Present Continuous: STUDENT: Angelica Peres Dias DATE:5 The Mars TEACHER: Carol Pimiento Grammar

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STUDENT: Angelica peres dias DATE:5 the mars

TEACHER: carol pimiento


Action verbs:


1. Complete the sentences with the present continuous forms of the verbs.

1. I am not watching (not watch) TV because there’s nothing good on right now.

2. Right now, Tina is shopping (shop) for new clothes with her friends.

3. We aren’t playing (not play) soccer today because the weather is bad.

4. Are you listening (listen) to me, Jack?

5. Who Is Becky writing (write) to now?

Designed and adapted by Carol Pimiento
Please do NOT duplicate without permission
2. Circle the correct answers.

1. I don’t read / am not reading my new book now because I have homework to do.
2. Aaron goes / is going to the gym every week.
3. We watch / are watching a really good movie right now.
4. Do you study / Are you studying right now? Can I listen to some music?
5. I don’t take / am not taking food to school every day because sometimes I go home for lunch.

3. Complete the sentences with the present continuous forms of the verbs.

do listen not play not watch shop

✓ 1. Mark is shopping for his mom’s birthday present.

2. Are you doing your homework right now?

3. My friends aren’t playing volleyball right now because it’s raining.

4. I’m going to turn off the TV because you aren’t watching it.

5. What band are we listening to now? They’re really good!


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Designed and adapted by Carol Pimiento

Please do NOT duplicate without permission

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