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Work Record Validator List

The Work Record Validator List {WRVL) is a high-level, chronological overview of your experience. It includes brief details of your employment positions,
responsibilities, and experience.

Each WRVL page must include:

• the name of the employer you worked for and the position you held there
• the country the work was performed in
• your start date, your end date, and the total months you worked for the company

You must provide at least 48 months of engineering experience supported by validators and references. However, you are encouraged to provide all your
relevant experience.

When describing the brief overview of a position, applicants must explain how and where they personally applied engineering theory through design, design
review, analysis, or problem solving in their work. They must briefly describe the engineering problem they solved, focusing on their specific contribution to
the work, structure or process; the calculations and/or analysis they performed; and the engineering principles they applied. Also, applicants should avoid
using examples where they performed routine maintenance, testing, construction, or assembly, unless it involved a problem for which they provided an
engineering solution (i.e., the applicant applied engineering principles).

You must type your employment history in a chronologlcal order and provide contact information for your validators and references.
3. How to Complete the Work Record Validator List (WRVL)

Watch the full Competency-Based Assessement playlist on YouTube

Verifying Work History and Competency

Your work experience history must be verified in two ways: References confirm that you ware employed for a given period and position, and valldators
review and score the competencies that you have claimed for that position.

Role I Responsibility Professional Background Number Required

Reference Confirms employment • Manager at the employer At least one for

duration and position(s) or each position
• Human Resources at the employer
• The validator (as below)

Valldator Validates and scores Expected to be a P.Eng. or equivalent senior practitioner in At least three
each listed competency engineering who took responsibility for your technical work:

·Any validator who is not a P.Eng. should explain how they are a senior practitioner in engineering. This may include providing their engineering qualification
(engineering degree and professional designation).
Failure to provide an appropriate validator could result in your application being deferred or refused. The onus is on you as the applicant to ensure that you
are using appropriate validators.

Work Record Validators

A validator is a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) who took technical responsibility for your work. Validators will be asked to review your self-
assessment and provide a score and commentary for each competency that was assigned. Validators will also be asked to provide overall feedback about
your suitability and readiness for registration.

A validator must have first-hand knowledge of the examples you provide and be able to comment on the quality and competency of your work. Supervisors,
mentors, managers, colleagues, or clients are all possible validators for your application. You must provide at least three validators who can rate and
validate the indicators that you provide for each of the 22 key competencies.

If you are providing two or more validators for the same employment position, copy and paste the details of the position onto separate pages of the
WRVL and provide each validator's information on a different page.

If you are not using your experience at a company to prove a competency, you may include your reference's information in the validator box.

Colleagues or mentors that you did not directly work with do not qualify to be validators, because validators need to have taken technical
responsibility for your work.

If your validator is not registered with an engineering regulatory body in another Canadian jurisdiction, please identify the following:

• Professional designation
• Registration country

Work Record References

A reference is a person who can confirm your position and the duration of your experience with a company. This person can be your manager, a
colleague, or a human resources staff member. Your reference does not need to have technical knowledge of your work and does not need to have been
your direct supervisor.

You need at least one reference for each employer you have worked for. A reference can also be a validator.

Modified Reference Questionnaire

APEGA sends the Modified Reference Questionnaire (MRefQ) out to any references identified on the Work Record Validator List. References should review
your work record, which is provided on page 3 of the questionnaire, and confirm the details you have provided.
Download the CBA Guide (PDF)

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