.1 menangkap makna secara
kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks hortatory
exposition lisan dan tulis, terkait
isu aktual

4.9.3 menyusun teks hortatory

exposition lisan dan tulis, terkait isu
aktual, dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai

1. Pelajari kembali Listening script minggu lalu yang pernah kalian isi

Prabu : Have you heard the news that the Chief Justice of Constitutional Court was
arrested by the Corruption Eradication Commission over bribery charges?

Perdana : Yes, I heard it from the news on television. Now it becomes the hot news around
the country. People are talking about it everywhere.

Prabu : You know, a worse thing is that the bribery is allegedly related to elections lawsuit
and it involves a member of the House of Representatives and a regent as well as a family member
of a governor. And another worse thing is that investigators of the Corruption Eradication
Commission had found illegal drugs, incuding four marijuana joints and two shabu-shabu pills,
inside the office of that justice chief during the search.

Perdana : Yes, you are right. This ruins our trust on the Constitutional Court. And quite
recently the Corruption Eradication Commission has released the suspicious transactions in and
out of his bank accounts, which amounted to more than Rp 100 billion.

Prabu : That’s shocking. And I also heard that the Corruption Eradication Commission has
seized more than 15 luxurious cars for the accusations of a graft case of this chief justice of
Constitutional Court.

Perdana : I believe this scandal greatly impacts the image and authority of the court.

Prabu : Of course it does.

2. Pelajari Modul yang kalian miliki mulai halaman 59 bagian C (Generic Structure of a
Hortatory Exposition) – halaman 67.

3. Bersama dengan teman kelompokmu, carilah sebuah teks HORTATORY

EXPOSITION dari sumber apapun. Jangan lupa mencantumkan sumbernya
(link/penerbit dan penulis buku). Teks tidak boleh mengambil dari modul yang
sudah kalian baca & pelajari.

4. Setelah kalian memilih dan sepakat, buatlah salinan teksnya dengan

memperhatikan generic structure dari teks Hortatory Exposition

5. Buatlah rekaman video untuk menerangkan generic structure dari teks Hortatory
6. Dengan adanya pekerjaan kelompok dan pembuatan video ini, bukan berarti
kalian harus bertemu tatap muka dan menjadi alasan untuk kalian berkerumun.
Kalian dapat melakukannya secara online melalui virtual meeting. Begitu pula
untuk proses perekaman, kalian dapat mengaturnya sedemikian rupa tanpa

7. Durasi video disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan, dan pada saat pengambilan gambar
memakai pakaian PSAS lengkap.
Penilaian pada video ini merupakan penilaian individu & kekompakan kelompok
kalian masing-masing. Hal yang akan dinilai adalah:
a. Ketepatan pembagian generic structure pada teks Hortatory Exposition yang
kalian pilih & tuliskan pada laporan hasil kerja
b. Penjelasan & pemaparan generic structure oleh setiap anggota kelompok
c. Pelafalan (Pronunciation), Fluency (kefasihan), Intonasi dan style (cara/gaya)
dalam pemaparan isi teks

8. Setiap anggota kelompok wajib mengumpulkan Bagian ketiga students’ sheet

(Laporan Hasil Kerja) di GC masing-masing pada tenggat waktu yang telah
ditentukan dengan cara ditulis kembali pada file Ms Word dengan format
nama_kelas_laporan hasil kerja Hortatory Exposition
Hanya, khusus link video ditulis pada drive ketua kelompok saja.


1. Tulislah teks yang kalian sepakati disini, jangan lupa membaginya berdasarkan
Generic Structure teks Hortatory Exposition!

Judul : Why Student should manage their stress

Generic Structure :


Why Students Should Manage Their Stress


Stress among student can be caused by interpersonal which includes the factor like
relationships with family and friend or because of the academic itself. Workload of
college, difficult tests, and other academic obstacles may also lead to stress. Thus,
stress among students can be dangerous for several reasons.
Because in this pargraph tells about main idea of the text.


Firstly, major negative effect of stress is on emotional health.Emotional health

problem is more dangerous than physical health problem because it can lead to
most disastrous effects of all that is committing suicide. Emotional or mental health is
an expression of our emotions and signifies a failure adaptation to the range of
demands in life. The stressful life events can lead to all the failure just by conquering
our mind. Thus, it is very important to maintain our mental and emotional health
because once our emotional health was disturbed, it can lead to various of diseases
such as depression, anxiety, emotional eating, anger and so on.

The second disastrous effect of stress to an individual especially students is on

academic performance. Actually this effect affected students beyond their thinking.
Once they are in stress they have difficulty to concentrate on their study and finally
their result will ruin because they cannot do well in their exams. That is how their
academic performance shows such negative improvement from day to day because
they cannot manage their stress well. Therefore, stress can be dangerous to
student’s life.

Because it tells about writer’s opinion that support the main idea


For those reasons, it is better that we should find the causes of stress which we are
going through, know the bad effect that we may face and take actions to manage it.

Because In this paragraph is giving advice and suggestion about the topic.

Sumber teks :

Penulis: Tiyas

2. Anggota kelompok : Annisa Lutfi I F (03)

Farhan Fauzan (07)
Marsya Chandraningtyas (18)
M Bangkit Z H S (21)

3. Link video : ...

1. thesis
Thesis is introduction to the main idea of an effect or event that will be raised or
discussed. The thesis which is stated in the first paragraph of the exposition lead some
pargraph consist of arguments.
2. arguments
Argument is the opinions of the writer that support the main idea. The more opinions the
author write, the more attractive a histatory exposition, because readers tend to believe
in an event if there are many opinions that support in it.
3. recommendation
Recommendation is used to give advice or such a suggestion to the readers to make a
choice by considering the presented arguments

A hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the
listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done. In other words,
the main function of Hortatory Exposition text is to persuade the readers or listener that
something should or should not be the case . Hortatory exposition text can be found in
scientific books, journals, magazines, newspaper articles, academic speech or lectures,
research report etc. Hortatory expositions are popular among science, academic community
and educated people.

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