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Intermediate Student’s Book Mark Hancock & Annie McDonald EnglishResult Mark Hancock & Annie McDonald XFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ‘Can do’ focus How te talk about the people in yourlife »ps How to talk about greeting customs »»p3 How to explain who people are » pio How tocorrecta misunderstanding » .: Writing Aself-introduction »p1< How totalk about your ‘background »p:6 eo bo mM How total about tourism >p C._ How todescribe objets p30 DP Howtotell an anecdote Writing An intercultural experience »2¢ How to talk about your schooldays » 25 achievements » 9:8 How tooffer hospitality. ope How to talk about your ‘education and career > p32 E R A B Howtotalk about your c D Py E Writing ACV > ps, © Review 055 2 Contents Vocabulary J Pronunciation EScieraaay ‘subject questions and objet questions teflexve pronouns present simpleand Gontinuoue Reading an eal fin the wie stesion for iting ‘ting thing abot the ede and ranges eating ad eat ae reviewing writing or grammar ard pein a a x. a stress of prepositions Be pastsimplesnd past timeespresing eadinga story forthe generlides and deta Wing organizing ideas nto paragraphs geting eas towiteabout Fevieming weting or content sed ta schol words yt presentperfect and past aclevement word time Spe roses phrasal verbs ha es eptalty Biase etucaton word enings whieh nafect ses Reading CV for etal ‘Wing thinking about content and style phrase building Reading description for key words Usteningior ey wordsin short felephone messages Readings urtonevetr te gre ieaand deta LUsteningfor detain short explanations; for spec information Inthortintroduceons Reading catalogue for detall LUsening for detain a conversation Interaction being an interested listener Reading short stories for deta Interaction using spling and repeating tality UUstening 03 conversation foetal Reading a short description for specie information LUstening fer key words in descriptions Readinga newspaper article us tmeapound nae etal tenn toradio quiz questions for deta Reading or the genera idea and detail. Inshort descriptors Iteration using description for Lnknown words Usteningfor specif information ina desertion esi ory frdetaguesing wwhatwiihappennext Tistering too story fr specie Information Interaction being aninterestd tener eadinga story for generalidea and eta {stoning toa song tor deta Listening toa conversation for detail Reading dictionary entries or detail Reading for deta and ving photos to Predcteontentinanenspager ate fending 2 phot story for deta Ustening to a conversation for detail Interaction responding to inutations Reading for detail andfolowing instructions Ustening for detailinan explanation 64 Ee ow ‘Can do’ focus How to say how you fee! about things » se How to talk about music » pst How tocompare and discuss preferences pa How to explain what a film is about >». Writing A description of afilm or book »>544 How to talk about countries and governments » p46 How to talk about rules and laws » p48 How to tallcabout stories inthenews » ps0 How totalk about past events >ps2 Writing Narrating a story >pse Review >>055 How to express strong feelings » 956 How totell and show interest in an anecdote pst How totalk about people inyourneighbourhood pee How to report what people said » ps Writing Exchanging news in a personal fetter » 954 Review » 9s Rees EEneetc®) Skills focus edand-ing adjectives a and=ing aetives——-edendings comparative and music ‘comparatve-er Siperties| cenpaingwithes—garesingtesand apes pote efoingrelatve lauses fk ims Reading and folowing a fim description Waiting avoiding repettion ‘thinking aout te ender peting and organising eas Feviewing gromia and speling theornoaniceinnames polities the ofinstutins rmodalsof obligation permisson words active or passe? cle verbs ‘compound nouns past perfect ward power stressin twos ‘nurs and ve Reading following story structure from the point of view ofthe reader ‘tng organizing inormation entertain 2 reader soand such cevtieme adjectives _—ighintonation infinitive and gerund ronounsinreported behaviour spelingand Speech pronunationgh tensesinveportedspeech sey and te a Readingapersonaliettrtocheck guesses Wiking using bythe way, however, anyway andathoughto connect ideas ‘sing informal style Reading explanations fr the general idea anddetal Reading a questionnaire or detail stoning to discussion for key words andetall feang restaurant eviews forthe penerfidea and etal Ustening to cicusion or specie information Interaction using intonation tobe pote Listening to aratiointerview for specific information and deta Reading fim reviews fos deta Reading 2 magatne arte for specie information Usteningt ratio qui questions for key information Reading and understanding signs Reading 2 magarineartideto interpret Listening forthe generalideas ina cenversation Reading nterpreting captions Reading reacting content roma headine an ungestondig deta ing newspaper rie eading predicting content using photos: Understanding eseon ina istry test Listening using background hnowledge topeedtcontentinaradi interven, Reading for the genera idea and detail imasketch storing for key words in conversations Intaractionusing intonation abe 2 sympathetitstener Reading flloing the main eventsin a sagan arise Listening fr specficinformation na conversation Interaction beingan active listener Reading TV review for etal stinger speciciformation na savvy forkey words ina song. Reading understanging the main ean ‘amagarine aie Contents ‘Can do’ focus rem 7 Air How to talk about fashion »» ce How to talk about plans andiintentions » pro How to express guesses nr Writing A letter of application » »:« How to talk on the phone pro Howtotalk about ability >on How to report an. interview » po How toreport a conversation »p2 Writing A report » p35 How tormake small talk Pos How totalkabout your future » pt How to give advice »»pso FB Hc D E © Review » p95 How to talk about unreal situations » ps: Writing An opinion » p54 Contents caw pe moun wD | a a “ae he elauses utr intentons ‘medals of deduction ‘must might cont Aeadinga letter of application and thinking about context ‘Weting petting ideas towrite about rganangntarnation nto paragraphs checking grammar and pcling asa as 2) pi ‘nor £ ly con cou, beable toxmanageto reported questions eportedimperatvesand repoting verbs Inigo ond requests . Listening for speci information nasuvey interview Reading» report for deta iting using, howeve if Because, and such ost inroduce frmation following a paragiaph steture Review »es tag questions weather tag questions future perkest partsofthe body, stressed and unstressed tude adveros words ‘etcondional fetuses drecton of movement 2nd conitonal ‘compound nouns linking in questions Real wei Internet message oar opinions forthe pera ideas organaing formation na pag ishganebscratiaae ee Skills focus Readingfor te generalidea and detailing magazine arte Utening for ey word in descriptions Interaction using contastivestress to check understanding Reading for detallina maga artic LUsteing for speci information ‘explanations Reading for detail and information not dectly Slated fra magazine article Reading forthe generaidea and detain an ‘explanation Ustening for detain an explanation Reading fer detallin phone conversations LUstening to phane conversations or detail Reading dictionary enties for état Reading 2 magazine atic forthe man points Reading an preiting information nares arige es Ustering for detalina desertion Reading ad folowing te main eventsing story reading dictionary ens fr deta Ustening to story for specticinformation Interaction being anrtrestedistener Reading a magazine article fr detail and Listening to conversations to identi what the speakers are caing Interaction using tag questions tokeep 3 ‘conversation ging ‘eadng a popular scence article for detail Lstening for detain desciptins and explanations Reading forthe genralides and detallina Guesternare eodingandsummaraing safety leaf: feaing again ate forthe generat Seas rebdngopnons othe prea ess

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