Surveying, Transpo

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CE SURVEYING CONVERSIONS » ‘revolution = 360° = 2m rad = 400 grads = 6,400 mils > Degrees Celsius: °C = (6/9)(°F — 32) » Degrees Fahrenheit: °F = (9/5)(°C) + 32 TAPE CORRECTIONS e » True Distance = (Measured or Laid Distance)(1 £ *) > TAPE CORRECTIONS: 1. Temperature Correction: — eremp = a(Ta— Ts)(L) = Pa-Ps)(L) LL 2. Pull Correction; pul AE wed) 3. Sag Correction: esac = { , 24(Pa) 4. Slope Correction: ne a. Gentle slopes (S < 20%): em 38 n? ont b. Steep slopes (20% = $ < 30%): e= 38 ~ = c. Very steep slopes (S> 30%): e= § (1-cosd) 6. RSL Correction: Sea Level Distance = L(RF) h Reduction Factor: RF=1—- R 1 Tally = 10 Pins 1 Pin = 1 Tape Length 4 Pin= 100 Links (for Engr’s Chain) 1 Link = 1 Foot 1 Perch = 1 Rod = 16. Feet 1 Vara = 33 Inches vYVY True Length P; a pce aor Average Paces » Standard length of subtense bar = 2 meters LEVELING >» Diff. In elev. = AH = Elev. 2 - Elev. 1 = BS; ~ FS, >» Elev. HI = Elev. 1+ BS; » Elev. 2= Elev, Hi- FS PROBABLE ERROR AND RELATIVE PRECISION > Standard Error: >» — Probable Error of: a. Single measurement: PEs = 0.6746(S,) b. The mean: PEw= 0.6746 ($4) - 1 > Relative Precision = Taye (PE STADIA AND COMPASS SURVEYING >» Horizontal Distance: H= IG) (S)(cos 8) + (f+ el|(cos 8) > Vertical Distance: = V= (() (S)(cos 6) + (f+ o) {sin €) >» — Insolving Compass Survey Problems, start by setting its North directions (TN and MN) before its bearings (TB and MB); TN = True North, is fixed vertically while MN = Magnetic North, is moved by declination, local attraction, etc. CURVATURE AND REFRACTION CORRECTION, TRIANGULATION PROBLEM > Curvature and Refraction: — Heorrection = 0.067K2 >» Trapezoid Proportion: Ha(Xq + Xc) = AHa(Xc) + AHc(Xa) > FScorected * FSreading + Refraction ~ Curvature BALANCING OF TRAVERSE v Departure = (Distance, D)(sin B) > Latitude = (Distance, D)(cos f) > Linear Error of Closure: LEC = eeu (Zepep)? > S' LE: Li A. Latitude: eLat = foun (Fs t) . 2 [Dep| B. Departure: ever = eee ( Fee) > COMPASS RULE: f A. Latitude: eLat = -teun( Se) ist. B. Departure: ever = -Beoe( ee) AREA COMPUTATIONS > TRAPEZOIDAL RULE: A® VA(d)[ (ht # fn) + 2(SHintormediate)] » SIMPSON'S 1/3 RULE (ODD offsets only): A® Ya(d)f(ts + fin) + 4(Y hover) + 2(¥. Hoa] NOTE: The two (2) given formulas are applicable if and only if the perpendicular offsets have regular intervals, d. : 1 HYDROGRAPHIC AND MINE SURVEYING > GURRENT METER: Velocity, V = a(N) + b > END-AREA METHOD: Vea ® Ya(A)E(As + An} + 2(SAintermediste)) >» PRISMOIDAL METHOD: Vp & Yo(d)[(Ad + An) + 4(SAoven) + 2(SAcdd)] fies _ Grade > MINE SURVEY EQT’NS: Tan B= tan ip) Drift = Strike + 6 VOLUME OF EARTHWORKS > VOLUME USING END-AREA: Vea = (1/2)(Ar + Aa)(L) > VOLUME USING PRISMOIDAL EQT’N: Vp = (4/6)(Ai + 4Am + A2)(L) >» PRISMOIDAL CORRECTION EQT'N: Vpc = (1/12)(C1 - C2)(Di ~ D2)(L) Veorrecteo ™ Ven = Vec > VOLUME USING UNIT AREA METHOD: V=%(A Ths + 25h2 + 3She + 4Fha) MASS DIAGRAM Cp LEH= (2) (Cc) + FHD c,) You QHG = (5) onmyeven) [Yenanow Where: Cp = Cost of borrow Ch = Cost of hauling C = Length of 1-station C= 20 m or 100 feet LEH = Length of Economical Haul FHD = Free Haul Distance MASS DIAGRAM OHC = Overhaul Cost (or cost of hauling) OHD = Overhaul Distance = Centroid Distance —- FHD MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS >» AZIMUTH = is measured either from North or South at clockwise direction; The term “back azimuth” is obtained by: (a) (180° + 6) when azimuth is less than 180°; and (b) (6 — 180°) when azimuth is more than 180°, > ;OMMON ALIGNING THE TE! 1. Error when a horizontal axis is inclined with h the true horizontal. E= e(tan 62 - tan 04) 2. Error when the line of sight is not perpendicular to the horizontal axis. E= e(sec 02 — sec 61) 3. Error due to the plunging of the telescope = E(2e) A » MAGNIFYING POWER OF TELESCOPE, MPT = 3 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL (or PARABOLIC) CURVES SIMPLE, COMPOUND AND REVERSE CURVE >» Treat the curve as if you are solving an arc of a circle. > Derive equations in terms of radius, R and central angle, 6. » Use 20m length for both arc and chord basis. > Gentral angle, 6 is equal to the angle of intersection, I. > Ina simple curve (or arc of circle), the deflection angle, 5 is one-half of the central angle, 6 (Inscribed Angle Theorem). » Common tangent of compound and reverse curve = T; + Tz. SPIRAL (or EASEMENT) CURVE o.oaev® le= R < V= velocity [in kph] 0.0216v> ; bco= ~RC) + C=centripetal acceleration At any point within Spiral: At point (SC): (L > Le) 41 1 > i=3 8) ~ le® 3 (Sc) 2 > $F BRele + Sc Re is he)? > xe RL > xe= oR ie g)* 2 YEE Rae OCR > [thc + 28e Ic = central angle of a simple curve 1 > p# Pp; (Xe) p= length of throw > From the right triangle of a spiral: ran(f) =H coe (2)- 22% VERTICAL (or PARABOLIC) CURVE > SYMMETRICAL PARABOLIC CURVE 1 Height of Intersection: => L(A) 5 » Location of the Highest or Lowest Point (HP or LP): v L n= a(5) = 0(5) Where: L = Total length A= |o2~ al >» UNSYMMETRICAL PARABOLIC CURVE . LilgA Height of Intersection: He 2i+ly Location of the Highest or Lowest Point (HP or LP): 2 2 ~ Mh — 92hb2) me elt nee Ske NOTE: If assumption is wrong, then use the other formula. > THREE SOURCES OF EQUATION: 1. Height of Intersection, H 2 x 2. Square property of parabola: ke 7 = constant a rise 3. Right triangle property: Grade, g = an TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SIGHT DISTANCES (for HORIZONTAL CURVE) 5? > CASEI : Sel Mage Ls ~L) > CASEI : Sol Mase SIGHT DISTANCES (for VERTICAL CURVE) SUMMIT PARABOLIC CURVE AG)? Se 200 (fa + fa) _200( Jy + fe) A > GASEI: (SSL) > CASEI (S>L) Le2s NOTES: 41. Stopping sight distance hy = 3.75 feet = 1.14m he = 6 inches = 0.15 m 2. Passing sight distance hi = ha = 3,75 feet = 1.14m \G PAR; VE Acs)? >» CASEI: (S» CASEI: (S>L) Le A >» Maximum allowable velocity of the car moving in a vertical (or parabolic) sag curve; _ 395(L) Ves V= velocity [kph], A= |gz~91| L= meters NOTES: 41. H= height of headlight = 2 feet = 0.64 meters 2. B® angle of headlight = 1 degree STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCES » STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE, SSD a SSD = dptev + dbreke (wtG)= a deev = Vi (triev) = PIEV distance ve-ve Fea brake = —>-———_ ® braking distance Za SUPER ELEVATION > CENTRIFUGAL FORCE: CF = m(an) mivi Wwe 3: = m(an) = = —— R g(R) CF >» IMPACT FACTOR: IF = tan (® + a) = wretr Where: e=fana « Super elevation petan® « Frictional resistance HIGHWAY SAFETY AND ACCIDENT ANALYSIS >» Accident Rates per Hundred Million Vehicles Miles (HMVM) for a stretch of highway: R= (100,000,000) Ne Garoryasrd (aor N68). number of y >» Accident Rates per Million Entering Vehicles (MEV) for an intersection: A(1,000,000) Bc = (ADT)IN}@es) N= number of years Fatal + Injury Accidents Dey c vetay nate: one Fatal + Injury + Property Damages >» SPACE MEAN SPEED: B= S@ DAW nO > TIME MEAN SPEED: = LGM) , LW) n Be n > RATE OF FLOW OF TRAFFIC; q=K(V) [vehicles/hr] > SPACING OF VEHICLES: Ss = [mivehicle] >» GAPACITY OF SINGLE FLOW: c= ¢ [vehicles/hr] > MINIMUM TIME HEADWAY: Hee z [sec/vehicle] > TRAFFIC INDEX: TI® 1.35(Total EWL)*" Total EWL = Z(ADT x EWL)(n) 4(4 + 1) > PEAK HOUR FACTOR, PHF: _ Volume of traffic PHF = “Highest volume * END OF GE SURVEYING AND TRANSPO ENG’G FORMULAS “™

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